
ginkiha - nightfall (full ver) [OsuMania]

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[ A v a l o n ]
art of perfection <3
Topic Starter
Deep Sea
Пропущен звук 00:24:864 - и тут тоже 00:35:298 - . А на местах где у тебя начинаются ЛНы вроде по идее должны быть ударки... но место все же сомнительное.

00:02:934 - исходя из твоей системы здесь нужна нота.

00:03:260 - сюда наверное тоже.

00:05:217 (5217|0,6195|0) - эти ноты удалить, а сюда 00:05:543 - 00:05:869 - добавить.
В общем так будет лучше думаю:

00:07:499 - Ноту можно в 3 колонку.

00:08:152 - здесь тоже два звука.

00:10:760 - сюда тоже можно ноту.

В общем буду скринами кидать паттерны где у тебя ноты пропущены 00:13:043 -

Тут 00:15:652 - аналогичный момент как и на первом скрине.

00:17:608 (17608|2) - на 2 колонку, 00:17:934 - пропустил звук, на 4ую его можно.

00:29:021 (29021|1) - эту ноту думаю можно убрать, а вот сюда добавить 00:30:652 -

00:30:978 - сделай лучше так:

00:34:565 (34565|3) - можно удалить эту ноту ноту, а эту 00:34:891 (34891|1) - в четвертую колонку.

00:36:847 - здесь лучше так сделать:

00:38:152 (38152|1,38804|3) - не понимаю к чему эти ЛНы, удали:D

00:40:760 - здесь сделай один Лн во второй колонке.

00:42:065 (42065|2) - Удалить!

00:42:554 - Добавить! (во вторую)

00:42:717 (42717|1) - на первую колонку, 00:43:043 (43043|1) - на вторую(тут еще звуки пропущены в этом месте 00:42:880 - как лескнка на 1/8 можно в принципе замапать), 00:43:695 (43695|0) - на первую.

00:44:673 (44673|2,44999|0) - тут снова не слышу под ноты звуков, можно удалить.

00:46:304 (46304|0) - под нотой нету звука.

00:46:630 - а вот тут есть, на первую колонку можно.

00:46:793 - вторая колонка.

00:47:282 (47282|1) - нету звука под ноту.

00:48:913 - здесь много пропустил:

00:52:989 - пропустил.

00:53:315 - 00:53:396 - сюда тоже можно ноты добавить.

00:55:108 (55108|1,55434|0) - Казнить! 00:55:108 (55108|3) - на первую.

00:59:184 - отсюда начинается пасcаж нот на 1/4. Я бы на твоем месте убрал ЛН на 4ой и замапал пассажик.

01:01:195 - здесь уже она выделяется на 1/6 как звук.
Leah's Normal
00:02:608 - add note

00:03:586 - ^

00:05:217 - ^

00:06:195 - ^

00:13:043 - ^

00:14:021 - ^

00:15:652 - ^

00:16:630 - ^

00:31:304 - ^

00:32:608 - ^

00:37:826 - ^

00:40:108 - ^

00:41:086 - ^

00:50:217 - 00:50:869 - 00:55:434 - 00:56:902 - 00:57:717 - 00:59:510 - ^ and etc...

01:21:847 - - looks better

01:36:521 - add note

01:37:499 - ^ and etc...
00:06:195 - ноту?

00:11:413 - ^

00:16:630 - ^

00:18:260 - сделай здесь дабл, 00:18:913 - а тут трипл

00:19:565 - здесь тоже трипл можно, 00:20:217 - и тут

00:59:021 - еще ноту?

01:40:108 - ноту?

01:50:543 - ^

SpinForWin wrote:

Leah's Normal
00:02:608 - add note

00:03:586 - ^

00:05:217 - ^

00:06:195 - ^

00:13:043 - ^

00:14:021 - ^

00:15:652 - ^

00:16:630 - ^

00:31:304 - ^

00:32:608 - ^

00:37:826 - ^

00:40:108 - ^

00:41:086 - ^

00:50:217 - 00:50:869 - 00:55:434 - 00:56:902 - 00:57:717 - 00:59:510 - ^ and etc...

01:21:847 - - looks better

01:36:521 - add note

01:37:499 - ^ and etc...
Fixed all thx for your mod :D
Вот эти ноты, думаю, стоит убрать:
00:01:304 (1304|2)
00:05:217 (5217|3)
00:06:195 (6195|0)
00:06:521 (6521|1)
00:11:413 (11413|1)
00:11:739 (11739|3)
00:13:043 (13043|0)
00:15:652 (15652|2)
00:38:152 (38152|1)
00:38:804 (38804|3)
01:35:217 (95217|1)
01:40:108 (100108|3)
01:40:434 (100434|2)
01:45:652 (105652|0)
01:54:782 (114782|2)
01:55:434 (115434|0)

