
Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12 ноября 2016 г. at 8:26:21

Artist: Team Grimoire
Title: G1ll35 d3 R415
Tags: grimoire of crimson jcore gilles de rais [Shana Lesus]
BPM: 215
Filesize: 8160kb
Play Time: 04:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 4Key (1,43 stars, 808 notes)
  2. Hard - 4Key (3,53 stars, 2354 notes)
  3. Insane - 4Key (4,5 stars, 2851 notes)
  4. L45T C4LL - 4Key (5,63 stars, 3541 notes)
  5. Normal - 4Key (2,24 stars, 1164 notes)
  6. Shana's Extra - 4Key (5,42 stars, 3504 notes)
Download: Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

H0w 900d 1s y0ur endur4nce?

Kurisu Makise
IRC mod
2016-01-03 02:56 Kivicat: ACTION is editing [ Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 [4K Hard]]
2016-01-03 02:57 Allezard: ?
2016-01-03 02:57 Kivicat: 00:59:770 (59770|2) - перенеси во 2 колонку, там дисбаланс
2016-01-03 02:57 Allezard: о
2016-01-03 02:57 Kivicat: потом
2016-01-03 02:57 Allezard: хороше предложение
2016-01-03 02:57 Kivicat: 01:02:421 (62421|2,62561|0) -
2016-01-03 02:58 Kivicat: не хочешь заменить на стрим 1/4?
2016-01-03 02:59 Allezard: да, тоже хорошее предложение
2016-01-03 02:59 Allezard: только придется на три такта в перед и назад
2016-01-03 02:59 Allezard: поменять расположение нот
2016-01-03 02:59 Allezard: ща сделаю)
2016-01-03 02:59 Kivicat: лол
2016-01-03 03:00 Kivicat: чет ты сильно много, на 3 такта
2016-01-03 03:01 Allezard: я про 1/4
2016-01-03 03:02 Allezard: что еще предложешь?
2016-01-03 03:02 Kivicat: 01:10:514 (70514|2,70793|1,71073|2) - это ты зря
2016-01-03 03:02 Allezard: бляя
2016-01-03 03:02 Kivicat: если тут и стоит ставить ЛНы, то как раз вместо других нот
2016-01-03 03:02 Kivicat: ты ломаешь мелодию
2016-01-03 03:03 Allezard: хм
2016-01-03 03:04 Kivicat: 01:13:793 (73793|1,73863|3,73863|2,74003|0) - ctrl+h
2016-01-03 03:04 Allezard: ну судя по тому, что дальше идут на этих местах просто ноты
2016-01-03 03:04 Kivicat: баланс + стремный паттерн
2016-01-03 03:04 Allezard: то поменяю
2016-01-03 03:04 Allezard: да и думал на эту тему тоже
2016-01-03 03:05 Allezard: 01:13:793 (73793|1,73863|3,73863|2,74003|0) -
2016-01-03 03:05 Allezard: а тут я по мелодическому строению сдела
2016-01-03 03:05 Allezard: л
2016-01-03 03:05 Kivicat: ок
2016-01-03 03:05 Allezard: но тоже пофисксю:D
2016-01-03 03:05 Allezard: думаю лучше когда играется приятно
2016-01-03 03:06 Allezard: я когда играл свой хард, то на этот паттерн обращал внимание
2016-01-03 03:06 Allezard: он его просто притягивает
2016-01-03 03:06 Allezard: :D
2016-01-03 03:06 Kivicat: 01:14:282 (74282|3,74421|0,74421|2,74561|1) - тоже зеркаль тогда
2016-01-03 03:08 Allezard: а тут что?
2016-01-03 03:08 Allezard: что то я не понял
2016-01-03 03:08 Kivicat: 01:18:189 (78189|3) - 2 для баланса и можешь холды дальше по порядку ставить
2016-01-03 03:08 Kivicat: 4-3-2-1
2016-01-03 03:08 Kivicat: а там просто для паттерна
2016-01-03 03:08 Kivicat: если тебя и так устраивает, можешь оставить
2016-01-03 03:10 Kivicat:
2016-01-03 03:10 Kivicat: во
2016-01-03 03:10 Kivicat: холды на 1:18
2016-01-03 03:10 Allezard: если честно, не понял что ты мне по этому поводу хочешь сказать
2016-01-03 03:10 Allezard: 01:18:189 (78189|3) -
2016-01-03 03:10 Kivicat: выше скрин
2016-01-03 03:10 Allezard: ага
2016-01-03 03:10 Allezard: вижу
2016-01-03 03:11 Kivicat: 01:33:677 - добавляй еще ЛН
2016-01-03 03:11 Kivicat: в 4 можно
2016-01-03 03:11 Kivicat: ноту удалишь, не страшно
2016-01-03 03:12 Allezard: ок
2016-01-03 03:12 Allezard: что дальше)
2016-01-03 03:13 Kivicat: 01:53:910 -
2016-01-03 03:13 Kivicat: пропустил
2016-01-03 03:13 Allezard: мне бы все эти советы в моды
2016-01-03 03:13 Allezard: и вообще класс было бы)
2016-01-03 03:13 Kivicat: я чатлог потом кину в тему
2016-01-03 03:13 Allezard: охохо
2016-01-03 03:13 Allezard: и правда пропустил
2016-01-03 03:14 Kivicat: 01:54:189 (114189|3,114328|2,114468|3,114607|2,114747|3,114886|2,115026|3) - может, 4-3-2-4-3-2-4
2016-01-03 03:14 Kivicat: баланс
2016-01-03 03:14 Kivicat: если хочешь именно трилл/алтернейт, можно 01:54:328 (114328|2,114886|2) - во 2 колонку
2016-01-03 03:15 Allezard: я бы вообще сюда джек
2016-01-03 03:15 Allezard: из лнов
2016-01-03 03:15 Allezard: сделал
2016-01-03 03:15 Allezard: но он уже есть в екстре
2016-01-03 03:15 Allezard: думаю так в хард нагло будет
2016-01-03 03:15 Allezard: так как там звук один
2016-01-03 03:16 Kivicat: джеки из лнов очень тяжело играются
2016-01-03 03:16 Allezard: и как такой паттерн для харда пойдет вообще?)
2016-01-03 03:16 Allezard: хм
2016-01-03 03:16 Kivicat: для харда не пойдет
2016-01-03 03:17 Kivicat: учитывая, что звук один, особой разницы между твоим паттерном и теми, что предложил я, нет
2016-01-03 03:17 Kivicat: кроме баланса
2016-01-03 03:17 Allezard: так
2016-01-03 03:17 Allezard: я нашел вариант
2016-01-03 03:17 Allezard: как сделать
2016-01-03 03:17 Allezard: го дальше)
2016-01-03 03:17 Kivicat: ок
2016-01-03 03:18 Allezard: наверное думаешь
2016-01-03 03:18 Allezard: какого хуя он на 4 минуты мапает мапсет
2016-01-03 03:18 Allezard: :D
2016-01-03 03:18 Kivicat: 02:04:654 - мне кажется, сюда ноту стоит добавить
2016-01-03 03:18 Kivicat: да, думаю
2016-01-03 03:18 Kivicat: мунфейс
2016-01-03 03:19 Allezard: добавил
2016-01-03 03:20 Kivicat: 02:14:142 - тут тоже можно
2016-01-03 03:20 Kivicat: чтоб так прям
2016-01-03 03:20 Kivicat: хорошенько
2016-01-03 03:20 Kivicat: :D
2016-01-03 03:20 Allezard: ахахах
2016-01-03 03:20 Allezard: то есть 12 12 124
2016-01-03 03:20 Allezard: ?
2016-01-03 03:20 Kivicat: да
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: окей)
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: если где повысить
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: сложность
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: то говори)
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: я просто стесьняюсь
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: меня распиздили
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: когда я джеки делал
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: :D
2016-01-03 03:21 Kivicat: лол
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: вот у меня фобия на сложность теперь
2016-01-03 03:21 Kivicat: нет, сложность нормальная для харда
2016-01-03 03:21 Allezard: хотя дальше все же будет хардово
2016-01-03 03:22 Allezard: там сложная часть есть
2016-01-03 03:22 Allezard: песни
