
Afilia Saga - S.M.L

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Thank You baraatje123! :)

baraatje123 wrote:

00:55:200 (1,2,3,4) - I recommend making them 1/1 (circles), or 3/4 sliders (Applies to all parts like this in the rest)
Left them as I feel changing them would result in too many circles or 3/4 sliders for a hard difficulty

baraatje123 wrote:

01:33:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why 1/3?
03:00:300 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why 1/3?
04:05:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why 1/3?
At 25% speed 1/3 actually match the beat perfectly

Other than that i patched up the rest accordingly :D
from my queue

  1. you have to adjust the diff spread between H and I. current mapset seems like Easy-Hard-Extra due to the large jumps on Insane diff, you'd better make another Insane to deal with it and rename current Insane to Extra
  1. 00:10:800 (3) - add NC for consistency
  2. 00:36:150 (3) - ^
  3. 00:54:000 (6,1) - swap NC
  4. 01:10:200 (4) - it would be better if you split this slider into some objects like [url=]this current slider is ignoring the awesome vocal sound too much. also don't forget to adjust NC pattern like you'd better fix other parts as well for consistency (ex. 02:36:600 (4) - , 03:41:400 (4) - )
  5. 01:27:600 (4,1) - ^
  6. 01:30:000 (3) - add NC
  7. 02:03:600 - what about adding a note here? current rhythm feels a bit empty. changing 02:03:300 (1) - this to 1/1 slider would be nice as well
  8. 02:20:400 (5,1) - swap NC for consistency
  9. 02:44:400 (4) - add NC for the same reason
  10. 02:54:000 (4,1) - swap NC
  11. 02:56:400 (3) - and add NC here
  12. 03:37:200 (1) - it seems that you forgot to add finish on this slider's head
  13. 03:58:800 (4,1) - swap NC
  14. 04:01:200 (2) - add NC
  1. 00:10:100 (2) - what about changing this to 1/1 slider? it fits better with the vocal imo
  2. 00:31:950 (4) - consider adding NC here, since current pattern may cause confusion to players, it would be better if there is an indicator
  3. 02:27:000 (3,4) - reverse the sliders respectively? for better flow
  1. 00:10:400 (3) - consider adding a note here to follow the vocal like this
  2. 00:10:800 (1) - maybe you forgot to add clap on slider's tail
  3. 00:15:450 (6) - according to the music, it would be much better if you remove this clap and add it on 00:14:850 (4) - this slider's tail instead. not only here but also other same parts as well (00:17:700 (5) - , 00:19:950 (3,4) - , etc.)
  4. 00:31:950 (5) - try adding NC to emhasize the vocal and indicate the pattern
  5. 00:46:350 (5) - add NC for consistnecy
  6. 00:49:200 (1) - this finish seems unnecessary, what about removing?
  7. 01:31:350 (2,3) - this sudden big jumps seems quite unreasonable. reducing the distance is recommended. well, you'd better adjust some kind of "unreasonable" patterns throughout of the map
  8. 01:33:900 (1) - this 1/3 stream looks difficulty to read beacuse of the many triplets you've used in the previous patterns. how about changing to 1/3 sliders? not only here but also 03:00:300 (1) - and 04:05:100 (1) -
  9. 01:39:600 (1) - add clap on slider's head for consistency
  10. 01:43:200 (1) - ^
  11. 03:10:800 (7) - add NC like you did on Hard
hmmmmmmmmmm since your current hitsounds are a bit out of place, i can help you in-game so call me if you need my help

i'll finish this by tomorrow good luck~
Topic Starter
Thank You HelloSCV!

HelloSCV wrote:

01:31:350 (2,3) - this sudden big jumps seems quite unreasonable. reducing the distance is recommended. well, you'd better adjust some kind of "unreasonable" patterns throughout of the map
Reduced this along with a few other jumps

HelloSCV wrote:

01:39:600 (1) - add clap on slider's head for consistency
01:43:200 (1) - ^
Not sure where clap is consistent with but I checked all triplets to makes sure they use whistles not claps

Everything else I think I fixed accordingly
I am still unsure about my hit sounds though so if you don't mind checking them again I'll be grateful :)
Very nice maps yeah
I do prefer that colors:
It's generally very good~
With DT+FL it's quite nice
00:28:200 (2) - remove sound. the slider in semi-circle looks worse than further one
00:30:600 (2) - turn it about 90ft
00:33:000 (2) - remove sound. same in others
00:34:200 (1) - this slider stay at previous combo
00:35:850 - here hidden circle
01:04:800 (3) - it isn't snapped. make slider at 1/4 bsd
02:31:200 (3) - same thing with snapping
02:51:600 - I think this section would has 1/2 frequency of extra-sounds
03:25:050 (4) - new combo
03:26:400 (3) - no new combo
03:28:800 (1) - ^
03:29:700 (2) - new combo
03:31:200 (1) - ^
03:31:800 (2) - ^
03:32:400 (3) - ^
03:36:000 (2) - ^maybe
04:40:200 (1) - hidden slider maybe
for DT the ds were too low
00:10:500 (1) - change combo
00:32:100 (2) - use difference place, then hidden slider
00:39:600 (1) - change combo 00:40:800 (1) - no new combo then
00:42:000 (1) - change combo, there shouldn't be ds
01:49:200 (1,2,3,4) - not sure about that
02:34:200 (3) - hidden slider?
00:03:600 (1,2,3,4) - why it isn't like there 00:06:000 (1,2,3,4)
00:10:100 (2) - try snap this on line, then take larger to the line
00:10:425 (3) - snap this to line, it's okay if the space breaks for two line
00:11:250 (2) - snap to line
00:49:650 (2,3) - put it further
01:03:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - why it changed to the stream. same to others
01:42:000 (1,4) - finish sound not needed
01:43:800 (5) - finish sound may be no appreciated
02:01:950 (1,2,3) - that kind of jumps, only on kiai time please
02:22:800 (1) - no NC
02:23:100 (2) - this hidden, cause of the huge jump. same others
02:32:400 - jumps got so strong in this section oO
03:29:850 (1,2,3,4,5) - I had to focus much, cause of this kind of distances

Hello! Responding to your request in the above queue.
So let's get started~

Please note: Everything in bold I highly suggest.
Everything in red is unrankable.


I think your diff-spread might be a problem. The jump from your Normal, which is 1.98 stars, to your Hard, which is 3.73, is quite big. It’s a diff gap of 1.75. I suggest adding an Easy diff (maybe ask for a GD) and try to make your Normal harder.

  1. 00:12:000 (1,2) –It’ll be nice if you punctuate the beats individually by placing circles here. Like this:
  2. If you’re going to fix that diff-spread then you’ll have to make the Normal harder. You can do that by adding more notes to make the rhythm a bit more complicated. Like here: 00:14:250 –and here: 00:16:650 –
  3. 00:09:600 (1) –Here the rhythm is also too simple and could be much harder. So I suggest removing that repeat slider and trying a rhythm like this:
  4. 00:19:050 –You can also add notes here: 00:19:050 –and here: 00:21:450 –
  5. 00:32:100 (3) –Pretty simple rhythm. This pattern is better in my opinion.
  6. 00:35:850 –A note is definitely needed here. The music clearly suggests it.
  7. 00:36:150 (1) –This slider can be broken up into two short sliders to punctuate a better rhythm. Like this:
  8. 00:40:500 (2) –The vocals rather suggest a short slider here than just a circle.
  9. 00:42:600 (2,3) –Replacing these sliders with circles will punctuate the beats much more effectively.
  10. 00:45:600 (3) –Too simple rhythm. Try a more complicated pattern. Like this:
  11. 00:49:050 –The vocals suggest clearly that you can place a note here.
  12. 00:50:100 (2) –Replace with a short slider instead. Vocals suggests it.
  13. 00:55:200 (2,3) –Same as previous suggestions. Use circles to punctuate the certain beats. It will make the diff much more fun to play.
  14. 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) –You can clearly hear that the music suggests nice short sliders here. So remove the circles and place short sliders in their place.
    Using the short sliders instead will help to emphasize these notes as well: 01:01:350 - 01:01:950 - 01:02:550 - 01:03:150 –
  15. 01:07:200 (3) –Rather try a rhythm like this one:
  16. 01:10:800 –Try to punctuate strong beats like this one with a single circle or with the start of a slider. Right now, it’s an off-beat that’s not really suggested. So something like this will work better:
  17. 01:12:300 (5) –Nazi. Just move this slider a bit upward to make it in-line with: 01:11:400 (3) –
  18. 01:13:950 –You missed an important beat here. You can start a slider there to punctuate that beat as well.
  19. 01:14:400 (1,2) –Same as previous suggestions about replacing the sliders with circles instead to emphasize those important beats.
  20. 01:16:500 –Place a note there, cuz right now it feels rather empty.
  21. 01:20:400 –Same as previous suggestion about rather place a separate note on strong beats like these.
  22. 01:23:550 –You missed another beat here. Start a slider at this point.
  23. 01:24:000 (1,2) –Replace with circles instead. (Like previous suggestions)
  24. 01:25:800 (2) –This rhythm can be much harder and more enjoyable. Try this pattern:
  25. 01:27:600 (1) –Refrain from using slidershapes like these. These are considered old mapping style slidershapes and they don’t look nice. Rather just use a normal curved slider.
  26. 01:28:200 –Rather place a single note here to emphasize that beat better.
  27. 01:31:350 –Placing a note here will work very nicely. (Please note that there are other places where you can place more notes as well; just listen to the music for those stray beats and place a circle to punctuate them. It will make game-play much more enjoyable)
  28. 01:33:000 (2) –Replace with short slider.
  29. 01:34:800 (1) –You miss a lot of beats by placing this long repeat slider here. You can get a lot of enjoyable patterns here. Here’s a suggestion:
  30. 01:36:300 (2) –Change into a short slider to also emphasize this note: 01:36:450 –

I think I’m gonna stop here with the Normal before you get bored out of your mind. I’ve pointed out a lot of places where the rhythms can be much better. Right now, this diff almost looks like an Easy diff. And I understand why: Because this is your easiest diff. But right now there is a big diff gap since your Normal diff can be way harder. I really suggest that you map an Easy (or ask someone else to do one for you) and then recheck your Normal and try and find places where the rhythm is too easy/boring or where notes can be placed to spice up this diff more.

