
DM DOKURO - g a r d e n

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, 30 July 2021 at 23:09:46

Title: g a r d e n
Tags: toby fox remix 3 dm dokuro
BPM: 75
Filesize: 11490kb
Play Time: 07:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. f l o w e r (6.49 stars, 2045 notes)
Download: DM DOKURO - g a r d e n
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Title: g a r d e n
Tags: toby fox remix 3 dm dokuro
BPM: 75
Filesize: 11490kb
Play Time: 07:35
Difficulties Available:
f l o w e r (6.49 stars, 2045 notes)
I love this map :-)
Well, depois eu faço um mod pra esse map, não manjo muito de std, mas falarei do ritmo :v
esse mapa ficou muito bom e vou citar algumas coisas que podem melhorar ainda mais.

00:30:418 (1) - tira esse slider porque ficou meio nonsense e repete oque vc fez aqui 00:24:018 (1,1,1,1) - vai ficar bacana( não se preocupe não vai ficar repetitivo)
02:42:199 (1) - tira esse slider e bota um spinner ou so bota um break mesmo
03:30:199 (1,1,1,1) - tira esses sliders e bota um spinner ou so um break mesmo
um hit circle em 05:19:778 ficaria legal
bota o preview em 06:24:515 ou em 03:04:936
arruma o AiMod(se estiver com dificuldade vem PM)
adorei o mapa e espero um otimo trabalho nesse kiai time :)
Bem, eu disse que ia fazer esse mod então lá vai

Acho que não precisa ter o ( Undertale remix 3) acho que é informação de mais num titulo, mas fica a tua escolha
AR: 9.5 OD: 6
Cores: PELO AMOR DE DEUS TIRA ESSE AMARELO EU TO FICANDO CEGO NUNCA TE PEDI NADA, escolha cores leves não tão fortes, mas também não coloque muito escuras.
A BG, sei la, não me agrada muito, se quiser trocar é direito seu.

f l o w e r
00:20:818 (1,1) - Tente criar um padrão, ou deixe só slider, ou só spin. Ficaria melhor, relaxe não fica repetitivo caso tu ache isso
00:20:818 (1) - Não deixe uma nota em cima da outra, tu tem um espaço imenso no mapa, aproveite-o
00:30:418 (1) - Caso continue com slider tente fazer isso ser circular, ficará mais bonito -q
00:48:988 (4) - Aqui são 3 notas, tu pode continuar com o slider se quiser
00:50:330 (6) - add, se achar que vai mudar muito o estilo do mapa, ignore todos os " ^ " abaixo
00:51:593 (9) - ^
00:52:857 (9) - ^
00:54:120 (8) - ^
00:55:383 (9) - ^
00:56:646 (9) - ^
01:00:436 (9) - ^
01:02:962 (9) - ^
01:06:751 (9) - ^
01:08:015 (9) - ^
01:09:278 (9) - ^
01:10:541 (9) - ^
01:17:883 (1) - Tira o New combo
01:18:199 (1) - ^
01:24:515 (3) - Mova esse slider para x:196 y:32
01:29:883 (6) - add
02:11:725 (2) - remove
02:12:199 (1) - Tira o nc
02:13:146 (1) - mesma motivo da 00:20:818 (1) -
02:15:672 (1) - ^
02:18:199 (5) - ^
02:42:199 (1) - ok... que trabalho q tu fez pra isso hein e.e
02:49:146 (1) - Tira o nc desnecessario a troca
02:49:462 (1) - ^
02:50:093 (1) - ^
02:51:357 (1) - ^
02:52:620 (1) - ^
02:55:146 (1) - ^
02:55:778 (1) - ^
02:56:093 (6) - Add nc, aqui ficaria uma boa
02:56:409 (1) - Remova o nc
02:57:041 (5) - ^
02:59:567 (1) - ^
03:00:830 (1) - ^
03:01:146 (2) - Adiciona o nc
03:01:462 (1) - Remova o nc
03:02:093 (5) - ^
03:30:199 (1) - Slider acaba em 03:31:383 (1) -
03:31:462 (1) - Slider acaba em 03:32:646 (1) -
03:32:725 (1) - Slider acaba em 03:33:830 (1) -
03:37:462 (1) - Tire o nc, não faz sentido a troca
03:38:409 (1) - ^
03:39:357 (1) - ^
03:41:251 (1) - ^
03:42:515 (5) - ^
03:43:778 (4) - Tire o nc e no seguinte coloque
03:44:409 (1) - Remova o nc
03:45:041 (1) - ^
03:47:567 (5) - Mesma coisa do 03:43:778 (4) -
03:49:146 (3) - Remova o nc
03:50:093 (1) - ^
03:50:409 (8) - pode trocar por um slider que vai ate 03:51:041 (1) -
03:54:672 (1) - tira o nc
03:55:146 (1) - coloque o nc aqui, vai ficar melhor
03:55:462 (3) - Tire o nc
03:56:410 (6) - ^
03:56:725 (1) - Coloque o nc aqui
03:57:673 (1) - ^
03:57:988 (1) - Tire o nc
03:58:936 (1) - ^
03:59:725 (1) - ^
04:00:199 (1) - coloque um nc aqui
04:00:515 (1) - tire o nc
04:01:778 (1) - ^
04:03:988 (1) - ^
04:04:778 (1) - ^
04:05:251 (4) - coloque um nc aqui
04:05:567 (1) - tire o nc daqui
04:06:831 (1) - ^
04:08:883 (1) - ^
04:09:830 (1) - ^
04:10:304 (9) - Coloque o nc aqui
04:10:620 (1) - Tire o nc
04:11:567 (1) - ^
04:12:357 (6) - ^
04:12:831 (1) - coloque o nc aqui
04:13:304 (1) - Spin termina em 04:16:304

