
Unheilig - Geboren Um Zu Leben

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016 at 23:22:21

Artist: Unheilig
Title: Geboren Um Zu Leben
Tags: Jagang Magicphoenix
BPM: 92
Filesize: 9331kb
Play Time: 03:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy Life (1,75 stars, 183 notes)
  2. Hard Life (Jagang Collab) (3,07 stars, 423 notes)
  3. Normal Life (2,09 stars, 240 notes)
Download: Unheilig - Geboren Um Zu Leben
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Lyrics in english:

- - - Mods - - -
10/19/10 - mods applied: wmfchris / Joon / IceBeam
11/02/10 - all mods applied: Sekuy
11/12/10 - Added Diff -> Magicphoenix's Life
11/24/10 - Jagang's & MusicBoX' Collab updated
11/25/10 - Jagang's & MusicBoX' Collab updated AND ErufenRito's, Ignacio Mods mostly applied (some of MoonShades, too). Storyboard- and timingcorrections
11/26/10 - narakucrimson mods~
12/03/10 - Vass_Bass mods applied
12/17/10 - mods applied. wmfchris
01/03/11 - ((Happy New Year!)) Thanks for stars and mods, yet. Epilepsy Warning is displayed.
01/16/11 - Keksi Mods done. :3
01/18/11 - KillerRind Mods done~ ( 20 SP yet, thanks so much! :'3 ) + Xeno32's Mods applied
01/20/11 - Tenshi-nyan Mods (Not sure about taking out Magic's Diff)
02/02/11 - DragonSparta's Mods done
03/04/11 - Orioncomet Mods
08/09/11 - Revival of map by Alace
06/20/16 - Reanimation! After 5 years, risen from the dead! :U
06/20/16 - Minor changes, including colors and common fixes
07/11/16 - Updated all old slidertracks to new ones
07/11/16 - Neil Leos Mods + AiMod
10/09/16 - Very minor changes
0:25:739 (4,5,...) left 1 grid
0:37:804 (4) down 3~4 grids?
0:55:739 (4) spacing not enough?
1:19:217 (3,4) left 1 grid
1:20:521 (1,2) right 1 grid

nice song, star~

my modding

Sound Volume 10 -> 7 change all
00:23:456 (1) - Start Notes add finish [Normal sound and low volume]
00:31:935 (5) - End Notes remove clap
01:12:369 (2) - change finish
01:43:021 (3) - change Custom clap
01:43:347 (4,5) - remove clap
01:50:194 (2) - add Custom clap
01:51:499 (4) - add finish
01:55:412 (3) - add Custom clap
01:56:064 (4) - End Notes add finish [low volume]
01:57:368 (5) - End Notes add Custom clap
02:11:715 (6) - Start Notes add finish

Sound Volume 10 -> 7 change all

00:37:804 (6) - change clap
00:38:130 (7) - remove clap
00:40:739 (3) - ^
00:43:347 (8) - ^
00:55:412 (3) - add clap
01:00:630 (10) - ^
01:03:238 (4) - ^
01:11:717 (1) - End Notes add finish
01:41:390 (1) - new combo
01:49:542 (1) - End Notes add Custom clap
01:50:847 (2) - End Notes add finish
01:52:151 (3) - End Notes add Custom clap
01:53:455 (4) - change Custom
01:53:781 (5,6) - remove clap
01:55:412 (3) - add Custom clap
01:56:716 (5) - change finish
02:09:759 (4) - add clap

I like KIAI TIME Point lol
Interesting map.
I really like how you mapped this.

Increase AP/OD by at least 2 ticks.
00:24:761 (2) - It's too close,I've clicked this one too early.Place further.
00:59:325 (3) - ^ Same.
01:49:542 (1) - Finish.
01:50:194 (2) - Clap?
01:51:499 (4) - Finish?
Well,then you could use claps after each 2 ticks,or choose something else,anyway:
01:52:151 (5) - Clap?
01:54:107 (8) - ^
01:56:064 (4) - ^
01:58:020 - ^
02:43:834 (1) - Seems like repeats make sense,but starting at blue tick(at least in Easy) is awkward,beginners may fail.
03:03:888 (8) - Make a reverse-selection,or put New Combo here.

