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Hollow Wings
to everyone:

1. all sliders are readble, playble, and rankble.

2. sliders are following music.

II Jelli II wrote:

readable is debatable but seeing how you don't break if you only follow slider ends / ticks it qualms most of the problems i had with this map originally.

although i'm still really not a fan of 00:37:204 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - this stuff

i might give a full mod of this later

Hollow Wings wrote:

to everyone:

1. all sliders are readble, playble, and rankble.

2. sliders are following music.

II Jelli II wrote:

i wish i could say that to justify my placements lo

on a serious note tho the sliders don't bug me so much about the sv (except at the end where it IS unreadable dont deny it) but the fact that they shun like every percussion beat ever

II Jelli II wrote:

"My mapping makes objective sense"


Enjoyable, creative, but thats it, the sliders dont match the music at all, the slider velocity is completely unjustified, cool map for the graveyard
git gud

Though seriously, if you got to criticize a map, at least explain your points correctly instead of just saying "it doesn't fit" etc etc. D:

im waiting
hw kawaii slider map
Art may be endless, but is crushed by the shackles of limitations of humanity.
Te Amo
Airman was deemed unreadable/undoable when it first came out too :^)
我只能想說,確然那種滑條玩得到又rankable的話我就無話可說了,始終都是“人們玩到但是你玩不到這是你弱”的這種人(我都是),我只能說有些滑條在視覺上有些醜,例如那個漩渦的長滑條為什麼加個紅點上去嗎? 感覺上我想改了它。 (因為我用電話所以我不能夠指出來了)


05:01:977 (1) -
05:11:268 (1) -
05:14:364 (1) -
HW, i know that you know that NO ONE can play this. it's beautiful to look at, but it could seriously use a bit of a nerf on the overlaps so that it's readable w/ nomod. The other sliders are pushing it, but those 3 are honestly near impossible for anyone to do(without HT). it's otherwise a great map, though.
Also, that SR is a liar. >:(
I'm a little disappointed with the sliders honestly. Sure, they follow the beat, but if you're going to make the main selling point of the map these long fast sliders you should have them match more than just the beat. Right now they're mostly just 155 BPM squiggles. Why not have them better match dynamics or pitch changes? The meandering patterns work really well for when the singer is just holding one note, but I'm a little bummed that other sliders don't capture the feeling of the song as effectively.

t. giant hollow wings fan

Kbuns wrote:

This map is the best meme. I might kill myself if this shit gets ranked

Chara wrote:

II Jelli II wrote:

"My mapping makes objective sense"


Enjoyable, creative, but thats it, the sliders dont match the music at all, the slider velocity is completely unjustified, cool map for the graveyard
git gud

Though seriously, if you got to criticize a map, at least explain your points correctly instead of just saying "it doesn't fit" etc etc. D:
I did, i said its completely unjustified, there is nothing in someone holding a note justifying a massive increase in slider velocity and retarded shapes. Its the same principal as spacing in a stream. You dont just put in retarded spacing and changes in direction if the music isnt providing it.

And lol
to everyone:

1. all sliders are readble, playble, and rankble.

2. sliders are following music.

If you can just say this to refute an argument then literally every map ever made should be ranked. Just as I have to found why I think the sliders are bs, and not just say they are bs, you also have to justify why they are not bs. This isnt even an argument.

01:25:203 (1) - 我觉得这个方向不太好接,每次到这里都会难拉,也许ctrl+j+h再拖回原来的位置会好很多

02:00:429 (2) - 叠在高速滑条尾巴上不太好吧,ctrl+G

02:05:074 (1,2) - 这个也挺容易误导,柑橘叠在02:04:106 (1) - 这个头上会好些

03:11:074 (4,5,6) - 这接衔不是很好,3到4和4到5到6的感觉有点违和

04:02:461 (5,6) - 叠到04:02:074 (3) - 这个的尾巴上吧


Hollow Wings wrote:

aiming track, split step...
godtier hr map
fajna mapka kiedy ranked??
Really fun to play but I don't see it being ranked

20Below wrote:

Really fun to play but I don't see it being ranked
You never know.

