This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 9:48:08 PM
Artist: sasakure.UK
Title: Shiawase no Trill feat. Cie
Tags: [i:d] light electronic soft marathon
BPM: 98
Filesize: 8719kb
Play Time: 00:12
Difficulties Available:
Download: sasakure.UK - Shiawase no Trill feat. Cie
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
NOTICE: Remap diff is actually my plan to remap the current diff, hence don't try it nor look at it lol.
First submitted marathon map, and the first storyboard I created.
Download after 17/6/15 for Widescreen Storyboard!
For Approval
Artist: sasakure.UK
Title: Shiawase no Trill feat. Cie
Tags: [i:d] light electronic soft marathon
BPM: 98
Filesize: 8719kb
Play Time: 00:12
Difficulties Available:
Download: sasakure.UK - Shiawase no Trill feat. Cie
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
NOTICE: Remap diff is actually my plan to remap the current diff, hence don't try it nor look at it lol.
First submitted marathon map, and the first storyboard I created.
Download after 17/6/15 for Widescreen Storyboard!
For Approval

Special thanks to
CelsiusLK for a mod that improved patterns some suggestions on adding jumps..will consider lol.
[Sc4v4ng3r] for a great mod on ironing out quite a lot of rough edges in design, including stacks, distance and some nazi stuff i forgot to took care of, thanks!
Anxient for a quick but helpful mod through the IRC which fixed quite a large number of patterns (circles and sliders!)
inspectorscout for a great useful mod that helps fixing those incomplete blankets, overall flow and tapping sense :3
monstrata for waking me on making 1/1 synth and musical elements make more sense
HappyRocket88 for a really helpful mod that fixed most spacing stuff in this map <3
Anxient and Arcubin for help in storyboard and because of them, widescreen support is now added and working perfectly. Plus Arcubin fixed those storyboard elements and gave a really helpful mod!
HootOwlStar for tons of tons of tons of tons of help in NCs and slider blankets plus a really epic diff name!
tasuke912 for helpful suggestions in improving some parts of the map by suggesting better 1/6s to map <3
M o k o r ifor romanised title translating <3 without it I won't even upload it
Gamu for metadata help
if not I won't find mods
Asfano for modding (and suggesting a lot of blanket fix) hence reducing HootOwlStar's work load on finding blankets yay
LGV894 for modding (and some pattern suggestions) making it even more playable
[Sc4v4ng3r] for a great mod on ironing out quite a lot of rough edges in design, including stacks, distance and some nazi stuff i forgot to took care of, thanks!
Anxient for a quick but helpful mod through the IRC which fixed quite a large number of patterns (circles and sliders!)
inspectorscout for a great useful mod that helps fixing those incomplete blankets, overall flow and tapping sense :3
monstrata for waking me on making 1/1 synth and musical elements make more sense

HappyRocket88 for a really helpful mod that fixed most spacing stuff in this map <3
Anxient and Arcubin for help in storyboard and because of them, widescreen support is now added and working perfectly. Plus Arcubin fixed those storyboard elements and gave a really helpful mod!
HootOwlStar for tons of tons of tons of tons of help in NCs and slider blankets plus a really epic diff name!
tasuke912 for helpful suggestions in improving some parts of the map by suggesting better 1/6s to map <3
M o k o r ifor romanised title translating <3 without it I won't even upload it
Gamu for metadata help

Asfano for modding (and suggesting a lot of blanket fix) hence reducing HootOwlStar's work load on finding blankets yay
LGV894 for modding (and some pattern suggestions) making it even more playable