
Highlights on another channel [Added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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This isn't really a major bug, but it is a problem with the notifier...

The highlight notifier, you know, the little purple strip of text that says "Your name has been mentioned by (username) in #(channel)!" or whatever, doesn't appear when you open the Chat Tab.

Okay, that's regular behavior. But sometimes regular behavior isn't all cool.

Have the Chat Tab open and get highlighted. You'll know you're being called out because of the green text. But, say you're on #osu and you get highlighted by someone on #mod. You won't know. There's not even an audio notification because you're on the osu! window.

That's kind of the problem...

Perhaps you can try that if you get highlighted on another channel, that purple window will appear still? Or maybe ana udio notification?

Sorry if no one understands, my mind isn't focused on explaining things.

Duplicates: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=14838
Actually, I think this might be best in Feature Requests? Its not really a bug per se, but something that should be implemented. In any case, +1 support.
Change tab colour please.
y, if you get highlighted in "insert channel here" then that tab should change color.
support +1
It should also tell you what channel you get highlighted on when the chat panel is closed.
It's about time this was brought up. +1
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Yes, I agree it should highlight you even though you have the chatbox open. Though maybe a toggle?

EDIT@Remmy: Okay I'm just a retard, I said "For people whose highlights are annoying", but that would be just default behavior. Kill me if you want D:

Gens wrote:

Though maybe a toggle?
Why would you need a toggle for this?
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Card N'FoRcE
Well, maybe audio is not necessary, but something visual is needed for this.

+1 support

CheeseWarlock wrote:

I don't think we need an audio notification, but I'd like a more definitive notification for when chat is already open. Just a tab colour change or something. Would be nice to add this new highlighting to PMs as well. /support
audio can be toggled anyway ^^
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Bumping this for attention. .3.
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Sad buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
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Gens wrote:

Sad buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump
I haven't supported yet? If not, /support
If so, /support again

I support for this :!:

Also bump! >:3
I wonder if this will be considered "added" once the #highlight channel/next build is up. *a bump until then*

EDIT: ADDED whoooo!

Q: "But Derekku, you don't get a notification in #highlight if you're highlighted in a channel that isn't open D:"

A: If you don't have a channel open, then it's most likely one that you don't chat in and people wouldn't be highlighting you in the first place.
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