
Hate vs Brilliance - Qubism [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 5:37:53 PM

Artist: Hate vs Brilliance
Title: Qubism
Source: SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-
Tags: REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-
BPM: 180
Filesize: 3085kb
Play Time: 01:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.2 stars, 275 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (6.1 stars, 870 notes)
  3. Kantan (1.39 stars, 170 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (2.9 stars, 422 notes)
  5. Oni (4.06 stars, 612 notes)
Download: Hate vs Brilliance - Qubism
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Mari Nyimeng Kubis
haha ngeFLAY

mari puja QUBIS!

00:27:738 - kucig, 00:28:154 - si cokelat. see this 00:16:988 - . lu buat sama, tapi yg gw suruh ubah itu karna ada beat2 genapnya yang bagus buat di kontras. ya kalau lu seneng mastah varitytyd :v

00:38:488 (273) - ganti kucig kaga? sini penekenannya kuat buat jadi 3warna kat. biar ada perbandingan power sama warna kat 2

01:05:071 - kaat om?

01:05:488 - klau bagi gw lebih enak ini di kat, si painonya ngebentur kali kalau kau dengar. 00:22:488 - dari pada ini
no shiit, good

00:04:432 (22,28) - wew gblg, saran gw hapus ini. ntar lu tau kenapa alasan gw nunjuk disitu ( just hear the small cymbal ). dan ini panjang gblg :U

00:17:404 - ew ga enak ini kosong, to kanan kat blue tick pindah sini lah..

00:17:654 - mending dari lu keep buat tahan pola 1/2 yg ada, jgn masukin stream. yang bagus juga kalau ada 5plet baru lu spread ke 3plet (00:20:904 - jancieg di Inner aja ga ada ini, makanya apus aja. deket spreadnya di stream, cuma dkit yg dikurangin pula 1/2 wew )

00:27:654 - konsistenin kek sebelumnya om, ddd kkk kalau lu accept. atau kalau Inner juga accept sesuain warnanya kalau mau

00:39:488 - seenggaknya disini ada stream lah, di Inner aja panjang2 gitu

00:57:238 - tambah don? inner ada 1/6. disini juga buat keras sebagai 5plet

00:59:571 - d

01:21:988 - dari sini ada ide buat kasih 3plet?

dan selanjutnya kek bacodtannya gw. fix

oke fine, gw kudu ngapain?!?!?!? Angg.wav

>Footshoe and kantan
saran sih di Futsuu lu reduce aja beberapa pola 3plet 1/2nya yg deket sama si muzu

Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

haha ngeFLAY

mari puja QUBIS!

Mantab nyimeng kubis

00:27:738 - kucig, 00:28:154 - si cokelat. see this 00:16:988 - . lu buat sama, tapi yg gw suruh ubah itu karna ada beat2 genapnya yang bagus buat di kontras. ya kalau lu seneng mastah varitytyd :v lu denger ga suara nguuueeeeeeeengnya di situ, gw ngikutin itu :v sama kaya 00:16:988

00:38:488 (273) - ganti kucig kaga? sini penekenannya kuat buat jadi 3warna kat. biar ada perbandingan power sama warna kat 2 naisu desu desu

01:05:071 - kaat om? ngga mbah, gw ngikutin pianonya dari longnote awal sono

01:05:488 - klau bagi gw lebih enak ini di kat, si painonya ngebentur kali kalau kau dengar. 00:22:488 - dari pada ini
no shiit, good

00:04:432 (22,28) - wew gblg, saran gw hapus ini. ntar lu tau kenapa alasan gw nunjuk disitu ( just hear the small cymbal ). dan ini panjang gblg :U gw pertimbangin lagi ye, dan liat modder lainnya juga ada yg permasalahin ini ato ngga

00:17:404 - ew ga enak ini kosong, to kanan kat blue tick pindah sini lah.. biar seimbang sesama triplet mbah (sama triple don)

00:17:654 - mending dari lu keep buat tahan pola 1/2 yg ada, jgn masukin stream. yang bagus juga kalau ada 5plet baru lu spread ke 3plet (00:20:904 - jancieg di Inner aja ga ada ini, makanya apus aja. deket spreadnya di stream, cuma dkit yg dikurangin pula 1/2 wew ) jadi yang gw delet yang mana nih ? bingung cug :V

00:27:654 - konsistenin kek sebelumnya om, ddd kkk kalau lu accept. atau kalau Inner juga accept sesuain warnanya kalau mau gw konsisten di k d k ddk k d makanya ddk ngikut. tapi okelah ganti ke ddk d kkk

00:39:488 - seenggaknya disini ada stream lah, di Inner aja panjang2 gitu berentinya emang pas di 00:39:654 - kok, kalo yang di inner itu cuma extra note aja, irama tambahan dari gw hehe
buat ngejaga gap ke muzukashii juga sih

00:57:238 - tambah don? inner ada 1/6. disini juga buat keras sebagai 5plet 00:57:571 - instead of there

00:59:571 - d ngga mbah, sudah cukup triplet aja

01:21:988 - dari sini ada ide buat kasih 3plet? ngga mbah, ini buat slow. biarin aja 1/2 buat istirahat. lelah mereka ngehit 1/4 mulu

dan selanjutnya kek bacodtannya gw. fix bacotan yang mana ? terlalu banyak bacotanmu :v

oke fine, gw kudu ngapain?!?!?!? Angg.wav mendaki.jpg

>Footshoe and kantan
saran sih di Futsuu lu reduce aja pola 3plet 1/2nya. biar ga deket sama si muzu gak, buat jaga kestabilan gap antara kantan - futsuu dan futsuu - muzu. udah ngepas kok ini mbah

ntar sisanya gw terusin lagi, makasih mbah
Makasih buat modnya mbah, bermanfaat banget bacotannya buat anak gunung pemula seperti gw

Nishizumi wrote:

Surono wrote:

haha ngeFLAY

mari puja QUBIS!

Mantab nyimeng kubis

00:27:738 - kucig, 00:28:154 - si cokelat. see this 00:16:988 - . lu buat sama, tapi yg gw suruh ubah itu karna ada beat2 genapnya yang bagus buat di kontras. ya kalau lu seneng mastah varitytyd :v lu denger ga suara nguuueeeeeeeengnya di situ, gw ngikutin itu :v sama kaya 00:16:988
gblg lu ngapain pake alasan gitu, gw jelas2 ngomongin perbedaan. malah luw bales kek herp :U cecedes. ye kalau emang konsisten sama suara yg similar ya udah. gw cuma point sama si beat2 perkusinya ye kwakkwkw. GLUCK for this map!
Inner Oni
00:57:571 (454,455) - I think these should be flipped, according to the sound of the music but also I feel like it plays a lot better.
01:03:321 - I dunno if this is really correct to the stream (I added the changes so I dont wanna look back to original) but I wanna remake a section so here it goes
These two changes I would argue are necessary to be a better flowing map.

Alright the rest looks good (not good, really spectacular)

Uhhh dont give KD I will mod the rest later im sorry
Topic Starter
ok, i willing to wait for you
Hi~ From my mod queue. I usually mod the whole set, but since I am really tired, I won't do futsuu and kantan. Sorry about that.


  1. Everything seems good.

Inner Oni

  1. 00:13:071 (80) - A bit minor but move this note to 00:13:238 and change 00:13:321 (82) to k. This way, you have a nice and smooth x x xxx rhythm.
  2. 00:37:404 (260) - change to k? Sounds a bit bland with d.
  3. 01:04:654 (535,536,537,538,539)- Again minor, but change to kkdkd? Because I feel like this note 01:04:821 (537) is more emphasized (melody + hi-hat(?)) than the previous note and k suits better.
  4. 01:18:654 (39) - might want to change to k since d sounds empty.
  5. 01:19:488 (43,44,45,46,47) - This part doesn't really sound appealing (should I say boring?). I would personally change them to kdkkd since the music is getting more intense and these kats seem to support the music better.
  6. 01:31:154 (24,25,26) - change to ddk. The melody pitch is increasing (and k serves the bass drum)
  7. 01:41:821 (121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128) - This 1/1 feels a bit independent. Instead of dddkdddK, I would go for dkdddkdK since those kats represent snares.


  1. 00:45:488 (265) -This 1/2 note feels really off when there is a prominent 1/3 sound going on here. I would delete this and add some 1/3 notes.
  2. 00:56:404 (340,341) - Ctrl+g. 00:56:404 (340) has a high pitch so k fits better.
  3. 00:58:654 (357) - change to k for the snare/melody.
  4. 01:41:821 - See Oni.


  1. 01:06:988 (168,169,170,171) - I don't see the reason to use 1/1 notes when the song is offering various sounds. (Plus the song pace hasn't changed enough to give 1/1 notes). I would just use 1/2 notes in this case for consistent flow.
  2. 01:18:654 (15) - Same reason as oni, change to k.

That was rather a hard map to mod due to your mapping style so can't you give lots of suggestions. But the map seems solid.
Soooooo, GL~
Topic Starter

ZTH wrote:

Hi~ From my mod queue. I usually mod the whole set, but since I am really tired, I won't do futsuu and kantan. Sorry about that. it's okay at least you modded mine.


  1. Everything seems good.

Inner Oni

  1. 00:13:071 (80) - A bit minor but move this note to 00:13:238 and change 00:13:321 (82) to k. This way, you have a nice and smooth x x xxx rhythm. but it doesn't match with that rhythm as i want (in 1/2 view, i want only k k d d k k d except the first of this pattern (d k d)). also i put xxx x xxx rhythm to make this varies becauset the next is kkd k d kkd (xxx x x xxx).
  2. 00:37:404 (260) - change to k? Sounds a bit bland with d. it sounds odd for me.
  3. 01:04:654 (535,536,537,538,539)- Again minor, but change to kkdkd? Because I feel like this note 01:04:821 (537) is more emphasized (melody + hi-hat(?)) than the previous note and k suits better. agreed~ changed.
  4. 01:18:654 (39) - might want to change to k since d sounds empty. nope since they're similar as (37,38)
  5. 01:19:488 (43,44,45,46,47) - This part doesn't really sound appealing (should I say boring?). I would personally change them to kdkkd since the music is getting more intense and these kats seem to support the music better. nope, i basically following chord sound (?) or whatever *LOL i dunno what is that* in slow part.
  6. 01:31:154 (24,25,26) - change to ddk. The melody pitch is increasing (and k serves the bass drum) seems good, but somehow i loved this rather than ddk, maybe because i don't follow the drum
  7. 01:41:821 (121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128) - This 1/1 feels a bit independent. Instead of dddkdddK, I would go for dkdddkdK since those kats represent snares. my dddkdddK indicate to snares too lmao


  1. 00:45:488 (265) -This 1/2 note feels really off when there is a prominent 1/3 sound going on here. I would delete this and add some 1/3 notes. ya i intended to minimize 1/3 since it would be easier
  2. 00:56:404 (340,341) - Ctrl+g. 00:56:404 (340) has a high pitch so k fits better. yea
  3. 00:58:654 (357) - change to k for the snare/melody. i prefer to follow piano
  4. 01:41:821 - See Oni. i keep in my way


  1. 01:06:988 (168,169,170,171) - I don't see the reason to use 1/1 notes when the song is offering various sounds. (Plus the song pace hasn't changed enough to give 1/1 notes). I would just use 1/2 notes in this case for consistent flow. dem my mistake
  2. 01:18:654 (15) - Same reason as oni, change to k. same

That was rather a hard map to mod due to your mapping style so can't you give lots of suggestions. But the map seems solid.
Soooooo, GL~
Thanks for your mod
will revive this map soon revived, also accept some pattern at 01:03:321 - (mod from backfire) (i won't change 1/6 dddk to kkkd)

thank you guys :)
I think your OD and HP's might be messed up. Check futsuu and also oni should be OD 6 too.

