
Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Underground [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 28 September 2015 at 11:19:37

Artist: Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x
Title: Underground
Tags: heavy dubstep pandorum
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4006kb
Play Time: 03:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2,13 stars, 386 notes)
  2. Kantan (1,41 stars, 210 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (2,76 stars, 653 notes)
  4. Oni (3,64 stars, 876 notes)
Download: Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Underground
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Heavy dubstep with such anime BG? I DON'T CARE

Hey, saw this in #modreqs (this is my first time modding taiko)

- Offset for Kantan is different, I would suggest keeping all of them at 80 offset
00:06:063 (1,2,3) - objects are not snapped
- None of the Kiai times are snapped, please fix this

That's all I have because of my inexperience with Taiko :(

Good luck :D
Topic Starter
According to your modding so..

HydroCannon13 wrote:

Hey, saw this in #modreqs (this is my first time modding taiko)
- Offset for Kantan is different, I would suggest keeping all of them at 80 offset ,
00:06:063 (1,2,3) - objects are not snapped
- None of the Kiai times are snapped, please fix this

Offsets fixed in ALL DIFFS, including timings, kiai, and preview points

That's all I have because of my inexperience with Taiko :( I don't care about how inexperienced you are, but I would hope you will be liked to playing/modding more taiko maps in the future. :D

Good luck :D
Thank you for modding :D

UPDATE: Moved to WIP because I see 1/3 and 1/6 part on muzu and oni diffs and unsnapped :D
UPDATE AGAIN: Moved to Pending. 1/3 and 1/6 part fixed. :D
you know what I like man.
also, mod inc, and btw, do you take Inner Oni GD ? :D
Topic Starter

Kin wrote:

you know what I like man.
also, mod inc, and btw, do you take Inner Oni GD ? :D
Ura Oni? No
I would predict that this song will not get its inner oni :D
from queue
delete "widescreen support"
about HPOD, HP must at least 5
here's my opinion
Kantan HP5 OD3
Futsuu HP5 OD4
Muzu HP6 OD4
Oni HP6 OD5

preview 00:53:223 here?

00:51:508 (161) - change spinner.1/4 in 1/3 is weird and conflict with 02:13:794 (1) -
01:06:723 (45) - move to 01:06:794
01:29:223 (22,23) - finish come on
02:51:509 (22,23) - ^

one thing,is there are a few long stream even there is calm part,for example,00:39:508 (111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118) -
this is longer than 03:04:365 (24,25,26,27,28,29,30) - ,which is in kiai part.
calm part is easy,normal is normal,chorus(climax) is hard,Ono told me
i have two opinions,make them ddk ddkkd or ddkkddk d,but it's up to you
(you don't have to make same Oni,because Oni's hard part is much harder than this)
01:29:223 (34,35) - finish
01:33:668 (54) - wrong snap
02:03:508 (187) - from here use dkd pattern?because of toooo long kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lol
02:13:794 (229,230,231,232,233,234,235) - unsnaped
02:16:794 (1,2,3,4,5) - unrankable pattern
[quote="Taiko RC":1337]Finisher notes may be used at the end of a 1/4 or above snapped pattern under the following conditions:
The finisher note must have a reasonable sound to be mapped to.
The note prior the finisher note must be of the opposite color.
The note prior must not overlap with the finisher note by more than 50%.02:51:508 (34,35) - finish
03:18:936 (160) - from here change pattern? long kkkkkkk again

end good luck
star for you who choose this good song
Topic Starter
So then...

shionelove wrote:

from queue
delete "widescreen support" I still doesn't understand with this thing. BTW its fixed
about HPOD, HP must at least 5
here's my opinion
Kantan HP5 OD3
Futsuu HP5 OD4
Muzu HP6 OD4
Oni HP6 OD5

preview 00:53:223 here? Well, its proper :D

00:51:508 (161) - change spinner.1/4 in 1/3 is weird and conflict with 02:13:794 (1) - Fixed.. seems proper with denden
01:06:723 (45) - move to 01:06:794 fixed
01:29:223 (22,23) - finish come on fixed
02:51:509 (22,23) - ^

one thing,is there are a few long stream even there is calm part,for example,00:39:508 (111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118) -
this is longer than 03:04:365 (24,25,26,27,28,29,30) - ,which is in kiai part.
calm part is easy,normal is normal,chorus(climax) is hard,Ono told me
i have two opinions,make them ddk ddkkd or ddkkddk d,but it's up to you
(you don't have to make same Oni,because Oni's hard part is much harder than this) Thanks for those suggestions :) Calm part is now fixed

01:29:223 (34,35) - finish fixed
01:33:668 (54) - wrong snap Oops, I shoudn't snap 'em in 1/8 because it's unrankablefixed
02:03:508 (187) - from here use dkd pattern?because of toooo long kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lol ALL PATTERN CHANGED. long kat kat kat kat kat kat kat is enough boringfixed
02:13:794 (229,230,231,232,233,234,235) - unsnaped fixed. 1/8 snap orz
02:16:794 (1,2,3,4,5) - unrankable pattern fixed
02:51:508 (34,35) - finish fixed
03:18:936 (160) - from here change pattern? long kkkkkkk again Pattern changed again :)

end good luck
star for you who choose this good song Thanks BN

Fix resolution of Background image or TAKE THIS
and +9ms to all offsets. This pattern hears slightly fast for me
increase hitsound volume to average 70~80%.


