
Miyuki Hashimoto - Yumemiru Mama ni Koi o Shite [Taiko]

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Topic Starter

TitansHD wrote:

Saw this map in #modreqs. I'm still a noob at modding so excuse me for some of the stuff I say that might be off. Anyway, everything I say is usually either my preference or it either goes better with the music.

d = don
k = kat
D = Big don
K= Big kat

Just in general, it's all up to you but having your d's with the clap noise will replicate the song much better than a whistle.

00:46:678 (62) - k? It goes better with the music in my opinion. Down melody. No change.
01:04:678 (89) - Move this k to 01:04:490 (89) - if you're going to be adding this in. Doesn't really go well with the music. Also because you did that over here, 01:10:490 (99) - aswell so why not be consistant? There is strong sound.
01:16:490 (109) - Again maybe change this k to over here 01:16:490 (109) - No change for consistency with 01:04:490.
Before I move on I just want to say that Kantan's should only really have 1/1 notes but since you're adding in notes right after the music it just seems off so I think it might be neccesary, your choice.
01:22:678 (120) - Change this to k? No change for consistency with 00:16:678.
01:34:303 (138) - Change to K? I'll consider about this.

00:10:303 (11) - Add a K to emphasize the music in the backbround? No change because it is big note to emphasize.
00:43:115 (87) - Add k I don't want to follow vocal on this part because feeling is better now.
00:43:303 (88) - Add k Same as above.
00:43:490 (89) - Add k Same as above.
00:43:678 (90) - Delete k. All those addings of the k's just contribute to the music more than just simple 1/1 d patterns. This is already d.
01:04:303 (25) - Change to k I'll consider about this.
01:04:678 (26) - Move to 01:04:490 (26) - to go better with the vocals. I think this is a must. 01:04:678 is stronger sound.
01:28:865 (93) - Maybe add a d just so the outro isn't filled with 1/2's. I can understand if you want it for consistency but it also goes well with the music. It is more easier to read that keeping current pattern.
01:29:053 (94) - Add d ^ Same as above.

00:13:021 (30) - Maybe change to a k? Shouldn't really have hard patterns in a muzukashii but I don't know, it just feels right to have a dkd in that part. That is hard to play on this difficulty.
00:22:865 (66) - Add d? It sounds alright to me but it's iffy, since you don't really want notes before a triplet so it doesn't mess people up. Again, it is your choice. Fixed to other way.
00:23:053 (67) - Add d? ^ No change for consistency.
00:58:303 (12,13) - Move these two to 00:58:115 (12,13) - and change them both to D K. There is no reason to change.
00:58:490 (14) - Add either a d or a D. High pitch. No change.

00:26:053 (108) - Add a d. The reason for this is because you just did it before and you should be consistent or the player MIGHT get confused. Fixed

If you make changes to especially the Futsuu and Muzukashii, be aware that the stuff I asked to change pops up a few more times in the song so make sure you're consistant and changing that part as well. Good luck in ranking! 8-)
Thanks for modding.

히드사운드 볼륨은 75%이상으로 설정하는 것을 추천함. 너무 안 들립니다.
Offset이 미묘하게 느립니다. 6ms 정도 당기세요.


00:26:984 (31) - Finish

00:28:297 (32) - 이건 Finish 풀어도 되고, 안 풀어도 됩니다. 저는 00:28:672 (33) - 를 강조하기 위해서 finish를 푸는 걸 권장해요
00:40:297 (51,52) - 위와 동일함

00:58:484 (79) - Finish
01:01:484 (84) - Finish
01:13:484 (104) - Finish

01:22:297 (119,120) - 위와 동일함

01:28:484 (130) - Finish
01:32:984 (137) - Finish


00:15:178 (19) - Finish

01:04:109 (24,25,26) - 리듬을 곡와 맞게 맞춰 주는게 나을 것 같습니다.

01:05:234 (27,28,29) - kkk

01:16:109 (59,60,61) - 위와 동일

맵 전체적으로 캇과 동이 섞인 1/2를 너무 많이 쓰셨습니다. 애니곡 중 이런 패턴을 사용하는 경우는 6레벨 이상의 곡에서 나온다는 점 명심해주세요.


00:26:984 (85) - Finish
01:01:484 (25) - Finish
01:13:484 (74) - Finish
01:19:672 (102) - Finish
01:32:984 (156) - Finish


00:26:990 (114) - Finish
00:39:178 (177) - 슬라이더로 교체 가능합니다.
00:46:678 (204) - Finish
01:01:490 (41) - Finish
01:13:490 (118) - Finish
01:19:678 (155) - Finish
01:28:490 (192) - Finish
01:32:990 (211) - Finish

[Inner Oni]

00:26:984 (140) - Finish
00:55:672 (1) - Finish
01:01:484 (45) - Finish
01:13:484 (138) - Finish
01:32:984 (253) - Finish

[그 외 제안]

무즙부터는 01:20:234 (188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195) - 가 등장하는데, 여기에 전부 Finish를 넣어도 될 것 같습니다.
Topic Starter

Nyan wrote:


히드사운드 볼륨은 75%이상으로 설정하는 것을 추천함. 너무 안 들립니다. 15% 늘렸습니다
Offset이 미묘하게 느립니다. 6ms 정도 당기세요. 대충 4ms정도 당겼습니다.


00:26:984 (31) - Finish 확실히 심벌즈 소리도 있고 한데, 그렇다고 큰노트 쓰기엔 미묘한 부분이네요.

00:28:297 (32) - 이건 Finish 풀어도 되고, 안 풀어도 됩니다. 저는 00:28:672 (33) - 를 강조하기 위해서 finish를 푸는 걸 권장해요 개인적으로 좋아하는 패턴이기도 하고, 어색하진 않기 때문에 좀더 의견 들어보고 정할게요.
00:40:297 (51,52) - 위와 동일함 마찬가지

00:58:484 (79) - Finish 그리 쓰고 싶지는 않네요.
01:01:484 (84) - Finish 위와 동일
01:13:484 (104) - Finish 마찬가지로 변경 없음

01:22:297 (119,120) - 위와 동일함 이게 큰노트만 나오다 갑자기 작은노트가 나오면 헷갈릴것 같아서 변경하기엔 미묘하네요.

01:28:484 (130) - Finish 앞부분과의 일관성을 위해 No change
01:32:984 (137) - Finish 00:26:984와 동일


00:15:178 (19) - Finish 다른 난이도에서도 사용 안했는데, 여기에서만 사용하기엔 좀

01:04:109 (24,25,26) - 리듬을 곡와 맞게 맞춰 주는게 나을 것 같습니다. 현재 패턴이 좀더 인식하기는 편할것 같아요. 그래도 일단 고려는 해보겠습니다.

01:05:234 (27,28,29) - kkk 27, 28번 위치 변경

01:16:109 (59,60,61) - 위와 동일 01:04:109와 동일한 이유로 보류

맵 전체적으로 캇과 동이 섞인 1/2를 너무 많이 쓰셨습니다. 애니곡 중 이런 패턴을 사용하는 경우는 6레벨 이상의 곡에서 나온다는 점 명심해주세요. DX


00:26:984 (85) - Finish Kantan과 동일한 이유로 No change
01:01:484 (25) - Finish 마찬가지로 No change
01:13:484 (74) - Finish 위와 동일
01:19:672 (102) - Finish 확실히 강조를 위해서는 추가하는편이 더 낫긴 한데, 일단 좀더 생각해볼게요.
01:32:984 (156) - Finish Kantan과 동일한 이유로 No change


00:26:990 (114) - Finish 개인적으로 저기에 큰노트 놓으면 보기 싫네요.
00:39:178 (177) - 슬라이더로 교체 가능합니다. 느낌상 공백으로 두는게 나은것 같아요.
00:46:678 (204) - Finish 다른난이도에서도 안넣었기에 No change
01:01:490 (41) - Finish 마찬가지로 넣을만한 부분은 아니라 생각해요.
01:13:490 (118) - Finish 위와 동일
01:19:678 (155) - Finish Muzukashii에서 말했듯이, 좀더 생각해보겠습니다.
01:28:490 (192) - Finish 일관성을 위해 No change
01:32:990 (211) - Finish Kantan과 동일한 이유로 No change

[Inner Oni]

00:26:984 (140) - Finish 제 파트가 아니므로 겟난 유저 반응 기다리겠습니다
00:55:672 (1) - Finish 일관성을 위해 안넣긴 했습니다만, 다음에 비슷한 내용의 모딩이 오면 고려해보겠습니다.
01:01:484 (45) - Finish 마찬가지로 변경 안해도 문제 없을듯 합니다.
01:13:484 (138) - Finish 위와 동일
01:32:984 (253) - Finish 00:26:984와 동일

[그 외 제안]

무즙부터는 01:20:234 (188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195) - 가 등장하는데, 여기에 전부 Finish를 넣어도 될 것 같습니다. 나쁘지 않은 제안입니다만, 위에서 말한것처럼 좀더 생각해보고 정할게요.
Thanks for modding.

