
Abe Nana(CV : Miyake Marie) - Marchen Debut!

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Abe Nana
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 12월 7일 수요일 at 오전 12:10:53

Artist: Abe Nana(CV : Miyake Marie)
Title: Marchen Debut!
Source: アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ
BPM: 170
Filesize: 24014kb
Play Time: 02:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. DEBUT (1.7 stars, 135 notes)
  2. MASTER (4.77 stars, 516 notes)
  3. MASTER+ (5.7 stars, 552 notes)
  4. PRO (3.77 stars, 355 notes)
  5. REGULAR (2.7 stars, 248 notes)
Download: Abe Nana(CV : Miyake Marie) - Marchen Debut!
Download: Abe Nana(CV : Miyake Marie) - Marchen Debut! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
DEBUT = Easy 1.7 Star Difficulty
REGULAR = Normal 2.7 Star Difficulty
PRO = Hard 3.77 Star Difficulty
MATSER = Insane 4.77 Star Difficulty
MATSER+ = Expert 5.7 Star Difficulty
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for ranked

Asahina Momoko
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

Asahina Momoko wrote:


Topic Starter
Abe Nana
as requested


  1. 00:15:371 (1) - ここだけこの音1/2なのもあれだし、しょっぱな置くような音でもないと思う
    00:14:312 - むしろこっから2/1引っ張って00:15:371 - circleで充分
  2. 00:33:724 (2,3) - なんかrhythm変じゃね?むしろ伸ばすべきは00:34:077 - だと思うんだけど
    00:34:254 - の音はこのDiffじゃ不要だと思うし00:33:724 - circle置いて00:34:077 - 2/1+置いたほうが手前とpattern作れて分かりやすいし1/2減らせるし
  3. 00:40:783 (4) - ここのはぁ~みたいなのをすらいだーで取るなら手前もちゃんとVofollowしないとおかしくない?
  4. 00:43:959 (1) - 同じ、何をクリックさせたいのか分からない単発置くにしても00:44:136 - じゃないかと
  5. 00:49:606 (1) - ここも無駄にreverse使わなくていいとおも00:51:371 (2,3) - クリックさせるにしても起因となる音は00:51:018 - だしね
    reverse消して00:50:665 - circle 00:51:018 - 1/1でいいかな
  6. 01:06:548 - は01:05:136 - と同じ音じゃないとおかしくない?シンバルならシンバルで固定したがいい
  7. 01:15:018 - Finish
  8. 01:21:371 (4) - ここも無駄な2/1じゃない?ダウンビートつぶすような伸びた音じゃないし普通に1/1でいいと思う01:22:077 - ここに2/1持ってくるべき
  9. 01:31:254 (2) - はダウンビート無視してよくない?01:31:783 - までにしてreverseさせたが次のsliderときらめくと思うんだけど
  10. 01:57:018 (2,3) - 最初と同じいきなりバックになって気持ち悪い


  1. 00:23:489 (3,1) - このDiff扱い的にはAdなんだし00:21:371 (1,2,3,4) - 1/2スタックの後に1/1スタックはやめた方がいいと思う、DEBUTずっと1/1rhythmなわけだし
    まだそこまで読ませるのは難しいんじゃないかな、1/1スタック使ってるのも00:40:430 (3,4) - 01:14:312 (2,3) - の3点だし修正したほうが無難
  2. 00:38:842 (2) - 手前がずっとVoだけ取ってるんだしこれいらないと思う
  3. 00:43:959 (1) - これ何取ってるか分かんない00:44:136 - のビームみたいな音取った方が分かりやすいし
    00:44:136 - 単純にこっから1/1で次とpattern作るか00:43:254 (3) - をreverseさせて00:44:136 - 1/1とかのがしっくりこないっすか
  4. 00:51:724 (3) - まだこの拡張Beat使うDiffじゃなくない?ここだけだし普通に1/2でいいとおも
  5. 01:17:665 (4,1,2) - 01:20:489 (1) - と同じ音取りのがすき、もし拒否するなら01:28:783 (4,1) - と同じでいいと思う
  6. 01:22:606 - とらないなら01:23:312 (3) - これいらないと思う、むしろVoある分01:22:606 - だけある方がまだ分かる
  7. 01:37:606 (1,2) - ♪じゃなくて?で草生えた、こういうのすこ
  8. 01:47:136 (1) - NCいらないよね
  9. 02:00:371 (1,2) - reverse+circleのがDEBUTと差別化できていいとおも

hello~ chata san~~~~~ m4m desu!! :)


  1. 01:00:548 (4) - Spacingがちょっと狭いかなって思います
  2. 01:24:548 (4) - ちょっと離れ気味?


  1. 00:47:312 - masterとmaster+ではwhitsleが入ってたのでwhitsleですかね?
  2. 00:48:018 (5) - ^
  3. 01:20:489 (1) - ここちょっと離して勢いつけてみませんか?
  4. 01:31:783 (4) - ^


  1. 01:32:665 (3,4,5,6) - 真っ直ぐだとちょっと物足りない気がしました
  2. めちゃ綺麗な譜面!!参考にさせて頂きます~


  1. 00:34:606 (3) - もう少しSpacingあってもいいかなって思いました
  2. 00:58:783 (4) - ここちょっと曲げませんか?