Even though the patterns need more work, the placement, your NC’s and overall “look” of this diff is very nice. It looks tidy and if it was an Easy diff, it would be really good. (Just also focus on trying to avoid downbeats; thus place notes at very important beats to punctuate them more)

  1. 00:04:200 (3,4) –Maybe try this? Not an issue; just personal taste :P
  2. 00:06:000 (1,2,3,4) -^
  3. 00:08:400 (1,2,3,4) -^
  4. 00:21:300 (4) –Rather do this to help with better flow.
    Copy and paste 00:21:000 (3) –and then rotate it 30 degrees anti-clockwise.
  5. 00:25:200 (4) –New combo here for consistency
  6. 00:25:800 (6) –Try this rhythm. Follows the beat better in my opinion.
  7. 00:45:600 (1,2) –Replacing these two sliders with circles will make this part much more fun to play.
    If you follow my above suggestion, then change these two circles: 00:46:350 (5,6) –into a short slider. (Just to prevent too many consecutive circles)
  8. 00:47:400 –Avoid this downbeat please, by placing a circle there instead. Like this:
    The rhythm above sounds much better and also punctuates this beat: 00:47:250 –
  9. 01:49:800 (3) –Why don’t you place a finish on this slider’s head as well? To punctuate that beat more.
  10. 01:52:200 (3) –Same here. Place a finish on the head.
  11. 01:49:650 (2) –Not such a good placement for flow purposes. Try doing this to this slider: 01:49:200 (1) –
    I just bended the tail to point in the circle’s direction.
  12. Your kiai time looks very nice :)
  13. 02:05:850 –I suggest placing a note here. It fits in nicely with the rhythm.
  14. 02:12:000 (1,2) –Same as previous suggestion. Punctuate the beats with circles and change these two circles: 02:12:750 (3,4) –into a short slider.
  15. 02:36:450 (2) –Again, not such a good idea for flow purposes. Also try (like I did in my previous suggestion) to bend the tail of the slider in the direction of that circle.
  16. 02:44:250 –This space feels so empty. I suggest placing a note here to help with the nice flow as well.
  17. 04:24:750 (5) –Why didn’t you stack this circle on 04:24:450 (4) -? Like you did in your other similar patterns

Not a bad hard at all. There are still improvements that have to be made, but other than that this hard is very enjoyable. I liked the kiai time the most :D

  1. 00:03:600 (1,2,3,4) –For consistency, please space them out normally, like you did here: 00:06:000 (1,2,3,4) –and here: 00:08:400 (1,2,3,4) –and here: 00:12:000 (1,2,3,4) –
  2. 00:31:200 (1,2,3,4) –Make these jumps the same length? 00:31:500 (3,4) –This circles’ jump are bigger than 00:31:200 (1,2) –
  3. 00:34:800 (1,2,3) –Make a better triangle shape here please.
    I just moved (1) till it’s more in the middle of (2) and (3)
  4. 00:36:150 (1,2,3,4) –These jumps are also not the same distance apart. I really advise you to make sure they are. This jump: 00:36:150 (1,2) –is bigger than this jump: 00:36:450 (3,4) –
  5. 00:37:125 (6,1) –Hmm, maybe make these two circles more visible by unstacking them. Since the beat is so fast, it’s quite hard to see them properly. So do this:
  6. 00:40:050 (3,4,5) –Shouldn’t these notes be the same distance from each other? Like 00:40:500 (5) –is closer to 00:40:350 (4) –then 00:40:050 (3) –is

I just thought I’ll highlight those few points for you, since I’m still learning myself how to mod Insanes well. :P

Overall, I’m sorry about that diff gap thing but right now it is a problem because of the big jump from Normal to Hard. I really love this song and hope to see it ranked some day.

Good Luck!~ :D
osu ^^/ HM request from my queue~

Here's some quick IRC check
2015-01-25 19:56 LordRaika: yo >w<
2015-01-25 19:57 furywolf: hi there
2015-01-25 19:57 LordRaika: regarding your hitsound request
2015-01-25 19:57 LordRaika: ACTION is listening to [ Afilia Saga - S.M.L]
2015-01-25 19:58 furywolf: im currently adding the clap hit sound on the sliderticks for all the kiai periods but all the other hit sounds should be as the same
2015-01-25 20:01 LordRaika: are u looking for some other hitsound?
2015-01-25 20:01 LordRaika: everything, so far soo good here >w<
2015-01-25 20:03 furywolf: if its all good im happy with it, just wanted to add claps on the kiai sliderticks to make it sound smoother
2015-01-25 20:04 LordRaika: yea.... so far... its good >w< cant really find anything missing
2015-01-25 20:05 furywolf: all right thanks :D
2015-01-25 20:05 LordRaika: currently checking the hard
2015-01-25 20:06 LordRaika: 00:36:150 (1,2,3) - here
2015-01-25 20:06 LordRaika: on hard
2015-01-25 20:06 LordRaika: missing clap
2015-01-25 20:06 LordRaika: unlike insane
2015-01-25 20:07 LordRaika: >w<
2015-01-25 20:10 furywolf: fixed :D
2015-01-25 20:11 LordRaika: btw , the cymbal of hitfinish is kind a overkill... too noisy
2015-01-25 20:11 LordRaika: XD try [ to replace it with this?]
2015-01-25 20:12 LordRaika: ive reduce the sustain sound, so u can spam it like in 00:55:200 (1,2,3,4) -
2015-01-25 20:14 LordRaika: btw in insane, 01:35:400 - starting from here, every 2/1 beat, its whistle... why???????? isnt it suppose to be clap?
2015-01-25 20:14 LordRaika: >w<
2015-01-25 20:14 furywolf: sounds better at the cluster but funny when on its own but i guess that may be because its new
2015-01-25 20:14 LordRaika: i like it that way thou .w<
2015-01-25 20:14 LordRaika: >w,
2015-01-25 20:14 LordRaika: >w<
2015-01-25 20:14 LordRaika: here
2015-01-25 20:14 furywolf: yea im happy with it for now thanks
2015-01-25 20:15 LordRaika: 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) -
2015-01-25 20:15 LordRaika: in normal dif
2015-01-25 20:15 LordRaika: if u dislike the custom hitfinish
2015-01-25 20:15 LordRaika: press CTRL+E
2015-01-25 20:15 LordRaika: 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) - CTRL+E
2015-01-25 20:15 LordRaika: >w<
2015-01-25 20:16 LordRaika: your normal-hitfinish isnot custom hitsound, its actually default soft-hitfinish orz
2015-01-25 20:16 LordRaika: so u can actually replace it with mine
2015-01-25 20:16 furywolf: i thought that i would keep claps mainly in kiai time and whistle elsewhere
2015-01-25 20:16 LordRaika: okay, for whistle, np then
2015-01-25 20:16 LordRaika: and then use soft-hitfinish like 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) - here
2015-01-25 20:16 LordRaika: currently using normal dif as reference link
2015-01-25 20:17 LordRaika: 02:02:550 (1,2) - missing clap on hard, unlike in insane
2015-01-25 20:18 furywolf: ill use the custom hitsound for now but i may also try to find another good one
2015-01-25 20:18 LordRaika: [ here]
2015-01-25 20:18 LordRaika: im still on progress to add more,
2015-01-25 20:19 LordRaika: btw ignore the LR_RevCy
2015-01-25 20:19 LordRaika: reverse cymbal is not smthg u will use here XD
2015-01-25 20:20 LordRaika: 03:08:400 (1,3) - missing finish on hard
2015-01-25 20:20 LordRaika: 03:08:400 (1,2) -
2015-01-25 20:20 LordRaika: on normal too
2015-01-25 20:20 LordRaika: but it has finish on insane
2015-01-25 20:22 LordRaika: 04:13:200 (1,3) - same here too
2015-01-25 20:22 LordRaika: 04:18:000 (1,3) - on insane, its seems missing here XD , since you usually add finish cymbal here
2015-01-25 20:26 LordRaika: umm Furywolf???????????
2015-01-25 20:27 furywolf: yea ive been checking and changing them :P
2015-01-25 20:27 LordRaika: okay >w< glad to knw that its valid, so hows ur finish choice?
2015-01-25 20:29 furywolf: i like LR4_CyCV2, guess im using that now
2015-01-25 20:29 LordRaika: ^^b and i've finished checking, the consistency is okay,
2015-01-25 20:29 LordRaika: for each dif
2015-01-25 20:29 LordRaika: so... good luck for rank >w< , thats all
2015-01-25 20:30 furywolf: thanks for the help :D

GL on ranking ^^b
Topic Starter

TAILOW wrote:

01:04:800 (3) - it isn't snapped. make slider at 1/4 bsd
02:31:200 (3) - same thing with snapping

00:10:100 (2) - try snap this on line, then take larger to the line
00:10:425 (3) - snap this to line, it's okay if the space breaks for two line
00:11:250 (2) - snap to line
These are snapped to 1/3 bsd to match the beat/lyrics

TAILOW wrote:

01:03:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - why it changed to the stream. same to others
I don't want the streams to be too long so broke it up

Normal now hasl claps on sliderticks during kiai time if you wanna check that out.