Por hoje é "SÓ" isso
concordo com tudo ;),otimo trabalho

02:42:199 (1) - ok... que trabalho q tu fez pra isso hein e.e realmente :)
Topic Starter
tbm acho q foi trabalhoso e.e

soretun wrote:

tbm acho q foi trabalhoso e.e
pena que vc vai tirar né? e.e
Eae mano como vai vo modda aqui e noisss

f l o w e r

00:20:818 (1) - poderia stackar em 00:19:218 (1) - ( Juntar dois circles em um lugar) pois esse parece meio "fora"

00:59:488 (2,3) - Considere deixar isso menos "spacado" o possivel, isso ai pode causar grandes confusões na hora de jogar (também aconselho deixar em um snap apenas, esse ai parece nao estar constante)

01:15:988 (11) - Faça Algo assim (um triple assim ja pasta)

03:26:883 (3,4,5,7,8,9) - Cuidado com esse tipo de overlap (Sobreposição) isso, sinceramente é bem desagradavel de ver :s (acho que se vc deixar o 03:26:883 (3,4,5) - mais longe fica otimo)

03:59:251 (1,2,3,4,5,2,4) - Mesmo caso acima ^

04:32:409 (1,1) - Fico legal :D

05:46:620 (1,2,3) - Faz um slider 1/8 manoo, nos outrs a frente vc fez e ficou bacana{

Meu mano eu gostei do mapa e ta daorinha e tals

Rankeavelmente falando, eu te aconselho a dar uma olhada séria nos overlaps, voce nao pode tentar rankear algo assim, mais ainda, isso faz aparecer que você fez o mapa "jogando" as coisas de qualquer jeito, cada objeto deve ter um proposito (isso vale para todos os mapas rankeados hoje em dia) 00:52:146 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Isso aqui por exemplo ficou bacana, mas isso 01:01:620 (8) - é "jogado por ai" isso 01:14:093 (1,2) - ...

eu aconselho olhar mapas rankeados da musica do mesmo tipo, essa musica para min me lembra algo assim:

goreshit - burn this moment into the retina of my eye

goreshit - the nature of dying

goreshit - o'er the flood

são todos do grumd e da goreshit, mas esse 3, teoricamente, combinado da nesse Remix de Undertale, e os mapa são otimos para entender como ele utilizou as pattens,flow e estetica

Isso ai é tudo não so para rank, mas para te ajudar a ficar bom no editor :D

Me chame se tiver alguma duvida a mais !


