
Chihara Minori - TERMINATED (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年11月20日 at 0:12:25

Artist: Chihara Minori
Source: 境界線上のホライゾン
Tags: Horizon_on_the_Middle_of_Nowhere opening elements garden taka1235J-POP Anime D-Formation Unification3 Melody feat Minori Chihara Minori Chihara B-side Collection Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon GloryHeaven ランティス Lantis 畑亜貴 Hata aki 菊田大介 Kikuta Daisuke
BPM: 156
Filesize: 13662kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.13 stars, 60 notes)
  2. Insane (4.1 stars, 247 notes)
  3. Normal (1.98 stars, 109 notes)
  4. TAKA'S HARD (3.48 stars, 218 notes)
Download: Chihara Minori - TERMINATED (TV Size)
Download: Chihara Minori - TERMINATED (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
19:40 murasamenosigure: reakfnsdf
19:41 *murasamenosigure is listening to [ Minori Chihara - TERMINATED]
19:46 Quilt: 00:14:364 (3) -
19:46 Quilt: の最後を 00:13:403 (1) - ここの終点とスタック
19:46 Quilt: 00:17:826 (1) - もう少しスペーシングを広げる?
19:47 Quilt: 00:16:287 (1) - ここも00:15:518 (7) - こことスタック
19:49 Quilt: 00:52:633 (8) - ^
19:49 Quilt: 00:56:095 (9) - 00:56:287  ここに移動
19:51 Quilt: 00:17:826 (1) -
19:51 Quilt: 1/2まえに
19:52 Quilt: 00:17:057 (3) -
19:58 Quilt: 01:01:480 (7,8,9,10,11,1,2) -
19:58 Quilt:
20:03 Quilt: 01:05:710 (4,5) - スライダーとノートの順番を入れ替える?
20:03 Quilt: 01:06:480 (6) - リバースなくす?
20:05 Quilt: 01:09:172 (6,7,8,9) - 
20:07 Quilt: 01:13:307 (6) - これを01:13:114ここにいどう
20:09 Quilt: 01:17:441 (1,2,3,4) -
20:13 Quilt: normal
20:14 Quilt: 01:07:441 (7) - note と 1/1スライダーに?
20:17 Quilt: 01:23:595 add note?
20:18 Quilt: 01:23:980 (1,2,3,4) - 1つのスライダーに
20:18 Quilt: おわり

IRC mod
Topic Starter

taka1235 wrote:


Hello!! ojichan :3

とらいもっど :D


  1. タイトルにTV Sizeを追加

  1. 00:26:287 (1) - NC
  2. 00:23:980 - 00:28:595 以下のような音取りはどうでしょう?
    変更しない場合でも00:26:287 (3) - にNCがほしいです!

  3. 00:57:826 (4) - を削除して、00:57:826 - 00:58:403 に往復なしのスライダーをおいてみてはどうでしょう?
  4. 01:02:441 (3) - いきなりスペーシング1.2は離れすぎかも?

  1. きになるところありませんでした!

  1. BGのサイズが大きすぎます。1024x768にしましょう!
  2. 00:17:633 - 00:18:980 をスピンに変えてみてはどうでしょう?

  1. 気合タイムが :o
  2. 【TAKA's Hard】のように他の難易度と同様diff名の始めのみを大文字にしたほうがいいと思います!
  3. 00:01:863 までの3つのスライダーのスペーシングを見直したほうがいいかも?はーどにしては離れているなと感じました。
  4. 00:14:363 (1) - 同じくスペーシングを見直したほうがいいかもしれません!
  5. 00:29:363 (2) -^
  6. 00:34:748 (1) - Ctrl+Gすると流れよくみえるかも?
  7. 01:16:094 (5) - 01:15:902 (4) とスタックすると綺麗に見えると思います。
  8. 01:25:517 (6,7) - 削除したほうが音と合うと思います。


All No Changeでもかまわないので気になったところなおしてください! :)
Topic Starter

Licca wrote:

Hello!! ojichan :3

とらいもっど :D


  1. タイトルにTV Sizeを追加

  1. 00:26:287 (1) - NC
  2. 00:23:980 - 00:28:595 以下のような音取りはどうでしょう?
    変更しない場合でも00:26:287 (3) - にNCがほしいです!