А вот сюда добавить:
00:07:499 - 3-я колонка
00:17:934 - 2-я колонка
01:41:413 - 3-я колонка
01:51:521 - 2-я колонка
01:51:847 - 3-я колонка
18:53 *Akary is editing [ ginkiha - nightfall [Stars]]
18:53 Akary: 00:24:864 - а сюда не нужно ноту стамить? >_>
18:54 [Shana Lesus]: секунду Маакс
18:54 [Shana Lesus]: и чекну
18:54 [Shana Lesus]: я карту обновлю
18:54 Akary: 00:27:309 - ^
18:54 Akary: Оке
18:56 [Shana Lesus]: обнови
18:56 Akary: 00:24:888 -
18:57 Akary: 00:27:333 -
18:57 [Shana Lesus]: на 24 и 27 добавил
18:57 [Shana Lesus]: точнее
18:57 [Shana Lesus]: на 27
18:57 [Shana Lesus]: уже есть нота
18:57 [Shana Lesus]: и лн
18:57 Akary: 00:29:942 -
18:57 [Shana Lesus]: или ты хочешь чтобы было 2 ноты ?
18:57 Akary: Не
18:58 Akary: Там же есть звук
18:58 Akary: А не
18:58 Akary: Сорян :D
18:58 [Shana Lesus]: а
18:58 [Shana Lesus]: не
18:58 Akary: А нет
18:58 Akary: Есть
18:58 [Shana Lesus]: там лучше ноту не ставить
18:58 Akary: 00:29:942 -
18:59 [Shana Lesus]: понял
18:59 Akary: 00:32:469 - ^
18:59 [Shana Lesus]: но лучше ставить не буду :D
18:59 [Shana Lesus]: не хочу спокойный ритм ломать
18:59 Akary: 00:32:551 - ^
18:59 Akary: :D
19:00 Akary: Ну, я ток такие могу находить, в остальном все нормально
19:01 [Shana Lesus]: прям
19:01 [Shana Lesus]: все все ?
19:02 Akary: 03:49:915 - ноту добавь
19:02 Akary: 03:52:197 - тут ты главное делал по 2 ноты
19:02 Akary: 03:49:915 - а тут нет
19:02 Akary: Падазрительно
19:03 [Shana Lesus]: ОООООООООООООО
19:03 *[Shana Lesus] runs
19:03 [Shana Lesus]: добавил
19:03 Akary: Дальше еще посмотри
19:03 Akary: Там также
19:04 Akary: 04:07:197 - адд
19:05 Akary: 04:07:523 - и сюда я думал тоже
19:05 Akary: 04:10:458 (250458|2) - а ее удалить
19:06 [Shana Lesus]: най
19:06 [Shana Lesus]: с
19:06 [Shana Lesus]: мой герой
19:07 [Shana Lesus]: все сделал
19:07 Akary: 01:56:763 - может тоже добавить?
19:07 [Shana Lesus]: не не
19:07 Akary: 02:01:980 - и сюда
19:08 Akary: 01:59:371 (119371|3) - однако ж ты сюда добавил
19:08 [Shana Lesus]: ауч
19:08 Akary: 02:12:415 - сюда б я еще поставил нотку
19:08 [Shana Lesus]: не бей
19:08 [Shana Lesus]: добавил
19:09 Akary: 1\8 нотки не будешь делать?
19:09 [Shana Lesus]: неть
19:09 [Shana Lesus]: тут и не слышал толком
19:10 Akary: 02:48:284 - сюда нотку?
19:10 Akary: 02:53:502 - ^
19:11 Akary: Ну, вроде все
19:11 [Shana Lesus]: спасибо дорогой
19:11 Akary: Честно говоря, я б еще много где нотки поставил :D
19:12 [Shana Lesus]: где ?
19:12 Akary: Да я про 1\8 все говорю
19:12 Akary: :D
19:12 [Shana Lesus]: изыйди демон
19:12 [Shana Lesus]: :D
19:13 [Shana Lesus]: пости ирк чат на форум
19:13 [Shana Lesus]: я кудосай дам
19:13 Akary: 00:22:034 - а то тут есть
19:13 Akary: А в других похожих местах нет
19:13 [Shana Lesus]: хорошо
19:13 [Shana Lesus]: предлагай
19:13 Akary: *мунфейс*
19:14 Akary: 00:29:860 - ну вот, момент один
19:14 Akary: 00:32:469 - второй
19:14 Akary: 00:42:904 - пианка считается? XD
19:15 Akary: Ну и все в этом духе
19:15 [Shana Lesus]: вот теперь
19:15 [Shana Lesus]: надо сидеть и думать
19:16 [Shana Lesus]: ставить или не ставить
19:16 [Shana Lesus]: а если ставиь
19:16 [Shana Lesus]: придется делать ре-рейнж
19:17 Akary: Ну, в общем это все
Topic Starter
Deep Sea
Thanks Allezard, Spin, Semyon, Akary, almost all fixed <3
00:32:469 -
00:35:241 -
00:37:768 - добавь ноту
00:39:154 - ^
00:42:985 - ^
00:53:339 -
00:56:437 - я бы еще ноту добавил
01:49:589 - ^
02:19:589 -
02:24:725 -
02:27:252 -
02:32:551 -
02:37:360 - добавь ноту
02:37:768 - ^
02:48:121 -
02:56:002 (176002|0) - это сюда>02:55:947
02:56:110 (176110|3) - этот лн отсюда>02:56:110 (176110|3)
02:56:110 (176110|3) - добавь ноту
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

eyes wrote:

00:32:469 -
00:35:241 -
00:37:768 - добавь ноту
00:39:154 - ^
00:42:985 - ^
00:53:339 -
00:56:437 - я бы еще ноту добавил
01:49:589 - ^
02:19:589 -
02:24:725 -
02:27:252 -
02:32:551 -
02:37:360 - добавь ноту
02:37:768 - ^
02:48:121 -
02:56:002 (176002|0) - это сюда>02:55:947
02:56:110 (176110|3) - этот лн отсюда>02:56:110 (176110|3)
02:56:110 (176110|3) - добавь ноту
all fixed, thanks
Hi Shana-sama~ (My M4M req in game PM)
Sorry for my grammar, I'm not good in English :(
Leah's Night
00:01:980 (1980|2) - move to |1|
00:09:154 (9154|3) - move to |2| ,because 00:07:850 - 00:09:806 becuase pattern is repetitive
00:28:067 (28067|2) - move to |2| maybe flow better
00:41:110 (41110|3,41110|0,41273|1,41437|2,41600|3,41763|0,41763|2) - Ctrl+H ?
01:36:545 (96545|1,96545|3,97034|2,97034|0,97523|1,97523|2) - I think change to single note will be consistency with 01:26:110 (86110|3,86600|2,87089|3) - I think it isn't emphasize so make it be single note
01:40:458 (100458|1) - to |3| ?
02:00:023 (120023|2) - end here 02:02:469
02:19:589 - add note at |2|, because you make double in 02:30:023
03:53:176 - maybe add note at |1| ?
04:03:610 - ^

02:08:828 - add note at |1|, because emphasize sound here
02:20:893 (140893|2) - Delete, maybe flow better
02:31:328 (151328|1) - ^
02:39:154 - very emphasize sound here add note at |2|
02:41:110 (161110|2) - Yeah.. I can here the sound, but it's really light, maybe delete
04:08:502 - add note at |3|
04:08:828 (248828|2) - move to |4| because different sound with 04:09:154 (249154|2)
04:09:806 - maybe add 1 note here
04:10:784 (250784|1) - change to normal note ,I didn't hear long sound here xD

