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and a support Leona with tp

Must be the meta in Philippines. This is why mineski was such a joke of a team. The fact that 5 people built shiv in that team at patch 5.24 is already something to make heads tilt. Shiv is utter shit.

and no one even changed to the over-powered blue trinkets, let alone a red trinket...

EneT wrote:

Must be the meta in Philippines. This is why mineski was such a joke of a team. The fact that 5 people built shiv in that team at patch 5.24 is already something to make heads tilt. Shiv is utter shit.

and no one even changed to the over-powered blue trinkets, let alone a red trinket...
Take it easy, it's at the +20 wins/52%WR range, that's pretty much silver.
Then again, I play on SEA and it's pretty much the same, even at high elo. :(

How I wish I had semi-decent ping on NA, trying to reach diamond is a dream on 250 ping.
After 2 years, including a few months of inactivity, I finally stopped being shit after purchasing the academy ahri skin.

Navizel wrote:

and a support Leona with tp

Better than Ignite-Heal :p
should have a flash in there somewhere, preferable on d for dlash

OsuMe65 wrote:

Navizel wrote:

and a support Leona with tp

Better than Ignite-Heal :p
eh, I'd rather have flash + ignite/exhaust on a support.
Especially for that enemy team comp; exhaust was heavily needed.

I'm still wrapping my head around why the people in that game are building shiv. Probably looked up some builds in the internet and came across some season 3/4 builds.

EneT wrote:

AP Alistar top with spellthiefs is my new pre-patch poppy replacement.
What's the build / runes for that? I'd like to try it out in BR low elo
Uno momento, let me quickly log in to see.
For runes, you go:
Full AD marks
Full Health per level seals
Full flat CDR glyphs
2 AD quints
1 Armor quint

Build path:
Start with the standard spell-spamming support/midlane items; Spellthiefs and 2 pots > buy the components of spellthief's whenever you can > Whenever you can't upgrade it, buy a doran's ring > Keep stacking doran's ring until you're hella fed/ahead (Preferably 3) > Fully upgrade Spellthief's into spooky ghosts > Get CDR boots > Get luden's Echo > By this time, the game should already be GG, but if not > Zhonya's Hourglass > Abyssal > You should never be 6 item Ali; if the game hasn't ended by then, then you haven't wrecked hard enough and you're fucked.

When it comes to Zhonya's and abyssal, you can change the order you buy them whenever you want. But Doran's ring stacking is ESSENTIAL, and of course Luden's echo is essential since your wave clear is shit. The reason you go AD runes is because you can't rely on just your W and Q for damage in the laning phase since the scalings on them aren't really that good. The hidden OP in Alistar is actually his passive; that's where a lot of his damage mysteriously comes from.

Now the reason why you stack doran's is obvious; that's what you do for every cheesy champ to get ahead. With Spellthief's and 3 Doran's ring you get a good amount of AP and so much mana regen that you can spam E for days in lane, and the more you can spam E the better, because you activate your passive from it.

Once you have spooky ghosts, 3 doran's ring and as long as you're ahead and making smart TP's, you should be exploding people with the W Q combo.
Anyone provide help with Gangplank? Been having extreme issues with him since his rework (yes, it's been that long).

Currently going back and forth between 18/12/0 and 12/18/0 masteries (I can't seem to find one that works better than the other). Using AD, MR and Armor runes.
One thing that I'm extremely stuck on is his starting build path. Tried all of: Doran's, Long Sword/Potions, Corrupting Potion. Then Trinity, Merc Treads, Statikk, Spirit Visage/Armor item.
Yeah, I play GP quite a lot.

For runes I go AD marks, Health per level seals, MR glyphs and AD quints. This can change depending on the lane match-up but for the most part I just go that.
Masteries I mostly go 12/0/18:
This is just to help you out in lane since laning phase is the only part of the game a GP should have trouble with. Grasp of the undying is the strongest keystone in-lane; it won't scale with GP but GP doesn't really need any scaling at all... Thunderlords won't benefit him and Deathfire Touch is too lategame to even be viable; all the other keystones are shit.
Don't bother CSing with your Q early game; there's no point and it's a really slow way of farming up for your ult upgrades, especially since the nerf where you don't get your mana back from killing things with your Q. Instead harass with your Q whenever grasp of the undying is up. Once you have trinity force and a BF sword, barrel Q should be able to clear minion waves, so that's the point where you start farming for your ult upgrades.

