
sakuzyo - AXION

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Topic Starter

09kami wrote:

for m4m

  1. 00:48:118 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - 这里的三角形有点小小的差别 00:48:587 (3,4,1) - 把这里ctrl+h后拉到00:48:306 (3,1,2) - 上可以很明显的看到滑条那里的突出
    另外00:48:587 (3,4,1) - 这个三角也没对齐 00:48:587 (3,4,1) - 如果这里你是想搞三角形扩散的话00:48:680 (4) - 的位置稍微向上拉一点 00:48:587 (3) - 向下稍微拉一点 因为并不是为了搞正三角形
  2. 00:48:400 (1,2) - 其实我建议换个位置 暂时就先放这吧……
  3. 01:21:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 把这里圈住看绿色的轨迹 01:23:743 (2) - 这里稍微可以往上放点 没错!
  4. 01:54:493 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 对于这个难度而言 这里太简单平凡了 建议你每4个放大0.2的间距 就是要冷静一下
  5. 00:14:462 (3,4,5) - 00:15:025 (7,8,9) - 这里把连打放在一个位置上感觉比这样放一条直线的比较好 疾走感(?)
  6. 01:08:650 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 这种遮挡的比大间距的要难度很多 我相信top们的实力
[Skystar's Expert]

  1. 00:20:650 (3,5) - 这里的间距不摆一样吗
  2. 01:13:806 (7,1,2) - 1分
  3. 01:18:400 (1,1) - 这里没连好啊 不考虑做圆滑点吗
[HW's EX]
  1. 放浪形骸 无人可摸
[fanzhen's Extra]
  1. 00:32:650 (1,2,3,4) - ctrl+g
  2. 01:50:650 (1,2,3) - 这里可以分开点
  1. 01:23:650 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个地方可以逼死一堆强迫症
[LKs' Another]
  1. 00:30:212 (4) - 这里太突出了
  1. 01:30:400 (1) - 中间红线漏音

    [Irre's Normal]
    1. pls aimod 这边我看了基本都是kiai增大间距的原因,没啥

00:04:150 (4) - 删

00:06:025 - 加

00:16:056 (3,4) - 这类是故意的么

00:33:212 (4,5) - 要不要换滑条 参考后面00:38:462 (4) -

00:36:400 (1,2,3,4,5) - 要不要做成一直线,比如

00:52:056 (3,4) - 这个ds确实有点远了

00:56:275 (2,3) - ^ 星星(rank#900)说接不上

01:04:431 (4,5,6) - 这种3连也 ^ 那么我不会摸了 pass

[Skystar's Expert]

00:09:400 - 似乎漏了个很高的音

00:25:243 (1,2) - 因為是紅色所以放遠一點(嗯嗯 是这样

00:50:650 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 观赏图(嗯 乱七八糟 难read

01:25:900 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 星爷这连打你能全连吗(能就当我没说

01:39:400 (1) - 我觉得可以放远点, 448|4 ?

01:51:212 加note


[fanzhen's Hard]

00:07:337 (2) - 这应该是设定不叠,嗯

00:43:150 加个note不然有点奇怪

[Irre's Normal]

00:38:650 add note at 300|360 then 00:39:400 (1) - ctrl+g ,try

01:00:025 (3,2) - stack

01:16:900 (1) - no need NC

01:24:400 (1) - i pefer a Spinner

01:54:400 (1,1) - use 1 Spinner is better

[LKs' Another]

diff 名有点奇怪 少个s 还是故意的?

00:25:993 (1) - 结束在00:27:025 比较容易接下一个 刚好有个"叮"音

00:47:650 (4) - 344|228 怎么样,

00:52:618 (1,2) - 2NC 1取消

01:09:025 (1,2,3) - 3分音我觉得用返折滑条带掉吧?

01:32:556 (1,3) - 3NC提示变1/3 , 1取消NC(

01:39:400 加个note?

