
Turkey is having a coup

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its happening omfg
Sister Jude
I hate my life
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Flanster wrote:

You can follow the realtime feed. ... n-ankara1/

Oh god thanks; I was trying to paste the links but messed up.
god damn
I hate weapons
to think that there are people going through the streets with weapons sufficient to kill thousands of people and the responsible president in charge spills stupid shit like telling the military to do with their weapons whatever they want
i feel sick
Fl4ndre Scarlet

Endaris wrote:

god damn
I hate weapons
to think that there are people going through the streets with weapons sufficient to kill thousands of people and the responsible president in charge spills stupid shit like telling the military to do with their weapons whatever they want
i feel sick
Mee too mee too.

I cannot sleep tonight
end my suffering
i want to get off of 2016's wild ride

I hope everyone can be safe.
No worries guys. The attempt is weak and as you can see we can still use internet and watch any channel we want. They even now closed the channel that the soldiers were announcing the thing.

Here, how people reacting to the this soldiers group that is trying to take control of the goverment to understand how weak are they :
I lack information when it comes to the state of Turkey but knowing that the leader of the coup is an Islamist, I'm not too sure that it is a good thing..

But Turkey under Erdogan isn't exactly as prosperous compared to the Ataturk-era and I've seen Turks complaining how he is dragging back their country back in time, being called undemocratic and autocratic presidency.

Just stay safe. Hoping for the best.
Well erdogan has %50+ of the votes, Now from my perspective as a citizen in turkey this attempt is about taking down erdogan with force instead of democracy. So this much people doesn't thinks that he is ''dragging back our country back in time'',
It's not about what is right or legitimate when people are dying.
There's nothing in this world worth to kill and die for when you have only one life.
And the guns are speaking right now.

Endaris wrote:

It's not about what is right or legitimate when people are dying.
There's nothing in this world worth to kill and die for when you have only one life.
And the guns are speaking right now.

Some weird people would die for their kids

Unless you mean kill AND THEN die
Yes but if you checked my first post i am trying to say nobody is dying , they don't shoot anyone, this is a weak attempt, and most of the people believes and i also do who is behind of this are Fethullah Gülen and his parallel state in our country. The ones who with the parallel state, the ones who want to destroy this country, now found because of this attempt and gonna get interrogated. And the army is gonna get a bit more clear now.
Is anyone who actually lives in Turkey still online here? Or did Erdogan's lackeys pull the cord on Internet access?
I live in turkey adana
I will post again tomorrow there are news about some people are getting killed and planes got shot but not really sure if they are correct gonna check tomorrow again
Fl4ndre Scarlet
Parliament building bomb was attacked oh my gosh
Be careful friends.
90 dead, 1000+ wounded, 1000+ in custody
Stay at home, especially if you're in Istanbul..
For what ??

Nothing has achieved
Its safe now i guess because i am working at the mall every store is opened its done
Fl4ndre Scarlet

Rurree wrote:

Stay at home, especially if you're in Istanbul..
or Ankara..

I'm safe for now but I'm still afraid
It's over, we can get back to playing Pokemon Go now.
It's over, coup failed but left 90 dead and 1000 injured.

Halo wrote:

It's over, we can get back to playing Pokemon Go now.

Meah wrote:

It's over, coup failed but left 90 dead and 1000 injured.
There are 2 kinds of people
I wanna punch in the face to this people hanging around in the mall still having fun, it isnt even totally done yet. fuck this shit
In our country somebody makes ridiculous things day by day... I hope somebody has extra wisdom points for make somebody normal.

-Kanzaki wrote:

I wanna punch in the face to this people hanging around in the mall still having fun, it isnt even totally done yet. fuck this shit

People aren't cowering in fear so I will give them a reason to - Kanzaki
Stay safe guys.
Fl4ndre Scarlet
I saw a helicopter and on my way home and I saw two ambulances

I'm really gonna cry :(

And broadcaster impact statement is forcibly taught but peoples is rescued she.