  1. 01:48:724 (4,5) - ちょっと3連で押すの難しいなって思いました。角度変えて入りやすくしませんか?

good luck!!
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

-Nanaka- wrote:

as requested


  1. 00:15:371 (1) - ここだけこの音1/2なのもあれだし、しょっぱな置くような音でもないと思う
    00:14:312 - むしろこっから2/1引っ張って00:15:371 - circleで充分元ネタ状このまま
  2. 00:33:724 (2,3) - なんかrhythm変じゃね?むしろ伸ばすべきは00:34:077 - だと思うんだけど
    00:34:254 - の音はこのDiffじゃ不要だと思うし00:33:724 - circle置いて00:34:077 - 2/1+置いたほうが手前とpattern作れて分かりやすいし1/2減らせるしとりあえずこのまま。ドラムの音が捨てがたいし後にくる1/2に対応はこっちのほうが良さそう。
  3. 00:40:783 (4) - ここのはぁ~みたいなのをすらいだーで取るなら手前もちゃんとVofollowしないとおかしくない?00:49:606 - 似てるところと他のDiffを引用して言うとウサミンウサミンのところは他と違うインパクト的な何かを入れようとしてるけど、それがDEBUTでは2/1である。
  4. 00:43:959 (1) - 同じ、何をクリックさせたいのか分からない単発置くにしても00:44:136 - じゃないかとNope
  5. 00:49:606 (1) - ここも無駄にreverse使わなくていいとおも00:51:371 (2,3) - クリックさせるにしても起因となる音は00:51:018 - だしね
    reverse消して00:50:665 - circle 00:51:018 - 1/1でいいかな同じくウサミンウサミン
  6. 01:06:548 - は01:05:136 - と同じ音じゃないとおかしくない?シンバルならシンバルで固定したがいい
  7. 01:15:018 - Finish
  8. 01:21:371 (4) - ここも無駄な2/1じゃない?ダウンビートつぶすような伸びた音じゃないし普通に1/1でいいと思う01:22:077 - ここに2/1持ってくるべき
  9. 01:31:254 (2) - はダウンビート無視してよくない?01:31:783 - までにしてreverseさせたが次のsliderときらめくと思うんだけどこのままがお気に入り。チェーンジのところの強調
  10. 01:57:018 (2,3) - 最初と同じいきなりバックになって気持ち悪い同じくこのまま


  1. 00:23:489 (3,1) - このDiff扱い的にはAdなんだし00:21:371 (1,2,3,4) - 1/2スタックの後に1/1スタックはやめた方がいいと思う、DEBUTずっと1/1rhythmなわけだし
    まだそこまで読ませるのは難しいんじゃないかな、1/1スタック使ってるのも00:40:430 (3,4) - 01:14:312 (2,3) - の3点だし修正したほうが無難保留。そういう意見が多ければ修正する
  2. 00:38:842 (2) - 手前がずっとVoだけ取ってるんだしこれいらないと思う保留で
  3. 00:43:959 (1) - これ何取ってるか分かんない00:44:136 - のビームみたいな音取った方が分かりやすいし
    00:44:136 - 単純にこっから1/1で次とpattern作るか00:43:254 (3) - をreverseさせて00:44:136 - 1/1とかのがしっくりこないっすか
  4. 00:51:724 (3) - まだこの拡張Beat使うDiffじゃなくない?ここだけだし普通に1/2でいいとおも一回だけだしちょっと挑戦的な3/4だけどもう一回突っ込まれたら消す。
  5. 01:17:665 (4,1,2) - 01:20:489 (1) - と同じ音取りのがすき、もし拒否するなら01:28:783 (4,1) - と同じでいいと思う01:28:783 (4,1) - Nice. こっちの方で。
  6. 01:22:606 - とらないなら01:23:312 (3) - これいらないと思う、むしろVoある分01:22:606 - だけある方がまだ分かる
  7. 01:37:606 (1,2) - ♪じゃなくて?で草生えた、こういうのすこ
  8. 01:47:136 (1) - NCいらないよね00:23:842 (1) - 他の難易度と合わせてる。あまり変なら後で消す。
  9. 02:00:371 (1,2) - reverse+circleのがDEBUTと差別化できていいとおも



snowsign7 wrote:

hello~ chata san~~~~~ m4m desu!! :)


  1. 01:00:548 (4) - Spacingがちょっと狭いかなって思います1.1じゃない。1.15や。画面端っこに引っかかってた
  2. 01:24:548 (4) - ちょっと離れ気味?


  1. 00:47:312 - masterとmaster+ではwhitsleが入ってたのでwhitsleですかね?
  2. 00:48:018 (5) - ^
  3. 01:20:489 (1) - ここちょっと離して勢いつけてみませんか?
  4. 01:31:783 (4) - ^


  1. 01:32:665 (3,4,5,6) - 真っ直ぐだとちょっと物足りない気がしました
  2. めちゃ綺麗な譜面!!参考にさせて頂きます~


  1. 00:34:606 (3) - もう少しSpacingあってもいいかなって思いました
  2. 00:58:783 (4) - ここちょっと曲げませんか?


  1. 01:48:724 (4,5) - ちょっと3連で押すの難しいなって思いました。角度変えて入りやすくしませんか?少しだけだぞ

good luck!!


hello Chata, its my m4m for you. xd


00:15:371 (1,2) - a bit cosmetic change, maybe you replace 00:15:371 (1) - a bit left? Its looks more better
00:19:959 (2) - my opinion is - this slider to high in editor
00:39:724 - you must start from this tick, becuase it have a really strong beat and new vocal section started here.
00:41:136 - same ^
00:52:430 - same ^ check all pls, It is the most important thing in this diff, because flow and objects looks great
00:54:901 (4) - a bit high please ( x144, y288 )
01:05:136 (3) - looks a bit wierd xd, just make it more beautiful
diff looks great, but i think you have problem with ticks. for example - 01:31:254 (2) - finish on big tick sounds good on that section, but 00:15:724 (2) - not good.
Its only my opinion.

00:12:901 - 00:15:018 - why you not mappe this section? btw, unused greenlines 00:14:048 - 00:14:312 -00:13:254 -
00:17:136 - same problem with big ticks in first song section
00:36:195 (3) - change form,
00:43:959 - its not a good thing to skip strong beats. It needs object
00:55:254 - ^
00:55:430 (1) - looks good, but idk, regular means advanced diff? This slider have problem with "in what direction it moves". Fix it please, hard for newbies
01:48:901 (1) - looks not very good xd
This diff are good too.