Overall is good, I like this song too!
feel free to reject my suggestions! I hope this can help you.
Good Luck!
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

WolfyArmato- wrote:

Hi Shana-sama~ (My M4M req in game PM)
Sorry for my grammar, I'm not good in English :(

02:08:828 - add note at |1|, because emphasize sound here
02:20:893 (140893|2) - Delete, maybe flow better
02:31:328 (151328|1) - ^
02:39:154 - very emphasize sound here add note at |2|
02:41:110 (161110|2) - Yeah.. I can here the sound, but it's really light, maybe delete
04:08:502 - add note at |3|
04:08:828 (248828|2) - move to |4| because different sound with 04:09:154 (249154|2)
04:09:806 - maybe add 1 note here
04:10:784 (250784|1) - change to normal note ,I didn't hear long sound here xD

Overall is good, I like this song too!
feel free to reject my suggestions! I hope this can help you.
Good Luck!
Thanks for mod Wolfy, almost all advices have been taken !

WolfyArmato- wrote:

Hi Shana-sama~ (My M4M req in game PM)
Sorry for my grammar, I'm not good in English :(
Leah's Night
00:01:980 (1980|2) - move to |1|
00:09:154 (9154|3) - move to |2| ,because 00:07:850 - 00:09:806 becuase pattern is repetitive
00:28:067 (28067|2) - move to |2| maybe flow better
00:41:110 (41110|3,41110|0,41273|1,41437|2,41600|3,41763|0,41763|2) - Ctrl+H ?
01:36:545 (96545|1,96545|3,97034|2,97034|0,97523|1,97523|2) - I think change to single note will be consistency with 01:26:110 (86110|3,86600|2,87089|3) - I think it isn't emphasize so make it be single note
01:40:458 (100458|1) - to |3| ?
02:00:023 (120023|2) - end here 02:02:469
02:19:589 - add note at |2|, because you make double in 02:30:023
03:53:176 - maybe add note at |1| ?
04:03:610 - ^

Overall is good, I like this song too!
feel free to reject my suggestions! I hope this can help you.
Good Luck!
Fixed all thx :D
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

- [ L e a h ] - wrote:

WolfyArmato- wrote:

Hi Shana-sama~ (My M4M req in game PM)
Sorry for my grammar, I'm not good in English :(
Leah's Night
00:01:980 (1980|2) - move to |1|
00:09:154 (9154|3) - move to |2| ,because 00:07:850 - 00:09:806 becuase pattern is repetitive
00:28:067 (28067|2) - move to |2| maybe flow better
00:41:110 (41110|3,41110|0,41273|1,41437|2,41600|3,41763|0,41763|2) - Ctrl+H ?
01:36:545 (96545|1,96545|3,97034|2,97034|0,97523|1,97523|2) - I think change to single note will be consistency with 01:26:110 (86110|3,86600|2,87089|3) - I think it isn't emphasize so make it be single note
01:40:458 (100458|1) - to |3| ?
02:00:023 (120023|2) - end here 02:02:469
02:19:589 - add note at |2|, because you make double in 02:30:023
03:53:176 - maybe add note at |1| ?
04:03:610 - ^

Overall is good, I like this song too!
feel free to reject my suggestions! I hope this can help you.
Good Luck!
Fixed all thx :D
I just want to suggest few things for you..... ^^

Leah's Night
I have a link to my dropbox for the osz file of this mod in "Leah's Night" difficulty....

00:25:295 - move this note to the 3rd column….I found this pattern better & most relative to the change of pitch in the music ( though it's not 100%
accurate since we're in just 4Keys)…. This will make the player feel the pitch of the music better……

00:35:730 - move this note to the 3rd column…

00:45:350 - add a note...( better at 1st column)

00:51:545 - I recommend removing the single note here (There is no corresponding beat or musical note)…..This will do better…. Making your holds pattern

02:20:078 - move this note to the 3rd column…

02:29:697 - move the long note to the 1st column (to fit my adjustments above this note)

02:30:023 - move this two notes one column to the right (resulting to one note in the 2nd column and one in the 4th)

02:30:187 - move it to 3rd column

02:30:350 - move it to 2nd column

02:30:513 - move it to 3rd column

02:30:676 - move it to 4th column

02:30:839 - move it to 3rd column

02:31:002 - move it to 2nd column

02:31:165 - move it to 1st column

02:31:328 - move this two notes one column to the right (one on the 2nd and one on the 4th)

02:31:654 - move it to the 3rd column

02:31:980 - move it to the 1st column

02:35:567 - add note (better in 3rd column)

02:40:132 - also add note (better in 3rd column)

02:46:328 - remove the single note here to make your holding patterns richer (same reason earlier, the "note" have no relative beat, "musical note" or pitch)

03:59:371 - add note (better in the 4th column)

04:05:893 - add note (better in 3rd column)

04:05:219 - move note to 2nd column (to fit with the change in 4:05:893)

04:10:947 - move it to 2nd column

04:11:110 - move it to 4th column………I suggest you end you map here….We know that it is better to map your "notes" relative to audible music notes
especially when it is low in tempo and not very high in difficulty….. It would surely make the player "feel the music more"….I really appreciate the
music and patterns from the start but I'm so sorry because I didn't feel the beauty of the music while seeing this pattern from 04:11:437 towards
above it…. But still, it's just my own suggestion……. it's all up to you…

Everything here is only my suggestions........^^ Again, it's all up to you.... ^^

Your Beatmap is almost perfect for ranking..!!!!
I really love the song ... ^^
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

Benson_Miakoun wrote:

I just want to suggest few things for you..... ^^

Leah's Night
I have a link to my dropbox for the osz file of this mod in "Leah's Night" difficulty....