Underflow's reply:
Topic Starter
Changed metadata!
Hi, Ploenar, from my queue

  1. 00:19:486 (19) - d
  2. 00:20:986 (21,22) - On don's, 00:21:924 (23,24) - On kat's
  3. 01:26:986 (127,128) - ^, 01:27:924 (129,130) - ^
  1. 00:10:299 - Some note (k)
  2. 00:33:549 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - Looks better like d d k k dk (00:35:611 (70,71) - d d, if not denied)
  3. 00:52:299 (108) - d
  4. 01:06:924 (33) - ^
  5. 01:04:299 (25) - Move on one tick to the right (01:04:486)
  1. Add more ddd pattern's?
  2. 00:27:549 (87,88) - don's
  3. 00:36:361 (121,122) - ^
  4. 01:05:236 (39,40) - ^
  5. 01:18:549 (97) - d
  6. 00:58:111 - Some note (d)
  7. 01:12:361 - ^
  8. 00:59:986 (20) - This note move to 01:00:361
  9. 01:02:986 (32) - ^ to 01:03:361
  1. dkk k (kdd d) played not comfortable. Try add some ddk k (kkd d)
  2. And try alternate pattern's. U have kdk kdk (use kdk dkd), and kkd kkd (use kkd ddk or kkd kdd)
  3. 00:18:736 - Some note
  4. 00:28:111 and 00:28:486 - ^
  5. 00:44:236 (193) - d
  6. 00:50:236 (217) - ^
  7. 00:58:299 (19) - ^
  8. 01:00:361 (33) - ^
  9. 00:51:924 (228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236) - Replace on dddkkdkkd
  10. 01:14:236 (122,123,124,125) - Replace on d kkk
Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni
  1. 00:23:236 (117,118,119,120,121,122) - When u use 1/6 pattern's, u need add before first 1/6 note the opposite color note (looks like d k dkkd)
  2. 01:29:236 (230,231,232,233,234,235) - ^
  3. 00:50:236 (272) - d
  4. 00:51:174 (280) - ^
  5. 01:01:955 (48,49) - Swap
  6. 01:16:392 (160) - To 01:16:580 (01:16:955 (164) - Delete, if not denied)

It's finished. Good luck on rank
Topic Starter

Skeuddy wrote:

Hi, Ploenar, from my queue

  1. 00:19:486 (19) - d No change because this is high melody.
  2. 00:20:986 (21,22) - On don's, 00:21:924 (23,24) - On kat's Now is fit more the music imo.
  3. 01:26:986 (127,128) - ^, 01:27:924 (129,130) - ^ Same as above.
  1. 00:10:299 - Some note (k) No change for making little break.
  2. 00:33:549 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - Looks better like d d k k dk (00:35:611 (70,71) - d d, if not denied) Sorry, i don't think so.
  3. 00:52:299 (108) - d It is higher than sound on prev note.
  4. 01:06:924 (33) - ^ I'll consider about this.
  5. 01:04:299 (25) - Move on one tick to the right (01:04:486) No change for now. it needs more feedback.
  1. Add more ddd pattern's? No change for now.
  2. 00:27:549 (87,88) - don's Same pitch.
  3. 00:36:361 (121,122) - ^ It sounds like dkk. but i thought that pattern may be a bit hard in this difficulty. so i changed to similar sound.
  4. 01:05:236 (39,40) - ^ Same as above.
  5. 01:18:549 (97) - d Changed pattern on this part.
  6. 00:58:111 - Some note (d) It would seem to be a bit awkward imo.
  7. 01:12:361 - ^ No change for making little break.
  8. 00:59:986 (20) - This note move to 01:00:361 Now is better imo.
  9. 01:02:986 (32) - ^ to 01:03:361 Same as above.

  1. dkk k (kdd d) played not comfortable. Try add some ddk k (kkd d)
  2. And try alternate pattern's. U have kdk kdk (use kdk dkd), and kkd kkd (use kkd ddk or kkd kdd) No problem to play.
  3. 00:18:736 - Some note No change for now.
  4. 00:28:111 and 00:28:486 - ^ No change because there is weak sound only.
  5. 00:44:236 (193) - d This is mapped following vocal.
  6. 00:50:236 (217) - ^ Same as above.
  7. 00:58:299 (19) - ^ No change
  8. 01:00:361 (33) - ^ Same reason as 00:44:236.
  9. 00:51:924 (228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236) - Replace on dddkkdkkd Now is eaiser to play.
  10. 01:14:236 (122,123,124,125) - Replace on d kkk I'll consider about this.
Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni
  1. 00:23:236 (117,118,119,120,121,122) - When u use 1/6 pattern's, u need add before first 1/6 note the opposite color note (looks like d k dkkd) Send to Underflow. Change to dd(kkkd)
  2. 01:29:236 (230,231,232,233,234,235) - ^ Same as above. Same response as above.
  3. 00:50:236 (272) - d Same reason as Oni.
  4. 00:51:174 (280) - ^ This is mapped following vocal.
  5. 01:01:955 (48,49) - Swap Same as above.
  6. 01:16:392 (160) - To 01:16:580 (01:16:955 (164) - Delete, if not denied) Ok. and remove 01:17:705 too.

It's finished. Good luck on rank
Thanks for modding.
Hello from mod queue
Rookie modder, so I expect u deny all the suggestion

*Try placeing notes in MAIN rhythm.*
00:06:924 X
00:09:924 X
00:39:549 d
00:39:924 k
00:45:924 D (delete 94)
01:07:299 K

00:39:174 short slider here?
01:02:799(31-35) kdddkd (1/2 iterval)
01:08:986 k

00:06:924 (15-18) unecessery, delete
00:09:924 (34-37) ^
00:40:299 (178-211) (1/1 interval) more variables plz. like adding 1/2 intervals into it %
01:32:986 (211) change to spinner to (212)

Inner Oni:
00:07:392 (21,22) X
00:13:205 (66,68) X
00:15:174 d kdk k (1/4)
00:27:361 KKKDKD (1/2)
00:40:299 (228-266) %
00:52:299 swap 288 and 289
01:01:667 looks a bit off-track, consider deleting it
01:20:986(190-195) add some 1/4 interval notes into it

Hope can help u a bit! :)
Star x2
Topic Starter

LCM01 wrote:

Hello from mod queue
Rookie modder, so I expect u deny all the suggestion

*Try placeing notes in MAIN rhythm.* DX
00:06:924 X No, there is sound.
00:09:924 X Same as above.
00:39:549 d It would be a bit awkward imo.
00:39:924 k Same as above.
00:45:924 D (delete 94) There is nothing to emphasize imo.
01:07:299 K Long 1/1 stream. No change.

00:39:174 short slider here? No change
01:02:799(31-35) kdddkd (1/2 iterval) It would be a bit long 1/2 stream.
01:08:986 k Same as above.

00:06:924 (15-18) unecessery, delete I'll consider about this.
00:09:924 (34-37) ^ Same as above.
00:40:299 (178-211) (1/1 interval) more variables plz. like adding 1/2 intervals into it % Ok.
01:32:986 (211) change to spinner to (212) It would be not match the music imo.

Inner Oni:
00:07:392 (21,22) X I'll consider about this.
00:13:205 (66,68) X No change.
00:15:174 d kdk k (1/4) There is sound certainly. but i don't want to map there.
00:27:361 KKKDKD (1/2) Send to Underflow.
00:40:299 (228-266) % Send with my suggestion to Underflow.
00:52:299 swap 288 and 289 Send to Underflow.
01:01:667 looks a bit off-track, consider deleting it There is already no note.
01:20:986(190-195) add some 1/4 interval notes into it No change for emphasizing vocal.

Hope can help u a bit! :)
Star x2
Thanks for modding and star.

Underflow's reply:
Hi, from my queue~

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ Kantan]

00:32:799 - Delete this note because this pattern is not neccesary in this part.
00:51:924 - Change to k to follow the drums and the consistency.
00:57:549 - Ctrl G with 00:54:924 - to follow the rhythm.
01:00:549 - Change to k to follow the rhythm.
01:06:549 - ^
01:09:549 - ^
01:12:549 - Ctrl G with 01:12:924 - to follow the pattern and the drums.
01:15:549 - Change to k to follow the rhythm.

[ Futsuu]

00:12:549 - Change to k for the rhythm.
00:12:924 - Change to d for the pattern and the rhythm.
00:13:299 - Change to k for the rhythm in this part.

[ Muzukashii]

01:10:299 - Change to k because in this part the rhythm have a "Clap".
01:13:299 - ^

[ Oni]


[ Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]

01:05:799 - Change to k to follow the rhythm.

Nice Beatmap, I hope my mod has been helpful you, Good luck~ ~
Topic Starter

game rock wrote:

Hi, from my queue~

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ Kantan]

00:32:799 - Delete this note because this pattern is not neccesary in this part. Removed 00:32:424 (39) instead.
00:51:924 - Change to k to follow the drums and the consistency. I'll consider about this.
00:57:549 - Ctrl G with 00:54:924 - to follow the rhythm. Now is fit more the music imo.
01:00:549 - Change to k to follow the rhythm. Vocal is lower than around.
01:06:549 - ^ Same as above.
01:09:549 - ^ I'll consider about this.
01:12:549 - Ctrl G with 01:12:924 - to follow the pattern and the drums. Following vocal. No change.
01:15:549 - Change to k to follow the rhythm. I'll consider about this.

[ Futsuu]

00:12:549 - Change to k for the rhythm. I think now is fit more the music.
00:12:924 - Change to d for the pattern and the rhythm. Same as above.
00:13:299 - Change to k for the rhythm in this part. Same as above.

[ Muzukashii]

01:10:299 - Change to k because in this part the rhythm have a "Clap". This is mapped to follow vocal.
01:13:299 - ^ Same as above.

[ Oni]


[ Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]

01:05:799 - Change to k to follow the rhythm. No change.

Nice Beatmap, I hope my mod has been helpful you, Good luck~ ~
Thanks for modding.
00:13:017 (30) - k?

00:13:017 (53) - k?

00:33:736 (145) - d

00:59:424 (25) - ~ 01:00:736 (35) - 이렇게

01:10:111 (95) - d?

01:13:299 (117) - d?

01:16:299 (137) - d

Inner Oni
00:26:517 (136) - delete

00:51:924 (288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296) - 이렇게 바꿔보시는게?

01:00:080 (35) - d

01:32:517 (247) - delete

이너오니인데 00:16:674 (84) - ~ 00:26:986 (140) - 여기랑
01:22:674 (195) - ~ 01:32:986 (251) - 이런부분은 노트를 좀 더 둬도 되지않나 싶네요
전부터 좀 썰렁하단 느낌을 받았음...

부족한 모딩 죄송합니다 ;w;
Topic Starter

wzxxzw wrote:

00:13:017 (30) - k? 무즈에서 dkd은 별로 보고 싶지는 않네요.