Haven't gone through yet but guess I'll start making the Easy diff at some point, Normal used to be harder but I was trying to bring it down :?

Thank You all for the mods
  1. blankets during all ,ap can be better. i wont point them one by one but suggest run out through the diff and imrpove it
  2. 00:09:600 (1,2,1) - would be great if you can improve transition between them for a little. Make it more clear(bad example try to make something good).
  3. 00:16:800 (3,1) - 00:18:600 (2,3) - this pattern can be a bit uncomfortable to play. Till normal is the lowest diff in mapset would be cool if flow can be clearer.
  4. 00:21:600 (3,1) - ds with 00:21:000 (2) -
  5. 00:44:400 (1,2,3) - try to amke right trianlge here
  6. 01:08:400 (1,2,3) - imoh that kind of flow would more comfortable to play
  7. 01:13:200 (1,2,1) - also that flow is a bit harmless for newbies players
  8. 02:03:300 (1,1,2) - trianlge mb?
  9. 02:23:100 (2,1,2) - i dont like pair 02:23:100 (2,1) - idk why. just got feeling like it can be hard readable for newbies. Maybe make them parallel bit leave pattern 02:24:000 (1,2) - which, imo plays good.
  10. 02:33:600 (3,4,1) - want to see flow here curved in anther direction or straight line between them
  11. 02:38:400 (3,4,1) - mb right triangle?
  12. 03:04:500 (3,4,5) - such flow plays better. Many unskilled player would move cursor automaticly to 03:05:700 (5) - ignoring 03:05:400 (4) - just 5 would be closer to find after focusing on slider 03:04:500 (3) - .
  13. 03:28:800 (3,1,2) - maybe this rhythm? Atm 03:29:700 (1,2) - hard to press 1 till many people would scare of that 1/2 snap(wasnt before on map) and ther is threre same strong beats on 03:29:550 - 03:29:700 - 03:29:850 - . Cause of all this things can press 03:29:700 (1) - randomly
  14. 03:46:800 (1,2) - suggest to remove this flow place something more readable
  15. 03:55:200 (1,1) - remvoe that overlap ;z
  16. 04:19:800 (4,1) - increase angle between them or make parallel
  17. This map can be really diffuclt till you flow is unstable. In general you use clear flow but sometimes you combain it with diffuclt not obvious patterns.
    02:32:400 (1) - many people would move cursor to end of 02:33:000 (2) - instead of star beacsue its golably more comfortable to play and suits more for style. 02:53:400 (3,1) - patterns like this one just hard for nonskilled player cause of this movement "hither and thither". Would be great if you improve your flow a little. Also map got littel lack of circles. Need more variety with rhythm, imho.
  1. 00:10:100 (2) - iguess better start it with white tick till there is no real drum beat from song on 00:10:100 -
  2. 00:10:100 - remove whistle at the end of slider
  3. 00:18:900 (4) - overlap with score metter
  4. 01:06:000 (1,2,3) - make slider's less curved - it may look better.
  5. 01:07:800 (3) - some player may have problems with this slider - cause of the flow 01:07:200 (1,2) - before genereal this slider want to play "from top to bot" instead of "from bot to top".
  6. 01:08:400 (1,2) - also can be some problems cause slider (2) too close to (1). btw also suggest to make them a bit far away 01:08:400 (1,3) -
  7. 01:12:000 (1,2,3) - uncofortabel flow
  8. for hard and for insane i disagree with removing first pause. 3-11 drain would be really hard especially if player strated to learn diffuclt or play with mods.
  9. 02:24:600 (3,4) - ctrlg separately?
  10. 02:36:000 (1,2,3) - firsly its just little umcofortable flow at all secondly you made jump on red tick. Suggest you to escape from balnket and place 02:36:450 (2) - somewhere between(ds meaning) sliders. Exp 448\207
  11. 02:39:300 (4) - ctrlg?
  12. 03:10:950 (1) - if you support "aaaa" then better end spinner on 03:12:600 -
  13. 03:25:500 (2,3,4) - mb this rhythm?
  14. 03:41:850 (4,1) - dont like that jump idk why. mb nerf it for a little?
  15. 03:43:800 (3,4) - make them paralell?
  16. 04:21:000 (3,2,3) - 04:21:300 (4,4,5) - this overlaps can be really diffcult for many peoples
  17. 04:28:050 (2,3) - remove littel overlap :P
  18. sometimes on hard appears same problem as on normal about movement "hither and thither" but in overall diff is really balanced and good
  1. 00:17:550 (4,5) - just my point of view, you dont emphasize somehow this beats jump would sit so cool on them but instead of this your putting wahooo jumps 00:16:200 (3,4,5,6) - where music in general dont have any changes. That looks strrange for me. hoppe its only for me
  2. 00:56:400 (1) - 256\144 or somewhere close?
  3. 01:06:000 (1,2,3) - 01:06:600 (4,5,6) - this movementc dotn suit for music and vocal part is long "aaaaa" "iiiiii" you build flow like every 1/2 got diffreant vocal part. Maybe make flow little softer(it's just exp the idea to make one line between (2) - slider's start - slider's body)
  4. 01:07:200 (1,2) - also bad way, imho. Vocal part clear starts on 01:07:200 - and ends on 01:07:350 - . You purring lsider on red tick + add big jumps. Fix at least one thing, but better both
  5. 01:18:750 (2,3,4,1) - many even skilled plyaer dont lie such pattern when after jumps like 01:18:750 (2,3,4) - goes slider on same distance snapped and wchih continue flow's curve.
  6. 01:29:700 (5,6,1) - in logic of pattern and music start of 01:30:000 (1) - shgould be somewhere on 164\328
  7. 01:45:300 (5,6,1) - i am not sure that so huge jumps are need here. They dont suit for your style and, imho hard to play with mods. And also vocal parrt ask one slider instead of two notes 01:45:300 (5,6) - . etc same. Here is good examplee 01:50:400 (1,2) - 01:48:300 (2,3,1,2) - . Other pairs of note a bit unnecasry
  8. 02:38:700 (2,3,4,5) - also can be some problems till you putt 14 triplet after big jump on red tick. same problem 02:43:500 (2,3,4,5) - but it moer polite for player
  9. 03:06:000 (1,2,3,4,5) - this pattern also hard to play and many people can pass it without break
  10. 04:10:500 (5,6,7,1) - was b4
  11. 04:40:200 (1,2) - mb this kawaii pattern? :3
  12. didnt understand your jumps. They are kind of random and dont have any global system.
Also i think for good mapset you need easy here :C
All the best! o/
Topic Starter
-Nya- & fergas
Thanks for the mod, I made Normal more difficult and will start work on an Easy diff
Tried to be more consistent with flow but my play style keeps interfering >:(
Also reduced many big jumps in Insane
yo call me back when u finish Easy diff k
Hi~~ NM from my queue~

Good map here we have~
But we need the diffs more smooth for each level of players.

00:05:400 (3) - fix blanket
00:06:000 (1,2,3,4) - use sliders to check it:

00:07:500 (2,3,4) - fix blanket
00:08:400 (1,2,3,4) - ↑↑
00:15:600 (1,2) - same curvature
00:28:200 (3) - blanket
00:29:400 (4) - ^
00:30:300 (2) - use copy of 1.
00:33:000 (4) - blanket
00:40:500 (5) - bad flow, move right
00:42:000 (1) -

00:44:400 (1) - blanket
00:48:750 (4) - here use sliders begin at red line(1/2) is a little weird.
00:51:600 (1) - bad flow, move left, up
01:03:600 (1,2) - vol down about 10%, a little noisy here
01:11:400 (3) - blanket or the same curvature of 01:10:800 (1)
01:13:500 (2) - x128 y192 to fix flow
01:16:800 (1,2,3) - fix shape to perfect
01:19:200 (1,4) - a little overlap, move out one of them
01:20:400 (1) - blanket
01:21:600 (1) - cancel NC
01:22:800 (1) - blanket (first fix 01:22:500 (5) - for flow)
01:24:000 (1,2,3,4) - bad flow
01:33:450 (5) - blanket
01:43:800 (5) - blanket
01:55:800 (4) - ^
02:00:600 (4) - ^
02:12:750 (1,2) - ctrl g?
02:21:000 (3) - use copy of 1.
02:23:400 (3) - fix shape to 2's curvature
02:30:000 (1,2) - vol down↑↑
02:36:000 (1) - x56 y188
02:44:850 (2) - x248 y356
02:46:800 (1) - blanket
02:49:200 (1) - ^
02:54:000 (1) - ^
03:08:400 (1) - ^ with 03:08:100 (4)
03:29:850 (1,4) - ^
03:35:550 (5) - x204 y188
03:37:500 (2,3,4) - fix to better equilateral
03:39:600 (1) - blanket
03:54:000 (1) - ^
04:08:100 (4,1,2) - fix shape
04:17:400 (5) - too curve
04:18:000 (1) - blanket
00:03:600 (1,2,3,4) - DS too big, something like these should be nerer
00:09:600 (1,2) - sounds strange
00:13:200 (1,2,3,4) - fix shape or all change to straight
00:16:950 (2) - wrong DS before and after
00:23:400 (3) - blanket
00:26:550 (1,2) - weird, change form
00:34:200 (3) - blanket
00:36:450 (2) - ^
00:36:900 (3) - ^
00:38:400 (1) - ^
00:39:000 (3) - ^
00:40:500 (2,3) - bad shape