  3. 00:57:826 (4) - を削除して、00:57:826 - 00:58:403 に往復なしのスライダーをおいてみてはどうでしょう?
  4. 01:02:441 (3) - いきなりスペーシング1.2は離れすぎかも?

  1. きになるところありませんでした!

  1. BGのサイズが大きすぎます。1024x768にしましょう!
  2. 00:17:633 - 00:18:980 をスピンに変えてみてはどうでしょう?

  1. 気合タイムが :o
  2. 【TAKA's Hard】のように他の難易度と同様diff名の始めのみを大文字にしたほうがいいと思います!
  3. 00:01:863 までの3つのスライダーのスペーシングを見直したほうがいいかも?はーどにしては離れているなと感じました。
  4. 00:14:363 (1) - 同じくスペーシングを見直したほうがいいかもしれません!
  5. 00:29:363 (2) -^
  6. 00:34:748 (1) - Ctrl+Gすると流れよくみえるかも?
  7. 01:16:094 (5) - 01:15:902 (4) とスタックすると綺麗に見えると思います。
  8. 01:25:517 (6,7) - 削除したほうが音と合うと思います。


All No Changeでもかまわないので気になったところなおしてください! :)
Not ojichan~~(゜-゜)

Thanks Mods


  1. ArtistのところMinori ChiharaじゃなくてChihara Minoriだと思います!
  2. TitleのところはTERMINATED(TV Size)じゃなくてTERMINATED (TV Size)にしましょう!(TV Size)とのあいだにスペースが必要です
  1. 00:40:133 (x) - スピンまでにちょっと間があるからnoteを置いてみてはどうでしょう
  2. 00:43:980 (x) - ここにもnote置いても大丈夫だと思います
  3. 01:05:518 (x) - ここに音が欲しいです!
  4. 01:17:826 (x) - ^
  5. 01:23:980 (4,5) - すこし音に合ってないと思います。こうしたら初心者も簡単にできるかも!
  1. 00:16:287 (5) - スライダーの初めと終わりにwhistleを追加。スライダーの終わりのclapを削除
  2. 00:17:249 (6) - ここのスライダーの終わりを00:17:633に変更するとかっこいい感じがします!
  3. 01:23:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ノーマルにしては難しいと思います。スライダーにしてみたりしましょう
  1. 難易度名なんですがHardよりInsaneの方がいいと思います。Insaneぐらいの難しさがありますので・・・でもそしたらHard作らないと行けなくなるのでどっちでもいいとおもいます!
  1. 全体的にもすこしwhistle使ったほうがいいと思いました。まあ音付けは自分のしたいようにやるのが一番ですよね!

寂しくなったときはこの言葉を思い出すのじゃ mid or mid
Topic Starter

Hinacle wrote:


  1. ArtistのところMinori ChiharaじゃなくてChihara Minoriだと思います!
  2. TitleのところはTERMINATED(TV Size)じゃなくてTERMINATED (TV Size)にしましょう!(TV Size)とのあいだにスペースが必要です
  1. 00:40:133 (x) - スピンまでにちょっと間があるからnoteを置いてみてはどうでしょう
  2. 00:43:980 (x) - ここにもnote置いても大丈夫だと思います
  3. 01:05:518 (x) - ここに音が欲しいです!
  4. 01:17:826 (x) - ^
  5. 01:23:980 (4,5) - すこし音に合ってないと思います。こうしたら初心者も簡単にできるかも!
  1. 00:16:287 (5) - スライダーの初めと終わりにwhistleを追加。スライダーの終わりのclapを削除
  2. 00:17:249 (6) - ここのスライダーの終わりを00:17:633に変更するとかっこいい感じがします!
  3. 01:23:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ノーマルにしては難しいと思います。スライダーにしてみたりしましょう
  1. 難易度名なんですがHardよりInsaneの方がいいと思います。Insaneぐらいの難しさがありますので・・・でもそしたらHard作らないと行けなくなるのでどっちでもいいとおもいます!
  1. 全体的にもすこしwhistle使ったほうがいいと思いました。まあ音付けは自分のしたいようにやるのが一番ですよね!