00:25:295 - move this note to the 3rd column….I found this pattern better & most relative to the change of pitch in the music ( though it's not 100%
accurate since we're in just 4Keys)…. This will make the player feel the pitch of the music better……

00:35:730 - move this note to the 3rd column…

00:45:350 - add a note...( better at 1st column)

00:51:545 - I recommend removing the single note here (There is no corresponding beat or musical note)…..This will do better…. Making your holds pattern

02:20:078 - move this note to the 3rd column…

02:29:697 - move the long note to the 1st column (to fit my adjustments above this note)

02:30:023 - move this two notes one column to the right (resulting to one note in the 2nd column and one in the 4th)

02:30:187 - move it to 3rd column

02:30:350 - move it to 2nd column

02:30:513 - move it to 3rd column

02:30:676 - move it to 4th column

02:30:839 - move it to 3rd column

02:31:002 - move it to 2nd column

02:31:165 - move it to 1st column

02:31:328 - move this two notes one column to the right (one on the 2nd and one on the 4th)

02:31:654 - move it to the 3rd column

02:31:980 - move it to the 1st column

02:35:567 - add note (better in 3rd column)

02:40:132 - also add note (better in 3rd column)

02:46:328 - remove the single note here to make your holding patterns richer (same reason earlier, the "note" have no relative beat, "musical note" or pitch)

03:59:371 - add note (better in the 4th column)

04:05:893 - add note (better in 3rd column)

04:05:219 - move note to 2nd column (to fit with the change in 4:05:893)

04:10:947 - move it to 2nd column

04:11:110 - move it to 4th column………I suggest you end you map here….We know that it is better to map your "notes" relative to audible music notes
especially when it is low in tempo and not very high in difficulty….. It would surely make the player "feel the music more"….I really appreciate the
music and patterns from the start but I'm so sorry because I didn't feel the beauty of the music while seeing this pattern from 04:11:437 towards
above it…. But still, it's just my own suggestion……. it's all up to you…

Everything here is only my suggestions........^^ Again, it's all up to you.... ^^

Your Beatmap is almost perfect for ranking..!!!!
I really love the song ... ^^
Thank you for mod, waiting reply Leah ~

Benson_Miakoun wrote:

I just want to suggest few things for you..... ^^

Leah's Night
I have a link to my dropbox for the osz file of this mod in "Leah's Night" difficulty....

00:25:295 - move this note to the 3rd column….I found this pattern better & most relative to the change of pitch in the music ( though it's not 100%
accurate since we're in just 4Keys)…. This will make the player feel the pitch of the music better……

00:35:730 - move this note to the 3rd column…

00:45:350 - add a note...( better at 1st column)

00:51:545 - I recommend removing the single note here (There is no corresponding beat or musical note)…..This will do better…. Making your holds pattern

02:20:078 - move this note to the 3rd column…

02:29:697 - move the long note to the 1st column (to fit my adjustments above this note)

02:30:023 - move this two notes one column to the right (resulting to one note in the 2nd column and one in the 4th)

02:30:187 - move it to 3rd column

02:30:350 - move it to 2nd column

02:30:513 - move it to 3rd column

02:30:676 - move it to 4th column

02:30:839 - move it to 3rd column

02:31:002 - move it to 2nd column

02:31:165 - move it to 1st column

02:31:328 - move this two notes one column to the right (one on the 2nd and one on the 4th)

02:31:654 - move it to the 3rd column

02:31:980 - move it to the 1st column

02:35:567 - add note (better in 3rd column)

02:40:132 - also add note (better in 3rd column)

02:46:328 - remove the single note here to make your holding patterns richer (same reason earlier, the "note" have no relative beat, "musical note" or pitch)

03:59:371 - add note (better in the 4th column)

04:05:893 - add note (better in 3rd column)

04:05:219 - move note to 2nd column (to fit with the change in 4:05:893)

04:10:947 - move it to 2nd column

04:11:110 - move it to 4th column………I suggest you end you map here….We know that it is better to map your "notes" relative to audible music notes
especially when it is low in tempo and not very high in difficulty….. It would surely make the player "feel the music more"….I really appreciate the
music and patterns from the start but I'm so sorry because I didn't feel the beauty of the music while seeing this pattern from 04:11:437 towards
above it…. But still, it's just my own suggestion……. it's all up to you…

Everything here is only my suggestions........^^ Again, it's all up to you.... ^^

Your Beatmap is almost perfect for ranking..!!!!
I really love the song ... ^^
I fixed them all thx for your mod :D

00:21:871 (21871|0,21871|2) - может расположить их на 2 | 4 ?

00:39:480 (39480|3,39806|0) - я бы убрал их, и добавил ноту 00:39:480 (39480|3,39806|0) - так как там самый громкий sound

00:56:437 (56437|1,56600|0) - ctrl+j

01:23:176 (83176|2) - может в 2 колонку?

00:56:437 (56437|1,56600|0) - ctrl+j

01:12:415 (72415|1,72578|2) - ^

01:12:415 (72415|1,72578|2) - ^ столько раз используешь этот паттерн, что я запутался, стоит ли и правда юзать ctrl+j, прост немного раздражает глаза когда вижу это, но если все же примешь, сделай все такие же паттерны которые будут дальше так же

02:30:023 (150023|0,150187|1,150350|2,150513|1,150676|3,150839|2,151002|1,151165|0) - этот парт могбы сделать по аналогии с 02:19:670 (139670|2,139752|1,139915|2,140078|1,140241|0,140404|1,140567|2,140730|3) -

02:29:697 (149697|1) - лишняя

02:53:176 (173176|3) - ^

02:58:719 (178719|1,178719|0) - мне кажется что ноты отстают от звука, послушай на 25, ну и вроде все хлопки выше тоже отстают

03:06:545 (186545|3) - вот здесь вот пожадничал с нотами

03:16:980 - и здесь тоже

03:17:632 (197632|3,197958|1) - не понимаю предназначение даблов здесь, можно было бы и оставить синглы

03:55:784 (235784|3) - здесь вроде звук затихает(сингл)
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

EYA- wrote:


00:21:871 (21871|0,21871|2) - может расположить их на 2 | 4 ? фикс

00:39:480 (39480|3,39806|0) - я бы убрал их, и добавил ноту 00:39:480 (39480|3,39806|0) - так как там самый громкий sound пиано