00:42:000 (1) - blanket
00:45:000 (3,4) - ^
00:45:600 (1,2) - ^
00:48:000 (1) - ^
00:48:600 (3) - ^
00:50:400 (1,2) - ^
00:54:000 (1) - ^
00:55:200 (1,2,3,4) - use one copy of one of them
00:58:200 (3,4) - too far away
01:00:000 (1,2,3,4) - fix shape better
01:09:600 (1) - blanket
01:10:200 (3) - ^
01:14:400 (1,2,3,4) - too difficult, suggest each slider ctrl g and change 01:15:600 (1)
01:19:200 (1) - blanket
01:22:800 (1) - ^
01:42:450 (2) - fix DS
01:42:600 (3) - blanket
01:43:200 (1) - ^
01:49:650 (2,3) - fix DS
01:54:600 (3) - blanket
01:57:000 (3) - ^
02:10:800 (1) - ^
02:14:400 (1) - ^
02:16:800 (1) - ^
02:24:900 (4) - hmm, why here?
02:34:200 (3) - blanket
02:43:800 (3) - ^
02:49:200 (1) - ^
02:53:400 (3) - ^
02:58:800 (1) - ^
03:01:200 (1) - ^
03:04:650 (3) - ^
03:09:600 (1) - ^
03:35:250 (2,3,4,5) - better not use these in hard but it is ok
03:39:600 (1) - blanket
03:48:300 (2) - bad overlap
03:51:000 (2) - blanket
03:57:450 (3) - ^
04:06:000 (1) - ^
04:08:400 (1) - ^
04:13:200 (1,3) - ^
04:15:000 (3) - ^

normal I give up...
If you want to use as so much blanket as you did, then be more patient
Good luck~
Topic Starter
Easy done at last!!!

Went through my blankets...hope its better now... :(
Thanks for modding!
from me moddin q

honestly the majority of this mod is literally me telling u to use more blankets because imo it'd make the diffs look much nicer lol

00:06:000 (1) - can ya ctrl+J dis and move it to like x:228 y:116, while moving the slider and circles and e.t.c after it as necessary to make it look nice
00:36:150 (3,1) - swithc ncs, makes no sense imo
01:45:300 (2) - it feels like there should be a note here
01:46:800 (1,2) - imo if u blanket dis it'd b a lot moar kawai
02:13:500 (1,2) - ^
02:19:200 (1,2) - imo if they're both straight that'd make this part a lot cleaner
02:19:800 (2,1) - u sud blanket this too, that'd look even better u feel
02:28:800 (3) - Ctrl+G and yea
02:45:600 (3) - imo u could've made use of the shape and made a blanket u feel
04:13:200 (1,2) - i kno ur using DS but a blanket wud be... nicer.... idk
04:40:200 (1,2) - if u stack these it'd be easier for easy players tbh
00:50:100 (2,3) - wHW<:RFESKFGWEFOSEJFOWEf blanketpls
00:56:100 (5) - imo x:272 y:64 wud play better but w/e
01:54:000 (1) - bbbbbbbbbbbbbblanket B^)
02:32:400 (1,2) - move this more up like around x:219 y:254
04:24:000 (5,1) - making these parallel would look much better too
actually good diff i dont really ahve much to say asdf
00:31:650 (3,1) - stack and place 00:32:100 (2) - at around x:36 y:112. plays much better that way imo
01:08:250 (4) - move to x:412 y:84 and 01:08:400 (1) - to x:344 y:144 so it blankets better me mane
01:14:400 (1,3) - eh y does one go down and the other go up tho
01:24:000 (1,3) - 01:24:000 (1,2,3,4) - same slider/angle/whatev pl0x (esp. 01:24:000 (1,3) - )
01:48:150 (2,3) - imo if u Ctrl+G that'd b a lot more fun u feel
02:47:700 (3,1,2) - for some reason teh angles and stuff make me really uncomfortable and idk why. I think something like this would be better though but yea
04:17:100 (2,3) - blanket pls
01:22:800 (1,2,3,4) - x:276 y:252 4 sik stacks
01:45:900 (2,1) - stack under the slider end tbh and yea
01:48:450 (3,1) - woh stack? idk
01:50:700 (3,1) - ^
imo that's more fun to play and fits better with the song but ye
02:27:600 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - even though i can easily do these jumps, they're too big imo, song doesn't have enough energy for them i belive
02:40:800 (1,2,3,4) - if u did ^ over here thoguh, that'd be awesom e
02:50:400 (1,2,3,4) - like the parts before that were like this, you should literally make it jumpy because imo that'd be so cool omg
03:45:300 (5,6,1) - very not kawaii uneven spacing pls
04:02:550 (2,3) - Ctrl+G plays much better
04:20:100 (5,6,7,8,1) - x:68 y:204 4 sik stacks
04:40:200 (1,2) - stack
yah this was a rlly nice diff 2 watch lol

Topic Starter
Thanks VINXIS, changed a few things but some blankets would make the flow wierd so I didn't add too many
Insane only >w< cuz I cant mod anything below Hard
from my modding queue
01:04:800 (1) - this sounds fine on the repeat on a blue tick btw
01:13:200 (1) - ctrl+g
01:30:300 (2) - ^
01:34:500 (3) - make same shape as 01:33:900 (1) -
02:55:650 (2,3,4) - try to keep everything in the grid?
02:59:850 (6) - ctrl+g. I mean, the jump to 4 to 5 is kinda large so maybe keep it that way for 6?
03:56:100 (4) - make same shape as 03:55:500 (2) -
04:05:700 (3) - make same shape as 04:05:400 (2) -
04:25:800 (4) - ctrl+g
04:30:600 (3) - ^
04:36:300 (3) - ^
04:40:650 (1) - move 04:40:575 -

favorite song >w<
can only help with ctrl+g sorry xD
Topic Starter
Thanks Anxient, the ctrl+g seemed pretty cool, changed most of them

01:04:800 (1) - slider end doesn't sync with vocal on blue tick
02:59:850 (6) - remove the jump from 5 and made it blanket the 2 slider
Hey, sorry I got to this so late. Got held up with school, jury duty, whatever. Anyway, from Krauv's Queue.

00:20:400 (1) - move up and right a couple grid spaces to align better with previous slider (makes a straight line)
01:33:600 (2) - move to 01:33:450
01:51:900 (2) - move diagonally (northeast) one grid space
02:06:000 (4) - move down a grid space
04:13:200 (1) - not blanketed to its potential with (3)
04:40:200 (1,2) - unstack
00:21:600 (3) - blanket (2)?
01:06:000 (1,2,3) - move (3) closer to (2) so the spacing between each slider is the same
01:22:200 (4) - ctrl + g
04:09:600 (3) - ^
AR to 7.2? (seems incredibly fast)
01:51:150 (3) - stack under (2) to keep consistency
02:01:950 (5) - seems intentional, but I'll say it anyways (felt super strange while playing). spacing
04:17:250 (3) - blanket (2)