2016-01-03 03:22 Allezard: которая во всех четырех дифах
2016-01-03 03:22 Allezard: выделяется
2016-01-03 03:22 Allezard: только инсейн в этом плане более сбалансирован
2016-01-03 03:22 Kivicat: 02:14:700 - вот тут заканчивается повышение звука, можно один холд поменять
2016-01-03 03:22 Kivicat: усложнение резать будем, наверно
2016-01-03 03:23 Allezard: аа
2016-01-03 03:23 Allezard: понял
2016-01-03 03:24 Kivicat: 02:18:398 - протяни лны досюда
2016-01-03 03:24 Allezard: там повышение переходит в более высокую
2016-01-03 03:24 Kivicat: вообще хз где они кончаются
2016-01-03 03:24 Kivicat: но точно не там, где закончил ты
2016-01-03 03:24 Allezard: а может уж до красной тогда?
2016-01-03 03:24 Kivicat: попробуй до красной
2016-01-03 03:24 Kivicat: посмотрим, че другие скажут
2016-01-03 03:25 Kivicat: 02:18:538 - вот тут стоит поставить ноту, а на белой удалить одну
2016-01-03 03:26 Kivicat: сделать грейс, короче
2016-01-03 03:26 Kivicat: сильно заметно, что звук двойной
2016-01-03 03:27 Kivicat: 02:22:793 (142793|3) - тоже закончить на красной и добавить там ноту на синей
2016-01-03 03:28 Kivicat: 02:32:282 (152282|0,152328|1,152375|2,152421|3,152561|0,152607|1,152654|2) - убирай
2016-01-03 03:28 Allezard: а что если после холдов
2016-01-03 03:28 Kivicat: во-первых, там не 1/12, а хрен пойми что
2016-01-03 03:28 Allezard: я сделал так что у меня два холда
2016-01-03 03:28 Allezard: заканчиваются на 13
2016-01-03 03:28 Allezard: и можно этот грейс
2016-01-03 03:28 Kivicat: а во-вторых, для харда это слишком
2016-01-03 03:28 Allezard: сделать 24/13
2016-01-03 03:28 Allezard: и не выделять бас
2016-01-03 03:29 Kivicat: давай еще раз, я не понял
2016-01-03 03:29 Kivicat: это где?
2016-01-03 03:29 Allezard: ща
2016-01-03 03:30 Allezard:
2016-01-03 03:30 Allezard: так, ну тогда что вместо этих стримов вставлять?
2016-01-03 03:30 Kivicat: холды
2016-01-03 03:31 Kivicat: ну, в принципе сойдет то, что на скрине
2016-01-03 03:31 Kivicat: наверно
2016-01-03 03:31 Kivicat: плейтестить надо
2016-01-03 03:31 Kivicat: я не умею в 4к
2016-01-03 03:31 Kivicat: тут последнее слово за шаной вообще
2016-01-03 03:32 Kivicat: только он в 4к хорошо разбирается
2016-01-03 03:32 Kivicat: так
2016-01-03 03:32 Allezard: ну давай тогда пропустим эту часть
2016-01-03 03:32 Kivicat: забудь про холды, просто ноты там оставь
2016-01-03 03:32 Kivicat: на 1/2
2016-01-03 03:33 Allezard: там где стримы?
2016-01-03 03:33 Kivicat: да
2016-01-03 03:33 Kivicat: хотя
2016-01-03 03:33 Kivicat: можно и холды
2016-01-03 03:33 Kivicat: шана разберется
2016-01-03 03:33 Kivicat: ACTION runs
2016-01-03 03:34 Kivicat: 02:33:956 (153956|1,154003|2,154049|3,154096|0) - вот тут точно 1/6
2016-01-03 03:34 Kivicat: 02:34:235 (154235|3,154375|0) - а тут ты ее потерял
2016-01-03 03:34 Kivicat: в общем, ставь холды, где нечетко
2016-01-03 03:35 Kivicat: а где четкие 1/6 стримы, можно сделать лесенки от 1 к 4 и от 4 к 1
2016-01-03 03:35 Kivicat: но только лесенки
2016-01-03 03:35 Kivicat: слишком плотно для сложных паттернов
2016-01-03 03:36 Kivicat: 1/4 холды не нужно делать, естественно
2016-01-03 03:36 Allezard: а это не слишком легко будет для этой части?
2016-01-03 03:37 Kivicat: ты в любом случае не можешь лепить стримы, когда не знаешь, какие там длительности
2016-01-03 03:38 Kivicat: и на 215 бпм это не будет легко
2016-01-03 03:39 Allezard: ты про звуки которые соответсвуют нотам стрима?
2016-01-03 03:39 Kivicat: да
2016-01-03 03:39 Allezard: там звук
2016-01-03 03:39 Allezard: похожий на голос
2016-01-03 03:40 Allezard: и он вибрирующий
2016-01-03 03:40 Allezard: если ты обо дних
2016-01-03 03:41 Allezard: а другие стримы вроде четко слышно
2016-01-03 03:41 Kivicat: вот те, которые четко слышно, оставляй
2016-01-03 03:41 Kivicat: а другие ты явно не под тот звук мапал
2016-01-03 03:43 Allezard: что об этой части думаешь
2016-01-03 03:43 Allezard: 03:16:654 (196654|1,196654|3,196654|0,196793|2) -
2016-01-03 03:43 Allezard: или ты еще не дошел?
2016-01-03 03:43 Allezard: меня там немного смущают джеки
2016-01-03 03:43 Allezard: триплы
2016-01-03 03:43 Kivicat: думаю, что ЛНы притянуты за уши
2016-01-03 03:43 Kivicat: но должно прокатить
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: это да:D
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: ну а как еще
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: там бас
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: линия
2016-01-03 03:44 Kivicat: на джеках ты можешь убирать один ЛН
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: и
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: по три нотки
2016-01-03 03:44 Allezard: я решил три нотки стабильные сделать в ЛН
2016-01-03 03:44 Kivicat: так бас линия как раз между твоими ЛНами
2016-01-03 03:46 Kivicat: в общем, я думаю, тебе уже есть над чем подумать
2016-01-03 03:46 Allezard: да, часть со стримами
2016-01-03 03:46 Allezard: сложная
2016-01-03 03:46 Kivicat: убирай лишние стримы, пересмотри эти лны
2016-01-03 03:46 Kivicat: лучше все-таки сделать их под бас
2016-01-03 03:46 Kivicat: ну, это опционально
2016-01-03 03:47 Kivicat: так было бы приятнее играть
2016-01-03 03:47 Kivicat: и просмотри еще раз на предмет потерянных нот
2016-01-03 03:47 Kivicat: я где-то еще пару штук видел
2016-01-03 03:47 Kivicat: потом приходи снова
2016-01-03 03:47 Kivicat: мунфейс
2016-01-03 03:49 Kivicat: постить мод? я вроде не особо много намодил
2016-01-03 03:49 Allezard: постить:D
4K Hard
01:01:724 (61724|2,61863|0,62003|3,62142|1,62282|3) - однотипный же звук. Поменяй на один лн и добавь обычных нот. Вот здесь ты его одним лном выделяешь 03:32:421 (212421|3) -
01:27:398 (87398|3,87538|1,87677|3,87817|0,87956|2,88096|1,88235|3) - ^
02:34:584 - ноту забыл
02:34:863 - ^
02:35:003 - ^
02:35:212 - здесь 1/6
02:35:770 - ^
02:41:631 - ^
02:42:468 - ^
02:43:096 - ноту пропустил
02:47:770 - 1/6 пропустил
02:49:584 - совесть пропустил. Сколько ж можно 1/6 не замечать? :cry:
02:58:514 (178514|3) - звук здесь заканчивается 02:58:654 - . Если хочешь, можешь на два лна заменить, шана разберётся /me runs
03:00:886 - ноту забыл
03:13:096 - ^
03:16:654 (196654|1,196793|2) - ctrl+h, чтобы убрать тройной джек 03:16:375 (196375|1,196514|1,196654|1) -
03:56:421 (236421|1) - ноту забыл
04:26:979 (266979|2) - лн здесь заканчивается 04:27:817 - . Надо бы ещё с предыдущими лнами разобраться, так как там по два длинных звука, но это снова на шану оставим :D
Deep Sea
Хи Алезардушка
мод фор ю