01:57:212 ^

剩下Ex diff pass
Topic Starter
Princess God
00:24:400 (2) - 尾部是不是少了个whistle?
01:52:150 (2,4) - sampleset改成soft

Irre`s Normal
01:24:400 (1) - 这里还是分成两个吧,不然太单一了
01:44:275 (2) - 头部的clap比较难受啊,不如头尾都用whistle
01:48:025 (3) - 这里的clap也不舒服,强烈建议换成whistle
01:54:400 (1) - 和01:55:993 (1) - 建议合成一个转盘,两个转盘而且间距比较小,略危险啊

fanzhen's hard

00:07:900 (1) - 建议把sampleset调成soft,把additions调成normal,音效要好得多
00:51:025 (2) - 尾部是不是少了个clap?
01:18:212 (6) - 这里的clap也是无可厚非,然而还是建议绿线减噪
01:24:400 (1,2) - 对这个难度而言距离有些太大了吧?
01:56:931 (8) - 加个whistle吧

00:04:712 (8) - 试试看和00:05:462 (4) - 的头重合
这样和00:06:775 (7,8) - 也不冲突正好可以对应
00:09:212 (4) - 我觉得也是调开一些位置比较好
00:46:618 (10) - ctrl+j然后移动到原位置,这里感觉还是随着bgm的起伏进行比较好
01:13:150 (4,5) - 中间的距离渐增如何?67,89也是一个建议
01:18:212 (7) - clap无可厚非,不过我觉得这里需要一根绿线降低点音量
01:38:650 (4) - ctrl+g就是觉得这么来一下好233
01:54:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 有点太缩了,还是1,2,3,4一个距离,5,6,7,8一个距离吧

LKs`s Another
01:26:837 (2,1,2,3,4) -整体而言这个难度看着比较舒服,也是我这张图里能打的最高难度啦……

fanzhen's extra
01:27:025 (1,2,3,4) - 这里是不是有点过难了??
01:28:243 (6) - 这里音效有点刺耳啊,建议把头部的音效放到尾部

我把我看不懂的地方说下 你要是有理由要keep的话就把理由写一下
00:04:150 - 这个跟的是什么音 我不觉得音乐这里有什么音比较明显 建议把这个圈去了
00:17:087 (1,2,3,4) - 这两个antijump太难受了 为什么不和后面00:17:837 (5,6,7,8) - 摆一样 后面那个好打的多 而且这些音差的也不是很多
00:21:493 - 有音 00:21:681 - 没音 为什么在有音的地方不放圈 没音的地方放圈
00:31:618 (5,6) - 这里音跟前面也没啥差别 为什么要antijump
00:38:275 (3,4) - 这两个太反人类了 建议按常规摆 各自ctrl+g下 哦 要是故意要几把 就留着吧
01:04:431 (4) - 01:04:993 (1) - 01:06:306 (6) - 01:10:900 (1,2) - 跟的是哪个节奏? 而且01:04:337 - 有音 你是不是放错了 还是故意要自创节奏 自创节奏为什么不放音效
00:35:181 (1,2) - 为什么要放这么远的 对于这一段没有任何必要吧
[fanzhen's extra]
00:18:681 - 这里没音 为什么要多一次折返
01:55:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 跟之前挡的太过了
01:09:025 (1,2,3,1) - 过分了

你把每条回复下让我看个结果 然后喊我 剩下的就交给扣啊提了
Topic Starter
Topic Starter

Nightcore Princess G wrote:

00:24:400 (2) - 尾部是不是少了个whistle?
01:52:150 (2,4) - sampleset改成soft

Irre`s Normal
01:24:400 (1) - 这里还是分成两个吧,不然太单一了 感觉会更难所以还是算了
01:44:275 (2) - 头部的clap比较难受啊,不如头尾都用whistle
01:48:025 (3) - 这里的clap也不舒服,强烈建议换成whistle
01:54:400 (1) - 和01:55:993 (1) - 建议合成一个转盘,两个转盘而且间距比较小,略危险啊

fanzhen's hard

00:07:900 (1) - 建议把sampleset调成soft,把additions调成normal,音效要好得多
00:51:025 (2) - 尾部是不是少了个clap?感觉不用加
01:18:212 (6) - 这里的clap也是无可厚非,然而还是建议绿线减噪
01:24:400 (1,2) - 对这个难度而言距离有些太大了吧? 这个距离还是很简单的,毕竟light insane
01:56:931 (8) - 加个whistle吧

00:04:712 (8) - 试试看和00:05:462 (4) - 的头重合
这样和00:06:775 (7,8) - 也不冲突正好可以对应 这个我本来就是打算不改的,下同
00:09:212 (4) - 我觉得也是调开一些位置比较好
00:46:618 (10) - ctrl+j然后移动到原位置,这里感觉还是随着bgm的起伏进行比较好 嗯……我觉得现在的比较合曲
01:13:150 (4,5) - 中间的距离渐增如何?67,89也是一个建议
01:18:212 (7) - clap无可厚非,不过我觉得这里需要一根绿线降低点音量
01:38:650 (4) - ctrl+g就是觉得这么来一下好233 不太和我胃口……
01:54:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 有点太缩了,还是1,2,3,4一个距离,5,6,7,8一个距离吧 感觉没啥必要