00:06:508 - add a big DON
00:16:794 (13) - move to 00:16:365 and add a don at 00:17:222
00:19:794 - add a big KAT
00:20:651 - add a big DON

01:05:651 (12) - ends at 01:06:508 -
01:06:937 - add a don
01:19:365 (23) - ends at 01:20:222 -

02:24:080 - add a don
02:49:794 (7,8,9) - don ___ kat ___ don ___ kat ___ don

Sorry for being late.
Topic Starter
According to your moddage da-meka~

Nyan wrote:


Fix resolution of Background image or TAKE THIS Fixed
and +9ms to all offsets. This pattern hears slightly fast for me Fixed and resnapped
increase hitsound volume to average 70~80%. HELL NO. 70 - 80% is too noisy. I set to 65% instead


00:06:508 - add a big DON No
00:16:794 (13) - move to 00:16:365 and add a don at 00:17:222
00:19:794 - add a big KAT Fixed
00:20:651 - add a big DON Fixed

01:05:651 (12) - ends at 01:06:508 No, I couldn't. End point of that sliders is end part of 1/3 dubbie drop
01:06:937 - add a don Hell NO! Don't do that thing. Placing a note after renda (drumroll) in 1/2 space making those beginner gets a combo break. You can do that in higher diff instead
01:19:365 (23) - ends at 01:20:222 Fixed. I tolerate this because this before denden

02:24:080 - add a don Fixed
02:49:794 (7,8,9) - don ___ kat ___ don ___ kat ___ don No. Save this 1/2 pattern on the last Kiai

Sorry for being late. No problem. Thanks :D
Updated :D
Hello, CuticleThong, from my queue

  1. Alternate patterns. Like dkd kdk dkd 00:06:946 - 00:09:089
  2. 00:28:589 (86) - d (00:28:375 (85) - k on rhythm, and next note should be another color)
  3. 00:30:303 (93) - ^
  4. 00:32:017 (100) - ^
  5. 00:33:732 (106) - ^
  6. 00:35:446 (113) - ^
  7. 00:36:732 (118,120) - ^, and 00:36:946 (119) - k
  8. 00:38:232 (124,125) - ^, and 00:38:660 (126) - k
  9. 00:39:517 (128,129) - kk, 00:40:803 (134,135) - dd
  10. 00:44:446 (148,149) - Swap, and 00:45:089 (151) - k
  11. 00:46:374 (155,157) - k
  12. 00:47:232 (158,159) - kk, 00:47:660 (160,161) - dd, 00:48:089 (162,163,164) - k, 00:48:946 (166,167,168) - k, 00:49:803 (170,171,172) - k, 00:50:660 (174,175,176,177,178) - k, 00:52:231 (183) - k
  13. 00:53:017 (186) to 00:52:910 and 00:52:696 (185) to 00:52:642 (listen rhythm)
  14. 00:54:731 - End of spin
  15. 01:22:160 - ^
  16. 02:44:446 - ^
  17. 00:54:946 (1) - Replace on slider to 00:55:589
  18. 01:22:375 (1) - ^ to 01:23:017
  19. 02:17:231 (5) - ^ to 02:17:874
  20. 02:30:946 (83) - ^ to 02:31:589
  21. 00:56:339 (5,8) - k
  22. 00:59:875 (22,23) - ^
  23. 01:03:089 (38,39,40) - ^
  24. 01:06:517 (57,58,59) - ^
  25. 01:13:696 (85) - ^
  26. 01:16:803 (100,101,102) - ^
  27. 01:06:732 (58) to 01:06:812
  28. 01:24:374 (10,12) - Swap
  29. 01:32:089 (48,50) - ^
  30. 01:37:231 (71,72) - ^
  31. 01:49:589 (133) - d, and 01:49:803 (134,136) - k and further on rhythm
  32. 02:15:249 (237) to 02:15:196 and 02:14:981 (236) to 02:14:928
  33. 03:25:802 (187) - Replace on spin to 03:29:231
  1. 00:06:946 - 00:09:089 - Atlernate patterns (like in Oni)
  2. 00:54:946 (1) - Replace on slider to 00:55:589
  3. 01:02:660 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - Not suitable
  4. 01:16:374 (75,76,77,78,79,80,81) - ^
    Aww.. I not want continue mod this Muzu. It looks bad. Write mod on Oni and start edit Muzu
Kantan and Futsuu
  • Kantan good, but in Futsuu u should use 1/2 (max)

Try mapp farther and good luck
Topic Starter

Skeuddy wrote:

Hello, CuticleThong, from my queue Oh Hello

  1. Alternate patterns. Like dkd k dk dkd 00:06:946 - 00:09:089 Not changed. Save those for later part
  2. 00:28:589 (86) - d (00:28:375 (85) - k on rhythm, and next note should be another color) fixed
  3. 00:30:303 (93) - ^ Not changed. due to violin strings
  4. 00:32:017 (100) - ^ fixed
  5. 00:33:732 (106) - ^ Not changed, same like 00:30:303 (93)
  6. 00:35:446 (113) - ^ fixed
  7. 00:36:732 (118,120) - ^, and 00:36:946 (119) - k Ctrl+G-ed instead
  8. 00:38:232 (124,125) - ^, and 00:38:660 (126) - k fixed
  9. 00:39:517 (128,129) - kk, 00:40:803 (134,135) - dd Not changed. due to violin strings
  10. 00:44:446 (148,149) - Swap, and 00:45:089 (151) - k Not changed. due to violin strings
  11. 00:46:374 (155,157) - k Not changed
  12. 00:47:232 (158,159) - kk, 00:47:660 (160,161) - dd, 00:48:089 (162,163,164) - k, 00:48:946 (166,167,168) - k, 00:49:803 (170,171,172) - k, 00:50:660 (174,175,176,177,178) - k, 00:52:231 (183) - k fixed
  13. 00:53:017 (186) to 00:52:910 and 00:52:696 (185) to 00:52:642 (listen rhythm) I set 'em to 1/6. Remember do NOT snap them with 1/8 beats because its unrankable fixed
  14. 00:54:731 - End of spin fixed
  15. 01:22:160 - ^ fixed
  16. 02:44:446 - ^ fixed
  17. 00:54:946 (1) - Replace on slider to 00:55:589 IMO I have no intention to place any renda (drumroll) there even there is a long drop there, so I use single note instead[/b] and... I should not to do your suggestion instead
  18. 01:22:375 (1) - ^ to 01:23:017 Not changed
  19. 02:17:231 (5) - ^ to 02:17:874 Not changed
  20. 02:30:946 (83) - ^ to 02:31:589 STAHP! Let those oni donder to break!
  21. 00:56:339 (5,8) - k fixed
  22. 00:59:875 (22,23) - ^ fixed
  23. 01:03:089 (38,39,40) - ^ Not changed
  24. 01:06:517 (57,58,59) - ^ Okay, only one note that I change to katu
  25. 01:13:696 (85) - ^ fixed
  26. 01:16:803 (100,101,102) - ^ fixed
  27. 01:06:732 (58) to 01:06:812 fixed
  28. 01:24:374 (10,12) - Swap fixed
  29. 01:32:089 (48,50) - ^ fixed
  30. 01:37:231 (71,72) - ^ fixed
  31. 01:49:589 (133) - d, and 01:49:803 (134,136) - k and further on rhythm Not changed, violin strings
  32. 02:15:249 (237) to 02:15:196 and 02:14:981 (236) to 02:14:928 fixed
  33. 03:25:802 (187) - Replace on spin to 03:29:231 No. I have been set a bookmark as the end of the drain time

  1. 00:06:946 - 00:09:089 - Atlernate patterns (like in Oni)
  2. 00:54:946 (1) - Replace on slider to 00:55:589
  3. 01:02:660 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - Not suitable
  4. 01:16:374 (75,76,77,78,79,80,81) - ^ Everything is not changed
    Aww.. I not want continue mod this Muzu. It looks bad. Write mod on Oni and start edit Muzu Hell NO! This is why I cannot do your suggestion for re-map. I don't wanna broke its flow for that diff. Sorry!
Kantan and Futsuu
  • Kantan good, but in Futsuu u should use 1/2 (max) There's a triples (1/3 beat) in this song. If you do that, Futsuu will spiked to muzukashii and I don't wanna this occured

Try mapp farther and good luck Thank you
this nice man? kay. BG? nice dem, but voice is men so BG try to men. dem shuot me dor

- file name bg.taiko.png delete this, is needed?
- size BG is fine, not trying find a dem ngeh BG??? kemocheng BG :UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
- well mapped, but i look on low diff.. miss hitsounding

01:00:517 - i found pitch like this.. is well to adding some note like kat.. but u want like this adding in this diff? if u want u can do it.. or not really making harsh 01:00:517 - adding this note and 01:00:660 - delete this, 01:00:517 - bcus in here really can listen.. or no delete and keep adding lol imo *nice eenglish dude*

01:01:374 - okay, this fit if kat.. u can do it to kat for all pitch like this? 01:02:231 - and blabla * i am sure, u can see nice pattern if u change all pitch like this to kat imo *

well just it.. this well mapped, but my opiny dont take it.. u can selfmod and choice by urself

00:13:160 (26,28) - nice, u can delete this? in other too? bcus is harshh for muzu :C 00:20:017 (52,54) - this too, and other

00:45:731 - where is kat? XD 00:46:374 - and change this don.. to feel forcing make it kat :3

00:48:731 - delete, 00:49:589 - delete, 00:50:446 - delete. please, is difficulty @_@

01:03:089 - dude, is harsh.. i get nice suggest. 01:03:017 (29,30,31) - delete this, and 01:03:089 - make from here d d 1/2 *bcus pitch can listen on here, not on flow

01:06:089 - u cant ignore this... give this kat :3

01:16:803 - like i said before

01:19:803 - giv kat? lol

01:35:231 - this not kat? wekaweka

01:48:517 (90) - don, 01:48:946 - this kat

02:09:517 - nice long, like my mod before

02:21:517 - kat, 02:57:517 - kat, 03:10:803 - like before,

well. nice mapped.. but i not like long 1/2 and 1/3 on muzu imo @_@ and i see miss consistent hitsounding