Mhmm. These are all suggestive. Don't listen to them if you feel like it. Anyway, good luck on your map.
Topic Starter
Thanks Krauv, changed most of what you mentioned except pretty much the ctrl + g
You requested a mod from me via my queue, but I already modded it, so I don't think it'll be useful :P
Sorry (Note: You can ask me via PM if there is an other map you want me to mod)
  1. Add "NouCome" to tags ? since the this anime name is so long so we called it NouCome
  2. I think title should be "S・M・L☆" since the official source have that star symbol in title ,
  3. Why not use "normal-slidertick"? it canl make hitsound in easy a bit more consistent
  1. 00:19:800 - Why skip this beat? it sound like 00:22:200 - which you mapped it here imo
  2. 00:57:000 (3,2) - Aesthetic- improve stack here
  3. 00:58:500 (4) - Finish sound a bit redundant here
  4. 01:04:800 (1) - Whistle head, tail, repeat arrow to emphasis vocal here ?
  5. 01:17:400 (3) - Ctrl+G make flow here 01:17:400 (3,4,1) - a bit better imo
  6. 01:34:500 (1) - remove NC? I don't see any reason to NC here
  7. 01:45:300 (5,6) - Ctrl+G these and flow seems a bit better here imo
  8. 01:45:600 (1,2) - Remove clap at tail ? sound a bit not right there imo
  9. 01:52:500 (6) - x168 y288 , it greatly improve pattern here a bit imo
  10. 02:58:200 (1) - This NC make NC pattern a bit inconsistent here since you NC like mostly downbeat on in kiai but then you only NC this one
    01:31:800 (5,6,7,8) - ,04:03:000 (6,7,8,9), - Here is the same vocal as the one I mention but you don't nc on 3rd white tick like what you do here 02:58:050 (3,4,1,2) -
  11. 03:27:150 (4,5) - Spacing here seems a bit too sudden I don't think 03:27:300 (5) - is that really impact to make a jumps , well 03:27:300 (5,1) - this one does worth a jumps
  12. 04:17:700 (6,7,1) - Make spacing here consistent , these notes sound same imo and it can make a flow here a bit consistent
  13. 04:19:725 - Add a note here so the rhythm here will be a bit sound better
  14. 04:26:100 (5) - Ctrl+G this would make flow a bit better here 04:25:800 (4,5,1) - imo
  1. 00:09:300 (4,2) - Blanket ?
  2. 00:14:850 (3,4) - 1/1 slider sound a bit better here
  3. 00:19:650 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:21:000 (3) - Ctrl+G this might improve flow a bit here 00:20:700 (2,3,4) -
  5. 01:09:600 (1,2,3) - Make spacing consistent here ? sound not right to increase spacing here 01:10:050 (2,3) - imo
  6. 01:43:050 (4,1) - Stack this and it play nice for me
  7. 01:49:200 (1,2) - Not good to jumps like this imo you even break the flow (?) here too 01:49:200 (1,2) - that a bit too much for hard diff imo
  8. 02:03:300 (3) - Ctrl+G this might improve flow here 02:02:850 (2,3,1) - a bit but try to organize spacing after you ctrl+g too if you accept this
  9. 02:04:800 (1,2) - Similiar to 01:49:200 (1,2) -
  10. 02:18:900 (4) - Make it like? so it flow with (1) a bit better
  11. 02:24:000 (1,2,3) - Make spacing consistent here ? so the pattern here will be consistent too 02:24:000 (1,2,3) - you already make great jumps here 02:24:600 (3,4) - no need to increas spacing here 02:24:300 (2,3) - imo
  12. 02:36:450 (2,3) - This jumps is not that necessary in hard imo since (3) play rather sudden , sudden jumps not always good in hard imo
  13. 02:41:100 (2) - Ctrl+G this would make spacing and flow here 02:40:800 (1,2,3) - a bit better
  14. 03:02:100 (2,3) - Stack here would play a bit better imo
  15. 03:27:300 (4) - I'd place this note like this play better imo
  16. 03:43:800 (3) - Ctrl+G this would make flow and spacing here 03:43:500 (2,3) - a bit better , If you feel aware about how to place (4) try this
    I think flow and spacing in this diff can be improved a bit
  1. 00:34:200 (5) - x256 y248 ? flow a bit better imo
  2. 01:11:700 (3,4) - Focus on vocal sound a bit better here imo
  3. 01:20:700 (1) - Just one 1/1 circle is okay here mapping 1/2 beat here sound a bit too much
  4. 01:26:700 (4,5) - Try this ?
  5. 01:28:500 (2,3) - Similiar to 01:11:700 (3,4) -
  6. 03:02:700 (4,5) - Similiar to 01:26:700 (4,5) -
  7. 04:02:100 (2,3) - Try this ?
  1. 00:04:800 (2) - I'd try not to mess vocal much here since it a bit hard for beginners imo eventhough you make repeat slider here
  2. 00:07:200 (2) -, 00:09:600 (2) - ^
  3. 00:12:000 (1,2,3,4) - 4 notes like this in 200 bpm is a bit too exhaust for beginner imo
  4. 00:13:200 (1,2) - This rhythm sound not right to me since you ending (1) on downbeat(big white tick) that sound pretty emphasized here and you also start (2) on not that much emphasized beat, try this if you fixed this , fix the rhythm after this too
  5. 00:34:800 (1,2) - This sound better imo
  6. 01:47:100 (2) - Ending this slider here 01:47:700 - sound better imo
  7. 01:51:900 (2) - Ending this slider here 01:52:500 - sound better imo
  8. 03:00:000 (2,3) - try this ?
  9. 03:28:800 (2) - This sound better
  10. 04:04:800 (2,3) - Same as 03:00:000 (2,3) -
Good luck :)
Hi o/ ! Try to pick what u like , these are just suggestions owo ! just take more attention to Red Things

  1. You Can Also Add "NouKome" To Tags Like In MyAnimeList
  2. BG Is a bit Wierd For ME cuz of titles And Also Wrong Size ! Why not try to find Another BG ? I've Made a BG Hope u like it
    BG Link :
  3. Easy diff 1,77 stars owo Next time u make a high bpm Song Try lower SV And Simplify rhythms more

  1. For this BPM And Density maby a higher AR Would work better ! 3.5 or 4
  2. 00:09:600 (2) - Imo this Reverse don't fit there like 00:04:800 (2,2) - u can try this Rhythm
  3. 00:12:000 (1,2,3,4) - Too hard ! i think ! try this maby ? Rhythm
  4. 00:15:000 (2) - idk i didn't like this rhythm there ! Try To make that slider start here 00:14:850 - Like This
  5. 00:17:400 (2) - ^
  6. 00:19:650 (2) - ^
  7. 00:22:200 (2) - Try This Rhythm There
  8. 00:34:800 (1,2) - 1/2 Usage at This bpm in easy diff is too hard imo ! Avoid it , u can just delet this 00:35:850 (2) -
  9. 03:28:800 (2,1) - 1/2 Also here ! Change rhythm there to remove the 1/2
  10. 00:36:900 (2) - i think a Circle fits there more than slider ! even if it will skip this 00:37:200 - !
  11. 00:41:700 (2) - why not to make this instead ? Rhythm
  12. 00:51:600 (2,3) - i'd replace this rhytm with along slider
  13. 00:56:400 (1) - Too Risky to have this stacked under this slider 00:54:000 (1) -it may be unrankable !
  14. 00:58:200 (2) - This Touching HP Bar ! Lower it ! Prove
  15. 01:43:800 (2) - ^
  16. 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) - idk seems hard for me Try this maby ? Rhythm Suggestion
  17. 02:27:600 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  18. 01:04:800 - Why this green point with 0.75 SV ? owo
  19. 02:31:200 - ^
  20. 04:40:200 (1,2) - Avoid Stacks In easy, It's also wierd and sudden because there no stack in all the diff ! remove it and make a 1/1 Slider , Or Just remove it keep it empty i missed there ;w; while testing the map
  21. 04:40:650 (1) - Make Spinner start here 04:40:800 - Better

  1. 00:27:300 (1) - I'de remove this circle to keep ot consistent with the easy diff ! and it's nice to start from 00:27:600 -
  2. 00:36:150 (3,4) - Personal Rhythm Suggestion Cuz i find That a bit hard to play ! Click Here
  3. 00:45:600 (3,4) - ^
  4. 02:12:000 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:40:500 (2) - imo i think circle is better ! and try to make blanket Rhythm| Placement
  6. 00:49:050 (1) - not really neccesary to put long slider there with vocals ! cuz i skipped this beat 00:49:200 - ! try this Rhythm
  7. 00:55:200 (2,3,4,5) - Kinda Hard Imo ! u can turn this to 2 Sliders for Vocal Like this! ! How about this
  8. 01:10:800 (1,2,3) - This 1/2 Slider After a 1/1 sound weird for me ! i'd rather use a 1/2 Circle Then a 1/1 Slider ! Like This
  9. 03:42:450 (2,3) - ^
  10. 01:18:000 (1) - Nice Slider hh
  11. 01:20:700 (1) - I Prefer a Circle Instead Of Slider
  12. 01:26:700 (4) - Same thing , and maby other places like this in the diff ! like 01:36:300 (4) - & 02:53:100 (4) - & 03:02:700 (4) - & 03:57:900 (4) - & 04:07:500 (4) - etc..
  13. 02:26:400 (1,2,3,4) - Kinda hard and a 1/2 Slider after it ! u can turn them to 2x 1/1 sliders
  14. 02:57:300 (2,3,1) - Tricky pattern idk how to improve it to make it more clear
  15. 03:07:500 (3,1,2) - ^
  16. 03:10:800 (1) - i'd put this circle somwhere to avoid stacking under slider 03:09:600 (3) -
  17. 04:40:200 (1,2) - Yup ! This Again
Topic Starter
Thanks CelsiusLK, changed most of it and a few other glaring errors I missed

00:19:800 - left it, removed at 00:22:200 instead to keep pattern
00:58:500 (4) - 4 finishes for 4 sliders just seems to fit for me
01:04:800 (1) - done and repeated on similar sections
01:45:600 (1,2) - double clap is a constant pattern through most of song, don't want to change this part alone

01:43:050 (4,1) - jump would become too far for hard

Thanks Meyrink, some of yours collided with CelsiusLK so I had to pass them as they were already changed

kept my background but changed the resolution
easy star diff went down a bit :D

02:27:600 (1,2,3,4) - moved it a bit but kept the rhythm to emphasise the 4 beats
01:04:800 - carried over from other diffs but gone now

00:49:050 (1) - prefer following the vocals here
Hey, from my q. Sorry it took so long, the queue got filled like crazy.

As always, my mods are subjective. It's your map, bro.

  1. 00:34:800 (1) - Make it more in line with the flow of the last combo(it juts upward a bit atm)

  2. 01:24:600 (2) - Curve

  3. 01:27:000 (2) - ^

  4. 01:40:200 (1,2) - Is this in line?

  5. 02:08:100 (1,2) - ^

  6. 02:55:800 (2,1) - ^

  7. 03:10:800 (1) - Remove NC (maybe)

  8. 03:25:050 (1) - Remove NC

  9. 04:40:200 (1,2) - Slider
Pretty good, other then little errors.

  1. 00:22:800 (1) - Remove NC (maybe)

  2. 01:25:800 (1,2,3) - Kinda a sudden direction change for a Normal

  3. 01:36:300 (4) - Curve, it doesn't make sense to have a straight slider in the middle of a bunch of curved ones

  4. 02:03:900 (1) - Remove NC

  5. 02:53:100 (4) - Curve

  6. 03:10:800 (1) - Remove NC (maybe)

  7. 03:36:000 (1) - ^

  8. 03:57:900 (4) - Curve (again)

  9. 04:07:500 (4) - ^
Alot better then Easy imo. Well done.

GLHF ranking <3
Topic Starter
Thanks IntelliTroodon, sorry my response also took so long :P

Changed most of it except for a few parts where the numbers didn't correspond with the time and it looked fine to me anyway

Try to use this bg instead?

Topic Starter

Chaoslitz wrote:


Try to use this bg instead?

oooooo Thanks for the pic :)
Sup? NM req from my queueue.