If Deconstruction star was somehow ranked then anything can happen :/
1st ranked slidertik map / / /? ? ?? ;0

09kami wrote:

link :

[Notch Hell]

02:04:106 (1) - 这个滑条既然没有人声 那么白线和后面的蓝线就不能忽略 建议改成拉到白线 然后蓝红线加一个滑条

02:13:977 (3,4,1) - 这里我知道你是想跟节奏 但考虑到人声的特效改成两个白线开头的滑条怎么样 因为他不区别于类似于02:07:397 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这个地方的人声 这里前面有一些节奏做铺垫 但前面那段的人声结束后又是连贯的人声

02:01:590 (3,4,5) - 同上

03:53:074 (3,4,5) - 同上

05:07:397 (2,3) - 同上

02:19:397 (1,2) - 改成白线开头的两个滑条 理由同上

02:17:461 (7,8,9) - 这一段是漏音吗?还是故意空了蓝线的音 7貌似下比较重的音效 但我感觉蓝线那个音还是不忽视比较好

02:08:364 (8) - 这个位置感觉有点不善良 和其他的比起来

02:19:010 (2) - 尝试改成下图

02:53:752 (2,3,4,1) - 这个我没猜错的话....应该是梗吧 梗的话就不用改了 不过还是建议23 41这样放

03:52:300 (1) - 这个滑条好丑 绝对不止我一个人这么想 因为就算03:53:074 (3) - 包起来 打的时候还是只能看到前面那个滑条 重新扭过

04:12:042 (4) - 红点后面的那段滑条和04:12:429 (1) - 的角度有点稍微错开 没对齐是故意的?

04:15:526 (1) - 尝试改成下图

04:18:623 (1) - 这个红点转圈的滑条我感觉挺好的啊 我看前面的评论说这里不好 搞不懂

05:14:364 (1) - 我还是第一次见这种符合RANK规则还把全图占满的滑条

05:29:848 (1) - 尝试改成下图
If this gets ranked I'm going to quit mapping.

Zel wrote:

If this gets ranked I'm going to quit mapping.
why do people still post these? it's not like anyone cares about what you're (obviously not) gonna do if this gets ranked. if this gets ranked, at most it'll get a bad rating and people complaining about how "mapping has gone downhill". it's not like osu! is gonna end and every single map is going to be HW-styled. dear god this community can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

when AHO, val0108 or nakagawa-kanon used to rank some of their maps, people would say that "every map would be like that and mapping is ruined". I guess it doesn't look that bad now lol

tl;dr stop fucking crying and if you don't like it, either do some actual modding and constructive criticism or just don't post/complain at all if you're unable to give proper input

Blue Dragon wrote:

Zel wrote:

If this gets ranked I'm going to quit mapping.
why do people still post these? it's not like anyone cares about what you're (obviously not) gonna do if this gets ranked. if this gets ranked, at most it'll get a bad rating and people complaining about how "mapping has gone downhill". it's not like osu! is gonna end and every single map is going to be HW-styled. dear god this community can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

when AHO, val0108 or nakagawa-kanon used to rank some of their maps, people would say that "every map would be like that and mapping is ruined". I guess it doesn't look that bad now lol

tl;dr stop fucking crying and if you don't like it, either do some actual modding and constructive criticism or just don't post/complain at all if you're unable to give proper input
That burn though :O

Blue Dragon wrote:

when AHO, val0108 or nakagawa-kanon used to rank some of their maps, people would say that "every map would be like that and mapping is ruined". I guess it doesn't look that bad now lol
new techniques is just restrict to famous or respected mappers, if the creator isn't hollow wings in this beatmap, like a people that have 0 maps ranks, this would obvious for the grave and at least suggested to remap
random spacing with random sliderspeeds with random vectors/transiction, looks exactly like a inexperienced first try beatmap from someone that just have the correct timing, let's not be ignorant, this beatmap is obvious hw stating that he/she can rank every map
let's not compare acceptable maps (val, nakagawa-kanon) with pure overrated sliderspeed

Tarrasky wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

when AHO, val0108 or nakagawa-kanon used to rank some of their maps, people would say that "every map would be like that and mapping is ruined". I guess it doesn't look that bad now lol
new techniques is just restrict to famous or respected mappers, if the creator isn't hollow wings in this beatmap, like a people that have 0 maps ranks, this would obvious for the grave and at least suggested to remap
random spacing with random sliderspeeds with random vectors/transiction, looks exactly like a inexperienced first try beatmap from someone that just have the correct timing, let's not be ignorant, this beatmap is obvious hw stating that he/she can rank every map
let's not compare acceptable maps (val, nakagawa-kanon) with pure overrated sliderspeed
they weren't "acceptable" at the time. that's the exact point i'm trying to make and you missed it.
. m4m蓄力