00:30:328 -
00:39:817 -
00:55:445 (55445|0) - во 2 колонку
01:23:491 (83491|3) - ^
01:27:119 (87119|0,87119|3) - во 2 и 3 колонку
02:33:538 -
02:35:212 -
02:36:956 -
02:42:468 -
02:44:421 -
02:45:119 -
02:47:561 -
02:49:584 -
02:56:282 (176282|2,176421|0) - ctrl + g
03:02:979 -
04:26:979 (266979|2) - конец 04:28:096 -
Topic Starter

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Хи Алезардушка
мод фор ю

00:30:328 -
00:39:817 -
00:55:445 (55445|0) - во 2 колонку
01:23:491 (83491|3) - ^
01:27:119 (87119|0,87119|3) - во 2 и 3 колонку
02:33:538 -
02:35:212 -
02:36:956 -
02:42:468 -
02:44:421 -
02:45:119 -
02:47:561 -
02:49:584 -
02:56:282 (176282|2,176421|0) - ctrl + g
03:02:979 -
04:26:979 (266979|2) - конец 04:28:096 -
Good luck on ranking
Modd (requested from queue)

col 1234
01:37:026 (97026|3) - >>
03:25:166 (205166|3) - move to 3 (no mini jack plss)
03:25:584 (205584|2) - move to 2
03:25:863 (205863|1) - move to 3
00:34:793 (34793|2) - move to 1
00:49:166 (49166|1,49445|2) - ctrl+h and then move this to 3
00:49:863 (49863|0,50003|1) - ctrl+g
01:07:166 (67166|0) - move to 2
01:48:468 - how about this?

just that! feel free to reject :D Nice map!
Topic Starter

Pizza wrote:

Modd (requested from queue)

col 1234
01:37:026 (97026|3) - >> +
03:25:166 (205166|3) - move to 3 (no mini jack plss) +
03:25:584 (205584|2) - move to 2 +
03:25:863 (205863|1) - move to 3 +
00:34:793 (34793|2) - move to 1
00:49:166 (49166|1,49445|2) - ctrl+h and then move this to 3
00:49:863 (49863|0,50003|1) - ctrl+g
01:07:166 (67166|0) - move to 2 +
01:48:468 - how about this? +

just that! feel free to reject :D Nice map!
Thank you for the mod :oops:
took a lot... I'll be happy if you would mod my highest diff ;)


02:28:654 (148654|3) - передвинь на 2 колонку для баланса
03:16:654 (196654|2) - на 2 или 03:16:933 (196933|2) - на 1
03:29:212 (209212|1) - на 1
03:35:073 (215073|1) - на 3
04:14:700 (254700|2) - на 1
00:26:980 - добавь еще оду ноту
02:16:375 - засунь сюда еще один ЛН или закончи другой и начни новый
02:19:305 - почти во всех дифах этот ЛН начинается в разных местах, исправь (во всех дифах)
02:33:119 (153119|2) - на 1
03:21:398 (201398|1) - на 4
03:33:398 - 03:33:677 - 03:33:956 - думаю ЛНы здесь будут лучше смотреться
03:42:328 - 03:42:607 - 03:42:886 - ^
Хех, ну все. Слишком мало, потому что большинства замапаных звуков в этой песне я просто не слышу
Another Lie
I'm just passing by here and giving some advice
00:40:375 - make this part same like 00:35:910 - and this 00:38:142 - (make it consistent)
02:54:886 - make it double note (consistent part)
02:27:817 - make it single note (consistent part)
Sorry, only that i can advice you. Most of your diff i check are consistent
if i got misscheck, feel free to pm me and also feel free to reject it if not good enough
Topic Starter

Another Lie wrote:

I'm just passing by here and giving some advice
00:40:375 - make this part same like 00:35:910 - and this 00:38:142 - (make it consistent) +
02:54:886 - make it double note (consistent part)
02:27:817 - make it single note (consistent part)
Sorry, only that i can advice you. Most of your diff i check are consistent
if i got misscheck, feel free to pm me and also feel free to reject it if not good enough
Thank you very much for mod. Really good tips!
The last 3 diffs also need the mod. I'd be glad if you have something for this diffs.
osu!mania mod whatever: a really bad one at that, sorry for lazyness, but good map
Whats with all the inherited timing sections that do nothing?? "1x"
if you want to "divide" up parts of the song, then just use bookmarks instead..
01:05:212 (65212|3,65212|1,65212|0,65352|0,65491|3,65491|1,65491|2,65631|1,65770|3,65770|0,65770|2,65910|3) -
ok I really like how cleaned these parts are, The single note, is followed by a gap, and then 3 notes. well done.

01:51:259 (111259|1,111259|0,111328|1,111328|0,111398|1,111398|0) - This looks a bit dangerous

01:53:491 (113491|2,113631|2) - Move these two notes to column 2 (1|2|3|4|)
02:52:235 (172235|2) - move this note to column 2

We've detected that a proxy or VPN is being used to access your account.
Topic Starter

KcHecKa wrote:

osu!mania mod whatever: a really bad one at that, sorry for lazyness, but good map
Whats with all the inherited timing sections that do nothing?? "1x"
if you want to "divide" up parts of the song, then just use bookmarks instead..
01:05:212 (65212|3,65212|1,65212|0,65352|0,65491|3,65491|1,65491|2,65631|1,65770|3,65770|0,65770|2,65910|3) -
ok I really like how cleaned these parts are, The single note, is followed by a gap, and then 3 notes. well done. ?

01:51:259 (111259|1,111259|0,111328|1,111328|0,111398|1,111398|0) - This looks a bit dangerous ?

01:53:491 (113491|2,113631|2) - Move these two notes to column 2 (1|2|3|4|) +
02:52:235 (172235|2) - move this note to column 2 +

We've detected that a proxy or VPN is being used to access your account.

Thanks, good mod:)
Модом это назвать сложно, так как я просто почекал баланс нот. Надеюсь пригодится.

Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 - Easy:
Column 1: 220 notes
Column 2: 187 notes
Column 3: 192 notes
Column 4: 213 notes
Max difference (columns): 33
Max difference (hands): 2

Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 - Normal:
Column 1: 303 notes
Column 2: 278 notes
Column 3: 276 notes
Column 4: 307 notes
Max difference (columns): 31
Max difference (hands): 2

Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 - Hard:
Column 1: 598 notes
Column 2: 582 notes
Column 3: 554 notes
Column 4: 591 notes
Max difference (columns): 44
Max difference (hands): 35

Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 - Insane:
Column 1: 731 notes
Column 2: 712 notes
Column 3: 684 notes
Column 4: 735 notes
Max difference (columns): 51
Max difference (hands): 24

Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 - Extra:
Column 1: 893 notes
Column 2: 894 notes
Column 3: 872 notes
Column 4: 902 notes
Max difference (columns): 30
Max difference (hands): 13

Team Grimoire - G1ll35 d3 R415 - Shana's Disinformation:
Column 1: 863 notes
Column 2: 937 notes
Column 3: 950 notes
Column 4: 872 notes
Max difference (columns): 87
Max difference (hands): 22
From the RRM Mania Modding Queue


Team Grimoire \o/

00:40:375 - The drum here doesn't sound different from 00:40:235 - , 00:40:654 - , 00:40:933 - , etc. Should be a double.
00:42:049 (42049|3,42189|3,42328|3,42468|3,42607|3) - Not severe but you can avoid this by moving 00:42:049 (42049|3) - to 1.
00:46:793 (46793|3,46793|1,46793|0,46933|3,46933|0,46933|1,47073|0,47073|2,47073|3) - Why are these triples? They're just normal kicks like the ones at 00:46:514 - , 00:46:235 - , 00:47:352 - , etc.
00:49:305 - Same goes for here.
00:51:259 (51259|0,51259|1,51259|2,51398|2,51398|0,51398|1,51538|1,51538|2,51538|3) - ^
00:53:352 (53352|0,53352|1) - Perhaps you can move this one column to the right to avoid 00:52:654 (52654|0,52793|0,52933|0,53073|0,53212|0,53352|0,53491|0,53631|0,53770|0) - .
00:55:863 (55863|0,55863|2,55863|3,56003|1,56003|2,56003|3) - And again, these drums aren't different from 00:55:445 - , 00:56:561 - , etc. And 00:55:724 (55724|3,55724|2,55724|0) - isn't different from 00:55:166 - , 00:56:282 - , etc.
01:04:933 - Similar stuff for this.
01:15:817 - ^
01:16:096 - ^Just keep in mind, when mapping out notes, it's important to keep the chord sizes, the number of notes at a time, the same for each sound. So stick with doubles for kicks if you're going to make kicks doubles unless doing so will cause a playability issue. I'll stop mentioning these from now.
03:02:700 (182700|3,182840|3,182979|3,183119|3,183259|3,183398|3,183538|3) - Could've been avoided.
03:41:631 (221631|1) - Move to 2?

