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Neil Watts
Can't wait the next episode wwwwwwwwww

Edit: omg that last one killed me again
Episode 9.
There's the time leap! Why does Yu have 2 powers and does he still have the other one? Why are these siblings so OP? That researcher? Does that time leap have any other imperfections besides needing light to activate? I'm actually kinda excited for the next episode now. Things are happening hurrah!
Too much shit in one episode. They couldn't have worked towards this instead of introducing pointless baseball guy or flying guy? If the next episode is bad I feel that the plot is going to be all over the place.
Finally something happened.
Green Platinum
Getting a LB refrain VN vibe.

Seems like having two distinct halves is a popular thing now. Atleast it is better done than Grisaia.

Topic Starter
So they're really gonna play the time leap card eh
I dont mean to piss on this fanbase but personally, I find this anime pretty shit.

Did anyone else find the scene where they show Tomori Nao's older brother really funny? I couldn't stop myself from laughing about how stupid it looked to me.

Spoiler alert for scrubs who just started watching
I found the death of the little sister shocking, but stupid and outta nowhere. I found her kawaii ya know but her death was like finding out your super hot girlfriend who you've been taking it slow for a couple months with, is actually a man, and has a massive penis; it came outta nowhere and its not even funny. There were no signs of anything bad happening to her. I'd understand if they at least had a scene where the little sister is being deep and saying stuff about their parents. But no. Still being the kawaii and innocent imouto, she suddenly died saying Allah Akbar and blew up the school.

Why does Yuu have personality change after meeting Nao? It doesn't really make sense. There wasn't even a moment where he thinks "what have I been doing all this time?"

It pisses me off how Yuu looks like Lelouch from Code Geass and they even had to have him do the geass gesture in the OP which I found funny at first but then got on my nerves after a few times. I dunno if Code Grass and Charlotte were written by the same person but it still annoys me.

It's also stupid how megane-kun's 'teleportation' is actually just super speed. I dunno if the translator for the subtitles is just autistic or its actually the studio's fuck-up but its a failure which makes the show more stupid.

Probably the only things I like about the anime are the dude with glasses and that dead older sister of the idol who has pyrokinesis. Also, hearing the voices of Raku Ichijou and Onodera Haru makes me smile from time to time.

Ochinchi-sama wrote:

she suddenly died saying Allah Akbar and blew up the school.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Green Platinum

Ochinchi-sama wrote:

I dont mean to piss on this fanbase but personally, I find this anime pretty shit.
Here has been much more critical of it than other places I've been. It is certainly nothing excellent.

Ochinchi-sama wrote:

Did anyone else find the scene where they show Tomori Nao's older brother really funny? I couldn't stop myself from laughing about how stupid it looked to me.
I think the problem was the "He's composing" dialogue. They could have made him much more pitiable

Ochinchi-sama wrote:

Spoiler alert for scrubs who just started watching
I found the death of the little sister shocking, but stupid and outta nowhere. I found her kawaii ya know but her death was like finding out your super hot girlfriend who you've been taking it slow for a couple months with, is actually a man, and has a massive penis; it came outta nowhere and its not even funny. There were no signs of anything bad happening to her. I'd understand if they at least had a scene where the little sister is being deep and saying stuff about their parents. But no. Still being the kawaii and innocent imouto, she suddenly died saying Allah Akbar and blew up the school.
It was obvious the sister was important, they should have had her having premonitions or had her see men in suits or something rather than that shitty special ingredient gag.

Ochinchi-sama wrote:

Why does Yuu have personality change after meeting Nao? It doesn't really make sense. There wasn't even a moment where he thinks "what have I been doing all this time?"
I had a person tell how different he is from other key protagonists despite the fact he became generic protagonist once he paired with Nao
Serious story start at 9th episode.. a little bit too late. :c
But I have some questions :
Why Nao don't call the guy with teleportation and the other girl to see Yu at hospital ?
Why theses 2 peoples ^ don't come to the "secret base" ? They have powers too.
Why the guys with powers on the firsts episodes don't appears again ?
How Yu have 2 powers on the "dream" ? :c
Why Nao don't recognize the "wet guy" ?
Why Nao knows Yu's big brother ?

Maybe some answers on the next episode. :c
But it's pretty cool, not an excellent anime (for the moment, again 4 episodes) but I like to watch it. :D
Just watched the latest episode and I can finally say, although it took 9 episodes, I am actually interested in the plot to a certain degree.

The dude with long brown hair was so fucking hot. He deserves his own yaoi hentai spin-off series called "My delicious Pooh".

It was nice to see Ayu-chan again in a time before she became an islam-extremist.