Ataraxia wrote:

Eae mano como vai vo modda aqui e noisss

f l o w e r

00:20:818 (1) - poderia stackar em 00:19:218 (1) - ( Juntar dois circles em um lugar) pois esse parece meio "fora"

00:59:488 (2,3) - Considere deixar isso menos "spacado" o possivel, isso ai pode causar grandes confusões na hora de jogar (também aconselho deixar em um snap apenas, esse ai parece nao estar constante)

01:15:988 (11) - Faça Algo assim (um triple assim ja pasta)

03:26:883 (3,4,5,7,8,9) - Cuidado com esse tipo de overlap (Sobreposição) isso, sinceramente é bem desagradavel de ver :s (acho que se vc deixar o 03:26:883 (3,4,5) - mais longe fica otimo)

03:59:251 (1,2,3,4,5,2,4) - Mesmo caso acima ^

04:32:409 (1,1) - Fico legal :D

05:46:620 (1,2,3) - Faz um slider 1/8 manoo, nos outrs a frente vc fez e ficou bacana{

Meu mano eu gostei do mapa e ta daorinha e tals

Rankeavelmente falando, eu te aconselho a dar uma olhada séria nos overlaps, voce nao pode tentar rankear algo assim, mais ainda, isso faz aparecer que você fez o mapa "jogando" as coisas de qualquer jeito, cada objeto deve ter um proposito (isso vale para todos os mapas rankeados hoje em dia) 00:52:146 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Isso aqui por exemplo ficou bacana, mas isso 01:01:620 (8) - é "jogado por ai" isso 01:14:093 (1,2) - ...

eu aconselho olhar mapas rankeados da musica do mesmo tipo, essa musica para min me lembra algo assim:

goreshit - burn this moment into the retina of my eye

goreshit - the nature of dying

goreshit - o'er the flood

são todos do grumd e da goreshit, mas esse 3, teoricamente, combinado da nesse Remix de Undertale, e os mapa são otimos para entender como ele utilizou as pattens,flow e estetica

Isso ai é tudo não so para rank, mas para te ajudar a ficar bom no editor :D

Me chame se tiver alguma duvida a mais !

atalaxia dos modds, arrasando corações

Just a simple thing:

Dont forget hitsounds :D (Taiko diff is just singletap, thats how i noticed)
Topic Starter

LittleFox wrote:


Just a simple thing:

Dont forget hitsounds :D (Taiko diff is just singletap, thats how i noticed)
thanks dude, I won't forget it, I'm lazy to do dis...... y.y
but, what taiko diff are u talking about?

soretun wrote:

LittleFox wrote:


Just a simple thing:

Dont forget hitsounds :D (Taiko diff is just singletap, thats how i noticed)
thanks dude, I won't forget it, I'm lazy to do dis...... y.y
but, what taiko diff are u talking about?
The auto diff when you switch to taiko. All circles are Don (red) instead of Don and Katsu (Red and blue), hitsounds play an important role in the taiko version of your map.
01:18:830 (6) - 02:04:304 (2) - 05:03:672 (9) - Replace with a Very slow slider (Optional, just to make it look cool. Might need to half bpm here or more.)

02:42:199 (1) - Simply put a spinner here, this slider doesn't look nice.
03:30:199 (1,1,1,1) - Replace with notes.
03:50:725 (1) - Move to the next white tick and make it one 4th shorter.
04:28:620 (3) - Remove note maybe? (Optional)
04:53:567 (1) - The distance spacing on this stream doesn't need to change because the music sounds the same from before.
05:21:357 (1) to 05:30:515 (4) - Should have a smaller distance spacing for the calmer part of the song.
05:53:251 (5) - Should be a curved slider like the next one.

I'll come back to this.
Topic Starter

ViolentBoo wrote:

01:18:830 (6) - 02:04:304 (2) - 05:03:672 (9) - Replace with a Very slow slider (Optional, just to make it look cool. Might need to half bpm here or more.)

02:42:199 (1) - Simply put a spinner here, this slider doesn't look nice.
03:30:199 (1,1,1,1) - Replace with notes.
03:50:725 (1) - Move to the next white tick and make it one 4th shorter.
04:28:620 (3) - Remove note maybe? (Optional)
04:53:567 (1) - The distance spacing on this stream doesn't need to change because the music sounds the same from before.
05:21:357 (1) to 05:30:515 (4) - Should have a smaller distance spacing for the calmer part of the song.
05:53:251 (5) - Should be a curved slider like the next one.

I'll come back to this.
Thanks for modding! :)

But.... I didnt understand what you said here :'' 03:50:725 (1) - Move to the next white tick and make it one 4th shorter. ''
maybe the time is wrong...

