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Abuse the new crit mastery as much as possible before the next patch guys. it's ridiculously broken and im pretty sure its going to get a hotfix soon. I've seen people ban trynd and yasuo alot in master+.
Next patch they're making it so it only works on champions.
I thought they already hotfixed it?
Wasn't it already hotfixed to have it only work on champions but Rito forgot to put that in the client/ingame? Same with how Thunderlord's Decree was hotfixed to have a 20 second cooldown instead of a 30 second cooldown.

E: dammit Renevant why you ninja me
Lmao, that timing

OT: There definitely was some kind of fix put through a couple days ago, its even in the patch notes: ... ch-updates

I don't remember seeing anything about it not going through though
oh what. I didn't know they hotfixed it already. Crap, we're always a patch behind so I didn't know lmao.

Ezreal is damn OP btw to anyone who likes him; with fervor of battle he does so much damage and he's literally the only adc right now that doesn't need crit and still does shit tons of damage. Strongest adc in lane imo, but that's only if you land your Qs; 2 Qs with max fervor stacks can bring the enemy adc to half health. Vayne, Kalista and Blue Ezreal are pretty much my main adcs right now.

No matter how high the win rate of Graves is, I still don't rate him. He's squishier in lane compared to how he was before and he's not that much of a great pick in high elo. I guess his win rate is high because his kit allows him to roflstomp in low elo? Through self experience it seems to me that he isn't that much of a big boi in high elo.
What's the typical build order? Is botrk still any good?
For Vayne?
Yah. I am interested in the builds of others as well, but I was only asking about vayne
For Vayne I used to go shiv first but it felt like I did little damage since I had no AD to couple the crits so now I go BF sword first.
BF sword > Shiv > boots > Firecannon > IE
After that, everything else is situational. I either go BT or Mercurials since the crit keystone was patched and you actually need a little bit of lifesteal now. The items I get after IE always differ from game to game but the main items I look at to finish my build are BT, Mercurial, LDR or GA; I choose from either 4 and pick for the best situation.
BF sword is just such a good first buy for most ADCs.
I don't remember the last time I saw a GA in one of my games. Everyone at my Elo typically chooses between banshees or merc.
And thanks , I'll definitely be playing her more now that I have an idea of what to build.
Look down at all the Vayne players that still build zeal as their first buy. Bf sword is so much better, more AD = more lifesteal and easier CSing and BF sword does more consistent dmg; zeal relies too much on crits and will only do more damage if every auto attack crits and a fight is prolonged for more than 10 seconds.

But yeah, I barely build GA at all, but in a lot of my games I just get jumped on by every single champion (Jungle, mid, top, support, errybody) so GA has to be a must. Mercurials is my most popular buy, banshee's is shite. Deadman's plate is good too, try it sometime.
Kyonko Hizara
Could anyone recommend a good build for Nami? I have tried building more tanky as well as building with more AP but I can't decide what would be more effective for her.
Rift build? Also why aren't we friends on league :p
I need a support who doesn't afraid of anything.
Kyonko Hizara
Babe I didn't even know you still played :U

If you want to add me it's the same name as it is here
disclaimer: Soraka is still broken. Haven't tried Illaoi yet

Hika wrote:

Rift build? Also why aren't we friends on league :p
I need a support who doesn't afraid of anything.
I wish I could play on NA but 200 ping is hard :(
i wish i could play with you guys too but i'm stuck here on euw.. ;__;
also - whenever i'm against a zed mid i automatically lose

Katze wrote:

also - whenever i'm against a zed mid i automatically lose
same thing but my problem is with yasuo
vel'koz was pretty much raped by yasuo already, then AD buffs and AP item nerfs (especially zhonyas)
it's just a complete massacre now
Neku Okazaki
I'm gonna miss old poppy :(
Kyonko Hizara
Hey she doesn't look like a gross troll anymore

Neku okazaki wrote:

I'm outraged. How am I supposed to troll and roll over people without my over-powered poppy now?
fuck poppy
She's so fucking cute and perfect I want to die
Witch Mercy
tbh where's that taric remodel xd
her ultimate's so troll tho lmao
Kyonko Hizara
I want to start a counter of how many people I see fuck up her ult.

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

I want to start a counter of how many people I see fuck up her ult.
Isn't it just a simple straight line skill shot?
Kyonko Hizara

Justykanna wrote:

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

I want to start a counter of how many people I see fuck up her ult.
Isn't it just a simple straight line skill shot?
The far-ass knock-back ruining a teamfight or throwing out kills

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

The far-ass knock-back ruining a teamfight or throwing out kills
It's hard to fuck it up. The longer you channel it the farther it will knock up, if you just channel it for less than 1 second then it functions like a normal knockup that looks like a shorter version of Braum ult.
Kyonko Hizara
I think I just have a lack of trust of people to not be completely stupid with it
Deym Poppy's ult.
dem poppy's snaggletooth Kreygasm
TSM YellowStar.

tankindred. Was about to buy Warmog and Thornmail but game is done.

OsuMe65 wrote:

tankindred. Was about to buy Warmog and Thornmail but game is done.
Lmfao that team got stomped. How does a Darius feed so hard tf
Next level potato builds
Shit Filipino builds.
Kyonko Hizara
I rarely play adc anymore but I don't think you should get black cleaver as an early item on Kindred. Maybe I could see it in a specific situation if you are playing jg Kindred but adc I think not.
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