Build path: Start with corrupting potion (try to harass as much as possible with Q while you're drinking the potion) > If you have enough money for a sheen then buy a sheen, if not, buy components of phage > complete trinity force > BF sword > CDR boots > either turn that BF sword into an Infinity edge or an Essence Reaver (Either way, you're getting both IE and Essence Reaver but the order you buy them depends on the situation) > everything after this point is situational; I never buy any defensive items on GP unless it's Mercurial and majority of the time I seem to find myself buying a phantom dancer just for the extra crit. Lord Dominik's regard is also good since you shouldn't really be buying health on GP anyways, so the multiplier onto your damage is really nice.

Never. NEVER... buy stattik shiv. On ANYONE. It's shit, except for maybe Yasuo.

EneT wrote:

Yeah, I play GP quite a lot.

For runes I go AD marks, Health per level seals, MR glyphs and AD quints. This can change depending on the lane match-up but for the most part I just go that.
Masteries I mostly go 12/0/18:
This is just to help you out in lane since laning phase is the only part of the game a GP should have trouble with. Grasp of the undying is the strongest keystone in-lane; it won't scale with GP but GP doesn't really need any scaling at all... Thunderlords won't benefit him and Deathfire Touch is too lategame to even be viable; all the other keystones are shit.
Don't bother CSing with your Q early game; there's no point and it's a really slow way of farming up for your ult upgrades, especially since the nerf where you don't get your mana back from killing things with your Q. Instead harass with your Q whenever grasp of the undying is up. Once you have trinity force and a BF sword, barrel Q should be able to clear minion waves, so that's the point where you start farming for your ult upgrades.

Build path: Start with corrupting potion (try to harass as much as possible with Q while you're drinking the potion) > If you have enough money for a sheen then buy a sheen, if not, buy components of phage > complete trinity force > BF sword > CDR boots > either turn that BF sword into an Infinity edge or an Essence Reaver (Either way, you're getting both IE and Essence Reaver but the order you buy them depends on the situation) > everything after this point is situational; I never buy any defensive items on GP unless it's Mercurial and majority of the time I seem to find myself buying a phantom dancer just for the extra crit. Lord Dominik's regard is also good since you shouldn't really be buying health on GP anyways, so the multiplier onto your damage is really nice.

Never. NEVER... buy stattik shiv. On ANYONE. It's shit, except for maybe Yasuo.
He's been my main since season 3 and I just haven't had any good games since his rework. It makes me pretty sad. =(

Laning phase is the part I do tend to struggle with yeah. Which would explain never winning lane with him. xD
Yeah, both Thunderlord's and Deathfire have felt very ineffective for me. Didn't think to try the Resolve tree, lol.
I use it to CS the ranged minions if I can't get to them (ie: If I'm facing a lane opponent I can't really win a trade with). Ever since the nerf to the Parrrley, I haven't used it to farm if I can get away with it. Especially because mana potions don't exist anymore.

Is it really okay to be building no defense on him though? I'm just worried I'll be too squishy to do much of anything once a teamfight starts.

What Cannon Barrage upgrades do you go? Fire at Will > Death's Daughter > Raise Morrale?
In teamfights, GP isn't the kind of top laner that rushes in melee. He plays a lot like a mid laner, dealing massive damage with his barrels; once you get someone low, that's when you go in, so you don't need defensive items at all. His Biscuits also act like QSS so it's quite easy to stay alive with him. For the upgrades, I never really bother remembering their names... I go for the true damage one first, then the one that increases the number waves then finally the one that increases movespeed.

GP is a lot more skill-oriented since his re-work. He depends a lot on landing those barrels. It gets quite easy once you get used to him

Also, you get mad movement speed from exploding barrels.

EneT wrote:

In teamfights, GP isn't the kind of top laner that rushes in melee. He plays a lot like a mid laner, dealing massive damage with his barrels; once you get someone low, that's when you go in, so you don't need defensive items at all. His Biscuits also act like QSS so it's quite easy to stay alive with him. For the upgrades, I never really bother remembering their names... I go for the true damage one first, then the one that increases the number waves then finally the one that increases movespeed.

GP is a lot more skill-oriented since his re-work. He depends a lot on landing those barrels. It gets quite easy once you get used to him.
LOL, I'm a nerd and memorize skills/spells/items by name.
Yeah he is. Which is likely why I'm struggling with him since the rework.

