
Super Mario Maker

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I think there was not much thought put into the glitch fixes if these leveld are unplayable now lol
Anyways, I'm a bit disappointed not to see smw midway points :/
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Mao wrote:

I'm a bit disappointed not to see smw midway points :/
What sucks is that they kept the same sound effect for it... Nice tease, Nintendo >_>

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I uhh... posted that already.
Uh I didn't see that >_>
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Mao wrote:

Uh I didn't see that >_>

Blazevoir wrote:

They're still uploaded, though since most of them are pretty much unplayable now (especially the invincibility glitch ones)... well...

Anyway, this game still isn't glitch-free.
Yeah I saw it now xD
Anyways, looks like they have even more to patch now >_>
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It's not a big deal for me, honestly. Unlike other glitches, this particular one only affects the spots where you place Checkpoint Flags. The best (worst?) you can do is make separate paths just like what the video showed.
All they had to do is disable every course until the creator beats it again. Then the impossible levels wouldn't exist. That simple really.
Green Platinum

Lanturn wrote:

All they had to do is disable every course until the creator beats it again. Then the impossible levels wouldn't exist. That simple really.
They do filter out levels after some time. It will eventually sort itself out. No unbeatable level is getting so many stars it will remain in.
Eh. I'd rather it waste creators time instead of the players time. Might just be me though.

Anyone leaving a comment on an unbeatable stage is auto-starred anyways. sooo yeah :(
Green Platinum

Lanturn wrote:

Eh. I'd rather it waste creators time instead of the players time. Might just be me though.

Anyone leaving a comment on an unbeatable stage is auto-starred anyways. sooo yeah :(
RIP Panga then, took him 39 hours of attempts to beat his Kaizo map U-Break and that is just one of his Kaizo maps. Doing this would punish legitimate creators more than as it is now for standard players. How often do you come across an invincibility or super spring glitch level anyway?
If they can beat it once, they can beat it again though.

Idk, maybe a better way would be that any course is playable, but it won't get put on the 100 mario challenge until the creator beats it again. That way, those panga maps would still be playable. Let's face it, no one wants a panga map in 100 mario challenge anyways XD
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Lanturn wrote:

Let's face it, no one wants a panga map in 100 mario challenge anyways XD
You mean Kaizo levels in general... lol.
Green Platinum

Blazevoir wrote:

Lanturn wrote:

Let's face it, no one wants a panga map in 100 mario challenge anyways XD
You mean Kaizo levels in general... lol.
Kaizos make themselves pretty obvious early on. Find the invisible block levels will burn many more lives
Well it depends on the level of Kaizo. To come back to panga, these are not obvious at all. Anyways, you can still skip levels.
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The game has been updated to 1.21. They didn't fix the Checkpoint Flag glitch yet.


Why not just add the literal item... This is such a bad tease >_>
Green Platinum
I bet some people wishing for the frog suit are salty now. I never liked it though.
A bigger variety of items wouldn't be a bad thing though :/
Yay, Mario & Luigi Paper Jam costumes are coming!
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Which is awesome and all, but that's just teasing us North Americans again (just like they did with the Yoshi's Woolly World skins) ;_;
Green Platinum
Damn you poor poor Americans
At least not four months this time :/
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I guess they didn't have enough fun after Mario Kart 8.

(For those that don't have the game: the reason why this video is relevant is because Mercedes-Benz also did a crossover with Super Mario Maker.)
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That being said, the level is very well-done (even if it is on the easier side).
I understood it for Mario Kart as it fits well but for Mario Maker, idk >_>
what about releasing actual useful DLCs with more objects, more settings (!) etc, instead of stupid cars
Green Platinum
This is always what the Amiibo costumes were going to amount to.
Well they will hopefully release more like the checkpoints
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I'm still waiting on the desert theme, Nintendo >.> And where the hell are the Athletic themes/music for SMB3 and SMW?! AND WHERE ARE THE SLOPES, ASDLFKJAS;LDFKJASL;DFJSLADFJ;ASLJKFDL

On a more wishlist note: I'd like to see a winter/snow world theme. They already have ones for SMB3, SMW, and NSMBU (I vaguely remember one for SMB), so why not?
Slopes ;-;
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Still no slopes, but this is still pretty cool:

I would have prefered the door without the outlines to create some secrets but it's better than nothing o/
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Yeah, I thought the same.

Either way, I'm definitely gonna be reuploading one of my levels.
These bouncy rings and the fire clown car are interesing as they are no things from the main series. Maybe we will see more exclusive stuff added over time o:
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Nintendo, why?

Good job Nintendo! lol
This is perfect
oh wow
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So guys, how about that Super Mario Maker update segment during the most recent Nintendo Direct, eh?
It has some cool new elements but I still wait for slopes and other themes :/
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I'm extremely excited for Keys/Key Coins.
Yeah, they are really cool. As I have said before, I love how they add original content to the game :D
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Teeeeeeeeeeeechnically Keys aren't new; they're carried over from Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario World. The only exception is that it seems like they've been changed so that Mario/your character (if you have a Mystery Mushroom costume on) always carry them no matter what you do (unless you die/restart; no clue how Checkpoints will affect them).
Yeah sure they are not new, the new was meant for the coins xD Anywayw, the keys seem a bit like in Yoshi's Island to me!
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That's also a good point!

...Time to attempt to recreate one of the castles of that game, lol.

EDIT: Official trailer for the upcoming Key udpate:

The eight keys are so Yoshi's Island XD
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Lol, yeah.

Castle levels are gonna be better now... hopefully.
yeah, I am excited to see what people come up with :D
This is kind of random but in the interview with Babymetal yesterday on Twitch they said that their favorite game is Super Mario Maker or something.
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