
Sonar Pocket - Never Give Up

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 3:12:38 PM

Artist: Sonar Pocket
Title: Never Give Up (TV Size)
Source: Digimon Xros Wars
Tags: Cross Krisom dejimon kurosu woozu uoozu sonaa poketto sona poke xxheroxx
BPM: 142
Filesize: 11105kb
Play Time: 01:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.54 stars, 172 notes)
  2. Harder (4.97 stars, 236 notes)
  3. Normal (3.57 stars, 129 notes)
  4. xxheroxx's Easy (2.43 stars, 83 notes)
Download: Sonar Pocket - Never Give Up (TV Size)
Download: Sonar Pocket - Never Give Up (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
On July 6th, 2010, Digimon Xros Wars came out. This is the 6th Digimon season. The last season aired 4 years ago. Starring Taiki and his army of Digimon, Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon, Pickmon, Starmon, and a bunch of random Digimon no one cares about, they go and beat other Digimon up. We do not know why or the actual plot, all we currently know is that they beat things up and that's all that matters.

Anyways, this is a catchy tune and was planned to be mapped before we knew who was even singing it. It turned out to be a good idea. Enjoy.

Hard's and Harder's hitsounds are partly done by Krisom. xxheroxx's Easy is done by xxheroxx.
Shohei Ohtani
How did you find such a good mp3 and video? ;~;. I can't even find stuff this good for animes that have been out for much longer (Although Digimon is more popular than F-Zero, so meh.)

Ud. neccesita un background.
00:26:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - If you could shorten this combo, <3~. (I suck with combos, so I'll let you just do your thing~)
01:13:969 - No spinner go away the map isn't over yet.
01:16:504 - Ok you can come back.
01:18:194 - Ok you can end now.

That's about it. Probably call me back for a hitsound mod, once you finish hitsound this.

Download: Sonar Pocket - Never Give Up (Ekaru) [xxheroxx].osu

If you want you can rename this diff.
Also, i suck at hitsounds, sorry :cry:
Shohei Ohtani
Theoretical IRC modding (aka (TV Size))

00:27:913 (6) - Add Finish
00:29:603 (12) - ^
00:42:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'll just explain this instead of doing notes for each note. Claps on all odd numbers for the main stream, claps on everything for the 123s.
01:13:969 (2) - I'm not going to say anything, but some people might think it's kinda weird.

Dat Ballista:
00:16:927 (1) - Add whistle
00:26:645 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'd like it if you did some accenting like in Dorlu mode.

00:08:461 - Add clap

[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.


  • • Timing:
    1° red timing section) BPM = 142,00 // Offset = 40
    2° red timing section) BPM = 142,00 // Offset = 44410

    • Add "xxheroxx" and "Krisom" to Tags

    • Use this background


  • • Disable countdown
    • 00:06:152 (x) - Add a circle

  • • Disable countdown
    • 00:20:307 (9) - Delete this circle and end this slider 00:19:568 (8) here.
    • 01:13:969 (2) - I don't like this slider: do something different.
Colin Hou
This beatmap has not been uploaded correctly!

Reupload plz.
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

This beatmap has not been uploaded correctly!

Reupload plz.
I'm in the middle of a full reupload, sorry about that. :P

EDIT: Done now.
Card N'FoRcE
- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • The video has the audiotrack. I removed it and resized the video a bit (because it will just make lots of lag without reason). It's still high quality but 3,5MB less:
    0:44:406 - This timing section is useless. Remove it or mark it as inherited if you changed hitsound layout or something else.
- xxheroxx's Shoutmon:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    there are two "xxheroxx" in the tags.
- Ballistamon:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    Ok, but all the claps are 2/1 at the chorus and feel boring to me D:
- Dorulumon:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    there are two "xxheroxx" in the tags xD
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    0:20:955 - add a beat at 00:21:061 (3,4) stack?
I really don't think you need that timing section, because i get the same timing with or without it.
Nothing else, good job.
Topic Starter
0:44:406 - This timing section is useless. Remove it or mark it as inherited if you changed hitsound layout or something else.
I should probably clarify that. It's there so the measures are correct, which matters in Taiko mode and helps when in the Editor. Without it, all the barlines/long lines in the timeline after the spot where I put that offset are one beat earlier than where they should be.