00:56:437 (56437|1,56600|0) - ctrl+j продолжает следующий паттерн

01:23:176 (83176|2) - может в 2 колонку? ^

00:56:437 (56437|1,56600|0) - ctrl+j ^

01:12:415 (72415|1,72578|2) - ^ ^

01:12:415 (72415|1,72578|2) - ^ столько раз используешь этот паттерн, что я запутался, стоит ли и правда юзать ctrl+j, прост немного раздражает глаза когда вижу это, но если все же примешь, сделай все такие же паттерны которые будут дальше так же ^

02:30:023 (150023|0,150187|1,150350|2,150513|1,150676|3,150839|2,151002|1,151165|0) - этот парт могбы сделать по аналогии с 02:19:670 (139670|2,139752|1,139915|2,140078|1,140241|0,140404|1,140567|2,140730|3) - во втором парт начало начинается с 1/8, да и чутка разнообразия не помешает

02:29:697 (149697|1) - лишняя ниет

02:53:176 (173176|3) - ^ ^

02:58:719 (178719|1,178719|0) - мне кажется что ноты отстают от звука, послушай на 25, ну и вроде все хлопки выше тоже отстают все совпадает, сбавь музыку, а хс на 100 поставь, weird stuff

03:06:545 (186545|3) - вот здесь вот пожадничал с нотами 03:06:708 (186708|2,187197|2,187523|1) - я выделял только этот бит

03:16:980 - и здесь тоже ^

03:17:632 (197632|3,197958|1) - не понимаю предназначение даблов здесь, можно было бы и оставить синглы 2 инструмента = 2 ноты

03:55:784 (235784|3) - здесь вроде звук затихает(сингл) не хочу нарушать атмосферу арта
Спасибо !
nyahalo Shana-nyan 'w')/
mod as requested~ :D

column 1 2 3 4

Leah's Night
00:07:523 - add a note? there is a piano sound here
00:15:676 - maybe try ? i think it fit better to the sound pitch
00:17:958 - like before add a note for piano sound?
00:18:284 - try ? the pitch are ascending here, this is just an example how the double note sound should be like
00:24:480 (24480|1) - make into a LN like 00:34:915 (34915|0) - for consistency
00:40:621 - 00:40:947 - missing note>? i just thought they are the same 1/4 sound like 00:35:404 (35404|2,35567|1,35730|2,35893|3,36056|2,36219|1,36382|0) -
00:47:306 (47306|2,47632|1) - CTRL+GF for pitch?
00:48:937 (48937|3,49100|2,49263|1) - CTRL+G? i think it fit better to the pitch
00:50:893 (50893|3) - i would prefer to use LN for this sound 00:50:567 (50567|2) - instead this, the piano sound are much more noticeable here
00:53:502 (53502|3,53502|2) - swap column? well is just to make a different column from 00:54:806 (54806|3) - which this have higher pitch
01:26:600 (86600|2,87089|3) - i feel a little odd here because u didnt map at 01:26:763 - 01:27:252 - which is the same sound, i would suggest to add them here.
01:32:632 - how about pattern suggestion
01:36:545 (96545|3,97034|2,97523|1) - same like before, i feel kind of odd, i know u wanted to keep it simple, but i don't think will be hard for novice player to play here.
01:43:067 - ? instead repeating 4-3-2-1, u can use a jump pattern here for piano melody
01:58:719 (118719|1) - maybe move to 3 to avoid same column usage with 02:00:023 (120023|1) -
02:25:132 (145132|1,145458|2) - how about CTRL+G? it fit really nice for pitch here.
03:20:893 (200893|1,201382|2,201871|0) - same reason like before
03:23:176 (203176|2,203339|3) - maybe CTRL+G and 03:23:502 (203502|2) - move to 1? just to variate the pattern here
03:30:023 (210023|3) - should end at 03:31:165 -
03:31:328 (211328|2,211817|3,212306|2) - same before
03:59:697 (239697|1,240023|2,240350|1) - maybe CTRL+H?
04:04:589 - how about pattern suggestion

00:40:621 - 00:40:947 - actually u can add a note here for 1/4 sound
00:46:328 (46328|1) - delete? sound are not really audible here and i would suggest to focus on the piano sound here
00:54:806 (54806|2) - how about extend to 00:55:458 - ? could be fun and is just the same sound length with 00:54:154 (54154|1) -
01:29:371 (89371|1,89371|2) - i think single note is fine here, it doesn't have any strong piano sound here
02:35:404 - 02:35:730 - like before u can add a note for 1/4 sound here
02:41:110 (161110|2) - like before delete if u agree
02:49:589 (169589|1) - extend to 02:50:241 - like before

beautiful mapper song ;w;
good luck with it! have a lucky *star* ;)

Critical_Star wrote:

nyahalo Shana-nyan 'w')/
mod as requested~ :D

column 1 2 3 4

Leah's Night
00:07:523 - add a note? there is a piano sound here
00:15:676 - maybe try ? i think it fit better to the sound pitch
00:17:958 - like before add a note for piano sound?
00:18:284 - try ? the pitch are ascending here, this is just an example how the double note sound should be like
00:24:480 (24480|1) - make into a LN like 00:34:915 (34915|0) - for consistency
00:40:621 - 00:40:947 - missing note>? i just thought they are the same 1/4 sound like 00:35:404 (35404|2,35567|1,35730|2,35893|3,36056|2,36219|1,36382|0) -
00:47:306 (47306|2,47632|1) - CTRL+GF for pitch?
00:48:937 (48937|3,49100|2,49263|1) - CTRL+G? i think it fit better to the pitch
00:50:893 (50893|3) - i would prefer to use LN for this sound 00:50:567 (50567|2) - instead this, the piano sound are much more noticeable here
00:53:502 (53502|3,53502|2) - swap column? well is just to make a different column from 00:54:806 (54806|3) - which this have higher pitch
01:26:600 (86600|2,87089|3) - i feel a little odd here because u didnt map at 01:26:763 - 01:27:252 - which is the same sound, i would suggest to add them here.
01:32:632 - how about pattern suggestion
01:36:545 (96545|3,97034|2,97523|1) - same like before, i feel kind of odd, i know u wanted to keep it simple, but i don't think will be hard for novice player to play here.
01:43:067 - ? instead repeating 4-3-2-1, u can use a jump pattern here for piano melody
01:58:719 (118719|1) - maybe move to 3 to avoid same column usage with 02:00:023 (120023|1) -
02:25:132 (145132|1,145458|2) - how about CTRL+G? it fit really nice for pitch here.
03:20:893 (200893|1,201382|2,201871|0) - same reason like before
03:23:176 (203176|2,203339|3) - maybe CTRL+G and 03:23:502 (203502|2) - move to 1? just to variate the pattern here
03:30:023 (210023|3) - should end at 03:31:165 -
03:31:328 (211328|2,211817|3,212306|2) - same before
03:59:697 (239697|1,240023|2,240350|1) - maybe CTRL+H?
04:04:589 - how about pattern suggestion

