Will get hitsounds finished up on GD's soon, and will get to the mod shortly after hopefully.
Thanks for modding~
Thanks for modding~
Applied everything, thank you!klonoa wrote:
Sorry for the late mod!
Here ya go
- 00:20:251 - 3 inherited timing points here while there is no notes? are those usefull here?
- 00:42:147 (5) - slider could have a better curve to it, feels too horizontal
- 00:48:010 (1,1) - could make this so it's not stacked?
other diffs feel fine to me. no kudosu if this mod wasn't helpful ;w;
- 00:49:561 (5,1) - notes feels REALLY far from eachother, maybe reduce distance?
- 00:57:837 (5) - this reverse slider doesn't follow the song? the reverse part is on a blue tic but there's no sound that goes with it
great mapset!
Thanks a bunch for modding!JBHyperion wrote:
Promised a while ago, better late than never I guess |:
General Comments:Difficulty-Specific Comments:
- Song Folder: No issues
- Song Setup: Look at this edgy kid with his AR8.2 Platter (^: Was originally AR8, but some people felt 8.2 fit it better.
- Metadata: Consider adding some tags to ease searching; Gurren Lagann (since you don't have romanised in Source field), Big Bang (album name), Shoko, OP opening theme, rock (?) Done
- Timing: Wasn't sure why you have the offset at 00:00:079 - instead of 00:05:596 - since the song starts there (4 measures later) but then I noticed 00:05:596 (3) has a volume buff in Cup only. It's perfectly okay to have objects before the first timing point (anacruces) and they automatically take on the volume/sampleset/etc. of whatever the first timing point sets, so if you decide you don't need that first green line you can more the red on there instead As long as it doesn't cause issues I'll keep it as is since I'm prone to break things
- Hitsounds: No issues
- AImod: No issues
Tenshichan's Cup
- 00:15:251 (1) - 00:20:768 (9) - Why have breaks here in all diffs except Cup? Surely the lowest diff should feature the most breaks (not that any are really needed in a TV size song anyway...) I'd suggest filling these in with some long sliders to fit the vocals both to be consistent with the Cup and also to make the diffs more varied and interesting to play Done
- 00:45:596 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Hitsound volume at the start of this needs to be higher (at least in Salad-Rain where it's mapped with notes and not a spinner), these first few beats are a real strain to hear. I'd start at 40% and go up in steps of 5% instead Done
- 01:10:768 - Spinner here would be nice on all diffs, not just the Cup, you've just come out of the kiai so it feels weird to suddenly stop when there is still something clear to follow Done
- 00:05:251 (2,3) - Considering how strong this is, you could really do with a little more spacing or a direction change here to add emphasis as this feel pretty plain atm Done
- 00:12:320 (2,1) - Feels really weird to map the preceding sounds but skip this, I'd move the spinner back 1/2 and add repeat here Done
- 00:27:492 (2) - This should start 1/2 later for both the vocal and drum sound, please shorten it (tail is fine) This sounds super weird to do it like that, gonna keep it as is.
- 00:30:251 (2) - This one is more acceptable since there is a vocal on the white tick, but the cymbal sound 1/2 later overpowers it. I'd fix this too, if only to be consistent Since I kept the last slider as is, changed this to a slider to make it consistent.
- 00:33:010 (2) - ^ and you might want to add a circle at 00:33:872 - to re-include this beat ^
- 01:15:941 (1,1) - I know it's a 1/1 spacing but since bpm is quite high this distance after the spinner could catch new players off guard a bit, could you possibly move all of 01:18:699 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - to the right a little? (1) at x-96 or so should be enough Since the last group of bananas are on the left already I think the players will be close enough for it to be fine.