00:52:514 (52514|2,52654|2,52793|2,52933|2,53073|2,53212|2,53352|2,53491|2,53631|2,53770|2) - :o I can see that this section is really dense but that could've been avoided. Perhaps you can move 00:52:514 (52514|2) - to 0 and 00:53:352 (53352|2) - to either 0 or 3, though the former is recommended.
01:10:933 (70933|2,71073|2,71212|2,71352|2,71491|2,71631|2,71770|2,71910|2) - This one too. Maybe by moving 01:11:770 (71770|2) - .
01:47:491 (107491|0) - Perhaps you can move this to 3 to avoid 01:46:933 (106933|0,107073|0,107212|0,107352|0,107491|0,107631|0) - .
01:55:584 (115584|1,115724|1,115863|1,116003|1,116142|1,116282|1) - Holding right after tapping a bunch of times. Doesn't look so easy. I suggest moving 01:55:584 (115584|1) - to 3 to reduce this anchor even by a small amount.
02:31:026 (151026|2,151166|2,151305|2,151445|2,151584|2,151724|2) - This anchor is also something to consider.
02:34:235 (154235|2,154375|2,154514|2,154654|2,154793|2) - This one too.
02:35:212 (155212|2,155352|2,155491|2,155631|2,155770|2) - And this one. I just realized that the past 3 anchors (including this one) are all on [2]. My right index finger will die.
02:37:863 (157863|2,158003|2,158142|2,158282|2,158421|2,158561|2) - Another one on [2] again. Try moving 02:37:863 (157863|2,157933|1) - 1 column left and 02:38:421 (158421|2) - 1 column right.
02:40:514 (160514|1,160654|1,160793|1,160933|1,161073|1,161212|1,161352|1,161491|1,161631|1,161770|1) - Now this really is something. 10 notes in a row. :o
02:44:421 (164421|3,164561|3,164700|3,164840|3,164979|3) - This one should be easily fixable.
02:45:259 (165259|3,165398|3,165538|3,165677|3,165817|3) - This too.
02:48:747 (168747|2,168886|2,169026|2,169166|2,169305|2,169445|2) - Maybe this. Suggestion in case you need it.
02:55:445 (175445|3,175445|2,175584|3) - Holding with one finger and clicking and holding with another on the same hand doesn't feel all that comfortable. Not that it's a big issue though.
03:02:700 (182700|0,182840|0,182979|0,183119|0,183259|0) - Whew... 03:03:119 (183119|1) - Move to 3 and 03:03:259 (183259|0) - Move to 1?
03:20:212 (200212|1,200282|2,200352|1,200421|2,200491|1,200561|2,200631|1,200700|2) - Eh. Maybe you can spread these out?
03:27:398 (207398|2,207538|2,207677|2,207817|2,207956|2,208096|2) - Whoa. Suggestion
03:31:724 (211724|2,211863|2,212003|2,212142|2,212282|2) - It should be pretty predictable by now : anchors.
03:34:235 (214235|0,214375|0,214514|0,214654|0,214793|0,214933|0) - More anchors.
03:36:747 (216747|1,216886|1,217026|1,217166|1,217305|1,217445|1,217584|1,217724|1,217863|1) - That's a pretty long one.
03:40:235 (220235|2,220375|2,220514|2,220654|2,220793|2,220933|2) - Even more anchors.
03:43:166 (223166|2,223305|2,223445|2,223584|2,223724|2) - Anchors.
03:44:491 (224491|1,224631|1,224770|1,224910|1,225049|1) - ^
03:47:910 (227910|2,228049|2,228189|2,228328|2,228468|2) - ^
03:50:421 (230421|1,230561|1,230700|1,230840|1,230979|1,231119|1,231259|1) - ^
04:02:421 (242421|2,243119|3,243259|3,243398|3,243538|3) - Holding with one finger and clicking and holding with another on the same hand. Not really comfortable. I think I mentioned this before though.
04:09:119 (249119|1,250096|0,250235|0) - ^
04:11:352 (251352|2,252189|3,252328|3,252468|3) - ^

I know that I kinda got lazy with the suggestions at around the end so do feel free to poke me ingame or by PM if you need more.

00:33:677 - Why is this triple? Sounds like a normal kick.
00:35:352 (35352|3,35352|0,35352|2,35491|1,35491|3,35491|0) - These guys too.
00:37:863 (37863|1,37863|3,37863|0,38003|0,38003|1,38003|3,38142|3,38142|0,38142|2) - These are just normal kicks like the ones at 00:37:584 - , 00:38:421 - , etc. Doubles should suffice.
00:40:096 (40096|1,40096|3,40096|0,40235|3,40235|2,40235|0,40375|3,40375|0,40375|1) - ^. I get the feeling that I've said the same things in my mod for Insane so I'll stop mentioning consistency here. Do refer to the Insane mod for consistency stuff.
00:39:817 (39817|3,39956|3,40096|3,40235|3,40375|3,40514|3) - But then there are anchors to mention.
00:41:770 (41770|0,41910|0,42049|0,42189|0,42328|0,42468|0,42607|0) - Like this one too.
00:48:747 (48747|1,48886|1,49026|1,49166|1,49305|1,49445|1) - And this. Moving 00:49:166 (49166|1) - to 0 and 00:49:445 (49445|1) - to 2 might work.
00:53:352 - Ok I lied. I did say that I won't mention consistency but I had to pick this one out. This sounds like a normal kick so a double should suffice. Idk why you decided to make this quadruple. I suggest deleting 00:53:352 (53352|3,53352|2) - these two notes here since that'll reduce the length of 00:52:654 (52654|2,52654|3,52793|2,52793|3,52933|2,52933|3,53073|2,53073|3,53212|2,53212|3,53352|3,53352|2,53491|3,53631|3,53770|3) - these anchors.
01:04:375 (64375|1,64514|1,64654|1,64793|1,64933|1) - This should be easily fixable since this mostly came from inconsistent layering.
01:53:770 (113770|2,113910|2,114049|2,114189|2,114328|2,114468|2,114607|2,114747|2,114886|2,115026|2,115166|2,115305|2,115445|2,115584|2,115724|2,115863|2,116003|2,116142|2,116282|2) - Oh my gosh. What?
02:40:375 (160375|3,160514|3,160654|3,160793|3,160933|3,161073|3,161212|3,161352|3) - This one is less severe.
02:42:049 (162049|0,162189|0,162328|0,162468|0,162607|0,162747|0,162886|0,163026|0,163166|0) - A bit longer than the previous one.
02:45:119 (165119|0,165259|0,165398|0,165538|0,165677|0,165817|0) - More anchors.
02:45:956 (165956|2,166096|2,166235|2,166375|2,166514|2,166654|2,166793|2,166933|2) - Ouch.
02:46:793 (166793|3,166933|3,167073|3,167212|3,167352|3,167491|3,167631|3,167770|3,167910|3) - Ouch x2
02:48:886 (168886|3,169026|3,169166|3,169305|3,169445|3,169584|3,169724|3,169863|3) - Ouch x3
03:02:700 (182700|0,182840|0,182979|0,183119|0,183259|0,183398|0) - This really could've been avoided.
03:22:793 (202793|2,202933|2,203073|2,203212|2,203352|2,203491|2) - This too, since from what I can see, it's caused by inconsistent layering.
03:25:166 (205166|0,205166|1) - Delete to remove inconsistency and reduce anchor. Killing two birds with one stone!
03:27:259 (207259|2,207398|2,207538|2,207677|2,207817|2) - You really should consider whether a sound should be represented with quadruples, triples or doubles. This kind of inconsistency not only causes technical issues but playability issues.
03:31:724 (211724|1,211863|1,212003|1,212142|1,212282|1) - ^
03:36:189 (216189|1,216328|1,216468|1,216607|1,216747|1,216886|1) - ^. I should stop here as the same problems are showing up over and over again.
Generally not a bad mapset but you should really consider carefully before making certain sounds triples or quadruples.
I highly recommend that you keep the chord sizes of each sounds consistent, meaning kicks won't suddenly jump from doubles to quadruples.
As for Shana's diff... My fingers will be mashed into pulp by hitting by hitting those anchors. I'd personally prefer it if the number of consecutive notes in a column is around 3~4 notes maximum.
Anyways, good luck on ranking!
And have a star!
Deep Sea

