
Osu std players: Why don't you play mania?

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O2jam skin is good

Fucking withh 4k in the skin.ini isn't
I'm using that one since its the best I found so far but I still don't like it.
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All i did was take the bars I liked and put that into my normal std skin so that I don't have to change skins so often.

O2jam has some nice bars mate why don't you like
Even tho I (mostly) play standard, I play mania. The other three modes are (sorta) easier than standard anyway.
Ranpo Edogawa_old

StephOsu wrote:

the real reason is that I can't read them because I'm too scrub
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That's a commentary on the fact that osu mania doesn't punish you for pressing more than the required keys; he's abusing an easy(for 7k I guess) map with a nice beat in the background to know when to press the keys rather than different, harder types of maps. That shit is actually really hard to do; I tried pressing all 4 keys on some regular 3 star map and my accuracy was shit so if anyone can get 99% with that then props to them.

Khelly wrote:

O2jam has some nice bars mate why don't you like
Do I really need a particular reason to dislike something?

I wonder how many times he did that to get that acc.

Also as Khelly already said that map looks like it was made for the purpose of this video. You cant do that on real maps.
the skype sound is pure icing on the jizz
cuz u dont need aim. i'd rather play cod
learning 7k is hell after playing only 4k for so long
and my MX blues are waking up my neighbors

Arthraxium wrote:

learning 7k is hell after playing only 4k for so long
and my MX blues are waking up my neighbors
Thats why you play all of them. By playing 7k you get better at 4k too but vice versa not so much.

OT: Can play 1.5* now somewhat properly gonna play some more and see what happens. Lack of maps at my level is seriously annoying, gotta get good fast.
I agree. Learning 7k makes it easier to play modes with less keys, rather than the other way around. Only got to around 4th dan, then my speed and reading deteriorated to the point where I can't play 3* maps anymore.
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You don't have to play a keymode if you don't want to

Khelly wrote:

You don't have to play a keymode if you don't want to
but muh pp from 7k :(
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But that's just pp

Who cares when most of the good maps are unranked SM packs
Seriously fuck pp and your need yo grow your ego with it.

Even on std I mostly play unranked maps.
There are a lot of good ranked songs only on 7k though. 7k seems to be the more popular o!m mode. I've always wanted to play that 8K Akasha map but I already went too far on 4k which makes learning 7k and 8k an extremely steep slope for me.

Gotta learn finger-independence all over again X_X

-Toushin wrote:

Eyes cant keep up
1) i enjoy std more
2) I have goals that i want to achieve in standard
3) For me that mania does for my enjoyment than std doesnt do.
4) i suck at mania
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HK_ wrote:

Seriously fuck pp and your need yo grow your ego with it.

Even on std I mostly play unranked maps.

My total time playing mania should be 2-3 times longer than it appears on my profile because of unranked

Good shit there
My left hand is a floppy fish
Kunino Sagiri
lack of interest
lack of time to grind
I finally decided to try my hand at creating my own beatmap and learned in the process that once you make an osu! standard map, all the other modes can be played on the same map. So I decided to try out every mode - for like the 3rd time - to see if I had changed my interest on liking anything besides standard. I liked playing ctb, but didn't enjoy neither taiko nor mania mostly because I suck at them. Overall, I just like standard more because of the creative potential available to mappers; this map comes to mind as an example
I tried playing it, i miserably failed.
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Meah wrote:

I tried playing it, i miserably failed.
Sorry you tried a 3 star 7k map as your first map one time and then decided that was enough.
Khelly help i keep clicking the wrong buttons on 7k
i use a tablet, no can play mania

Arthraxium wrote:

Khelly help i keep clicking the wrong buttons on 7k
play 6k first
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Don't you mean 5k
5k for thumb
6k for ring fingers

But I assume he knows how to use his thumb if hes playing 7k already
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I won't ever play 7k but if I did it would be ASD JKL:

fuck thumb
Thumb is better because its stronger. But its your thing if you want to play with weakest finger.
Recently started. 4k is love 4k is life xD
The Gambler
I play bass steel pans instead... Much more fun than mania, and also a better workout routine as well.
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Do you do that instead of osu standard too
osu std : awesome (tablet)
osu taiko : nice add on ( tatacon )
osu mania : never played and never will until i get some kind of pheriperal device for it except keyboard.
might as well play as much as I can before mania score v2 goes live on stable
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Who uses stable instead of fallback
Scarlet Evans
I think that it's best to play all game modes and that playing one of then can, more or less, help you to improve in some aspects that can be later used in other mods. Nevertheless, I didn't really had any big motivation to start really playing some other mods than standard, even if I wanted to.

However, after seeing this thread I started playing mania again and got more than 14k ranks only today! Thanks for kicking me back on my formerly put rails :P
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