寂しくなったときはこの言葉を思い出すのじゃ mid or mid



Hello !, from #modreqs. Wow ! another Chihara Minori, eh ?. I hope I'm helpful here. :D

General :
I'm not a BPM Expert, but I think the offset should be at 133 of that BPM 156. Yes, like what Taka's GD did
Audio and Uninherited Timing Point(s) conflict with Taka's GD
01:25:710 (5) - Place the Kiai End right here

Easy :
00:16:287 (3) - Will be lovelier if the slider longer until here 00:18:595 (2) -

Normal :
Excellent !

Taka's Hard (To be honest,I don't see it's a hard diff with using these streams,jumps,and slider velocities.But it's his style, so I won't doubt it) :
Whew, these patterns and movements supposed to be an Insane diff
00:59:363 (1) - Two timing points stacked here. Remove one of them !
Kiai Timing has not been placed

Insane :
00:16:287 (1,2,3,4,1) - Didn't follow the rhythm
01:10:133 (10,11) - Will be lovelier if you press Ctrl+G there. Yours to decide :)

Nah, that's all I can give. I hope it's helpful and won't change your style XD . Good luck ! :)
Topic Starter

O-Moei wrote:

Hello !, from #modreqs. Wow ! another Chihara Minori, eh ?. I hope I'm helpful here. :D

General :
I'm not a BPM Expert, but I think the offset should be at 133 of that BPM 156. Yes, like what Taka's GD did
Audio and Uninherited Timing Point(s) conflict with Taka's GD
01:25:710 (5) - Place the Kiai End right here

Easy :
00:16:287 (3) - Will be lovelier if the slider longer until here 00:18:595 (2) -

Normal :
Excellent !

Taka's Hard (To be honest,I don't see it's a hard diff with using these streams,jumps,and slider velocities.But it's his style, so I won't doubt it) :
Whew, these patterns and movements supposed to be an Insane diff
00:59:363 (1) - Two timing points stacked here. Remove one of them !
Kiai Timing has not been placed

Insane :
00:16:287 (1,2,3,4,1) - Didn't follow the rhythm
01:10:133 (10,11) - Will be lovelier if you press Ctrl+G there. Yours to decide :)

Nah, that's all I can give. I hope it's helpful and won't change your style XD . Good luck ! :)

thanks mod :)
Hi! from #modreq, im a noob mapper/modder, so i hope i can help with something


01:12:441 (5) - A circle here? it feels a bit empty


I couldnt find nothing here :D


00:31:094 (2) - A circle here?
00:31:479 (3) - Maybe remove this and make 00:31:286 (2) - have a reverse(?


00:16:287 (1) - From here the rhythm dont fit very well, try something like this maybe:
00:31:287 (1) - i think here should be a stream imo
00:43:403 (1) - same as adove ^
01:22:249 (7,8) - make this a triple(?

this is alli could do, i hope i have helped, and gl with your map: D
Topic Starter

missa1912 wrote:

Hi! from #modreq, im a noob mapper/modder, so i hope i can help with something


01:12:441 (5) - A circle here? it feels a bit empty


I couldnt find nothing here :D


00:31:094 (2) - A circle here?
00:31:479 (3) - Maybe remove this and make 00:31:286 (2) - have a reverse(?