00:12:946 - wtf, 1/8??/???/

will continue mod on low diff in new post.. btw nice 1/8? @_@ lol nice song dup tek dup tek choice
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

this nice man? kay. BG? nice dem, but voice is men so BG try to men. dem shuot me dor

- file name bg.taiko.png delete this, is needed? Terhapus-ed
- size BG is fine, not trying find a dem ngeh BG??? kemocheng BG :UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
- well mapped, but i look on low diff.. miss hitsounding Fixed

01:00:517 - i found pitch like this.. is well to adding some note like kat.. but u want like this adding in this diff? if u want u can do it.. or not really making harsh 01:00:517 - adding this note and 01:00:660 - delete this, 01:00:517 - bcus in here really can listen.. or no delete and keep adding lol imo *nice eenglish dude* 01:00:517 sama seturunannya malah sampe gak kedengeran orz Fix

dan dari bagian 02:17:660 sampe 02:42:946 harus kudu dilihat lagi :D Fixed again

01:01:374 - okay, this fit if kat.. u can do it to kat for all pitch like this? 01:02:231 - and blabla * i am sure, u can see nice pattern if u change all pitch like this to kat imo * Nampaknya langsung pas kalau diganti katu

well just it.. this well mapped, but my opiny dont take it.. u can selfmod and choice by urself

00:13:160 (26,28) - nice, u can delete this? in other too? bcus is harshh for muzu :C 00:20:017 (52,54) - this too, and other Fixed

00:45:731 - where is kat? XD 00:46:374 - and change this don.. to feel forcing make it kat :3

00:48:731 - delete, 00:49:589 - delete, 00:50:446 - delete. please, is difficulty @_@ Rasaku sih no

01:03:089 - dude, is harsh.. i get nice suggest. 01:03:017 (29,30,31) - delete this, and 01:03:089 - make from here d d 1/2 *bcus pitch can listen on here, not on flow Fixed. kelihatannya udah agak pas

01:06:089 - u cant ignore this... give this kat :3 Fixed

01:16:803 - like i said before Fixed

01:19:803 - giv kat? lol Fixed

01:35:231 - this not kat? wekaweka Fixed

01:48:517 (90) - don, 01:48:946 - this kat ? Wes paham. Fixed

02:09:517 - nice long, like my mod before No

02:21:517 - kat, 02:57:517 - kat, 03:10:803 - like before, Fixed

well. nice mapped.. but i not like long 1/2 and 1/3 on muzu imo @_@ and i see miss consistent hitsounding Aaaaaaaaa....

00:12:946 - wtf, 1/8??/???/ Fixed

will continue mod on low diff in new post.. btw nice 1/8? @_@ lol nice song dup tek dup tek choice Suwun :D
UPDATED da-don!
Okey Continue, lnjut weka weka, ga suka motong2 muzunya y. ew di DT menggila ntar nich kwkwk NO Kudosu

  1. 00:54:946 - is really needed very short kiai like this? wuw hope can ranked with this stuff
  2. 01:22:374 - ^ this too
  3. Open .osu file in every diff, and change this to biar posisinya FIT pas main taiko.. masa kliatan badan doang :'D ngeh ntar yg maen ikhe2 ntar kwkwk (tapi keknya ttp kliatan dech, yg penting tu muka tante2 kliatan kwkwk.) for fits position of BG Takonya lel

  1. walah lagi liat futsuu 1/1 juga panjang. biar spred imbang y lelel. jadi gpp lah biar ekstrim. *ffttuusu ber pepe:U*
  2. 00:53:231 - wat de hell this slider.. not have flow and just voice pitch.. i recommend to dlt and change kat.. so get nice rest lol
  3. 00:56:660 (5,6,7) - "wuh 1/3 in futshoes.. i get pp!!" nice meme... 00:57:089 - this have pitch. so u can dlt 6 and 7
  4. 00:56:231 - and dont forget to delete this
  5. just it.. u can selfmod.. in low diff..thinking monster newbie and newbie.. 1/3 is harsh for newbie *source: Experiends*

  1. like on futsuu, on 1st mod.. and i see many spam slider.. is fine? lel slow bpm gg. and please change shaker to note.. 01:20:660 - like this

hope helpful :lol:
hi~ from my Queues!

And sorry for delay~ :cry:

00:44:231 (50) - delete,,,note pattern changing is Suddenly :o ,so youshould give a resst point for player :)
00:47:660 (57) - ^

01:05:660 (12) - delete and put new notes please ,,,too more slider... :(
01:19:374 (23) - ^

01:24:517 - add d....make a changing=~
01:27:946 - ^
01:31:374 - ^
01:34:803 - ^

02:06:517 (78) - delete ,,,,same above reason :)
02:09:946 (85) - ^

02:47:660 - add k,,In order to gradually more difficult
02:51:089 - ^
02:54:311 - ^
02:57:089 - add d

00:30:303 (93) - delete....just put on Violin,,,,a little boring,,,,so , to make change image! ;)
00:37:160 (118) - ^
00:51:946 (178) - k
00:52:375 (181) - k

01:16:088 (102) - move to 01:16:231 - ,,sounds good~!
01:23:803 (7) - move to 01:23:946 -
01:27:231 (24) - move to 01:27:374 -
01:30:660 (40) - move to 01:30:803 -
01:34:089 (57) - move to 01:34:231 -