- 01:23:354 (5,1) - Same as 00:12:320 (2,1) but obviously a circle this time Done
- 00:06:458 (6) - 00:09:216 (5) - Remove these, there's no guitar or drum sound here to warrant them Keeping these because even after muting hitsounds I can very clearly hear the guitar at both places
- 00:12:665 (8,1) - 1/2 note to spinner spacing at this BPM is a reading challenge for novice players, suggets a similar change to Cup, shift spinner start back to 00:13:354 - and add a circle/repeat at 00:13:010 - Done
- 00:24:389 (5,1,1) - Two 1/2 note to spinner spacings, I think you know what the deal is here ): Add a circle at 00:24:561 -, start the spinner at 00:24:906 - and remove 00:25:768 (1) ending on the downbeat, or remove the spinner and make the new object at 00:24:561 - a long slider instead and keep 00:25:768 (1) Did the latter option
- 00:30:079 (4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Kind of a boring back and forth pattern, and quite dense for a Salad diff at any rate, so maybe remove 00:30:423 (6) - and create some direction changes and/or jumps here for variety, especially at any of 00:31:113 (2,4,6) for these strong drum sounds Removed 6 and made the rest 2 reverse sliders
- 01:07:665 (5) - NC here please, this stack of notes gets uncomfortably big for this difficulty Done
- 01:08:872 (8) - I'd prefer a bit more movement on this slider given the intensity of the vocal here, try rotating it 90 degrees clockwise Done
- 01:23:010 (8,1) - Same suggestion as in Cup and at 00:24:389 (5,1,1) Done
- 00:06:458 (6,9) - Same as in Salad, these aren't really worth adding circles for imo. Removing them and making 00:06:285 (5,8) into 1/1 sliders would fit the guitar sounds nicely though Same reasoning as Salad
- 00:11:458 (3,4,5) - This spacing is really unexpected so early in the map, I'd move (4) to the right, say x-336, then put (5) at x-136 Done
- 00:20:079 (5,7,9) - Not sure what you''ll do here give my suggestions about these break bits, but what do you think about dashes to the first two and hdash to the last to fit with the strong drum and vocal sounds? Since I made the last object of these a slider, I just made it a single strong dash
- 00:41:630 (5,6,7) - This kind of antiflow is very unexpected to see after that sharp slider; even if you can catch by stacking, this definitely won't come naturally to most players of this level. Flipping 6) to face right instead would help a lot Done
- 00:45:596 (1,2) - Whoa this strong jump comes out of nowhere, please move (1) to somewhere like x-220 Moved both 1 and 2 a bit closer to keep it mostly the same but easier
- 00:46:975 (3,4,1) - (4,1) feels really underwhelming for a buildup to a kiai, so some more spacing would be really helpful here. Try making (3) face left instead, then put (4) at x-208 Flipped the slider but moved 4 further to the right for a bigger jump
- 00:50:941 (3,4) - Really sharp and unexpected spacing leading into antiflow, please reduce the distance here Done
- 00:57:837 (5) - Drum sound is at 00:58:527 - (and vocal ends here too) so this should end 1/2 earlier. Additionally, there is a drum sounds on 00:58:872 - which would work nicely with a dash into 00:59:044 (1) Vocal actually ended where the slider did, but shortened it, and since there was an additional drum hit at 00:58:699 - I put a note there as well
- 01:21:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is even harder than the first one damn, please reduce these spacings as I suggested at 00:11:458 (3,4,5) Done
This is all from me. If you have any questions or want to discuss things further, please don't hesitate to get back to me and I'll see what I can do to help.
- 00:04:906 (1,2) - For the first two notes of the map, the spacing here is really unexpected, I'd bring them in a little closer to each other Done
- 00:07:665 (4,6) - Towards the centre a little please, this pattern is uncomfortably tight with held dash Done
- 00:24:389 (4,5) - Why is this not a hdash when both the previous jumps were for almost identical sounds? Don't like forcing a hyper into a slider going in the opposite direction, this feels better
- 00:33:354 (2) - Move this to x-416 for a more comfortable spacing consistent with 00:27:492 (1,2) in the previous stanza done
- 00:34:561 (1,2) - This return jump is really uncomfortable coming off the previous hyper, move 00:34:906 (2,3) to x-128 Done
- 00:38:354 (5,1) - Sharp dash leading into what is effectively a flow-stop feels awkward to play, consider a more normal flowing curve here instead Done
- 00:54:389 (2,3,4) - Not sure why you picked this point for a double hyper, it feels so unfitting considering you have much stronger sounds that you didn't have hypers on such as 00:51:113 (1) - 00:53:872 (1) - etc. Changed it to normal dashing
- 01:02:838 (4,5,6) - Combining two full screen hypers of vastly different strengths is really confusing to play here not to mention the sounf that is actually strong, 01:02:665 (2) has almost no spacing at all. Move 01:02:665 (2,3,4) to x-352 for a more fitting pattern Fixed
Good luck! (:
alienflybot wrote:
As requested!█ Optional to change --- █ Suggested to change --- █ Unrankable [ General]
Difficulty Spread
- Seems like the jump between Salad and Platter is a bit big, as the AR jump is very high, from Cup's 5, to 6.5, 8.2, and to Rain's 9. I suggest reducing their gaps, perhaps you may try 5, 6.3, 7.6, 9 - OR - just simply 6, 7, 8, 9 (More recommended). I'll change the AR of Platter back to 8 as it originally was, but I will not change the AR of any other diff.