00:13:017 (53) - k? 듣기는 괜찮은데, 일단 보류할게요.

00:33:736 (145) - d 나쁘진 않네요.

00:59:424 (25) - ~ 01:00:736 (35) - 이렇게 일단 보류할게요. 확실히 저게 맞긴 한데, 왠지 난이도에 확신이 안서서...

01:10:111 (95) - d? 높아지는 음이 있기에 No change

01:13:299 (117) - d? 일관성을 위해서 고침.

01:16:299 (137) - d 여기도 보류

Inner Oni
00:26:517 (136) - delete Send to Underflow.

00:51:924 (288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296) - 이렇게 바꿔보시는게? Send to Underflow.

01:00:080 (35) - d 보컬음이 이전노트와 비슷하긴 한데, kdk도 나쁘진 않네요. 좀더 고려해보겠습니다.

01:32:517 (247) - delete Send to Underflow.

이너오니인데 00:16:674 (84) - ~ 00:26:986 (140) - 여기랑
01:22:674 (195) - ~ 01:32:986 (251) - 이런부분은 노트를 좀 더 둬도 되지않나 싶네요
전부터 좀 썰렁하단 느낌을 받았음... Send to Underflow.

부족한 모딩 죄송합니다 ;w; 밤중에 모딩요청 죄송하고, 해주신것에 대해서 감사합니다.
Thanks for modding.

  1. Underflow's reply:

Hi :3 Taiko Mod request from My Queue.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is Finish don note
  4. K is Finish kat note

  5. Purple is UnRankable , Please change
  6. Green is I would strongly recommend
  7. black is Pointed out that

[ General]
  1. okay.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Kantan]
  1. HP 3 -> 5~6 ? ( HP 3 :3 )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Futsuu]
  1. HP or OD +1 better.

  2. 00:17:236 (22) - Delete or move 00:17:049 - ? ( follow 00:17:799 (24,25) - )

  3. 00:20:236 (30,31) - 00:23:236 (38,39) - 00:26:236 (46,47) - some.

  4. if you vocal follow -> 00:51:736 (106) - Delete. / if you back sounds follow -> 00:51:361 (104) - Delete is better.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:42:174 (141) - 00:42:924 (143) - Change k ? ( Have a bell ? sounds. & u use 00:48:174 (161) - 00:48:924 (163) - k :3 )

  2. 01:03:924 - add d 01:04:111 - add k here :3 ( 01:03:736 (35,36) - There is a sense of discomfort in space. & can follow piano sound. )

[*]01:13:111 (73) - add k here ( some ^ )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Oni]
  1. 00:29:236 (122) - add k here. ( follow Vocal & back sounds. )

  2. 01:02:049 (44) - change d ( have a low drum sound. )

  3. 01:03:549 (53) - change d & 01:03:455 - add k here. ( follow 01:03:924 (55,56,57,58,59) - part :3 )

  4. 01:15:455 (131) - add note here ( I think k better. )

  5. 01:31:299 (204) - add d here.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]

  • Ploenar part :3
  1. 01:02:517 (52) - add d here! ( follow Vocal )

    Funny diff :3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I hope Rank this map :3 Good Luck :3
Topic Starter

toara_fict wrote:

Hi :3 Taiko Mod request from My Queue.

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is Finish don note
  4. K is Finish kat note

  5. Purple is UnRankable , Please change
  6. Green is I would strongly recommend
  7. black is Pointed out that

[ General]
  1. okay.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Kantan]
  1. HP 3 -> 5~6 ? ( HP 3 :3 ) It is too easy certainly. Increased HP to 5.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Futsuu]
  1. HP or OD +1 better. Increased only HP to 5 (also Muzukashii is changed)

  2. 00:17:236 (22) - Delete or move 00:17:049 - ? ( follow 00:17:799 (24,25) - ) Removed

  3. 00:20:236 (30,31) - 00:23:236 (38,39) - 00:26:236 (46,47) - some. Same as above.

  4. if you vocal follow -> 00:51:736 (106) - Delete. / if you back sounds follow -> 00:51:361 (104) - Delete is better. 00:51:361のnoteを外しました。そっちの方がいい感じなので…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:42:174 (141) - 00:42:924 (143) - Change k ? ( Have a bell ? sounds. & u use 00:48:174 (161) - 00:48:924 (163) - k :3 ) Changed

  2. 01:03:924 - add d 01:04:111 - add k here :3 ( 01:03:736 (35,36) - There is a sense of discomfort in space. & can follow piano sound. ) 微妙ですね… ちょっと考えてみます。

[*]01:13:111 (73) - add k here ( some ^ ) No change for consistency.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Oni]
  1. 00:29:236 (122) - add k here. ( follow Vocal & back sounds. ) Added d instead.

  2. 01:02:049 (44) - change d ( have a low drum sound. ) Changed

  3. 01:03:549 (53) - change d & 01:03:455 - add k here. ( follow 01:03:924 (55,56,57,58,59) - part :3 ) No change for consistency.

  4. 01:15:455 (131) - add note here ( I think k better. ) Same as above.

  5. 01:31:299 (204) - add d here. No change for consistency. but i'll consider about this.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]

  • Ploenar part :3
  1. 01:02:517 (52) - add d here! ( follow Vocal ) あれ、ここどれに合わせたっけ? 01:02:236 (50,51,52)をd k dに変えました。

    Funny diff :3

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I hope Rank this map :3 Good Luck :3
Thanks for modding.
from queue
is this BN mod?

why not Hashimoto Miyuki?if you have source plz give me plz plz
00:45:924 (59,60) - i recommend delete these notes
[quote="Mapping Taiko Difficulties":1337]Typical for a Kantan is the usage of 1/1 notes and 2/1 spaces or above, which gives the new player the possibility to prepare himself for the next patterns.i did same mistake too because i'm from mania lol
00:51:924 (69,70) - ^
01:22:299 (118) - delete
i know...this kind of too hard for map orz rip

kore mo toku ni nai
[Inner Oni]
00:37:861 (212,213,214) - 1/6?
01:20:236 (186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193) - add finish lol

other diff later
RIP アンジェリーナ・菜夏・シーウェル
edit:lazy rule どうして公式のソースに関わらずローマ字表記は苗字名前の順にしなければいけないといったルールがないのか
タイトルのローマ字は Yumemiru Mama ni Koi o Shite となります。
夢見る まま に 恋 を して となります。このうち、助詞に当たるものは格助詞の「に」と「を」の二つになります

Topic Starter

shionelove wrote:

from queue
is this BN mod? そうしてくれると嬉しいんですが、Kantan難易度も難しく見えるしちょっと自信がないです。

why not Hashimoto Miyuki?if you have source plz give me plz plz これについてはIamKwaNさんがチェックしてもらいましたが、やはりちょっと気になりますね。一応、これがその内容です。

IamKwaN wrote:

Hi there, as requested.
Unicode Title: 夢見るままに恋をして
Romanised Title: Yumemiru mama ni Koi o Shite (Not sure about this)
Unicode Artist: 橋本みゆき
Romanised Artist: Miyuki Hashimoto
Source: ましろ色シンフォニー *mutsu-no-hana
Tags: 'Mashiro iro Symphony', 'PSP', etc.
You probably have to ask KSHR / japanese QATs for both romanised fields.
00:45:924 (59,60) - i recommend delete these notes
[quote="Mapping Taiko Difficulties":1337]Typical for a Kantan is the usage of 1/1 notes and 2/1 spaces or above, which gives the new player the possibility to prepare himself for the next patterns.
i did same mistake too because i'm from mania lol 二つ外すと微妙になるので00:45:549のnoteを外すことにしました。
00:51:924 (69,70) - ^ 他の音に合わせて00:51:549のnoteを外しました。
01:22:299 (118) - delete そこはどうしても強調したいので他のnoteを外しました。
i know...this kind of too hard for map orz rip orz

kore mo toku ni nai
[Inner Oni]
00:37:861 (212,213,214) - 1/6? 1/4に聞こえます。
01:20:236 (186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193) - add finish lol 個人的には01:19:674 (185)も含めてfinish追加したいんですがそれだとルール違反になりますし、その次のnoteだけfinish追加するのもちょっと… チャットで言った通り以前のnote消してfinish追加しました。

other diff later
RIP アンジェリーナ・菜夏・シーウェル そういえばBGにはいませんね *runs
edit:lazy rule どうして公式のソースに関わらずローマ字表記は苗字名前の順にしなければいけないといったルールがないのか
タイトルのローマ字は Yumemiru Mama ni Koi o Shite となります。
夢見る まま に 恋 を して となります。このうち、助詞に当たるものは格助詞の「に」と「を」の二つになります
「まま」の扱いが難しいですが、これは「儘に(・・・にまかせて)」という、名詞+格助詞の連語であるので名詞として扱われます。よって頭文字は大文字となります。) Fixed

Topic Starter
Thanks shionelove \ ( >w<)/
dem solid mep get beble. go,
Hi, Here's a Taiko mod via TNA Queue.
  1. from 00:04:674 – to 00:10:674 - , sounds noisy, recommend to turn down 50%.
  2. 01:35:611 – change to Sample set from Soft to Normal and turn down about 30%.
  1. Kantan :
    Make more easier ,and This has less rest parts over “2/1” . This needs more some breaks.
    Long 2/1 pattrens are hard as Kantan, should use less times.
  2. Futsuu :
    Some rhythm/patterns related problem ,and needs more some breaks same as Kantan.
  3. Muzukashii:
    Not serious issues, has a hard enough difficulty. But, needs some rest imo.
  4. Oni :
    Spread isn’t good comparing with Muzukashii, needs more nerf such as shortening 5plets and making 1/2 breaks etc.