beautiful mapper song ;w;
good luck with it! have a lucky *star* ;)
fixed all thx :D
Topic Starter
Deep Sea
Thank you C_Star <3, all fixed, updated.
[ A v a l o n ]

Bubble Check


  • [General]
  1. Song Setup & Metadata
    Song setup is fine and also metadata is fine too ... 2&event=96
  2. Audio & Hitsounds
    192kbps audio is good . . . and not contains any delayed hitsound (+5ms) and all of hitsound is above 100ms
  3. BPM & Timing
    all fine owo
  4. Background
    1366x768 background (16:9) screen, fine


    [Leah's Night]
  5. Maybe you need to change this diffname ==> Leah's Night to Leah's Normal . . . idk your current diffname is still acceptable or not, according to this newest issue
  6. 01:26:600 (86600|2,86763|3,87089|2,87252|3) - i feel that section have different sound/pitch right now . . . then it should be different coloumn this time, it just similar like 01:26:110 (86110|3,86273|2) -
  7. 01:32:632 (92632|3,92958|3) - same reason as above ^ you can try my suggestion here
  8. 01:36:545 - add LN like on this part ? 01:26:110 (86110|0) - it's similar phase and also please keep it consistent
  9. 01:58:719 (118719|0,120023|1) - swap this column for better pitch, and also 02:02:632 - you can try this it feels more better imo
  10. 02:33:937 (153937|3,154263|2) - please convert this single note into LN, because that part is still have same sound like 02:33:284 (153284|1,154589|1,155241|3) - it's more better if you put that on same feelings too
  11. 02:45:676 (165676|3) - i can't understand this LN . . . it's not contains any same sound like 02:46:980 (166980|0) - and even the background music doesn't show the long sound too in this part, you've better to delete that LN
  12. 03:05:241 (185241|0) - end this LN on this timing 03:06:545 - to focusing the piano sound . . . btw, it's actually same as you did in this part 01:11:763 -
  13. 03:20:893 (200893|1,201056|2,201382|1,201545|2) - remember they're have different sound, consider to arrange that into different column too

  14. 00:03:610 - not going too add LN here ? actually it have same feelings like 00:01:002 - >w<
  15. 00:32:306 (32306|0,32469|0,32632|0) - this might be a little confuse to press imo, you can reduce a note on this 00:32:306 - since they're not really have a big instrument impact like 00:31:328 -
  16. 00:40:621 (40621|2,40947|1) - hmm it just an echoes from previous impact, maybe you can delete that . . . up to you btw, the sound is still clear too >w<)b
  17. 00:42:985 (42985|2) - this note come too late from current piano sound, it should be snapped on 1/12 for more accurate 00:42:958 - put in on here
  18. 01:42:904 (102904|3,103067|3,103230|3) - i feel this part should be have a different taste imo . . . try to move 01:42:904 (102904|3) - into the second column
  19. 01:44:045 (104045|3,104208|3,104371|3) - owo same reason as above, please try my suggestion ><)/
  20. 02:00:023 (120023|2) - you can end that LN on here 02:02:469 - yea the long sound was physically end on that, like on Leah's diff
  21. 02:11:763 (131763|3) - and 02:13:067 (133067|0) - you can end at this time on each 02:12:904 - 02:14:208 - same reason as above ^
  22. 02:27:089 (147089|3,147252|3) - same as my mod on 00:32:306 -
  23. 02:37:768 (157768|1) - this note come too late it should be snapped on 1/12 again this time 02:37:741 -
  24. 03:37:687 - hmm, maybe you already know what the issue on here XD yea it's actually same as my previous mod here
  25. 03:53:176 - add LN here, it have same feelings like 03:50:567 -
waaa beautiful song and map here

Critical_Star wrote:

beautiful mapper here

>///< ) /

call me back ~
[ A v a l o n ]
Ups, we need change on metadata, since this is full version ==>

Artist : ginkiha
Title : nightfall (full ver)
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Bubble Check


  • [General]
  1. Song Setup & Metadata
    Song setup is fine and also metadata is fine too ... 2&event=96
  2. Audio & Hitsounds
    192kbps audio is good . . . and not contains any delayed hitsound (+5ms) and all of hitsound is above 100ms
  3. BPM & Timing
    all fine owo
  4. Background
    1366x768 background (16:9) screen, fine


    Since i already modded this long ago and the pattern itself has well-made, so i wiill only point out some issues here

