
(Question / Help) Is hidden a good way to learn to stream?

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Minhtam wrote:

They don't have to be "good". They just have to be properly timed and aimed at improving fundamentals.
But they don't improve fundamentals they just gives you an indication of how good are you in streaming, long stream maps doesn't even address the most fundamental thing which is when to even start a stream. OP might even be getting 100s and 50s cause he started early.
Hidden will not help you improve your streaming because it gives you even less feedback about how you're doing.
I Give Up
It is reading preference. I cant track streams with HD even with gun pointed at my head. Despite my decent stream accuracy. HD makes me nervous.

Minhtam wrote:

They don't have to be "good". They just have to be properly timed and aimed at improving fundamentals.
If you want to "improve fundamentals", then play an actual map that contains lots of streams. Stream practice maps are nothing more than straight lines that test whether or not you can maintan acc at a certain speed. That's hardly the half of streaming.

You're much better off playing maps like:

and literally every ranked and possibly unranked Dragonforce map if you want to practice streams.
-Makishima S-
They don't have to be "good". They just have to be properly timed and aimed at improving fundamentals.
They give you literally nothing except stamina. I don't know where you see there any fundamentals kek.
Since stream acc is very connected to how you aim stream - also acc on stream practice map is very delusional since... there is zero aim on them.
Kunino Sagiri

[Taiga] wrote:

They give you literally nothing except stamina. I don't know where you see there any fundamentals.
Stamina is a fundamental for FC'ing hard things. Streaming is a fundamental for FC'ing actually hard things. A lot of 5 stars have long streams and these are good sandbags so you don't complain in G&R or your head "hurr I can't stream I suck so much" when you've been given a couple of 30-40 note streams.
30-40 note streams with no aim are not very long.
Kunino Sagiri

Khelly wrote:

30-40 note streams with no aim are not very long.
Not for someone who didn't actually try to train it.

Khelly wrote:

30-40 note streams with no aim are not very long.
^This. There are very few maps I can think of where you'd need to stream more than 33 and even then it's usually not more than 17. I don't train streams yet I can play most 5-6.5* maps just fine. I can make it through the 49x streams in mariannE just fine if I'm warmed up. Very few maps actually require dedicated stamina training.
30-40 note streams with intense aim are very long.
I Give Up
Tapping stamina has nothing to do with aim. Well unless maybe you miss note and need to speed up or somethin if thats what you mean.

KukiMonster wrote:

Tapping stamina has nothing to do with aim. Well unless maybe you miss note and need to speed up or somethin if thats what you mean.
Tapping stamina is directly affected by aim and as aim gets harder, stamina is weaker. If you can longstream 220-250 bpm, I can give you maps.
I think what Khelly is trying to get at is that as spacing of the stream increases your effective hit window decreases since you are moving in a smooth motion and not snapping each circle. As a result you have to be much more precise with your tapping which is difficult to do while remaining relaxed. By not relaxing as much you take a significant hit to your stamina. When the spacing is almost equivalent to a stack you can basically just fire away at your keys and incur whatever 50s and 100s you want because your cursor will be over top the circle for the entirety of the hit window.
It might be different for mouse users, but this is an observation I've had for awhile when I am wondering why my stamina is shit on some maps than less spaced ones at the same bpm or higher bpm though they're both stream heavy.
Mouse is different. The weight is far heavier than tablet so you're gonna have to tense
By the way, I find these streams take LESS Stamina than curvy spaced shit like Freedomdive or if Blue Zenith was 222 bpm. I wanted to give an example before but :effort:


I can stream 190-220bpm just fine, but insta-miss anything below 180bpm, is that normal?

and is there a gradual way to learn streaming, as in, gradually increase/decrease bmp, or just simply play whatever and with time it should be okay?
I just like, play whatever.

I jumped from 180 -> 220 -> 240 -> 270 though if that means anything.

TMiracle wrote:


I can stream 190-220bpm just fine, but insta-miss anything below 180bpm, is that normal?

and is there a gradual way to learn streaming, as in, gradually increase/decrease bmp, or just simply play whatever and with time it should be okay?
wish i could stream 220 bpm :(
just play whatever you like you'll learn how to stream lower/higher bpm(i hope since im in a similar situation).
for me streams are like this:
120 or lower => singletap
120-150 no clue how to do these I just pray that I dont miss by overstreaming
150-185 = low acc but can fc
185-200= high acc
200+ => meh im too slow

Nabel wrote:

wish i could stream 220 bpm :(
just play whatever you like you'll learn how to stream lower/higher bpm(i hope since im in a similar situation).
for me streams are like this:
120 or lower => singletap
120-150 no clue how to do these I just pray that I dont miss by overstreaming
150-185 = low acc but can fc
185-200= high acc
200+ => meh im too slow
Well for 220 it's not exactly ''can ez stream'', it's more like super tryhard and hitting keyboards like a madman, as fast as I bloody can, but somehow I don't miss, so I guess that counts.