  • :!: 00:18:549 - , 00:21:549 - and 00:24:549 - , remove. for players get the enough rest time from before note(e.g. 00:17:986 -)
    :!: And, 00:18:924 - , 00:21:924 - , 00:24:924 (4) – same as above for next accent spots (e.g.00:19:486 - )
  1. 00:28:299 – change to normal , it doesn’t sound noisy same as 01:34:299 -.
  2. 00:40:299 –same as above.
  3. 00:46:674 – add a finisher?
  4. From 00:28:674 – to 00:34:674 - , can make the less dense for all the moments ups and downs.
    • E.g.
    1. 00:33:924 – remove , for emphasized to next build up(additional violins part) part.
    2. 00:30:924 – and 00:36:924 - remove (no loud sounds) and 00:32:049 – move to 00:32:424 – (for the piano)? Move creative.
  5. 00:44:424 - , 00:50:424 – can remove. for emphasized to before synthesizer (00:40:674 (1,2,3,4,5) - ).
    1. and, 00:45:924 – change to k?
  6. 00:54:174 – add spinner (to 00:55:299 -) and 00:55:299 – remove?
  7. 00:57:924 - , 01:00:924 - , 01:09:924 - , 01:12:924 - , can remove these. Same as 00:18:549 - , 00:21:549 - ,00:24:549 -.
    1. And need the more modulation (change to color) on the kiai (e.g. 00:57:549 - , 01:09:549 - ).
    2. 00:57:549 – change to k
    3. 01:08:424 - , 01:09:549 – same as above.
    4. 01:11:424 – change to d? same as 00:59:424 –
    :?: 01:06:549 - , 01:18:549 - remove , and Either remove? For making less dense zone,

    • A. 01:05:424 – , , and 01:17:424 – remove.
      B. 01:06:174 – , 01:18:174 - change to d and 01:18:924 - change to k?
  8. 01:22:299 – move to 01:21:549 – It’s better for Kantan players feelings , to follw the melody same as before kiai.
  9. 01:24:549 (1,2) - , 01:27:549 (1,2) - , 01:30:549 (1,2) – same as from 00:18:549 - .

  1. 00:28:299 – , 00:40:299 – change to normal , 00:46:674 – add finisher, same as Kantan.
    :!: 00:28:674 - ~ 00:40:674 -. Rhythm is too varied, and this is calm part, need to nerf the more.
    1. About 00:29:799 (1,2) – , 00:30:924 (1,2) - these (d,k) , change to (k,remove). And 00:30:549 – move to 1/1left (00:30:174 -).
      - 00:29:799 (1,2,3,) – harder than before part. vocal is weak. Guess, better for ups and donw to follow low-tone bass and drums for consistency with 2/1 rhythm.
      - 00:30:924 - k sounds well for ups and downs(cut low-tone bass sounds).
    2. 00:32:049 – move to 00:32:424 – and 00:32:611 – move to 00:33:174 - .
  2. 00:42:174 (1,2) –, 00:47:424 (1,2) – change to k, sounds well for synthesizer up same as Kantan.
  3. 00:43:299 – , 00:49:299 - add k followed to synthesizer the more.
  4. 00:45:174 – d vocal still being low.
  5. 00:45:924 – change to k and 00:45:549 – or 00:46:299 – remove, for making a rest more simple. 00:46:299 – removing is for vocal, 00:45:549 – is for back synthesizer.

    :!: Kiai needs more 1/2s and some breaks.
  6. 00:56:236 –(k) or 00:56:611 – (d) , add note.
  7. 00:59:611 – , 01:02:611 -, 01:08:634 – , 01:11:611 - , 01:14:611 - , same as above.
  8. 00:58:299 – , 01:01:299 -, 01:10:299 - , 01:13:111 (1,2) - , 01:16:111 (1,2) - remove.
  9. 01:04:111 (1,2) – (overworks for Futsuu players (but I don’t feel lol) , 01:05:611 (1,2) – (for making a rest time more simple) remove and 01:04:486 – add d.
  10. 01:16:111 (1,2) - , 01:17:611 (1,2) – remove and 01:16:486 – add d , same as above.
  11. 01:19:299 – can add k if you apply the removing notes.

  12. 01:21:549 – change to K same as Kantan.
  13. 01:22:299 – remove or change to normal for ups and downs? And If you hope.

  1. 00:11:049 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) – not follow drums…? Like, k-ddk-d-kk.
  2. 00:13:674 (32,33,34,35,36,37,38) – same, d-k-ddkkd?
  3. 00:43:299 - , 00:49:299 – change to k, low-tone bass sounds not well, fits on music the more imo.
  4. 00:41:424 - , 00:41:424 (133) – same as above.
  5. 00:27:361 (85,86,87,88) - ,
  6. 00:34:111 – can remove? avoid to long 1/2.
  7. 01:05:236 (39,40,41) – can make 1/2 triplet for rest even just a little.
  8. 01:06:361 – remove and 01:06:191 - change to d? same as above.
  9. 01:16:486 (83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93) – same as above

  1. Already explained, Spread isn’t good.
    Sounds not well comparing with Muzukashii. Should reconsider to colors again.
  2. 00:06:924 (15,16,17,18,19) - , sounds overlap and spread is too far between to Muzukahsii. Recommend to 00:06:924 (15,16) - remove and 00:07:111 (15,16,17) - change to kdk or dkd
  3. 00:10:017 (33,34) – same as above.
  4. 00:29:049 – change to k , same as other diffs and
  5. 00:29:236 (118,119,120,121) – change to ddd-d or 00:29:424 (119,120,121,122) – change to d-ddk.
    It’s kind to listen on vocal and comparing with Muzukashii.
  6. 00:36:924 - , 00:37:299 – should change to d, no need to make a hard on this part.
  7. 00:41:424 - , 00:43:299 (1,2) – , 00:47:424 - , 00:49:486 – change to k , same as Muzukashii.
  8. 00:43:767 (1,2,3) – change to (d,d, remove), and 00:44:424 (1,2,3,4,5) – change to ddddk . cant agree to these tricky 5plots, comparing with Muzukashii.
  9. 00:49:674 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) – same as above.
  10. 00:52:205 - , 00:52:580 – remove and 00:52:674 – add finisher? make shorter 1/4s.
  11. 00:59:236 (1,2,3,4,5) – change to d- kkdd? 00:59:424 – sounds on high guitar and vocal, k sounds better same as others.
  12. 01:00:174 (32,33,34,35,36) – kkdkd>>>ddkdk …???
  13. 01:08:799 (86,87,88) – ddk sounds beter for vocal.
  14. 01:11:236 – change to d same as 59:236.
  15. 01:11:424 (103,104,105,106,107,108,109) – kkd-k-kkd? Or kkddk-kkd?
  16. 01:12:736 (112,113) – same as 1st part, dk.
  17. 01:14:705 - change to d, 01:14:517 – move to 01:14:705 - and change to k ,
  18. Still needs more 1/2 breaks. I will suggest these again.

Inner Oni
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:18:736 – and 00:18:830 – add dk? guess it plays well.
  2. 00:24:736 - , 00:24:830 – same as above. Add dd?
  3. 00:31:674 – change to d , consistency with proper lines don.
  4. 00:37:674 (215) – same as above.
  5. 00:39:174 (225,226) – lack of hit sounds, should put more 1/2+1/4s. (e.g.
  6. 00:41:424 – , 00:43:299 - , 00:47:424 - change to k ? synthesizer sounds high.
  7. 00:41:236 - , 00:47:236 – add don…?
  8. 00:55:674 – add finisher, sounds noisy like an accent.
  9. 01:01:486 (45) – same.
  10. 01:04:767 – add k, plays well.
  11. 01:07:392 – add k … fells lack of notes.
  12. 01:13:486 – add finisher.
  13. 01:13:486 – remove same as 01:01:674 -.
  14. 01:14:892 – add note, lack of followed to vocal.
  15. 01:19:392 - , 01:19:486 – same as 00:39:174 (225,226) –.
  16. 01:24:736 - , 01:24:830 – same as 1st part.
  17. 01:30:736 - , 01:30:830 – same.
Still needs mods, I will come again.
Good Luck :oops:
Topic Starter


Hi, Here's a Taiko mod via TNA Queue.
  1. from 00:04:674 – to 00:10:674 - , sounds noisy, recommend to turn down 50%. Changed.
  2. 01:35:611 – change to Sample set from Soft to Normal and turn down about 30%. Changed.
  1. Kantan :
    Make more easier ,and This has less rest parts over “2/1” . This needs more some breaks.
    Long 2/1 pattrens are hard as Kantan, should use less times.
  2. Futsuu :
    Some rhythm/patterns related problem ,and needs more some breaks same as Kantan.
  3. Muzukashii:
    Not serious issues, has a hard enough difficulty. But, needs some rest imo.
  4. Oni :
    Spread isn’t good comparing with Muzukashii, needs more nerf such as shortening 5plets and making 1/2 breaks etc.


  • :!: 00:18:549 - , 00:21:549 - and 00:24:549 - , remove. for players get the enough rest time from before note(e.g. 00:17:986 -)
    :!: And, 00:18:924 - , 00:21:924 - , 00:24:924 (4) – same as above for next accent spots (e.g.00:19:486 - )
  1. 00:28:299 – change to normal , it doesn’t sound noisy same as 01:34:299 -.
  2. 00:40:299 –same as above.
  3. 00:46:674 – add a finisher? Ok
  4. From 00:28:674 – to 00:34:674 - , can make the less dense for all the moments ups and downs.
    • E.g.
    1. 00:33:924 – remove , for emphasized to next build up(additional violins part) part.
    2. 00:30:924 – and 00:36:924 - remove (no loud sounds) and 00:32:049 – move to 00:32:424 – (for the piano)? Move creative.
  5. 00:44:424 - , 00:50:424 – can remove. for emphasized to before synthesizer (00:40:674 (1,2,3,4,5) - ). Removed.
    1. and, 00:45:924 – change to k? It is fine imo.
  6. 00:54:174 – add spinner (to 00:55:299 -) and 00:55:299 – remove?
  7. 00:57:924 - , 01:00:924 - , 01:09:924 - , 01:12:924 - , can remove these. Same as 00:18:549 - , 00:21:549 - ,00:24:549 -.
    1. And need the more modulation (change to color) on the kiai (e.g. 00:57:549 - , 01:09:549 - ).
    2. 00:57:549 – change to k
    3. 01:08:424 - , 01:09:549 – same as above. Changed only 01:08:424 because note on 01:09:549 is removed.
    4. 01:11:424 – change to d? same as 00:59:424 – Fixed
    :?: 01:06:549 - , 01:18:549 - remove , and Either remove? For making less dense zone,

    • A. 01:05:424 – , , and 01:17:424 – remove.
      B. 01:06:174 – , 01:18:174 - change to d and 01:18:924 - change to k? Changed to like this.
  8. 01:22:299 – move to 01:21:549 – It’s better for Kantan players feelings , to follw the melody same as before kiai. Moved.
  9. 01:24:549 (1,2) - , 01:27:549 (1,2) - , 01:30:549 (1,2) – same as from 00:18:549 - .