  5. 00:03:610 - not going too add LN here ? actually it have same feelings like 00:01:002 - >w<
  6. 00:32:306 (32306|0,32469|0,32632|0) - this might be a little confuse to press imo, you can reduce a note on this 00:32:306 - since they're not really have a big instrument impact like 00:31:328 -
  7. 00:40:621 (40621|2,40947|1) - hmm it just an echoes from previous impact, maybe you can delete that . . . up to you btw, the sound is still clear too >w<)b ///// 00:41:273 (41273|1,41600|1) - here same sound, keep
  8. 00:42:985 (42985|2) - this note come too late from current piano sound, it should be snapped on 1/12 for more accurate 00:42:958 - put in on here
  9. 01:42:904 (102904|3,103067|3,103230|3) - i feel this part should be have a different taste imo . . . try to move 01:42:904 (102904|3) - into the second column
  10. 01:44:045 (104045|3,104208|3,104371|3) - owo same reason as above, please try my suggestion ><)/
  11. 02:00:023 (120023|2) - you can end that LN on here 02:02:469 - yea the long sound was physically end on that, like on Leah's diff
  12. 02:11:763 (131763|3) - and 02:13:067 (133067|0) - you can end at this time on each 02:12:904 - 02:14:208 - same reason as above ^
  13. 02:27:089 (147089|3,147252|3) - same as my mod on 00:32:306 -
  14. 02:37:768 (157768|1) - this note come too late it should be snapped on 1/12 again this time 02:37:741 -
  15. 03:37:687 - hmm, maybe you already know what the issue on here XD yea it's actually same as my previous mod here
  16. 03:53:176 - add LN here, it have same feelings like 03:50:567 -
waaa beautiful song and map here

Critical_Star wrote:

beautiful mapper here

>///< ) /

call me back ~
Thank you Awawon <3 all fixed, metadata too !
waiting Leah reply ~

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Bubble Check


  • [General]
  1. Song Setup & Metadata
    Song setup is fine and also metadata is fine too ... 2&event=96
  2. Audio & Hitsounds
    192kbps audio is good . . . and not contains any delayed hitsound (+5ms) and all of hitsound is above 100ms
  3. BPM & Timing
    all fine owo
  4. Background
    1366x768 background (16:9) screen, fine


    Since i already modded this long ago and the pattern itself has well-made, so i wiill only point out some issues here
    [Leah's Night]
  5. Maybe you need to change this diffname ==> Leah's Night to Leah's Normal . . . idk your current diffname is still acceptable or not, according to this newest issue
  6. 01:26:600 (86600|2,86763|3,87089|2,87252|3) - i feel that section have different sound/pitch right now . . . then it should be different coloumn this time, it just similar like 01:26:110 (86110|3,86273|2) -
  7. 01:32:632 (92632|3,92958|3) - same reason as above ^ you can try my suggestion here
  8. 01:36:545 - add LN like on this part ? 01:26:110 (86110|0) - it's similar phase and also please keep it consistent
  9. 01:58:719 (118719|0,120023|1) - swap this column for better pitch, and also 02:02:632 - you can try this it feels more better imo
  10. 02:33:937 (153937|3,154263|2) - please convert this single note into LN, because that part is still have same sound like 02:33:284 (153284|1,154589|1,155241|3) - it's more better if you put that on same feelings too
  11. 02:45:676 (165676|3) - i can't understand this LN . . . it's not contains any same sound like 02:46:980 (166980|0) - and even the background music doesn't show the long sound too in this part, you've better to delete that LN
  12. 03:05:241 (185241|0) - end this LN on this timing 03:06:545 - to focusing the piano sound . . . btw, it's actually same as you did in this part 01:11:763 -
  13. 03:20:893 (200893|1,201056|2,201382|1,201545|2) - remember they're have different sound, consider to arrange that into different column too
waaa beautiful song and map here

Critical_Star wrote:

beautiful mapper here

>///< ) /

call me back ~
fixed all thx Avalon >w<
Topic Starter
Deep Sea
Updated ;)
[ A v a l o n ]
Bubbled congratulations !
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Bubbled congratulations !
waaaa, thank you <3

[ A v a l o n ] wrote:

Bubbled congratulations !
wow thx ^^
OMG Nice song... this reminds me when first time i play unturned in winter PEI

Column |1| |2| |3| |4|

00:05:241 ->
00:13:067 ->
00:15:676 ->
00:22:197 ->
00:29:697 add 1
00:35:241 ->
01:08:991 delete
01:19:426 delete
01:19:752 delete
01:23:665 - 01:25:947 single notes? why? :\ i cant hear anything..
01:29:697 move to |3|
01:29:860 delete
01:30:187 delete
01:40:295 delete
01:40:621 delete
01:46:980 move LN to |2| and the single note to |4|
01:49:589 move LN to |3|
01:52:197 move single note to |4|
02:59:860 move to |1| according to the piano
03:03:773 delete
03:04:100 delete
03:14:208 delete
03:14:534 delete
03:24:969 delete
03:35:404 delete
03:49:589 ->
03:52:197 ->
03:54:154 move to |3|
03:54:480 move to |2|
03:54:806 ->
03:57:415 ->
04:00:023 ->
04:02:632 ->
04:04:589 move to |4|
04:04:915 move to |3|
04:05:241 ->
04:07:850 move single note to |3|
- Frontier -
in tags:
- [ L e a h ] - : ✘
-_[_L_e_a_h_]_- : ✔
Topic Starter
Deep Sea

genkicho wrote:

OMG Nice song... this reminds me when first time i play unturned in winter PEI

Column |1| |2| |3| |4|

01:29:860 delete
01:30:187 delete
01:40:295 delete
01:40:621 delete
03:03:773 delete
03:04:100 delete
03:14:208 delete
03:14:534 delete
03:24:969 delete
03:35:404 delete
Accepted, thanks.
Updated ~
[ A v a l o n ]
Re-bubbled owo)/
I can take qualify if you need owo)!
All stuffs are good for me!