Minseo2000 wrote:

From the RRM Mania Modding Queue


Team Grimoire \o/

00:52:514 (52514|2,52654|2,52793|2,52933|2,53073|2,53212|2,53352|2,53491|2,53631|2,53770|2) - :o I can see that this section is really dense but that could've been avoided. Perhaps you can move 00:52:514 (52514|2) - to 0 and 00:53:352 (53352|2) - to either 0 or 3, though the former is recommended.
01:10:933 (70933|2,71073|2,71212|2,71352|2,71491|2,71631|2,71770|2,71910|2) - This one too. Maybe by moving 01:11:770 (71770|2) - .
01:47:491 (107491|0) - Perhaps you can move this to 3 to avoid 01:46:933 (106933|0,107073|0,107212|0,107352|0,107491|0,107631|0) - .
01:55:584 (115584|1,115724|1,115863|1,116003|1,116142|1,116282|1) - Holding right after tapping a bunch of times. Doesn't look so easy. I suggest moving 01:55:584 (115584|1) - to 3 to reduce this anchor even by a small amount.
02:31:026 (151026|2,151166|2,151305|2,151445|2,151584|2,151724|2) - This anchor is also something to consider.
02:34:235 (154235|2,154375|2,154514|2,154654|2,154793|2) - This one too.
02:35:212 (155212|2,155352|2,155491|2,155631|2,155770|2) - And this one. I just realized that the past 3 anchors (including this one) are all on [2]. My right index finger will die.
02:37:863 (157863|2,158003|2,158142|2,158282|2,158421|2,158561|2) - Another one on [2] again. Try moving 02:37:863 (157863|2,157933|1) - 1 column left and 02:38:421 (158421|2) - 1 column right.
02:40:514 (160514|1,160654|1,160793|1,160933|1,161073|1,161212|1,161352|1,161491|1,161631|1,161770|1) - Now this really is something. 10 notes in a row. :o
02:44:421 (164421|3,164561|3,164700|3,164840|3,164979|3) - This one should be easily fixable.
02:45:259 (165259|3,165398|3,165538|3,165677|3,165817|3) - This too.
02:48:747 (168747|2,168886|2,169026|2,169166|2,169305|2,169445|2) - Maybe this. Suggestion in case you need it.
02:55:445 (175445|3,175445|2,175584|3) - Holding with one finger and clicking and holding with another on the same hand doesn't feel all that comfortable. Not that it's a big issue though.
03:02:700 (182700|0,182840|0,182979|0,183119|0,183259|0) - Whew... 03:03:119 (183119|1) - Move to 3 and 03:03:259 (183259|0) - Move to 1?
03:20:212 (200212|1,200282|2,200352|1,200421|2,200491|1,200561|2,200631|1,200700|2) - Eh. Maybe you can spread these out?
03:27:398 (207398|2,207538|2,207677|2,207817|2,207956|2,208096|2) - Whoa. Suggestion
03:31:724 (211724|2,211863|2,212003|2,212142|2,212282|2) - It should be pretty predictable by now : anchors.
03:34:235 (214235|0,214375|0,214514|0,214654|0,214793|0,214933|0) - More anchors.
03:36:747 (216747|1,216886|1,217026|1,217166|1,217305|1,217445|1,217584|1,217724|1,217863|1) - That's a pretty long one.
03:40:235 (220235|2,220375|2,220514|2,220654|2,220793|2,220933|2) - Even more anchors.
03:43:166 (223166|2,223305|2,223445|2,223584|2,223724|2) - Anchors.
03:44:491 (224491|1,224631|1,224770|1,224910|1,225049|1) - ^
03:47:910 (227910|2,228049|2,228189|2,228328|2,228468|2) - ^
03:50:421 (230421|1,230561|1,230700|1,230840|1,230979|1,231119|1,231259|1) - ^
04:02:421 (242421|2,243119|3,243259|3,243398|3,243538|3) - Holding with one finger and clicking and holding with another on the same hand. Not really comfortable. I think I mentioned this before though.
04:09:119 (249119|1,250096|0,250235|0) - ^
04:11:352 (251352|2,252189|3,252328|3,252468|3) - ^

I know that I kinda got lazy with the suggestions at around the end so do feel free to poke me ingame or by PM if you need more.

Generally not a bad mapset but you should really consider carefully before making certain sounds triples or quadruples.
I highly recommend that you keep the chord sizes of each sounds consistent, meaning kicks won't suddenly jump from doubles to quadruples.
As for Shana's diff... My fingers will be mashed into pulp by hitting by hitting those anchors. I'd personally prefer it if the number of consecutive notes in a column is around 3~4 notes maximum.
Anyways, good luck on ranking!
And have a star!
Thank you Minseo2000 for great mod, accepted all but the last 3 points.

Update :
Hello from my queue

Shana's Disinformation
00:36:189 (36189|0,36468|0,36747|0,37026|0) - huuuh
02:27:747 (147747|2,147886|2,148026|2,148166|2) - kinky
02:30:398 (150398|2,150538|2,150677|2,150817|2) - why?
02:39:119 (159119|1,159259|1,159398|1,159538|1) - owo
02:40:654 (160654|3,160793|3,160933|3,161073|3) - save me from this anchor hell
02:41:003 (161003|2,161142|2,161282|2,161421|2,161561|2,161677|2) - mfw
03:19:724 (199724|0,199863|0,200003|0,200142|0,200282|0) - o
03:23:212 (203212|3,203352|3,203491|3,203631|3) - help
03:34:514 (214514|1,214654|1,214793|1,214933|1,215073|1,215212|1,215352|1) - holy moly
03:36:328 (216328|0,216468|0,216607|0,216747|0,216886|0,217026|0) - okay this is getting quite memey now but for real, please.
03:37:305 (217305|1,217445|1,217584|1,217724|1,217863|1) - is it over yet?
03:42:328 (222328|2,222468|2,222607|2,222747|2) - wake me up inside
03:49:584 (229584|0,229724|0,229863|0,230003|0,230142|0) - aaaaaa

holy hell that was a lot of anchors, overall patterning is fine and i can't seem to find any ghost note or anything but jesus...

Hope you found this helpful and not too memey
Deep Sea

Kernaus wrote:

Hello from my queue

Shana's Disinformation
00:36:189 (36189|0,36468|0,36747|0,37026|0) - huuuh
02:27:747 (147747|2,147886|2,148026|2,148166|2) - kinky
02:30:398 (150398|2,150538|2,150677|2,150817|2) - why?
02:39:119 (159119|1,159259|1,159398|1,159538|1) - owo
02:40:654 (160654|3,160793|3,160933|3,161073|3) - save me from this anchor hell
02:41:003 (161003|2,161142|2,161282|2,161421|2,161561|2,161677|2) - mfw
03:19:724 (199724|0,199863|0,200003|0,200142|0,200282|0) - o
03:23:212 (203212|3,203352|3,203491|3,203631|3) - help
03:34:514 (214514|1,214654|1,214793|1,214933|1,215073|1,215212|1,215352|1) - holy moly
03:36:328 (216328|0,216468|0,216607|0,216747|0,216886|0,217026|0) - okay this is getting quite memey now but for real, please.
03:37:305 (217305|1,217445|1,217584|1,217724|1,217863|1) - is it over yet?
03:42:328 (222328|2,222468|2,222607|2,222747|2) - wake me up inside
03:49:584 (229584|0,229724|0,229863|0,230003|0,230142|0) - aaaaaa

holy hell that was a lot of anchors, overall patterning is fine and i can't seem to find any ghost note or anything but jesus...