    Reduced notes to my way.

  1. 00:28:299 – , 00:40:299 – change to normal , 00:46:674 – add finisher, same as Kantan. Changed 00:28:299 - 00:46:674 –. 00:40:299 – already normal note.
    :!: 00:28:674 - ~ 00:40:674 -. Rhythm is too varied, and this is calm part, need to nerf the more. Tried to nerf.
    1. About 00:29:799 (1,2) – , 00:30:924 (1,2) - these (d,k) , change to (k,remove). And 00:30:549 – move to 1/1left (00:30:174 -).
      - 00:29:799 (1,2,3,) – harder than before part. vocal is weak. Guess, better for ups and donw to follow low-tone bass and drums for consistency with 2/1 rhythm.
      - 00:30:924 - k sounds well for ups and downs(cut low-tone bass sounds).
    2. 00:32:049 – move to 00:32:424 – and 00:32:611 – move to 00:33:174 - .
  2. 00:42:174 (1,2) –, 00:47:424 (1,2) – change to k, sounds well for synthesizer up same as Kantan. Oh, i forgot to change.
  3. 00:43:299 – , 00:49:299 - add k followed to synthesizer the more. I'll think it would be a bit long 1/1 stream.
  4. 00:45:174 – d vocal still being low. Changed.
  5. 00:45:924 – change to k and 00:45:549 – or 00:46:299 – remove, for making a rest more simple. 00:46:299 – removing is for vocal, 00:45:549 – is for back synthesizer. Removed 00:45:549. and i'll think about 00:45:924.

    :!: Kiai needs more 1/2s and some breaks.
  6. 00:56:236 –(k) or 00:56:611 – (d) , add note. Added note on 00:56:611.
  7. 00:59:611 – , 01:02:611 -, 01:08:634 – , 01:11:611 - , 01:14:611 - , same as above. Added d.
  8. 00:58:299 – , 01:01:299 -, 01:10:299 - , 01:13:111 (1,2) - , 01:16:111 (1,2) - remove. Removed.
  9. 01:04:111 (1,2) – (overworks for Futsuu players (but I don’t feel lol) , 01:05:611 (1,2) – (for making a rest time more simple) remove and 01:04:486 – add d. Changed to like that.
  10. 01:16:111 (1,2) - , 01:17:611 (1,2) – remove and 01:16:486 – add d , same as above. Changed.
  11. 01:19:299 – can add k if you apply the removing notes. Ok.

  12. 01:21:549 – change to K same as Kantan. Fixed
  13. 01:22:299 – remove or change to normal for ups and downs? And If you hope. Now is better for me.

  1. 00:11:049 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) – not follow drums…? Like, k-ddk-d-kk. Now is not bad imo. but i'll think more about this.
  2. 00:13:674 (32,33,34,35,36,37,38) – same, d-k-ddkkd? Same as above.
  3. 00:43:299 - , 00:49:299 – change to k, low-tone bass sounds not well, fits on music the more imo. Changed.
  4. 00:41:424 - , 00:41:424 (133) – same as above. Changed.
  5. 00:27:361 (85,86,87,88) - , Removed.
  6. 00:34:111 – can remove? avoid to long 1/2. Ok.
  7. 01:05:236 (39,40,41) – can make 1/2 triplet for rest even just a little. Changed to k d.
  8. 01:06:361 – remove and 01:06:191 - change to d? same as above. Ok.
  9. 01:16:486 (83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93) – same as above Changed to like as 01:04:486.

  1. Already explained, Spread isn’t good.
    Sounds not well comparing with Muzukashii. Should reconsider to colors again. Tried to fix.
  2. 00:06:924 (15,16,17,18,19) - , sounds overlap and spread is too far between to Muzukahsii. Recommend to 00:06:924 (15,16) - remove and 00:07:111 (15,16,17) - change to kdk or dkd
  3. 00:10:017 (33,34) – same as above. Tried other patterns.
  4. 00:29:049 – change to k , same as other diffs and Changed.
  5. 00:29:236 (118,119,120,121) – change to ddd-d or 00:29:424 (119,120,121,122) – change to d-ddk. Changed to d ddk.
    It’s kind to listen on vocal and comparing with Muzukashii.
  6. 00:36:924 - , 00:37:299 – should change to d, no need to make a hard on this part. Ok.
  7. 00:41:424 - , 00:43:299 (1,2) – , 00:47:424 - , 00:49:486 – change to k , same as Muzukashii. Changed and add finish on 00:46:674.
  8. 00:43:767 (1,2,3) – change to (d,d, remove), and 00:44:424 (1,2,3,4,5) – change to ddddk . cant agree to these tricky 5plots, comparing with Muzukashii. Changed 5 streams to other pattern.
  9. 00:49:674 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) – same as above. Same as above.
  10. 00:52:205 - , 00:52:580 – remove and 00:52:674 – add finisher? make shorter 1/4s. Ok.
  11. 00:59:236 (1,2,3,4,5) – change to d- kkd d? 00:59:424 – sounds on high guitar and vocal, k sounds better same as others.
  12. 01:00:174 (32,33,34,35,36) – kkdkd>>>ddkdk …??? It is mapped to follow vocal.
  13. 01:08:799 (86,87,88) – ddk sounds beter for vocal. :3
  14. 01:11:236 – change to d same as 59:236. Changed.
  15. 01:11:424 (103,104,105,106,107,108,109) – kkd-k-kkd? Or kkddk-kkd? Changed kkd k kkd.
  16. 01:12:736 (112,113) – same as 1st part, dk. Same as 01:00:174.
  17. 01:14:705 - change to d, 01:14:517 – move to 01:14:705 - and change to k , Sorry, i'm confusing. @_@
  18. Still needs more 1/2 breaks. I will suggest these again. Tried to remove some notes.

Inner Oni
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:18:736 – and 00:18:830 – add dk? guess it plays well. Added dd and changed 00:18:924 (96) to k.
  2. 00:24:736 - , 00:24:830 – same as above. Add dd? Added.
  3. 00:31:674 – change to d , consistency with proper lines don. Ok.
  4. 00:37:674 (215) – same as above. Changed.
  5. 00:39:174 (225,226) – lack of hit sounds, should put more 1/2+1/4s. (e.g. Added dkddk on 00:39:361.
  6. 00:41:424 – , 00:43:299 - , 00:47:424 - change to
  7. 00:41:236 - , 00:47:236 – add don…? k ? synthesizer sounds high. Applied your suggestions.
  8. 00:55:674 – add finisher, sounds noisy like an accent. Changed to D.
  9. 01:01:486 (45) – same. No change for consistency with other difficulties.
  10. 01:04:767 – add k, plays well. Yeah!
  11. 01:07:392 – add k … fells lack of notes. Not bad. added!
  12. 01:13:486 – add finisher. No change for consistency.
  13. 01:13:486 – remove same as 01:01:674 -. Removed.
  14. 01:14:892 – add note, lack of followed to vocal. No change...?
  15. 01:19:392 - , 01:19:486 – same as 00:39:174 (225,226) –. Added note on 01:19:486.
  16. 01:24:736 - , 01:24:830 – same as 1st part.
  17. 01:30:736 - , 01:30:830 – same. Added notes like as first part.

    Changed Underflow's part to my way because he is busy irl.
Still needs mods, I will come again.
Good Luck :oops:
Thanks for modding.
Topic Starter
Remapped kiai part on Oni difficulty!
[Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]
  1. 01:02:424 (51,52,53,54) - kkd k to follow vocals?
  2. 01:13:111 (137,138) - dd for kkddd? I think it follows the rhythm nicely and flows better (lots of k)
  3. 01:14:236 (145,146) - ddk to follow vocals too? Then 01:14:705 (148) - can be k to map to not be the same!
  4. 01:16:299 (160) - d? It follows the rhythm nice (since it ends on low note) and flows better with kdk!
  • Oh... re-map... much better! :3
  1. 00:04:767 (2) - Delete? I think one kkk is good for this part since 00:10:674 is harder part (and for spread!).
  2. 00:07:767 (17) - ^
  1. 00:21:736 (63) - Delete, and 00:21:924 (64) - k to match Oni? I think 5 notes here is too close to Oni.
  2. 01:27:736 (130,131,132) - ^
  3. 00:36:455 - Delete? This section only has 1 triplet, better to have 0. Oni is already too close.