[Normal +]
Well,fairly it could be Hard(and even the hardest difficulty in mapset,if you ain't working on harder one or waiting for guest difficulty)
I don't like overmapping,so this one is really nice to me.
00:21:500 (4) - I've read it easily,but,however,it's too close to previous one.
00:25:739 (4) - This note doesn't fit the rhytm/lyrics.Delete this slider and note,and add to 00:26:065.
00:57:369 (5) - Better add new combo,again a bit close.
02:03:890 (3) - ^

I've tried not to be nazi,so I've pointed out moments that really necessary to fix.
Great job and awesome song.

Geh mal ins Timing->Timing Setup... und setz da die BPM erstmal auf genau 92,000 ;)
Da du da auch schon bist, versuch mal als Offset 2.563 (+-2). Ich persönlich empfand ein Offset von 2.563 perfekt.

Empfand ich durch die Sprünge hier und da wie eine [Normal] map, mit ziemlich niedriger OA diff, drain rate etc.
Das erste was mir aufgefallen ist, ist die Slider Geschwindigkeit. Für so ein Lied und auf [Easy] schon fast ein wenig zu schnell ;)
Vom Mapping her aber echt gut. Alle Noten gut platziert - interessanter Rythmus übrigens.

Empfand ich als ganz und garnicht "Hard" :P
- 01:46:607 ~ neuer Combo?
- 01:52:151 ~ kein neuer Combo. Ist doch ein guter 3er-Slider-Combo

Eigentlich wollte ich deine Map nicht modden, aber Landsleuten hilft man doch gern. Vor allem wenn dann noch ein deutscher Song gemappt wird (kommt ja international meist nicht gut an).
Das nächste Mal aber die Regeln beachten -> Anfragen nur über PM ;)

So, hier's mein [Hard], würd mich sehr freuen wenn du's adden würdest :P

btw. star (hab den komplett vergessen ^^') geniale map, bewundere deine slider art XD

Download: Unheilig - Geboren um zu leben (MusicBoX) [Magicphoenix's Life].osu

MusicBoX wrote:

Sorry, its German.
You don't need to sry for it :D

Don't randomly give kudosu to people >=o
Also, my queue requests that people post a number in ther request and you didn't do it, but im forgiving it because its german and i like the song >=o
And you neither have to be sorry about it being german, in fact, teach me german! Lol.

Also, this is just a personal taste, but i hate the skin that have the combo burst almost the same colour, making it harder to differnciate between a 100 and 300

The mp3 has a bitrate of 320 kbps when the max allowed for rank is only 192 kbps, re encode your mp3, if you don't know what i'm talking about, just ask.


Replace your code with this one, this one fits better with the timing


Also, I can see that this SB was not made for all the difficulties? Seeing as the spinners covers the 3 effects in easy.
And this sb just doesnt fit with Hard neither, so give a little more thought with the sb.


00:15:606 (3,4) - I kind of fear that this 1/2 looks too sudden. Anyways, an option that you have is to delete 00:16:584 (4), and then add circle at 00:16:584 and 00:16:910. Again, let me remind you that it just looks to sudden... and thus making it not flow so well.


00:25:389 (5) - I don't recommend having this stacked, may be confusive because of 00:23:921 (1,2) -
01:31:095 (4) - New combo
01:34:845 (4,5) - The ending point of (4) could have been better :T
02:02:259 (2,1) - Too close. Put them farther away.
02:05:520 (3) - Make this slider symmetric please, everything in this part is already symmetric.
02:07:803 (2) - Ermm... i guess I'm starting to being a nazi now, but... this is not symmetric, just look at the height of the starting and end point. Lol :T


00:18:867 (1,2) - Use 1.2x distance snap?
00:27:019 (3,4) - Consider moving these 1/4 ealier
00:37:454 - Take out clap.
01:00:443 - I believe that this slider tick was not suppose to sound like this?
Sighs alright i'll stop with hitsounds, i'm not great at them so i shouldn't be saying abything about them :T
01:10:878 - - Really expected a circle to be here
01:59:954 - I really recommend you to map this empty
Rest is fine.


00:10:389 (1,2,3) - Consider turning grid snap off, and stack the end perfectly.
I'm against this empty spot 03:04:541. Map it, or end the map at 03:03:888. Hopefully it is still a wip this diff.
You give wrong
Topic Starter

ErufenRito wrote:

I'm against this empty spot 03:04:541. Map it, or end the map at 03:03:888. Hopefully it is still a wip this diff.
It was. Now it's mapped. :3
I only mod Easy and the Collab for now...

