
Michael Wong - Yue Ding

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-Nya- wrote:

Heya~ M4M

  1. This file is not in the SB folder. I guess it has to be? yeah but worked.. rip im gonna to recode then
  2. Maybe add “Karen” in tags, since Karen provided the lyrics. (According to your description)

Our Promise <3:
  1. 00:36:003 (2) –Move the red anchor of this slider a bit more to the right. The shape will look better then imo.
  2. 00:46:519 (3) –Uhh, not a nice shape. Looks too curved. Curve it a bit less.
  3. 01:31:648 (3,4) –This spacing looks a bit small compared to other similar spacings. (4) is too close to (3).
  4. 02:05:030 (5,1) –Rather avoid this slight overlap. It looks really unnecessary.
  5. 02:06:945 (3) –Imo the jump should rather be here and not here: 02:06:626 (2) – since the click sound is on (3) and should be emphasized. pianoooo
  6. 02:19:578 (3) –I think you have to add an addition here:
    I don’t think the click sound has to be on that note but rather the dong sound.
  7. 02:22:078 (3) -^, on head. This applies to all similar cases.
  8. 02:14:578 (3,3) –Shouldn’t you add jumps here as well, like you did here: 02:22:078 (3,3) – This applies to all similar cases.
  9. 02:44:578 (3) –I know you are stacking here but I think a jump will fit better and be consistent.

Normal <3:
  1. Since you added a break in Normal and Easy, why not in the hardest diff as well? The players will have to rest in that diff as well. Rather keep your breaks consistent. doesnt really matter. it's normal to give a break in lower diffs
  2. 01:21:675 (3) –Ctrl+J this slider for better flow. change in other way
  3. 02:50:828 (5,1,2) –I would rather place these notes on the right side of the grid to avoid the overlap with 02:48:953 (2,3) – blanket

Easy <3:
  1. 00:40:782 (4,1) –This is a bad overlap that can be avoided. You can try creating a blanket. if i can do i would do it from long time ago ;_;
  2. 01:52:903 (1) –Ctrl+J for better flow. not really good for me
  3. 01:52:903 (1) –Spacing error here. This slider is a bit too close to 01:51:691 (1) –
  4. 02:00:562 (4,5,6) –Isn’t this a rhythm for a Normal. I don’t think this kind of pattern fits into an Easy diff. Too difficult for beginners. This applies to all similar cases. low bpm afterall so just less/some 1/2 would make the variety
  5. 02:32:078 (4,5) –This pattern looks a bit difficult for the easiest diff. Rather just turn those two objects into a single slider. This applies to all similar cases.
  6. 03:10:828 (3,4) -^ easy to read for this one

Good Luck~!
thanks 4 mod ~

Mako Sakata wrote:

I tried to find the album in his official site but there is no link to it, but i found a screenshot
This is the clearest picture i can find, but i think it's not hard to see the first song's name is 约定, at least to me. Hope you are fine with this :3.
no kd ya mb

00:54:184 (3,1) - iki se mending jangan di stack, bingung soale lak end slider biasane
01:04:163 (3,1) - ^
00:59:176 - 1/2 slider gae vocal ?
01:14:156 (2) - ga miss whistle ?
01:30:069 - ngganjel rasane lak kene ga onok note-_- kasih ae lo mesisan
02:50:828 (5,1) - swap NC ?

00:12:088 (1,2) - iki angel di catch lak gae awal", mending (1) sing di gae 3/2 slider cek spacing e ga aneh
01:08:840 (2,3,4) - hmm wedi ne beginner malah ngeklik (4) duduk (3) soale jarake luwih cidek, coba rearrange ?
02:10:775 - note plss
01:55:456 (4) - ctrl g ?

ga ngerti opo sing kudu di mod soale lagune lemot orz,
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

no kd ya mb

00:54:184 (3,1) - iki se mending jangan di stack, bingung soale lak end slider biasane
01:04:163 (3,1) - ^
00:59:176 - 1/2 slider gae vocal ? ga melu vocal 8(
01:14:156 (2) - ga miss whistle ?
01:30:069 - ngganjel rasane lak kene ga onok note-_- kasih ae lo mesisan ga melu vocal 8(
02:50:828 (5,1) - swap NC ?

00:12:088 (1,2) - iki angel di catch lak gae awal", mending (1) sing di gae 3/2 slider cek spacing e ga aneh
01:08:840 (2,3,4) - hmm wedi ne beginner malah ngeklik (4) duduk (3) soale jarake luwih cidek, coba rearrange ?
02:10:775 - note plss tambah angel lek 1/2
01:55:456 (4) - ctrl g ? wut? tambah jump

ga ngerti opo sing kudu di mod soale lagune lemot orz,

Xinely kok tiba2 sb nya hilang yah di bagian ini 03:13:328 - yang abis efek zoom in aku pake default skin
Padahal udah redownload sama restart osu, terus kenapa ga pake epilepsi warning?