I miss on singles after those though, since I gain so much momentum during the stream, I usually click singles too fast.
That's 270-300 territory right there mate
I can't even do 200bpm and I'm 6k
Don't use four dimensions as an example of 220 because the aim is too hard. Try Tout Petit Moneau which is near 222 or "This calling" which is a relaxing 216.
I Give Up
I dunno I never drop stamina on spaced streams aim hand suffers tho. Guess its just tapping preference I always tap light.
You also use a mouse too, so there's that.

Khelly wrote:

Don't use four dimensions as an example of 220 because the aim is too hard. Try Tout Petit Moneau which is near 222 or "This calling" which is a relaxing 216.
thanks! if I start properly, I usually can clear them, tho on the really long ones I don't have enough stamina and quickly go into 100..50...rekt (tho it also might be because of the freedom dive I did before, cuz after feeedom dive my hand literally hurts and fingers are shaking, feeling like metal rods).

So I guess taking that into account, after I actually get more ranks and skill, I have potential for 220 after all x__x
though I guess I shouldn't touch these maps till I can 98% normal pleb 5.0* maps at least

TMiracle wrote:

though I guess I shouldn't touch these maps till I can 98% normal pleb 5.0* maps at least
I didn't give a fuck about acc and had 90-95% fc's of everything until 4000pp.

Khelly wrote:

TMiracle wrote:

though I guess I shouldn't touch these maps till I can 98% normal pleb 5.0* maps at least
I didn't give a fuck about acc and had 90-95% fc's of everything until 4000pp.
Idk... I was just like that and was stuck on same pp count for 2months or so,but then two days ago I thought that no mater how fast I am - it does matter if I can't fc things. So I decided to focus on lower diff songs and try to train consistency and acc instead. Raised my acc on most songs by 10%, so most of the stuff is now 98% average and gained 50pp in one day. Which after being stuck for weeks is quite a lot for me at least. So ye, that's the way it worked for me...

Dunno how, but that actually improved my streaming like crazy as well, even though I didn't even stream during that time.

Edit: now that I think about it, getting the first note right is probably the most important thing when streaming, cuz then even if you are inconsistent, you might jsut get away with few 100 or 50 rather than miss (unless it's a crazy long death-stream,then you are done for regardless).
Kunino Sagiri

Khelly wrote:

I didn't give a fuck about acc and had 90-95% fc's of everything
Literally how? How can you mash FC 5 star jumps? That's impossible even with a tablet.

Kunino Sagiri wrote:

Khelly wrote:

I didn't give a fuck about acc and had 90-95% fc's of everything
Literally how? How can you mash 5 star jumps? That's impossible even with a tablet.
You should rethink the term "mashing". I just had bad timing and acc. It's not randomly alternating everything. Do you want one of my replays from back then?

Edit: Finding better example[/url]
Secret to cheesing your way to high DT acc is to just play the map OD11 until you fc it then switch to the real version.

Or just use nightcore with music set to 0%
Kunino Sagiri

Khelly wrote:

You should rethink the term "mashing". I just had bad timing and acc. It's not randomly alternating everything. Do you want one of my replays from back then?
I don't really know if FC'ing things with bad acc is considered "bad timing", you're hitting them so you're consistently within the requirement for that sweet 300. And nah, I'm fine.

Kunino Sagiri wrote:

Khelly wrote:

You should rethink the term "mashing". I just had bad timing and acc. It's not randomly alternating everything. Do you want one of my replays from back then?
I don't really know if FC'ing things is considered "bad timing", you're hitting them so you're consistently within the requirement for that sweet 300. And nah, I'm fine.
What? You don't know if having 90% acc on Fc's is bad timing?

Here have an almost fc.

Fucking od7 too.
Kunino Sagiri
I wish I had that talent :|

Kunino Sagiri wrote:

Khelly wrote:

You should rethink the term "mashing". I just had bad timing and acc. It's not randomly alternating everything. Do you want one of my replays from back then?
I don't really know if FC'ing things with bad acc is considered "bad timing", you're hitting them so you're consistently within the requirement for that sweet 300. And nah, I'm fine. Am I a masher? :( all my 5 star fcs are shit acc :/ (dem A rank fcs gotta love them) Streams always destroy my acc if they are out of my comfort zone. But streamy maps are the only 5 star maps I can fc feelsbad.

Kunino Sagiri wrote:

I don't really know if FC'ing things with bad acc is considered "bad timing", you're hitting them so you're consistently within the requirement for that sweet 300.
It is bad timing. Hitting too early is bad timing right?

Not always bad timing though. Sometimes I have bad acc because I misread 1 part (like Khelly did on his replay, I think he misread the beginning? Not sure) and getting 50s and 100s but the combo doesn't break.

I'm more or less similar to Khelly, bad timing (idk, I feel like i hit the circles at the right timing most of the time yet still many 100s).
i couldn't stream 180 bpm when i was 11k
That's because you never practiced.

Khelly wrote:

That's because you never practiced.
Holy shit why didn't I think of that, Khelly you da real mvp
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