
Lenka - Knock Knock

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 30 декабря 2015 г. at 23:00:39

Artist: Lenka
Title: Knock Knock
Tags: Kripac
BPM: 120
Filesize: 6505kb
Play Time: 02:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,17 stars, 170 notes)
  2. Average (1,52 stars, 115 notes)
Download: Lenka - Knock Knock
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Skin elements by thepianist | SB by me
//knock knock
//pjecoo enters


I saw some audio preview conflicts in both diffs.

AIMod -> Fix distance snap. (Should be constant)
Otherwise seems fine.

01:04:204 - Insert a note here. It feels so empty ;_;
02:06:705 (4,6) - Not stacked properly.

This beatmap is really beautiful. I didn't find any major issues there, so I hope that at least this little details helps.
Beautiful storyboard, map & song~ ♥
Good Luck!

Pjecoo wrote:

AIMod -> Fix distance snap. (Should be constant)
Otherwise seems fine.
I can't see any wrong DS in AIMod. D: I used different DS for 1/2 (maybe you mean this), but as far as I know it's okay for normal diff. :3

Thanks anyway w/
Topic Starter
I've decided to reupload it it as a solo-mapset. My apologies.
Delete link to my diff from description pls
Эх, так и хочешь придраться к мелочам, поскольку в мапсете много моментов, которые я бы отобразил по другому, но ладно. Постараюсь выделить основные моменты.

  1. 00:18:205 (3) - Мне не нравится как расположен этот слайдер, гораздо лучше было бы ctrl+j и станкунуть его с концом (3), чтобы образовать треугольник
  2. 00:32:705 (2) - Попробуй расположить более симметрично белые точки, примерно как в 00:30:705 (4) -
  3. 00:42:205 (3) - Ну не знаю, выглядит как-то грубо. Я думаю будет лучше, если ты добавишь белую точку в хвосте, примерно как тут 00:30:705 (4) -
  4. 00:50:205 (4) - Вот тут он гораздо лучше выглядит, не знаю почему
  5. 00:56:205 (1,2) - Можно лучше сделать этот бланкет
  6. 01:34:205 (4) - Казалось бы, этот слайдер должен быть на 184 252, чтобы образовать квадрат. Сейчас это выглядит странно
  7. 01:40:205 (1) - Попробуй его поставить так, чтобы сделать бланкет. Как-то так наверное
  1. лол
  2. 00:30:205 (3,1) - оверлап режет глаза
  3. 00:34:205 (3,1) - стакни их правильно, нервно сейчас
  4. 00:55:038 (2,3,4,1,2) - мне не очень нравится, что в этой области распложено слишком много объектов. Идеально будет для меня, если переместить 00:56:705 (2) - на 8 328. Гораздо лучше
  5. 01:02:205 (5) - его бы изогнуть еще больше для лучшего флоу
  6. 01:35:705 (8) - Тут я думаю надо его сделать прямым, потому что относительно 01:36:205 (1) - он выглядит плохо
  7. 01:58:205 (5,7) - очень плохой бланкет, поменяй
  8. 02:06:705 (4,6) - Тоже, станки правильно
Topic Starter
Оставил только 00:55:038 (2,3,4,1,2) - т.к. считаю, что там все выглядит достаточно интересно. Остальное поменял.

Lenka <3 Call me if you need me.
Knock Knock
AH this!!!!!
I desperately wanting to map this, too, whatever....

Mod as requested

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. followpoint.png and reversearrow.png are missing, should be added because they're in same set. Unfortunately, sets were removed from skinning wiki, don't know why, but rules still don't allow this.
  2. SliderBorder colors must be added to both difficulties.
  3. What is Two tag doing there? The song is from album Lenka:
  4. I think that kaboom on 01:32:205 - could have reversed effect - explosions spreads, doesn't appear all of sudden, so I think the scale should increase, not decrease.
  5. I think that hitsounds don't give much feedback, respectively, using only drum hitsounds is quite monotonous, especially when you're emphasizing just a snare with a kick drum. I think the song provides both kick and snare, so they could be hitsounded both. Kicks could be hitsounded with drum finish or drum clap and the snare could be something custom. Increasing volume to fit approximately the volume of song would make it more audiable and give sensible feedback.