01:37:517 (73) - delete....a little difficult rhythm for player

02:11:660 (216) - k...all d,is boring for player :o
02:13:374 (224) - ^
02:17:231 (5) - ^

02:20:374 (22,23) - delete.....please rest point~ :cry:
02:27:231 (60,61) - ^

Finish~,,,,umm difficult song~ :o

Good Luck :) :)
Topic Starter
SuronoAjiHito's parted moddage

Surono wrote:

Okey Continue, lnjut weka weka, ga suka motong2 muzunya y. ew di DT menggila ntar nich kwkwk NO Kudosu memang sih pas di-DT langsung jadi gila nih lagu

  1. 00:54:946 - is really needed very short kiai like this? wuw hope can ranked with this stuff Pertama ni memang sengaja karena gw pengen nyimpen kiai
  2. 01:22:374 - ^ this too Yang kedua mungkin saia aktifkan kiai-nya
  3. Open .osu file in every diff, and change this to biar posisinya FIT pas main taiko.. masa kliatan badan doang :'D ngeh ntar yg maen ikhe2 ntar kwkwk (tapi keknya ttp kliatan dech, yg penting tu muka tante2 kliatan kwkwk.) for fits position of BG Takonya lel
Mantep. sekarang udah keliatan

  1. walah lagi liat futsuu 1/1 juga panjang. biar spred imbang y lelel. jadi gpp lah biar ekstrim. *ffttuusu ber pepe:U* wkwkwk
  2. 00:53:231 - wat de hell this slider.. not have flow and just voice pitch.. i recommend to dlt and change kat.. so get nice rest lol
  3. 00:56:660 (5,6,7) - "wuh 1/3 in futshoes.. i get pp!!" nice meme... 00:57:089 - this have pitch. so u can dlt 6 and 7
  4. 00:56:231 - and dont forget to delete this
  5. just it.. u can selfmod.. in low diff..thinking monster newbie and newbie.. 1/3 is harsh for newbie *source: Experiends*

  1. like on futsuu, on 1st mod.. and i see many spam slider.. is fine? lel slow bpm gg. and please change shaker to note.. 01:20:660 - like this

hope helpful :lol: Suwun...
And... EdaMame's

EdamaMe411 wrote:

hi~ from my Queues! Hi. Nice to meet you

And sorry for delay~ :cry:

00:44:231 (50) - delete,,,note pattern changing is Suddenly :o ,so youshould give a resst point for player :)
00:47:660 (57) - ^

01:05:660 (12) - delete and put new notes please ,,,too more slider... :(
01:19:374 (23) - ^

01:24:517 - add d....make a changing=~
01:27:946 - ^
01:31:374 - ^
01:34:803 - ^

02:06:517 (78) - delete ,,,,same above reason :)
02:09:946 (85) - ^

02:47:660 - add k,,In order to gradually more difficult
02:51:089 - ^
02:54:311 - ^ What the? do you mean at 02:54:517 ??
02:57:089 - add d


00:30:303 (93) - delete....just put on Violin,,,,a little boring,,,,so , to make change image! ;)
00:37:160 (118) - ^
00:51:946 (178) - k
00:52:375 (181) - k

01:16:088 (102) - move to 01:16:231 - ,,sounds good~!
01:23:803 (7) - move to 01:23:946 -
01:27:231 (24) - move to 01:27:374 -
01:30:660 (40) - move to 01:30:803 -
01:34:089 (57) - move to 01:34:231 -

01:37:517 (73) - delete....a little difficult rhythm for player

02:11:660 (216) - k...all d,is boring for player :o
02:13:374 (224) - ^
02:17:231 (5) - ^

