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I lol'd
Witch Mercy

Jordan wrote:

Graciee wrote:

Finally hit plat after all these years *^*
Those are the support mains chill
Kyonko Hizara

Obviously it was a 4v5 the whole time but I am surprised that they ended up surrendering
Anyone that plays on EUW feel free to add me ^.^ Summoner Name: Bopper I'm gold 3 atm climbing :^^)
Witch Mercy

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

Obviously it was a 4v5 the whole time but I am surprised that they ended up surrendering
The power of sona carry ayylmao
Kyonko Hizara

Graciee wrote:

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

Obviously it was a 4v5 the whole time but I am surprised that they ended up surrendering
The power of sona carry ayylmao
I didn't even do the yung mostly full AP Sona support that I mess with and I was still doing more damage than I should have been
Witch Mercy
The people that you encounter in ranked during end season are beyond disgusting '-'
I've tried my promos to g1 five times already, last one had 3 afks in my team. I don't think I'll be able to get plat this season :(
Don't give up!

I might try and go for diamond this season. Haven't really played much ranked after I got to plat 1
Witch Mercy

Blue Dragon wrote:

I've tried my promos to g1 five times already, last one had 3 afks in my team. I don't think I'll be able to get plat this season :(
I hate playing against Lux
Kyonko Hizara

Jazz wrote:

I hate playing against Lux
Ahri is my main main mid lane and I much prefer playing against a Lux than a lot of others. If you can land a charm on her she'll go down really easily with a combo, but during laning phase you want to stay away from your minions so she doesn't poke a ton with her E. After you get 6 with Ahri tho she really isn't a problem since you can ult out of everything.
That's a nice tp-ignite ADC Teemo

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

Jazz wrote:

I hate playing against Lux
Ahri is my main main mid lane and I much prefer playing against a Lux than a lot of others. If you can land a charm on her she'll go down really easily with a combo, but during laning phase you want to stay away from your minions so she doesn't poke a ton with her E. After you get 6 with Ahri tho she really isn't a problem since you can ult out of everything.
I know, I've been maining Ahri since S4, I just hate how she can spam her E so much

Blue Dragon wrote:

That's a nice tp-ignite ADC Teemo
I have no idea why he has Liandry's and Nashor then he has Hurricane, team's composed of mostly AP I actually got worried early game.
Kyonko Hizara

Jazz wrote:

Blue Dragon wrote:

That's a nice tp-ignite ADC Teemo
I have no idea why he has Liandry's and Nashor then he has Hurricane, team's composed of mostly AP I actually got worried early game.
The disabled at their finest.

I played against an AP Caitlyn a couple days ago and it was pretty special to say the least.
Witch Mercy
I'm interested in picking up a few champions to play up in top lane. Any recommendations on who's good?
depends on how you like to play tbh, if you're looking for a relatively safe champ try Chogath, insane sustain if you can cs well enough :p

Graciee wrote:

I'm interested in picking up a few champions to play up in top lane. Any recommendations on who's good?
Darius is still pretty dumb, so he's great if you want an easy champ to get the hang of things

Fiora also works, but is harder to play well.
if u want brainless, go tryndamere.
if u want safe, u can try irelia (just farm to mid game and then start wrecking)
Why not the prehistoric yordle of free wins

Navizel wrote:

Why not the prehistoric yordle of free wins
God I love doing combos with him

Sync wrote:

I think 75% of my games are pleasant in most aspects (even if getting stomped). I don't play ranked though

t. person who only plays bot games

also worlds predictions get in here lads

group A: KOO > YFW > CLG > PNG
group B: IG > FNC > AHQ > C9
group C: SKT > EDG > H2K > BKT
group D: LGD > KT > OG > TSM
alright but what's up with this ui though tf
Kyonko Hizara
My first Katarina game was against an Irelia mid and now I never want to play Kat again
I go play Teemo panda
Groups hype.
Maybe there's hope after all

Edit: No Zed ):
neverming iG is trash 8-)

Mr Color wrote:

Sync wrote:

I think 75% of my games are pleasant in most aspects (even if getting stomped). I don't play ranked though

t. person who only plays bot games

also worlds predictions get in here lads

group A: KOO > YFW > CLG > PNG
group B: IG > FNC > AHQ > C9
group C: SKT > EDG > H2K > BKT
group D: LGD > KT > OG > TSM
Hmmm, I'll make my predictions after I see a few games. I've been exactly right the past 2 seasons with SKT and Samsung White when I predicted them being champions before worlds started for each respective season but I'm not too sure this time round. The scene is pretty volatile right now.
He had a ridiculous amount of cs
Fucking KOO, bleh, I don't like their playstyle.

Aurani wrote:

Fucking KOO, bleh, I don't like their playstyle.
shitty game tho tbh
I can't even play LoL any more. The internet in this house is too shit; I'd have to sleep over at my Uni if I wanted to play.
I'm just so sad about paiN

they have barely any way to do good at worlds, yet stupid brazilian fans created such a high expectation about them that now they are completely pressured. The same people who said "kami god" are now trashing paiN in their facebook page saying "kami doesn't even know how to cleanse" and "mylon 1/7? thanks for making us humilliated again".

Not to mention the international hatred towards paiN that this mindless "cheering" got them. If they don't take a single game, they'll be seen as a huge disappointment, yet if they win something, it will just be an upset that shouldn't be taken into account.

Hika wrote:

Aurani wrote:

Fucking KOO, bleh, I don't like their playstyle.
shitty game tho tbh
Extremely boring game, yes.
Kyonko Hizara
CLG didn't deserve the win
Why not? Sure they weren't even close to their usual gameplay and it took them way too long to wipe the floor with those insignificant peasants, but still. Doublelift's csing was just incredible, like always. They may not have played it as good as I would've liked, but they most definitely deserved the win.
Witch Mercy
man this year's worlds hype is real
C9 sooo coooool, I was like aaaaahhhhhooooowtf since C9's banpick last night

Many chinese call C9 "arty team" or "eSport louvre Museum"(well this is a bit hard to understand) because of their distinctive traits
Hai: For chinese gamers Hai is just like TSM.
LemonNation: The one who I never seen he picks other champions except Morgana and always holds his deathnote
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