00:16:287 (1) - From here the rhythm dont fit very well, try something like this maybe:
00:31:287 (1) - i think here should be a stream imo
00:43:403 (1) - same as adove ^
01:22:249 (7,8) - make this a triple(?

this is alli could do, i hope i have helped, and gl with your map: D

thx mod 8-)
I can't tell if I'm bad at modding easy but I see nothing wrong

00:05:710 (1) - Maybe put a spinner here (I like how it sounds :P
That as all I found :D

00:25:902 (1,2) - Maybe have the 1 aim at the 2 not away
00:31:479 (3) - Maybe move this so it's easier to see
00:42:729 (2) - ^
00:52:248 (2) - Snap this with the distance snap
01:17:056 (2,3) - Space these out kind of weird
01:26:479 (2) - Maybe use snap on this maybe not I'm 50/50

00:29:941 (1,2) - Maybe move these so they aren't under the slider.
00:35:326 (2) - Same ^
00:40:710 (10) - ^
00:22:249 (8) - ^
00:27:441 (5) - Maybe change the position of the head of this slider feels like its in a weird position.
00:37:826 (1) - Maybe have this slider off the stream and snap to the distance snap
00:56:095 (9) - Again with the under slider ( I'm sorry I just don't like notes like this, but if it's your style don't change it :D )
01:02:826 (3) - ^
01:07:057 (1,2,3) - Space these notes out a little bit maybe use a pattern
01:13:980 (9) - Under slider

Very fun diff. though :P

Very fun nice song, I only had my issue with overlayed notes 8-)
Topic Starter

Nevo wrote:

I can't tell if I'm bad at modding easy but I see nothing wrong

00:05:710 (1) - Maybe put a spinner here (I like how it sounds :P
That as all I found :D

00:25:902 (1,2) - Maybe have the 1 aim at the 2 not away
00:31:479 (3) - Maybe move this so it's easier to see
00:42:729 (2) - ^
00:52:248 (2) - Snap this with the distance snap
01:17:056 (2,3) - Space these out kind of weird
01:26:479 (2) - Maybe use snap on this maybe not I'm 50/50

00:29:941 (1,2) - Maybe move these so they aren't under the slider.
00:35:326 (2) - Same ^
00:40:710 (10) - ^
00:22:249 (8) - ^
00:27:441 (5) - Maybe change the position of the head of this slider feels like its in a weird position.
00:37:826 (1) - Maybe have this slider off the stream and snap to the distance snap
00:56:095 (9) - Again with the under slider ( I'm sorry I just don't like notes like this, but if it's your style don't change it :D )
01:02:826 (3) - ^
01:07:057 (1,2,3) - Space these notes out a little bit maybe use a pattern
01:13:980 (9) - Under slider

Very fun diff. though :P

Very fun nice song, I only had my issue with overlayed notes 8-)
thanks Mod 8-)
From #modreqs

[General Setting]
Audio lead-in:
Easy: 0
Normal: 0
Insane: 0

Timing is not consistent.

00:16:287 (5) - NC
00:37:826 (1,2) - This spacing is bigger than other. You have to make the spacing to approximate 1.0.
00:40:133 (3,4) - Same as above but, this spacing is smaller than other.
00:28:595 (4) - 00:41:287 (4) - 00:56:287 (4) - NC
00:53:210 (1,2) - Looks not good. Think about other shape. (example)
00:57:441 (1) - Make sure that there is a reasonable time delay after a spinner to the next object. This will ensure that players have enough time to recover and react to the next object. In the case of consecutive spinners, make sure that the next spinner gives adequate time to account for a lower reaction time for new players.
01:07:441 (6) - You can make the blanket better.

00:23:307 (4) - Overmapped. You don't add a circle in part that the sound doesn't exist. It influence at ranked or qualified.
00:28:114 (7) - Same as above.
00:33:114 (5) - This is fine. It fit the music nicely :3
01:08:595 (5) - It need to NC, because this part of music was different from front part.
01:13:595 (8,9) - Why you stack each other? It's better that separate these if there is no reason.

Sorry for short mod~ Good luck!
Topic Starter

Down wrote:

From #modreqs

[General Setting]
Audio lead-in:
Easy: 0
Normal: 0
Insane: 0

Timing is not consistent.