- CS 4 in Platter is a bit much in my opinion, it is also a big change as Salad is just with CS 3. Let's try altering the CS of Platter to 3.5, for easier difficulty gap. I disagree with this but I'll push it to 3.8
Background Image- I would suggest using an image with 1366x768 resolution. I want to keep this background and I couldn't find a widescreen version of it.
Hitsounds- In my opinion the clapping sounds don't match the song very much, try using custom samplesets, drum samplesets are also suiting well.I know so little about hitsounding properly that I'd rather not mess with it myself, and after listening to it longer the claps actually sound like they match fine
[ Tenshichan's Cup]
- 00:12:320 (2) - I think this can be replaced with simpler notes, the one now feels like a short stream during gameplay. You may refer to this: Gonna keep this as even though it is mapped at 1/2 it is super simple to just stand under.
- 00:13:354 (1,1) - The spinner should be ended earlier, 1/1 timeline distance would not be enough for beginners to get ready for the upcoming notes. You may shorten the spinner to 00:14:561 - and add an inherited timing section to silent the end sound. Keeping the spinner as is because 1/1 is plenty of time to to react imo
- 00:23:354 (1,2,1) - This is perfectly fine, however what about adding a 1/2 slider at 00:24:389 - , it sounds the same as 00:23:354 (1,2) - . In fact you may refer to this: I don't like the feeling of a slider here.
- 00:24:561 (1) - This should be remapped with notes if you fixed as above-mentioned and trying to keep a 2/1 timeline distance with the next note. It will be very short for a spinner which is not recommended, so best way is to remap with notes here. No need to do anything here as I kept the spinner
- 01:10:423 (1,1) - Same spinner issue. Seems like you want to end the spinner at 01:12:147 - and add a circle at 01:12:837 - . Since I kept the first spinner I'm keeping this too
- 01:15:941 (1,1) - ^, end the spinner at 01:18:010 - will be fine. ^
- 01:22:665 (2,3,4,5,6) - This can be simpler, try the same timeline as I suggested in 00:12:320 (2) - . While it requires movement unlike the intro, it's still super simple and requires no change
[ Salad]
* After testplaying, the gameplay looks messy because it seems like the circles are placed randomly across the map. The dash usages are unclear as well, like you didn't emphasize the important beats with dashes but the less-important ones.
- 00:09:561 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - 3 circles in linear are okay but 4 would be too hard because it feels timed without dashing (holding the same key over). What about curving (6,7,8,9) a bit to make it easier? Also the gap between 00:10:079 (9,1) - can be reduced, it feels uncomfortable to catch as well with double right-movements. I think the way it plays currently is perfectly fine and that the jump doesn't need to be reduced.
- 00:11:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is really strange and it is highly recommended to remap here. 3-circle patterns don't even suit well here, try using 1/2 sliders here instead. In addition the dash at (3,4) is so uncomfortable so it is also needed to be fixed. Actually it's not required to dash here and I tried doing sliders before and didn't like how it turned out, so I'll keep it as is since the dash most players will do is minimal
- 00:12:320 (7,8,9) - ^, I know you tried to add dash at (7,8) but it also feel so hard because it is easy to miss the tail of (7) or the head of (8) when dashed. This is why I always avoid straight sliders. If you really want to add a dash at this point, try adding it at 00:12:665 (8,9) - as (9) is the strongest note here. I thought the vertical sliders here worked really well to force players not to make too large of a movement while still being relatively simple and then moving back after the small dash keeps the last note of the combo from being too boring
- 00:15:251 (1,2) - The distance between them is definitely too big, you may tried to add a dash here but it still be able to FC without dashing. However I don't think this is a good part to add dash with, what about shortening the distance to make it less-timed (not required to hold the keys)? Since this part is rather calm, I believe it's fine to put small dashes here to keep it from being too boring
- 00:18:010 (7,8) - ^
- 00:22:665 (4,5) - What about reducing their distance to have 3 grid wide only? Will keep this
- 00:24:561 (2,1) - What about changing 00:25:768 (1) - a reversed 1/2 slider + a circle? Add a dash between the two notes is also much recommended, because 00:26:285 - begins a new vocal which is strong enough to be emphasized. Didn't change the long slider, but I added a slider on the vocals.