The map in overall is very good, but there are some changes I would like to see about hitsounds and obvious issues I mentioned. Try to get few mods, stars etc. attempt to improve your hitsounds and I'll be trying to push it forward. Maybe with some little IRC modding.
Topic Starter
Will be fixing stuff soon!

V KD goes for a lot of helpful stuff Sieg did <3
14:43 Liuth: can you go to editor for a sec? since it's not even worth posting XD
14:44 Bakari: Sure
14:45 Bakari: Here I am
14:45 *Liuth is editing [ Lenka - Knock Knock [Average]]
14:45 Liuth: so ya
14:45 Liuth: 00:54:205 (3,4,1) - just wanted to ask, it's overall a nice pattern but isn't flow a bit too sharp here?
14:46 Bakari: 4>1 thingy is kinda wrong, tht's true
14:46 Liuth: 01:00:205 (1,2,3) - same here, I would make that "connection" from end of 1 to the circle 2 a bit softer
14:46 Liuth: 00:59:205 (4,1) - and this is a real suggestion and just me being a bit weird but I would make a nice blanket here XD
14:47 Liuth: and I guess that's all
14:47 Liuth: will have a look at advanced since I concentrated myself just on easy diff lol
14:48 Bakari: I tried to fix this, hopefully it is better now
14:49 *Liuth is editing [ Lenka - Knock Knock [Advanced]]
14:49 Liuth: 01:31:705 (6,1) - stacking this properly would be a fine idea but that's also an suggestion
14:51 Liuth: generally I will either remove all stacks or make them a bit bigger so they clearly look like anti-jumps
14:51 Liuth: that's all \o/
14:51 Bakari: should be better as well \w/
14:52 Bakari: Stacks are fun <3
14:52 Liuth: \o/

hope I helped at least a little bit, have fun, great sb and song o/

16:58 Kyubey: бн будто винхр какая-то
16:59 Sieg: I agree!
16:59 Sieg: я говорил
16:59 Kyubey: Bakari: слайдерэлементы пропущены же?
16:59 Bakari: Она самая!
17:00 Kyubey:
17:00 Bakari: Вафу вроде писал про скинсет и мы фиксили
17:00 Kyubey: фоллоупоинт есть а этого нет
17:00 Bakari: Сейчас выдерем из стандартного
17:01 Bakari: Стоп, это АиБАТ?
17:01 Kyubey: в адванседе анснап аимод нашёл
17:01 Kyubey: это зигбат
17:01 YellowManul: AiBakari
17:01 Kyubey: 01:39:205 (7) - этот
17:03 Bakari: Уже исправил
17:03 *Kyubey is editing [ Lenka - Knock Knock [Average]]
17:03 Kyubey: 00:30:705 (4) - вот странно он как-то звучит
17:03 Kyubey: так и просится тик посередине быть нажатым
17:03 Kyubey: а длинный слайдер со второго тика тут ну не звучит :(
17:04 Kyubey: а следующие нормальные, там слова не так резко звучат
17:04 Bakari: 1/1 с репитом?
17:04 Kyubey: будет неплохо
17:05 Ext_TaZZy: Ребят
17:05 Ext_TaZZy: Всем ку)
17:05 Kyubey: 00:50:205 (4,1) - симметрия тут выглядит довольно странно, учитывая то, что куски музыки по-разному звучат, а симметрия лучше всего смотрится на одинаковых моментах
17:06 Bakari: Но она под вокалы, которые тут тянутся
17:07 Kyubey: они по-разному звучат же, в первом есть разделение на right, а на втором полностью звучит true долгое