    Since kiai has many breaks, maybe have one break in
  4. 00:28:299 to 00:39:174 and 00:40:299 to 00:52:674? Too many notes in a row.
  1. 00:13:674 (17) - d? Since this part has d on downbeat (00:10:674 (11) - 00:12:174 (13) - 00:15:174 (19) - .
  2. 01:02:424 (19,20,21) - Maybe kkd or kdd to not use kdk again?
  3. 01:14:424 (51,52,53) - ^

    JUDY made this much nicer ;;, break spots seem fine.
  1. 01:03:924 - Add notes here (1 or 2) but delete 01:06:549 (15,16) - ? This way 01:04:674 (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - Is not too many notes!
  2. 01:15:924 - + 01:18:549 (31,32) - ^ It is good for keeping note strings consistent.
My mod is tiny... but makes some parts nicer (I hope) >o<
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

[Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]
  1. 01:02:424 (51,52,53,54) - kkd k to follow vocals?
  2. 01:13:111 (137,138) - dd for kkddd? I think it follows the rhythm nicely and flows better (lots of k)
  3. 01:14:236 (145,146) - ddk to follow vocals too? Then 01:14:705 (148) - can be k to map to not be the same!
  4. 01:16:299 (160) - d? It follows the rhythm nice (since it ends on low note) and flows better with kdk!

    All fixed
  • Oh... re-map... much better! :3
  1. 00:04:767 (2) - Delete? I think one kkk is good for this part since 00:10:674 is harder part (and for spread!).
  2. 00:07:767 (17) - ^

    All fixed
  1. 00:21:736 (63) - Delete, and 00:21:924 (64) - k to match Oni? I think 5 notes here is too close to Oni. Fixed
  2. 01:27:736 (130,131,132) - ^ Fixed
  3. 00:36:455 - Delete? This section only has 1 triplet, better to have 0. Oni is already too close. Removed 00:36:455 (116,117).

    Since kiai has many breaks, maybe have one break in
  4. 00:28:299 to 00:39:174 and 00:40:299 to 00:52:674? Too many notes in a row. Removed some notes.
  1. 00:13:674 (17) - d? Since this part has d on downbeat (00:10:674 (11) - 00:12:174 (13) - 00:15:174 (19) - . Changed
  2. 01:02:424 (19,20,21) - Maybe kkd or kdd to not use kdk again? Changed to kkd.
  3. 01:14:424 (51,52,53) - ^ Changed to kdd.

    JUDY made this much nicer ;;, break spots seem fine.
  1. 01:03:924 - Add notes here (1 or 2) but delete 01:06:549 (15,16) - ? This way 01:04:674 (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21) - Is not too many notes!
  2. 01:15:924 - + 01:18:549 (31,32) - ^ It is good for keeping note strings consistent.

    All fixed.
My mod is tiny... but makes some parts nicer (I hope) >o<
Thanks for modding.
안녕하세요 모딩큐에서 왔습니다 @.<

[ Kantan]
  1. 01:28:486 (2) - k로 바꾸는게 좋을것 같습니다. ( 01:26:986 (40,1,2) 이부분과 같이) 이 부분이 뭔가 터지는 소리가 나는데 d보다는 좋다고 생각합니다.
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:13:299 (15) - 삭제 이 부분은 뭔가 빈공간같은 느낌이 드는데 노트가 있어서 어색한것같네요
  2. 00:22:486 (35) - k - 이 부분도 마찬가지로 뒤에 패턴과 맞는게 어울리다고 생각합니다.

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:46:299 (142) - d 이 부분이 뜨 뜨 드 드 든! 이런식으로 들리니 k k d k D 보다는 k k d d D 가 더 어울리는것같네요
  2. 01:34:674 (153,154,155,156) - d k d k를 k d k d 로 바꿔주는게 어울릴것같습니다. 여기서 위-웅 위-웅(?) 할때 위가 음이 더 큰것같네요

[ Oni]
  1. 제가 오니부터 못 건드려서 그런지 막귀라서 그런지 문제를 못찾겠네요 :(

[ Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]
  1. 01:34:674 - 딱히 문제 되는것은 없지만 이 곳에 dd를 넣어서 이런식으로 마무리도 괜찮을것같아요!

모자란 모딩이라도 봐주셔서 감사합니다 (_ _) (꾸벅)
Topic Starter

BeoMu wrote:

안녕하세요 모딩큐에서 왔습니다 @.<

[ Kantan]
  1. 01:28:486 (2) - k로 바꾸는게 좋을것 같습니다. ( 01:26:986 (40,1,2) 이부분과 같이) 이 부분이 뭔가 터지는 소리가 나는데 d보다는 좋다고 생각합니다. 일관성을 위해 일단 유지, 대신 피니쉬를 넣었습니다.
[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:13:299 (15) - 삭제 이 부분은 뭔가 빈공간같은 느낌이 드는데 노트가 있어서 어색한것같네요 일단 보류, 전 지금이 괜찮아 보이기에...
  2. 00:22:486 (35) - k - 이 부분도 마찬가지로 뒤에 패턴과 맞는게 어울리다고 생각합니다. Kantan이랑 같은 조치 취했습니다.

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:46:299 (142) - d 이 부분이 뜨 뜨 드 드 든! 이런식으로 들리니 k k d k D 보다는 k k d d D 가 더 어울리는것같네요 저한텐 지금게 맞아 보이네요.
  2. 01:34:674 (153,154,155,156) - d k d k를 k d k d 로 바꿔주는게 어울릴것같습니다. 여기서 위-웅 위-웅(?) 할때 위가 음이 더 큰것같네요 위와 동일

[ Oni]
  1. 제가 오니부터 못 건드려서 그런지 막귀라서 그런지 문제를 못찾겠네요 :(

[ Ploe & Ufw's Inner Oni]
  1. 01:34:674 - 딱히 문제 되는것은 없지만 이 곳에 dd를 넣어서 이런식으로 마무리도 괜찮을것같아요! 없는 소리에 음 넣는걸 그리 좋아하지 않는지라 고려 해보겠습니다.

모자란 모딩이라도 봐주셔서 감사합니다 (_ _) (꾸벅)
Thanks for modding :3
Sorry to late for recheck, :?
  1. HP >>> 6~7.5 ? This is new rule. Players can pass too easy.
  2. 00:41:424 - , 00:47:424 – can add for making ups and downs between to 00:40:674 (36,37) - and 00:43:674 (39,40) -.
  3. 01:03:174 – change to k?
  4. 01:01:486 - , 01:13:486 – add a finisher? less finishers than 00:16:674 -~ 00:28:674 -.
  5. 00:38:424 – add k? if you prefer to follow the synthesizer and make the variation.

  1. HP >>> 6.
  2. 01:01:486 - , 01:13:486 – add a finisher? same as Kantan.
  1. HP>>5.5 ~ 6?
  2. change to 00:13:674 – d, strategy isn’t same as Futsuu imo.
  3. I ask you again, hitsounds flow isn’t similar as Futsuu and Oni imo…
    00:11:049 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) – change to kkd-kkd-k, and 00:14:049 (34,35,36,37,38,39) – change to kkd-kkd.
  1. uum… feels not good to me this don 00:06:924 -. remove?
  2. 00:07:486 - same as above , and 00:07:299 - change to k? sounds a bit high cut.
  3. Either add don? 00:35:049 (1,2,3,4) - plays weak imo..
    1. 00:35:424 – ? Vocal being weak, but still sounds. Plays good imo.
    2. 00:35:799 - ? similar rhythm as 00:32:611 (1,2,3) - , 00:38:611 (1,2,3,4) -.
  4. 00:45:736 – add k? …00:45:174 (180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189) – too long 1/1s. plays more fun imo.
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:26:236 (137,138,139,140,141,142,143) – kkkdkdk looks like out of the flow a bit imo. Try to change to ……e.g. kdkkdkd , kkdkkdd..?? Consider again too, by your self. :3/
  2. 01:32:236 (249,250,251,252,253,254,255) - Same as above.
    :?: If you prefer , try to make the consistent with 1/1 breaks from 00:16:674 - to 00:26:986 -. (01:22:674 (196) - ~ are same)
    1. 00:19:861 – add k? , 00:22:861 – add  d and change to 00:23:049 - k? , 00:25:861 – add k?
  3. 00:33:080 – remove? make a nerf for emphasized to only piano same as 00:30:924 (164,165,166,167,168,169,170) -.
  4. 00:58:861 (25,26) – dk?
Topic Starter


Sorry to late for recheck, :?
  1. HP >>> 6~7.5 ? This is new rule. Players can pass too easy. Changed to 7.
  2. 00:41:424 - , 00:47:424 – can add for making ups and downs between to 00:40:674 (36,37) - and 00:43:674 (39,40) -. Added d on there.
  3. 01:03:174 – change to k? Changed.
  4. 01:01:486 - , 01:13:486 – add a finisher? less finishers than 00:16:674 -~ 00:28:674 -. I think it is no problem.
  5. 00:38:424 – add k? if you prefer to follow the synthesizer and make the variation. No change?