Since you said I could skip over kantan and futsuu I will however, I did skim over them and whatever changes need to be applied is probably negligible. I think this is mostly ready for rank imo. Don't waste too much time gathering mods, just summon a BN or something.

00:44:071 - Maybe k here to add some kind of plet for muzu? You don't have a whole lot of them.
01:26:988 - I don't particularly like this note here, I think you could just remove and it'd be fine.
01:47:654 - I think it would be ok to do on the 1/3 k k kk, since currently it just seems weird too.

00:27:738 - I feel like you could add a don here to extend the pattern a little bit :)
01:22:154 - Contrasting the "k k d" with a d d k here is much better than d k k. I feel like they don't mix as good if you keep it as d k k.
Really good, I don't like to make too many changes if it isn't necessary.
Topic Starter

Backfire wrote:

I think your OD and HP's might be messed up. Check futsuu and also oni should be OD 6 too.

Since you said I could skip over kantan and futsuu I will however, I did skim over them and whatever changes need to be applied is probably negligible. I think this is mostly ready for rank imo. Don't waste too much time gathering mods, just summon a BN or something. thanks, summond a BN is too dem hard

00:44:071 - Maybe k here to add some kind of plet for muzu? You don't have a whole lot of them. it's not needed since triplet exactly at 00:43:904 - if i put them into a triplet, i can't put ddk triplet for muzu. rankable or not, i don't like triplet except monocolor
01:26:988 - I don't particularly like this note here, I think you could just remove and it'd be fine. consider, mostly accepting this
01:47:654 - I think it would be ok to do on the 1/3 k k kk, since currently it just seems weird too. i feel the same like you, accept this for now. but i haven't found the best pattern :(

00:27:738 - I feel like you could add a don here to extend the pattern a little bit :) i think it's not needed since one don 00:27:821 - reinforce for kick and music that goes up *dunno what is it lol*
01:22:154 - Contrasting the "k k d" with a d d k here is much better than d k k. I feel like they don't mix as good if you keep it as d k k.
Really good, I don't like to make too many changes if it isn't necessary.changed to k d d with d d k instead
thanks for your mod bakafire :)
[Inner Oni]
00:12:321 (74) - kasih finisher ?
00:13:821 (85,86,87) - ini kenapa ga ddk aja ? terus 00:14:487 (90,91,92) - dkd
00:27:488 (179) - sbnrny d kekny lebih konsisten ama patternny tapi gpp juga kalo ga deh o.o
00:29:154 (194) - jadiin d aja ? biar nyambung sama 00:31:488 (214,215,216) -
00:38:654 (275) - gimana kalo ini d aja terus 00:38:738 (276) - hapus ? gada suara soalny xD
00:44:321 (320) - kasih finisher kekny enak ? xD
00:45:766 (330,331) - ini hapus ato ikut suara 1/4 ny aja ? soalny kalo 1/3 udh gada suara 1/3 dsitu ?
00:46:571 (335) - d?
01:08:766 (571,572,573) - ddk lebih pas imo
01:18:654 (39) - suarany kek k ?
01:26:404 (10) - hapus aja ? gada suara sih cma echo doang
00:24:821 (136,137,138) - kkd aja ? soalny ddk ny ntar kebanyakan xD
00:58:654 (357) - k ? lebih cocok kekny buat snare sama piano
01:26:238 - add k?
01:47:877 (223,224,225) - kdk ? soalny snare ny di 01:47:877 - sama 01:48:099 - o.o
00:27:654 (117,118,119,120,121) - mending ngikut suara kick ny itu aja soalny futsuu kosong lho
00:50:988 (88) - move ke 00:51:154 - rada aneh soalny but imo sih
00:55:654 (113) - ini juga kalo iya
01:07:654 (173,174,175) - dkd aja ?
01:24:654 (39,40,41,42) - kddk lebih pas imo
01:41:988 (120,122) - kdd aja ? lebih pas & biar ga monoton 01:41:321 (117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125) - 01:43:321 (126,127,128) -
01:47:988 (147) - move ke 01:48:099 - terus add k di 01:47:877 - yaaa suggest doang soalny snapny rada membingungkan

ok maaf cuma bisa itu doang x..x
sorry kalo ga ngebantu ane msih noob h3h3 x..x
Good Luck eaa >w<
Topic Starter

Shinzo- wrote:

[Inner Oni]
00:12:321 (74) - kasih finisher ? ga cukup kuat finisher di sini buat naro big note
00:13:821 (85,86,87) - ini kenapa ga ddk aja ? terus 00:14:487 (90,91,92) - dkd it looks too random
00:27:488 (179) - sbnrny d kekny lebih konsisten ama patternny tapi gpp juga kalo ga deh o.o buat kontras warna aja di sini
00:29:154 (194) - jadiin d aja ? biar nyambung sama 00:31:488 (214,215,216) - nope, note utamanya k di bagian gini
00:38:654 (275) - gimana kalo ini d aja terus 00:38:738 (276) - hapus ? gada suara soalny xD gw pertimbangin lagi, soalnya gw bikin irama gw sendiri di sini
00:44:321 (320) - kasih finisher kekny enak ? xD nope, lebih bagus normal note, buat bener" ngemphasis ke kat selanjutnya
00:45:766 (330,331) - ini hapus ato ikut suara 1/4 ny aja ? soalny kalo 1/3 udh gada suara 1/3 dsitu ? ada, suara electronya
00:46:571 (335) - d? no
01:08:766 (571,572,573) - ddk lebih pas imo kalo ngikutin suara drum emang pas, tapi sayangnya gw ga ngikutin itu
01:18:654 (39) - suarany kek k ? nope, suara gitar(?)nya itu sama semua ketiganya
01:26:404 (10) - hapus aja ? gada suara sih cma echo doang gw bikin irama di sini lagi, walaupun aslinya ada gw bikin seolah" itu ada

00:24:821 (136,137,138) - kkd aja ? soalny ddk ny ntar kebanyakan xD ya ga masalah ddk kebanyakan =.=
00:58:654 (357) - k ? lebih cocok kekny buat snare sama piano gw rasa suara pianonya monoton di sini
01:26:238 - add k? nope
01:47:877 (223,224,225) - kdk ? soalny snare ny di 01:47:877 - sama 01:48:099 - o.o gw ga ngikutin itu
00:27:654 (117,118,119,120,121) - mending ngikut suara kick ny itu aja soalny futsuu kosong lho di futsuu kosong karena buat mencegah adanya longnote, makanya gw putusin di bagian situ
00:50:988 (88) - move ke 00:51:154 - rada aneh soalny but imo sih gw malah ngerasa aneh kalo di situ lol
00:55:654 (113) - ini juga kalo iya ^
01:07:654 (173,174,175) - dkd aja ? nope
01:24:654 (39,40,41,42) - kddk lebih pas imo it's inconcsistent
01:41:988 (120,122) - kdd aja ? lebih pas & biar ga monoton 01:41:321 (117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125) - 01:43:321 (126,127,128) - malah lower diff harusnya lebih monoton biar lebih gampang
01:47:988 (147) - move ke 01:48:099 - terus add k di 01:47:877 - yaaa suggest doang soalny snapny rada membingungkan ya suggesnya keliatan bagus kok, tapi somehow lebih nyaman note yang ini

ok maaf cuma bisa itu doang x..x
sorry kalo ga ngebantu ane msih noob h3h3 x..x
Good Luck eaa >w<
ga masalah, take a kudos
for the next, if you mod any map you have to give some explanations why this sould be changed, to reinforce your argument
try to be better !!

thanks for your rechecking anyways
liukang v.1,69

ur setails ~2 6 4 me~ tbh :VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvvvv * mana pola ka de de ka de de ka? pepes rip x_x *
Hello request from q
Sorry i skip inner bcs gw gabisa mainnya ;w;
Dan mod gw cupu mas maaf