Alright. Thanks for your help! =D
Neku Okazaki
Hello, im new on NA and want some help to get the lvl 30, someone want to play whit me?
As an ADC main consistently bordering Diamond 1 and Master tier. Here is my Christmas gift to all the other ADC mains out there. Here are my notes that I constantly update as I play, smurf and analyse the games that I experience. These notes are constantly changing with patches and everything is of my opinion.

I'm pure hot garbage how 2 get guud

ztrot wrote:

I'm pure hot garbage how 2 get guud
Play more 8-)

A lot of getting better relies on learning from pros... like me... so make sure to buy an Ohmwrecker as your first item!
Be cocky but don't be complacent. That's how I got guud.
Kyonko Hizara

ztrot wrote:

I'm pure hot garbage how 2 get guud
stop letting fuckbois play on your account and maybe you wouldn't be down 100 matches :^)

EneT wrote:

As an ADC main consistently bordering Diamond 1 and Master tier. Here is my Christmas gift to all the other ADC mains out there. Here are my notes that I constantly update as I play, smurf and analyse the games that I experience. These notes are constantly changing with patches and everything is of my opinion.

Thanks. Not an adc main myself, but this was helpful.
A lot of the people I come across seem to be mistaken and think that you can't QSS out of knock-ups. This is correct but also, partly in-correct. To those of you that don't know, there are two parts to a knock-up: The displacement and the stun. Displacement is unique in the fact that it isn't coded as a CC or a debuff so you can't QSS it. Displacements are what Yasuo's ult triggers off of; not knock-ups, and it's one, single, main trait other than displacing you is that it stops you from moving. The second part of the knock-up, the stun, is there to act like a silence, so you can't use skills while getting knocked-up. You can't QSS the displacement, but you can QSS the stun. This is allows you to use your skills/summoner spells and also auto-attack; you can do everything apart from move. For example, if I was playing as Vayne and I were to get Malphite ulted, I can QSS right when the knock-up connects then immediately tumble away or flash away, keeping me away from danger. This is something that puts mobile ADCs above immobile ADCs since mobile ADCs can QSS then dash away from knock-ups while an immobile ADC would have to waste flash.

All forms of displacements are actually coded the same way as knock-ups too. That means Lee Sin Ult, Tristana ult etc etc.
Taking a break from LoL because in laws and it's not working because they PLAY LEAGUE omg
You're married? Since when?
So assuming my adc is spamming his escape shit like flash or dash ability, then a well-timed Mikael's Crucible would work the same way?
Yes, you just have to trust that your ADC isn't a retard.
Kyonko Hizara

Hika wrote:

Taking a break from LoL because in laws and it's not working because they PLAY LEAGUE omg
League and family almost never work together from what I've seen :U
if you always assume you'll lose you can't rage 8-) 8-) 8-)

OzzyOzrock wrote:

if you always assume you'll lose you can't rage 8-) 8-) 8-)
If you always assume you'll lose then you'll never improve. There's a reason why a lot of pro ADCs are cocky you know.

Just keep your cool and never rage. The only time I get pissed is when my support is shit, but even then I don't rage. I just tell them that they're putting me on tilt and tell the team to not say anything or else it'll make it worse.

One good example is a game I just had right now in which I was playing Kalista with Braum against a Vayne and Lux; a match-up that is supposed to heavily favour me, even more-so considering my Kalista is on the highest level of good. But my support was shit and I got camped, making me leave lane at 0/4/1. I just told my my support not to worry despite his poor performance and told my team I had been put on tilt, so they shouldn't mention anything to make it worse. I finished that game with a score of 17/6/13 and achieved the highest damage dealt to champions.
I just think it's easier to win when you're positive all the time, as in attitude.
Can't really play right when I play with someone who's always so negative and down. It's frustrating and puts me on tilt. But usually I'm willing to cooperate with my team as long as they try and don't give up.
its sucks :P
[ Luna ]
I play on EUNE and my user is Lilium. Feel free to add me :'D
lvl 30 and unranked and proud, only playing for fun! :'3
Pretty legit.

Surprised people still talk about this game. To me, it seized to exist back in '13 when the ranked ended. What a shitty game it is now. Really the only fun mode worth playing a little is aram.
the only fun mod worth playing is poppy every role

Sovyat wrote:

Surprised people still talk about this game. To me, it seized to exist back in '13 when the ranked ended. What a shitty game it is now. Really the only fun mode worth playing a little is aram.
Nostalgia has a funny way of tainting people's memories. I try my best to never fall victim.
Neku Okazaki

OzzyOzrock wrote:

the only fun mod worth playing is poppy every role
im just fucking around in normal until s6 realeses
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