LKs`s Another
01:26:837 (2,1,2,3,4) - 感觉还是就这样比较舒服

fanzhen's extra
01:27:025 (1,2,3,4) - 这里是不是有点过难了?? 我感觉这样还好
01:28:243 (6) - 这里音效有点刺耳啊,建议把头部的音效放到尾部


ZZHBOY wrote:

我把我看不懂的地方说下 你要是有理由要keep的话就把理由写一下
00:04:150 - 这个跟的是什么音 我不觉得音乐这里有什么音比较明显 建议把这个圈去了
00:17:087 (1,2,3,4) - 这两个antijump太难受了 为什么不和后面00:17:837 (5,6,7,8) - 摆一样 后面那个好打的多 而且这些音差的也不是很多
00:21:493 - 有音 00:21:681 - 没音 为什么在有音的地方不放圈 没音的地方放圈
00:31:618 (5,6) - 这里音跟前面也没啥差别 为什么要antijump
00:38:275 (3,4) - 这两个太反人类了 建议按常规摆 各自ctrl+g下 哦 要是故意要几把 就留着吧
01:04:431 (4) - 01:04:993 (1) - 01:06:306 (6) - 01:10:900 (1,2) - 跟的是哪个节奏? 而且01:04:337 - 有音 你是不是放错了 还是故意要自创节奏 自创节奏为什么不放音效
00:35:181 (1,2) - 为什么要放这么远的 对于这一段没有任何必要吧
[fanzhen's extra]
00:18:681 - 这里没音 为什么要多一次折返  这里比较有疾走感吧
01:55:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 跟之前挡的太过了 其实我感觉原地不动就行。稍微移出来了一点
01:09:025 (1,2,3,1) - 过分了

你把每条回复下让我看个结果 然后喊我 剩下的就交给扣啊提了
其他的都改了。thanks for modding~
  1. 00:36:587 (3,4) - ctrl+g會比較順
  2. 01:03:025 (4) - 我覺得換成circle也挺適合的..
[fanzhen's Extra]
  1. 00:33:025 (1,2,3,4) - 感覺這個flow上不太舒服, 因為前面幾個都是繞圈的 突然就反過來了
  2. 01:02:087 - 這裡的3個空位也不填滿? 會比較有趣
  3. 01:57:025 (1) - ctrl+g 由下繞上會不會好點呢
[LKs' Another]
  1. 01:04:900 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 這裡也跟後面01:10:900 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 漸漸向下放怎樣看
  2. 01:39:400 - 漏了一個note
  1. 01:33:025 (1,2) - 有點卡手
[fanzhen's Hard]
  1. 00:11:837 (1,2) - stack?
[Irre's Normal]
  1. 01:20:837 - map something here to make it more natrual? like add 1/2 slider here instead only one circle on 01:21:025 (5) -
that's all
比較少接觸這類歌 可能摸得比較差
Topic Starter

Rizia wrote:

  1. 00:36:587 (3,4) - ctrl+g會比較順 我认为现在的这样,两个一组比较有气势
  2. 01:03:025 (4) - 我覺得換成circle也挺適合的.. 滑条算是比较强调clap的音吧lol

[fanzhen's Extra]
  1. 00:33:025 (1,2,3,4) - 感覺這個flow上不太舒服, 因為前面幾個都是繞圈的 突然就反過來了 目前感觉比较符合你说的flow的摆法有顺时针旋转90度,把1转到2来,不过这样间距有点吓人,还是就保持原状比较好
  2. 01:02:087 - 這裡的3個空位也不填滿? 會比較有趣 这种渐变式的减少节奏也算一种提示玩家的方式吧
  3. 01:57:025 (1) - ctrl+g 由下繞上會不會好點呢 好的
[LKs' Another]
  1. 01:04:900 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 這裡也跟後面01:10:900 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 漸漸向下放怎樣看 ok
  2. 01:39:400 - 漏了一個note 个人觉得这里并没有太大的必要加上去
  1. 01:33:025 (1,2) - 有點卡手 OK lol
[fanzhen's Hard]
  1. 00:11:837 (1,2) - stack? ok
[Irre's Normal]
  1. 01:20:837 - map something here to make it more natrual? like add 1/2 slider here instead only one circle on 01:21:025 (5) - 尽量按照原mapper的风格加了一个slider……有点慌
that's all
比較少接觸這類歌 可能摸得比較差
thanks for modding~
fixed some snap via irc
interesting mapset
i'm tired to look those shit pp jumpping maps. it's worth to push this forward. it's a soul map.
waiting for your discussion.
quietly lights a single candle in a dark room, hands clasped together in silent prayer
never thought i'd see this set qualified

