
League of Legends

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EneT wrote:

"I will make you beautiful. I will make you perfect."
that quote :U looks like Taric in there
Nah you have your League quotes wrong, Taric talks about nothing but gems.

-SayaKai wrote:

EneT wrote:

"I will make you beautiful. I will make you perfect."
that quote :U looks like Taric in there
Taric the 2nd, but a very straight man
New champ incoming <3
well, since November (I guess), I've started playing LoL. Thanks to my best friend, my interest for LoL has been reignited. In my early days, I only used Garen because I had no other champs to play with and I have a 1% experience using him (I have played LoL months ago before getting back again). Later as I was browsing through the store, I found Master Yi. I asked my friend about it and he said that once I learned his builds and how he works then he would be incredibly painful. Getting a bit of satisfaction with that statement, I bought Yi and to this day, I'm still using him until I can buy Talon. Blew my 4.8 ip on Vayne which I barely used, found a hard time using her :v

This picture is from a match yesterday. Got aced twice. I was screaming when I was on a roll

my build of Yi was a test build. After I finished Infinity Edge, Statik Shiv, and Blade of the Ruined King, I decided to test some builds and this is the stat I got

Damage: 302
Attack Speed: 1.91
Critical Strike Chance: 100%
Cooldown time: 30%
Movement speed: Around 430

Anyway, I play on NA, ping here is around 300 at average. Name's there is RevaSenpai. Add me if you want a slightly good guy at mid lane and a very cooperative player

Reva wrote:

This picture is from a match yesterday. Got aced twice. I was screaming when I was on a roll

my build of Yi was a test build. After I finished Infinity Edge, Statik Shiv, and Blade of the Ruined King, I decided to test some builds and this is the stat I got
Damage: 302
Attack Speed: 1.91
Critical Strike Chance: 100%
Cooldown time: 30%
Movement speed: Around 430
Y u no Youmuu?
You'll look like a race car with Youmuu + R
considering he's a beginner the hard part would be to actually think to use it

But yeah Youmuu over Essence Reaver all the way

PyaKura wrote:

But yeah Youmuu over Essence Reaver all the way
nah, both in one is better
I mean, both of them together working
not sure how Essence Reaver benefits Yi in comparison to the other usual items
I just reaver the shit out for CD and mana


There's one Kindred down here who doesn't know that a support can jungle.
Yi makes me clench my asshole unless he rips me a new one. :u
Kinda can't play my role right whenever I see one around because instatilt.
Blue Ezreal is brrrrrrooooooooken. Nah, just kidding, but it really is so easy to get ahead with him and snowball the game though. Deals the most damage out of any other ADC and yet, the only ADC that doesn't build any crit, remember that guys. (Tri-Force Ez is shit)

Also the best contender to beat Kalista in lane. That's saying something, considering Kalista is supposed to shit on everybody.
another good match. Lasted for 59:58 LMAO. Anyway, it was intense. Each team pushing one after another.

and around mid game, I built Youmuu and it was slightly good. Decided to do another test. And finally I managed to have less than 10 deaths. Quite an accomplishment really.

If any of you guys have any more advice about Yi's build, please say so as I need improvements to his build
Still no Youmuu eh... It's the best shit you can have if you're playing as a ganker. Youmuu + R is heart
oh ya, Shiv sucks if you're Jungling. Can see a reason why Shiv is good in lanes.
Yomuu's or not, you're all still building Yi wrong. All you need is devourer's and another damage item then build full tank. Plus there is never any good reason to buy shiv, unless you're Yasuo; shiv is one of the shittiest items right now.
[ Bloodfallen ]
BRK on riven, meh...

EneT wrote:

Yomuu's or not, you're all still building Yi wrong. All you need is devourer's and another damage item then build full tank. Plus there is never any good reason to buy shiv, unless you're Yasuo; shiv is one of the shittiest items right now.
It works fine on GP though.
Patch notes apparently taken from Garena site ... otes_leak/
The Kalista change won't really do anything. They need to fix her buggy rend which sometimes doesn't reset cooldown despite killing a unit.
Like I said, I built Yomuu IN MID GAME. I replaced with some build that added quite a damage then later Blade of the Ruined King

Idk what's wrong with Shiv. Kinda nice if you want to add extra damage to minions when you engaged :v

Well in my opinion anyway
ya guys im gonna play zyra mid for the first time in like 18923421 years
wish me luck, kyonko will cover me if i feed
Neku Okazaki

Reva wrote:

Like I said, I built Yomuu IN MID GAME. I replaced with some build that added quite a damage then later Blade of the Ruined King

Idk what's wrong with Shiv. Kinda nice if you want to add extra damage to minions when you engaged :v

Well in my opinion anyway

I'm not a high-tier Yi but this happened to me way back S5: my very first Penta. Cho and Kata were playing decently. Jinx was gaped due to her dumbness, however, Xin was gaped due to DC.
After than clash, I built a BT and Phantom Dancer, I bet. After that game I realized that I should have bought that blue knife.


[ Bloodfallen ]
Like Hentai, play Illaoi.
Mofu kun
am i allowed to say that ezreal is really cute
Neku Okazaki

Neku Okazaki

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Time to map ;)
Shen's update looks good imo. I think I'll get to use my Warlord skin again. <3
His new ult and E looks OP.
Yeah, I like the fact that they are making him look cool.. more like a ninja. I mean, he was rather boring before. His auto attack animation looks awesome
Neku Okazaki

I really, really like League way more than ever before. Especially since I don't even need to fuck around with conventional role picks any more and I can just play adc on every role. Like I've seriously abandoned my non-adc main champs like Fiora, Ahri or Lee Sin because why play them when I can just play an adc which is a role I'm FAR better at. For top I have Graves with exhaust; stupid top laners seem to think they can go in melee against a Graves with exhaust, only to get killed like a retard. For jungle I have Graves, Quinn and Kindred; mid lane I got Varus and support I have Kennen.
Jhin's E looks like Lucian's W
I just want to say something : Poppy is love, Poppy is life, Poppy is mine.


(Edit : hi new page)

Neku okazaki wrote:

We're still using old systems in SEA @@
That moment when CLG and IMT won. topkek
Kyonko Hizara

Hika wrote:

Still no surprise tho :^)
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