A little amount of mods I can do :^)
Status: Semi-Active (GD: 0/2) (NM: 2/4) (M4M: 0/4)
General Rules
If you wan't follow ^ this rules then I wan't working with your map (request will be rejected). You have been warned~
NM Rules:
Length below 3:00 ~ 3:30 (except marathons) ( <1:30 - All diffs (which following next rules); <2:30 - 3 diffs; <3:30 - 2-3 diffs)
4K Diff: below 5*
7K Diff: below 4.2*
Genre: All what exist
M4M Rules:
Length below 4:00 (except marathons) ( <1:30 - All diffs (which following next rules); <2:30 - 3 diffs; <3:30 - 2-3 diffs)
4K Diff: below 5*
7K Diff: below 4.2*
Genre: All what exist
Map to modding (7K): Aimer - Brave Shine (TV Size)
I'm modding your map first. Then I'll notify you in PM. You must mod my map then
GD Rules:
Length below 2:00 ~ 2:15
4K Diff: below 4.6*
7K Diff: below 3.7*
Genre: any; preferably Artcore, Hardcore, just beautiful music . No Nightcore (except if I like this music)
NM Request Format:
Artist - Song Name:
Key: (4 or/and 7)
Diff(s) to Mod:
M4M Request Format:
M4M Request <-- Copypaste it too
Artist - Song Name:
Key: (4 or/and 7)
Diff(s) to Mod:
GD Request Format:
Artist - Song Name:
Key: (4/7)
Diff to mapping: (Name of Diff or Star range)
Cleared requests
4K BUMP OF CHICKEN - Hello,world! by Gomuryuu
4K Brad Breeck - Gravity Falls Main Title Theme by - T y l e r -
4K Mimori Suzuko - Yumemiru! Shinjiru! Mirai Kanaete! (TV Size) by Rivals_7
7K 2TORI - Zephyranthes by pwhk
4K t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (P*Light Remix) by ToifAmri
4K OcularNebula - Stay Inside Me by Janko
4K nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (Extended Mix) by Marirose
4K Sanshuu Chuugaku Yuushabu - Hoshi to Hana (TV edit) by Dellvangel
4-7K Sadohara Kaori - Day to Story by -[ AmiShici ]-
4K Memme - China Dress by Memme
7K Hatsuki Yura - Izayoi Warabeuta by Elementaires
4K DJ Genericname - Dear You by Satoshi Kazuki4K BUMP OF CHICKEN - Hello,world! by Gomuryuu
4K Brad Breeck - Gravity Falls Main Title Theme by - T y l e r -
4K Mimori Suzuko - Yumemiru! Shinjiru! Mirai Kanaete! (TV Size) by Rivals_7
7K 2TORI - Zephyranthes by pwhk
4K t+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (P*Light Remix) by ToifAmri
4K OcularNebula - Stay Inside Me by Janko
4K nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (Extended Mix) by Marirose
4K Sanshuu Chuugaku Yuushabu - Hoshi to Hana (TV edit) by Dellvangel
4-7K Sadohara Kaori - Day to Story by -[ AmiShici ]-
4K Memme - China Dress by Memme
4K Kobaryo - 3rd Eye In Breast (Rebuild) by akuma1237K Hatsuki Yura - Izayoi Warabeuta by Elementaires
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)My Queue, my rules ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hmm.. Also check my YouTube profile, see the thrash wich we created with my friends\:D/ No subtitles, sorry. Maybe I'll add them in the future :^)