- 00:28:699 (7,8,1) - Add a dash between (8,1)? The one now can still be FC'ed without dashing. I think the gap can be wider. With what I did above, I also added a slider to the vocals here, so making it harder would be bad
- 00:40:941 (5,6,7) - Add dash at (5,6) instead of (6,7)? Since (6) is sounding strong with its Finish so emphasizing it is a point. I'm pretty sure newer players will be dashing for both which is what I intended
- 00:48:872 (3,4,5) - This require players to hold their dash buttons because (3,4) and (4,5) are both requiring players to dash in order to catch, making it uncomfortable. Let's try removing the dash at (3,4) and ensure players will dash at (4,5). This would be much better. I wanted them to require dashing on both and the distance is low enough for them to not require holding it down.
- 00:50:596 (1,2,3,4) - Same as 00:09:561 (6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - . Same reason as the first
- 00:51:630 (6,7,8) - Same as 00:48:872 (3,4,5) - , you may add dash at (7,8). Same as 00:48:872 (3,4,5) -
- 00:54:216 (4,5,6,7) - This part feels ambiguous in dash usage because (4,5) seems to allow players dash and (6,7) too, making it strange during gameplay. I suggest reducing the distance at (4,5) to 3 grid wide, and enlarge the distance of (6,7) so to ensure players will dash at (6,7). Decreasing 4,5 but won't increase 6,7
- 00:57:147 (2,3,4,5) - I don't think dash at (2,3) suits the rhythm here. In fact adding a dash at (4,5) would feel much better than it was. With the way I have the slider, dashing into it doesn't flow well.
- 01:02:147 (4,5,6) - What about adding dash at (5,6) instead of (4,5) to emphasize the Finish at (6)? The gap between 4 and 5 makes it a great place for a dash, and dashing 5,6 would maybe make 6,7,8 confusing to catch
- 01:04:906 (3,4,5,6,1) - Uncomfortable pattern because doing so will allow players to dash at (3,4) and (5,6) which impede the rhythm pretty much here. I suggest reworking here and add a sure dash at (6,1) too. This honestly doesn't feel uncomfortable to me at all nor lower end players that I had check it out.
- 01:09:906 (5) - Same as 00:24:561 (2,1) - . I'd rather not cut the spinner down so this stays
- 01:18:872 (1,2,3,4,5) - It is so strange because this cause movements at (2,3) and (3,4). In fact this movement is also strange. I suggest changing this with another patterns. I thought it was fitting to make this simple as the player is just ending a spinner
- 01:21:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same as 00:11:113 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - . Same reasoning
[ Platter]
- 00:07:665 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - What about keeping the distances between the quadruplets to be 2 grid wide? It is to keep consistency with the distances at 00:05:596 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - . I felt that it didn't require enough movement
- 00:20:596 (8,1) - Add HDash to emphasize the Finish at (1). No, I tried before and a hyper here is very unfriendly
- 00:25:941 (8) - This stream do not suit the flow here pretty well, as the stream here is so horizontally straight, which is too wide during gameplay. In addition I think the stream can be Ctrl+H'ed and place back to the original place, and slant the stream a bit to make it narrower. You may refer to this: * screenshot Best as is because I wanted it to require a little precision with a very tiny jump into it
- 00:25:941 (8,1) - There should be a HDash here in my opinion. The jump is too far away and it is calling for HDash. If possible, try to add one here. In addition, for 00:25:941 (8,1,2,3) - please make (1,2,3) easier as this part will require players to hold their dash keys, which is not suitable as a Platter pattern. Seriously it will be much better if the part is remapped. Reduced the distance for 1,2,3 but did not put a hyper in
- 00:36:975 (6,7) - Move (7) a grid to the right for consistent distances, referring to the distance between 00:36:630 (5,6) - . No need since 6 ends on the right
- 00:37:320 (7,1) - Same as 00:25:941 (8,1) - . With the stream right before it and the jumps right after a hyper here would possibly be rather confusing.
- 00:59:044 (3,4) - HDash? Would be way too uncomfortable for a horizontal slider
- 01:08:872 (4) - Slant this slider a bit, it is impeding the rhythm as players have to dash at the very end of the slider, to catch the tail of the slider.
- 01:09:906 (5) - Ctrl+H the stream and place it back to original place. Additionally, slant it like before too. Ctrl-H'd but did not slant.
[ kjw's Rain]
* I guess I will just keep it short. I will make some general comments about this.
- Beware of uneven distances such as 00:11:027 (10,1) - , they look very strange during the gameplay. Personally it can be fixed by moving to have even distances between the stream, in this case moving (1) to x:320 works. It's intended to keep the jumps after at perfectly even distances
- 00:24:389 (4,5) - I guess you want to add HDash here to make 00:23:354 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - feel more intense and consistent. Hence let's see if you can change this part a bit to fit in HDash. Maybe you want to refer to: * screenshot. But stilll, reworking this part would be much improved. I actually made sure NOT to make the last jump here a hyper as it makes the slider extremely hard to catch accurately.