00:16:287 (5) - NC
00:37:826 (1,2) - This spacing is bigger than other. You have to make the spacing to approximate 1.0.
00:40:133 (3,4) - Same as above but, this spacing is smaller than other.
00:28:595 (4) - 00:41:287 (4) - 00:56:287 (4) - NC
00:53:210 (1,2) - Looks not good. Think about other shape. (example)
00:57:441 (1) - Make sure that there is a reasonable time delay after a spinner to the next object. This will ensure that players have enough time to recover and react to the next object. In the case of consecutive spinners, make sure that the next spinner gives adequate time to account for a lower reaction time for new players.
01:07:441 (6) - You can make the blanket better.

00:23:307 (4) - Overmapped. You don't add a circle in part that the sound doesn't exist. It influence at ranked or qualified.
00:28:114 (7) - Same as above.
00:33:114 (5) - This is fine. It fit the music nicely :3
01:08:595 (5) - It need to NC, because this part of music was different from front part.
01:13:595 (8,9) - Why you stack each other? It's better that separate these if there is no reason.

Sorry for short mod~ Good luck!

ty mod~ 8-) 8-)
Also from #modreqs! Hope this helps~

The BG image looks a little bit squashed sideways D:
  1. 00:08:595 (4) - Making this symmetrical around (1) (2) (3) would look better, I think
  2. 00:26:287 (1) - This looks like a pentagon pattern but it's a little bit off. Try x:413 y:126, x:356 y:66, and x:281 y:103 for (2) (3) (4) :)
  3. 00:40:903 - The spinner end would be better silenced
  4. 00:59:364 (1,2) - I think these would work better as 3/1 sliders instead of 2/1; try it out imo
  1. 00:09:364 (4) - This can be moved to a more symmetrical position; something like x:492 y:232 maybe? You can also have (3) and (4) blanket each other. Have to move (1) on the next combo though...
  2. 00:13:210 (1) - Move things around so (1) blankets (2)?
  3. 00:38:980 (2) - Move down a few ticks for a better blanket
  4. 00:52:057 (4) - If you curve this slider a little more you can get a nicer blanket on (1)
  5. 00:53:980 (2) - Move a few ticks up for better blanket
  6. 01:08:595 (1) - A little bit down and to the left for same reason
  1. 00:26:286 (2) - This placement is a little weird for me; the other overlaps are almost exactly halfway but this one isn't, which makes it look out of place.
  2. 00:39:363 (1) - Half a tick right to get the slider end of (4) inside
  3. 00:53:979 (5) - Either move down to get the slider end of (4) entirely inside, or move up so you have that halfway overlap
  4. 00:55:517 (2) - Make this slightly flatter to get a better blanket on (3)
  5. 01:01:479 (5) - Needs a little more curve for the same reason
  6. 01:02:440 (1) - Slightly flatter
  7. 01:16:094 (5) - You're free to place this almost wherever, so somewhere like x:148 y:144 looks better to me
  8. 01:20:902 (1) - Adjust a little bit so (2) is entirely inside
  9. 01:21:479 (2) - Starting these on the offbeat is a little off-putting; if you're sure you want to keep this, then get a better blanket on (4). Otherwise I'd suggest moving (2) (3) back half a beat and replacing (4) with a single note
  10. 01:26:479 (2) - I actually wouldn't stack these; since there's a stream before I really want to click in the same rhythm in the current position.
Topic Starter

Hylocereus wrote:

Also from #modreqs! Hope this helps~

The BG image looks a little bit squashed sideways D:
  1. 00:08:595 (4) - Making this symmetrical around (1) (2) (3) would look better, I think
  2. 00:26:287 (1) - This looks like a pentagon pattern but it's a little bit off. Try x:413 y:126, x:356 y:66, and x:281 y:103 for (2) (3) (4) :)
  3. 00:40:903 - The spinner end would be better silenced
  4. 00:59:364 (1,2) - I think these would work better as 3/1 sliders instead of 2/1; try it out imo
  1. 00:09:364 (4) - This can be moved to a more symmetrical position; something like x:492 y:232 maybe? You can also have (3) and (4) blanket each other. Have to move (1) on the next combo though...
  2. 00:13:210 (1) - Move things around so (1) blankets (2)?
  3. 00:38:980 (2) - Move down a few ticks for a better blanket
  4. 00:52:057 (4) - If you curve this slider a little more you can get a nicer blanket on (1)
  5. 00:53:980 (2) - Move a few ticks up for better blanket
  6. 01:08:595 (1) - A little bit down and to the left for same reason
  1. 00:26:286 (2) - This placement is a little weird for me; the other overlaps are almost exactly halfway but this one isn't, which makes it look out of place.
  2. 00:39:363 (1) - Half a tick right to get the slider end of (4) inside
  3. 00:53:979 (5) - Either move down to get the slider end of (4) entirely inside, or move up so you have that halfway overlap
  4. 00:55:517 (2) - Make this slightly flatter to get a better blanket on (3)
  5. 01:01:479 (5) - Needs a little more curve for the same reason
  6. 01:02:440 (1) - Slightly flatter
  7. 01:16:094 (5) - You're free to place this almost wherever, so somewhere like x:148 y:144 looks better to me
  8. 01:20:902 (1) - Adjust a little bit so (2) is entirely inside
  9. 01:21:479 (2) - Starting these on the offbeat is a little off-putting; if you're sure you want to keep this, then get a better blanket on (4). Otherwise I'd suggest moving (2) (3) back half a beat and replacing (4) with a single note
  10. 01:26:479 (2) - I actually wouldn't stack these; since there's a stream before I really want to click in the same rhythm in the current position.

thx mod!! 8-) 8-)
Chihara Minori
Quick Mods
ps: srry for short language (thats why it called quick w)

• 00:19:364 (1,2,3) - this feel better (p)
• 01:02:441 (3,4) - dont stack this
• 01:08:595 (3,4) - not feel smooth
• 01:12:441 - missing note?
Theres some warning in AI Mods, clear it ~

• 00:17:249 (2) - decrese the curve
• 00:21:672 (4) - ^
• 00:37:057 (4) - ^
• 00:59:364 (1,2) - not feel smooth
• 01:01:672 (4) - angle slider instead
• 01:10:133 (2) - is this meant to blanket?
• 01:12:826 (4) - decrease the cure a bit
• 01:16:287 (3) - straight slider instead
• 01:23:595 - missing note?

• 00:21:864 (7,8) - stack at end slider instead
• 00:37:730 - missing note
• 00:39:749 (8) - curve/angle slider feel better here
• 01:12:633 (3) - decrease curve
• 01:23:403 (9.1) - feel weird

good luck
Topic Starter

eclipselotus wrote:

Quick Mods
ps: srry for short language (thats why it called quick w)

• 00:19:364 (1,2,3) - this feel better (p)
• 01:02:441 (3,4) - dont stack this
• 01:08:595 (3,4) - not feel smooth
• 01:12:441 - missing note?
Theres some warning in AI Mods, clear it ~

• 00:17:249 (2) - decrese the curve
• 00:21:672 (4) - ^
• 00:37:057 (4) - ^
• 00:59:364 (1,2) - not feel smooth
• 01:01:672 (4) - angle slider instead
• 01:10:133 (2) - is this meant to blanket?
• 01:12:826 (4) - decrease the cure a bit
• 01:16:287 (3) - straight slider instead
• 01:23:595 - missing note?

• 00:21:864 (7,8) - stack at end slider instead
• 00:37:730 - missing note
• 00:39:749 (8) - curve/angle slider feel better here
• 01:12:633 (3) - decrease curve
• 01:23:403 (9.1) - feel weird

good luck
thanks mod! 8-) 8-)
from #modreqs only did insane


you seem to be missing a lot of obvious sounds by 1/2 beat a lot of the time i didnt list all examples
with the doubles theyre really hard to hear and this is only a 3.6 star map you should undermap them