Hope you found this helpful and not too memey
Thanks a lot, anchors hell fixed ;)
i hate the song!! its scary >:(
Fast Mod
01:54:189 ->

Chorus :
i think no need quads.. ->
03:20:840 triple is okay
if you want quads
>03:25:584 add 1
>1/4 (common type) every white line (second and fourth) make quads | Ex : ->

03:34:445 whats this :o
03:51:398 - 03:52:375 make alltriple ended with quad (add 1 in 03:52:375)
Topic Starter

genkicho wrote:

i hate the song!! its scary >:(
Fast Mod
01:54:189 -> +

Chorus :
i think no need quads.. -> -
03:20:840 triple is okay
if you want quads
>03:25:584 add 1 -
>1/4 (common type) every white line (second and fourth) make quads | Ex : -> -

03:34:445 whats this :o
03:51:398 - 03:52:375 make alltriple ended with quad (add 1 in 03:52:375) +
Oh, hate:D
And yet, thanks.
Привет, Сёма. Небольшой мод для тебя относительно последней сложности:
00:41:631 - одинаковые звуки
00:44:857 - тоже одинаковые звуки (вместо триплов лучше даблы, т.к. ты делаешь даблхорд)
00:49:166 - на этот визг можно лн поставить до троицы
00:53:770 - вот начиная с этой секции уже можно ставить триплы под громкий стук
01:22:514 - если делаешь ЛН+дабл в конце, то делай и здесь, а 2 трипла оставь
01:26:979 - тоже самое
01:29:073 - к чему квадра
01:35:631 - закончил триплом, а пошли даблы
01:36:747 - тоже непонятный трипл выше
01:38:421 - начиная отсюда можешь громкий стук делать триплом, но волну триплов замени даблами
01:46:793 - замени даблджек на стрим
01:51:261 - тоже самое
01:54:189 - ЛНы расставь
01:55:166 - триплы на даблы, хорд на стрим
01:56:282 - триплы можно через 2 в меру
02:14:282 - здесь лучше растянутый звук на дабл ЛН а тот писк 1/8 оставь (БЕЗ ЛН)
Про негропение на 3 минуте смотри начало
03:11:631 - трипл поставь
03:18:607 - триплозвук делаешь квадрой
03:20:840 - тоже самое
Дальше не смотрел.
Allezard asked me to go ahead with the check even though there's a pending mod because the map is in graveyard and he doesn't have any open slots ;n;

BN check
I'm afraid you are only allowed to use a custom diff name on the hardest difficulty. That means you can't call Shana's diff "Disinformation"
I suggest the following name changes:
"Shana's Disinformation" -> "Shana's Extra"
"Extra" -> "Disinformation"
But of course you are free to use any system that follows the Ranking Criteria.
00:26:980 - maybe you should start with a double to match the doubles later on
00:58:235 - I think there should be a whistle hitsound here, following the previous pattern
01:38:421 - you could add a finish here, it's the beginning of a new section
03:30:049 - 03:38:979 - 03:41:212 - 03:45:677 - these should probably be doubles, to follow the pattern

00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:38:4 21 - could add a finish here
03:21:398 - missing whistle hitsound

00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:24:328 - missing note?
04:00:886 - same
02:50:282 - why is there a double here

00:49:305 - missing whistle
00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:51:119 - missing note?
03:02:700 (182700|3,182840|3,182979|3,183119|3,183259|3,183398|3,183538|3) - this is a very long anchor. did you make it on purpose?
03:12:328 - maybe this should be a single, since the rest of this little part is singles only

Shana's Disinformation
00:54:607 - 01:00:189 - i think these are supposed to be triples for the snare
01:15:049 - this whistle hitsound should be on 01:14:979 -
01:20:421 - this little drum break would be more consistent if this were a double
01:55:584 - and why not make this a triple to match the previous notes?
01:51:259 - missing whistle
I think the sync in the laughing section could be improved (I love this part btw):
02:21:166 (141166|3) - move to 02:21:154 -
02:21:538 (141538|1) - move to 02:21:503 -
02:21:724 (141724|3) - move to 02:21:712 -
02:21:910 (141910|1) - move to 02:21:886 -
02:22:096 (142096|2) - move to 02:22:061 -
02:22:282 (142282|3) - move to 02:22:270 -
02:22:468 (142468|1) - move to 02:22:445 -
If you disagree with my timing suggestions please don't hesitate to say so
02:42:514 (162514|1,162607|1) - this jack is placed uncomfortably compared to the other patterns. Can I suggest ctrl+j on 02:42:607 (162607|1,162677|0,162747|1,162817|0) - ?
02:41:724 - missing whistle (?)
03:03:677 - I don't think there's a bass drum here, maybe a single or a LN would be more appropriate
03:06:189 (186189|1) - what's this note for?
03:19:863 - I don't hear the bass drum, maybe it should be a single
03:51:398 - missing whistle
03:59:003 - 04:01:235 - ghost notes?
04:07:724 - it's suddenly quiet here, maybe you can represent it with a single or no notes
04:09:259 - 04:09:538 - 04:14:561 - 04:14:700 - consider adding notes here for consistency (drum kicks)
04:10:166 - missing whistle

00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:07:096 (67096|3,67131|2,67166|3) - this is extremely fast for this easy section, maybe you should make this 01:07:166 - a double instead
01:33:538 (93538|3,93573|2) - if you do ctrl+j on this, the burst patterns will match the change in tone better
01:51:119 - missing note?
02:23:631 - I think this LN should start at 02:23:352 - if you want to follow the bass
02:42:468 - why don't you map the 1/6 burst here?
02:46:793 (166793|3,166933|3,167073|3,167212|3,167352|3,167491|3,167631|3,167770|3,167910|3) - this anchor is rather extreme
02:48:886 (168886|3,169026|3,169166|3,169305|3,169445|3,169584|3,169724|3,169863|3) - so is this one
03:44:840 (224840|2,224840|0,224840|3,224910|1,224979|2,225119|0,225119|3,225119|1,225189|2,225259|1) - maybe you should do ctrl+h on this? the anchor at 03:44:700 (224700|2,224840|2) - breaks the pattern that you followed since the start of the kiai ;n;
04:00:886 - this should be a double for the bass drum

phew, long mod :?
Great map! I look forward to your response 8-)
Deep Sea
Thank you Nivrad for check, all suggestions fixed !!!

rip diff name :(
Topic Starter

Nivrad00 wrote:

Allezard asked me to go ahead with the check even though there's a pending mod because the map is in graveyard and he doesn't have any open slots ;n;

BN check
I'm afraid you are only allowed to use a custom diff name on the hardest difficulty. That means you can't call Shana's diff "Disinformation"
I suggest the following name changes:
"Shana's Disinformation" -> "Shana's Extra"
"Extra" -> "Disinformation"
But of course you are free to use any system that follows the Ranking Criteria.
00:26:980 - maybe you should start with a double to match the doubles later on
00:58:235 - I think there should be a whistle hitsound here, following the previous pattern
01:38:421 - you could add a finish here, it's the beginning of a new section
03:30:049 - 03:38:979 - 03:41:212 - 03:45:677 - these should probably be doubles, to follow the pattern

00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:38:4 21 - could add a finish here
03:21:398 - missing whistle hitsound

00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:24:328 - missing note?
04:00:886 - same
02:50:282 - why is there a double here

00:49:305 - missing whistle
00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:51:119 - missing note?
03:02:700 (182700|3,182840|3,182979|3,183119|3,183259|3,183398|3,183538|3) - this is a very long anchor. did you make it on purpose?
03:12:328 - maybe this should be a single, since the rest of this little part is singles only