00:16:430 (3) - maybe make its symmertical? its looks more kawaii~ xd ( 00:16:959 (4) - a bit left too )
00:31:959 (3) - whoa, this object too low, just up them
00:46:783 (1,2,3,4) - why you not used all beats? i hear 1\2 < 00:48:195 (1,2,3,4) - its have same rhythm
00:55:959 (2) - same problem in regular
nice hard xd

00:23:842 (1) - cosmetic changes
00:53:136 (3) - :|
00:58:077 (1,4) - :|
01:00:195 (4) - :| just create more beautiful sliders xd
01:38:312 (1) - :||
01:47:136 (4) - cosmetic changes
01:58:783 (1,2) - idk, this section sounds like 1\6, but its not 1\6. Actually, its not 1\4. We need bn or qat to check that

Map are really good. I love this song so much. Hope its get ranked <3 Good luck.
(ty for m4m)
밍밍밍 우사밍~
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

Reya wrote:

hello Chata, its my m4m for you. xd


00:15:371 (1,2) - a bit cosmetic change, maybe you replace 00:15:371 (1) - a bit left? Its looks more better
00:19:959 (2) - my opinion is - this slider to high in editor is no problem. but, accept your advice
00:39:724 - you must start from this tick, becuase it have a really strong beat and new vocal section started here.i'm getting singularity in the 'usamin usamin' vocal part. it remains for the time being
00:41:136 - same ^same as. in the 'vvvvwa^q^' voice
00:52:430 - same ^ check all pls, It is the most important thing in this diff, because flow and objects looks great same as
00:54:901 (4) - a bit high please ( x144, y288 )
01:05:136 (3) - looks a bit wierd xd, just make it more beautiful nope!
diff looks great, but i think you have problem with ticks. for example - 01:31:254 (2) - finish on big tick sounds good on that section, but 00:15:724 (2) - not good.
Its only my opinion.

00:12:901 - 00:15:018 - why you not mappe this section? btw, unused greenlines 00:14:048 - 00:14:312 -00:13:254 - so little easter egg and unused greenlines is not unrankable issue. is not be a problem/color]
00:17:136 - same problem with big ticks in first song section
00:36:195 (3) - change form,
00:43:959 - its not a good thing to skip strong beats. It needs objectthat becomes too difficult to this diff.. that's not big importance than vocal imo
00:55:254 - ^same as
00:55:430 (1) - looks good, but idk, regular means advanced diff? This slider have problem with "in what direction it moves". Fix it please, hard for newbiessaving this. i'm recognize that.
01:48:901 (1) - looks not very good xd I like this (*´﹃`*) u-samin
This diff are good too.

00:16:430 (3) - maybe make its symmertical? its looks more kawaii~ xd ( 00:16:959 (4) - a bit left too ) 00:16:959 (4) - move to left. but, do not make symmetry(´﹃`)
00:31:959 (3) - whoa, this object too low, just up themnice
00:46:783 (1,2,3,4) - why you not used all beats? i hear 1\2 < 00:48:195 (1,2,3,4) - its have same rhythmbecause, that's boring =3= saving this
00:55:959 (2) - same problem in regularit is semi insane. is not problem to insane players. maybe
nice hard xd

00:23:842 (1) - cosmetic changes
00:53:136 (3) - :| xd
00:58:077 (1,4) - :| xd
01:00:195 (4) - :| just create more beautiful sliders xd
01:38:312 (1) - :||common all diff's make '?' form
01:47:136 (4) - cosmetic changes
01:58:783 (1,2) - idk, this section sounds like 1\6, but its not 1\6. Actually, its not 1\4. We need bn or qat to check that ok. i'll check that.

Map are really good. I love this song so much. Hope its get ranked <3 Good luck.
(ty for m4m)
thank you ^3^

안쓰이는 녹색선 제거해주세요.
00:28:430 (3,4) - 이런 흐름은 정말 어려울 것 같다고 생각됩니다. 3번 슬라이더의 프름에 맞게 4번 글라이더를 배치해주세요.
00:40:077 - 여기에도 비트가 추가되었으면 좋겠습니다.
00:55:254 - ^
02:00:371 (1,2) -사실상 이지난이도인데 1/2 슬라이더 2개 연속으로 붙이는건 조금 아니라고 생각됩니다.
00:23:489 (3,1) - 갑자기 스택하니 이상한 느낌이 났습니다. 스택 빼주세요. 그리고 뒤에 1번도 뉴콤 지워주시는걸 권장합니다.
00:33:371 (3,5) - 오버랩 보기 안좋네요. 피해주세요.
01:56:312 (2,3,1) - 거리가 안맞는것 긑습니다. 확인해주세ㅛ.

00:41:371 - 보컬 생각해서 비트 추가 해주세요.
01:49:606 (3,4,5,6,7) - 잘 가다가 갑자기 7번에서 흐름을 꺾어버리신 이유를 모르겠습니다. 흐름에 맞게 96.312 로 옮겨주세요.

01:07:783 (1) - 강조음이니깐 앞에 패턴처럼 거리 띄워ㅅ주시면 좋을 것 같아요

Topic Starter
Abe Nana

Neoskylove wrote:


안쓰이는 녹색선 제거해주세요. 사실 볼륨이나 sv같은 특수한것 외의 미사용 타임라인은 언랭이 아닙니다
00:28:430 (3,4) - 이런 흐름은 정말 어려울 것 같다고 생각됩니다. 3번 슬라이더의 프름에 맞게 4번 글라이더를 배치해주세요. 보류. 특별히 어렵다고는 생각안되네요
00:40:077 - 여기에도 비트가 추가되었으면 좋겠습니다. 여기는 패스
00:55:254 - ^ 여기는 추가
02:00:371 (1,2) -사실상 이지난이도인데 1/2 슬라이더 2개 연속으로 붙이는건 조금 아니라고 생각됩니다.마지막 노트라 큰 상관없다 생각하는데 반발이 심할시 지울게요
00:23:489 (3,1) - 갑자기 스택하니 이상한 느낌이 났습니다. 스택 빼주세요. 그리고 뒤에 1번도 뉴콤 지워주시는걸 권장합니다.이상하다고 느껴질 스택은 아니라 생각되네요. 뉴콤보는 지움
00:33:371 (3,5) - 오버랩 보기 안좋네요. 피해주세요.
01:56:312 (2,3,1) - 거리가 안맞는것 긑습니다. 확인해주세ㅛ.이상없음