  • Ez

  1. 00:39:600 (4) - Do not overlap with 2, it confuses players who had just started.
  2. 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) - W0ah, these 4 sliders can make players screw up a lil bit, put them closer?
  3. 02:27:600 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  4. 04:27:900 (2) - I would recommend repeating this, and place the notes after this at your distance snap.
  5. 04:32:700 (2) - ^
  6. 04:37:500 (2) - ^
  • Insane

  1. 00:48:600 (3,4,5) - I would reverse this, because 5 seems to be more expressive than 3,4. 3,4 becomes slider and 5 becomes 2 hit circles.
  2. 00:56:400 (1) - I would place this in the middle x256 y192
  3. 01:24:000 (1,2,3,4) - Ctrl+G each
  4. 01:32:100 (6) - Overlap with 2
  5. 01:33:900 (1,2,3) - Converting all these to 1/4 sliders would be more amazing
  6. 03:00:300 (1,2,3) - ^
  7. 01:36:300 (2,3,4,5) - The voice goes dragging and hitcircles would be weird. Consider this:

  8. 03:04:200 (3,4,5) - Same idea ^. 03:04:200 (3,4) becomes a slider and 5 becomes 2 hit circles.
Sorry, couldn't mod Normal and Hard because to me, they are good enough.
Topic Starter
Thanks XiMerx, changed all except these few

01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) - They are at distance snap so I can't really move them closer

01:24:000 (1,2,3,4) - This would make the flow from previous combo really wierd and I prefer the current distance between each slider
01:32:100 (6) - It's intended to stack on slider end
01:33:900 (1,2,3) - Prefer it at 1/3 to match beat and consistency with other sections
03:04:200 (3,4,5) - Left this one but changed the previous
Cerulean Veyron
Hello! R4 ticket used from my queue~

[> General <]
  1. - There's an .osb file that you might not use it for your map, i guess to remove it?
  2. - I might think the last three diff's spread has a huge gap. Like Insane and Hard, 4.89SR > 3.72SR which is away by 1.17. And maybe Normal and Hard, 3.72SR > 2.27SR, away by 1.45. It's quite big imo. Well, it might be the reason of the song is too fast, so i think it' not a big deal.
  3. - What "Widescreen Support" and "Letterbox during breaks" are used for? If not, unchecked them.
  4. - On tags, "with my" with your... who?
[> Easy <]
  1. 00:28:800 (2) - I might think you'll need to curve a bit more on the first curve of this slider, at least on x:164|y:148 or closer to it.
  2. 00:50:100 (4,2) - Maybe you should split these two notes, not closely to stacking. It's recommended for notes to be very clear for beginners on easier diffs.
  3. 01:12:000 (2) - Not sure but, try making a symmetry here between two curves on this slider.
  4. 01:17:400 (3,1) - I can clearly see this blanket is not quite curved well, recorrect it.
  5. 01:33:900 (3,1) - I might help you with this flow for improving it >
  6. 01:45:600 (2,1,2) - Try to do the same pattern as you've done on 01:50:400 (2,1,2) -
  7. 02:29:400 (4,1) - Recorrect blanket~
  8. 02:39:600 (4) - Same as 01:12:000 (2) -
  9. 03:32:400 (1,2) - It could've been neater if both of these sliders had the same sliding position.
  10. - Very good diff.
[> Normal <]
  1. 00:03:600 (1,2) - Idk recorrect double blanket.
  2. 00:12:000 (1,2,3,4) - I feel the spacing here is quite wrong, try to check this.
  3. 00:37:500 (1,2,3,4) - Why not try a symmetry here? it can possibly make circle (3) being blanketed under two sliders.
  4. 01:18:000 (1) - A weird slider to me, i'm not sure if it would be okay for normal players... but that's just my opinion.
  5. 01:34:800 (1,2) - Recorrect double blanket~
  6. 01:49:200 (1,2,3) - ^, maybe idk..
  7. 02:23:100 (2,1,2) - Would've been better if you made a little bit of parallel here.
  8. 02:28:800 (3,2) - Stack, or something?
  9. 02:32:400 (1,2) - Recorrect double blanket~
  10. 02:33:600 (3,4,1) - Almost made a perfect symmetry here, but i don't think it's important imv.
  11. 02:59:700 (3,4) - Make both the same position? same reason as the previous diff.
  12. 03:33:750 (2) - Same as 01:18:000 (1) -
  13. - Quite nice, few double blankets need a few checks.
[> Hard <]
  1. 00:21:300 (4) - Improve playstyle by Ctrl + G on this, might flow good at least.
  2. 00:27:300 (3,1) - Double blanket or something?
  3. 00:45:000 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:50:850 (2,3,1) - I thought a small jump should be between slider (3) and (1), not (2) and (3).
  5. 01:15:300 (4,2) - Is this overlap on purpose?
  6. 01:26:700 (2,3,4) - Balance the spacing here a bit.
  7. 01:54:600 (3,3) - Idk, but trying to blanket here?
  8. 01:58:500 (4) - Replace clap with finish?
  9. 02:20:100 (3,1) - Recorrect blanket~
  10. 02:34:200 (3,4) - ^
  11. 02:36:000 (1,2,3) - I don't feel this fine, i might suggest you to balance the spacing here.
  12. 02:40:725 (5) - Remove this circle, you haven't added it on other parts that's similar to this track.
  13. 03:03:300 (4,3) - A bit perfect stack needed it.
  14. 03:48:600 (3,1) - Spacing~ I know you're trying to make symmetry here, but i prefer to use DS here.
  15. 04:12:450 (3,4) - Recorrect double blanket~
  16. - Almost the same comment as Normal, but few distance spacings aren't well-balanced, so i guess you should check a few times too.
[> Insane <]
  1. 00:21:450 (6,3) - Trying to make blanket?
  2. 00:21:600 (1,2) - Extend a little bit of spacing, for emphasizing with the previosu notes with it ofc.
  3. 00:31:200 (1,2,3,4) - Weird flow here, i wonder that you did increase each note's spacing. Perhaps, try to make a few formation here to make it understandable, like 00:34:800 (1,2,3,4) - for example.
  4. 01:15:600 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  5. 01:17:325 (3) - Ctrl + G or something?
  6. 02:04:500 (6,4) - Stack perfect?
  7. 02:07:650 (3,1) - Is this overlap on purpose??
  8. 02:16:350 (4,1) - Wasn't this kind of flow is against the ranking criteria?!
  9. 02:39:300 (6,1) - Recorrect double blanket~
  10. 03:31:650 (2,3) - Same as 00:21:600 (1,2) -
  11. 03:36:900 (4,1) - Well, you haven't done any 1/4 jump on other tracks like this one, looks way too sudden.
  12. 03:59:400 (3,4,5,6) - Same as 00:31:200 (1,2,3,4) -
  13. 04:14:250 (5,5) - Recorrect blanket~
  14. - This diff look pretty excellent, some minor issue found here. There might be more than what i mentioned here, so find them.

I kinda liked the song a bit close ;3 Sorry if i can't bring this to the ranking process, but it's the rules not to overdo it much.
Good luck with this!
Topic Starter
Thanks Gray Veyron, went through and updated quite a bit that I can't even remember what I changed

"with my" is part of the english title

01:12:000 (2) - This looks symmetrical to me when i rotate it
01:45:600 (2,1,2) - Looks the same and rotated to me as 01:50:400 (2,1,2)

00:37:500 (1,2,3,4) - Wasn't quite sure what you meant, tried something else instead

Edited quite a number of patterns including those you mentioned
Speed of Snail
Well, I have to say good job so far, there really isn't much for me to really crack down on (granted I'm only looking at hard/insane here).
So this is gonna be me nitpicking, although I'm pretty sure that's what you want anyways.


First off, Might just be me, but I feel the AR is a little oddly slow for the map and makes it look faster than it actually is, I'd recommend a slight increase to 7.5 or 7.7

00:18:000 - (1,2,3,4) - This Pattern here feels very robotic to play, Id recommend increasing the spacing so that the tails of each are about at the same level and angling the sliders towards the next combo.

00:31:950 - (1,2) - This flick feels a little strenuous for a Hard difficulty, I'd reduce the spacing here slightly.

01:58:350 - (3,4) - I'd recommend slightly spacing these two, the lack on consistency from the flick last time this pattern occurred is visible

02:17:700 - (3) - I don't like the angle of this slider, I'd recommend tilting it slightly so that the head is closer to the tail of the previous slider and that the tail leads to the next slider properly.

03:27:000 - (3,4) - Listening to the song I feel like these two sliders should actually be one longer slider, if you want to cut the length you can always make it snake on 1/12 or 1/16 snap to reduce speed and length.

04:25:650 - (2) - This circle is very high on the grid, while it doesn't seem to have any errors while playing I wouldn't want to take chances with a note that's half off the "map able" grid.

That's it for the Hard, if anything else I'd say it feels very difficult for what's supposed to be a "Hard" map, but seeing as the difficulty spread holds alright it shouldn't be a problem.


03:15:300 - 03:37:200 - Honestly, This whole section, There should be notes starting from the initial time there, and when you did have notes later, I felt like they weren't highlighting the guitar which was the dominant track and would've been very fun to play, I'd recommend remapping this entier segment with that in mind.