  1. HP >>> 6. Changed.
  2. 01:01:486 - , 01:13:486 – add a finisher? same as Kantan. Same as Kantan.
  1. HP>>5.5 ~ 6? Keep about this for now. Changed to 6.
  2. change to 00:13:674 – d, strategy isn’t same as Futsuu imo. Changed.
  3. I ask you again, hitsounds flow isn’t similar as Futsuu and Oni imo… Changed hitsounds to like as Oni.
    00:11:049 (21,22,23,24,25,26,27) – change to kkd-kkd-k, and 00:14:049 (34,35,36,37,38,39) – change to kkd-kkd.
  1. uum… feels not good to me this don 00:06:924 -. remove? Ok
  2. 00:07:486 - same as above , and 00:07:299 - change to k? sounds a bit high cut. Only removed 00:07:486.
  3. Either add don? 00:35:049 (1,2,3,4) - plays weak imo.. Added note on 00:35:799 and changed 00:35:049 (134,135) to kd.
    1. 00:35:424 – ? Vocal being weak, but still sounds. Plays good imo.
    2. 00:35:799 - ? similar rhythm as 00:32:611 (1,2,3) - , 00:38:611 (1,2,3,4) -.
  4. 00:45:736 – add k? …00:45:174 (180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189) – too long 1/1s. plays more fun imo. Added.
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:26:236 (137,138,139,140,141,142,143) – kkkdkdk looks like out of the flow a bit imo. Try to change to ……e.g. kdkkdkd , kkdkkdd..?? Consider again too, by your self. :3/ この部分ですが、曲がそんな感じなのでどう変えてもいまの形と大差ないと思います。
  2. 01:32:236 (249,250,251,252,253,254,255) - Same as above. Same as above.
    :?: If you prefer , try to make the consistent with 1/1 breaks from 00:16:674 - to 00:26:986 -. (01:22:674 (196) - ~ are same) Sorry, but he didn't want to change about this.
    1. 00:19:861 – add k? , 00:22:861 – add  d and change to 00:23:049 - k? , 00:25:861 – add k?
  3. 00:33:080 – remove? make a nerf for emphasized to only piano same as 00:30:924 (164,165,166,167,168,169,170) -. Removed
  4. 00:58:861 (25,26) – dk?Now is fit vocals imo Changed.
Thanks for modding.
Hi o/
from TNA queue

[ Kantan]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - this part should be the most less density part . so try to make less note like this
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:13:674 (10) - try to use d to follow same vocal pitch as 00:10:674 (7) -
    2. 00:26:424 - due to there is powerful sound, add d would be better imo
    3. 00:57:924 (4) - move to 00:57:736 - to follow vocal more precisely
    4. 01:00:924 (8) - ^
    5. 01:03:924 (12) - ^
    6. 01:09:924 (19) - ^
    7. 01:12:924 (23) - ^
    8. 01:15:924 (27) - ^
    9. could add d on 01:06:549 - and 01:06:924 - it can emphasize vocal much more better
    10. 01:18:549 - same as above, but I recommend you use k would be better
    11. 00:28:674 - ~00:40:674 - highly recommend you follow drum and beat sounds on this part,follow vocal and background music is not really fit the song, there is a example
[ Futsuu]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - same as kantan, try this
    2. 00:16:674 - ~00:28:674 - because this part's pattern on muzu is very close to oni, so you should make this part less denser on muzu and oni to make better gap. there is a example
    3. 01:22:674 - ~01:35:049 - ^
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:10:674 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19) - this pattern is not bad, but i feel it could use alternative pattern to emphasize vocal better, try this
    2. 00:28:674 - ~ 00:40:674 - same as kantan
    3. 00:50:049 (86) - try to move this note to 00:49:299 - and add k on 00:50:799 - , i think it can emphasize the song much better
    4. 00:42:924 (72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81) - same as above, try this
    5. 00:59:611 (12) - how about move this note to 00:59:986 - ? to follow vocal's accent
    6. 01:11:611 (44) - ^
    7. 01:02:049 (18,19) - the vocal's pitch is still high on 01:02:049 (18) - , so reverse these two notes would be better
    8. 01:02:611 (20,21) - move to 01:02:611 (20) - and change 01:02:799 (21) - to k, the reason is same as above
    9. 01:14:049 (50,51,52,53,54,55,56) - same as above, try this
    10. 01:05:986 (29) - change to k, vocal's pitch is different with 01:05:236 (27) -
    11. 01:17:986 (61) - ^
    12. 01:01:486 (17) - ,01:13:486 (49) - add finish here.
    13. 01:19:111 - add k here, to make the gap more close with muzu
    14. 01:35:611 (102,103) - this two note is not really fit the song well, remove them would be better
[ Muzukashii]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - same as kantan, try this
    2. 00:16:674 - ~ 00:28:674 - as i said on futsuu, this part should be less dense the make a little different with oni. try this
    3. 01:22:674 - ~01:32:986 - ^
    4. after you fix 00:16:674 - ~ 00:28:674 - ,00:10:674 - ~00:15:174 - should be less dense than 00:16:674 - ~ 00:28:674 - so try this
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:29:049 (87,89) - this part is not climax part, so try to remove 00:29:049 (87,89) - to make some break,
    2. 00:35:236 (109,110,111,112) - this pattern's flow is not good imo, try to move 00:35:236 (109) - to 00:35:799 - ,change 00:36:361 (112) - to d and add k on 00:36:549 -
    3. 00:38:236 (118) - remove, this pattern almost same as oni
    4. 00:40:486 (124) - this note could be removed, 1/2 pattern is not really need here
    5. 00:41:424 (126,127,128) - reverse the color would be more fit the vocal.
    6. add finish on 01:01:486 (25) - ,01:13:486 (72) -
    7. 01:06:361 - add d here
    8. 01:18:174 (91,92) - reverse them and move 01:18:080 (90) - to 01:18:455 - to make consistent with 01:17:424 (87) -
    9. 01:35:611 (157,158,159,160) - same as futsuu
[ Oni]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - same as kantan, try this
    2. 00:28:674 - ~00:39:174 - this part should be less dense
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:10:767 (26,27) - remove them, this part should not be too dense
    2. 00:13:767 (43,44) - ^
    3. 00:23:330 (84) - move to 00:23:517 - and add k on 00:23:705 - to make better spread with other diffs
    4. 00:24:736 - add d here, it is too close with muzu
    5. 00:18:736 - ^
    6. 01:24:736 - ^
    7. 01:30:736 - ^
    8. 00:40:486 (156) - same as muzu, not really need 1/2 pattern here, so move this note to 00:41:236 -
    9. 00:47:236 - add d for consistent
    10. 00:48:736 (187) - change to k and move to 00:48:361 - would more fit the vocal
    11. 00:59:705 (25) - change to d and move to 00:59:517 - and change 00:59:986 (27) - to d to make consistent with 01:10:861 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96) -
    12. 01:01:486 (35) - add finish
    13. 01:13:486 (103) - ^
    14. 01:06:174 (61) - change to d the vocal's pitch is a bit different with 01:06:549 (63) - ,it also can make consistent with 01:05:236 (55,56,57,58) -
    15. 01:35:611 (198,199,200,201) -same as futsuu
    16. 01:17:986 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - this pattern is almost same as muzu, try this
[ Inner Oni]

  1. Hitsounds
    1. 00:30:736 (161,162) - reverse them, to make the flow more smooth
    2. 00:33:924 (183) - change to d to follow the drum as you followed on 00:33:174 (179) -
    3. 00:34:580 (188) - remove, it would make the flow much better
    4. 00:42:361 - and 00:43:486 - the note's density decreased too much so add k here.
    5. 00:46:674 (269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279) - this part sounds not really good for me, try this
    6. 00:58:861 (25,26) - reverse them to follow the beat and vocal
    7. 00:59:236 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - change to kkdkddk to follow the beat and vocal better
    8. 01:01:486 (45) - add finish
    9. 01:13:486 - ^
    10. 01:35:611 (259,260,261,262) - same as oni
    11. 01:04:486 - ~01:07:674 - this part is not good imo, try use this(01:07:674 - finisher. 01:07:767 - remove.)
Good Luck. :)
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

Hi o/
from TNA queue

[ Kantan]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - this part should be the most less density part . so try to make less note like this Removed some notes.
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:13:674 (10) - try to use d to follow same vocal pitch as 00:10:674 (7) - Mistake DX
    2. 00:26:424 - due to there is powerful sound, add d would be better imo :3
    3. 00:57:924 (4) - move to 00:57:736 - to follow vocal more precisely It would be a bit confused imo
    4. 01:00:924 (8) - ^ Same as above.
    5. 01:03:924 (12) - ^ ^
    6. 01:09:924 (19) - ^ ^
    7. 01:12:924 (23) - ^ ^
    8. 01:15:924 (27) - ^ ^
    9. could add d on 01:06:549 - and 01:06:924 - it can emphasize vocal much more better Yeap.
    10. 01:18:549 - same as above, but I recommend you use k would be better Same as above. added.
    11. 00:28:674 - ~00:40:674 - highly recommend you follow drum and beat sounds on this part,follow vocal and background music is not really fit the song, there is a example I am confusing now. need more feedback.
[ Futsuu]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - same as kantan, try this Removed some notes.
    2. 00:16:674 - ~00:28:674 - because this part's pattern on muzu is very close to oni, so you should make this part less denser on muzu and oni to make better gap. there is a example Ok.
    3. 01:22:674 - ~01:35:049 - ^ Same as above.
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:10:674 (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19) - this pattern is not bad, but i feel it could use alternative pattern to emphasize vocal better, try this Now is better for me.
    2. 00:28:674 - ~ 00:40:674 - same as kantan Same as Kantan.
    3. 00:50:049 (86) - try to move this note to 00:49:299 - and add k on 00:50:799 - , i think it can emphasize the song much better Ok
    4. 00:42:924 (72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81) - same as above, try this Changed to other pattern.
    5. 00:59:611 (12) - how about move this note to 00:59:986 - ? to follow vocal's accent Sounds better.
    6. 01:11:611 (44) - ^ Ok.
    7. 01:02:049 (18,19) - the vocal's pitch is still high on 01:02:049 (18) - , so reverse these two notes would be better Ok
    8. 01:02:611 (20,21) - move to 01:02:611 (20) - and change 01:02:799 (21) - to k, the reason is same as above Changed other pattern.
    9. 01:14:049 (50,51,52,53,54,55,56) - same as above, try this Same as above.
    10. 01:05:986 (29) - change to k, vocal's pitch is different with 01:05:236 (27) - Ok
    11. 01:17:986 (61) - ^ Ok
    12. 01:01:486 (17) - ,01:13:486 (49) - add finish here. No change
    13. 01:19:111 - add k here, to make the gap more close with muzu Added
    14. 01:35:611 (102,103) - this two note is not really fit the song well, remove them would be better Removed.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - same as kantan, try this Changed to other way.
    2. 00:16:674 - ~ 00:28:674 - as i said on futsuu, this part should be less dense the make a little different with oni. try this Where is that image? anyway changed to other way.
    3. 01:22:674 - ~01:32:986 - ^ Same as above.
    4. after you fix 00:16:674 - ~ 00:28:674 - ,00:10:674 - ~00:15:174 - should be less dense than 00:16:674 - ~ 00:28:674 - so try this Tried to nerf.
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:29:049 (87,89) - this part is not climax part, so try to remove 00:29:049 (87,89) - to make some break, Remove only note on 00:29:611.
    2. 00:35:236 (109,110,111,112) - this pattern's flow is not good imo, try to move 00:35:236 (109) - to 00:35:799 - ,change 00:36:361 (112) - to d and add k on 00:36:549 - Changed to similar pattern.
    3. 00:38:236 (118) - remove, this pattern almost same as oni I'll consider about this because there is sound.
    4. 00:40:486 (124) - this note could be removed, 1/2 pattern is not really need here Ok
    5. 00:41:424 (126,127,128) - reverse the color would be more fit the vocal. No change
    6. add finish on 01:01:486 (25) - ,01:13:486 (72) - No change
    7. 01:06:361 - add d here I'll consider about this.
    8. 01:18:174 (91,92) - reverse them and move 01:18:080 (90) - to 01:18:455 - to make consistent with 01:17:424 (87) - No change because now is fit the vocal imo.
    9. 01:35:611 (157,158,159,160) - same as futsuu I think it is fine on thie difficulty.
[ Oni]
  1. Spread
    1. 00:04:674 - ~ 00:10:674 - same as kantan, try this Ok.
    2. 00:28:674 - ~00:39:174 - this part should be less dense No change for now. i'll think more other pattern.
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:10:767 (26,27) - remove them, this part should not be too dense Removed.
    2. 00:13:767 (43,44) - ^ Same as above.
    3. 00:23:330 (84) - move to 00:23:517 - and add k on 00:23:705 - to make better spread with other diffs
    4. 00:24:736 - add d here, it is too close with muzu Added notes on 00:25:017 and 00:25:299 instead.
    5. 00:18:736 - ^ I think it would be a bit long.
    6. 01:24:736 - ^ Same as above.
    7. 01:30:736 - ^ Same as 00:24:736.
    8. 00:40:486 (156) - same as muzu, not really need 1/2 pattern here, so move this note to 00:41:236 - Removed them.
    9. 00:47:236 - add d for consistent Keep because i do not move 00:40:486 to 00:41:236.
    10. 00:48:736 (187) - change to k and move to 00:48:361 - would more fit the vocal No change for consistency. and now is better imo.
    11. 00:59:705 (25) - change to d and move to 00:59:517 - and change 00:59:986 (27) - to d to make consistent with 01:10:861 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96) - Changed 00:59:986 to d. but i'll consider about 00:59:705
    12. 01:01:486 (35) - add finish No change because there is no finish on kiai time.
    13. 01:13:486 (103) - ^ Same as above.
    14. 01:06:174 (61) - change to d the vocal's pitch is a bit different with 01:06:549 (63) - ,it also can make consistent with 01:05:236 (55,56,57,58) - Current is fit imo
    15. 01:35:611 (198,199,200,201) -same as futsuu Same as Muzukashii.
    16. 01:17:986 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - this pattern is almost same as muzu, try this Changed to other pattern.
[ Inner Oni]