17:08 Kyubey: 01:28:205 (1,2,3) - довольно странно звучит такое изменение в ритме, пропущенные биты как-то заставляют думать, что что-то не так
17:10 Bakari: Исправлено
17:10 Kyubey: 01:38:705 (5) - этот слайдер не смотрится соответствующе с 00:42:205 (3) - этим, на разные биты начинаются, хорошо бы это поправить
17:11 Kyubey: 01:48:205 (1) - разве 2/1 тут не лучше звучать будет под вокал, как прошлый слайдер?
17:12 Kyubey: что кстати значит Kripac в тегах?
17:12 *Kyubey is editing [ Lenka - Knock Knock [Advanced]]
17:13 Bakari: Фамилия у нее такая
17:13 Kyubey: вот если честным быть, не нравится мне такой здоровый спейсинг 00:24:205 - до этого куска
17:13 Kyubey: всё так тихо звучит а спейсинг неподходяще большой
17:14 Bakari: Пофиксил
17:14 Bakari: Спейсинг тут немного выше sv, чтоб на слайдерах возникало ощущение замедления
17:15 Kyubey: в киае нк какие-то очень странные, совсем не под музыку, не хочешь их переработать?
17:17 Bakari: НК размножил
17:18 Kyubey: 01:46:038 - не знаю почему, но тут так хочется бит услышать. но с другой стороны, ты вроде не делал такие ритмы «сложные», поэтому всё на твой вкус
17:19 Bakari: Сделал, хуже не будет
17:19 Kyubey: хм, 01:48:205 (1) - тут длинный слайдер, а 00:52:205 (4) - тут нет, как-нибудь поправить бы это
17:20 Kyubey: ну и на этом по диффам всё, пойду остальное чекну техническое
17:22 Kyubey: техническое вроде нормальное
17:22 Kyubey: а, ещё надо, чтобы никнейм твой заменился при апдейте
17:23 Bakari: Но он и так апдейтится :v
17:23 Kyubey: нет сейчас такого юзера, как -Bakari-
17:23 Kyubey: а если и есть, то это не его мапа
17:23 Kyubey: поэтому лучше это дело поправить
17:23 Bakari: Интересно, а можно любой бред в имени маппера написать?
17:24 Kyubey: по идее оно не должно апдейтить в таком случае, странно, что у тебя апдейтнулось
17:24 Kyubey: а ещё у тебя креатор вордс поломаны, да
17:26 Kyubey: ой пропустил
17:26 Kyubey: 01:42:205 (4,5) - этот кастом стак
17:26 Bakari: Должно быть окей
17:26 Kyubey: ты вроде больше нигде такие не делал
17:26 Kyubey: как-то странно смотрится
17:27 Kyubey: 02:00:705 (1,2) - тут не кастом, например
17:27 Kyubey: 01:03:705 (8,9) - тут тоже
17:27 Bakari: Ну, они смотрятся примерно одинаково
17:27 Kyubey: решил просто в другую сторону повернуть его?
17:27 Bakari: Просто хотел зачем-то именно там поставить серкл, отсюда и кастом стак
17:27 Kyubey: чтоб не оверлапал
17:28 Kyubey: ну окей
17:28 Kyubey: на этом всё
17:28 Kyubey: апдейтнуто?
17:30 Bakari: Ага
17:30 Bakari: Перекачай, скин на месте должен быть
17:32 Kyubey: что-то в списке не появляется, придётся полный рефреш на ф5 делать :(
17:32 Kyubey: какой же он долгий
17:33 Bakari: Всегда так
17:33 Bakari: Не знаю, из-за чего
17:33 Kyubey: мап слишком много
17:34 Kyubey: но часто он сам почему-то начинает обновлять это всё при запуске осу
17:34 Kyubey: это бесит
17:35 Kyubey: осб с -бакари- удали
17:38 Kyubey: 01:46:038 (5) - в адванседе
17:38 Kyubey: он специально на спейсинге повыше от слайдера?
17:38 Kyubey: на 1.3 а не 1.2
17:39 Bakari: Сейчас
17:41 Bakari: boom
17:41 Kyubey: поправил и апдейтнул?
17:41 Bakari: Угу!
Okay, continuing with modding. No KD, got it for previous post.