Itu aja kayanya, selebihnya okk
Topic Starter

Mako Sakata wrote:


Xinely kok tiba2 sb nya hilang yah di bagian ini 03:13:328 - yang abis efek zoom in aku pake default skin nah SB sering ngebug kalo pake objek dari file yg aku pake dari BG, jadi itu efek zoom nya aku hapus deh daripada ngebug terus :(
Padahal udah redownload sama restart osu, terus kenapa ga pake epilepsi warning? karena dihapus jadi ga perlu epilepsi :D

Itu aja kayanya, selebihnya okk
makasih :D
Semoga langgeng cyiin❤️

Kalo perlu yang lain bilang aja
Topic Starter
makasih mako :D

edit : we're planning to qualify at 29th january so please dont qualify this before that time ><
did things:

2016-01-27 19:16 Natsu: okay
2016-01-27 19:16 Natsu: poke me when u want to
2016-01-27 19:19 Xinely: okay :D
2016-01-28 00:28 Xinely: hi natsu, can mod now? gonna work in 2 hours again until night lol
2016-01-28 00:28 Natsu: sure thing
2016-01-28 00:28 Natsu: link
2016-01-28 00:28 Xinely: ACTION is listening to [ Michael Wong - Yue Ding]
2016-01-28 00:29 Natsu: holy
2016-01-28 00:29 Natsu: this timing hahahaha xD
2016-01-28 00:29 Xinely: lol
2016-01-28 00:29 Xinely: blame piano ;_;
2016-01-28 00:30 Natsu: its your timing?
2016-01-28 00:31 Xinely: nope
2016-01-28 00:32 Xinely: his timing
2016-01-28 00:33 Natsu: wait relog
2016-01-28 00:37 Natsu: 00:16:544 - add a circle or make 00:16:244 (1) - a 1/2 slider? sounds kinda empty if u ignore that vocal
2016-01-28 00:38 Xinely: s=ok
2016-01-28 00:38 Xinely: *ok
2016-01-28 00:39 Natsu: 00:28:663 (2,3,4,5,1) - soudns really loud, I'd up volume gradually
2016-01-28 00:39 Natsu: maybe 20 / 25 / 30 / 25 / 40
2016-01-28 00:40 Natsu: also nazi, 00:29:940 (1,2) - stack is a bit off
2016-01-28 00:41 Xinely: 00:28:663 - 20 , 00:28:982 - 30 00:29:301 - 45 (since piano is loud) , 00:29:940 - 25
2016-01-28 00:41 Natsu: kk
2016-01-28 00:42 Xinely: stack fixed
2016-01-28 00:42 Natsu: 00:44:589 (4) - 1/2 slider instead?
2016-01-28 00:43 Xinely: ok
2016-01-28 00:44 Natsu: 01:30:069 - a bit curious why you did ignore that sound, kinda loud tbh
2016-01-28 00:45 Xinely: since not really follow vocal but i just hear a piano there rip
2016-01-28 00:45 Xinely: mapped
2016-01-28 00:46 Natsu: 01:44:169 (1) - remove NC?
2016-01-28 00:47 Xinely: lol removed
2016-01-28 00:48 Natsu: Nazi, 02:44:578 (3,4) - maybe do a better blanket here, kinda noticeable tho
2016-01-28 00:49 Xinely: ah yep improved
2016-01-28 00:50 Natsu: I'd add more spacing between 03:41:793 (3,1) -
2016-01-28 00:50 Xinely: 01:50:743 (2,3) - btw i changed this, feel weird to ignore 01:51:059 - lol , changed01:50:743 (2) - with 1/4 slider repeat
2016-01-28 00:50 Natsu: kk
2016-01-28 00:51 Xinely: ok added further spacing :D
2016-01-28 00:53 Natsu: normal
2016-01-28 00:53 Natsu: shouldn't be 1,40 ?? 00:23:245 (2,3) -
2016-01-28 00:53 Natsu: spacing ^
2016-01-28 00:54 Natsu: 00:28:663 (2,3,1) - same about volume in hard diff
2016-01-28 00:54 Xinely: ah ok
2016-01-28 00:55 Xinely: yep already fixed for all diffs about volume lol
2016-01-28 00:56 Natsu: 01:06:675 (3,1) - 1,20?
2016-01-28 00:57 Xinely: done
2016-01-28 00:58 Natsu: 01:51:691 (1) - remove this?
2016-01-28 00:58 Natsu: you don't even have it mapped in hard diff
2016-01-28 00:59 Natsu: and I feel its better to start mapping agan in 01:52:903 (1) - with the strong beat
2016-01-28 00:59 Xinely: ok then, removed for easy too
2016-01-28 01:01 Natsu: 02:59:265 (2,3) - blanket really off3
2016-01-28 01:02 Xinely: fixed ;_;
2016-01-28 01:02 Natsu: lets see easy
2016-01-28 01:06 Natsu: 00:00:276 (1,2,1) - 1,0 spacing is correct, but visually it different
2016-01-28 01:06 Xinely: oh yeah.. hmm how about 00:01:250 (2) - 204,164?
2016-01-28 01:08 Natsu: this part 00:05:705 (2) - sounds so empty I'd use a 1/1 slider instead
2016-01-28 01:09 Xinely: ok
2016-01-28 01:10 Natsu: 00:40:782 (4,5,1) - can't explain but this play really weird here o.o, specially for a normal diff
2016-01-28 01:11 Natsu: easy*
2016-01-28 01:11 Xinely: because the design?
2016-01-28 01:11 Natsu: yes, seems a bit weird pattern lol, I believe new players will get confused with that
2016-01-28 01:12 Xinely: hmmm
2016-01-28 01:13 Xinely: ok i tried to avoid the stack here
2016-01-28 01:13 Natsu: 01:26:614 (4) - add NC and remove it from 01:27:890 (1) - ? so previous isn't that long and next not that short?
2016-01-28 01:15 Natsu: 02:32:078 (4,5) - a repeat slider will be more new player friendly
2016-01-28 01:15 Xinely: yep
2016-01-28 01:15 Xinely: blame red lines, made me confuse to nc lol
2016-01-28 01:15 Xinely: ok
2016-01-28 01:15 Natsu: yeah lol
2016-01-28 01:15 Natsu: same here 02:50:828 (1,2) -
2016-01-28 01:16 Natsu: tbh mapping songs like this is really hard because spacing and combos hahah
2016-01-28 01:16 Natsu: easy to get confused xD
2016-01-28 01:17 Xinely: sure
2016-01-28 01:18 Xinely: i tried to give some 1/2 for easy since low bpm but somehow i just realized they are hard lol
2016-01-28 01:18 Natsu: auto mod its bugged?
2016-01-28 01:19 Xinely: bugged?
2016-01-28 01:20 Natsu: it say all the sb files are unused lol and u have extra osb
2016-01-28 01:20 Xinely: you mean aibat? o.o
2016-01-28 01:20 Natsu: but i did check manually its fine
2016-01-28 01:20 Natsu: no automod
2016-01-28 01:21 Natsu:
2016-01-28 01:21 Xinely: oh yeah happens to me too, i guess bug
2016-01-28 01:21 Xinely: my osb in here is 1
2016-01-28 01:22 Xinely: why this app always bug with sb files lol
2016-01-28 01:22 Natsu: idk LOL
2016-01-28 01:22 Natsu: anyways
2016-01-28 01:22 Natsu: upload it
2016-01-28 01:23 Xinely: okay
Happy anniversary o/
Topic Starter
thank you :oops:

Edit : @Karen : love you too <3
Yay thank you mako and natsu ~
And thank you Xinely, love you <3

Sorry, this isn't ready to be ranked yet.

  1. ta.png is not present in osb/osu files. Please remove this png from the mapset as it it does nothing.
  1. Care to explain how "<3" emoticon is related to the difficulty names? What does the heart here mean? Remove it, please. If you really want to keep it, leave it in the hardest diff, although I believe that it should not be used at all.
  1. 02:18:328 (1,3) - the stack here lowers readability of the patterns. Please avoid this kind of stacks in E/N diffs.
  1. 01:31:332 (2) - the slider leaves the stronger beat at 01:31:648 - unclickable. Please replace with two circles to emphasize it properly?
[Our Promise]
  1. 02:51:609 (3) - doesn't seem to be following anything. And while we are at it (4) would feel really weird if only (3) is removed. So, either remove both or explain what do these two follow.

Bakari wrote:


  1. 02:18:328 (1,3) - the stack here lowers readability of the patterns. Please avoid this kind of stacks in E/N diffs. there isn't any burts or object covering it, check in game the object is totally fine, this kind of stacks doesn't affect readability at all
  1. 01:31:332 (2) - the slider leaves the stronger beat at 01:31:648 - unclickable. Please replace with two circles to emphasize it properly? piano pitch its really stronger at 01:31:332 - than in 01:31:648 -
[Our Promise]
  1. 02:51:609 (3) - doesn't seem to be following anything. And while we are at it (4) would feel really weird if only (3) is removed. So, either remove both or explain what do these two follow. or just remove 3 and add a circle at 02:51:765 - (there is a triplet in the music, somehow i did miss it)
Anyways solve that Xinely and let me know ;)
Topic Starter
Easy and Normal things, yep Natsu already explained what i wanted to say
Hard , fixed it as it follows better
removed that sb file 大本蛋太笨蛋了

thank you and update
Should be good now. Happy anniversary, you two.

woo thanks bakari and natsu mako ~
@Xinely 笨蛋 <3
Checked, requalified!
Topic Starter
thanks once again all of you guys :oops:

我想再说一遍, 大笨蛋我爱你 <3
grats kak \o/ and longlast yaaa :D
ditunggu undangan resepsi pernikahannya \ /
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thanks all ~

@senritsu : aduh beb ketemu aja belum kok dah minta undangan awkawkawk
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wa ranked

thank you all for your help :)
More chinese song!!
I have two unranked chinese map in my pending maps
Hope I can rank it someday :D
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