
Am I playing the game wrong?

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I started playing Osu! since April and as of right now I'm can clear 4* maps but w/ a B or C usually. I have ~750 pp and am pretty much stuck in rank 160,000 no matter how much I play. I do not have any friends who play Osu! so I have no one to learn/get advice from and I been figuring out everything on my own up to this point. However, recently I began to look around and noticed that people who began playing around the same time as me has much higher ranks than me. So what am I doing wrong or am I just that bad?
well it's very likely that you just need to play more but the stickied threads on this forum should help you incase you are doing something 'wrong'
-Makishima S-
You are stuck becouse insteed playing what you can easiely FC, you spam 4* maps which are NOT FOR YOU right now.

Play moe.
Everyone progresses at a different rate than others. Don't focus on how quickly others around you are improving and focus on yourself.
dung eater
find things you are bad at and get better at them

it's up to you how you want to play the game, it awards some points for clicking on circles but it's up to you if that's your thing
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[Taiga] wrote:

You are stuck becouse insteed playing what you can easiely FC, you spam 4* maps which are NOT FOR YOU right now.

Play moe.
So how do I know if something is for me or not? If I can FC it? And I have read in multiple threads that you should do maps that are pushing you to the limit so you can improve. So that was wrong?
-Makishima S-
Pushing limits != playing maps what you cannot read and aim
If you get C && B (with acc below 90%) = map is not for you.
Play something where you have this 93-95% acc and not yet FCed and progress slowly on stars.
You know a map is at a suitable level for you when you can play it in a calm and concentrated fashion and you're not like "holy shit what is going on, press all the buttons".
Kunino Sagiri
me too
stop thinking about ranks and enjoy the game
Don't play the same maps over and over again and don't spam that retry button.
I Give Up
Am I playing the game wrong?
Play more
if you are getting many misses or low accuracy (depends on OD) then you are pushing too far

Nabel wrote:

Don't play the same maps over and over again and don't spam that retry button.
*look at comment*
*look at my history*
*sees a 411 retry on a song*
*crawl into a fetal position and cry myself to sleep*

on a serious note play maps that you know you can get an A if you try hard enough
I am a drummer and I suck at this game in acc, I cant get more than 92% on an hard/insane song.

So I started investigating the matter, and I came at the conclusion that I need a good keyboard because laaaaaaag, my keyboard right now has like 40ms delay haha no s1hit I wasn't getting any closer to 97% or something like that, im gonna buy a mechanical keyboard with 1ms delay and all that good stuff and see if something changes.

So, maybe you have the same problem as I or are you sure that u don't have any huge lag/input delay in your keyboard, mouse, tablet etc...?

ninja12345 wrote:

So I started investigating the matter, and I came at the conclusion that I need a good keyboard because laaaaaaag, my keyboard right now has like 40ms delay haha no s1hit I wasn't getting any closer to 97% or something like that, im gonna buy a mechanical keyboard with 1ms delay and all that good stuff and see if something changes.
Unless you're using a keyboard released in 1990 chances are you're making up excuses.
-Makishima S-

Saphirshroom wrote:

ninja12345 wrote:

So I started investigating the matter, and I came at the conclusion that I need a good keyboard because laaaaaaag, my keyboard right now has like 40ms delay haha no s1hit I wasn't getting any closer to 97% or something like that, im gonna buy a mechanical keyboard with 1ms delay and all that good stuff and see if something changes.
Unless you're using a keyboard released in 1990 chances are you're making up excuses.

I still own old IBM keyboard for DIN-8 port (AT standard). It reminds me that somewhere in attic i still have 80486SX PC, sadly broken :(.
TFW i completly dont know how it could work but keys there feel kinda similar to mechanical.
// just OT ;w;

OP - you retry waaaaaaaay too much. As @Nothingspecial said - do not retry that much, 2 - 3 plays of a map i think its enough.

IMO max 10 retry if you are realy confident that "i can fc this '1 miss' part" but for some reason get random sliderbreaks / other misses, then leave map alone for another time.

It's just my own explanation for myself but let your muscle memory compute all informations what they gather about SUCCESSFULL and PROPER play of map. Don't even continue playing something where you start getting random hand movements.
Are you clicking the circles?
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[Taiga] wrote:

Play something where you have this 93-95% acc and not yet FCed and progress slowly on stars.
I tried doing easier maps for 2 days and it really helped. I went back to 3 star maps and FC and S everything basically. Thanks for the suggestion!

a loli wrote:

Are you clicking the circles?
On 4 star maps I am hitting most circles but I tend to miss around 1 every 20-30. Often times after a longer jump my hand shakes from the quick sudden stop and screws up because my cursor left the circle from the shaking. (I play with minimum area on my tablet so it makes the shaking worse)

Saphirshroom wrote:

ninja12345 wrote:

So I started investigating the matter, and I came at the conclusion that I need a good keyboard because laaaaaaag, my keyboard right now has like 40ms delay haha no s1hit I wasn't getting any closer to 97% or something like that, im gonna buy a mechanical keyboard with 1ms delay and all that good stuff and see if something changes.
Unless you're using a keyboard released in 1990 chances are you're making up excuses.
Yeah I know the probable thing is that but I looked the response time for my keyboard and it was like 40ms and I did a couple of tests but is the same thing that happened to me in csgo, I bought a gaming mouse, not a bad one but when I dropped for a really good one I could easily tell the difference with the lag.
Really tried to play the songs with perfect rhythm disabling effects and etc, I know i was on point but well how can anyone play with a normal awful keyboard.