- Impressive Style
- Nice Sliders
- Only place one hitsound per circle/sliderpoint (in general)
- The only thing i've to say is that the hitsounds are sometimes placed too randomly at some parts, their not bad or anything, but try out my suggestions to that

[Easy] (example for placing hitsounds)
00:24:736 (2) - at the end: add whistle
00:29:302 (2) - replace clap with whistle
00:31:910 (5) - whistle at the beginning of the slider
00:33:215 (1) - usualy only one hitsound per note, would stick to clap there
00:36:476 (5) - whistle (beginning of the slider)
00:37:780 (7) - ^
00:39:084 (1) - ^
00:42:345 (5) - i would delete whistle here
00:42:997 (6) - ^ (at the end of the slider)
00:50:171 (6) - whistle (beginning)
00:51:802 (1) - start spinner at 00:52:128
00:59:302 (3) - clap at reverse arrow, remove clap at the end
01:01:258 (1) - whistle at the end
01:03:867 (1) - remove clap
01:05:171 (1) - clap at beginning and end
01:08:432 (2) - clap
01:09:084 (3) - whistle at the beginning
01:12:345 (2) - remove finish, add whistle
01:14:301 (4) - remove clap, add whistle to beginning, normal sound at the end

- too few hitsounds in jagang's parts imo, use more whistle sounds
00:54:573 (1,2) - I don't think they are necessary

If you liked my mod, I could mod all diffs in regard of hitsounds and send it to you, but only if you wish to have them and liked them!
Like I said, they are no major issues i think, just small improvements to do on some parts.
Good luck with your map :3

Easy ~

00:49:519 (5) - new combo
01:36:475 (7) - new combo
02:07:127 (6) - add new combo
02:07:453 (1) - remove new combo

Normal+ ~

02:07:453 (1) - new combo?
01:09:736 (5) - ^
02:16:281 (11) - ^
02:46:606 (6) - new combo?
02:51:823 (6) - ^
02:57:041 (5) - ^
03:07:475 (5) - ^
03:12:693 (6) - ^

Magicphoenix's Life ~

00:19:519 (1) - remove new combo
00:20:171 (5) - add new combo
00:20:497 (2) - remove new combo
00:27:997 (1) - remove new combo
00:29:139 (2) - this slidertick sounds weird,I think it might sound better if you 00:29:302 - add note, 00:29:628 - you make this slider last up to 00:30:280 - (red tick)
00:40:389 (1) - remove new combo
00:51:802 (2,3) -remove the claps and move these notes to the next white tick to the right.
00:53:106 (1) - remove new combo
00:56:041 (1) - ^
01:06:476 (3) - new combo
01:52:128 (8) - ^
01:52:454 (1) - remove new combo
02:13:672 (1) - ^

Jagang's & Musicbox' Collab ~

00:15:606 (1) - remove new combo
00:15:932 (8) - add new combo
00:18:541 (2) - Kinda boring just sitting there for so long...
00:56:041 (7) - new combo?
01:03:541 (8) - ^
01:14:139 (9) - ^
01:38:758 (1) - remove new combo
02:56:878 (10) - add new combo
02:57:041 (1) - remove new combo

Add. in tag Jagang, Magicphoenix.

Nice song ^_~



Pretty good job! I like it :)
Nice timing too~~

Just a general suggestion: I like kiais a lot, and I think that they can be more exploited than they currently are in most of the songs on osu!
So, you could try (in all the diffs) adding an inherited timing section at 3:03:539, with no kiai, and then, right after it, at 3:03:865, add another one, this time with kiai. I believe it increases the epic factor a little xD

And before I go on, sorry for the massive combo mod xD


36:476 (5) - New combo here?
41:693 (4) - ^
1:33:867 (1,3) - Why don't you try moving 1 one grid up, and then move 3 one grid up and one grid right? That way you keep exactly the same triangle pattern, and it looks prettier :)
1:55:389 (3) - Move this one grid left?
2:57:344 (6) - New combo here?
3:03:865 (8) - I'd start the new combo here, and remove it from the next slider.
3:07:778 (3) - Umm.. new combo here?