Good luck!
fixed everything else, thanks!ZiRoX wrote:
- 00:25:768 (7) - Make this normal flow please. Having an easier movement on this slider will let you increase the distance at 00:26:285 (8) - , which could be emphasized a bit more as the downbeat. I like the slider forcing this type of movement so I want to keep it.
- 00:11:975 (6,1) - Despite this being a 1/1 distance, the movement back after the HDash can throw some players off. As Platters are meant to be HDash-introductory diffs, I'd prefer some "buffer" after them. For these reason, I'd move (6) to x:384, which makes the HDash slightly weaker and closer to the next object, making it easier to catch. Moved it but not as much as requested, did the same for the later suggestion as well.
Call me back, I guess hue
- 00:48:010 (6,1) - Really underwhelming distance considering (1) marks the beginning of the Kiai. I'd make (1) an horizontal slider (thus allowing for more distance) and move it to the right, around x:160 feels nice. To keep this part symmetrical, I made both sliders more horizontal and moved them a bit.
ZiRoX wrote:
Recheck time. Do not kd this.
[Salad]Ayyy bye
- 00:28:872 (8,1) - Another ambiguous distance, and this one precedes some zigzag movement at 00:29:044 (1,2,3) - that can make the overall pattern hard to play for players of this level. Try to make this pattern a bit more friendly, either reducing the distances, or making the flow a bit more clearer. One of many possibilities could be something like this: Fixed the distance from 8 to 1 to make it flow better, because I'm fond of the zigzag
- 00:32:320 (1,2) - This can be a bit hard to catch after the previous left-right movement. I suggest you move them to the right, a bit closer to the previous pattern. With the sliders slanted and closer, this distance becomes easier so I just nudged 2 closer to 1
- 00:48:010 (5,1,2) - Distances here are a bit ambiguous, too. (5,1) feels a bit underwhelming, and (1,2) is hard to catch by walking. This doesn't convince me, but maybe you can move 00:48:354 (1) - to x:208 or 224 to emphasize this downbeat with a dash, and making the (1,2) distance easier to catch. I personally feel like 5,1 should be easier and I think that most players will think to dash to assure that they catch 1,2 while allowing some leniency if they don't dash, I also feels it's appropriate to kick off the kiai time.
- 01:01:975 (3,4) - Similar stuff. Since this one involves some back and forth movement, I'd make the distance slightly lower: I'd put 01:02:147 (4) - on x:320.I think this one is easy enough, I'd like to keep it.
Fixed everything else, hueJBHyperion wrote:
Will recheck when I get home from work.Boo! no kdsPlatter
- 00:59:044 (3,4) - Hdash and NC here to emphasize the midpoint of the kiai? It's a pretty strong note, I'd at least want it to have a little more emphasisAdded the Hdash, but no NC, doesn't feel needed.
- 00:34:475 (8,1) - Really awkward 1/4 jump considering 00:34:216 (6,7) are facing to the left. I'd reduce this a bit, say (1) to x-400 I actually broke this by accident somehow, it's fixed to proper timing now.
That's it, call me back.
I actually recommend this too, but the final decision is of course up to you. There are not any concrete rules regarding to this matter.Ascendance wrote:
was probably best to make the source japanese (aka 天元突破グレンラガン), but congrats
Same tbhJBHyperion wrote:
Apologies Zak, should have doublechecked afb's metadata suggestion myself. I can re-icon this later today if necessary.
we did it redditZiRoX wrote:
Source was changed to the preferred japanese.
Didn't change much as this map shows pretty much what's actually good about old style mapping and not putting all dashes and HDashes on only the stronger sounds and sometimes acknowledging that you can emphasize a section better without a HDash than with one. Thank you for your concerns however, hopefully now we can push this back through.- Magic Bomb - wrote:
Sorry to request a dq so late on, but I feel there's some issues in the rain which really need fixing up before this gets ranked ;w;
Not looked at any other difficulties, but will post a mod on them later, I'd just rather post this now rather than leave it in qualified for longer to make more people annoyed ;w;
00:30:768 (3,4,5) - The way these are organised feels so odd and really doesn't fit well with the song. If anything the strongest sounds are on the slider end of 3 (which really doesn't emphasise the sound well), and 5 (at least that one has a dash to it). 4's beginning is quite weak so doesn't fit a dash, and I'd even say the slider end is stronger in comparison. Plus I'd say the distances are a bit too strong for a rain anyway, as they require a precise type of timing more expected in an overdose difficulty. Took a look at this section and I think I'd rather keep it as it is, I can tell it was mostly following the vocals and I personally don't think it's that bad for a Rain.