00:41:371 - 보컬 생각해서 비트 추가 해주세요. 1/8요?
01:49:606 (3,4,5,6,7) - 잘 가다가 갑자기 7번에서 흐름을 꺾어버리신 이유를 모르겠습니다. 흐름에 맞게 96.312 로 옮겨주세요.단조로움을 피하기 위한 꺾기입니다

01:07:783 (1) - 강조음이니깐 앞에 패턴처럼 거리 띄워ㅅ주시면 좋을 것 같아요



00:44:489 (2,3) - not perfect blanket
just it lol

00:12:195 (3) - i think need nc at here for readability maybe
00:55:959 (2) - hmm direction not clear make a confused
01:34:783 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - ahh so cute :V

00:12:901 (1) - need more emphasize at here
00:14:312 (1) - so long why instrument soft at here

aahh i cant mod fine map :(
so bad mod lol
if my mod its so bad dont give me kudosu :v
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

ekafjr wrote:


00:44:489 (2,3) - not perfect blanket
just it lol

00:12:195 (3) - i think need nc at here for readability maybeI don't think so
00:55:959 (2) - hmm direction not clear make a confused
01:34:783 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2) - ahh so cute :V of course :3

00:12:901 (1) - need more emphasize at here
00:14:312 (1) - so long why instrument soft at here :v?

aahh i cant mod fine map :(
so bad mod lol
if my mod its so bad dont give me kudosu :v
thank you!
02:13 *-Chata- is listening to [ Abe Nana(CV : Miyake Marie) - Marchen Debut!]
02:13 -Chata-: 모딩해주시면 뭐든할게여
02:13 Lami: ㅋㅋ 님..
02:13 Lami: 오프스크린부터
02:13 Lami: 고치시는건 어떨까요?
02:14 -Chata-: 그게 머징..
02:14 Lami: 님..
02:14 Lami: 하면 안되는거요..
02:14 -Chata-: 뉴비라 그런걸 몰라여..
02:14 -Chata-: 하나 있던거 고쳤는데 그거말고 또있나
02:15 Lami: 01:48:901 (1) - 곧 오프스크린
02:15 Lami: 한단계 낮은 난이도 00:59:136 (1) - ㄹㅇ 오프스크린
02:15 -Chata-: 올
02:16 -Chata-: 써주심 될듯
02:16 Lami: ㅋㅋ
02:16 Lami: 그냥 여다가 적고 irc로그올리면됨?
02:17 Lami: soft-hitfinish11.wav, soft-sliderslide.wav 안쓰는 힛사
02:19 Lami: 제가 칠때 자꾸 틀려서 짱남 00:38:665 (3,4,1) -
02:20 -Chata-: 흠
02:20 -Chata-: 왜틀리심
02:20 -Chata-: 근데 저도틀림
02:20 Lami: 님 일단
02:20 Lami: 저런 점프는..매우..
02:21 -Chata-: 00:49:959 (3,4,1) - 여긴 안틀리던데..
02:21 Lami: 아 저기는 더\틀림
02:21 Lami: 1/4간격을 중지로치는저에게는..
02:22 Lami: 00:35:489 (1,2,3) - 치는느낌이 좀 1/4간격같은데 1/2임..
02:23 Lami: 00:45:371 (1,2,3,4,1) -
02:25 Lami: 00:29:136 (1,2) - 랑 01:52:430 (1,2,3,4) - 랑 같게?
02:25 Lami: 모딩할게없음
02:26 -Chata-: 00:35:489 (1,2,3) -
02:26 -Chata-: 여기는가 1/4 간격같다는게
02:27 Lami: 간격 존나 짧아서요
02:27 -Chata-: 훔.. 그렇게 짧은가
02:27 Lami: 앞에서 1/4슬라뒤에는 전부 1/4간격으로 다음노트가 왔었음.,.
02:28 -Chata-: 간격 늘렷고
02:28 -Chata-: 00:29:136 (1,2) - 이것도 연타로 하라구염?
02:29 Lami: 그냥
02:29 Lami: 뒤에랑 똑같은 파트인데
02:29 Lami: 뒤에는 점프연타인데 앞에는 그냥 1/4슬라 2개라서
02:29 Lami: 좀 차이 많이나는거같아서여
02:29 -Chata-: 뒤에파트가 은근 살짝 더 어려워서
02:29 -Chata-: 연타패턴을 넣긴햇는데..
02:30 Lami: 님 하고싶은대로 하심될듯
02:30 Lami: 00:57:371 (1,3) - NC스왑해야되지않나
02:31 -Chata-: 00:38:665 (3,4,1) - 우사밍 우사밍은
02:31 Lami: 모르겟다
02:31 -Chata-: 테스트 플레이어좀 찾아봄
02:31 -Chata-: 스왑함
02:32 Lami: 01:37:606 (1) - 이거 2 모양으로 고쳐야됨
02:33 -Chata-: nope
02:33 -Chata-: 나나는 17살임
02:34 Lami: 아니 진짜나이를 적어야죠..
02:34 -Chata-: 나나는 진짜로 17살인데..
02:36 Lami: 님 난이도 레이팅 왜끝에 어떤건 .77이고 어떤건 왜 .7이;ㅁ
02:36 -Chata-: 다 만들고보니 .7~인건 77로 끌어올려맞추고
02:36 -Chata-: .6~7인건 .7이 되었음..
02:37 -Chata-: pro는 상당한 역작입니다
02:38 Lami: 프로에 뭔짓하심?
02:38 -Chata-: 서클 177 슬라 177 난이도 3.77
02:39 Lami: ㅋㅋ님 몬스트라타냐구요...
02:39 -Chata-: 몬스트라타보다 더할듯한데
02:39 -Chata-: 몬스트라타는 밑난이도는 포기했으니까..
02:43 Lami: 모딩할게없음 걍 접겟음
02:43 Lami: ㅋㅋ..
02:43 Lami: 저도 밑난이도는 포기함
02:43 Lami: 모딩을..
02:44 -Chata-: ㅋㅋ
02:44 -Chata-: 충분한듯
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