  1. OD 6?
  2. 00:01:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - bagian ini imo terlalu sulit, lebih lagi karena ini part awal belom apa" langsung patternnya kaya gini? too much 1/4 kalo menurut gw sih, kurang"in dikit ama kasih break? kiai bahkan ga serame itu qwq
  3. 00:04:766 (25,31) - imo mereka bisa diremove buat break, karena di muzukashii ini lumayan kosong dan adanya pattern panjang dadakan ini kesannya wow banget lol
  4. 00:28:488 (158) - bisa diremove buat kasih break. lagian impact finishnya dari 00:28:321 (157) - masih ngena ke musiknya sampe 00:28:571 owo
  5. 00:33:154 (188,189,190) - nggak enakan kkd aja kah? nyesuain sama instrumennya, dan lagi pitchnya kan dari tinggi ke rendah
  6. 00:59:154 (357) - pindah ke 00:59:071 buat ngikutin suara tingnya itu? wkwk
  7. 01:21:321 (47) - pindah ke 01:21:238 buat ngikutin musiknya like you did on 01:20:321 (43,44,45,46) - ? ntahlah kerasa aneh aja kalo tiba" bikin pattern sendiri tanpa ngikutin musiknya padahal sebelumnya jelas" ngikutin gitu owo
  8. 01:26:988 (81) - not ini sebenernya nggak perlu karena musiknya berhenti di 01:26:904 (80) - . karna kkdk bakal agak aneh kalo dimainin, saranku sih ganti jd dddk, atau terserah sih, intinya gw saranin delete itu not
  9. 01:34:571 (126,127) - nggak enakan kalo dipindah di 01:34:488 aja buat ngikutin musiknya?
  10. 01:38:238 (152) - ini juga imo nggak perlu, karena nggak ada musiknya di sana dan instrumen di 01:38:071 cuma dobel aja, jadi dihapus aja imo
  11. 01:39:654 (161,162,163,164,165) - streamnya ngikutin apa ya ;w; kalopun mw bikin stream di sini pisah aja jdi triplet, like 01:39:738 (162) - dihapus or so..
  12. 01:42:654 (182) - pitchnya naek d sini, ganti k?
  13. 01:45:821 (206,207,208,209,210) - seriously gw agak bingung di sini karna gaada musik apapun tapi malah rame gini wkwkw ngga nyalahin jg sih tapi gw juga bingung gimana, cuma bilang aja
  14. 01:46:988 (213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224) - ^^^^ something above lol
  15. Udah bagus imo, tapi kadang breaknya kurang. Kalo telanjur banyak ya banyak, kalo telanjur sedikit malah gaada kaya 01:31:321 (102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126) - lol but overall dah oke walaupun ada beberapa ketidaksetujuan karna style kita yang jauh berbeda hiks *slap myself*
  1. HP 6 mz
  2. 00:45:988 (62) - k mungkin? ntah menurut gw flow better, dan lagi musiknya lebih tinggi dari 00:45:654 (61) - , biar jadi pembeda antara yang satu notenya ngikutin musiknya ketilep (?), dan satunya naek gt..
  3. 00:48:654 (74) - k, tingnya dua kali o3o
  4. 00:50:154 (83,87) - remove please ;w; Futsuunya kosong banget d situ, spreadnya jadi ngga balance hue
  5. 00:56:821 (117) - remove? di futsuu sama oni jg gaada notenya owo
  6. 00:56:988 (117,118,119,120,121) - kdkkd mungkin nyesuain musiknya better kan?
  7. 00:58:154 (123) - rem for spread
  8. 01:09:432 (177) - d karena tiba" menciut lagunya bomat sama bahasa gw mah
  9. 01:17:154 (9) - rem for spreaad
  10. 01:25:821 (43) - pindah ke 01:25:488, terus 01:26:154 (44) - ke 01:25:904, and 01:26:321 (45) - ke 01:26:154, lebih ngepas sama musiknya. kalo bingung ini ssnya
  11. 01:29:154 (54,55) - bagian ini kenapa nggak dijadiin 1/3 aja? nggak masalah imo dripada kaya gini, nggak jelas menurut gw ngikutin apa
  12. 01:42:654 (119) - k, biar patternnya ngga ddk terus"an. kalo menurut gw sih 01:42:654 (119) - buat ngikutin rising pitchnya di 01:42:321 (118,119,121) - , dan 01:42:821 (120) - cuma buat swingnya doang.
  13. 01:45:488 (134,135) - swap? karena impactnya lebih kuat di 01:45:654 (135) - dan butuh high note jadi k di sini lebih cocok
  14. 01:45:988 (136,137,138) - ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww;
  15. Dah bagus but butuh break sana sini karena spreadnya dri Futsuu ke Muzu kejauhan sedangkan Muzu sama Oni mepet banget DD:
  1. OD 5 mz
  2. 00:48:654 (131) - k, tingnya dobel
  3. 00:54:988 (149) - d aja cukup, karena ngga ada musik buat diemphasize ini buat nggak kosong aja kan awkawkawk
  4. 01:26:988 (35) - remove owo reasonnya ada di bagian atas somewhere, dan Muzu jg gaada not ini >w>
  5. 01:28:821 (37) - rem for break and spread
  6. 01:45:321 (4,5) - swap reason sama kea muzu =w=
  7. 01:45:988 (6,7,8) - ;wwwwwwwwwwww; /slapped
  8. Gaada masalah, cuma pas bagian kiai terlalu nemplok ama Muzukashii jd bisa dikurang"in dikit de notnya awkawkwa
  1. 00:38:321 (53) - ngga lebih enak k aja? musiknya tinggi lho
  2. 00:45:988 bisa kasih sedikit not di daerah sini biar ngga terlalu jauh ama futchuu
  3. 01:03:988 dll (?) ^
  4. 01:26:988 (18) - rem
  5. If you apply ^ -> 01:26:821 k di sini gapapa kok, breaknya lumayan gede
  6. Komennya 11 12 ama Futchuu owo
Semoga bermanfaat dan berfaedah (?
Ngga usah d kudosu kalo emang ngga bantu apa" ;w;
Topic Starter

Senritsu wrote:

Hello request from q
Sorry i skip inner bcs gw gabisa mainnya ;w;
Dan mod gw cupu mas maaf

  1. OD 6? nanti tak pikirin lagi sama buat pertimbangan dari modder lainnya (kalo ada yang permasalahin ini juga), soalnya biar jarak ODnya deket sama muzu
  2. 00:01:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) - bagian ini imo terlalu sulit, lebih lagi karena ini part awal belom apa" langsung patternnya kaya gini? too much 1/4 kalo menurut gw sih, kurang"in dikit ama kasih break? kiai bahkan ga serame itu qwq imo, kiai ga harus tempat yang paling rame. kalo less note jadi kurang aja feelnya buat jaga spread inner dan oni
  3. 00:04:766 (25,31) - imo mereka bisa diremove buat break, karena di muzukashii ini lumayan kosong dan adanya pattern panjang dadakan ini kesannya wow banget lol aku pikir ga masalah, toh ini juga easy pattern soalnya
  4. 00:28:488 (158) - bisa diremove buat kasih break. lagian impact finishnya dari 00:28:321 (157) - masih ngena ke musiknya sampe 00:28:571 owo tak pertimbangin dulu, soalnya kalo di delete kaya inconsistent pattern jadinya. tapi ini notenya agak kepanjangan. duh :|
  5. 00:33:154 (188,189,190) - nggak enakan kkd aja kah? nyesuain sama instrumennya, dan lagi pitchnya kan dari tinggi ke rendah aku ngerasanya malah dari rendah ke tinggi, sama kaya inner @_@
  6. 00:59:154 (357) - pindah ke 00:59:071 buat ngikutin suara tingnya itu? wkwk kedengeran aneh, lagipula buat sedikit break aja biar mencegah long note (kalo ke blue tick pasti agak dikit buat breaknya)
  7. 01:21:321 (47) - pindah ke 01:21:238 buat ngikutin musiknya like you did on 01:20:321 (43,44,45,46) - ? ntahlah kerasa aneh aja kalo tiba" bikin pattern sendiri tanpa ngikutin musiknya padahal sebelumnya jelas" ngikutin gitu owo di situ (01:20:321 - ) juga ngikutin yang sama kaya 01:21:321 kok tapi kurang kedengeran karena dari suara kecil sampe volumenya gede
  8. 01:26:988 (81) - not ini sebenernya nggak perlu karena musiknya berhenti di 01:26:904 (80) - . karna kkdk bakal agak aneh kalo dimainin, saranku sih ganti jd dddk, atau terserah sih, intinya gw saranin delete itu not ya tau, gw udah coba2 pake 4 notes gitu tapi belom ada yang ngepas buat gw. jadi keep dulu deh ya
  9. 01:34:571 (126,127) - nggak enakan kalo dipindah di 01:34:488 aja buat ngikutin musiknya? tapi, itu bakal lebih susah dengan akhiran duplet gitu dibanding satu. dan note juga bakal sedikit lebih panjang
  10. 01:38:238 (152) - ini juga imo nggak perlu, karena nggak ada musiknya di sana dan instrumen di 01:38:071 cuma dobel aja, jadi dihapus aja imo itu gw buat irama sendiri hhe, tapi nyaruh kan pas dimainin kaya nyaruh kan di situ ada nada juga xd
  11. 01:39:654 (161,162,163,164,165) - streamnya ngikutin apa ya ;w; kalopun mw bikin stream di sini pisah aja jdi triplet, like 01:39:738 (162) - dihapus or so.. ah iya, deleted 01:39:904 - instead
  12. 01:42:654 (182) - pitchnya naek d sini, ganti k? sebenernya kick juga ada di 01:41:988 (179) - dan (182) tapi gw sengaja ga gw pasang k biar lebih epic pattern aja imo
  13. 01:45:821 (206,207,208,209,210) - seriously gw agak bingung di sini karna gaada musik apapun tapi malah rame gini wkwkw ngga nyalahin jg sih tapi gw juga bingung gimana, cuma bilang aja sebenernya ada kok, cuma ga terlalu kedengeran juga soalnya kaya meredup lol. kalo pake headset masih "sedikit" terdengar jelas kok xd
  14. 01:46:988 (213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224) - ^^^^ something above lol same
  15. Udah bagus imo, tapi kadang breaknya kurang. Kalo telanjur banyak ya banyak, kalo telanjur sedikit malah gaada kaya 01:31:321 (102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126) - lol but overall dah oke walaupun ada beberapa ketidaksetujuan karna style kita yang jauh berbeda hiks *slap myself* ya, ini karena perbedaan style dan gara" musiknya aja :/ di kiai musiknya datar *cenderung ke 1/2* tapi non kiainya malah banyak musik beruntun
  1. HP 6 mz keep aja, somehow lebih enak aja keliatannya (?) udah biasa gini juga soalnya kalo ngemep muzu pake hp5 x_x
  2. 00:45:988 (62) - k mungkin? ntah menurut gw flow better, dan lagi musiknya lebih tinggi dari 00:45:654 (61) - , biar jadi pembeda antara yang satu notenya ngikutin musiknya ketilep (?), dan satunya naek gt.. gw malah denger di suara drumnya(?) dub dub tak so gw pake ddk deh jadinya
  3. 00:48:654 (74) - k, tingnya dua kali o3o gw lebih ngikutin suara drumnya(?) pokoknya yang dub dub tak gitu lah auk apa wkwk
  4. 00:50:154 (83,87) - remove please ;w; Futsuunya kosong banget d situ, spreadnya jadi ngga balance hue ok
  5. 00:56:821 (117) - remove? di futsuu sama oni jg gaada notenya owo ok
  6. 00:56:988 (117,118,119,120,121) - kdkkd mungkin nyesuain musiknya better kan? changed to kkkkd instead
  7. 00:58:154 (123) - rem for spread spread is ok i guess
  8. 01:09:432 (177) - d karena tiba" menciut lagunya bomat sama bahasa gw mah sama kok dia bertiga, also for structural pattern
  9. 01:17:154 (9) - rem for spreaad remove 01:17:488 - instead
  10. 01:25:821 (43) - pindah ke 01:25:488, terus 01:26:154 (44) - ke 01:25:904, and 01:26:321 (45) - ke 01:26:154, lebih ngepas sama musiknya. kalo bingung ini ssnya ngga deh, style kita beda :(
  11. 01:29:154 (54,55) - bagian ini kenapa nggak dijadiin 1/3 aja? nggak masalah imo dripada kaya gini, nggak jelas menurut gw ngikutin apa ngemap ga harus ngikutin musik juga kan, bisa buat irama sndiri juga (?) 1/3 flownya aneh aja
  12. 01:42:654 (119) - k, biar patternnya ngga ddk terus"an. kalo menurut gw sih 01:42:654 (119) - buat ngikutin rising pitchnya di 01:42:321 (118,119,121) - , dan 01:42:821 (120) - cuma buat swingnya doang. ya mau gimana lagi musiknya repepetitive gitu :/
  13. 01:45:488 (134,135) - swap? karena impactnya lebih kuat di 01:45:654 (135) - dan butuh high note jadi k di sini lebih cocok 01:45:645 - bagi gw lebih menekankan ke d, for structural pattern too
  14. 01:45:988 (136,137,138) - ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww; lah kenapa ? ini ada suaranya kok, cuma makin meredup aja lol
  15. Dah bagus but butuh break sana sini karena spreadnya dri Futsuu ke Muzu kejauhan sedangkan Muzu sama Oni mepet banget DD: emang sengaja, lebih suka gitu soalnya. mungkin ini mapping style gw (?)
  1. OD 5 mz kegedean mb futsuu od segitu bagi gw
  2. 00:48:654 (131) - k, tingnya dobel sama kaya penjelasan oni
  3. 00:54:988 (149) - d aja cukup, karena ngga ada musik buat diemphasize ini buat nggak kosong aja kan awkawkawk pianonya ninggi gitu kok
  4. 01:26:988 (35) - remove owo reasonnya ada di bagian atas somewhere, dan Muzu jg gaada not ini >w> add at muzu instead :^)
  5. 01:28:821 (37) - rem for break and spread nope, spread is fine for me
  6. 01:45:321 (4,5) - swap reason sama kea muzu =w= noooooooo
  7. 01:45:988 (6,7,8) - ;wwwwwwwwwwww; /slapped tidaaaaaaaaak
  8. Gaada masalah, cuma pas bagian kiai terlalu nemplok ama Muzukashii jd bisa dikurang"in dikit de notnya awkawkwa kedikitan salah, kebanyakan salah. harus gimana aku mba :( gini udah pas menurutku
  1. 00:38:321 (53) - ngga lebih enak k aja? musiknya tinggi lho kalo ini gw ngikutin drumnya bukan teriakannya
  2. 00:45:988 bisa kasih sedikit not di daerah sini biar ngga terlalu jauh ama futchuu added
  3. 01:03:988 dll (?) ^ ini cukup, ntar jadi ilang konsistensinya
  4. 01:26:988 (18) - rem nope :/
  5. If you apply ^ -> 01:26:821 k di sini gapapa kok, breaknya lumayan gede i know, tapi kalo mendadak 1/2 gitu feelnya ga enak aja
  6. Komennya 11 12 ama Futchuu owo replynya juga owo
Semoga bermanfaat dan berfaedah (?
Ngga usah d kudosu kalo emang ngga bantu apa" ;w;
makasih buat longmodnya senrichu~