Yea honestly, Outside that one segment, I didn't see anything I'd want to change in the insane, I played it through maybe 5 or 6 times modding it alone, I could see my self playing this enough to learn and SS it. the Insane is a very good map and I hope you get this ranked soon, GL. :D
Topic Starter
Thanks TheOnlyLeon

TheOnlyLeon wrote:


First off, Might just be me, but I feel the AR is a little oddly slow for the map and makes it look faster than it actually is, I'd recommend a slight increase to 7.5 or 7.7 Went with 7.4

00:18:000 - (1,2,3,4) - This Pattern here feels very robotic to play, Id recommend increasing the spacing so that the tails of each are about at the same level and angling the sliders towards the next combo. Moved and reangled a bit

00:31:950 - (1,2) - This flick feels a little strenuous for a Hard difficulty, I'd reduce the spacing here slightly. Reduced

01:58:350 - (3,4) - I'd recommend slightly spacing these two, the lack on consistency from the flick last time this pattern occurred is visible Not sure what you meant but kept it to be consistent with previous

02:17:700 - (3) - I don't like the angle of this slider, I'd recommend tilting it slightly so that the head is closer to the tail of the previous slider and that the tail leads to the next slider properly. Adjusted

03:27:000 - (3,4) - Listening to the song I feel like these two sliders should actually be one longer slider, if you want to cut the length you can always make it snake on 1/12 or 1/16 snap to reduce speed and length. Prefer to keep this on 1/2 beat

04:25:650 - (2) - This circle is very high on the grid, while it doesn't seem to have any errors while playing I wouldn't want to take chances with a note that's half off the "map able" grid. Moved


03:15:300 - 03:37:200 - Honestly, This whole section, There should be notes starting from the initial time there, and when you did have notes later, I felt like they weren't highlighting the guitar which was the dominant track and would've been very fun to play, I'd recommend remapping this entier segment with that in mind. Remapped some of it, left the break there as the song really needed a break somewhere
Hi, from my modding queue !

03:15:450 - I feel like this guitar solo should be mapped up until at least 03:20:400 or something if you still want a break in the map.

Consider raising the AR to 8
00:10:050 (2) - put this on the red tick
00:11:250 (2) - ^
00:31:950 (1,2) - could increase the spacing here a bit
04:34:800 (1) - this slider doesn't look as nice as the rest of them

00:22:800 (4) - NC

Couldn't really find any problems honestly...great mapset, and good luck getting it ranked :)
Topic Starter
Thanks Synpoo!

Synpoo wrote:

03:15:450 - I feel like this guitar solo should be mapped up until at least 03:20:400 or something if you still want a break in the map. Added some stuff

Consider raising the AR to 8 Used 7.8
00:10:050 (2) - put this on the red tick Shortened slider and added circle in front and adjusted to red tick
00:31:950 (1,2) - could increase the spacing here a bit Seemed fine
04:34:800 (1) - this slider doesn't look as nice as the rest of them Wow it was ugly, better now

00:22:800 (4) - NC Done
Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

  1. Maybe add "SML" to tags for lazy people who can't type the periods like me?
  1. 00:04:800 (1) - Maybe move this so it doesn't touch 00:05:700 (4) -
  2. 00:08:100 (4) - ^
  3. 00:19:500 (2) - Not stacked properly
  4. 00:52:800 (1) - ^
  5. 03:06:900 (6) - Move so it's symmetrical to 03:07:050 (7) - ?
  6. 03:19:050 (6) - This should be mapped to the lyrics.
  7. 03:31:200 (1) - Not stacked properly
  8. 04:40:200 (1,2) - Maybe change the distance spacing on these because of the last two circles being 1/2 apart, it might confuse people to hitting it too quickly. I'd recommend either making the distance smaller or use fancy slider
  9. 01:04:800 (11) - & 02:31:200 (1) - Isn't this meant to be 3/4?
  1. 00:10:200 (3) - Was this meant to be stacked?
  2. 00:10:500 (1) - Remove NC
  3. 01:04:800 (5) - & 02:31:200 (5) - You sure this isn't meant to be 3/4?
  4. 02:42:000 (1) - Fix blanket a bit

inb4 /rank
Topic Starter
Thanks DahplA!

DahplA wrote:

  1. Maybe add "SML" to tags for lazy people who can't type the periods like me? Haha me too

  1. 00:04:800 (1) - Maybe move this so it doesn't touch 00:05:700 (4) -
  2. 00:08:100 (4) - ^ Both moved
  3. 00:19:500 (2) - Not stacked properly
  4. 00:52:800 (1) - ^ They seem stacked for me
  5. 03:06:900 (6) - Move so it's symmetrical to 03:07:050 (7) - ? Moved
  6. 03:19:050 (6) - This should be mapped to the lyrics. Changed
  7. 03:31:200 (1) - Not stacked properly Looks stacked
  8. 04:40:200 (1,2) - Maybe change the distance spacing on these because of the last two circles being 1/2 apart, it might confuse people to hitting it too quickly. I'd recommend either making the distance smaller or use fancy slider Shortened a bit
  9. 01:04:800 (11) - & 02:31:200 (1) - Isn't this meant to be 3/4? Lyrics fall on 2/3
  1. 00:10:200 (3) - Was this meant to be stacked? Looks stacked
  2. 00:10:500 (1) - Remove NC It's there to tell people its not 1/2
  3. 01:04:800 (5) - & 02:31:200 (5) - You sure this isn't meant to be 3/4? Lyrics fall on 2/3
  4. 02:42:000 (1) - Fix blanket a bit Done
Topic Starter
Thanks ReeChelly!
From ✞Kuki and Moph's Modding Q✞(Sorry it took so long!)

I couldn't find any issues with the easy/normal, but that doesn't mean there aren't, try and get some more modders to focus on these two to make them perfect! :)

  1. 00:46:350 (3,4) - try this:
  2. 02:52:350 - Map this beat.
  1. 01:39:300 (5,1) - Could make a small stream here between these notes.
  2. 01:43:500 (2,3,4,5) - Try this here:
  3. 03:37:200 (1) - This is juuust out of snap with the rest of the stream I think, try to fix this if you see a problem.
  4. 04:09:600 (1) - Try making this a reverse slider and removing 04:09:900 (2).
Topic Starter
Thanks Kuki!

Kuki wrote:

  1. 00:46:350 (3,4) - try this: Did this and a few others I spotted
  2. 02:52:350 - Map this beat. Prefer skipping this to match vocals
  1. 01:39:300 (5,1) - Could make a small stream here between these notes. Stacked for consistency
  2. 01:43:500 (2,3,4,5) - Try this here: Needed the 2nd blue tick for the drum
  3. 03:37:200 (1) - This is juuust out of snap with the rest of the stream I think, try to fix this if you see a problem. Moved a bit
  4. 04:09:600 (1) - Try making this a reverse slider and removing 04:09:900 (2). 04:09:900 (2) Too strong with vocals to remove
move offset to 3600

00:22:050 (3) - start from 00:21:900 ()
01:03:600 (1,2) - fix DS
01:09:600 (3) - normal sample set on repeat
01:19:200 (3) - ^ \\ 01:25:200 (1) - \\ 01:27:600 (1) - \\ 01:30:000 (1) - \\ and for the same sliders on other kiais
01:33:900 (3,1) - fix DS
02:30:000 (1,2) - ^

01:19:200 (3) - normal sample set on repeat - and for the same sliders on other kiais

01:46:500 (2,1) - jump here
01:48:900 (2,1) - ^

not really type of vocals I like, find 2-3 mods and call me
Topic Starter
Thanks Sieg!

Changed everything, will find a few more mods
Here I am, and here is my mod :)

  1. 00:31:500 (3) - This jump seems out of place
  2. 00:34:800 (1) - Maybe move 1 a bit away from 3
  3. 00:49:050 (5,1) - The vocals, to which (I think) you mapped the slider 1 to, start on 5 already
  4. 00:58:200 (3,4) - Maybe flip 3 and 4 horizontally
  5. 01:18:000 (1) - Maybe flip that vertically
  6. 01:48:750 (1,2) - Looks and plays weird, consider making it go more horizontally
  7. 01:51:150 (1,2) - Like here
  8. 02:12:750 (1) - Maybe move that a bit
  9. 02:27:600 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Even when playing, this looks copy/pasted, consider remaking this
  10. 02:56:100 (5,6) - I can't hear anything in the song that would justify these being further spaced than the previous ones
  11. 03:17:100 (2) - Consider filling these empty places with jumps, as you did later
  12. 03:28:800 (1) - You could do a stream here
  13. 04:22:350 (1,2) - Maybe make the ending note not stack with the previous one (same for the following)
That's it, I hope I could help
For further questions, feel free to PM me in-game
Good luck ! :)
Topic Starter
Thanks Asonate!

Asonate wrote:

  1. 00:31:500 (3) - This jump seems out of place 2,3,4 makes a triangle
  2. 00:34:800 (1) - Maybe move 1 a bit away from 3 Stacked 1 on 3 instead
  3. 00:49:050 (5,1) - The vocals, to which (I think) you mapped the slider 1 to, start on 5 already Was following the beat this time
  4. 00:58:200 (3,4) - Maybe flip 3 and 4 horizontally I like how it is now more
  5. 01:18:000 (1) - Maybe flip that vertically I prefer it flowing to the next combo instead of previous
  6. 01:48:750 (1,2) - Looks and plays weird, consider making it go more horizontally Moved 1
  7. 01:51:150 (1,2) - Like here
  8. 02:12:750 (1) - Maybe move that a bit Swapped them around
  9. 02:27:600 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Even when playing, this looks copy/pasted, consider remaking this Redone
  10. 02:56:100 (5,6) - I can't hear anything in the song that would justify these being further spaced than the previous ones Moved closer
  11. 03:17:100 (2) - Consider filling these empty places with jumps, as you did later Filled
  12. 03:28:800 (1) - You could do a stream here Fine with slider
  13. 04:22:350 (1,2) - Maybe make the ending note not stack with the previous one (same for the following) Moved a couple around
Thanks for responding :)