02:20:374 (22,23) - delete.....please rest point~ :cry:
02:27:231 (60,61) - ^

Fine modding. I like this

Finish~,,,,umm difficult song~ :o

Good Luck :) :) Thanks!
22:39 Surono: ye
22:39 *Surono is editing [ Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Underground [Oni]]
22:40 Surono: gw mod lagi
22:45 Surono: mod irc, hey on there..,.
22:45 *CuticleThong is editing [ Last Child - Diary Depresiku [Depression Oni]]
22:45 CuticleThong: w8
22:46 Surono: ini urus mapmu dulu
22:48 CuticleThong: on my map already
22:50 *Surono is editing [ Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Underground [Kantan]]
22:51 Surono: 00:09:517 - delete
22:51 Surono: yoww.. 1/1 kepanjangan.. imo gw bosen buat gini.. penekanan ga ada.. kek maksa
22:52 CuticleThong: note pwned.
22:52 Surono: .
22:53 CuticleThong: 00:11:231 (6,7) - shall I put katu ben ono pressure
22:53 Surono: ga susah?
22:53 Surono: 00:09:517 -
22:53 Surono: eh salah
22:54 Surono: 00:12:946 - nih dlt, biar ada kesiapan buat ngehit ini00:13:803 -
22:55 Surono: 00:16:374 - ? bla
22:55 CuticleThong: Pwned again
22:56 CuticleThong: oke, next
22:56 Surono: 00:19:803 - ini keep boleh, masih ada flow :)
22:56 Surono: no dlt lel
22:57 Surono: 00:27:517 - ini bookmark di selfmod sampe bookmark ke 2
22:58 Surono: 00:53:231 - i told u `L_` ini kenapa slider.........
22:58 Surono: 01:05:660 (66) - unsnap slider. harusnya sampe 01:05:660 (66) - sini
22:59 CuticleThong: sek.. 00:48:089 (1) - opo tak snap ke 00:53:231 ta?
22:59 Surono: 03:24:089 - delete slider, trus kasih don
23:00 Surono: 03:25:803 - trus sini finisher.. gile pake slier
23:00 Surono: terserah kamu.. ini mapmu...
23:01 *Surono is editing [ Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Underground [Futsuu]]
23:01 Surono: sekarang futsuu, pokoknya cari aja nada2 yg penting... kalau di kantan tadi sih gw bingung.. kantan itu harusnya 1/1 doang
23:02 Surono: 1/2 itu ga tau gw.. dibeberapa kasus sih.. 1/2 itu dikit aja kalau itu nada emang paling kliatan dari pada di 1/1
23:02 Surono: 03:24:089 - same above on kantan. tapi up to u
23:02 CuticleThong: kantan fixed
23:03 *Surono is editing [ Code-Pandorum & Lord Swan3x - Underground [Oni]]
23:03 Surono: oke skarang gw ngurus green linenya..
23:03 Surono: 00:54:946 - dank it... ini delete dong kiainya... dari pada kena ceramah dari QAT/BN
23:04 Surono: 00:54:946 - udah kiai, tapi malah ada 3 green line ~_~
23:04 Surono: 02:44:660 - ^
23:05 Surono: 03:01:660 - ada pitch, mau di isi?
23:06 Surono: dah ini aja... kiai ke 4 di Oni itu kalau gw liat boring.. karna ada pengiring yg di igonre.. ^kek itu.. dah ye. semoga bermanfaat
23:10 CuticleThong: jadi ngene. kenopo aku ke'i telu garis ijo iku aku mau ke'i oni donder iku shock note
23:10 Surono: yo aku ngerti
23:11 Surono: ya boleh wae di keep, kalau ada modder lain yg ngemasalahin itu.. ya bagus.. buat pertimbangan situ
23:11 CuticleThong: Ojok tiru donkama 2000. SV kejem kabeh. Sak kantan isine skok not lak mendem :v
23:11 Surono: ~_~
23:11 Surono: where link
23:12 Surono: oh itu kiai sama, sv? lol bentar
23:14 CuticleThong: [ donka matic nisen @ taiko time] dan [ how (strike)Mekadothong(/strike) Mekadon do this]
23:15 Surono: dem.............
23:15 Surono: `L_` ngikut orinya?
23:17 CuticleThong: w8, pwning some Skok not
23:22 CuticleThong: Uploaded and updated
23:22 CuticleThong: Suwun :)
23:22 Surono: yo
Topic Starter
Hi, CuticleThong.

  1. 00:54:946 - 2.4x is not good choice, especially in the low difficulty.
  1. 00:06:089 (1) - Remove this. it would be better to start on 00:06:946 imo.
  2. 00:26:231 (20) - Move to 00:25:803 and change to d for consistency.
  3. 00:39:946 (33,34) - 2/1 would more easier to read for beginners imo. 00:39:946 (33) - move to 00:39:517 and swap these.
  4. 00:41:231 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41) - This 1/1 stream is too long. it needs to remove some notes.
  5. 00:44:660 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48) - Same as above.
  6. 00:54:946 - what the... 2.4x is hell.
  7. 00:56:660 (4) - Increase slider's end to 00:57:517. drum sound is there.
  8. 01:02:231 (8) - Move to 01:01:803
  9. 01:03:517 (10) - Reduce slider's length to 01:04:374.
  10. 01:05:231 - It feels empty. add notes like as other similar parts.
  11. 01:06:946 - Same as above. add note on here.
  12. 01:09:946 (13) - Remove this. i think it is not neccessary.
  13. 01:17:231 (20) - Reduce length and add note like as 01:10:374 / 01:13:803.
  14. 01:36:946 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - Same as 00:41:231.
  15. 01:42:946 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47) - Same as above.
  16. 01:53:874 (57,58,59) - It is hard to read for beginners imo. how about change to like as prev?
  17. 01:57:303 (63,64) - Same as above.
  18. 02:00:731 (68,69,70) - ^
  19. 02:03:517 (71,72,73,74,75,76,77) - Same as 00:41:231.
  20. 02:06:946 (78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - Same as above.
  21. 02:18:089 (2) - feeling is not bad. but do you think this slider is a bit long?
  22. 02:30:946 - Add note for consistency.
  23. 02:59:231 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - Same as 00:41:231.
  24. 03:05:231 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - Same as above.
  25. 03:14:446 (54,55,56,57,58) - Same as 01:53:874. how about changing to follows?
  26. 03:17:446 (59) - Same as above. it would be eaiser to play that moving to 03:17:231.
  27. 03:19:589 (63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - Same as above. i'd recommend trying other pattern.
  1. It also seems to be many long 1/1 stream. i think it needs to remove some notes.
  2. 00:06:089 (1,2) - Same as Kantan. remove these.
  3. 00:12:946 (12) - Change to D for consistency.
  4. 00:13:374 - Add note for consistency with 00:20:231.
  5. 01:03:517 (18,19) - Why do you use slider only on this part?
  6. 01:06:946 - Add note. it feels empty.
  7. 01:08:660 - Same as above.
  8. 01:10:803 (25) - Remove this for making break.
  9. 01:14:231 (32) - Same as above.
  10. 01:17:231 (38,39) - Same as 01:03:517.
  11. 03:22:803 (86) - Move to 03:23:231 and change to k. it would be better feeling.
  1. 00:06:089 (1,2) - Same as Kantan.
  2. 01:03:517 (30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37) - Rhythm choice is not good. how about changing to similar rhythm as prev?
  3. 01:17:231 (77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - Same as above.
  4. 01:28:589 (21) - Remove?
  5. 02:18:089 - is this part a bit hard compared to this difficulty?
  6. 02:24:946 - Same as above.
  7. 02:50:875 (21) - Remove?
  8. 03:10:374 (88,89,90,91) - d d k d? it would fit more the music imo.
Sorry for late.
Topic Starter

