
Maon Kurosaki - Setsuna no Kajitsu

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Natsu wrote:



  1. 01:01:744 (4,1) - reduce the spacing a bit in this pattern, just to avoid confusion about 1/2
  2. 01:19:937 (2,3) - weird stack o.o, its this on purpose? cuz looks a bit bad in game tbh
  3. 01:20:308 (4) - same as Thanatos I'll ask for some opinions about this

call me back, when u reply to this
all fixed. thanks!
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:



  1. 00:39:021 (2,3,4,5) - I barely can hear the stream, I feel that I'm clicking the air, remove stream or add normal sampleset on every beat there
    :arrow: fixed
  2. 01:06:348 (4,5,6,7) - same as above :arrow: fixed
  3. 01:10:951 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - ^ :arrow: fixed
  4. 01:20:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I'll get more opinions about this, also maybe you can get some with a QAT
    :arrow: it removed the whistle except head with alacat's opinion
  5. rest is cool

  1. 00:21:199 (2,3,1) - flow here is a bit weird, and doesn't play nice for a normal diff imo, just do something like this:
    :arrow: fixed
    I like this normal diff
call me back, when u reply to this
thank you for mod!
Nice ♥
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Thank you for Natsu!
Congrats Homura- °v°/
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omedeto ≡( ε:)

Homura- wrote:


Homura- wrote:

Adol Christin

iyasine wrote:

omedeto ≡( ε:)
一姫!一姫!一姫一姫ぃいいぃぃぃぃいい!!! あぁああああ…ああ…あっあっー!あぁぁぁあああ!!!一姫一姫いぃぃいいいぃ!! あぁクンカクンカ!クンカクンカ!スーハースーハー!スーハースーハー!いい匂いだなぁ… んはぁっ!一姫たんの髪をクンカクンカしたい!クンカクンカ!あぁあ!!
congratulations <3 o(≧v≦)o~~好棒
Nomination Assessment Team

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.


Inappropriate spread.
  1. Normal has a lot of constant 1/2 rhythms, so it's like a light hard difficulty, which makes gap from easy to normal a but large, because your Easy is almost 3/2 or 2/1 sliders with 1/1 rhythm gap, with only a few circles.
Haruru's Insane

Inappropriate emphasis on patterns.
  1. 01:03:971 (4,5,1) - The beat: 01:04:268 - in music is stronger than 01:04:120 - , we'd like to see the space of 01:04:120 (5,1) - is larger than 01:03:971 (4,5) -, which fits music more.
Readablility issues.
  1. 01:19:417 (4,1) - This pattern is very hard to read due to the anti-jump on 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms, although you add an NC at 01:19:565 (1) - . We'd like you to split 01:19:417 (4,1) -out.
  2. 01:19:565 (1,2,3,4) - The distance space has a big mess here: 01:19:565 (1,2) - the 1/4's distance is almost same even larger than the 01:20:011 (3,4) - 1/2's, we'd recommend you use the distance snap more properly and make the pattern easier to read.

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

[iMage's Easy]
  1. 00:00:581 (1,2,1) - Can you please not overlap these sliders, they are really confusing for beginners.
  1. 00:57:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:58:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The jumps are overdone somehow, I suggest you decrease the DS of them a bit, especially 00:57:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , which should be smaller than 00:58:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - because the music is progressive.

Fycho wrote:

[iMage's Easy]
  1. 00:00:581 (1,2,1) - Can you please not overlap these sliders, they are really confusing for beginners.
EDIT: i fixed it

Quality Assurance Team wrote:

Disqualification Notice

Haruru's Insane

Readablility issues.
01:19:417 (4,1) - This pattern is very hard to read due to the anti-jump on 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms, although you add an NC at 01:19:565 (1) - . We'd like you to split 01:19:417 (4,1) -out. I'm still wonder how this can be hard to read LOL?