00:31:630 (6,7) - After that, no dash to this also feels pretty odd, as again these notes are pretty strong in comparison to notes like 4. Taking note that the earlier part was folling the vocals, this actually makes sense, especially with the HDash into 1
00:39:216 (3) - Backforth dash from this is again, a bit too difficult for a rain considering the antiflow to and from it. A reduction like x:328 would work better. Moved it by less but also moved 2 and 4 to keep it symmetrical
00:40:079 (1,2) - The lack of movement here, having both of these as normal movement to them, really breaks the songs feeling here in my opinion. The notes are a lot stronger, and honestly it's such an odd distance right now that walking them is also pretty awkward to play. Curving these sliders and moving them to have bigger distances to them feels a lot nicer. The lack of movement between these is because these sliders would really trip up players if they had to do a larger jump, I like the way this plays better, as it forces the player to dash appropriately to catch the droplets but isn't something that should break many combos.
00:42:147 (4) - Decreased distance to this because the jump is quite awkward again. Fixed
00:43:527 (4) - Really not sure why there's a dash to this, this sound is not strong at all, especially if you're following the dash for vocals here, considering the stronger vocals earlier on had no dash. You don't always have to dash at only the strongest sounds, and this dash isn't even difficult, I don't think this is really a big issue.
00:47:665 (5) - Why is there a HDash to this? There is basically no progression of this sounds from previous sounds, and there's no specific reason for the emphasis on this, so it just ends up feeling really offputting and weird to play. As well as this, the dash to 00:48:010 (6) - is really uncomfortable due to the strength after the HDash, but the HDash shouldn't be there in the first place. What? The reason for the HDash should be rather obvious, this is a buildup where the distance between notes keeps increasing and to increase the distance even more without a HDash would make this way too difficult, and it gives a good finish to the buildup, and considering that the jump into the slider after is quite small, it works well.
00:48:354 (1) - In comparison, this note is ridiculously strong compared to the previous ones, yet there is no HDash, and it would even work well to emphasise the start of the kiai.I checked this with a couple others, and they thought this works quite well as it is, if you pay attention to the way sliders and circles are used throughout the kiai, it's going between vocals and the instruments to keep the gameplay interesting without being too predictable.
00:48:872 (2) - The very strange shape of this slider after the strong dash to it makes it really weird to play because you've got to dash, then suddenly slow down, then speed up again in the same slider, and it just feels bad to play, a better flowing curve would feel a lot better. It's trying to keep it symmetrical without being too difficult which it isn't, and moving the sliders closer would make the movement before it almost nothing.
00:51:113 (1) - Dash to this feels far too strong too considering previous antiflow movement. Made it a bit easier.
00:51:630 (2,3,4,5) - Why is there normal movement to 2, and then HDash to 5? 2 is a lot stronger than 5, both vocally and instrumentally, so this kind of structure makes no sense. I don't even disagree with the HDash to 5, it's just the fact how there's no HDash to 2 makes it feel very weird. The triplet reflects the instruments fine and a HDash into that would flow really badly imo
00:59:389 (1) - Again, this is a really strong note compared to literally everything else you've had HDashes to, but you decided to use a normal dash and I can't understand why. Because a HDash into a slider going in the opposite direction is no fun.
00:59:906 (2) - Same as earlier with this really weird slider shape playing badly. This plays fine, just release dash after starting the slider, which players at Rain difficulty should be able to understand.
01:07:320 (7) - Reduction on this distance, after the antiflow, this strong of a distance is a bit too hard for a rain. Alright, fixed this.
01:08:872 (5,1) - Same with this jump, feels far too strong after the HDash in the opposite direction, and for a rain player would throw them off far too much, reduction would be nicer. Fixed
01:20:424 (3,4,5) - Firstly, the dashes to 4 and 5 both feel far too strong after the antiflow HDash to 3, but even so, 4 and 5 are stronger notes than 3, so why is the HDash to 3 instead? I see little point in overemphasising the weaker note, but then making the harder notes less emphasised. This is emphasized, you don't need to use a HDash to do this, considering that long jumps are often times harder than HDashes.
01:21:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Notes on this stream seem too far away from each other due to antiflow movements, making it too difficult for average rain players. This isn't even a stream, nor is it difficult, it used to be harder so I reduced distance previously but reducing it further would make this too easy.