Senritsu wrote:

Semoga bermanfaat dan berfaedah (?
Ngga usah d kudosu kalo emang ngga bantu apa" ;w;

anjir lu nisht elitid amat KWOKwokwokOkwokw (nowadays mapper from Indon wasnt a babieh anymore)

mampuz lawan cwek. cowok zlalu calah ehehehe
Topic Starter
lha elitid apanya gblk
respoding to your reply
ada beberapa yang gw masih ga setuju tapi semua tetep terserah elu sih wkwk

Nishizumi wrote:

Senritsu wrote:

  1. 00:04:766 (25,31) - imo mereka bisa diremove buat break, karena di muzukashii ini lumayan kosong dan adanya pattern panjang dadakan ini kesannya wow banget lol aku pikir ga masalah, toh ini juga easy pattern soalnya / yatapi consider the spread, Muzunya kosong begitu sedangkan Oni ama Inner bagian ini persis banget patternnya. easy pattern for you =/= easy pattern for the other player. kita player berpengalaman, consider yang baru aja belajar muzu ~ oni, ini bakal spikenya gede banget
  2. 01:21:321 (47) - pindah ke 01:21:238 buat ngikutin musiknya like you did on 01:20:321 (43,44,45,46) - ? ntahlah kerasa aneh aja kalo tiba" bikin pattern sendiri tanpa ngikutin musiknya padahal sebelumnya jelas" ngikutin gitu owo di situ (01:20:321 - ) juga ngikutin yang sama kaya 01:21:321 kok tapi kurang kedengeran karena dari suara kecil sampe volumenya gede / i'm only referring to your previous pattern, karena obvious banget ngikutin main soundnya daripada yang lg rising itu. maksud gw sih cuma kenapa kok ngga dituntasin aja sampe maksnya, daripada dipotong di tengah jalan gt
  3. 01:45:821 (206,207,208,209,210) - seriously gw agak bingung di sini karna gaada musik apapun tapi malah rame gini wkwkw ngga nyalahin jg sih tapi gw juga bingung gimana, cuma bilang aja sebenernya ada kok, cuma ga terlalu kedengeran juga soalnya kaya meredup lol. kalo pake headset masih "sedikit" terdengar jelas kok xd / kasih green line kalo gitu, reduce volumenya. sorry gw ga ngemod pake headset jadi gw gatau orz
  1. HP 6 mz keep aja, somehow lebih enak aja keliatannya (?) udah biasa gini juga soalnya kalo ngemep muzu pake hp5 x_x / gw cuma ngikutin guideline di sini mz, kudu high lol
  2. 00:58:154 (123) - rem for spread spread is ok i guess / no, muzu ama oni terlalu deket. muzu kurang break, oni tanpa break, dan futsuu kebanyakan breaknya. menurut gw sih gitu
  3. 01:42:654 (119) - k, biar patternnya ngga ddk terus"an. kalo menurut gw sih 01:42:654 (119) - buat ngikutin rising pitchnya di 01:42:321 (118,119,121) - , dan 01:42:821 (120) - cuma buat swingnya doang. ya mau gimana lagi musiknya repepetitive gitu :/ / kontradiktif banget sama balesan di mod gw yang sebelumnya WKWKWKWK
  4. 01:45:988 (136,137,138) - ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww; lah kenapa ? ini ada suaranya kok, cuma makin meredup aja lol / wkwkwk (?)
  5. Dah bagus but butuh break sana sini karena spreadnya dri Futsuu ke Muzu kejauhan sedangkan Muzu sama Oni mepet banget DD: emang sengaja, lebih suka gitu soalnya. mungkin ini mapping style gw (?) yha mz itu mah maunya gitu bukan mapping stylenya gitu... ya serah sih gw kan cuma bilang doang
  1. OD 5 mz kegedean mb futsuu od segitu bagi gw / gw refer ke sini though, recommendednya 4~5
  2. Gaada masalah, cuma pas bagian kiai terlalu nemplok ama Muzukashii jd bisa dikurang"in dikit de notnya awkawkwa kedikitan salah, kebanyakan salah. harus gimana aku mba :( gini udah pas menurutku / sudahlah mz cewek tu selalu benar koq on a serious note, di kantan notnya 3/1 + long break, futsuu serentetan 3/2 + short break, dan di muzu 7/2 + break seadanya. D: kalo emang mw keep pattern 1/2nya mending kasih jarak deh
Topic Starter

Nishizumi wrote:

Senritsu wrote:

  1. 00:04:766 (25,31) - imo mereka bisa diremove buat break, karena di muzukashii ini lumayan kosong dan adanya pattern panjang dadakan ini kesannya wow banget lol aku pikir ga masalah, toh ini juga easy pattern soalnya / yatapi consider the spread, Muzunya kosong begitu sedangkan Oni ama Inner bagian ini persis banget patternnya. easy pattern for you =/= easy pattern for the other player. kita player berpengalaman, consider yang baru aja belajar muzu ~ oni, ini bakal spikenya gede banget ya itulah tujuan gw, oni gw emang ditujukan buat yang udah lumayan berpengalaman. karena lagunya emang mendukung juga buat note begitu
  2. 01:21:321 (47) - pindah ke 01:21:238 buat ngikutin musiknya like you did on 01:20:321 (43,44,45,46) - ? ntahlah kerasa aneh aja kalo tiba" bikin pattern sendiri tanpa ngikutin musiknya padahal sebelumnya jelas" ngikutin gitu owo di situ (01:20:321 - ) juga ngikutin yang sama kaya 01:21:321 kok tapi kurang kedengeran karena dari suara kecil sampe volumenya gede / i'm only referring to your previous pattern, karena obvious banget ngikutin main soundnya daripada yang lg rising itu. maksud gw sih cuma kenapa kok ngga dituntasin aja sampe maksnya, daripada dipotong di tengah jalan gt oh ya ._. add d aja dibanding pindahin btw gw kalo ngemap emang gini, kadang ada musik baru langsung gw beralih lol
  3. 01:45:821 (206,207,208,209,210) - seriously gw agak bingung di sini karna gaada musik apapun tapi malah rame gini wkwkw ngga nyalahin jg sih tapi gw juga bingung gimana, cuma bilang aja sebenernya ada kok, cuma ga terlalu kedengeran juga soalnya kaya meredup lol. kalo pake headset masih "sedikit" terdengar jelas kok xd / kasih green line kalo gitu, reduce volumenya. sorry gw ga ngemod pake headset jadi gw gatau orz done
  1. HP 6 mz keep aja, somehow lebih enak aja keliatannya (?) udah biasa gini juga soalnya kalo ngemep muzu pake hp5 x_x / gw cuma ngikutin guideline di sini mz, kudu high lol >5~6. keep 5 aja soalnya ga enak aja gitu pake HP6 belom ditambah patternnya yang lumayan ribet
  2. 00:58:154 (123) - rem for spread spread is ok i guess / no, muzu ama oni terlalu deket. muzu kurang break, oni tanpa break, dan futsuu kebanyakan breaknya. menurut gw sih gitu nah yang gw bold itu, gw semang sengaja bandingannya muzu ke oni, sama kaya oni bandingin ke inner =.=
  3. 01:42:654 (119) - k, biar patternnya ngga ddk terus"an. kalo menurut gw sih 01:42:654 (119) - buat ngikutin rising pitchnya di 01:42:321 (118,119,121) - , dan 01:42:821 (120) - cuma buat swingnya doang. ya mau gimana lagi musiknya repepetitive gitu :/ / kontradiktif banget sama balesan di mod gw yang sebelumnya WKWKWKWK hah balesan yang mana
  4. 01:45:988 (136,137,138) - ;wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww; lah kenapa ? ini ada suaranya kok, cuma makin meredup aja lol / wkwkwk (?) udah dikecilin volumenya
  5. Dah bagus but butuh break sana sini karena spreadnya dri Futsuu ke Muzu kejauhan sedangkan Muzu sama Oni mepet banget DD: emang sengaja, lebih suka gitu soalnya. mungkin ini mapping style gw (?) yha mz itu mah maunya gitu bukan mapping stylenya gitu... ya serah sih gw kan cuma bilang doang
ya emang gatau kenapa tiap mapping patokan muzu gw ke oni, kalo futsuu sama kantan gw pisah

  1. OD 5 mz kegedean mb futsuu od segitu bagi gw / gw refer ke sini though, recommendednya 4~5 EH GW BARU NYADAR, FUTSUU GW ODNYA KOK GEDE GITU AKWKWAKAW. changed
  2. Gaada masalah, cuma pas bagian kiai terlalu nemplok ama Muzukashii jd bisa dikurang"in dikit de notnya awkawkwa kedikitan salah, kebanyakan salah. harus gimana aku mba :( gini udah pas menurutku / sudahlah mz cewek tu selalu benar koq on a serious note, di kantan notnya 3/1 + long break, futsuu serentetan 3/2 + short break, dan di muzu 7/2 + break seadanya. D: kalo emang mw keep pattern 1/2nya mending kasih jarak deh ok gw tambahin aja di kantannya
ok makasih banyak mba
lol af
"kalau ingin dimengerti, cobalah kedua kalinya. karena kesempatan gak hanya datang satu kali"

hi,from my quoue,sorry late im lazy..

