
Where did your username originate from?

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my username literally came from smashing my hands on my keyboard and ending up with just a string of letters that evolved into my name: wndlsnku
i like my cavier
Hi There,

My name is a psychic ability (ice manipulation). I prefer the cold, my resistance to heat is somewhat bad.
My life so far has been a cycle. That gets personal, but I chose reprise because it means "to repeat."
Murai Samurai
Neon Samurai was my old username I used, but I ended up just shortening it to Murai. However, when I made my osu! account, Murai was already taken, so I added Samurai to the end. Simple as that. I guess it kinda links back to my old username.
Variation of my surname, used it for 10 years
My name is genus of snake. I like them. idk
My osu! username is a shortened version of my normal username I use on basically everything. (Dontmakemeeatyou)

The full version (Dontmakemeeatyou) originated from my World of Warcraft Guild... I swear it couldn't get nerdier than that.
bad aimm
got it from my irl name Erik but Erik was taken so i put a -
Kagamine Rin + Hatsune Miku.
Dang I was such a weeb.
i like milkshakes

i'm not too sure about the frozen part though

i'm sure its for a reason
i like ahri

ahri is a kumiho

someone took the name ahri
Technically this user just popped out right on my head, cause I just like the number 47
My name comes from the Survivor contestant "Yau-Man Chan", my favourite contestant BY FAR!
New username! So...

I love anything raspberry-flavored, so I started with that and wanted a good way to end the username

The song I was listening to at the time was "Etheriel" by Lush

You can figure out the rest
My real name starts with R + my birthday
I played at a netcafe as a zombie on L4D2 and whoever last played had the name meatlover.

I liked the name so I stole it.
I thought about the only thing I'm good at.

I just thought of this word. What I said above was fake.

dePa : I was a big fan of Depapepe, by the time i create that name
Passtore : out of nowhere, i have feeling that i could be the pastor/saint/holy person who lead the world of game which is impossible since i've made so many sins just like other human being and there's no way i could be such holy person

There you have it :)
some wubwoofwolf impersonator ;(
I think everyone knows where my name came from... my old username however (ShazWow) originated from Tribes (SHAZBOT) and the Wow was (not from WoW, strange ikr) just something I added because Shaz was taken on
I went into a 'boo' phase months ago, and on another website I chose the name Cinnyboo. My name's Lucinda but my IGN on a game was Cinneh so everyone called me Cin. I thought I could make a cutesy username out of it. Now I use the name for most websites as it's easier to remember. c:
my real name plus one more n
i love catgirls~
meh name originated from kantai collection, so it's not vry orignal. my original name was stupickle, which originated from a hockey player nmed Stu Bickle. I thought he was adumbass bu tit was funny to se hm plya so i made ma name stupickle bc it sonds liek stupid-clke hehe
My original username was AzureDoctor. I made this a few years back and I simply combined my favourite colour with my dream job and I had a good username.

I came up with my current username while thinking up names for a character to use in a story that I was writing. The character's name was originally going to be Annika Flinn but it didn't have a nice ring to it. I found that a name sounds really nice when both the first and last names end with the same characters, so then I changed the name to Annika Flina and I was done.

I never actually got around to writing my story, so now the name is my screen name .-.
Well... I am a Circle Fairy! ;)
My name is just my old WoW name. But after lookin it up I found something about a mild sl/Zenotama ultrasound est. 2008 so I guess im an ultrasound.
After a loooooong chain of failed clans, I got an obsession with Sub Zero (Because his combos were simple enough in Mortal Kombat 9) and the "XD" originates from the name "SubZ" being too short for Xbox and "XxSubZeroxX" being already taken.
"That feel when no girlfriend". I am almost 30 and never had the one.
Story of my username: Kidaste + Hatsune Miku = KidaMiku
Kidaste as my home village and Hatsune Miku, because she was the first japanese artist I started to listen.
Mine originated from a commercial there was a cat on a couch and the sign said im a waffle theif and i came up with Iwaffletheif :D
Random word generator.
I decided to take some letters from my entire name to make something interesting when I came to the realization that I could spell "Solaire" with them. I slapped that name on my profile in a heartbeat. Especially since Dark Souls was a really good (and *cough*stressful*cough*) game. As for "218", it was the room number for my advisory in high school. The guys in that classroom were the best comrades I ever had. :D
-when i begun osu my name was Kazutodacer, Kazuto casue i liked sao and i wanted to wrtie dancer but i forgot the n soo yeaaa xd

-after that i was NaThaNeL, i saw a documentary about a emergancy on the philipines and there was a guy called Natanael and i liked this big and small letters thing i saw first time by SiLViA and so i put some letters away and added the h so yessssss xd

-and now NaTha cause most of my friends online call me with my real name or NaTha and yes NaTha sounds smarter xd
Literally was making up a name using vowels. I do this often with usernames I use on the internet. A few examples of mine: Auphie, Mirae, Ruira
I am a filthy low life weeb and homestuck trash. So I thought, "Hey, why not combine two of the edgiest characters from my two favorite things?!" Then an abomination occurred.
Electrode the pokemon

Electoz wrote:

wow coincidence
/me hides
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