Thank you once again xd
Moddando years atrasado :P

02:19:146 (5,6) - acho bom colocar um new combo pela mudança de frequência das notas com spacing semelhante
03:55:146 (1) - um triple maybe?
04:21:830 (1) - triple aqui também
04:00:199 (1) - triple
04:05:251 (4) - triple
04:54:830 (1,2,3) - essa parte da stream ficou meio quadrado, era intencional?
06:18:199 (5,7) - minha opinião, você poderia deixar esses sliders curvos pra combinar com esse 06:19:462 (3) -
07:15:041 (1) - á partir daqui acho que ficaria mais bonito ir diminuindo o spacing pra acompanhar o sound fadeout
Cara, muito bom beatmap, não posso ajudar infelizmente porém estou no aguardo pra ver esse mapa ranked <3
Topic Starter

GaCiel wrote:

Moddando years atrasado :P

02:19:146 (5,6) - acho bom colocar um new combo pela mudança de frequência das notas com spacing semelhante
03:55:146 (1) - um triple maybe?
04:21:830 (1) - triple aqui também
04:00:199 (1) - triple
04:05:251 (4) - triple
04:54:830 (1,2,3) - essa parte da stream ficou meio quadrado, era intencional?
06:18:199 (5,7) - minha opinião, você poderia deixar esses sliders curvos pra combinar com esse 06:19:462 (3) -
07:15:041 (1) - á partir daqui acho que ficaria mais bonito ir diminuindo o spacing pra acompanhar o sound fadeout
obg pelo mod agomi, já apliquei as alterações :) :)
Topic Starter

ytanua wrote:

Cara, muito bom beatmap, não posso ajudar infelizmente porém estou no aguardo pra ver esse mapa ranked <3
muito obg, espero conseguir rankear com certeza! obg pelo apoio :) :) :)
01:35:251 - aqui poderia um reverse , tipo esse aqui na print,
msm coisa aqui 02:04:304 - , 02:20:725 - , 02:47:251 - , 03:03:672 - , 03:35:251 - 03:51:672 - , 04:18:199 - , 04:34:620 - , acho q vc entendeu neh q-q , n pude fazer um modding bom pq tenho q sair sorry ;-;-;
just dropping my 2 cents here because i saw your post in #modreqs

it doesnt look like you really thought about each song while mapping because you use most of the time the same spacing on the different songs.
every song looks the same aesthetic wise
id love to link -Harpuia-'s version of this map but apparently he deleted it (and i dont want to upload something which isnt mine) because he took the time and gave every song a unique style. maybe you should try this too! because right now it seems very monotone with no big differences inbetween those songs

edit: i asked bonsai to deny the kudosu in case youre wondering.
Topic Starter

yShadowXOP_ wrote:

01:35:251 - aqui poderia um reverse , tipo esse aqui na print,
msm coisa aqui 02:04:304 - , 02:20:725 - , 02:47:251 - , 03:03:672 - , 03:35:251 - 03:51:672 - , 04:18:199 - , 04:34:620 - , acho q vc entendeu neh q-q , n pude fazer um modding bom pq tenho q sair sorry ;-;-;
Obrigada mesmo assim, as alterações foram feitas! :)
Topic Starter

Mazziv wrote:

just dropping my 2 cents here because i saw your post in #modreqs

it doesnt look like you really thought about each song while mapping because you use most of the time the same spacing on the different songs.
every song looks the same aesthetic wise
id love to link -Harpuia-'s version of this map but apparently he deleted it (and i dont want to upload something which isnt mine) because he took the time and gave every song a unique style. maybe you should try this too! because right now it seems very monotone with no big differences inbetween those songs

edit: i asked bonsai to deny the kudosu in case youre wondering.

Thanks for your opinion, I think it was important to me,anyway,that's ok if you didn't accept, i can't do nothing. :roll:
okay let's do this

  1. turn off widescreen support / storyboard display / epilepsy warning / letterbox
  2. ar-1, hp-1, od+0.5
  3. imo the spacing of most jumps are forced and overdone, but anyway I guess this is the meta