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is Finish don note
  4. K is Finish kat note

  5. Purple is UnRankable , Please change
  6. Green is I would strongly recommend
  7. black is Pointed out that

[ General]
  1. Okay.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:02:988 (3) - change d?same as other diff.
  2. 00:07:654 (10,11) - ctrl+G?
  3. 00:38:321 (53) - change k? high vocal sound.
  4. 00:56:988 (158,159,160) - Invert the color scheme
  5. 01:04:321 (86) - k? other diff is k.
  6. spinner end 01:10:654 - ? Kantan,difficult placement.
  7. 01:38:988 - Kantan only big note?
  8. 01:45:321 (52,53) - ctrl+G?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:02:154 - change k? same as other diff.
  2. 00:02:654 (5,6) - ctrl+G? Because 00:01:655 - ,00:03:988 - sound resembling.try fit to it.
  3. 00:08:321 - change d? To match the Muzukashii of dkdk(The first note of triplets)
  4. 00:18:654 (45,46,47,48,49) - kkd d k? Why the opposite color scheme only here
  5. 00:27:321 (72,73) - ctrl+G? 00:24:654 (64,65) - It is try to put the difference in the reversal?
  6. 00:34:654 (94) - k? same as other diff
  7. 00:35:654 (96) - d? ^
  8. 01:11:654 (2) - k? ^
  9. 01:29:988 (43,44) - ctrl+G? same as Kantan?also,I think that will be better sound
  10. 01:42:321 (84) - Unified in dkdk?
  11. 01:44:321 - add finish?high piano sound,also same kantan?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:09:654 (31,32,33) - ddk?
  2. 00:17:404 - delete?Accordance with 00:15:654 (58,59,60,61,62) -
  3. 00:22:821 (94,95) - ctrl+G? 00:22:988 (95) - other diff d.
  4. 00:40:654 - change d? 00:39:988 (33,34,35) - reversal.
  5. 01:29:988 (43,44) - same as Fustuu.
  6. 01:35:154 (87,88,89) - kkk?
  7. 01:44:321 - same as Futsuu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Oni]
  1. 00:18:488 (99,100) - ctrl+G? because other diff 00:18:654 (100) - k.
  2. 00:25:154 (139,140) - ^
  3. 00:38:321 (222) - same as Kantan
  4. 01:29:988 (43,44) - same as Futsuu.
  5. 01:44:321 - ^
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm sorry I'm late.good luck~
Topic Starter

chaica wrote:

hi,from my quoue,sorry late im lazy..

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is Finish don note
  4. K is Finish kat note

  5. Purple is UnRankable , Please change
  6. Green is I would strongly recommend
  7. black is Pointed out that

[ General]
  1. Okay.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:02:988 (3) - change d?same as other diff.kay
  2. 00:07:654 (10,11) - ctrl+G? nope for reversing with 00:09:654 - (d d k then k k d)
  3. 00:38:321 (53) - change k? high vocal sound. i follow the drum rather than vocal
  4. 00:56:988 (158,159,160) - Invert the color scheme i don't get it x_x but i think this looks fine
  5. 01:04:321 (86) - k? other diff is k. nope, reversing those pattern (k d d k then d k k d) it's basic pattern, for easier to hit imo
  6. spinner end 01:10:654 - ? Kantan,difficult placement. i think there is no problem with spinner end near with a note
  7. 01:38:988 - Kantan only big note? whyyy
  8. 01:45:321 (52,53) - ctrl+G? yea
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:02:154 - change k? same as other diff.nope, for simpler pattern, easier to hit. also reversing with next 1/2 pattern too
  2. 00:02:654 (5,6) - ctrl+G? Because 00:01:655 - ,00:03:988 - sound resembling.try fit to it. holy, to same with other diffs. the music is sounds going low i guess
  3. 00:08:321 - change d? To match the Muzukashii of dkdk(The first note of triplets) change muzukashii pattern instead of futsuu
  4. 00:18:654 (45,46,47,48,49) - kkd d k? Why the opposite color scheme only here opposite what ? they just similar as 00:06:988 - but the difference is 1/2
  5. 00:27:321 (72,73) - ctrl+G? 00:24:654 (64,65) - It is try to put the difference in the reversal? nope, inconsistent pattern will be bad in low diffs imo
  6. 00:34:654 (94) - k? same as other diff nope, for simpler pattern
  7. 00:35:654 (96) - d? ^ ^
  8. 01:11:654 (2) - k? ^ nope, for contrast from around
  9. 01:29:988 (43,44) - ctrl+G? same as Kantan?also,I think that will be better sound nope, i prefer now. and same as other diff
  10. 01:42:321 (84) - Unified in dkdk? ah okay
  11. 01:44:321 - add finish?high piano sound,also same kantan? all diffs are d lol
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:09:654 (31,32,33) - ddk? yep
  2. 00:17:404 - delete?Accordance with 00:15:654 (58,59,60,61,62) - nop, they are different
  3. 00:22:821 (94,95) - ctrl+G? 00:22:988 (95) - other diff d. ok
  4. 00:40:654 - change d? 00:39:988 (33,34,35) - reversal.i see
  5. 01:29:988 (43,44) - same as Fustuu. same
  6. 01:35:154 (87,88,89) - kkk? nope, that sounds like low pitch
  7. 01:44:321 - same as Futsuu same
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Oni]
  1. 00:18:488 (99,100) - ctrl+G? because other diff 00:18:654 (100) - k. other diffs says wrong
  2. 00:25:154 (139,140) - ^ ^
  3. 00:38:321 (222) - same as Kantan same
  4. 01:29:988 (43,44) - same as Futsuu. same
  5. 01:44:321 - ^ ^
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm sorry I'm late.good luck~
thanks for the mod chaica
from my queue 100 years ago...

  1. 01:09:738 - pasang green line dengan volume 40~50%, buat ngecilin suara spinnernya?
  2. 01:10:821 - volume bisa dikecilin dan pindah green linenya ke 01:10:904 - (di inner)
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:14:571 - menurut gw lebih enak dipindah ke 00:14:404 - dan ganti jadi d. biar konsisten sama 00:13:071 - juga
  2. 00:16:821 - tambah k disini, di bagian ini instrumennya jelas mulai dari sini, hampa rasanya kalo kosong
  3. 00:31:488 - gimana kalo d? mirror pattern dengan 00:29:154 (195,196,197) - rasanya lebih sedap daripada kdk
  4. 00:38:738 - ganti jadi k? gw gak terlalu jago stream, tapi keliatannya titik beratnya di k
  5. 00:40:766 - masih ada suara, gak mau tambah d?
  6. 00:41:821 - ^
  7. 00:46:571 - ganti jadi d lebih pas karena suara drumnya rendah
  8. 00:56:821 (445,446,447) - 1/6
  9. 01:42:488 - ganti jadi k, suaranya paling tinggi disini, dan transisinya agak aneh kalo cuma ngikutin drumnya
  1. 00:01:904 - delete dan 00:01:821 - ganti jadi k? kasian amet baru mulai udah dikasi pattern agak kompleks
  2. 00:16:821 - add k, same as inner
  3. 01:29:654 - ganti jadi d, nadanya lebih rendah dibandingkan 01:30:988 - , bagus buat variasi juga
  4. 01:48:210 (226) - ganti jadi d trus 01:48:654 - ganti jadi K, pattern lebih bersahabat dan ending lebih klimaks
  1. eh, spreadnya agak jauh sama futsuu. coba delete beberapa note (30~40 note)
  2. misalkan coba perhatikan bagian ini:

    Muzu dan Oni jumlah notes nya sama, cuma beda posisi. Muzu bisa distruktur ulang
segitu aja ya, disuruhnya fokus ke high diff dan low diffnya cukup bagus, tapi spreadnya masih perlu diperbaiki. good luck!
Topic Starter

Volta wrote:

from my queue 100 years ago...

  1. 01:09:738 - pasang green line dengan volume 40~50%, buat ngecilin suara spinnernya? kay
  2. 01:10:821 - volume bisa dikecilin dan pindah green linenya ke 01:10:904 - (di inner) 01:10:988 - tambahin di situ aja dibanding 01:10:904
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:14:571 - menurut gw lebih enak dipindah ke 00:14:404 - dan ganti jadi d. biar konsisten sama 00:13:071 - juga mending gw delete aja buat konsistensi 1/2 pattern di akhir
  2. 00:16:821 - tambah k disini, di bagian ini instrumennya jelas mulai dari sini, hampa rasanya kalo kosong gw pertimbangin lagi deh, soalnya juga musik di situ kurang jelas. masih agak redup kurang kedengeran
  3. 00:31:488 - gimana kalo d? mirror pattern dengan 00:29:154 (195,196,197) - rasanya lebih sedap daripada kdk nice catch tyty
  4. 00:38:738 - ganti jadi k? gw gak terlalu jago stream, tapi keliatannya titik beratnya di k nope, cuma di white tick yg sangat jelas beda dan sisanya datar sama aja
  5. 00:40:766 - masih ada suara, gak mau tambah d? ngga deh, 00:40:654 - penekanan buat "pemberhentian sementara" lol
  6. 00:41:821 - ^ ga deh, suaranya kek ketiban abis bagian "teng" di big katu itu
  7. 00:46:571 - ganti jadi d lebih pas karena suara drumnya rendahitu sama kek 00:41:238 - maksudnya gunain kkkddk ngambil kkkdnya ya dari situ. alesannya kenapa ? biar lebih gampang dihit aja menurut gw
  8. 00:56:821 (445,446,447) - 1/6 yep
  9. 01:42:488 - ganti jadi k, suaranya paling tinggi disini, dan transisinya agak aneh kalo cuma ngikutin drumnya dem ga bisa ngebantah alesan ini gw :/ changed
  1. 00:01:904 - delete dan 00:01:821 - ganti jadi k? kasian amet baru mulai udah dikasi pattern agak kompleks ternyata gw emang harus nerf bagian awal :/
  2. 00:16:821 - add k, same as inner sama juga
  3. 01:29:654 - ganti jadi d, nadanya lebih rendah dibandingkan 01:30:988 - , bagus buat variasi juga mending gw ganti dupletnya aja jadi dk kd
  4. 01:48:210 (226) - ganti jadi d trus 01:48:654 - ganti jadi K, pattern lebih bersahabat dan ending lebih klimaks nope, 01:48:210 - buat mengisi suara kick di situ. dan juga klimaks big don juga ga masalah bagi gw
  1. eh, spreadnya agak jauh sama futsuu. coba delete beberapa note (30~40 note)
  2. misalkan coba perhatikan bagian ini:

    Muzu dan Oni jumlah notes nya sama, cuma beda posisi. Muzu bisa distruktur ulang hmm ternyata bener. dem maap mba senritsu, ternyata gw lemah di spread =.= ok gw nerf
segitu aja ya, disuruhnya fokus ke high diff dan low diffnya cukup bagus, tapi spreadnya masih perlu diperbaiki. good luck!
ok volta, thanks panci terbang :)
nanti kalo udah siap tak panggil ya buat recheck xd
Hi, mod from my queue

01:37:988 (69,70,71) - kdk

Because 01:37:654 - 01:38:321 is "k k d k"
I believe you hear that :3 (Sorry I can't describe better)

01:04:654 (149,150,151) - k d d

Because 01:04:821 - 01:04:988 is (Follow pitch)
but the diff is Muzukashii, so delete these
--> become these
...Sorry about my English

01:37:321 (96,97,98,99,100,101) - change to kdk k d k? (like Futsuu)

[Inner Oni]
00:16:904 (104) - Remove this because here no sound

GL with Rank! >_<
Topic Starter

Smallwu wrote:

Hi, mod from my queue

01:37:988 (69,70,71) - kdk

Because 01:37:654 - 01:38:321 is "k k d k"
I believe you hear that :3 (Sorry I can't describe better) unfortunately i heard with low pitch at the end (01:38:321 -) and for mirror pattern too (ddk kkd)

01:04:654 (149,150,151) - k d d

Because 01:04:821 - 01:04:988 is (Follow pitch)
but the diff is Muzukashii, so delete these
--> become these
...Sorry about my English i dunno what do you mean, but it seems good idea

01:37:321 (96,97,98,99,100,101) - change to kdk k d k? (like Futsuu) nope, i think iw would be bad flow

[Inner Oni]
00:16:904 (104) - Remove this because here no sound uups my mistake

GL with Rank! >_<
thank you smallwu !
klo lo ga bisa ngemap, ga usa ngemap :v :v :v :v
Hi, from my mod queue.

d = don, red note
k = kat, blue note
D = don finisher, big red note
K = kat finisher, big blue note

01:35:654 (34) - Change to k? Same sound as 01:34:321 (31) and consistency with other diffs, unless the idea was to have the d kkd d and k ddk k
01:43:654 (52) - Change to k? For consistency with the other diffs, it's a rather high sound too. Or maybe Ctrl+g 01:43:321 (51,52) to get ddkdkkd.