Everything else is taken care of, thanks a ton!
Yuji Tokaji

[xxheroxx's Easy]

Decrease Overall difficulty by 1 tick ?

Good job !


Great !


- 00:16:518(x) : Add circle ?
- 00:28:561(8) : New combo.
- 00:57:927(1) : Spacing.

Pretty song & map !
Get my star !
Colin Hou
Hi, here's some advice :3

  1. add xxheroxx to all your own diffs, too
[xxheroxx's Shoutmon]:
  1. 00:08:068 (2) - clap
  2. 00:08:490 (3) - only keep the whistle remove others
  3. 00:09:758 (1,2) - move 2's clap to 1
  4. 00:10:603 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:11:448 (5) - clap
  1. nice work!
  1. OD +1
  2. 01:16:096 (8) - remove this clap?
Get your gundam off my digimon x_x

00:08:490 (3) - Avoid using 2... ...wait, 3 hitsounds on the same circle! Clap is completely out of place here. Choose between whistle or finish.
00:09:758 (1,2...5) - Clap 1,3 and 5, unclap 2 and 4
00:11:870 (6) - Same as 00:08:490 (wihout the clap)
00:21:166 (2) - Unclap?
00:22:856 (5) - ^?
00:27:927 (2,3,4) - The finishes on the start of those sliders are not necesary there. Remove them. At least, remove them from (2) and (4).
00:30:462 (1) - Same as 00:11:870
00:32:152 (2) - ^
00:40:180 (5) - Clap?
00:46:096 (3) - (Start= Nothing, Repeat=Whistle, End= Clap) ?
00:59:617 (2) - ^?

01:10:603 (1) - Dont you think this is kinda far away from 01:10:180 (3)?
01:13:983 (1) - Don't you think this is kinda far away from 01:13:138 (2)?
Those places doesn't feel like jumps, an those patterns could be easily changed

00:20:532 (1) - Don't you think this is kinda far away from 00:19:582 (8)? I always miss here.
00:57:927 (1) - Don't you think this is kinda far away from 00:57:504 (11)?
AAAAnd, I think I missed these hitsounds here....
01:14:406 (3) - Should be claped
01:15:251 (6) - ^

If you'll just do those hitsounds I missed, don't kudosu me D:!
Nice song ^^!
lololol, video looks nostalgic somehow. And you're right, it has a catchy tune. Actually had trouble concentrating on the map when I listened the song so heartly >.<


00:08:596 Add note here and move next slider a tick forward (Suggestion)

Didn't found anything else. Awesome job on the diffs
notes feel a bit early, or just me?

[xxheroxx's shoutmon]
00:22:434 (4) - new combo?

01:13:138 (2) - just something that bugs me, but abit high? (its kinda in the hp bar)

also great~
00:10:180 (4) - just something that bugs me, but a bit high? (its kinda in the hp bar)

nice map ;)
Hai thar Ekaru~
Here's my mod~

[xxheroxx's Shoutmon]



I found nothing wrong with his beatmap. You can have a star
Hello :D
00:17:786 (3) 1 grid up?(grid lv3)
01:12:293 (1,2) spacing is a bit close
00:46:307 (7,8) 1 grid left

star & gl ;)
Nakata Yuji
Nothing really wrong with it. I did feel that it was kind of fast paced for a supposed easy though.

Again, nothing wrong. However, the hitsounds before you changed to the normal set felt too subtle to me. I would turn up the volume for them. Otherwise, nice.