Our freedom and happiness will can be restricted :(

(Turkey Time 11:39 PM Adding): Once may be more coup attempts
Zain Sugieres
Rip Turkey's dreams about entering the EU

Zain Sugieres wrote:

Rip Turkey's dreams about entering the EU
Zain Sugieres
Meah go away this is a serious thread you aren't allowed in here
Are you Ok Guys?
Oh dear...
I sure hope you guys all will be alright. I am glad the coup failed.
Me too :3
So, I don't really have an exact thing to say, but I think the soldiers tried to trap us in Istanbul. I was there when it started.
A soldier told us (my family) to walk through the parkhouse since it is safe there from "terror attacks" and taxis will pick us up there too.
But after 10 minutes the soldiers decided to close the way to where we are. After we heard a shot, we (well, almost everybody) decided to walk away from there.
I'm still asking myself what they would've done if everyone was still there.
Fl4ndre Scarlet
Numbers is really scary

240 persons are dead
1535 persons are wounded
8660 persons are detained

Sniverre235 wrote:

Oh dear...
I sure hope you guys all will be alright. I am glad the coup failed.
Yeah, not so sure about that, would have probably been better if the coup succeeded. Now Erdogan will use this as an excuse to grab more power and undermine the democratic system in Turkey. Thousands of judges and teachers already got fired. That's how you build an autocracy, gotta remove the intellectual elite.

Tshemmp wrote:

Sniverre235 wrote:

Oh dear...
I sure hope you guys all will be alright. I am glad the coup failed.
Yeah, not so sure about that, would have probably been better if the coup succeeded. Now Erdogan will use this as an excuse to grab more power and undermine the democratic system in Turkey. Thousands of judges and teachers already got fired. That's how you build an autocracy, gotta remove the intellectual elite.
Looks like I did not understand the subject too well.
In any means, stay safe and lets hope the chaos does not gets worst from here...

Tshemmp wrote:

Sniverre235 wrote:

Oh dear...
I sure hope you guys all will be alright. I am glad the coup failed.
Yeah, not so sure about that, would have probably been better if the coup succeeded. Now Erdogan will use this as an excuse to grab more power and undermine the democratic system in Turkey. Thousands of judges and teachers already got fired. That's how you build an autocracy, gotta remove the intellectual elite.

Why do you think it would be better? A country without a goverment is no good. The economy would be crashed and the country would be in danger because of the terrorism we have here already, since the policeman and security intelligence will stop working our country will be vulnerable for any terror attacks. So that would raise the number of deads
Zain Sugieres
Well the coup was a bad idea because it wouldn't be better for Turkey if it succeeded or not.
The goal of it was to damage turkey whether it successes or not. Since the ones whose behind of it is found, we can tell it.
The goal was to remove Erdogan. It's not the first time in Turkey's history the military tried to intervene when the political leader drifts away from the views Atatürk envisioned for the country (it actually happens quite often), that's part of their job. Bye bye secularism, hello islamistic regime.
It happened on 1980 last time yea quite often?
And yes it was for take down erdogan but the ones who want to take control are also islamic movement which called "Gülen cemaati" so no the goal actually isnt what you are telling
1960, 1971, 1980, I'd call that quite often for a modern country. I also doubt Gülen had anything do to with the coup, does the turkish media say that? Guess who controls the media there now. It fits perfectly for Erdogan to blame Gülen, he can depict him as a public enemy so he can do anything he wants now. Doesn't that remind you of someone? Using an "incident" to proclaim a "state of emergency" and having a scapegoat he can blame for everything so he can restrict basic democratic rights left and right? Yeah, it didn't end so well for Hitler. I can't believe people are actually supporting him.
Well, Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Hulusi Akar 's riught hand (highest rank soldier' s right hand) himself confessed that he is with gülen cemaati and that he is regretting it now
Oh okay, seems I was wrong about that then.

Still there are articles like ... swers.html popping up now. Of course I am not an expert at all in this topic, so stuff like this makes me question what really happened there.
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I just edited the 1st post for the last time.
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