15:932 (7) - New combo?
26:041 (6) - ^
31:095 (5) - ^
37:128 (5) - ^
42:671 (6) - ^
57:997 (1) - Add a whistle at the end of the slider? (Not the reverse arrow)
1:09:736 (1) - Remove new combo and add it to the next slider.
1:36:802 (6) - ...New combo here?
1:41:693 (2) - I'd like it better if the end of the sliders were stacked. To do this, you might have to set Grid Snap off.
2:04:867 (4) - New combo here?
2:18:237 (1) - To keep it consistent with 1:11:693, you could remove the new combo and add it to the next slider, but, anyway, this combo chande isn't that bad.
2:47:583 (4) - That would look nicer like... Half grid to the right.
3:17:910 (5) - New combo here.

[Magicphoenix's Life]

1:18:215 (7) - Maybe align this with 5 and 6?

This one isn't bad n.n


05:171 (1) - The following triangle patterns seem to random xD I'd try to do equilateral triangles.
1:01:584 (3) - I'd suggest to use first a slider, and then a circle, because as it is now, you can't see if there's a repetition (reverse arrow)
2:35:780 (1) - Same triangle thingy xD

Pretty good job, as I said earlier :)
Topic Starter

narakucrimson wrote:

1:01:584 (3) - I'd suggest to use first a slider, and then a circle, because as it is now, you can't see if there's a repetition (reverse arrow)
I guess the next slider comes fast enough to notice, that there is no reverse arrow. ^^

add cursortrail.png

00:18:215 (1) - 2 grids down
00:36:476 (1,3), 00:39:084 (1,3) - sliders are different, make sliders same in each combo
01:05:171 (1) - do it more simmetrical
01:26:040 (4) - new combo
01:29:627 (2) - don't stack it (hard for easy)
01:57:345 (1) - turn off new combo
02:07:453 (2) - 1 grid down
02:09:736 (5) - spacing
02:22:453 (3) - don't stack
Easy+ i think...

01:02:888 (3,4) - 1 grid up
01:16:258 - add break
03:19:377 (4) - 1 grid up
03:20:519 (1) - ehh why spinner is toooo long? do it shorter =.=

Magicphoenix's Life
00:29:302 (2,3) - mb 1 timing section right? sounds better..
01:46:584 (6) - 1 grid down

Jagang's & MusicBox' Collab
seems good

Nise song and maps, star
turn on flashy warning

0:07:780 (1) remove finish
*I think adding claps in the beginning part is a good idea, but you can make those claps more regular.
0:28:649 (1,2,3,4) stack the sliders property
1:01:802 (6) down 1 grid
1:25:389 (6) left 1 grid
1:30:932 (1,2,3,4) stack properly
1:42:182 (4) up 1 grid
2:10:281 (9) weird position
2:47:095 (4) right 1 grid

[Megaphonix's life]
0:46:910 (1) stack on (4)?
0:49:356 (2,3,6,7) (2,3) and (6,7) are not on the same horizontal level
1:03:541 (4,5,^) uneven spacing
3:14:160 (7,8) stack properly

[Normal life]
0:23:106 (2) up 1 grid?
1:36:802 (1) stack on last (4)

moep moep :D i love your map ;3 hope it will be ranked soon :3 star~
DJ Lightning
ich schließ mich jox an

Topic Starter

DJ Lightning wrote:

ich schließ mich jox an

Danke an Beide. :3
I like it star 8-)
Topic Starter

laport wrote:

I like it star 8-)
Thanks. :3
Keksi's Mod:

Blau:Wäre nett wenn du das änderst

[Easy Life]
01:15:711- Mach (5) weg :)Und mach ihn so :

[Normal Life]
Ganz gut .
Aber nicht ein bisschen Hard für ein [Normal]?

