
David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, November 22, 2010 at 9:04:34 PM

Artist: David Wise
Title: Gang-Plank Galleon
Source: Donkey Kong Country
Tags: Super Nintendo SNES Rareware Final Boss King K. Rool DKC Roddie samiljul
BPM: 109.1
Filesize: 6195kb
Play Time: 01:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. 31's Taiko (4.83 stars, 567 notes)
  2. Easy (2.19 stars, 113 notes)
  3. Insane (4.97 stars, 341 notes)
  4. Roddie's Normal (2.81 stars, 119 notes)
Download: David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thought it was about time this song got a remap

My first map learning how to do storyboarding so don't expect anything too impresive yet---background order will make sense if you have played the game

Special Thanks to:
-Roddie for his difficulty
-samiljul for his taiko difficulty
-Starrodkirby86 and Shinxyn for teaching me the basics of sb'ing
-YoshiKart for the pause menu
-Derekku for helping me cut the combo bursts
-All the timing helpers
-All modders who helped me improve this map

I hope it isn't to hard for a Normal. ._.

Edit: Improvement.

Edit: finishing touches~

Download: David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon (James2250) [Roddie's Normal].osu
Timing help..... It probably still needs refining though.
Mapper 31
May i make taiko diff? :3
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I am seeing you around quite alot asking that now, big taiko fan? :P

I have never had a taiko on one of my maps before but sure go for it, I don't know anything about taiko when modding though so I can't look for any mistakes on it
[osz File Scan!]
Everything seems ok here

You could add DKC to tags since it's the abreviation of the game
I was expecting a different kind of SB when i saw the images in the folder, still good tho, nice SB.

The first timing section feels off try -38ms? feels less off for me that way.

Approach Rate +1?
Other than that is fine

[Roddie's Normal]
00:06:061 (1) - Why the sudden change of spacing?
01:26:821 (1,2) - This gap feels sudden and weird, feels like it's breaking the rythm, map something in between theese?

00:12:635 (1) - I think this shape looks a bit ugly, try to make into a rainbow or something, because spiraling into itself without a perfect curve wont really look well, the curve looks too weird around the bottom right see.
00:23:426 (3) - Too sharp curve, it can be seen at the bottom, make more smooth? something like:
01:00:526 (1) - Dont feel like it needs the clap at the start
01:02:404 (1) - ^
01:04:282 (1) - ^
01:08:038 (1,2,1,2) - Not saying there's problems here, but since you arent using claps at the start on theese, why not do the same with the repeat sliders i pointed earlier, both feel similar in rythm and music anyways
01:31:997 (2) - Feels weird regarding the Rythm you've had on the song, maybe remove.
01:33:875 (2) - ^

Very nice map nevertheless i'll be waiting for your reply to my mod post before i star it tho, Good Luck!~
Edit: Ok Starred then!~

Sakura Hana wrote:

[Roddie's Normal]
00:06:061 (1) - Why the sudden change of spacing? Fixed.
01:26:821 (1,2) - This gap feels sudden and weird, feels like it's breaking the rhythm, map something in between these? Oh wow. How could I miss that? :( Fixed.
Thanks, Sakura. ;)

Download: David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon (James2250) [Roddie's Normal].osu
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I'm not sure I agree with the new timing, will check it out more in detail later. But everything else fixed, thanks :D
(that's what I get for rushing easy lol)
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

eggpain timing...
section-pass.png should be 650*650 if i don't remember it wrong... though i love your creative SB for section pass/fail

00:15:390 (3,4,1) - any reason for 1 not exactly on the line of 3&4?
00:21:859 (4) - add whistle to the beginning? (since you did at 00:19:702 (4) )
01:00:526 (1,1,1) - remove claps at the end... then the next clap start from 01:06:630 (2) could get a better effect.
01:08:508 (2,2,1) - same.
01:26:821 (1) - remove clap at the end.
01:38:100 (8) - finish?

[Roddie's Normal]
00:03:862 (1,2,3,4) - spacing at this part is farther than other parts...? if not on purpose make them the same.
00:09:361 (5) - prefer you to make it 1 grid down+ 1 grid right (at the line of 1&3)
00:30:452 (1) - finish at the beginning?
00:36:105 (1) - remove clap at the 2nd reverse.
00:41:734 (1) - why change the clap pace here..?
01:06:864 (1,4) - remove clap at 1's end and 4
01:13:678 (10,1,2) - another spacing changing part.
01:30:107 (5) - remove clap

00:12:635 (1) - add whistle to the slider (include sliderslide)
00:31:172 (4,5,6) - = =....nazi.
00:39:389 (5,1) - better not to change spacing though there's a new combo.
00:41:030 (4) - 1 grid up i guess.
01:04:987 (1,2,3) - consider the hitsounds you choose, better to use circle-slider-slider.
01:18:957 (5) - clap?
01:24:591 (8) - ^
01:26:469 (8) - ^