  1. 00:17:100 (2,3) - Ctrl+G this rhythm, maps the instruments better.
  2. 00:19:500 (2) - Same here. Circle, then Slider so you can emphasize the beat on 00:19:650 - .
  3. 00:31:950 (1) - How about stacking this below 4 so you create a jump from 1>2 instead of from 4>1. Emphasizes vocals much better imo.
  4. 00:42:450 - Theres a beat here you didnt map? :S This is an Insane, feels weird to skip beats especially since you dont seem to be skipping them in later lines.
  5. 00:45:600 (1,2,3,4) - I would space these out more so theyre bigger than 00:44:850 (2,3,4,5) - . Otherwise there is no emphasis.
  6. 00:58:500 (4,1,2) - Deceptive spacing here. Notice how 4>1 is 1/2 spaced, but 1>2 is 1/1 spaced? Yet they are almost the same spacing. Same with
  7. 00:59:850 (4,1) - . If you're going to put 1/1 gaps in your map, you should space them farther apart so its *clear* that theres a 1/1 gap between the two objects and not a large jump. (I would discourage using 1/1 gaps in your Insane to begin with, more often than not they end up just skipping clearly audible beats).
  8. 01:45:600 (1,2) - Not going to use 1/2 circles instead?
  9. 02:02:550 (1,2) - 4 circles instead to be consistent with: 00:36:150 (1,2,3,4) -
  10. 02:24:900 (4,1,2) - Okay, this spacing is good!
  11. 03:13:200 - Theres still vocals... and instruments... why the random break...
  12. 03:27:900 (3,4) - Should have larger spacing here to emphasize the guitar. .
  13. 03:36:000 (1,2) - How about using 1/4 repeat sliders instead? The stream begins on 03:36:000 -
  14. 04:28:800 (1,2) - Circles here would fit better with the vocals. Also, i mentioned this earlier too about consistency. Don't be afraid to use more circles and jumps honestly... You seem to use a lot of 1/2 sliders when circles would fit just as well if not better (because you can map jumps to them and emphasize vocals on like 04:28:950 - and 04:29:250 - Which you can't emphasize when you use 1/2 sliders)
  15. 04:36:300 (3) - Two circles fits better.

  1. 00:12:000 (1) - Remove NC, inconsistent with your pattern.
  2. 00:36:150 (1) - Remove NC.
  3. 00:39:600 (4) - NC, 00:40:800 (1) - Remove NC
  4. 00:42:600 (2) - NC
  5. 00:43:200 (1) - Remove NC
  6. 00:44:400 (3) - NC and Remove from 00:45:600 (1) - Now your NC pattern makes more sense. and you don't have random single NC's on like 00:45:600 (1) - .
  7. 01:01:200 (1,2,3,4) - 1/2 sliders are really discouraged on Easies. Also consider that this song is 200 bpm. I've seen maps get disqualified because of 1/2 sliders on 140 bpm maps... Imo, just replace them with circles.
  8. 02:27:600 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  9. 04:10:800 (1) - Just a tip, but, make the control point in the center red instead. Makes the wave curve look nicer.
Tbh, your NC pattern in this diff isn't very consistent. You seem to be NC'ing every 2 measures, but you deviate from this quite often... It results in NC patterns that are very different in length. For example: 00:47:100 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2) - The first combo spans 3 measures, the second combo spans 2, and the third combo spans 1, so you already know the first combo is too long and the third combo is too short. Additionally, you have stuff like 00:56:400 (1,2,1,2) - Which *could* work, but I wouldn't recommend it on Easy. Just stay with the 2 measure NC pattern and remove it on 00:57:600 (1) - so visually, beginners can see that the beginning of each new color marks the start of a new line that is 2 measures long. Visual rhythm if you want to call it that. (NC spam is totally fine in higher diffs though)

01:13:200 (4,1,2) - Stuff like this should be one combo. NC on 4., and remove it from 1. Why? because 01:10:800 - Is the beginning of a new 2 measure interval. This 2 measure interval ends on 01:13:200 - (where a new one begins).

Alright, good luck with this set!
Topic Starter
Thanks monstrata, changed pretty much everything (insane suffered my learning process so some stuff are still wierd) except

monstrata wrote:

03:13:200 - Theres still vocals... and instruments... why the random break...I feel after 3 minutes on 200bpm most people would be dying for a break
hi~ furywolf
form my Queue
Red : Unrankable issue / must fix.
Bold : Should be fixed / highly suggested.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. 00:45:600 (2) - blanket 00:44:400 (1) - tail point
    my not good blanket x_x
  2. 01:19:200 (3) - add finish at tail point
  3. 02:25:800 (2,1) - If you can stack this note, beautiful than now
  1. 00:07:200 (1) - blanket this Circle 00:05:700 (2) -
  2. 00:12:000 (1) - add finish
  3. 00:12:300 (2,3,4) - remove clap
    I think don't need hit sound
  4. 00:31:350 (3) - add NC
    this point is changed Rhythm pattern
  5. 01:00:300 (2,4) - remove finish
    hitting Cymbals point is 01:00:000 (1,3) - only.
  6. 01:33:300 (3,4) - try this Rhythm
  7. 02:59:400 (2,1) - stack!
  1. 00:35:700 (5,6) - If your not reason, stack it
  2. 00:48:900 (4,5) - ctrl + G?
    little jump
  3. 01:37:200 (1,2) - umm I think don't need finish
  4. 01:50:400 (1,2) - I think that you should leave the interval a little more
    01:50:550 (2) -  move at x180 y224
    01:50:700 (3) - change direction
  5. 03:43:200 (1) - why not so far of the street pattern hitsound?
  6. 03:51:600 (1) - add finish at head
  7. 04:10:800 (1) - same as above
ai no jumon wo tonaeyou~
Topic Starter
Thanks litoluna

litoluna wrote:

01:19:200 (3) - add finish at tail point doesn't fit

00:12:300 (2,3,4) - remove clap
I think don't need hit sound i like the claps
00:31:350 (3) - add NC
this point is changed Rhythm pattern keeping nc to every 2 big ticks
01:00:300 (2,4) - remove finish
hitting Cymbals point is 01:00:000 (1,3) - only. i prefer 4 finish
Fixed the rest

  • Timing:
  1. BPM: OK!
  2. Offset: OK!

  3. BG: OK! (but quality is not so good)
  4. HS: OK!
  5. LeadIn: OK!

    Other Stuff:
  6. Combo Color: OK!
  7. Song Setup: OK!
  8. General AiMod: You may want to add "SLM☆" to tags
  9. Gap between Hard and Insane is huge, you may want to call this Insane an Extra and map a real Insane
  1. 00:14:400 (1,2,3,4) - This jump is a bit messed up. 00:14:100 (5,1) - This DS should be higher than 00:14:400 (1,2) -, also the DS at 00:14:700 (3,4) - should be higher than 00:14:400 (1,2) - as well
  2. 00:17:550 (4,5) - Swipe DS here to make it sensible
  3. 00:19:050 (5,1) - ^
  4. 00:19:500 (2,3) - Increase DS here a bit, you got a very strong rhythm at 00:19:650 (3) - to keep up with this small DS
  5. 00:32:400 (1,4) - Improve this blanket
  6. 00:39:000 (4,5) - Jump here is very random and doesn't emphasizes anything
  7. 00:39:450 (6,1) - Slighly increase the DS here because 00:39:600 (1) - changes the tone of the song
  8. 00:44:250 (5,1) - Make a jump here, using the same DS from 00:43:950 (4,5) - feels very boring to play, and I think 00:44:400 (1) - should get more attention
  9. 00:48:000 (1,2) - Swipe DS here, 00:47:850 (5,1) - this was supposed to have higher DS than 00:48:300 (2,3) -
  10. 00:49:950 (4,5,1) - ^, increase jump to 00:50:400 (1) -
  11. 00:50:700 (2,3,4) - ^, increase jump to 00:51:150 (4) - and make 00:50:700 (2,3) - smaller, too random
  12. 00:51:450 (5,1) - Jump here
  13. 00:53:100 (2,3,4) - Swipe DS here too 00:53:250 (3,4) - you should increase this jump by making 00:53:100 (2,3) - smaller
  14. 00:57:000 (3,4,5) - Shorten DS here, no sense for making it higher , also increase jump here 00:57:450 (5,1) -
  15. 00:58:200 (3,4) - ^
    Well correcting all jumps will take so long and it will be a very painful work, try to look them by yourself, jumps are usually reasonable where you can hear a strong beat, normally the tall white tick and every 2/1, these are normally the strongest ones. You may jump following vocals, but be aware that it may not feel good everywhere. Example 02:10:800 - this point is very strong, so you should create a jump between 02:10:650 (7) - and 02:10:800 (1) - .
  16. 01:06:300 (3,1) - Looks very awkward to stack these I recommend moving 01:07:200 (1) - to somewhere else

    In fact this seens to be the only real issue on this diff, the rest is pretty well done, sliders looks nice overall
  1. 01:17:400 (3,1) - Improve this blanket
  2. 01:43:650 (2,3) - You messed up DS here, the jump should be between these 01:43:650 (2,3) - and not 01:43:200 (1,2) -
  3. 01:56:700 (2,3) - Improve this blanket, just move 01:57:000 (3) - to 21|223
  4. 02:10:800 (1,4) - A bit unpleasant overlap, you could fix it by stacking them
  5. 02:33:000 (3,1) - Would look better if you blanket them, however the spacing here is nice
  6. 02:57:450 (1) - Slider shape is kinda weird, also following vocals here make you lose a beat at 02:57:600 - which sounds very weird imo

    This diff is really good, good job here

I hope this was helpful, don't forget to vote on my Poll
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Thanks Lumael, I pretty much corrected all your suguestions and am now going through Insane again. I may add a new difficulty soon to bridge the gap
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