  1. Hitsounds
    1. 00:30:736 (161,162) - reverse them, to make the flow more smooth Swapped.
    2. 00:33:924 (183) - change to d to follow the drum as you followed on 00:33:174 (179) - It would feels better. changed.
    3. 00:34:580 (188) - remove, it would make the flow much better Removed for making little break. I'll consider about this.
    4. 00:42:361 - and 00:43:486 - the note's density decreased too much so add k here. Added k on 00:42:361.
    5. 00:46:674 (269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279) - this part sounds not really good for me, try this Keep for now.
    6. 00:58:861 (25,26) - reverse them to follow the beat and vocal Swapped.
    7. 00:59:236 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - change to kkdk ddk to follow the beat and vocal better Now is fit more vocals imo.
    8. 01:01:486 (45) - add finish Same as Oni.
    9. 01:13:486 - ^ Same as Oni.
    10. 01:35:611 (259,260,261,262) - same as oni Same as Oni.
    11. 01:04:486 - ~01:07:674 - this part is not good imo, try use this(01:07:674 - finisher. 01:07:767 - remove.) Changed a bit.
Good Luck. :)
Thanks for modding.
Topic Starter
  1. Re-mapped 00:28:674 ~ 00:39:174 on Oni.
  2. Removed notes on 01:35:611.
  3. Added more finish on kiai time.
no kds please~
  1. 00:10:674 (5,6,7,8,9,10) – Sounds better dkk-kkd for this dense. 00:10:674 (5,7) – sounds different from only sounds cymbals or not cymbals comparing with same as 00:04:674 (1,2,3,4) -. In fact, 00:13:674 – back sounds to begin the build up to up.
  2. 01:06:924 - , 01:06:924 (17) – change to k, sounds the best for next finishers and back synthesizer that sounds up.

  1. 00:13:299 – can remove ,I felt over power a bit. Nerf can emphasize for calm part.
  2. 00:26:424 – change to d? lots of kat part, follow the drums (same as Kantan on this time) sounds better imo.
  3. 01:32:424 – same as above.
  4. 00:28:299 – change to normal , same as 01:34:299 – (same sounds) , 00:40:299 – (there’re not same as finisher-finisher).
  5. 01:02:424 (19,20,21,22) – o-ooo change to ooo-o not same as 00:56:424 (3,4,5,6,7,8) –[/b]. try to change to ddk-d?
  6. 01:14:424 (51,52,53,54) –same as above
  1. 00:10:299 - , 00:28:299 – change to normal. Same as Futsuu.
  2. 00:41:049 - , 00:47:049 - add d? plays very nice to me.
  3. 00:21:361 -, 01:27:361 – change to d? comparing with 00:18:361 (36,37,38,39,40) - , It should fix the sounds mixing pressure.(d-k sounds balance).
    And they sounds nice to me lol.
  4. 01:02:424 (30,31,32,33,34,35) - , 1:14:236 (76,77,78,79,80) same as futsuu, change to d-k-kdkd?
  1. 00:10:299 - , 00:28:299 – change to normal. Same as Futsuu and Muzukashii.
  2. 00:10:674 – change to finisher D? same as Other lower diffs.
  3. 00:13:674 – same , change to d?

    :!: 00:28:674 - ~ 00:34:674 - Less smooth. Plays not good.
  4. 00:29:799 – change to k and 00:28:861 (97,98) – move to 00:29:611 (100,101) -. 00:29:424 (101,102) – sudden blank before played 00:28:861 (97,98,99,100) -.
  5. 00:31:111 – add k? same as muzukashii.
  6. 00:31:486 (111,112) - ,move to 00:31:486 – (remove1note) ? 00:31:580 (113) – no need 1/4 , removing is for plays with vocal.
Topic Starter


no kds please~
  1. 00:10:674 (5,6,7,8,9,10) – Sounds better dkk-kkd for this dense. 00:10:674 (5,7) – sounds different from only sounds cymbals or not cymbals comparing with same as 00:04:674 (1,2,3,4) -. In fact, 00:13:674 – back sounds to begin the build up to up. Ok.
  2. 01:06:924 - , 01:06:924 (17) – change to k, sounds the best for next finishers and back synthesizer that sounds up. Fixed

  1. 00:13:299 – can remove ,I felt over power a bit. Nerf can emphasize for calm part. Removed.
  2. 00:26:424 – change to d? lots of kat part, follow the drums (same as Kantan on this time) sounds better imo. Changed.
  3. 01:32:424 – same as above. Same as above.
  4. 00:28:299 – change to normal , same as 01:34:299 – (same sounds) , 00:40:299 – (there’re not same as finisher-finisher). Removed finish.
  5. 01:02:424 (19,20,21,22) – o-ooo change to ooo-o not same as 00:56:424 (3,4,5,6,7,8) –[/b]. try to change to ddk-d? Fixed.
  6. 01:14:424 (51,52,53,54) –same as above Same as above.
  1. 00:10:299 - , 00:28:299 – change to normal. Same as Futsuu. Awawa... 00:10:299 is mistake. anyway fixed.
  2. 00:41:049 - , 00:47:049 - add d? plays very nice to me. Ok.
  3. 00:21:361 -, 01:27:361 – change to d? comparing with 00:18:361 (36,37,38,39,40) - , It should fix the sounds mixing pressure.(d-k sounds balance). Changed
    And they sounds nice to me lol.
  4. 01:02:424 (30,31,32,33,34,35) - , 1:14:236 (76,77,78,79,80) same as futsuu, change to d-k-kdkd? Changed to d-k-ddkd.
  1. 00:10:299 - , 00:28:299 – change to normal. Same as Futsuu and Muzukashii. Fixed
  2. 00:10:674 – change to finisher D? same as Other lower diffs. Fixed
  3. 00:13:674 – same , change to d? Fixed

    :!: 00:28:674 - ~ 00:34:674 - Less smooth. Plays not good.
  4. 00:29:799 – change to k and 00:28:861 (97,98) – move to 00:29:611 (100,101) -. 00:29:424 (101,102) – sudden blank before played 00:28:861 (97,98,99,100) -. Changed
  5. 00:31:111 – add k? same as muzukashii. Changed
  6. 00:31:486 (111,112) - ,move to 00:31:486 – (remove1note) ? 00:31:580 (113) – no need 1/4 , removing is for plays with vocal. Changed
Thanks for modding.
wait for qualify.
Topic Starter
double post lol
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa finally;;;;

Good Luck ヾ(๑>◡<)ノ"
Congrats!!!! :3
Graaaatz Ploenar :333
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone, especially JUDYDANNY, qoot8123, OzzyOzrock, shionelove.
lol congratz
Yay~~ you deserve it *-*/ Gratz Ploenar :3
Was there a bubble? o_o

Anyways, congratz! :3

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Was there a bubble? o_o

Anyways, congratz! :3
it's mine
ohh i thought it was techincally popped or something lol ye
congratz :3
gartz Plo :)
Qualititiitit Maps!1!! Gz ProsZ :V :VU :U
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헉 태고다

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