  1. Insufficient mp3 quality, your mp3's frequency cap is even lower than regular 128kbps. You may use this alternative (you'll need to move SB and timing points by about -59, shouldn't be a problem to select all points and use move on them), here's a proof of why it isn't really 192kbps and is even lower than 128kbps - even if it was close to 128, it would be unacceptable as it takes same files size as 192.
  1. 01:59:205 (7) - If I didn't miss anything, this was the only object that had downbeat without click. For consistency, you may do something like this.
  2. This inherited points have no usage, it's changing nothing afaik: 01:59:371 - 01:59:538 - 01:59:705 -
  3. 00:26:205 (3) - Seems you forgot whistle as you're using it on same place very frequently. Obviously with Auto Additions.
  4. 00:35:205 - I think this whistle is out of your order. It seems like you follow piano or w/e it is previously, but now you put it on a regular hi-hat.
  5. 00:37:705 (2) - This should in my opinion have Additions Drum as you use Drum Whistle on these rim sounds.
  6. 00:40:705 - You mostly use clap + whistle on this sound if I'm not wrong, thus I think it should be also on these: 00:40:705 - 00:42:705 - 01:36:705 - 01:38:705 -
  7. 01:50:205 (1) - I don't see any logic in his, as nothing end on this slider's end. Kick drum start, and her voice is till prolonged on 01:50:538 -
  8. 00:52:205 - This hitsound is in my opinion standing out way too much, but seems like only one like this, so I don't think it was supposed to be like this.
  9. 00:53:205 - The hitsound seems to be out, the snare is only on 00:52:705 - and 00:53:705 - so adding something in the middle doesn't sound well.
  10. There are some finishes that are in my opinion overused as they don't follow a cymbal in music properly: 00:44:205 - 00:46:205 (1) - 00:48:205 - 00:54:205 - 01:00:205 - 01:19:705 - 01:28:205 (1) - 01:40:205 - 01:42:205 (1) - 01:48:205 - 01:50:205 - 01:56:205 - (actually it's supposed to be on 01:55:705 - there is a little inconsistency in the song itself, so following its logic would be fine) 02:02:205 (4) - 02:04:205 - 02:05:705 - 02:05:705 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Doesn't seem to have a single cymbal in song at all. If you want it to be a 'great end', at least mute it so you don't cause anyone an ear-bleeding.
  11. 01:35:205 (7) - Should in my opinion had a little lower volume as it's not same as other cymbals
  12. 01:59:705 - Finish is missing as there's a cymbal in song. I recommend this one and 01:55:705 - to have slightly lower volume.
  1. Seems like I have only concerns about hitsounds here. Most of them should be on same places as above difficulty as it seems copied. Try to make it more sensible with the song. If you have question, PMs are welcome as always.
Everything else seems okay, call me back!

Edit: Oh great, I lost the link to that alternative because I forgot to send it there :D I'll do it ASAP
Edit2: Added the link.
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mp3 and modding, currently updated with the new mp3 and fixes specifically related to the song's rhythm.
we did some hs work with Bakari

Wafu wrote:

  1. 00:37:705 (2) - This should in my opinion have Additions Drum as you use Drum Whistle on these rim sounds.
    whistle as soft finisher for this section works better
  2. 00:52:205 - This hitsound is in my opinion standing out way too much, but seems like only one like this, so I don't think it was supposed to be like this.
    suppossed to be finisher sound to emphesize vocals and rhythm pause
  3. There are some finishes that are in my opinion overused as they don't follow a cymbal in music properly: 00:44:205 - 00:46:205 (1) - 00:48:205 - 00:54:205 - 01:00:205 - 01:19:705 - 01:28:205 (1) - 01:40:205 - 01:42:205 (1) - 01:48:205 - 01:50:205 - 01:56:205 - (actually it's supposed to be on 01:55:705 - there is a little inconsistency in the song itself, so following its logic would be fine) 02:02:205 (4) - 02:04:205 - 02:05:705 - 02:05:705 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Doesn't seem to have a single cymbal in song at all. If you want it to be a 'great end', at least mute it so you don't cause anyone an ear-bleeding.
    finish hitsounds are used not only to copy cymbal from the song but also to emphesize parts of the song - kiai here

    1. Seems like I have only concerns about hitsounds here. Most of them should be on same places as above difficulty as it seems copied. Try to make it more sensible with the song. If you have question, PMs are welcome as always.
      we worked out some of them
We talked with Sieg, but unfortunately we had different opinions on those hitsounds.

While I agreed that even if there is no actual cymbal, the finish can still feel cool to enhance the song a little, I disagreed with how it's being inconsistent. I just feel it doesn't feel well, but empty in places that were out of the consistency. For example 00:42:146 - 00:50:146 - 01:38:146 - 01:46:146 -

And according to the music, I felt like these are completely missing: 01:03:646 - 01:43:646 - 01:55:646 -
Topic Starter
I've decided to keep the stuff as it currently is. A huge thanks to Wafu for treating it with such care.
Knock Knock

Fixed a few SB-related things, about Scaling and Fading
new jarto episode?
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