Also I do disagree with the spread, its fine as it is, you know the 1/2 patterns at normal diff are sliders mostly people is basically clicking 1/1 objects and holding

anyways xD, let me know when you fix the ¨Issues¨.
Topic Starter

Quality Assurance Team wrote:


thanks QATs
sorry Satellite and Natsu :cry:
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Fycho wrote:

  1. 00:57:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:58:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The jumps are overdone somehow, I suggest you decrease the DS of them a bit, especially 00:57:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , which should be smaller than 00:58:328 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - because the music is progressive.
    :arrow: I have kept in mind the arrangement as much as possible easy to AIM. The DS it is whether or not easy to do rather than such as.This is the story of the players point of view.
    This rise most for me.
    I do not intend to change this arrangement by the above reasons .
thank you for mod
Cherry Blossom
As requested.

- Lecana's Insane :
00:03:481 - (Timing points) They are at the same time but they don't have the same volume, fix the volume please.
Same for 00:04:829 -

- Haruru's Insane :
01:19:565 (1,2,3) - Has this been fixed ? according to Disqualification Notice concerning issues with reading.

-Thanatos :
00:24:169 (2,3) - There should be more distance between this slider and this circle. Because they are too close compared to what you did before and after, and it could be better if you keep consistency with difficulty and spacing. It will be more fluid to play.

Call me back.
fixed. sorry for the inconvenience.
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

As requested.

- Lecana's Insane :
00:03:481 - (Timing points) They are at the same time but they don't have the same volume, fix the volume please.
Same for 00:04:829 -
:arrow: It was fixed in place

-Thanatos :
00:24:169 (2,3) - There should be more distance between this slider and this circle. Because they are too close compared to what you did before and after, and it could be better if you keep consistency with difficulty and spacing. It will be more fluid to play.
:arrow: fixed

Call me back.
thank you for mod

Cherry Blossom
Good Luck, rebubbled.
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Thank you for Cherry Blossom  :)
¨too many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)¨

I'll do it later then, ;)
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Natsu wrote:

¨too many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)¨

I'll do it later then, ;)

I will patiently wait

finally :3 GL
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congratz :3
Nomination Assessment Team

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.


Overall mapping quality is below acceptable level

  • Due to a number of questionable patterns players get forced and unnatural feelings and unpleasant gameplay experience
  1. 00:16:595 (1,2,3) - unnatural and forced rhythm
  2. 01:10:951 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - overmapping with no support within the song
  3. 01:20:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same as above
Haruru's Insane

Overdone patterns

  • The following patterns are not supported by the song and have nothing to do with the structure of the composition
  1. 00:09:466 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pause into very fast stream is forced and feels awkward in gameplay
  2. 00:49:120 (1,2) - it has to be an 1/1 slider

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

Adol Christin
rip..... good luck
  1. 01:10:951 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - overmapping with no support within the song

Quality Assurance Team wrote:

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.


Overall mapping quality is below acceptable level

  • Due to a number of questionable patterns players get forced and unnatural feelings and unpleasant gameplay experience
  1. 00:16:595 (1,2,3) - unnatural and forced rhythm some how those sliders fit the song, also almost every extra diff use them...
  2. 01:10:951 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - overmapping with no support within the song How is this overmapping? overmapping for me is adding objects when there is not support from the music, delete the objects and listen again at 50% or 25% pls. Even the ranked version of this use a stream in this part:
  3. 01:20:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same as above questionable yes, but almost every mapper do stuff like that in their extras, not sure how some maps are ranked with this and then other doesn't, double standards aren't nice you know.
Haruru's Insane

Overdone patterns

  • The following patterns are not supported by the song and have nothing to do with the structure of the composition
  1. 00:09:466 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pause into very fast stream is forced and feels awkward in gameplay pls the music itself is asking for an antijump.... I don't even
  2. 00:49:120 (1,2) - it has to be an 1/1 slider why? xD personaly I dislike extended sliders, but every mapper use them, idk how you guys judge them, but seems a bit unfair that some people is allowed to use them and other don't LOL.