[f l o w e r]
  1. 00:18:418 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - repeat slider would be better
  2. 00:19:218 (1) - you can have a more creative slider shape here. All your sliders in the map are literally either curved or straight.
  3. 00:49:778 (1,2) - tbh this thing is so unintuitive to play. I'd suggest something like this. FIX THEM ALL PLS
  4. 00:51:041 (1,2,3) - I am not a fan of stacking triples here. It makes the pattern pretty boring. And it applies to all triples
  5. 00:51:988 (9) - Why different spacing. They are all the same sound
  6. 01:18:830 (6) - NC cuz different instrument
  7. 01:35:251 (2) - NC
  8. 01:20:093 (1,2) - slider
  9. 01:24:830 (4) - don't stack with the slider
  10. 01:28:620 (4,5) - stack them better
  11. 01:40:620 (1,2,3) - Why different spacing?
  12. 01:48:199 (1,2,3) - ^
  13. 02:00:199 (5,5) - stack them
  14. 02:03:199 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - As I pointed out above, this is boring to play. You can actually make them more interesting and flow better
  15. 02:04:304 (2) - NC
  16. 02:08:251 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - shape them better
  17. 02:12:199 (2,3,4) - these three notes have three different pitches, why stack them tho?
  18. 02:12:199 (2,3,4) - they are 1/2 apart, whereas 02:19:146 (1,2) - are 1/1 and 02:20:093 (3) - is 2/1. SO WHY STACKING THEM. It is so confusing and players will misread due to the spacing
  19. 02:20:725 (4) - NC
  20. 02:29:251 (1,2,3,4) - What about something like this so it flows better and you can do blanket as well.
  21. 02:50:093 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pentagon and stack 1 and 6 better
  22. 02:53:646 I would map the rhythm instead. It leads to confusions like this 02:55:146 (1,2,3) I know you are mapping those weird 'pop' sounds but why not just map the obvious. If you play the music 100% speed it is hard to notice those sounds.
  23. The list can go on and on but I guess you know what the real problem is. The map doesn't flow well and more importantly it's utterly repetitive. It seems to me that you still have a lot of room for improvement.

Good luck anyway :)
Topic Starter

Nostalgic wrote:

okay let's do this

  1. turn off widescreen support / storyboard display / epilepsy warning / letterbox
  2. ar-1, hp-1, od+0.5
  3. imo the spacing of most jumps are forced and overdone, but anyway I guess this is the meta

[f l o w e r]
  1. 00:18:418 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - repeat slider would be better
  2. 00:19:218 (1) - you can have a more creative slider shape here. All your sliders in the map are literally either curved or straight.
  3. 00:49:778 (1,2) - tbh this thing is so unintuitive to play. I'd suggest something like this. FIX THEM ALL PLS
  4. 00:51:041 (1,2,3) - I am not a fan of stacking triples here. It makes the pattern pretty boring. And it applies to all triples
  5. 00:51:988 (9) - Why different spacing. They are all the same sound
  6. 01:18:830 (6) - NC cuz different instrument
  7. 01:35:251 (2) - NC
  8. 01:20:093 (1,2) - slider
  9. 01:24:830 (4) - don't stack with the slider
  10. 01:28:620 (4,5) - stack them better
  11. 01:40:620 (1,2,3) - Why different spacing?
  12. 01:48:199 (1,2,3) - ^
  13. 02:00:199 (5,5) - stack them
  14. 02:03:199 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - As I pointed out above, this is boring to play. You can actually make them more interesting and flow better
  15. 02:04:304 (2) - NC
  16. 02:08:251 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - shape them better
  17. 02:12:199 (2,3,4) - these three notes have three different pitches, why stack them tho?
  18. 02:12:199 (2,3,4) - they are 1/2 apart, whereas 02:19:146 (1,2) - are 1/1 and 02:20:093 (3) - is 2/1. SO WHY STACKING THEM. It is so confusing and players will misread due to the spacing
  19. 02:20:725 (4) - NC
  20. 02:29:251 (1,2,3,4) - What about something like this so it flows better and you can do blanket as well.
  21. 02:50:093 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - pentagon and stack 1 and 6 better
  22. 02:53:646 I would map the rhythm instead. It leads to confusions like this 02:55:146 (1,2,3) I know you are mapping those weird 'pop' sounds but why not just map the obvious. If you play the music 100% speed it is hard to notice those sounds.
  23. The list can go on and on but I guess you know what the real problem is. The map doesn't flow well and more importantly it's utterly repetitive. It seems to me that you still have a lot of room for improvement.

Good luck anyway :)
Thanks for modding ! I'll try to improve these patterns..

There's one thing I didn't agree with you:

'' [*]01:18:830 (6) - NC cuz different instrument ''

I really don't understand why it has to have NC, it doesn't make sense to me..

Thank you, once again ! :) :)
* Changes were made
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