so much hype
good job people!
Kvantuma Rozo
Nice mapset, Awesome diffs, I waited 1y yeah
怀念旧diff name
[AXION REBORN?????? fking who made this one1111111111111111 i wanna killl111111111111 YOU!!!]
This set is really well mapped. But it's also overdone :P. This is going to set a poor example for new mappers who think they can just map double-bpm on any song :P. I wouldn't be surprised if this made it past qualified the first time though. It seems nowadays difficulty is excusable if the map is well structured and looks pretty. Lets see how this goes.
Shohei Ohtani

Shiirn wrote:

quietly lights a single candle in a dark room, hands clasped together in silent prayer
what the fuck do you mean
Yeah, I uh...

I can't defend you guys on this one.

I Must Decrease

Monstrata wrote:

This set is really well mapped. But it's also overdone :P. This is going to set a poor example for new mappers who think they can just map double-bpm on any song :P. I wouldn't be surprised if this made it past qualified the first time though. It seems nowadays difficulty is excusable if the map is well structured and looks pretty. Lets see how this goes.
if only that were tru tho rip me

Shiirn wrote:

quietly lights a single candle in a dark room, hands clasped together in silent prayer
good for ctb

Monstrata wrote:

It seems nowadays difficulty is excusable if the map is well structured and looks pretty.
Doubtful, just take a look on the submitter's name.
I Must Decrease

Avishay wrote:

Monstrata wrote:

It seems nowadays difficulty is excusable if the map is well structured and looks pretty.
Doubtful, just take a look on the submitter's name.
hi i'd like to mod this map:

Natsu wrote:

what we are saying is the overall spacing in the diff does not correlate with this song,

Natsu wrote:

  1. Always using high spacing at any weak beat make you lost the emphasis at the strong beats.
  2. spacing should increase acording to the music, which is not the case at this diff
  3. Random circle sizes just make players confuse, I'm sure you don't have any strong reason to use the ,3
  4. Try to focus more in following the music, rather in the lvl of difficulty or pp
  5. osu! isn't a shooting game, we have to fit the song, and yeah jumps and spacing are part of it.
  6. song is not intense at all.

This diff really need more feedback, even tho I'd suggest a remap/remove or a seriously rework overall (several mods, by experienced modders), since it needs too much work in my opinion.
I have been told I should state that this comment is not to be taken seriously (unless you want to).
congratz on qualify!

grabs popcorn

Natsu wrote:

  1. Always using high spacing at any weak beat make you lost the emphasis at the strong beats.
  2. spacing should increase acording to the music, which is not the case at this diff
  3. Random circle sizes just make players confuse, I'm sure you don't have any strong reason to use the ,3
  4. Try to focus more in following the music, rather in the lvl of difficulty or pp
  5. osu! isn't a shooting game, we have to fit the song, and yeah jumps and spacing are part of it.
  6. song is not intense at all. :arrow: this does not apply to this song. it is all about song choosing

This diff really need more feedback, even tho I'd suggest a remap/remove or a seriously rework overall (several mods, by experienced modders), since it needs too much work in my opinion.
@xexxar, those mappers love to map songs like this is because these songs are not like galgame op that have vocal flow need to be presented. these songs have multiple instruments could been considered and mapper could feel free to switch between them and make patterns, that is the difference.
psl enojy gema

Fushimi Rio
the fisher got a shrimp
Nakano Itsuki
pls enju gemu
*grabs popcorn*

Fantasy wrote:

good for ctb

Shad0w1and wrote:

@xexxar, those mappers love to map songs like this is because these songs are not like galgame op that have vocal flow need to be presented. these songs have multiple instruments could been considered and mapper could feel free to switch between them and make patterns, that is the difference

Xexxar wrote:

I have been told I should state that this comment is not to be taken seriously (unless you want to).

Monstrata wrote:

This set is really well mapped. But it's also overdone :P. This is going to set a poor example for new mappers who think they can just map double-bpm on any song :P. I wouldn't be surprised if this made it past qualified the first time though. It seems nowadays difficulty is excusable if the map is well structured and looks pretty. Lets see how this goes.
well we can only wait for the QATs verdict on whether it gets DQd or not.

someone back in 2015 wrote:

How can you say it plays bad?
Sorry dude, with all the respect, can you even pass this map?
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