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Thing about toxicity is, and I might sound stupid here, but there seems to be like this upper limit to toxicity like, you know, "i wish you had cancer/would die" blah blah, but there's probably some point where you just end up getting so used to that that it doesn't even affect you.

Like, yeah a few people are incredibly toxic and they should be reported for sure, however, there's some point where you just become immune to it in a sense, sort of like with immunity to disease.

but about the people quitting games part, yeah that affects you regardless, because, well, you're almost certain to lose that game.
just had a ranked game where the guy joined the lobby and said "gg, this guy just fed in my past game, please quit so he doesn't ruin your game as he did to me".
proceeded to spam this on lobby, other guy was pretty quiet, then complaining kid said "fuck it, we're gonna lose anyway" and instalocked nunu top.
went 0/3 in lane, said "gg mid no mia" even though enemy midlaner was TF and he was playing under enemy turret. built 2 RoAs, and when we were starting to win the game, he'd just stay afk or threaten to feed enemy team.
this was high gold / low plat elo btw...

dear god what is wrong with people
I usually listen when people have something to say, but you absolutely cannot trust idiots in this game. In one match we had 3 people on the enemy team claiming that my teammate is a feeder and a Nazi, and that guy was absolutely quiet and played his Malph good. The enemy proceeded to flame and insult the guy the entire match long, constantly claiming that he's toxic, when he's one of the nicest people I've seen, so they were the ones getting reported at the end.

They also lost. :V
- M o s h i -
Personally I enjoy flamers, seeing people get furious over this game is hilarious imo. Also it's really fun to trigger them even more to see how far they'll go in their flaming and what new insults they can come up with. But if it's a bad troll/flamer and they annoy me I just mute them and the problem is solved. Seems like a lot of people forget that the mute button exists lmao.

Blue Dragon wrote:

just had a ranked game where the guy joined the lobby and said "gg, this guy just fed in my past game, please quit so he doesn't ruin your game as he did to me".
proceeded to spam this on lobby, other guy was pretty quiet, then complaining kid said "fuck it, we're gonna lose anyway" and instalocked nunu top.
went 0/3 in lane, said "gg mid no mia" even though enemy midlaner was TF and he was playing under enemy turret. built 2 RoAs, and when we were starting to win the game, he'd just stay afk or threaten to feed enemy team.
this was high gold / low plat elo btw...

dear god what is wrong with people
this is when u dodge.

Kibbleru wrote:

Rurree wrote:

Have always avoided ARAM in PH server because toxicity levels go beyond the roof every single game.

what the fuck
Never underestimate LoL PH, where even in coop vs AI you can find a toxic player moaning about kill steals.

Lost interest in using my smurf because of this, thank heavens I'm in high elo now, D2 atm.
doesn't garena have halved experience for lv30?

Blue Dragon wrote:

doesn't garena have halved experience for lv30?
What do you mean by halved experience? Kinda confused since level 30 is the max level..
Riot made it easier to reach 30 by halving the experience needed to reach 30. Probably he's asking if Garena implemented it yet
Oh, really? I don't know. Doesn't feel like it. I'll go play my smurf soon though and get all the exp boosts that I can, lol.
yeah, the experience needed to get to level 30 now is what it was to 22 before. not sure if garena has it though, so that's why i'm asking
Trying to actually teach my girlfriend how to be good at the game tilts me harder than playing master promos holy fuckin moly
hey wanna teach me how to be good at the game i cant get out of gold
God I wish I had time to grind my ass back into gold/plat
cause it made me have something but now I have nothing ;_;
someone q with me plz
I would but I'll probably just get you back to low elo

Hika wrote:

God I wish I had time to grind my ass back into gold/plat
cause it made me have something but now I have nothing ;_;
someone q with me plz
I'm on a silver 2 account right now if you want to play

As for anyone wanting to climb, build rageblade on literally everyone before they nerf it even more

Close wrote:

As for anyone wanting to climb, build rageblade on literally everyone before they nerf it even more
my vel'koz rageblade didn't seem to work well but i'll keep trying thanks

Blue Dragon wrote:

Close wrote:

As for anyone wanting to climb, build rageblade on literally everyone before they nerf it even more
my vel'koz rageblade didn't seem to work well but i'll keep trying thanks
You just need to believe hard enough
I'd love to see the replays of you two duoQing; it would entertain me greatly, mongrels.
can't, I play on shithole server. I can try to play on NA with 210 ping if it's bearable enough, but I already struggle against intermediate bots on my account there because of the lag
LMAO just played against tyler1 holy
So I just searched for that tyler1 dude on YouTube and the first comment I see pretty much sums up my opinion on him: "This guy should get anal cancer."

He fucking looks like he's been abusing way too many drugs. Not only that, but the guy is LITERAL cancer. I mean, they should replace the name of the squamous cell cancer into tyler1 cancer. That's how bad my first opinion on that mongrel is. :V

Aurani wrote:

So I just searched for that tyler1 dude on YouTube and the first comment I see pretty much sums up my opinion on him: "This guy should get anal cancer."

He fucking looks like he's been abusing way too many drugs. Not only that, but the guy is LITERAL cancer. I mean, they should replace the name of the squamous cell cancer into tyler1 cancer. That's how bad my first opinion on that mongrel is. :V
Oh believe me, it's just as bad as you say. It's funny really, he thinks he can play draven but he took it from me and got dumpstered. I'm assuming the flaming happened when that happened
I'm gonna make a new smurf and get to thirty so I can whoop some ass I suppose
I'll bug ya within a few months or so, Close :p
Sounds good fam

what the fuck even happened here
first of all: my normal game mmr is god-awful and i don't ever get to play against gold/plat
lee isn't even level 30 according to him, and it's his main account
that jinx is the best BR karthus
I didn't even farm btw, jhin was like braindead auto'ing standing still to farm and i'd just blow him up then fizz would try to come by my back and instantly regret the decision
leona asked me if I played osu! and how they liked the game but were bad at it
I literally have no idea if they were all drunk or someone bought their accounts lol
it was a pretty fun game though
I sometimes ask myself how certain people even breathe without any help.

If the Malph on my team engages 50 times and dies like a damn mongrel he is, what makes him fucking think the 51st time will be any different?! He's also supposed to be fucking D1.
Why do some junglers blame lanes when a dive goes wrong? Even if I haven't had the chance to fully participate?

Had a smart Rammus jungle teammate who still went on to continue the dive on an enemy Jhin even if he bumped into enemy minions thus halting his powerball (I really don't know what to call that skill, never played Rammus my entire life.) then blaming me the moment he died. At least I got fed and won.

This server makes me grate my nails.


Aomi wrote:

did "TheNewbieIsHere" fed your team
seems like it
I t s j u s t b a n t e r
Neku Okazaki
Why, it was my promo and you want to feed jhin and focus ramus :/
can't win if ur team doesn't know not to focus rammus shit lol
same goes for shyv too unless u purposely catch that woman out
Neku Okazaki

The team focus shy too lol
Idk mate, but your team comp was just utter garbage compared to theirs.
Diana looks too all in anyway, sure she got rekt
Maybe throw in a malz and you guys would've done great
why would you ever play voli support
it works sometimes but it's rly risky
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