Tarrasky wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

when AHO, val0108 or nakagawa-kanon used to rank some of their maps, people would say that "every map would be like that and mapping is ruined". I guess it doesn't look that bad now lol
new techniques is just restrict to famous or respected mappers, if the creator isn't hollow wings in this beatmap, like a people that have 0 maps ranks, this would obvious for the grave and at least suggested to remap
random spacing with random sliderspeeds with random vectors/transiction, looks exactly like a inexperienced first try beatmap from someone that just have the correct timing, let's not be ignorant, this beatmap is obvious hw stating that he/she can rank every map
let's not compare acceptable maps (val, nakagawa-kanon) with pure overrated sliderspeed
Of course random people wouldn't be able to get away with maps like this, you know why?
HW puts a lot of thought in her maps and they always follow a special gimmick, they are always controversial so it's split between praise and hate.
Creating maps like these puts a lot of pressure on the mapper (mainly coming from the community), you need to have a lot of patience and passion for your map to actually pull through with what you made.. and having that sort of patience on maps that HW makes is impressive, not everyone could do that.
Many people would just pack things up and leave when things get hot, that's where the difference is.
I understand if you don't respect HW as a mapper or if you disagree with the content she provides, but the least you can do is respect the person.
new techniques is just restrict to famous or respected mappers, if the creator isn't hollow wings in this beatmap, like a people that have 0 maps ranks, this would obvious for the grave and at least suggested to remap
i honestly don't get why people keep making these kind of remark seriously.

Do you think people like HW or Mazzerin(to take the modern controversial mappers) got in the "famous or respected mappers" group on their very first map or something?
You know, all these "famous or respected mappers" once were in the" Random mappers with 0 maps rank" group.
And there a reason they're not here anymore.
They puts a lot of thought, time, and passion in imposing their vision and way of thinking, something that a lots of people CAN'T DO(just like Kite say'd, "Many people would just pack things up and leave when things get hot")

So of course people with 0 maps ranks aren't gonna get the same treatment, they still have everything to prove in comparison!

Blue Dragon wrote:

Zel wrote:

If this gets ranked I'm going to quit mapping.
why do people still post these? it's not like anyone cares about what you're (obviously not) gonna do if this gets ranked. if this gets ranked, at most it'll get a bad rating and people complaining about how "mapping has gone downhill". it's not like osu! is gonna end and every single map is going to be HW-styled. dear god this community can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

when AHO, val0108 or nakagawa-kanon used to rank some of their maps, people would say that "every map would be like that and mapping is ruined". I guess it doesn't look that bad now lol

tl;dr stop fucking crying and if you don't like it, either do some actual modding and constructive criticism or just don't post/complain at all if you're unable to give proper input
Aight my b. Remap.

Zel wrote:

Aight my b. Remap.

Blue Dragon wrote:

do some actual modding and constructive criticism or just don't post/complain at all if you're unable to give proper input

I don't even know why I bother anymore. Might as well start asking moderators to clean up the thread from these people.

Blue Dragon wrote:

constructive criticism
wow fullscreen sliders. as in they cover the entire screen, that's awesome
i want to see this map get ranked with score v2 and suddenly its infinitely harder. a good map tho.

This is the kind of slider that would be made when someone first downloads osu! and find out there's an editor and then they find the slider tab and make some cool/ugly slider art. Is it playable? Probably not.

If this map is going for ranked, god bless.
'although you may disagree with hw maps, you have to at least respect the person for not giving up on them.' Aye lmao i have so much respect for:
A: [enter constructive criticism]
HW: No you just dont understand creativity, its objectively playable and readable
A: but that doesnt address the construc...

I have infinitely more respect for hollow wings maps than the person. The maps are cool, they are creative, they are fun, but this should be objectively unrankable
I don't mind if this ranked, it's quiet great.

to HW, how about make a H slider and W slider to put your name in the map :^). it would be good !
Very nice bg HW <3 I truly love your artworks ;-;

II Jelli II wrote:

this should be objectively unrankable
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