NatsumeRin wrote:

[Roddie's Normal]
AR+1 First time that I did that. Fixed.
00:03:862 (1,2,3,4) - spacing at this part is farther than other parts...? if not on purpose make them the same. My bad. u_u;
00:09:361 (5) - prefer you to make it 1 grid down+ 1 grid right (at the line of 1&3) I'll just fix the slider.
00:30:452 (1) - finish at the beginning? Fixed.
00:36:105 (1) - remove clap at the 2nd reverse. Fixed.
00:41:734 (1) - why change the clap pace here..? Oh wow. That's fixed.
01:06:864 (1,4) - remove clap at 1's end and 4 Nah.
01:13:678 (10,1,2) - another spacing changing part. Fixed.
01:30:107 (5) - remove clap Nah, Its fine.
Thanks for the mod, Rin. 8-)

Download: David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon (James2250) [Roddie's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
section-pass.png should be 650*650

That is the max size, it is allowed to be less than that
Everything else fixed
Osu! does not detect a background image!

Timing (Replace with [TimingPoints] in all .osu files!)
01:24:004 (5,6) - This really got me confused, perhaps you could make a little more space between them.

That's it!
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yeah I know AIMod doesn't see the sb'ed backgrounds, but people do, so will ignore AIMod on that one

Remember these are just suggestions you can always ignore :P

~All Diffs~
- AIMod says you don't have any background image, but you actually have a thumbnail, how did you do it? I'm curious =D

- "DK-dying.png" has a lot of blank space around the real image, could you crop it?
- I think you should make the section fail sound storyboarded and not as the fail sound, the music sounds before donkey gets hitted by the cannonball xD

No problems here!

~Roddie's Normal~
No problems here, though this feels more like a Hard, there are a lot of long 1/2 chains >:

00:50:411 (6) - NAZI!! - Move this a little bit to the right, it isn't aligned correctly =x
01:23:061 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Woah this pattern is so cool!

Cool map~ Good luck with this!

ps. don't kudosu this, it's not worth it xD
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You get kudosu because I did follow everything you said :D

I have no idea why it shows that thumbnail (as that isn't even the background that is in my folder anymore, it is the old one that I used), and AIMod still says I don't have one....oh well?

(also changed everything to JPEG and made total file size go down by 4mb~~~~)
Mapper 31
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Added thanks~

(I added kiai to it, hope you don't mind)
Everything else left the same
[taiko] fairly ok...still overmapped

0:06:462 (3) down 1 grid
0:08:799 (4) ^
0:37:503 (13,14) spacing
0:44:775 (8,9) spacing

other seems ok, star~

Thank for mod my map ^^

Your SB Elements for BG is unrankable, maximum is 640x480 (current for BG-0, BG-1, BG-2, BG-3, BG-4, BG-5 is 800x600)

00:37:972 (1,1) - No jump at easy diff please
00:43:602 (5) - Should new combo, because the combo is too long for easy diff
01:00:520 (1) - Please get rid of 1/4 repeating slider, because it's not good for easy diff

01:36:213 (4) - New combo? Since the pattern changed?
01:36:683 (5,6,7,8) - This pattern are......weird

[Roddie's Normal]
00:26:490 (B) - This break are too short, remove it?
00:39:849 (3) - New combo?
01:02:397 (2) - ^
01:04:275 (3) - ^
01:06:153 (4) - ^
01:09:909 (4) - ^
01:11:787 (7) - ^
01:13:665 (10) - ^
01:32:457 (2,3,4) - ^

00:23:168 (5) - New combo? Since the pattern changed?
00:36:800 (7) - ^

Ugh, scary
Not bad
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I like the 1/4 sliders on easy and I disagree with a few combo changes but everything else fixed~
This is so cool and I dont find anything wrong. Also, glad you are back, James >_<
DKC <3!!

*Even if you have the storyboarded backgrounds, you should still have something under the //backgrounds line of the .osu files (for the song selection background and web thumbnail). Although, right now there's a bug with storyboards and backgrounds, so I'm not sure what to do about that.
*Perhaps add "Super" to the tags? (for Super Nintendo ;))
*SB sprites are fine, but the combo bursts and section-pass are badly cropped. Remind me later or tomorrow on irc and I'll see if I can get you some better images.

*The 1/2 note streams in here were too far apart spacing-wise for my liking. Places like 00:19:174 (3,4,5,1) are going to be a bit too tough for new players. ):
*Where are the finishes? D: Places like 01:28:695 (3) and 01:38:091 (5) could really use them. x_x
*I found it odd that this map used 1/4 sliders (01:00:520 (1) for example) while Normal used 1/2 sliders. =/ Even if it's a guest difficulty...

[Roddie's Normal]
01:08:031 (1,2,3) - Move these down a couple grids. They're already a jump from the last stream of 1/2 notes, but since stacking starts from the top-left, (1) gets pushed up even higher.
01:38:091 - Expected the map to end with a note here (with a finish). Ending 1/2 a beat early sounds awkward...