Ploenar wrote:

Hi, CuticleThong. Hi

  1. 00:54:946 - 2.4x is not good choice, especially in the low difficulty. Oops, sorry. This is 'cuz copy-pasteing and this spikey sticks fixed
  1. 00:06:089 (1) - Remove this. it would be better to start on 00:06:946 imo. fixed
  2. 00:26:231 (20) - Move to 00:25:803 and change to d for consistency. fixed
  3. 00:39:946 (33,34) - 2/1 would more easier to read for beginners imo. 00:39:946 (33) - move to 00:39:517 and swap these. fixed
  4. 00:41:231 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41) - This 1/1 stream is too long. it needs to remove some notes.
  5. 00:44:660 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48) - Same as above.
  6. 00:54:946 - what the... 2.4x is hell. thisrelated to timing lolol
  7. 00:56:660 (4) - Increase slider's end to 00:57:517. drum sound is there. fixed
  8. 01:02:231 (8) - Move to 01:01:803 fixed
  9. 01:03:517 (10) - Reduce slider's length to 01:04:374. fixed
  10. 01:05:231 - It feels empty. add notes like as other similar parts. fixed
  11. 01:06:946 - Same as above. add note on here. fixed
  12. 01:09:946 (13) - Remove this. i think it is not neccessary. No change lolol
  13. 01:17:231 (20) - Reduce length and add note like as 01:10:374 / 01:13:803. fixed
  14. 01:36:946 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - Same as 00:41:231. fixed
  15. 01:42:946 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47) - Same as above. fixed
  16. 01:53:874 (57,58,59) - It is hard to read for beginners imo. how about change to like as prev? One note has been deleted to make 2/1
  17. 01:57:303 (63,64) - Same as above. fixed
  18. 02:00:731 (68,69,70) - ^ fixed
  19. 02:03:517 (71,72,73,74,75,76,77) - Same as 00:41:231. fixed
  20. 02:06:946 (78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - Same as above. fixed
  21. 02:18:089 (2) - feeling is not bad. but do you think this slider is a bit long? Perhaps. There is compound parts there. So I make renda (drumroll) there
  22. 02:30:946 - Add note for consistency. fixed
  23. 02:59:231 (22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - Same as 00:41:231.fixed
  24. 03:05:231 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49) - Same as above. fixed
  25. 03:14:446 (54,55,56,57,58) - Same as 01:53:874. how about changing to follows? fixed
  26. 03:17:446 (59) - Same as above. it would be eaiser to play that moving to 03:17:231.fixed
  27. 03:19:589 (63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - Same as above. i'd recommend trying other pattern. fixed
  1. It also seems to be many long 1/1 stream. i think it needs to remove some notes.
  2. 00:06:089 (1,2) - Same as Kantan. remove these. fixed
  3. 00:12:946 (12) - Change to D for consistency.fixed
  4. 00:13:374 - Add note for consistency with 00:20:231.fixed
  5. 01:03:517 (18,19) - Why do you use slider only on this part? Coumpound (1/3 and 1/6) fixed, replaced with don kat don kat don
  6. 01:06:946 - Add note. it feels empty. No change
  7. 01:08:660 - Same as above. fixed
  8. 01:10:803 (25) - Remove this for making break. fixed
  9. 01:14:231 (32) - Same as above. fixed
  10. 01:17:231 (38,39) - Same as 01:03:517. again, no change. sorry bro
  11. 03:22:803 (86) - Move to 03:23:231 and change to k. it would be better feeling. fixed
  1. 00:06:089 (1,2) - Same as Kantan. fixed
  2. 01:03:517 (30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37) - Rhythm choice is not good. how about changing to similar rhythm as prev? No. I wanted it fit with its 1/3 parts. I don't wanna brek those
  3. 01:17:231 (77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - Same as above. Compound timing orz
  4. 01:28:589 (21) - Remove? fixed
  5. 02:18:089 - is this part a bit hard compared to this difficulty? Not really.. Perhaps
  6. 02:24:946 - Same as above. ^
  7. 02:50:875 (21) - Remove? fixed
  8. 03:10:374 (88,89,90,91) - d d k d? it would fit more the music imo. Nah!
Sorry for late. No problem. Thanks
UPDATED da meka.....
Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue



ALL Suggestions are based in notorious sounds (other reason is with comments)

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Sliders are very rare for 1/3 mode ....