[Magicphoenix's Life]

Ändern in [Magic's Life]
00:17:073- Mach die (5) so :
00:41:530- (1) (2) (3) so vllt? :

[Jagang's & Musicbox's Collab]

Nenn die Diff einfach : Collab. Schreib einfach als Info das du und Jagang die Collab gemacht hast.
00:18:704- Slider (2) bisschen verkürzen der ist zu lang :)
00:44:139- (1) am ende des sliders machen :
00:54:573. Was ist das ? Der Stream muss weg . Passt nicht zum takt und überhaupt :))

So kriegst trotzdem nen Sternchen~
Green = Request
Blue = Would be nice if you change
Red = Change plz

00:54:736 - Add Kiai Time

[Easy Life]

nice ^^

[Normal Life]
n1 ;D

[Magic's Life]
01:11:856 (3) - Move directly over (4)
02:05:193 (7) - New Combo
03:01:932 (5) - move under the end of (4)
03:39:758 (8) - 1 Grid left


Have a Star~
[Custom hitsounds]
Maybe use the custom hitsound I have attached to take away the annoying slider noises, making it much more appealing to listen too.
Remember to enable custom hitsound override 1.

[Easy Life]
01:15:280 (5) - Spacing. (Try this maybe)

[Normal Life]
02:49:378 (1) - Whistle
02:49:541 (2) - Start of slider add whistle
02:50:519 (4) - Add Whistle
02:50:682 (5) - Start & End add whistle

03:10:247 (1) - Whistle
03:10:410 (2) - Start of slider add whistle
03:11:388 (4) - Add Whistle
03:11:551 (5) - Start & End add whistle

Very nice!

[Magic's Life]
00:31:258 (3) - Start of Slider add Finish (Hightlights the finish on (4)

Claps hitsounds seems random.

01:15:932 (4) - Make it more round :>

01:41:041 (2) - Add Clap
01:44:954 (1) - ^
01:46:258 (5) - ^
01:48:867 (7) - add clap at start of slider.
02:00:280 (1,2,3) - Add Finish ( fits music )

Lots of overlaps I'm not to fond off.

00:05:497 (3,6,9,12) - Add whisle's

02:21:824 (5) - Add Finish
02:22:150 (6) - replace with slider that ends at 02:23:454 with a finish at end/start

Overall, very nice diff.

o hi~
AImod spuckt einige Spacing Fehlera aus. Die sollte nicht in einem Easy sein.

00:44:302 (1) - Ein Finish am Anfang klingt gut.
00:59:302 (3) - clap am repeat
01:05:171 (1) - clap am repeat und ende
01:12:997 (3) - clap am anfang
01:14:301 (4) - beide claps weg, vllt durch whistles ersetzen

00:55:715 (4) - clap
00:57:345 (1) - clap am repeat
01:01:258 (2) - der tick könnte nen clap brauchen. custom hitsounds?
01:05:171 (1) - ^ und warscheinlich noch mehr
01:10:388 (1) - clap anfang + ende
01:18:214 (1) - whistle weg, finish
01:19:519 (4) - whistle
01:36:801 (1) - (Nazi) Grid level 4: 1 grid links
02:16:933 (2) - claps

Kiai hat zu viele whistles IMO ._.

Hitsounds finde ich müll.Die map selber ist gut. Irgendwie kommt da kein Rythmus zu stande. Randomness³ Kann hier 100 Sachen schreiben, hab aber kein Bock drauf. Deswegen nur ein paar Sachen...

00:44:302 (1) - alle sounds weg, hier mussn finish hin
00:57:997 (1) - clap
00:58:323 (2) - finish passt net
00:59:465 (4) - ^
00:59:791 (5) - hier aber. aber net am ende. da reicht ein clap.
01:07:780 (5) - claps
01:10:389 (7) - ^
01:48:867 (7) - finish am ende
01:50:171 (2) - clap
01:53:432 (5) - baaah, finish passt net. normal clap am anfang + soft zum ende
02:01:258 bis zur break: Hier fehlen offensichtlich claps. 1 clap/ 2 white lines D: Und zu viele Finishs.
Das selbe für die Kiai parts.

00:09:410 (6) - stacking
01:18:215 , Jagangs part. zu wenig hitsounds, klingt zu trocken.
01:33:541 (1) - finish weg
01:33:867 (2) - der gehört hierhin
02:13:019 (x) add note
03:02:584 (2) - Grid level 4: 3 nach links

So, hab nochn Star und dat wars...
Topic Starter
Mods done yet. :3
Easy Life
01:15:280 (5) - Move this nearer to 4
03:21:104 (1) - Remove this and add more notes. Then add a spinner at 03:25:084

Normal Life
The slider velocity is too high for a normal
00:30:389 (2,3,4) - Make these closer to each other
02:06:172 (3) - Make this slider face the opposite
03:21:104 (1) - Remove this and add more notes. Add a spinner at 03:25:084