Shana's Disinformation
00:54:607 - 01:00:189 - i think these are supposed to be triples for the snare
01:15:049 - this whistle hitsound should be on 01:14:979 -
01:20:421 - this little drum break would be more consistent if this were a double
01:55:584 - and why not make this a triple to match the previous notes?
01:51:259 - missing whistle
I think the sync in the laughing section could be improved (I love this part btw):
02:21:166 (141166|3) - move to 02:21:154 -
02:21:538 (141538|1) - move to 02:21:503 -
02:21:724 (141724|3) - move to 02:21:712 -
02:21:910 (141910|1) - move to 02:21:886 -
02:22:096 (142096|2) - move to 02:22:061 -
02:22:282 (142282|3) - move to 02:22:270 -
02:22:468 (142468|1) - move to 02:22:445 -
If you disagree with my timing suggestions please don't hesitate to say so
02:42:514 (162514|1,162607|1) - this jack is placed uncomfortably compared to the other patterns. Can I suggest ctrl+j on 02:42:607 (162607|1,162677|0,162747|1,162817|0) - ?
02:41:724 - missing whistle (?)
03:03:677 - I don't think there's a bass drum here, maybe a single or a LN would be more appropriate
03:06:189 (186189|1) - what's this note for?
03:19:863 - I don't hear the bass drum, maybe it should be a single
03:51:398 - missing whistle
03:59:003 - 04:01:235 - ghost notes?
04:07:724 - it's suddenly quiet here, maybe you can represent it with a single or no notes
04:09:259 - 04:09:538 - 04:14:561 - 04:14:700 - consider adding notes here for consistency (drum kicks)
04:10:166 - missing whistle

00:58:235 - should be a whistle here
01:07:096 (67096|3,67131|2,67166|3) - this is extremely fast for this easy section, maybe you should make this 01:07:166 - a double instead
01:33:538 (93538|3,93573|2) - if you do ctrl+j on this, the burst patterns will match the change in tone better
01:51:119 - missing note?
02:23:631 - I think this LN should start at 02:23:352 - if you want to follow the bass
02:42:468 - why don't you map the 1/6 burst here?
02:46:793 (166793|3,166933|3,167073|3,167212|3,167352|3,167491|3,167631|3,167770|3,167910|3) - this anchor is rather extreme
02:48:886 (168886|3,169026|3,169166|3,169305|3,169445|3,169584|3,169724|3,169863|3) - so is this one
03:44:840 (224840|2,224840|0,224840|3,224910|1,224979|2,225119|0,225119|3,225119|1,225189|2,225259|1) - maybe you should do ctrl+h on this? the anchor at 03:44:700 (224700|2,224840|2) - breaks the pattern that you followed since the start of the kiai ;n;
04:00:886 - this should be a double for the bass drum

phew, long mod :?
Great map! I look forward to your response 8-)
Thank you Nervad00 :D

Mapset update, check please/
Sorry it took so long to reply ;n;

The changes look great! Call me back when you can update the mapset so I can bubble
We made a few minor changes to L45T C4LL through pm.

Topic Starter

Nivrad00 wrote:

We made a few minor changes to L45T C4LL through pm.

Thanks you)
We hope for further cooperation:D
oh I already mod this... then :/

[color=#FF0000][/Shana's Extra (Disinformation)color]
03:16:863 (196863|3,197142|1,197421|2,197700|2,197979|1,198259|1,198538|2,198817|1,199096|2) - and many more.. these are uselss... remake that part maybe :/

no kudosu

You have been noticed

Please go to my spreadsheet and if possible fix the problem i have mentioned in the review.
when you are ready to go, call me back.
Looking at the map once again, there is some issues that could be an Unrankable issues. Mainly about the use of snapping between 3 highest diff.
So I popping the bubble for now.
Pls take into consideration about which snap that should be used properly.


[L45T C4LL]

00:46:654 (46654|1) - its better to keep your consistency. move it to 2. as you can see that previous
pattern has a stack - 00:46:235 (46235|1,46375|1) - 00:45:956 (45956|3,46096|3) - etc

00:46:793 (46793|2,46793|0,46793|3,46933|0,46933|3,46933|1,47073|0,47073|3,47073|2) - Then you need to ctrl+h this

00:47:212 (47212|1) - but dont move this. keep the consistency

00:48:607 (48607|2) - again. make it a stack. move to 1

00:59:770 (59770|2) - to 2. stacking consistency

01:07:131 - I think there's still a sound here. Try this one

if still want to keep your triple

01:09:817 (69817|2,69956|3) - swap place. keep the stack consistency as I said

01:11:631 (71631|1) - I guess its better if its placed on 1

01:13:654 (73654|3,73671|2,73689|1,73706|0) - as I said in the review. change this into 1/12 snap. compare with all the other diff

01:24:747 (84747|2) - welp. why quad? there arent any additional sounds beside the usual loud kicks. delete this note

01:29:073 (89073|0) - literally same ^

01:53:491 (113491|1,113631|1) - move to 3. for a proper hand balancing

02:34:514 - try

to get rid of unecessary stackin at col 3

02:54:886 (174886|3) - not doubled?

02:57:817 (177817|2) - same

03:45:468 (225468|0,225485|1,225503|2,225520|3) -

hmmmhh snaps

03:56:561 (236561|2) - maybe move to 2 for better control

04:05:352 (245352|1) - to 3. same reason

04:14:421 (254421|1) - ^

[Shana's Extra]

01:20:142 (80142|0,80282|2) - ctrl+g. looks more structural and aesthetic that way

02:41:677 (161677|2,161724|3) - I think these was unsnapped? should they on 1/4?

02:49:445 -

I dont know what is going on here. Shana using constant 1/6 while Allezard using a mix of 1/6 and 1/4 snaps
I cant really assure as well for now, if possible ask opinion to a QAT member before we move on

03:11:142 (191142|2) - I dont think this is important enough to be highlighted. delete?

03:34:375 (214375|0) - delete. see the previous pattern structure - 03:34:026 (214026|1,214096|2,214166|3) -


03:45:433 (225433|3,225468|2,225503|1,225538|0) - reminder that


01:13:584 (73584|0,73654|1,73724|3,73793|2) - hmm maybe its more convenient if its like...

02:57:956 (177956|2) - and - 02:58:514 (178514|3) - I think these should be doubled


02:32:003 (152003|3) - double. as the song encounter a new phase

02:40:933 (160933|1) - ^

03:09:398 (189398|0,189398|3) - wait why doubled? pretty sure this should be one note



Hitsound mod later~
yay ranku ranku this!
Deep Sea
Thanks genkicho and Rivals, all suggestions applied.
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Looking at the map once again, there is some issues that could be an Unrankable issues. Mainly about the use of snapping between 3 highest diff.
So I popping the bubble for now.
Pls take into consideration about which snap that should be used properly.


[L45T C4LL]

00:46:654 (46654|1) - its better to keep your consistency. move it to 2. as you can see that previous
pattern has a stack - 00:46:235 (46235|1,46375|1) - 00:45:956 (45956|3,46096|3) - etc

00:46:793 (46793|2,46793|0,46793|3,46933|0,46933|3,46933|1,47073|0,47073|3,47073|2) - Then you need to ctrl+h this

00:47:212 (47212|1) - but dont move this. keep the consistency

00:48:607 (48607|2) - again. make it a stack. move to 1

00:59:770 (59770|2) - to 2. stacking consistency

01:07:131 - I think there's still a sound here. Try this one

if still want to keep your triple

01:09:817 (69817|2,69956|3) - swap place. keep the stack consistency as I said

01:11:631 (71631|1) - I guess its better if its placed on 1

01:13:654 (73654|3,73671|2,73689|1,73706|0) - as I said in the review. change this into 1/12 snap. compare with all the other diff

01:24:747 (84747|2) - welp. why quad? there arent any additional sounds beside the usual loud kicks. delete this note

01:29:073 (89073|0) - literally same ^

01:53:491 (113491|1,113631|1) - move to 3. for a proper hand balancing

02:34:514 - try

to get rid of unecessary stackin at col 3

02:54:886 (174886|3) - not doubled?