00:07:633 - you should start a note here
00:08:018 - ^
00:08:403 - ^
00:10:133 - same mistakes as before but youve changed it for no reason
00:11:480 - i dont hear a tripple here but over 00:10:710 -
00:13:210 - start note here
00:13:787 - ^
00:17:057 (3) - this slider is missing beats you should probs map
00:17:633 - start the slider here
00:29:941 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern should start at 00:30:133 - and end at 00:30:903 -
00:40:903 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i reccomend something like this instead
00:48:210 - start note here
00:59:364 (1) - i think this should only be 1/2beat long and circle at 00:59:749 - then 1/2slider at 00:59:941 -
Topic Starter

ikorza wrote:

from #modreqs only did insane


you seem to be missing a lot of obvious sounds by 1/2 beat a lot of the time i didnt list all examples
with the doubles theyre really hard to hear and this is only a 3.6 star map you should undermap them

00:07:633 - you should start a note here
00:08:018 - ^
00:08:403 - ^
00:10:133 - same mistakes as before but youve changed it for no reason
00:11:480 - i dont hear a tripple here but over 00:10:710 -
00:13:210 - start note here
00:13:787 - ^
00:17:057 (3) - this slider is missing beats you should probs map
00:17:633 - start the slider here
00:29:941 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this pattern should start at 00:30:133 - and end at 00:30:903 -
00:40:903 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i reccomend something like this instead
00:48:210 - start note here
00:59:364 (1) - i think this should only be 1/2beat long and circle at 00:59:749 - then 1/2slider at 00:59:941 -
ty mod 8-)
say this passing by on #modreq

Hitosunding needs work
00:08:787 (6) - Remove clap
00:10:710 (2) - Remove clap
00:26:864 (4) - Remove these whistles that last the entire slider, just put them at the start if you want them there
00:31:095 (7) - ^ I'll stop pointing them out at this point
00:37:633 (11,1) - Put some space between these, this is hard to read for such a low star map
01:02:441 (2) - Make this slider 1/2 and remove clap at the end
As it stand the claps feel scattershot. Try to keep a more consistant rhythm, listen to the drum.

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kantzm8 wrote:

say this passing by on #modreq

Hitosunding needs work
00:08:787 (6) - Remove clap
00:10:710 (2) - Remove clap
00:26:864 (4) - Remove these whistles that last the entire slider, just put them at the start if you want them there
00:31:095 (7) - ^ I'll stop pointing them out at this point
00:37:633 (11,1) - Put some space between these, this is hard to read for such a low star map
01:02:441 (2) - Make this slider 1/2 and remove clap at the end
As it stand the claps feel scattershot. Try to keep a more consistant rhythm, listen to the drum.

Good luck!
ty mod 8-) 8-)
That BG

Ze Mods

00:13:403 (1) - Sounds off,try to add notes instead of a long slider

shortest mod ever but works <3
Topic Starter

_Meep_ wrote:

That BG

Ze Mods

00:13:403 (1) - Sounds off,try to add notes instead of a long slider

shortest mod ever but works <3
ty mod!! 8-)
Ayy from modreq

Great maps :O
Also you should add an 18+ Warning or something, cuz oppai :l

00:16:287 (3) - end point on red tick
00:32:441 - Add a hitcircle, feels too silent
00:37:057 - ^
00:51:287 - ^
01:05:518 (5) - nc
01:17:826 (6) - ^

00:46:672 (1) - together w/ brown combo
00:57:441 (1) - move spinner on big white tick and add a hitcircle after repeated slider or repeat for one time
01:04:749 (1) - together w/ green combo
01:23:595 (6) - add a hitcircle

This might be too hard for early mouse players
AiMod : fix if u want

01:04:941 (1,2) - together w/ green combo

Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

PotatoJA wrote:

Ayy from modreq

Great maps :O
Also you should add an 18+ Warning or something, cuz oppai :l

00:16:287 (3) - end point on red tick
00:32:441 - Add a hitcircle, feels too silent
00:37:057 - ^
00:51:287 - ^
01:05:518 (5) - nc
01:17:826 (6) - ^

00:46:672 (1) - together w/ brown combo
00:57:441 (1) - move spinner on big white tick and add a hitcircle after repeated slider or repeat for one time
01:04:749 (1) - together w/ green combo
01:23:595 (6) - add a hitcircle

This might be too hard for early mouse players
AiMod : fix if u want

01:04:941 (1,2) - together w/ green combo

Good Luck! :D
thx mod 8-)
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