03:25:803 - Same indications as Futsuu about spinners...



00:44:231 - Change to d
00:47:660 - Same

01:05:660 - Change slider for notes ...
01:19:374 - Same

01:23:660 (4,6) - Change to k (these "scratch" sound)
01:27:089 (12,14) - Same
01:34:803 - Same

01:38:231 (36,37,38) - k d k

01:40:374 (41,42) - ctrl+g
01:41:660 - Change to k

01:43:803 (48,49) - ctrl+g

02:06:517 - Change to d (same reason as 00:44:231- )
02:09:946 - Same

02:45:946 - Change to k
02:49:374 - Same
02:52:803 - Same

03:24:089 - Change spinner for a note ...

03:25:803 - Starts spinner here until 03:30:946-
03:32:231 - Other spinner here until 03:37:803-
03:39:517 - Other until 03:41:660-



From 00:41:231- until 00:51:303 - Same indications as Oni about red notes please, focusing in Muzukashii...
From 02:03:517- until 02:13:589 - Same ^

02:24:517 - Change to K (not same hit, is a bit high)

From 03:12:089- to 03:23:660- Now add Finish in this notes ... 03:13:803- , 03:15:517- , 03:18:946- , 03:20:660- , 03:22:374-

03:25:803- to End - Can be 3 spinners and various notes (Same indications as Oni but less notes).



from 00:41:231- until 00:53:017 - Check your notes and focusing in Hit Bass sounds (red notes, can be repetitive but is better follow these rhythm)

00:41:231- to 00:43:374 - Pure red note
00:43:803 - Change to d

00:45:517- to 00:46:803- pure red note again
00:47:231 - Change to d

00:47:517 - Change to d
00:48:946 - Change these 3 notes to d

00:56:446 - Change these 2 notes to k (other hit type)
00:56:660 - Change to d

01:10:089 - Delete

01:34:231 - Move to 01:34:089-

02:20:231 - Fill this space ... (not end this stream XD)
02:27:089 - Same

03:02:017 - k (have notable sound)
03:05:446 - Same
03:08:874 - Same

03:25:803- to End - Can be 3 spinners and various notes in this order ...
A spinner from 03:25:910- until 03:30:946-
03:31:803 - k
03:32:231 - k
Other spinner from 03:32:660- until 03:37:803-
03:38:231 - k
03:38:660 - k
03:38:874 - k
03:39:089 - k
Other spinner from 03:39:517- until 03:44:660-

Topic Starter

xtrem3x wrote:

Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue



ALL Suggestions are based in notorious sounds (other reason is with comments)

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Sliders are very rare for 1/3 mode .... That's why. I should use them instead of notes

03:25:803 - Same indications as Futsuu about spinners... fixed



00:44:231 - Change to d
00:47:660 - Same fixed

01:05:660 - Change slider for notes ...
01:19:374 - Same fixed

01:23:660 (4,6) - Change to k (these "scratch" sound)
01:27:089 (12,14) - Same
01:34:803 - Same

01:38:231 (36,37,38) - k d k

01:40:374 (41,42) - ctrl+g
01:41:660 - Change to k

01:43:803 (48,49) - ctrl+g I didn't noticed some scratches. Thanks!

02:06:517 - Change to d (same reason as 00:44:231- )
02:09:946 - Same

02:45:946 - Change to k
02:49:374 - Same
02:52:803 - Same

03:24:089 - Change spinner for a note ...

03:25:803 - Starts spinner here until 03:30:946-
03:32:231 - Other spinner here until 03:37:803-
03:39:517 - Other until 03:41:660-




From 00:41:231- until 00:51:303 - Same indications as Oni about red notes please, focusing in Muzukashii...
From 02:03:517- until 02:13:589 - Same ^

02:24:517 - Change to K (not same hit, is a bit high)

From 03:12:089- to 03:23:660- Now add Finish in this notes ... 03:13:803- , 03:15:517- , 03:18:946- , 03:20:660- , 03:22:374-

03:25:803- to End - Can be 3 spinners and various notes (Same indications as Oni but less notes).



from 00:41:231- until 00:53:017 - Check your notes and focusing in Hit Bass sounds (red notes, can be repetitive but is better follow these rhythm)

00:41:231- to 00:43:374 - Pure red note
00:43:803 - Change to d

00:45:517- to 00:46:803- pure red note again
00:47:231 - Change to d

00:47:517 - Change to d
00:48:946 - Change these 3 notes to d

00:56:446 - Change these 2 notes to k (other hit type)
00:56:660 - Change to d

01:10:089 - Delete

01:34:231 - Move to 01:34:089-

02:20:231 - Fill this space ... (not end this stream XD)
02:27:089 - Same

03:02:017 - k (have notable sound)
03:05:446 - Same
03:08:874 - Same

03:25:803- to End - Can be 3 spinners and various notes in this order ...
A spinner from 03:25:910- until 03:30:946-
03:31:803 - k
03:32:231 - k
Other spinner from 03:32:660- until 03:37:803-
03:38:231 - k
03:38:660 - k
03:38:874 - k
03:39:089 - k
Other spinner from 03:39:517- until 03:44:660-

ALL FIXED. Now it fits well
Thanks xtrem3x
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