[31's Taiko]
01:43:725 (567) - Expected this to end on the next white tick.
*Also, perhaps try using some inherited sections to lower the volume gradually at the end.

00:21:713 (4,1) - I highly suggest that you don't have gaps in the middle of streams like this. :s
01:38:091 - Expected the map to end with a note here (with a finish), so perhaps increase the last stream by two notes?

*Difficulty jump from Normal to Insane is a bit high. I really suggest adding a Hard to the set so that more players will be able to enjoy this song. :/

*I'm not going to nazi the timings, since they should be accurate to around 5ms. A couple of places felt a tiny bit early, but I think that the current approximation is close enough. =x
Topic Starter
OK all fixed, will upload when images can be fixed D:

Derekku wrote:

[Roddie's Normal]
01:08:031 (1,2,3) - Move these down a couple grids. They're already a jump from the last stream of 1/2 notes, but since stacking starts from the top-left, (1) gets pushed up even higher. Fixed.
01:38:091 - Expected the map to end with a note here (with a finish). Ending 1/2 a beat early sounds awkward... Fixed.
Thanks, Derekku. 8-)

Download: David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon (James2250) [Roddie's Normal].osu

It says you have no Background, but it's all Storyboarded, and there is a thumbnail, so no need for one.

  1. Timing looks pretty close. Seems fine

I'd say this was a fairly difficult Easy. It isn't too tough, so I won't bother you too much about it. It's cleanly mapped anyway.


...and this is a really hard Normal. This is almost certainly a Hard.

Start - 00:20:230 - I don't like how you've stuck to constant 1/4 streams of beats here. Sure, the melody is pretty quick, but you could still map to that melody more, instead of putting down 1/4 streams. Perhaps use some short repeating sliders to follow the melody? If you understand what I mean.
01:16:019 - 01:28:226 - Same as above. You've chosen to use 1/4 streams here while it could have stuck to the melody more, which would've worked better I think. Again, some short repeating slider patterns might work well (as in, 1/4 short repeating sliders). If you're not sure what I'm going on about, let me know.

[31'S TAIKO]

Resnap all notes. I think you've changed timing but forgot to resnap everything.

00:04:136 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The rest of the intro follows the main melody but this doesn't. That, and it doesn't feel great to play. Make this bit like the rest of the intro? (well, same beat pattern as 00:06:336 (14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23))

The rest of it was pretty nice though. Makes more sense than some custom taiko maps I've seen.


It's jumpy, and a little overmapped, but I can take that. It's not as overmapped as other Insane's I've modded, thankfully.

00:37:738 (15) - Remove this beat? It confused me at first since I knew how the song went, but the extra beat made me miss. That, and the circle/diamond thing works just fine without it.
01:23:061 (1,2,3,4) - I found your other jumps fine, but this one irks me. feels pretty much random and feels pretty awkward to play. It's also all one combo, which was unrankable last time I heard (even though i've seen a ton of maps which still do it >:(). so if you are keeping them, remember to add a combo to (2) and (4)

Heh. A definate step up from the last map of yours I seen. Much more adventurous now, but then again the last time I modded a map of yours was when dinosaurs ruled the earth.


Doomsday wrote:


...and this is a really hard Normal. This is almost certainly a Hard.

Start - 00:20:230 - I don't like how you've stuck to constant 1/4 streams of beats here. Sure, the melody is pretty quick, but you could still map to that melody more, instead of putting down 1/4 streams. Perhaps use some short repeating sliders to follow the melody? If you understand what I mean. All fixed.
01:16:019 - 01:28:226 - Same as above. You've chosen to use 1/4 streams here while it could have stuck to the melody more, which would've worked better I think. Again, some short repeating slider patterns might work well (as in, 1/4 short repeating sliders). If you're not sure what I'm going on about, let me know. All fixed.
Thanks, Dooms. :D

Download: David Wise - Gang-Plank Galleon (James2250) [Roddie's Normal].osu

Woot! 400th Post. 8-)
New skin stuff~


Remember to full upload!

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ooook all fixed, thanks for the improved skin stuff Derekku, and I don't feel like making a Hard at the moment >_> but I will if I have to
Memories ... Sweet Memories .. =w=
Lucky Star* =w=

[Roddie's Normal]
00:24:458 (5) - add finish the end?
00:25:748 (6) - remove clap?

01:38:091 (13) - add finish?

Very Nice map.. I don't find enought problem.
Star! :)
00:15:380 (3) - it's not in the perfect line with (4) and (1).

00:35:158 (1) - move it to the same level as 00:34:220 (2) was or move it to other place since this placing looks little random.
01:36:213 (1) - check placing of this combo

00:50:176 (3,4,5) - don't stuck it; make it like previous: 00:48:297 (3,4,5)


and a star
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1 or 2 things fixed~
Didn't find anything, excellent set.
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