Interesting how there's another blind person. Maybe the zhiend singer and the older brother fuck. After all, with one of their senses taken away, their remaining senses are sharpened. I once read an erotic short story where a guy has a one-night stand with a chick he found online but he was told to go to a pitch black hotel room so he couldn't see the girl's face as he fucked her. But he enjoyed it, a lot, in a strange way. The hoe was probably ugly though.

Seeing them all with different abitlities and the idea of "true abilities" reminds me too much of Tokyo ESP and how the OP of that was shit and the MC female was ugly as fuck. Not nice.

It wasn't a painfully bad episode, in all honesty.
Green Platinum
Yuu doesn't have 2 powers, his power includes the fact he keeps the power of anyone he has taken over.
Topic Starter
Possible Spoiler (?)

I predict this is how they're gonna continue the story :

1. Shunsuke can't activated his powers anymore due to his loss of vision
2. Yuu takes his powers and time travels back to save Ayumi
3. In the process, he saves Nao and her brother as well from being experimented on by the scientists
4. This changes future events in the story, resulting in Nao never forming the student council in the first place
5. "Key Magic" happens and everyone somehow remembers each other despite the change of events due to the time-leap

There's also been some speculation that time travelling caused Shunsuke to become blind. So if that's the case, could the singer of ZHIEND be a time traveller too? And if we're going with this logic, I suppose Yuu will go blind as well after he performs the time-leap to save Ayumi.
As it's been said, it doesn't quite live up to the hype. At the start I kinda enjoyed it, it had a good start even though it looked a bit rushed to me.
Then it got really worse, I can't even understand what is trying to tell neither what end will we face. Otosaka doesn't even develope, he is just splitted into 10+ different characters that go by his same name. In the first episode I didn't knew if I liked him or not, he looked like the typical smug meme and his ability made him a Lelouch copycat (i.e. the OP gesture), but for the time being I can really say that I dislike him.
I think Maeda went full retarded when writing backgrounds for every character, since even the mains don't quite get you. I liked Nao at first, now I can't even stand here and I feel pretty bad about it, since she's dubbed by Ayaneru and she looked good AT FIRST.
Honestly, I think Maeda was just trying to pull off something new for the fans, something new that would still recall old series everyone love, and he failed; maybe the hype did something bad to his head. But compare this thing to a project like Angel Beats! is pure heresy. The only thing you can appreciate is P.A. Works' job that deliveres always good things in term of animation and the OST, that is not 10+, but is likeable and really fits the scenes.
Green Platinum

FineCChan wrote:

As it's been said, it doesn't quite live up to the hype. At the start I kinda enjoyed it, it had a good start even though it looked a bit rushed to me.
Then it got really worse, I can't even understand what is trying to tell neither what end will we face. Otosaka doesn't even develope, he is just splitted into 10+ different characters that go by his same name. In the first episode I didn't knew if I liked him or not, he looked like the typical smug meme and his ability made him a Lelouch copycat (i.e. the OP gesture), but for the time being I can really say that I dislike him.
I think Maeda went full retarded when writing backgrounds for every character, since even the mains don't quite get you. I liked Nao at first, now I can't even stand here and I feel pretty bad about it, since she's dubbed by Ayaneru and she looked good AT FIRST.
Honestly, I think Maeda was just trying to pull off something new for the fans, something new that would still recall old series everyone love, and he failed; maybe the hype did something bad to his head. But compare this thing to a project like Angel Beats! is pure heresy. The only thing you can appreciate is P.A. Works' job that deliveres always good things in term of animation and the OST, that is not 10+, but is likeable and really fits the scenes.
I'm have trouble taking this criticism seriously from someone with a Mahouka avatar. And I agree with you.
My opinion (before you read it, know that in general I enjoyed the anime):
In many ways, this is a carbon copy of Angels Beats! -- but nowhere near as good. Ensemble cast (not so much here, but still kind of), an exclusive club in a big school, characters who all have some tragic backstory that the anime wastes no time in shoving into your face as early and as directly as possible, and the characters themselves. Works well enough here, I guess, but worked far better in Angel Beats since they were dead and everything.

Visually, the anime does alright. A lot of shots and angles are kinda boring, but there's really no helping that; creativity is as limited as money. Definitely not as bad as some I've seen, though.

Whilst watching this I encountered many times where silence would have worked SO well if they were going for emotional impact. But nope, they of course elect to travel the most obtuse route, which is to turn up the loud string music as early as possible and have the characters cry very loudly. Seen it too many times, was bored of it by the second time I saw it.