Magic's Life
00:49:256 (2,3) - The notes are too far apart
00:50:497 (6,7) - ^

00:22:254 (1) - Remove NC
Topic Starter

DragonSparta wrote:

Easy Life
01:15:280 (5) - Move this nearer to 4
03:21:104 (1) - Remove this and add more notes. Then add a spinner at 03:25:084

Normal Life
The slider velocity is too high for a normal
00:30:389 (2,3,4) - Make these closer to each other
02:06:172 (3) - Make this slider face the opposite
03:21:104 (1) - Remove this and add more notes. Add a spinner at 03:25:084

Magic's Life
00:49:256 (2,3) - The notes are too far apart
00:50:497 (6,7) - ^

00:22:254 (1) - Remove NC
About timing, only 1 timing is enough
BPM: 92.000
Offset: 2,563
don't forget to resnap all notes, green lines stuff.

[Easy Life]
- make sure your preview point is same as other diffs

[Normal+ Life]
02:06:172 (3) - spacing, too far from (2)
02:40:247 (1) - start at white tick and end it at 02:42:367
look a bit too hard for normal, i don't care if it's normal + or - but it'd be just like a normal. some time spacing look weird etc, i'm not fan of kind of normal like this. not bad though.

[Magic's Life]
- nothing really that wrong, but spacing look a bit random, maybe because spacing is too hugs
- suggest you to +1 to Aooroach Rate

- well done

have my star
Topic Starter
haha hab ja noch gar keinen stern dagelassen :O
Star ;) schönes Lied
Viel Glück!
Topic Starter
Beide, danke. ^-^
warum hast du sie sterben lassen D:
Topic Starter
Ich mach wann anders wieder weiter und lass sie vom Graveyard machen.
Revived by the mapper`s request................................... enjoy
why has Easy less breaks as the others?

[Easy Life]
7 objects are unsnapped, open aimod to check ^^
sometimes spacing is wrong
00:50:823 (2) at the end whistle

[Normal+ Life]
22 objects aren't snapped
it's too hard for an Normal+, because 00:23:921 is a stream, and streams in normal? no
sometimes spacing wrong

[Magic's Life]
45 unsnapped objects
too often finish >.< it's annoying after some time...
01:06:312 (2,1) stack correctly under 1
01:10:878 (7,8,9) ^
01:51:802 (6,7,1) ^

51 unsnapped objects
im not good in modding collabs >.< but it looked good (only the unsnapped objects...)

check spacing in all diffs, it's a bit inconsistent

if you have questions, PM or in-game ^^

star ^^
es lebt wieder :D hurra

Your message is too short. Please do not post messages like "star", and make sure you are constructively adding to the thread in question.

Modding from my queue:
  1. Check AIMod on every difficulties, you'll see why.
Easy Life:
  1. If you open this diff on notepad, you'll see 'Video,-3457,"Unheilig.flv"' on the [Events] section. Since you don't use a video for this beatmap, you sould remove the entire video line.
  2. 01:58:649 (1) - End of spinner is unsnapped here.
  3. 00:23:433 (1) - Rotate this slider 180 degrees and Ctrl+G for a better (circular) flow.
  4. 02:08:432 (4,5) - Placement of sliders here affects visibility. With the "300" hit, player will be confused whether there's a reverse slider on 02:09:737 (5) or not.
  5. 02:20:497 (2) - There should a hitsound on this part, something like this: . I wouldn't suggest a hold here.
Normal+ Life:
  1. If you open this diff on notepad, you'll see 'Video,-1700,"Unheilig.flv"' on the [Events] section. Since you don't use a video for this beatmap, you sould remove the entire video line.
  2. 00:54:760 - Snap green timing line to 00:54:736
  3. 02:43:812 (2,3) - Unstack
  4. 02:54:248 (1,2) - ^
  5. 03:04:682 (1,2) - ^
  6. 03:15:117 (1,2) - ^
  7. 01:41:366 (1,2) - Not stacked properly
  8. 02:50:172 (3,4,5) - I wouldn't recommend stacking with different ti ming, this would counfuse some players and with Hidden mod.
  1. This diff would be Hard Collab, I guess?
Good luck for your EBA-styled map! hehe 5 yrs ago..
Remember my M4M btw
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