There are more points to be made, but I'm commenting on the stuff I think are the main problems that need to be fixed before this gets ranked, the other stuff is more personal opinion.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to help your map be as good as it can be.
Oh also remember to not update until after group stage of CWC is finished.
meep, there's a lot of things I want to go over before this happens. Sadly, I'm not really accepting the whole "old style mapping" excuse while using bad mapping mechanics. There's only so much you can do using that statement, and it's bringing down the quality of this map by a lot. This is 2016, not early 2014.Zak wrote:
hopefully now we can push this back through.
Ascendance wrote:
meep, there's a lot of things I want to go over before this happens. Sadly, I'm not really accepting the whole "old style mapping" excuse while using bad mapping mechanics. There's only so much you can do using that statement, and it's bringing down the quality of this map by a lot. This is 2016, not early 2014. I implore you to please not use the excuse of "old style" when considering this mod, as I'm sure we all know that we've moved on from 2014 mapping for a good reason. I don't see it as much of an excuse when most other modders/players are completely fine with it. Also considering that a lot of maps made in 2014 were actually really REALLY good and stood out from one another, maybe we should actually take a step back in mapping.Zak wrote:
hopefully now we can push this back through.[Fixed all of the aboveGeneral ]
- Consider adding the following: shokotan srcl-6573 meg rock gainax tokyo hot blood robot fight final universe super drill I find these tags really pointless which is why I left them out but okay whatever.
- Will trust KwaN on this one.
- Your platter is CS3.8 out of nowhere, which breaks the linear spread and really becomes quite poor for a platter. In fact, the entirety of the CS in this set could be improved. 2/3/3.8/4 sounds abysmal and isn't up to current mapping standards really. 2.5/3/3.5/4 seems better, considering you'd like to keep the CS of the Rain at 4. This is simply an opinion, it has never been stated that you are forced to follow completely linear progression, and I believe that it is perfectly fine in this set.
- Quality of the mp3 sounds atrocious in my opinion, and in the opinions I've gathered from others (including nominators). I'd consider using the mp3 from this mapset in which the mp3 sounds much clearer. You'll need to change the offset when you do this.
Some examples I found, just in the Cup. I'm sure the following nominators could take a deeper look into this
- 00:20:768 (1) - you could probably add a clap (maybe a finish but a clap sounds nicer) to emphasize the crash here.
- 00:31:458 - Missing a clap here for consistency with the same pattern previous to it
- 00:33:527 - Suddenly clap is missing here also when the vocals and rhythmic pattern remain the same
- 00:34:216 - Same as above, the inconsistency in hitsounds is prevalent throughout this whole section
- 00:37:320 - Finish here? Sounds nice and amplifies the crash
- 00:42:837 - finish? Large white tick and could use a bit more emphasis
- 00:48:354 - 75% volume seems a bit loud at this section, would consider something like 60% or 65%
- 01:23:354 (6) - Why not add a finisher here? Blends quite nicely and feels good to hit as a final note.
[Tenshichan's Cup ]General
- 00:05:941 (1) - These sliders are quite poor due to the fact that it doesnt promote any movement at all. I would make it a completely straight slider and angle it like this. It plays much nicer into the next pattern and promotes a constant movement. I instead rotated the slider by 30 degrees
- 00:08:699 (1) - Same as the above. Same but 45 degrees
- 00:27:320 (2) - What is this even starting on? And it's got a clap? ??? If you're going to attribute it to the snare sound in the back, then I'd ask you to change it anyways because now you're randomly swapping between background music and vocals. A cup player shouldn't have to worry about which sounds to follow. You're starting with vocals here, continue with vocals. Looking carefully at this I can tell that this was mainly following the instruments and the vocals just support it, if anyone thinks I should still change hitsounds then tell me because I hardly know anything about hitsounding but I'm keeping this as it is.
- 00:30:079 (2) - split this into two, with a circle at 00:30:079 - and then a slider at 00:30:251 - . As stated above, this is following the instruments so I don't think this needs a change.
- 00:32:837 (2) - dude why.. at this point I don't even know what's being followed. We've got notes supported by hitsounds that are changing whether they follow vocals or music. A cup should NOT be this confusing. The rhythm should be simple and straightforward. Feel free to help out with hitsounds but this is by no means confusing, no player at cup level will be struggling to understand what to follow here.
- 00:38:527 (3) - not a big fan of the stacked notes here, try moving it to x:384 for a better visual here. Done.