Episode 7-8, which deals with his exodus, return, and subsequent change in personality, would have worked far better if after episode 1 he didn't inexplicably turn into a boring goody two shoes. He was meant to be a lying manipulative asshole until episode 7 when Nao plucks him up out of the darkness, and episode 8, when his new-found kindness manifests itself. Instead, he's an asshole for episode 1, becomes a great friendly genuine guy from episodes 2-6, then turns back to an asshole just so they can turn him BACK into a clean upstanding young man. Makes no sense.

Ayumi isn't a character I'm too concerned about. They didn't really develop her too well, which is fine; she's just there to push Yuu over the cliff, so to speak. And episode 9 isn't something I have too much to say about, either bad or good. Lots of plot twists, asks questions and answers them, standard procedure. Well done. We'll see what's next.

Jojiro Takajo is funny. Plays a larger part earlier on -- he was especially funny then. His gags are reused, so they get tiring, but I like him anyway. Yuu also interests me. They slipped up big time early on, after he transferred to the school, but he remains conceptually interesting to me.

Nao is my favorite. She shows tremendous emotional restraint, never letting her true feelings slip out; this is especially obvious during episode 8 if you pay attention. She's alright with other things, like happiness at eating delicious food or buying a new ZHIEND case, but when it comes to her brother her face becomes closed, her voice guarded. I like that. I look forward to seeing what she does in the next 3 episodes.

It's no Angel Beats, not even close, but it's good enough for me.
Green Platinum
And that girl probably ran all the way home and killed herself.
How come this anime still has 3 episodes left? Episode 10 is the end.Imouto has been saved, what else is there to explain?

Green Platinum wrote:

And that girl probably ran all the way home and killed herself.
This anime takes trifle matters to the extreme :/
Green Platinum

California wrote:

Green Platinum wrote:

And that girl probably ran all the way home and killed herself.
This anime takes trifle matters to the extreme :/
Yeah Yuu and Nao were complete assholes. They didn't solve the problem and just bullied a girl 6 years or so younger than them.

piruchan wrote:

How come this anime still has 3 episodes left? Episode 10 is the end.Imouto has been saved, what else is there to explain?
They need to have the episode where they fuck. But now that Yuu's sister has been saved, she can now watch alongside Nao's brother.
Green Platinum

EneT wrote:

piruchan wrote:

How come this anime still has 3 episodes left? Episode 10 is the end.Imouto has been saved, what else is there to explain?
They need to have the episode where they fuck. But now that Yuu's sister has been saved, she can now watch alongside Nao's brother.
I was thinking an orgy.

But seriously the scientists are still around yada yada.
Then they introduce a plot twist where the scientists have been giving them drugs to stimulate their hormones like in Shin Sekai Yori and they all participate in a massive orgy filled with incest, man-on-man, woman-on-woman action with Yuu's sister having the biggest orgasm in the history of man due to her power.
Green Platinum
Stop trying to force a charlotte porn parody
It would be more interesting than the main series itself.
Let's not forget that Yuu's sister will set everyone's japanese monster pubes on fire while they fuck intensely. Pussies will get burned.
The Gambler

Ochinchi-sama wrote:

Let's not forget that Yuu's sister will set everyone's japanese monster pubes on fire while they fuck intensely. Pussies will get burned.
Wow... The image is downright surreal.

Won't be unseeing that anytime soon..
Currently watching. Reminded me of Code Geass...
Also: Zekton aren't great font for anime title....
GOD, the 11th episode ! O_O
I'm so shocked ! O_O
I'm shocked as well. So much forced drama. It has more forced drama than Symphogear at this point, but Charlotte wants you to take it seriously.....
Topic Starter
I think they took turns to fuck Nao while she was hung on the rope.

A shocking episode indeed.
Well now that time leap is gone, it's time to board Maeda's train of despair.
Hopefully the train doesn't flip over before we all get there.
Green Platinum
They are pushing this ShunsukexYuu ship mighty hard.
So they decided to introduce another story. Better than going back to being episodic I suppose?

I think a bad ending full of despair would fit this anime really well.
Maybe Yu's dream is the final episode.
I hope it's that. Like this we will haven't the story of "the good guys win because they're kind".
I'm cruel, yeah.
Im moved.

11th episode.

Im moved.
Neil Watts
That fan service with Nao >.>

Looks like they finally officially announced they won't use the time leap card again, unless if Yuu gets some kind of regeneration power.
Topic Starter
inb4 eye transplant lmao

Jerry wrote:

inb4 eye transplant lmao
reminds me of the uchihas
HAIL AYUMI-CHAN </caps> :^)
Lol. Yuu suicide-bombed cos he didn't get to eat Tomori's pusii.
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