When i get a good one I won't have any excuses hehe
-Makishima S-
On 4 star maps I am hitting most circles but I tend to miss around 1 every 20-30.
Missing / sliderbreaking every 20-30 notes is terrible, sorry, no hate or anything, it's honest truth. It just indicate that this map isn't for you at all.
Missing / sliderbreaking occassionaly and being able to keep up high combo with decent acc makes map proper training ground - that's whats called challenging yourself in proper way.
Not challenging map is one what you can FC within 1-2-3 plays.
Personaly, i don't have this kind of problems but my progression is like it is - slow but stedy. 200pp per 1-1,5 month while i spend a lot of time playing maps betwin 4 and 4,5 star while already like 70% of them doesn't give me pp is like hidden key. You actualy need to fiscover it yourself why.
I can just tell you that while my pp and comfortable ground of maps is betwin 4,4-4,6* whenever i jump into map like Halozy Paranoid Lost which is afair 5,2*, my first run on it was 95% acc below 10 misses. Simple reason: a lot of practice focused on aim and acc on patterns and i can assure you - if you play A LOT of maps in your skill range, high variety of maps, you actualy learn a lot.

Just don't fuckin retry. ~80% of my top rank plays are below 20 plays.

[Taiga] wrote:

~80% of my top rank plays are below 20 plays.
*further crawl into a fetal position and drown in the voices in my head*

N0thingSpecial wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

~80% of my top rank plays are below 20 plays.
*further crawl into a fetal position and drown in the voices in my head*
Retry less, play more.
You got 2.4m hits less than I do but only 4k playcount less.
I also got almost 4 times your ranked score.
-Makishima S-

N0thingSpecial wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

~80% of my top rank plays are below 20 plays.
*further crawl into a fetal position and drown in the voices in my head*
Download 40k beatmaps like i done and just play?
Miss - fuck it, play till the end
Sliderbreak - fuck it, play till the end
Failed map what i A-ranked before - fuck it, play another map
In next day play other maps and repeat.

Play moe and start loving marathons. I actualy deleted A LOT of tv size maps and only play maps which are 3m and longer.
Flower flag took me 3 or 4 plays to FC with 99% acc, Future Son was SS on first try. You can do this too.

N0thingSpecial wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

~80% of my top rank plays are below 20 plays.
*further crawl into a fetal position and drown in the voices in my head*
I only have 3 top plays that took more than 5 plays lol(and one of these plays is worth 10 pp less than my 1st play on the map, wish i didn't finish that play ^^). fuk replaying stuff :p Just do like me and download all the maps since 2012 and always play new maps

N0thingSpecial wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

~80% of my top rank plays are below 20 plays.
*further crawl into a fetal position and drown in the voices in my head*
Replay the map if you enjoy it or limit your retries if it's really bothering you.

But more importantly plz enjoy game. :3

Barusamikosu wrote:

N0thingSpecial wrote:

*further crawl into a fetal position and drown in the voices in my head*
Replay the map if you enjoy it or limit your retries if it's really bothering you.

But more importantly plz enjoy game. :3
Ye enjoying the game is the most important thing :p. But imo replaying a map can be a very frustrating thing. eg my most played map is a map i fcd with 88 acc my first play and my 2nd play was an almost fc with 90 acc worth 10 pp less so I was so frustrated that i kept spamming the map for an hour(I was so frustrated that I couldn't play properly and lost all my finger control) and deleted it because I was going crazy. And since then I refused to replay maps that gave me pp ^^. I just prefer to play maps that are new so I don't know what to expect, for some reason I often do better if I play a random map than if I try to improve a score because I'll focus too much on getting a good score.
-Makishima S-
for some reason I often do better if I play a random map than if I try to improve a score because I'll focus too much on getting a good score.
Becouse naturaly if you don't know what to expect, you are more focused on a map and in same way, your reading is better.

[Taiga] wrote:

for some reason I often do better if I play a random map than if I try to improve a score because I'll focus too much on getting a good score.
Becouse naturaly if you don't know what to expect, you are more focused on a map and in same way, your reading is better.
Ye I hate how knowing a map can fuck me. Like knowing that a stream comes followed by a slide, so I tell myself to pay attention on not tapping too much so I don't sliderbreak and I end up stopping a note too early, if you don't know what comes it just feels so naturally.

Barusamikosu wrote:

But more importantly plz enjoy game. :3
I usually spam retries on maps I actually like and enjoy. Osu! is like my mp3 player but it has a game that comes along with it.

[Taiga] wrote:

Download 40k beatmaps like i done and just play?
Miss - fuck it, play till the end
Sliderbreak - fuck it, play till the end
Failed map what i A-ranked before - fuck it, play another map
In next day play other maps and repeat.

Play moe and start loving marathons. I actualy deleted A LOT of tv size maps and only play maps which are 3m and longer.
but ... but .. but ... the tilt it real though. Also I do play a lot more >3 minutes long maps, just most of them don't show up on my top ranks cause I break combo and and go on tilt and I miss more and I eventually end up with something like 96% acc and minimal combo.

N0thingSpecial wrote:

I usually spam retries on maps I actually like and enjoy. Osu! is like my mp3 player but it has a game that comes along with it.
This is also what I did during my first few days playing this game (that's why 183 plays on a hard diff map, because I literally spamming it everytime I login just to get FC and since I'm new at that time, FCing a hard map is hard). Actually I still do it now, but not as hardcore as my first few days into the game.

IMO how you play doesn't really matter as long as you are having fun. And this is the way of having fun for some people including me.
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