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

the sad thing is that for some reason this stuff wasn't pointed in the first DQ, @Homura I'll said that you should totally contest this DQ, since some of the DQ reason doesn't make sense specially the overmaped one at 01:10:951 - and the others are really subjetives.
Topic Starter
sorry Cherry Blossom and Natsu

gg bye
00:09:466 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pause into very fast stream is forced and feels awkward in gameplay


Natsu wrote:

the sad thing is that for some reason this stuff wasn't pointed in the first DQ
QAT baka :/
Cherry Blossom
First DQ

Quality Assurance Team wrote:

Disqualification Notice


Inappropriate spread.
  1. Normal has a lot of constant 1/2 rhythms, so it's like a light hard difficulty, which makes gap from easy to normal a but large, because your Easy is almost 3/2 or 2/1 sliders with 1/1 rhythm gap, with only a few circles.
Haruru's Insane

Inappropriate emphasis on patterns.
  1. 01:03:971 (4,5,1) - The beat: 01:04:268 - in music is stronger than 01:04:120 - , we'd like to see the space of 01:04:120 (5,1) - is larger than 01:03:971 (4,5) -, which fits music more.
Readablility issues.
  1. 01:19:417 (4,1) - This pattern is very hard to read due to the anti-jump on 1/1 and 1/2 rhythms, although you add an NC at 01:19:565 (1) - . We'd like you to split 01:19:417 (4,1) -out.
  2. 01:19:565 (1,2,3,4) - The distance space has a big mess here: 01:19:565 (1,2) - the 1/4's distance is almost same even larger than the 01:20:011 (3,4) - 1/2's, we'd recommend you use the distance snap more properly and make the pattern easier to read.

Second DQ.

Quality Assurance Team wrote:

Disqualification Notice


Overall mapping quality is below acceptable level

  • Due to a number of questionable patterns players get forced and unnatural feelings and unpleasant gameplay experience
  1. 00:16:595 (1,2,3) - unnatural and forced rhythm
  2. 01:10:951 (5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - overmapping with no support within the song
  3. 01:20:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same as above
Haruru's Insane

Overdone patterns

  • The following patterns are not supported by the song and have nothing to do with the structure of the composition
  1. 00:09:466 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pause into very fast stream is forced and feels awkward in gameplay
  2. 00:49:120 (1,2) - it has to be an 1/1 slider

Good luck!

People always say that second or more disqualification should be avoided, and reasons for the second disqualification are clearly different from the first DQ.
Everyone almost know how DQs work, the mapper just fix what have been mentionned, nothing more. And "new issues" appear in future and that makes this map get DQed for a second time, and that could be avoidable if these issues were mentionned in the first DQ.

Could you explain me how you do your job please ?
Because step by step, i used to believe that you do a nice job... Althought people were saying bad things on you, QATs.

By the way, I won't let this mapset die, there are interesting things on this mapset, and this map is good. It's sad to see mappers giving up after DQs. You can call me, Homura-.
Edit : I just saw that some "overmapping issues" do not exist because notes on blue ticks are clearly audible, and this DQ could be easily contested, and this is probably the last thing you can do if the mapper doesn't have enough motivation to requalify this map. But i just remember that some people told me that they were waiting almost 1 months to get an answer, so, it's not a good deal afterall...
We are all trapped, is it over ? Or it's just this system is failing ?
great map
QAT :roll: :roll:
Due to a number of questionable patterns players get forced and unnatural feelings and unpleasant gameplay experience.
Due to a number of questionable patterns players get forced and unnatural feelings and unpleasant gameplay experience.

forced and unnatural feelings


But tbh, if you are going to say "overall mapping quality is below standards" you really should bring up more than just 3 examples... I can understand bringing up 3 examples if you were to say "quality can be improved" because it implies that there are still quality issues, but also acknowledges that the mapset's quality is mostly up to standards. If you're going to make such a big statement that "overall mapping quality is below standards" you really need to give stronger examples, and multiple ones, otherwise it just ends up insulting the mapper :P.
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The content is too different in the first DQ and second DQ...

I suffer to understand
I felt there was something funny with Haruru's Insane but I just played Guy's Extra too often already. And it is just different. The only thing which bugged me was the 1/4 slider stream by the end of the Extra diff. The rest was fine with me, I enjoy playing both diffs and I don't see a proper reason to dq a second time. Especially since the points of the first dq are no issue anymore.

imo once the "issues" of the first dq have been straightened out a 2nd dq should not be possible. but apparently the qat thinks otherwise which I find strange since we talk about insane and extra diff... And overmapping was never in issue with dozens of absolutely different Miiro diffs. If it was they would all totally look alike.
Asahina Momoko
never give up :o
bỏ cuộc rồi , thế là đi tong 1 map hay ....
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