Nothing to note here.

01:26:988 (50) - Delete this note? Consider how you did it at 01:48:321 where the sound ends too and you don't map the note here either.

00:04:321 - Personally I think kdkdkd...k is more fitting given where the percussion accents are (would match the high-low-high-low pitch too). imo, using kddkdd... is rather confusing given there are offbeat cymbal crashes.
01:26:988 (82) - Same point as in Muzu.
01:47:877 (223,224,225) - Change to kdk to match the accents? Follows the usage of k in the Muzu too. If ending with the dkk is weird you could also change the last note to d (if you actually make this change in the first place).
You could also do a similar sort of thing in the Inner Oni with the 1/3 if you change it here.

The mapset is really nicely done imo :D Not much to comment on.

Hope it helps :D
Topic Starter

Invective wrote:

Hi, from my mod queue.

d = don, red note
k = kat, blue note
D = don finisher, big red note
K = kat finisher, big blue note

01:35:654 (34) - Change to k? Same sound as 01:34:321 (31) and consistency with other diffs, unless the idea was to have the d kkd d and k ddk k yea, i prefer to make structure pattern for low diffs
01:43:654 (52) - Change to k? For consistency with the other diffs, it's a rather high sound too. Or maybe Ctrl+g 01:43:321 (51,52) to get ddkdkkd. swapping is looks better

Nothing to note here.

01:26:988 (50) - Delete this note? Consider how you did it at 01:48:321 where the sound ends too and you don't map the note here either. i swear that the sound is end on 01:26:988 - i heard it using earphone and playback rate 50% and it does. and don't compare with that, they're different imo

00:04:321 - Personally I think kdkdkd...k is more fitting given where the percussion accents are (would match the high-low-high-low pitch too). imo, using kddkdd... is rather confusing given there are offbeat cymbal crashes. nope, since i think dkkdkkdkkd looks more aesthetic (?) dunno why kddkddk was cool and to consistent with the last.
01:26:988 (82) - Same point as in Muzu. same
01:47:877 (223,224,225) - Change to kdk to match the accents? Follows the usage of k in the Muzu too. If ending with the dkk is weird you could also change the last note to d (if you actually make this change in the first place). this and the first are different, here suddenly end with high pitch. i prefer to follow piano or whatever btw *i dunno what it's lol
You could also do a similar sort of thing in the Inner Oni with the 1/3 if you change it here.

The mapset is really nicely done imo :D Not much to comment on.

Hope it helps :D
thanks for the mod, really helpful as before :)
Hello, via M4M ( ・∀・)ノ

Symbol meaning
  1. >> Normal suggestion.
    Big text >> Strong suggestion.
    :?: >> Questionable imo.
    :!: >>> Needs to improve some. (Rhythm is not good , plays or sounds weird)
    No comment >>simple (you can notice easily: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place. OR JUST MY OPINON.


  • :?: Less Break time on Kantan to Muzukashii. It needs to fix (at least little break).

    :?: Very questionable Oni structure…. Lack of loose patterns based on. orz
  1. Difficulty spread issues.
    • :!: 00:06:988 - ~ 00:17:654 - Futsuu needs the nerf the more, the gab between to Kantan.
      :!: Verse part has serious issues gap as you known lol.
      But, the spread between to Kantan and Futsuu has already far (enough) gap. I guess the spread between to Futsuu and Muzukashii is no problem. You should nerf Oni only. .w.b
    :idea: Imo, Muzukashii kiai makes more harder. for the gap between to Oni.

    :?: on my opinions, 00:01:655 - ~ 00:04:321 - (Futsuu to Oni)
    I dont think its the best way as single diff each other, about well enough following the synthesizer . It sounds not suitable to play on begining.
    especially, I really wondering the 00:01:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - d-k-ddk plays (with high dense) on Oni.
    Consider them.
    :idea: Suggestions
    1. Futsuu
      • 00:01:988 (2,3,4) - remove,remove,d? , 00:03:321 (7,8,9) - remove,remove,k, 00:04:654 - 00:05:321 - add k?
    2. Muzukashii
    3. Oni
      • 00:01:811 - ,00:02:071 - , 00:03:154 (1,2) - remove? 00:03:821 - add d,00:03:988 - k?
  2. Diif carb(imo)
    K >>>>>> F >>>>> M >>>>>>>> O
    suggest to … like ↓
    K >>>>>> F >>>>> M >>>>>>”_”_” O
    The diffiiculty spread has far gap each other, but I think its not bad structure.
    So, I suggest you to nerf Oni.
  1. if you hope, 00:38:988 - ~ 00:49:654 - can add kiai. lol
  1. 00:38:321 - k? following C’mon lol and backsound up.
  2. 00:45:321 - remove?
    :!: 00:49:654 - ~ 00:52:321 - and 00:52:321 ~00:54:988 - Inconsistency the rhythm ? comparing with other diiffs. Try making a consistency? 00:50:654 (1,2,3) - 1 > remove, 2,3 > move to 1/1left?
  3. 00:59:654 (19,20) - remove, very high dense like kiai. It needs to make a gap.
  4. 01:08:988 - considering add k, plays well as Kantan players.
  5. 01:20:988 - add k?
  6. 01:35:654 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - or 01:36:988 (3,4,5,6,7) - ? reverse the colors….?
  7. 01:47:654 - add k inconsistency with Intro.


  • :!: 00:07:988 - ,00:10:654 - , 00:13:321 - remove?
    :!: 00:16:988 (27,28) - change to (k,remove)? or remove all? (little) breaking is no available. It needs to use 2/1 triple
  1. 00:20:321 - , 00:25:654 -, 00:30:988 - , k? maybe it sounds better and be more kind to play( predict the ½ kkd).
    :?:00:34:321 - move to 00:35:988 - and change k? less 2/1 breaks imo.(00:06:988 - ~ 01:09:654 - no breaking)
  2. 00:38:321 (30,31) - k-d? plays very cool imo with... C’mon lol
  3. 00:46:154 - move to 00:45:821 -? to avoid lack hitsounds with sinthesizer.
  4. 00:48:821 - move to 00:48:154 - ? lack of hit sounds there..
  5. 00:56:488 - move to ½ left and change d?
    1. and, 00:57:321 - move to 00:57:988 - (+change to d) to adjust the consistency rhythm
  6. 01:06:654 - move to 01:07:321 - and change k, 01:07:988 - add k, 01:07:654 - change to d? to make a sharp gap with next 01:08:321 (1,2,3)- plays and sounds betterl imo.
  7. 01:44:154 - add k ? and 01:42:821 - , 01:43:321 - add d? Its less impact as climax.

    :!: 01:44:321 - ~~~ same Intro suggestions.

  1. 00:19:988 (1,2) - d-k?
  2. 00:24:821 (1,2,3) - change dkd?
  3. 00:27:321 (1,2) -remove and 00:27:821 - add k, 00:28:071 - move to 00:27:904 - ?
  4. 00:33:821 - , 00:35:154 - remove? lack of the intonation making the break rhythm.
  5. 00:40:071 - add k? maybe can play cool.
  6. 00:44:988 - remove? nothing bass drums there and cosistency with 1st breaking.
    :?: 00:57:154 - change d?
  7. 01:05:404 - add k, 01:05:488 - change k? plays cool imo and the link with 00:54:321 (21,22,23,24) - .
  8. 01:06:821 - remove?
  9. 01:27:988 - maybe add k plays better for Muzukashii players if you put on larger dense.

  10. 01:28:654 - change to k, plays not well. inconsistency with patterns.
  11. 01:38:654 - remove?
  12. 01:41:654 - ~~uum…. lack of hitsounds same as Futsuu. Either..?
    Plan A.
    1. 01:42:154 - move to (1/1left) 01:41:821 -
    2. 01:42:821 - move to 1/1 left
    3. 01:43:154 - add d, and making ¼ triple where?
    Plan B.
    1. 01:42:488 - add k
    2. 01:43:738 - add k?

  • :!: 00:07:154 - , 00:08:488 - ,00:09:821 - ,00:12:488 - ,00:13:821 - ,00:15:154 - suggest to remove all. Less 1/1 triple making stress.
  1. 00:17:821 - ,00:19:154 - , 00:19:238 - ,00:20:488 - , 00:21:821 - same.
  2. 00:20:321 - , 00:25:654 - change k?
  3. 00:22:571 - ,00:22:821 - add k (the same structure with Muzukashii) and 00:23:154 - remove.
  4. 00:25:821 - same.
  5. 00:28:488 - , 00:31:154 - ,00:31:238 - same ,
  6. 00:30:988 - change k? same as Futuu, Muzukashii.
  7. 00:37:488 - add ? for making a varied to play well.
  8. 00:38:404 - add ? it feels lack impact imo.
  9. 00:47:154 - remove?
    :!: 00:39:654 - (follow pure snare),00:39:904 - (undifferent sounds ¼ triple), 00:40:154 - (same 39904) k , 00:40:321 - (covered bas) change d?
  10. 00:41:404 - move to 00:41:238 - ?
  11. 00:46:738 - ^
  12. 00:43:821 (31,32) - k? follow pure snare.
  13. 00:45:904 - add k, follow more synthesizer. or 00:45:488 - moveto 00:45:543 - , 00:45:099 - moveto 00:45:432 - ?
  14. 00:47:904 - add d?
  15. 00:50:154 - , 00:50:238 - ,00:51:071 - remove and 00:51:488 (11,12,13,14,15) - change to ddkkd-k?
  16. 00:52:654 (19,20) - k-d? piano sounds not well. it needs to high priority followed accompaniment sound.
  17. 00:53:738 - move to 00:53:404 - and change k? 00:53:404 - listen to lack of piano sounds imo.
  18. 00:57:154 - same as Muzukahsii, change to d?
    :!: 00:59:154 (67,68,69,70) - how about… it sounds not well followed piano and drums…
  19. 01:05:488 - change k?same Muzukashii. making a different pattern plays well imo with01:03:654 (24,25,26,27) -

  20. 01:11:154 - , 01:12:488 - 01:13:821 - same 1st part , remove?
  21. 01:18:654 - change k, 01:19:154 - move to 01:18:821 - , 01:20:154 - add d?
  22. 01:26:821 - k? making a consistent with synthesizer sound.