- 00:40:079 (1,2,3,4,5) - Combo gets a bit big here, consider shortening it. It's 7 fruits on the plate, completely fine.
- 01:06:285 - Hi why is there no note here, but a vocal to support it? a circle at x:152 seems perfect to me. Done.
[Salad ]General
[*] 00:12:320 (1,2,3) - two horizontal jumps aren't recommended at all really, they play horribly since it promotes a tap-dash style which a salad player probably can't do at this point due to their lack of knowledge. This was simpler but I was asked more than once to make this more challenging so I did, but at the same time this is actually doable without a single dash.
[*] 00:24:561 (1,2,3) - This is a lot of movement for a player of this level, and it's also cramped into a very small location which makes it dense and not very easy to read. I'd consider reworking the pattern or at least spreading it out. I've had inexperienced players test this and they never complained about readability and to me this looks perfectly fine in gameplay.
[*] 00:45:251 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - fucks sake There is nothing wrong with this either.
[*] 01:20:423 (4,1,2,3) - This kind of antiflow shouldn't really be acceptable, it forces a left direction, then a sharp right dash, and then a sharp left direction. rework the pattern to incorporate a more curved flow perhaps? I moved it a little bit to make it easier.
[*] 01:22:665 (1,2,3) - why Check above[/list][Platter ]General
- Probably the best diff in the set, besides the CS.
- 00:23:354 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - way too large of the combo, amplified by the fact that most of it are sliders that count for 2 circles I hate how this looks with a NC but alright.
- 00:25:941 (8) - turning this into a curved stream would probably look a lot better imo. Making it a repeat slider could make it look like it has to be wiggled to a player who is unfamiliar with these kinds of sliders. If others would prefer this as a stream as well I'll change it but I prefer it to be a reverse slider
- 00:26:285 - Why the hell is this a slider end. Seriously why? Just turn 00:25:941 (8) - into a triplet and make a hyperdash into a note at 00:26:285 - and it would be 200x better than what we have now. Doing this would completely ignore the 4th drum hit of this drumroll, which would just be wrong.
- 00:31:458 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - a pattern which provides no movement in between it has no place in any difficulty really, just move the 2nd trio to the right a bit and itll be ok Done
- 01:09:906 (5) - Same as before with the repeats, also best to NC since the fruits stack too high. NC'd
- 01:23:182 (4,5) - Why not hyperdash here? It's a strong last note so.. I keep it as close to the same as the intro as possible, so I'm not changing this.
[kjw's Rain ]General
- 00:06:458 (7,8,9) - Really high distances here, easy to miss all of them if you miss one of them, consider reducing a bit. Done
- 00:10:768 (7,8,9,10) - You could probably curve this and maybe make a hyper or a decent dash to 00:11:113 (1) - for a bit of added emphasis? Didn't like the way it played, keeping it as is.
- 00:17:665 (1,2) - there's no emphasis at all on this note. Even when I delete the note I can only BARELY hear a sound at 00:17:665 - . It's not a hyper anymore.
- 00:24:389 (6,7) - Suddenly missing hyperdash even though it's the strongest note This is intended, it's strong enough with just a dash and a hyper makes the start of the slider too unfriendly.
- 00:48:010 (6,1) - Hyper where? Distance where? Emphasis where? I explained the reasoning behind this to Magic Bomb, wanted to keep the emphasis on the build up, but as a compromise, I'll change this to a jump, no hyper though.
- 01:15:768 - Why not add a note here? It feels empty. I think this is fine as is.
- 01:20:768 (4,5) - Distances are a bit far here, consider toning it down a bit. Fixed
- 00:58:699 (5,6,7,8,9) - really high distances here, seems like 6 is almost a pixel dash, so you should really lower this by a bit Fixed
These are just the small things I noticed but I really don't think this is ready for another trip through the qualified section without a few more mods. I'd really like to see some reworking of the hitsounds so that way they're a bit more consistent, and the hyperdash usage in the two highest diffs needs a bit of work as well as some spacing fixes. Well I'm currently trying to get a QAT to take a look over this and tell me if there's anything big that certainly needs fixing, and if not then I see no reason to not try and push this through again. As for hitsounds, I'm not even remotely good at them, so I'll take suggestions on them as long as they aren't complicated, but I won't be able to improve them myself.
anyways good luck.
(sry my salad comments are passive aggressive)
I would KD :^Jonis221 wrote:
change audio file name to sorairo.mp3 pls.
It should be bubbled but then on the first page the bubble's still popped lolJBHyperion wrote:
Okay, concerns brought up have either been properly addressed or satisfactorily cleared up so let's try again