01:00:251 (8) - I can tell it's a jump because of distance snap.... But it's not drastic enough of a jump for anyone to be able to tell that it is one rather than a spacing error.
01:03:842 (1,2,3) - Spacing is slightly different here. Not a big deal, but I would consider it an error.
And the hitsounds are similar to my comments on ballistamon.

Good map.
Digimon~~How wonderful!
I made this beatmap
Hope you can approve, thank you!

I can't respond to distance spacing(only a little, maybe...)

And ※star※!


Download: Sonar Pocket - Never Give Up (TV Size) (Ekaru) [DoraX's Xros!].osu
Topic Starter
Sorry, but I can't use that. Here's some of the things I disagree with, aside from the offset being wrong.

00:55:190 (1,2,3,4,5) - Goes against all I believe in spacing-wise.
00:51:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Ignores the music.
00:09:557 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Non-sensical, especially notes 1 through 4, jump doesn't make sense. 5 and on have a really weird rhythm.
00:12:515 (4,5,6,7,8) - Doesn't follow music.
00:13:360 (10,11,1) - ^
00:13:993 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:15:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - I hate 1/4 zigzags. Also, doesn't follow the music.
00:15:684 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - Hi, I'm the music. Yeah.
00:16:951 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The pattern before this one established a flow for the square. You did the confusing pattern thing I hate.
00:21:177 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ignores the music and makes no sense.
00:27:092 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Eh? You switch the rhythm pattern you're using for this part halfway through...
00:44:416 (1,2,3,4,5) - I hate this kind of pattern.
01:04:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - ....
01:08:923 (1,2,3,4,5) - Confusing.
01:12:092 (1) - Not only is this too long and doesn't fit this part, why does it end on a 1/8?

And the clap thing during the chorus is annoying and just doesn't fit here. There are some other things too, but I'm not going to list them all.

Some people might like this map, sure. It's not necessarily bad. However, it contains most of the things I don't like seeing in maps and don't think it would be a good fit for this particular mapset.
em...yes, thanks for giving me suggestions
but I must make this beatmapO(∩_∩)O~Digimon%>_<%
So I modify the beatmap...waiting for your checking
thank you


Download: Sonar Pocket - Never Give Up (TV Size) (Ekaru) [DoraX's Xros!].osu
Topic Starter
added it
thank you very much...
dora's diff seems fine IMO.
(I just came here to say that, yeah o_o)

Uhhh.... *runs away*
Add DoraX or zhangze611 to tags

[osz File Scan!]
Video is including audio, please strip the audio to reduce file size

[xxheroxx's Shoutmon]



[DoraX's Xros!]
Well i was wondering about the timing sections so here i go:
1. Offset: 40ms BPM: 142.00
2. Offset: 32,997ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
3. Offset: 33,209ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
4. Offset: 33,420ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
5. Offset: 33,631ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
6. Offset: 33,842ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
7. Offset: 34,054ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
8. Offset: 41,237ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)

9. Offset: 42,293ms BPM: Inhereted (1x) Pointless timing section is doing nothing
10. Offset: 42,399ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
11. Offset: 42,504ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
12. Offset: 42,610ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
13. Offset: 42,716ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
14. Offset: 42,821ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
15. Offset: 42,927ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
16. Offset: 43,032ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
17. Offset: 43,138ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
18. Offset: 43,244ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
19. Offset: 43,349ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
20. Offset: 43,455ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
21. Offset: 43,561ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
22. Offset: 43,772ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)

23. Offset: 44,406ms BPM: 142.00 What is the point of this section being uninherited?
24. Offset: 44,406ms BPM: 142.00 This section is on the exact same offset as the last one and does the same thing
25. Offset: 57,293ms BPM: Inhereted (1x) This section is doing nothing
26. Offset: 57,927ms BPM: Inhereted (1x) This section is doing nothing
27. Offset: 69,758ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
28. Offset: 71,448ms BPM: Inhereted (1x) This Section is doing nothing
29. Offset: 76,518ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)

Ok that's all, nice beatmap ^^ +Star
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