Lami wrote:

02:13 *-Chata- is listening to [ Abe Nana(CV : Miyake Marie) - Marchen Debut!]
02:13 -Chata-: 모딩해주시면 뭐든할게여
02:13 Lami: ㅋㅋ 님..
02:13 Lami: 오프스크린부터
02:13 Lami: 고치시는건 어떨까요?
02:14 -Chata-: 그게 머징..
02:14 Lami: 님..
02:14 Lami: 하면 안되는거요..
02:14 -Chata-: 뉴비라 그런걸 몰라여..
02:14 -Chata-: 하나 있던거 고쳤는데 그거말고 또있나
02:15 Lami: 01:48:901 (1) - 곧 오프스크린
02:15 Lami: 한단계 낮은 난이도 00:59:136 (1) - ㄹㅇ 오프스크린
02:15 -Chata-: 올
02:16 -Chata-: 써주심 될듯
02:16 Lami: ㅋㅋ
02:16 Lami: 그냥 여다가 적고 irc로그올리면됨?
02:17 Lami: soft-hitfinish11.wav, soft-sliderslide.wav 안쓰는 힛사
02:19 Lami: 제가 칠때 자꾸 틀려서 짱남 00:38:665 (3,4,1) -
02:20 -Chata-: 흠
02:20 -Chata-: 왜틀리심
02:20 -Chata-: 근데 저도틀림
02:20 Lami: 님 일단
02:20 Lami: 저런 점프는..매우..
02:21 -Chata-: 00:49:959 (3,4,1) - 여긴 안틀리던데..
02:21 Lami: 아 저기는 더\틀림
02:21 Lami: 1/4간격을 중지로치는저에게는..
02:22 Lami: 00:35:489 (1,2,3) - 치는느낌이 좀 1/4간격같은데 1/2임..
02:23 Lami: 00:45:371 (1,2,3,4,1) -
02:25 Lami: 00:29:136 (1,2) - 랑 01:52:430 (1,2,3,4) - 랑 같게?
02:25 Lami: 모딩할게없음
02:26 -Chata-: 00:35:489 (1,2,3) -
02:26 -Chata-: 여기는가 1/4 간격같다는게
02:27 Lami: 간격 존나 짧아서요
02:27 -Chata-: 훔.. 그렇게 짧은가
02:27 Lami: 앞에서 1/4슬라뒤에는 전부 1/4간격으로 다음노트가 왔었음.,.
02:28 -Chata-: 간격 늘렷고
02:28 -Chata-: 00:29:136 (1,2) - 이것도 연타로 하라구염?
02:29 Lami: 그냥
02:29 Lami: 뒤에랑 똑같은 파트인데
02:29 Lami: 뒤에는 점프연타인데 앞에는 그냥 1/4슬라 2개라서
02:29 Lami: 좀 차이 많이나는거같아서여
02:29 -Chata-: 뒤에파트가 은근 살짝 더 어려워서
02:29 -Chata-: 연타패턴을 넣긴햇는데..
02:30 Lami: 님 하고싶은대로 하심될듯
02:30 Lami: 00:57:371 (1,3) - NC스왑해야되지않나
02:31 -Chata-: 00:38:665 (3,4,1) - 우사밍 우사밍은
02:31 Lami: 모르겟다
02:31 -Chata-: 테스트 플레이어좀 찾아봄
02:31 -Chata-: 스왑함
02:32 Lami: 01:37:606 (1) - 이거 2 모양으로 고쳐야됨
02:33 -Chata-: nope
02:33 -Chata-: 나나는 17살임
02:34 Lami: 아니 진짜나이를 적어야죠..
02:34 -Chata-: 나나는 진짜로 17살인데..
02:36 Lami: 님 난이도 레이팅 왜끝에 어떤건 .77이고 어떤건 왜 .7이;ㅁ
02:36 -Chata-: 다 만들고보니 .7~인건 77로 끌어올려맞추고
02:36 -Chata-: .6~7인건 .7이 되었음..
02:37 -Chata-: pro는 상당한 역작입니다
02:38 Lami: 프로에 뭔짓하심?
02:38 -Chata-: 서클 177 슬라 177 난이도 3.77
02:39 Lami: ㅋㅋ님 몬스트라타냐구요...
02:39 -Chata-: 몬스트라타보다 더할듯한데
02:39 -Chata-: 몬스트라타는 밑난이도는 포기했으니까..
02:43 Lami: 모딩할게없음 걍 접겟음
02:43 Lami: ㅋㅋ..
02:43 Lami: 저도 밑난이도는 포기함
02:43 Lami: 모딩을..
02:44 -Chata-: ㅋㅋ
02:44 -Chata-: 충분한듯

rip my 777posts

01:31:254 (3,4) - ctrl+g ㄲ?
01:52:077 (2) - ^


01:22:783 (4,1) - 둘중하나 복사해서 ctrl+g,h 하면 더 좋을듯
01:39:371 (1) - x:196 y:24 쯤에 놔보는건 어떨까용?


00:53:136 (5,6) - 1/2에서 5점슬라는 전 별로같다 생각함 이건걍 무시하셔도됨
01:17:665 (7,1) - 수평맞추기 ㄲ?