    :?: 01:29:988 - ~ IDK why begins d sound…
  23. 01:29:988 - k? higherpitch than 01:29:654 - .
  24. 01:31:321 (1,2,3) - kkd higher pitch than 01:30:988 - .
  25. 01:33:154 (34,35,36,37,38) - kd-dk-d sounds well with synthesizer.
  26. 01:37:821 (67,68) - kd. 01:38:571 (73,74) - dk…..???
Inner Oni
[Inner Oni]
  1. 0:27:821 change k... 00:27:738 - change k? for bass drum stopping follow.maybe it sounds and plays better.
  2. 00:29:654 (196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) - how about ddkdk-d-kkdkd instead? the varied rhythm feel not well imo, cuz of Instrumental isnt varied as usual.
  3. 00:32:238 - and k? abekobe 1/4 s lol
  4. dkdkk stream..…..,,, uum…. 00:36:571 - d,00:36:988 - d, 00:37:238 (1,2) - dk 00:37:571 - (¼ bass drums… 00:36:571 (1,2) - dk >00:36:988 (1,2) - kd > 00:37:238 (1,2) - dk > 00:37:571 (1,2) - kd … its not bad structure too)
  5. 00:39:654 (279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287) - please more kat sounds same as Oni. it sounds very cool with kat.
  6. 01:18:654 - k and 01:18:821 - add d? same as Oni
  7. 01:29:904 (14,15,16) - kd? abekobe begins D-kkd.
  8. 01:31:821 (29,30,31,32) - dkkd 01:33:154 (40,41,42,43,44) - kddkd? plays well fit as wave of tension. same as Oni
  9. 01:34:404 - move to 01:34:904 - ?
That’s all for now( maybe...), I think it still needs to improve the mapset.
Try get more2~3 modders >_< Good Luck(¦3[___]
Topic Starter


Hello, via M4M ( ・∀・)ノ

Symbol meaning
  1. >> Normal suggestion.
    Big text >> Strong suggestion.
    :?: >> Questionable imo.
    :!: >>> Needs to improve some. (Rhythm is not good , plays or sounds weird)
    No comment >>simple (you can notice easily: just hits on drums or simple beats) , or already explained on the other place. OR JUST MY OPINON.


  • :?: Less Break time on Kantan to Muzukashii. It needs to fix (at least little break).

    :?: Very questionable Oni structure…. Lack of loose patterns based on. orz
  1. Difficulty spread issues.
    • :!: 00:06:988 - ~ 00:17:654 - Futsuu needs the nerf the more, the gab between to Kantan. yeah done
      :!: Verse part has serious issues gap as you known lol. sure :(
      But, the spread between to Kantan and Futsuu has already far (enough) gap. I guess the spread between to Futsuu and Muzukashii is no problem. You should nerf Oni only. .w.b i know, but i'm still bad at spread ;w;
    :idea: Imo, Muzukashii kiai makes more harder. for the gap between to Oni. nerf is better way

    :?: on my opinions, 00:01:655 - ~ 00:04:321 - (Futsuu to Oni)
    I dont think its the best way as single diff each other, about well enough following the synthesizer . It sounds not suitable to play on begining.
    especially, I really wondering the 00:01:655 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - d-k-ddk plays (with high dense) on Oni. nerfed it slightly, but i'll keep d k ddk since the synth does it
    Consider them.
    :idea: Suggestions
    1. Futsuu
      • 00:01:988 (2,3,4) - remove,remove,d? , 00:03:321 (7,8,9) - remove,remove,k, 00:04:654 - 00:05:321 - add k?
    2. Muzukashii
    3. Oni
      • 00:01:811 - ,00:02:071 - , 00:03:154 (1,2) - remove? 00:03:821 - add d,00:03:988 - k? nope, but i nerfed i by myself
  2. Diif carb(imo)
    K >>>>>> F >>>>> M >>>>>>>> O
    suggest to … like ↓
    K >>>>>> F >>>>> M >>>>>>”_”_” O
    The diffiiculty spread has far gap each other, but I think its not bad structure.
    So, I suggest you to nerf Oni. okay ;w;
  1. if you hope, 00:38:988 - ~ 00:49:654 - can add kiai. lol it's unnecessary for me lol
  1. 00:38:321 - k? following C’mon lol and backsound up. if you hear the drums, that will be similar as previous. except if you follow the "vocals"
  2. 00:45:321 - remove? nope, it's epic electro
    :!: 00:49:654 - ~ 00:52:321 - and 00:52:321 ~00:54:988 - Inconsistency the rhythm ? comparing with other diiffs. Try making a consistency?
    00:50:654 (1,2,3) - 1 > remove, 2,3 > move to 1/1left? change to follow the piano
  3. 00:59:654 (19,20) - remove, very high dense like kiai. It needs to make a gap. oke
  4. 01:08:988 - considering add k, plays well as Kantan players. b-but it's for differentiate with futsuu. but it seems ok
  5. 01:20:988 - add k? ok
  6. 01:35:654 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - or 01:36:988 (3,4,5,6,7) - ? reverse the colors….? i intended to make invert color with previous pattern
  7. 01:47:654 - add k inconsistency with Intro. ok


  • :!: 00:07:988 - ,00:10:654 - , 00:13:321 - remove? nope, delete 00:08:654 - instead
    :!: 00:16:988 (27,28) - change to (k,remove)? or remove all? (little) breaking is no available. It needs to use 2/1 triple deleted
  1. 00:20:321 - , 00:25:654 -, 00:30:988 - , k? maybe it sounds better and be more kind to play( predict the ½ kkd). nope, it's far of my structure pattern i want
    :?:00:34:321 - move to 00:35:988 - and change k? less 2/1 breaks imo.(00:06:988 - ~ 01:09:654 - no breaking) make those 1/1 all
  2. 00:38:321 (30,31) - k-d? plays very cool imo with... C’mon lol somehow i prefer k K at the last
  3. 00:46:154 - move to 00:45:821 -? to avoid lack hitsounds with sinthesizer.
  4. 00:48:821 - move to 00:48:154 - ? lack of hit sounds there..
  5. 00:56:488 - move to ½ left and change d?
    1. and, 00:57:321 - move to 00:57:988 - (+change to d) to adjust the consistency rhythm
  6. 01:06:654 - move to 01:07:321 - and change k, 01:07:988 - add k, 01:07:654 - change to d? to make a sharp gap with next 01:08:321 (1,2,3)- plays and sounds betterl imo.
  7. 01:44:154 - add k ? and 01:42:821 - , 01:43:321 - add d? Its less impact as climax.

    :!: 01:44:321 - ~~~ same Intro suggestions.

  1. 00:19:988 (1,2) - d-k? nope, if you see with 1/1 beatsnap you'll see ddkkddkkddkkd something like that
  2. 00:24:821 (1,2,3) - change dkd?
  3. 00:27:321 (1,2) -remove and 00:27:821 - add k, 00:28:071 - move to 00:27:904 - ?
  4. 00:33:821 - , 00:35:154 - remove? lack of the intonation making the break rhythm.
  5. 00:40:071 - add k? maybe can play cool.
  6. 00:44:988 - remove? nothing bass drums there and cosistency with 1st breaking.
    :?: 00:57:154 - change d?
  7. 01:05:404 - add k, 01:05:488 - change k? plays cool imo and the link with 00:54:321 (21,22,23,24) - .
  8. 01:06:821 - remove?
  9. 01:27:988 - maybe add k plays better for Muzukashii players if you put on larger dense.

  10. 01:28:654 - change to k, plays not well. inconsistency with patterns.
  11. 01:38:654 - remove?
  12. 01:41:654 - ~~uum…. lack of hitsounds same as Futsuu. Either..?
    Plan A.
    1. 01:42:154 - move to (1/1left) 01:41:821 -
    2. 01:42:821 - move to 1/1 left
    3. 01:43:154 - add d, and making ¼ triple where?
    Plan B.
    1. 01:42:488 - add k
    2. 01:43:738 - add k?

  • :!: 00:07:154 - , 00:08:488 - ,00:09:821 - ,00:12:488 - ,00:13:821 - ,00:15:154 - suggest to remove all. Less 1/1 triple making stress. done
  1. 00:17:821 - ,00:19:154 - , 00:19:238 - ,00:20:488 - , 00:21:821 - same. done
  2. 00:20:321 - , 00:25:654 - change k? nope, i want to keep the structre well ( i remapped a lot )
  3. 00:22:571 - ,00:22:821 - add k (the same structure with Muzukashii) and 00:23:154 - remove. only 00:22:821 - added k, i make new structure here, sorry ;w;
  4. 00:25:821 - same. this is empty now
  5. 00:28:488 - , 00:31:154 - ,00:31:238 - same , only 00:28:488 - since it will consistent with 00:28:654 - while has triplet after one note
  6. 00:30:988 - change k? same as Futuu, Muzukashii. it's clearly emphasizing a low pitch i guess
  7. 00:37:488 - add ? for making a varied to play well. i don't like variation like that :/ (which is longer note)
  8. 00:38:404 - add ? it feels lack impact imo. i think it doesn't need, it will remove the consistency of the pattern
  9. 00:47:154 - remove? sure
    :!: 00:39:654 - (follow pure snare),00:39:904 - (undifferent sounds ¼ triple), 00:40:154 - (same 39904) k nope, i prefer to follow the instrument
    00:40:321 - (covered bas) change d? electro sounds similar as 00:40:654
  10. 00:41:404 - move to 00:41:238 - ?yezzz
  11. 00:46:738 - ^yea
  12. 00:43:821 (31,32) - k? follow pure snare. what are you reffering to ?_?
  13. 00:45:904 - add k, follow more synthesizer. or 00:45:488 - moveto 00:45:543 - , 00:45:099 - moveto 00:45:432 - ? only add k
  14. 00:47:904 - add d? ok
  15. 00:50:154 - , 00:50:238 - ,00:51:071 - remove and 00:51:488 (11,12,13,14,15) - change to ddkkd-k? change some
  16. 00:52:654 (19,20) - k-d? piano sounds not well. it needs to high priority followed accompaniment sound. nope, 00:52:654 - piano continuously to 00:52:654
  17. 00:53:738 - move to 00:53:404 - and change k? 00:53:404 - listen to lack of piano sounds imo. oh yea
  18. 00:57:154 - same as Muzukahsii, change to d? nope, it's sounds similar as previous note
    :!: 00:59:154 (67,68,69,70) - how about… it sounds not well followed piano and drums… but......... i just follow the piano
  19. 01:05:488 - change k?same Muzukashii. making a different pattern plays well imo with01:03:654 (24,25,26,27) - but the pitch of piano sounds different :(