IRC with Shana
2016-08-08 20:10 [Shana Lesus]: Hi Fresh ;w;
2016-08-08 20:10 [Shana Lesus]: if you have time
2016-08-08 20:10 [Shana Lesus]: for qualify
2016-08-08 20:10 Fresh Chicken: Hi Shana!! Sorry for long time no calling ;w; I was have soooooo huge mod requests ;w;
2016-08-08 20:10 Fresh Chicken: Sure :D
2016-08-08 20:10 Fresh Chicken: Can we check right now?
2016-08-08 20:10 [Shana Lesus]: yes
2016-08-08 20:11 [Shana Lesus]: Leah too now online
2016-08-08 20:11 Fresh Chicken: ACTION is listening to [ ginkiha - nightfall (full ver)]
2016-08-08 20:11 Fresh Chicken: gogogogo
2016-08-08 20:12 Fresh Chicken: ACTION is editing [ ginkiha - nightfall (full ver) [Twinkling stars]]
2016-08-08 20:12 [Shana Lesus]: ready \ :3 /
2016-08-08 20:13 Fresh Chicken: 00:19:263 - This piano sound is kinda loud for me so I think you can add a one more note for here
2016-08-08 20:13 Fresh Chicken: owo
2016-08-08 20:14 [Shana Lesus]:
2016-08-08 20:15 Fresh Chicken: good good \o/
2016-08-08 20:15 Fresh Chicken: 00:24:806 (24806|1) - Actually it starts from 00:24:888 - here
2016-08-08 20:15 Fresh Chicken: 00:35:241 - like here owo
2016-08-08 20:16 [Shana Lesus]: fixed :3
2016-08-08 20:17 Fresh Chicken: 00:56:192 - here also has sound, seems it's intended one but I'm picking it now because it may be mistake too XD
2016-08-08 20:18 Fresh Chicken: Depend on you XD
2016-08-08 20:20 [Shana Lesus]: can i no add note ?
2016-08-08 20:20 Fresh Chicken: You can :3
2016-08-08 20:21 Fresh Chicken: 02:30:105 - Same reason with first mod XD
2016-08-08 20:21 [Shana Lesus]: good
2016-08-08 20:21 [Shana Lesus]: fixed
2016-08-08 20:22 Fresh Chicken: 02:50:975 - ^
2016-08-08 20:22 Fresh Chicken: yokidoki o/
2016-08-08 20:22 Fresh Chicken: *oki
2016-08-08 20:22 Fresh Chicken: XD
2016-08-08 20:22 [Shana Lesus]: :D
2016-08-08 20:23 Fresh Chicken: so clean map
2016-08-08 20:23 Fresh Chicken: Nothing now :D
2016-08-08 20:23 Fresh Chicken: Now let me IRC with Leah
2016-08-08 20:24 [Shana Lesus]: oki
2016-08-08 20:24 Fresh Chicken: Please wait I'll contect you when I finished mod with Leah XD
2016-08-08 20:24 [Shana Lesus]: sure
2016-08-08 20:30 Fresh Chicken: oki done ;D
2016-08-08 20:31 [Shana Lesus]: oki 1 min
2016-08-08 20:31 Fresh Chicken: owo)
2016-08-08 20:31 Fresh Chicken: Take your time~~
2016-08-08 20:38 [Shana Lesus]: re-check my diff please
2016-08-08 20:38 Fresh Chicken: Sure :3
2016-08-08 20:38 Fresh Chicken: Have you changed something without my mod?
2016-08-08 20:38 [Shana Lesus]: Leah diff updated
2016-08-08 20:38 [Shana Lesus]: yes
2016-08-08 20:38 Fresh Chicken: Can you notice me where that is?
2016-08-08 20:38 [Shana Lesus]: sec
2016-08-08 20:39 Fresh Chicken: owo)!
2016-08-08 20:40 [Shana Lesus]: 00:34:589 - 00:24:154 - same too and 02:18:937 - here 02:29:371 -
2016-08-08 20:40 [Shana Lesus]: 04:10:132 (250132|0) - changed on LN
2016-08-08 20:40 Fresh Chicken: alright, seems they are good
2016-08-08 20:41 [Shana Lesus]: my diff updated now
2016-08-08 20:41 Fresh Chicken: I see ow0
2016-08-08 20:41 Fresh Chicken: Let me re-check XD
2016-08-08 20:42 [Shana Lesus]: sorry for trouble :/
2016-08-08 20:42 Fresh Chicken: No problem <3
2016-08-08 20:42 [Shana Lesus]: <3
2016-08-08 20:48 Fresh Chicken: OK! Seems all things are good to me!
2016-08-08 20:48 Fresh Chicken: :D
2016-08-08 20:48 Fresh Chicken: Are you ready?
2016-08-08 20:48 [Shana Lesus]: yeeeee capitan :D

IRC with Leah
2016-08-08 20:23 Fresh Chicken: hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi
2016-08-08 20:24 - [ L e a h ] -: hiya :D
2016-08-08 20:24 Fresh Chicken: ACTION is editing [ ginkiha - nightfall (full ver) [Leah's Normal]]
2016-08-08 20:24 Fresh Chicken: gogog
2016-08-08 20:24 - [ L e a h ] -: \0/
2016-08-08 20:24 - [ L e a h ] -: lets go
2016-08-08 20:25 Fresh Chicken: 00:05:893 (5893|2) - It's better to move to 4 or add a one more note for difference, seems sound is kinda loud
2016-08-08 20:25 - [ L e a h ] -: :D
2016-08-08 20:25 - [ L e a h ] -: ok
2016-08-08 20:26 - [ L e a h ] -: fixed
2016-08-08 20:27 - [ L e a h ] -: zzZ
2016-08-08 20:27 Fresh Chicken: zzzzz
2016-08-08 20:27 - [ L e a h ] -: ACTION sleeping
2016-08-08 20:27 Fresh Chicken: You must not sleep
2016-08-08 20:27 Fresh Chicken: owo
2016-08-08 20:27 - [ L e a h ] -: ACTION woke up
2016-08-08 20:27 - [ L e a h ] -: ok
2016-08-08 20:27 Fresh Chicken: Nice
2016-08-08 20:28 Fresh Chicken: 01:44:371 (104371|1) - How about to move to 3 this one? seems more good balance to me
2016-08-08 20:29 - [ L e a h ] -: oh
2016-08-08 20:29 - [ L e a h ] -: fixed
2016-08-08 20:30 Fresh Chicken: `okay done
2016-08-08 20:30 Fresh Chicken: please give update fine to Shana XD
2016-08-08 20:30 - [ L e a h ] -: ok xD
2016-08-08 20:30 - [ L e a h ] -: thx a lot Chicken :D
2016-08-08 20:30 Fresh Chicken: o/
2016-08-08 20:32 - [ L e a h ] -: my senpai lol
2016-08-08 20:32 Fresh Chicken: owo(
2016-08-08 20:38 - [ L e a h ] -: owo

Qualified! congratz Shana! :3
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Deep Sea
Thank you very much Fresh <3
WOW thx >///< <3
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