맵을 너무 잘만드셔서 구경만 하다갑니다...
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

Leaf wrote:


01:31:254 (3,4) - ctrl+g ㄲ?
01:52:077 (2) - ^놉. 하드에 좀 안맞는듯함


01:22:783 (4,1) - 둘중하나 복사해서 ctrl+g,h 하면 더 좋을듯 의도된 슬라이더
01:39:371 (1) - x:196 y:24 쯤에 놔보는건 어떨까용? 두 점프패턴이 다르게끔 의도됨


00:53:136 (5,6) - 1/2에서 5점슬라는 전 별로같다 생각함 이건걍 무시하셔도됨모양 괜찮다 상각되서 이대로
01:17:665 (7,1) - 수평맞추기 ㄲ?  맞춤

맵을 너무 잘만드셔서 구경만 하다갑니다...

thanks :v
00:21:371 (1) - ほんとくだらない事だけど1grid下げて1マス下げると下のスライダーと平行になるよ
00:40:077 (x) - ここ音欲しい。単発にするとSD上がるのは確認したから無理やり感あるけど00:40:077 (2,3) - を1/2スライダーにまとめてしまう?
00:11:136 (1) - 何も音がないところから始まるのは変な感じ。00:11:312 (1) - から始めてスライダーでつむぐ感じに音とっていい気がします
01:16:783 (2,3) - 「うさみん」と「パワー」は違う単語だし、面白みにかけてしまうが1/2スライダー2つに分けたほうがいい
00:11:136 (1) - 音ないところから始まるの違和感あるので00:11:312 から始めたほうがいいと思う
00:56:665 (1,2) - 早めのスライダーからの狭い距離 + overlapでかなりやりにくいので、こだわりがなければ(139,168)あたりに移動することをお薦めする
00:11:136 (1) - 同じ
00:11:136 (1) - 同じ

sorry for being sooo late :( :( :(

  1. 00:57:724 (4,5) - change to a slider will be better?

  1. 00:13:254 you should map this part as well

  1. 00:20:842 (4) - this kick slider should start from 00:20:665 ?
  2. 00:17:842 (1,2,3,4) - try this
  3. 00:22:783 (1) - ctrl+g?
  4. 00:26:665 (3,4) - too far?
  5. 01:57:548 (3) - NC here is better

  1. 00:18:459 (4) - remove this note would sound better for me
  2. 00:35:489 (1,2) - use a 1/2 slider here is totally fine imo
  3. 00:36:459 (3) - remove this note?

(つд⊂) sorry for short mod, ☆ instead
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

rui wrote:

00:21:371 (1) - ほんとくだらない事だけど1grid下げて1マス下げると下のスライダーと平行になるよ
00:40:077 (x) - ここ音欲しい。単発にするとSD上がるのは確認したから無理やり感あるけど00:40:077 (2,3) - を1/2スライダーにまとめてしまう?
00:11:136 (1) - 何も音がないところから始まるのは変な感じ。00:11:312 (1) - から始めてスライダーでつむぐ感じに音とっていい気がします
01:16:783 (2,3) - 「うさみん」と「パワー」は違う単語だし、面白みにかけてしまうが1/2スライダー2つに分けたほうがいい
00:11:136 (1) - 音ないところから始まるの違和感あるので00:11:312 から始めたほうがいいと思う
00:56:665 (1,2) - 早めのスライダーからの狭い距離 + overlapでかなりやりにくいので、こだわりがなければ(139,168)あたりに移動することをお薦めする
00:11:136 (1) - 同じ
00:11:136 (1) - 同じ


Mei wrote:

sorry for being sooo late :( :( :(

  1. 00:57:724 (4,5) - change to a slider will be better?

  1. 00:13:254 you should map this part as wellummm.. it is just ester egg

  1. 00:20:842 (4) - this kick slider should start from 00:20:665 ? no. 00:20:842 - this red line have surely a beat
  2. 00:17:842 (1,2,3,4) - try this I don't like pattern like this
  3. 00:22:783 (1) - ctrl+g?
  4. 00:26:665 (3,4) - too far? it seems not imo
  5. 01:57:548 (3) - NC here is better

  1. 00:18:459 (4) - remove this note would sound better for me
  2. 00:35:489 (1,2) - use a 1/2 slider here is totally fine imo
  3. 00:36:459 (3) - remove this note?

    all not fixed. that's increase the objects are break the balance imo. mainly 'Goroawase'

(つд⊂) sorry for short mod, ☆ instead
not reply is fixed


Pretty good mapset. Overall what needs fixing is flow and overlaps, as well as the difficulty of MASTER+

01:14:312 (2,3) - overlap?
01:40:430 (3,4) - maybe unstack and make this flow better

00:12:548 (3,4) - make this flow better
00:15:371 (1,2) - overlap
01:15:371 (2,3) - stack these
01:18:901 (4,5,1) - stack these
01:19:959 (3,1,2) - make this flow better
01:25:959 (6,1) - overlap unneeded

This diff flows the best

00:29:489 (7,8,1) - pattern a bit too hard for that difficulty
01:23:842 (3,4) - overlap unneeded

Great diff. Flows really well, mapped really well.

00:11:312 (1) - Move this to the left a bit for better spacing and flow. Maybe make it curve into the 2 after
00:15:724 (1) - ctrl+g this? Flows better.
00:17:136 (1,2,1,2) - This doesn't flow that well, I'd change the pattern a bit
00:20:489 (3,4) - space this better
00:21:371 (1,2) - move this more down and to the right
00:29:489 (3) - curve this into the next circle
00:42:371 (8,1) - overlap
00:42:548 (1,2,3,4,5) - fix the spacing
00:43:959 (7,1) - overlap
00:50:665 (3,1,2) - same
01:17:136 (5) - curve this
01:24:195 (4) - I'd curve this
01:32:489 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make this look nicer
01:34:342 (6,1,2) - same

This diff is well mapped, the only problem is spacing and flow. Improve those 2 and the map will be great.