  20. 01:11:154 - , 01:12:488 - 01:13:821 - same 1st part , remove? nope, for differentiate with muzukashii
  21. 01:18:654 - change k, 01:19:154 - move to 01:18:821 - , 01:20:154 - add d? nope, i follow the guitar (?) or synth *whatever* sound here
  22. 01:26:821 - k? making a consistent with synthesizer sound. i just want to emphasize high pitch of 01:26:904 - so i make it contrast

    :?: 01:29:988 - ~ IDK why begins d sound… the electro sounds similar as 01:28:321
  23. 01:29:988 - k? higherpitch than 01:29:654 - . i don't think so
  24. 01:31:321 (1,2,3) - kkd higher pitch than 01:30:988 - . i think you're focusing on snare, but i follow the electro or whatever that kind of sound
  25. 01:33:154 (34,35,36,37,38) - kd-dk-d sounds well with synthesizer. change to dk dk d instead
  26. 01:37:821 (67,68) - kd. nope
    01:38:571 (73,74) - dk…..??? delete it for easier pattern lol
Inner Oni
[Inner Oni]
  1. 0:27:821 change k... 00:27:738 - change k? for bass drum stopping follow.maybe it sounds and plays better.i don't think so, since i follow the synth as 00:16:988 - although this sounds a bit different
  2. 00:29:654 (196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) - how about ddkdk-d-kkdkd instead? the varied rhythm feel not well imo, cuz of Instrumental isnt varied as usual. well, but changed to d ddk ddkdkkd (keep ddkdkkd since it more suitable than you suggested
  3. 00:32:238 - and k? abekobe 1/4 s lol sounds ok to giving slight variation
  4. dkdkk stream..…..,,, uum…. 00:36:571 - d,00:36:988 - d, 00:37:238 (1,2) - dk 00:37:571 - (¼ bass drums… 00:36:571 (1,2) - dk >00:36:988 (1,2) - kd > 00:37:238 (1,2) - dk > 00:37:571 (1,2) - kd … its not bad structure too) nope, 00:36:571 - and 00:36:988 - they're similar as 00:36:654 - (drum sounds)
  5. 00:39:654 (279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287) - please more kat sounds same as Oni. it sounds very cool with kat. wut, it's enough with those kats to match electro sound
  6. 01:18:654 - k and 01:18:821 - add d? same as Oni nope, 01:17:988 (37,38,39) - they're similar with that guitar thrumming (?)
  7. 01:29:904 (14,15,16) - kd? abekobe begins D-kkd. the triplet should be ddk, but i made some variety with ddd
  8. 01:31:821 (29,30,31,32) - dkkd 01:33:154 (40,41,42,43,44) - kddkd? plays well fit as wave of tension. same as Oni nope, 01:32:154 - sounds highest pitch so i made dk, at 01:31:821 - i made inverse of 01:32:071 - and for 01:33:154 - i want to make two duplets since it's sounds similar as 01:31:821
  9. 01:34:404 - move to 01:34:904 - ? keep the consistency with 01:36:998
That’s all for now( maybe...), I think it still needs to improve the mapset.
Try get more2~3 modders >_< Good Luck(¦3[___]
will continue this tomorrow, really confused with spread @_@
i'm going to sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

edit : because i remapped kantan - oni, i'm only replying mod to inner

thank you so much juda :)
  1. 00:37:988 - move to 00:38:654 - there to focus what to follow.

    Nishizumi wrote:

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    00:45:321 - remove? nope, it's epic electro
    • Why you no put on there 00:39:654 - too … ._.i think its better consistency.
  2. 00:54:321 (82,83) - move to 00:52:988 - and 00:53:321 - ,or move 54321(to52988) and remove 00:54:654 - ? to make a consistent with 00:58:988 (91,92) - ,01:04:321 (99,100) - .
  3. 01:12:988 - , 01:18:321 - consider removing them? less break time to express the quiet part.
  4. 00:07:988 - , 00:10:654 - , 00:13:321 - , 00:15:988 - its better for the mount of notes with spread to remove. Futsuu and Muzukashii has huge gap.

  1. 00:04:654 - same as Oni(IRC), consider add.
  2. 00:38:154 - move to 00:38:488 - ?

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    00:56:488 - move to ½ left and change d?
    and, 00:57:321 - move to 00:57:988 - (+change to d) to adjust the consistency rhythm
    • Its not unified the rhythm you used as usual. Needs to make a consistency.
  3. 01:47:321 - , 01:47:988 - same.

  1. 00:04:321 - ~ change ⅔ rhythm once? the reason is same as Oni(IRC).
  2. 01:46:988 - same.
  3. 00:07:321 - ,00:08:654 - ,00:09:988 - ,00:11:321 - consider change to d, no sounds up same as 00:17:988 - .
  4. 00:14:488 - ,00:14:654 - remove? (make a consistent with 00:19:654 (67,68) - , 00:24:988 (87,88) - break)
  5. 00:37:488 - remove? bit a less rest imo.
  6. 00:44:988 - remove? can make a consistent with after finisher (00:39:321 - ) break and its less break from 00:39:488 - to 01:09:654 - .

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    :?: 00:57:154 - change d?
    • It’s less bass drum sounds flow just here.
  7. 01:13:154 (9,10) - , remove ? can reduse the power more to express the quiet.

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    01:27:988 - maybe add k plays better for Muzukashii players when you put on such a larger dense.
    • consider again plz.
    :idea: adjustment the spread?
    1. 01:30:488 - ,01:33:488 - , 01:36:154 - add? , the gap with oni.
    2. 01:31:488 - , 01:36:821 - remove ? the gap with Futsuu.
    3. 01:43:738 - add k?
  1. 00:07:321 - ,00:08:654 - ,00:09:988 - ,00:11:321 - ,00:12:654 - ,00:13:988 - ,00:15:321 - consider change to d same as Muzukashii.
  2. 00:12:321 - , 00:13:654 - , 00:14:988 - k? same as Muzukashii?
  3. from00:38:154 - ~ add more build up? (making ¼ somewhere?)
  4. 00:50:238 - remove…? it plays not well.

    Nishizumi wrote:

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    00:57:154 - same as Muzukahsii, change to d?nope, it's sounds similar as previous note
    • Yes, I know you followed the piano but Look at again from the point of view with drums flow. Its really weird flow for listened on drum players. its same as 01:06:154 - .
  5. 01:12:488 -,01:13:154 - ,01:13:321 - remove? to make a consistent with 01:15:988 - blank.
Topic Starter


  1. 00:37:988 - move to 00:38:654 - there to focus what to follow. yea, sounds better
    00:45:321 - remove? nope, it's epic electro
    • Why you no put on there 00:39:654 - too … ._.i think its better consistency.
    eeeeeeeeeehhh, deleted 00:43:321 - instead of adding a note
  2. 00:54:321 (82,83) - move to 00:52:988 - and 00:53:321 - ,or move 54321(to52988) and remove 00:54:654 - ? to make a consistent with 00:58:988 (91,92) - ,01:04:321 (99,100) - . 00:54:321 (82,83) - moved to 00:52:988 - and 00:53:321 -
  3. 01:12:988 - , 01:18:321 - consider removing them? less break time to express the quiet part. ok as i guess =.=
  4. 00:07:988 - , 00:10:654 - , 00:13:321 - , 00:15:988 - its better for the mount of notes with spread to remove. Futsuu and Muzukashii has huge gap. why should it be deleted :( since i think it's better spread ? keep for now

  1. 00:04:654 - same as Oni(IRC), consider add. nope, to differentiate with muzu
  2. 00:38:154 - move to 00:38:488 - ? even there is no drum, but it's still ok
    00:56:488 - move to ½ left and change d? i think it doesn't fit with instrument
    and, 00:57:321 - move to 00:57:988 - (+change to d) to adjust the consistency rhythm moved
    • Its not unified the rhythm you used as usual. Needs to make a consistency. yea, i'm bad at it
  3. 01:47:321 - , 01:47:988 - same. i think current pattern is ok :( btw added a note on 01:48:210

  1. 00:04:321 - ~ change ⅔ rhythm once? the reason is same as Oni(IRC).aaaaaa i prefer to 1/1 pattern since it's easier way to hit them. and i think the beginning part should be easy pattern, different with the end which is climax of the song. so i made easier than the end on kind of this part
  2. 01:46:988 - same.
  3. 00:07:321 - ,00:08:654 - ,00:09:988 - ,00:11:321 - consider change to d, no sounds up same as 00:17:988 - . nope, for variety pattern. it's medium pitch which is fit either with d or k provided that different color with the next note
  4. 00:14:488 - ,00:14:654 - remove? (make a consistent with 00:19:654 (67,68) - , 00:24:988 (87,88) - break) what ? it's different strategy, and really different. start from 00:12:321 - to 00:16:321 - it's consistent with 00:06:988 - to 00:11:988 - but both are a bit different pattern since variation. (the first is d k kkd d k kdd and the second is k d kkd k d kdd). it's different, don't you ?
  5. 00:37:488 - remove? bit a less rest imo. deleted but at 00:37:821
  6. 00:44:988 - remove? can make a consistent with after finisher (00:39:321 - ) break and its less break from 00:39:488 - to 01:09:654 - . okay

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    :?: 00:57:154 - change d?
    • It’s less bass drum sounds flow just here.
    yea since i'm not focused to drum at all here, i prefer to follow the instrument
  7. 01:13:154 (9,10) - , remove ? can reduse the power more to express the quiet. woah, nice catch

    JUDYDANNY wrote:

    01:27:988 - maybe add k plays better for Muzukashii players when you put on such a larger dense.
    • consider again plz.
    oh okay, reasonable. added big kat

    :idea: adjustment the spread?
    1. 01:30:488 - ,01:33:488 - , 01:36:154 - add? , the gap with oni. added at 01:30:821 - instead of 01:30:488 - , added at 01:33:488 - , 01:36:154
    2. 01:31:488 - , 01:36:821 - remove ? the gap with Futsuu. ok
    3. 01:43:738 - add k? sounds better
  1. 00:07:321 - ,00:08:654 - ,00:09:988 - ,00:11:321 - ,00:12:654 - ,00:13:988 - ,00:15:321 - consider change to d same as Muzukashii. see my reply on muzu. (only changed to d at 00:11:321 - ,00:12:654 - ,00:13:988 - ,00:15:321 - )
  2. 00:12:321 - , 00:13:654 - , 00:14:988 - k? same as Muzukashii? yeah
  3. from00:38:154 - ~ add more build up? (making ¼ somewhere?) okay, make ddk at 00:36:488 - and 00:37:821 -
  4. 00:50:238 - remove…? it plays not well. hmm okay
    00:57:154 - same as Muzukahsii, change to d?nope, it's sounds similar as previous note
    • Yes, I know you followed the piano but Look at again from the point of view with drums flow. Its really weird flow for listened on drum players. its same as 01:06:154 - .
    i know, but sounds of this part is more dominant to piano instead of drum i guess. so i follow it.
  5. 01:12:488 -,01:13:154 - ,01:13:321 - remove? to make a consistent with 01:15:988 - blank.
you showed an incorrect reference, but i'm still deleted some notes.
i'm waiting for your mod to inner. btw thank you so much juda :)
Improvement the spread. Good Luck!
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