02:57:817 (177817|2) - same

03:45:468 (225468|0,225485|1,225503|2,225520|3) -

hmmmhh snaps

03:56:561 (236561|2) - maybe move to 2 for better control

04:05:352 (245352|1) - to 3. same reason

04:14:421 (254421|1) - ^

[Shana's Extra]

01:20:142 (80142|0,80282|2) - ctrl+g. looks more structural and aesthetic that way

02:41:677 (161677|2,161724|3) - I think these was unsnapped? should they on 1/4?

02:49:445 -

I dont know what is going on here. Shana using constant 1/6 while Allezard using a mix of 1/6 and 1/4 snaps
I cant really assure as well for now, if possible ask opinion to a QAT member before we move on

03:11:142 (191142|2) - I dont think this is important enough to be highlighted. delete?

03:34:375 (214375|0) - delete. see the previous pattern structure - 03:34:026 (214026|1,214096|2,214166|3) -


03:45:433 (225433|3,225468|2,225503|1,225538|0) - reminder that


01:13:584 (73584|0,73654|1,73724|3,73793|2) - hmm maybe its more convenient if its like...

02:57:956 (177956|2) - and - 02:58:514 (178514|3) - I think these should be doubled


02:32:003 (152003|3) - double. as the song encounter a new phase

02:40:933 (160933|1) - ^

03:09:398 (189398|0,189398|3) - wait why doubled? pretty sure this should be one note



Hitsound mod later~

Thanks for the check. Accepted.

I also decided to add to improve:

1. Insane

2. L45T C4LL
No Kudos


Hitsound + some pattern mod again
Tips: click View -> Show sample name to find the hitsound easier

[L45T C4LL]

01:04:654 (64654|1,64724|2,64793|1,64933|2,64933|1) - 01:04:375 (64375|2,64514|1) - 01:07:166 (67166|1) - 01:33:956 (93956|2) - 03:02:979 (182979|0,183119|0) - 03:12:189 (192189|1) - W

02:05:212 (125212|1) - change to W

02:11:910 (131910|2) - F

[Shana's Extra]

Disable Widescreen support

02:49:584 (169584|0,169654|1,169724|3) - why is the snap still conflicted?

just to be safe, use 1/6 mixed with 1/4 like insane/L45T C4LL has

01:15:538 (75538|3,75607|2,75677|3) - 01:38:282 (98282|1) - 02:09:538 (129538|2) - 03:33:398 (213398|1,213677|2,213956|3) - W

02:46:375 (166375|1,166514|1) - remove F. doesnt seem fit on this part

03:16:654 - last time i saw this it was full stream, now it has the same structure as last call xD

03:19:863 (199863|0) - remove W

04:07:724 (247724|1) - delete note, this seems to be a ghost


01:02:700 (62700|3) - 03:34:514 (214514|3) - 03:43:445 (223445|0) - change to W

01:04:654 (64654|1,64724|2,64793|1,64933|1) - W

01:15:956 (75956|1) - add one more note since the kick is quite loud

02:05:212 (125212|1) - change to W


01:04:654 (64654|3,64724|2,64793|1,64933|3) - 01:07:166 (67166|3) - 01:24:886 (84886|1) - 01:33:956 (93956|3) - 01:56:840 (116840|1,117119|2) - 02:00:468 (120468|3,120607|3) - 02:05:212 (125212|1) - 03:12:189 (192189|0) - W

01:29:491 (89491|3) - 03:25:584 (205584|0) - change to W

02:07:166 (127166|3,127305|3) - change to F

01:56:840 (116840|0,117119|1) - F

03:12:747 - maybe add one more note. leaving this empty is kinda awkward


01:02:700 (62700|1) - 01:04:654 (64654|0,64724|1,64793|2,64933|0) - 01:07:166 (67166|3) - 01:11:631 (71631|3) - 01:24:468 (84468|0,84607|3) - 01:29:491 (89491|3) - 01:33:398 (93398|3) - 02:05:212 (125212|1) - 03:16:654 (196654|1) - 03:34:514 (214514|2) - 03:36:538 (216538|1) - W

02:14:142 (134142|3) - end LN at - 02:18:328 -


01:00:189 (60189|1) - 01:02:700 (62700|2) - 01:11:631 (71631|3) - 01:29:491 (89491|3) - 03:16:654 (196654|2) - 03:25:166 (205166|2,205305|0) - 03:25:584 (205584|1) - 03:33:398 (213398|0,213677|3,213956|0,214235|2,214514|1) - W

03:41:212 (221212|1) - delete. i dont get why is this the only double

you may call niv to rebub if you agreed with some of the Hitsound and pattern suggestion above.
Poke me if its done
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

No Kudos


Hitsound + some pattern mod again
Tips: click View -> Show sample name to find the hitsound easier

[L45T C4LL]

01:04:654 (64654|1,64724|2,64793|1,64933|2,64933|1) - 01:04:375 (64375|2,64514|1) - 01:07:166 (67166|1) - 01:33:956 (93956|2) - 03:02:979 (182979|0,183119|0) - 03:12:189 (192189|1) - W

02:05:212 (125212|1) - change to W

02:11:910 (131910|2) - F

[Shana's Extra]

Disable Widescreen support

02:49:584 (169584|0,169654|1,169724|3) - why is the snap still conflicted?

just to be safe, use 1/6 mixed with 1/4 like insane/L45T C4LL has

01:15:538 (75538|3,75607|2,75677|3) - 01:38:282 (98282|1) - 02:09:538 (129538|2) - 03:33:398 (213398|1,213677|2,213956|3) - W

02:46:375 (166375|1,166514|1) - remove F. doesnt seem fit on this part

03:16:654 - last time i saw this it was full stream, now it has the same structure as last call xD

03:19:863 (199863|0) - remove W

04:07:724 (247724|1) - delete note, this seems to be a ghost


01:02:700 (62700|3) - 03:34:514 (214514|3) - 03:43:445 (223445|0) - change to W

01:04:654 (64654|1,64724|2,64793|1,64933|1) - W

01:15:956 (75956|1) - add one more note since the kick is quite loud

02:05:212 (125212|1) - change to W


01:04:654 (64654|3,64724|2,64793|1,64933|3) - 01:07:166 (67166|3) - 01:24:886 (84886|1) - 01:33:956 (93956|3) - 01:56:840 (116840|1,117119|2) - 02:00:468 (120468|3,120607|3) - 02:05:212 (125212|1) - 03:12:189 (192189|0) - W

01:29:491 (89491|3) - 03:25:584 (205584|0) - change to W

02:07:166 (127166|3,127305|3) - change to F

01:56:840 (116840|0,117119|1) - F

03:12:747 - maybe add one more note. leaving this empty is kinda awkward


01:02:700 (62700|1) - 01:04:654 (64654|0,64724|1,64793|2,64933|0) - 01:07:166 (67166|3) - 01:11:631 (71631|3) - 01:24:468 (84468|0,84607|3) - 01:29:491 (89491|3) - 01:33:398 (93398|3) - 02:05:212 (125212|1) - 03:16:654 (196654|1) - 03:34:514 (214514|2) - 03:36:538 (216538|1) - W

02:14:142 (134142|3) - end LN at - 02:18:328 -


01:00:189 (60189|1) - 01:02:700 (62700|2) - 01:11:631 (71631|3) - 01:29:491 (89491|3) - 03:16:654 (196654|2) - 03:25:166 (205166|2,205305|0) - 03:25:584 (205584|1) - 03:33:398 (213398|0,213677|3,213956|0,214235|2,214514|1) - W

03:41:212 (221212|1) - delete. i dont get why is this the only double

you may call niv to rebub if you agreed with some of the Hitsound and pattern suggestion above.
Poke me if its done

Thank you very much for the work done.
Expect a C4LL :)
Great work!

Rebubble []img[/]
You might want to add "gilles de rais" in tags since searching for g1ll35 d3 r415 can quickly be annoying.
Looks good, Applies Krah's suggestion above as well .
I'll qualify when niv's post reach 24 Hours

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