00:18:459 (4,1) - move this up for better flow
00:23:665 (2,1) - overlap
00:25:430 (4,5,1) - stack
00:28:254 (4,5,1) - same
00:41:489 (4,5,6,1) - this flow badly
00:49:959 (3,4,1) - imo, unplayable. Change this pattern
00:54:548 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - make this look nicer
01:42:548 (1,3) - overlap unneeded
01:44:489 (4,5,1) - there is no triple in the song at this point. Make it a low slider velocity slider if you want a cursor stop there
01:45:018 (3,1,4) - overlap
01:48:724 (4,5,1) - stack
01:51:548 (4,5,1) - same
01:52:430 (1,2,3,4,5) - nice idea, but plays not so well, just stack them
01:54:371 (4,5,1) - stack

I see that you wanted to make a harder difficulty. It's nicely mapped, but turns out to be unplayable and overmapped. This is, in comparison to the other diffs, is the worst difficulty. It's not bad, but it needs fixing. For example, patterns like these 01:54:371 (4,5,1) - tend to be unplayable, and are better of stacked at this difficulty. If you compare this diff to other 5.7 stars, you see a clear difference in difficulty. So as I said before, make the patterns more playable, and maybe reduce the spacing on some of the jumps or sliders.

GL on the rank. Also god damn the song is catchy!
  1. 00:21:371 (1,2) - 音変わらんしサークルで統一したい
  2. 00:33:724 (2) - ここ00:34:077 - から00:34:254 - の間音無いしちょっと違和感を感じるかな 私ならこう取るんだけどどう??
  3. 01:06:548 (5) - NC?
  4. 01:40:430 (3) - 最易diffでここだけstackってのは流石に避けたい
  1. 00:27:724 (3,4,5) - どうせなら「ミ」「ミ」「ミン」で叩かせたくない?
  2. 00:30:548 (3,4,5) - ^
  3. 00:33:371 (3) - ここわざと? ここで止める理由があんまりないっていうか・・・ あとここらへんREGULARだけボーカル合わせになってるの少し変に感じたからメロディーに合わせたいって思った
  4. 01:53:842 (3,4,5) - same as 00:27:724 (3,4,5) -
  5. 01:57:371 (1,2,3) - ボーカルが云々っての
  1. さすがにAR8.7はやり過ぎじゃない? AR7~8のdiffが1つもないのはちょっとまずい気がする・・・ 7.7にしない?
  2. 00:44:665 (2,1) - ぶっちゃけどっちでもいいけどスペーシングもうちょっと欲しいなあって思った
  3. 01:57:371 (1,2,3) - れぎゅらーとおなじ
  1. 00:20:489 (3,4) - う~んなんか不自然 やっぱり00:20:665 - からリバーススライダー置きたい
  2. 01:02:842 (6) - Ctrl+Gしたほうが若干流れいい・・・?
  3. 01:20:577 (5) - もうちょっと(4)に寄せない?ちょっと叩き辛そう
  4. 01:27:459 (2,1) - さすがに離れ過ぎかなあ ただでさえ青線から始まってるリバーススライダー使った特殊なリズムなわけだし01:27:018 (1,2,1) - のDSは同じかそれに近いものにしたい
  5. 01:39:018 (1,2) - Ctrl+G? ここらへん全部下から上のAIMにした方がやりやすいし綺麗だと思う
  6. 01:47:136 (4) - 序盤の同じとこはNCついてるしここもつけていいかも
  7. 01:58:430 (4) - ここ普通に1/4じゃない? 01:58:430 (4,1) - が同じにしたくないにしても1/6じゃなくて1/8が妥当な気がする あと少しずつvolumeあげていくのもいいかも

Topic Starter
Abe Nana

DaPiePiece wrote:


Pretty good mapset. Overall what needs fixing is flow and overlaps, as well as the difficulty of MASTER+

01:14:312 (2,3) - overlap?
01:40:430 (3,4) - maybe unstack and make this flow better

00:12:548 (3,4) - make this flow better
00:15:371 (1,2) - overlap
01:15:371 (2,3) - stack these
01:18:901 (4,5,1) - stack these
01:19:959 (3,1,2) - make this flow better
01:25:959 (6,1) - overlap unneeded

This diff flows the best

00:29:489 (7,8,1) - pattern a bit too hard for that difficulty
01:23:842 (3,4) - overlap unneeded

Great diff. Flows really well, mapped really well.

00:11:312 (1) - Move this to the left a bit for better spacing and flow. Maybe make it curve into the 2 after
00:15:724 (1) - ctrl+g this? Flows better.
00:17:136 (1,2,1,2) - This doesn't flow that well, I'd change the pattern a bit
00:20:489 (3,4) - space this better
00:21:371 (1,2) - move this more down and to the right
00:29:489 (3) - curve this into the next circle
00:42:371 (8,1) - overlap
00:42:548 (1,2,3,4,5) - fix the spacing
00:43:959 (7,1) - overlap
00:50:665 (3,1,2) - same
01:17:136 (5) - curve this
01:24:195 (4) - I'd curve this
01:32:489 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - make this look nicer
01:34:342 (6,1,2) - same

This diff is well mapped, the only problem is spacing and flow. Improve those 2 and the map will be great.

00:18:459 (4,1) - move this up for better flow
00:23:665 (2,1) - overlap
00:25:430 (4,5,1) - stack
00:28:254 (4,5,1) - same
00:41:489 (4,5,6,1) - this flow badly
00:49:959 (3,4,1) - imo, unplayable. Change this pattern
00:54:548 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - make this look nicer
01:42:548 (1,3) - overlap unneeded
01:44:489 (4,5,1) - there is no triple in the song at this point. Make it a low slider velocity slider if you want a cursor stop there
01:45:018 (3,1,4) - overlap
01:48:724 (4,5,1) - stack
01:51:548 (4,5,1) - same
01:52:430 (1,2,3,4,5) - nice idea, but plays not so well, just stack them
01:54:371 (4,5,1) - stack

I see that you wanted to make a harder difficulty. It's nicely mapped, but turns out to be unplayable and overmapped. This is, in comparison to the other diffs, is the worst difficulty. It's not bad, but it needs fixing. For example, patterns like these 01:54:371 (4,5,1) - tend to be unplayable, and are better of stacked at this difficulty. If you compare this diff to other 5.7 stars, you see a clear difference in difficulty. So as I said before, make the patterns more playable, and maybe reduce the spacing on some of the jumps or sliders.

GL on the rank. Also god damn the song is catchy!

sorry pie ;3;

disappearance reply to yours
Topic Starter
Abe Nana

Mamayu wrote:

  1. 00:21:371 (1,2) - 音変わらんしサークルで統一したい スライダーにした。1.71になっていろいろ変えてたらこうなってた
  2. 00:33:724 (2) - ここ00:34:077 - から00:34:254 - の間音無いしちょっと違和感を感じるかな 私ならこう取るんだけどどう??
  3. 01:06:548 (5) - NC?
  4. 01:40:430 (3) - 最易diffでここだけstackってのは流石に避けたい
  1. 00:27:724 (3,4,5) - どうせなら「ミ」「ミ」「ミン」で叩かせたくない?
  2. 00:30:548 (3,4,5) - ^
  3. 00:33:371 (3) - ここわざと? ここで止める理由があんまりないっていうか・・・ あとここらへんREGULARだけボーカル合わせになってるの少し変に感じたからメロディーに合わせたいって思ったエラーだった
  4. 01:53:842 (3,4,5) - same as 00:27:724 (3,4,5) -
  5. 01:57:371 (1,2,3) - ボーカルが云々っての合ってるんじゃない?
  1. さすがにAR8.7はやり過ぎじゃない? AR7~8のdiffが1つもないのはちょっとまずい気がする・・・ 7.7にしない?するつもりはなかったけど、7.7に惹かれた
  2. 00:44:665 (2,1) - ぶっちゃけどっちでもいいけどスペーシングもうちょっと欲しいなあって思った
  3. 01:57:371 (1,2,3) - れぎゅらーとおなじれぎゅらーとおなじ
  1. 00:20:489 (3,4) - う~んなんか不自然 やっぱり00:20:665 - からリバーススライダー置きたい
  2. 01:02:842 (6) - Ctrl+Gしたほうが若干流れいい・・・?このままのほうが好き。
  3. 01:20:577 (5) - もうちょっと(4)に寄せない?ちょっと叩き辛そう少しだけだぞ?
  4. 01:27:459 (2,1) - さすがに離れ過ぎかなあ ただでさえ青線から始まってるリバーススライダー使った特殊なリズムなわけだし01:27:018 (1,2,1) - のDSは同じかそれに近いものにしたい2012年にこのパターンを使い始めてこれでミスるひとや難しいと言ったひとはいなかった。むしろ単発感覚で叩いたほうが繋ぎやすい。このままで
  5. 01:39:018 (1,2) - Ctrl+G? ここらへん全部下から上のAIMにした方がやりやすいし綺麗だと思う
  6. 01:47:136 (4) - 序盤の同じとこはNCついてるしここもつけていいかも
  7. 01:58:430 (4) - ここ普通に1/4じゃない? 01:58:430 (4,1) - が同じにしたくないにしても1/6じゃなくて1/8が妥当な気がする あと少しずつvolumeあげていくのもいいかも自分お耳では1/6ではない。でも01:58:783 (1) - こことは多分違うし差を置きたい。前に01:58:783 (1) - この後の部分が1/6じゃないかって言われたけど1/4で合ってるし、このままでいいと思う。volumeのことは少し失敗したけど(OSUのボリュウーム設定のせい)77%が気に入るし、ランクインに響かないかぎりこうしてよう



00:11:312 (1) - 이거에 관해서 말씀드리고싶은데요 스피너로 표현하는것보단 슬라이더 길게 빼시는게 좋다고 생각해요. 지금은 이지에서 좀 어려움도 있고 해서요
00:59:489 (3) - 모양이 00:58:077 (1) - 이거랑 대조가 안되서 시각적으로 많이 안좋아보이는데 차라리 원형모양으로 다시만들어주시는게 좋을 듯 싶습니다.
01:17:136 (2,3,4) - 지금 리듬도 정확하긴 하지만 보컬이 더 강하게 들리는 느낌이 있네요 01:17:665 - 여기까지 슬라이더를 늘리셔서 보컬을 맞추는 형식으로 해주세요. 이 부분 말고 다른 파트 동일부분도 포함입니다.
01:57:018 (2,3,4) - 보컬 플로우시면 1/1 정박 사용해주시는게 오히려 더 좋을듯 싶습니다. 아마 바꾸시는게 좋을거예요 리듬 자체도 단순화 시킬수 있고요..


00:19:077 (2) - 정확히 스택해주세요
00:34:783 (3) - 의도는 모르겠습니다만 이건 1/1 박자가 아무래도 정확히 떨어지는 리듬같아서요.. 다음 노트 치는데 어색하기도 하고..
00:44:665 (3) - 이런거 잘 안잡는데. 블랭킷 해주세요.
00:51:724 (3,4) - 이거 4/3인데 괜찮을지 모르겠습니다. 아무래도 하위난이도다 보니까 좀 부담스러울듯요
01:58:077 (3) - 앞과 동일하게 1/1로 해주시길 바랍니다.


00:38:842 (1,2,3) - 아무래도 3연타보다는 연타 슬라이더 쓰시는게 좋을듯 짧게 반복 한번으로요. 아무래도 연타-단타로 이어지면 약간 플레이가 힘들다고 느껴져서요
00:45:371 (1,2,3) - 다소 플레이 힘들거같은데 디스탠스라도 줄여주시길 바랍니다.
01:21:371 (1,2) - 동일 의견이요. 이건 너무 심하게 떨어진 느낌이예요
02:00:371 (1,2,3,4) - 이거 배치에 관한 문제입니다. 4번을 주목해주시면 디스탠스가 일정하지 않은게 보이실거예요


02:00:901 (4) - 제안이지만 배치 옆쪽으로 늘려주시는것도 괜찮아보입니다.

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