
This thread's title is awesome.

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So I don't usually do these things... but I felt like I needed to do this, so yeah.

I've been playing Osu! for, I guess, a few months now. I used to prefer playing offline for fun, but I guess I'm doing more online plays now (hence the reason for writing my introduction in this forum). It's also pretty amusing to stalk the online chat even though I understand nothing most of the time.

Usually I'm a singe player in most of the games I play, as I'm not that fond of talking and asking for help (because I don't like bothering anyone as I don't want to be bothered). I'm quite used to forums, though, since I'm a part of a few gaming and role-playing themed ones.

I'm a laptop + mouse + keyboard player, if anyone's interested in knowing. I can barely FC 3 star maps, but hopefully with practice, I'll get better in this game.

Since you can see my country's flag, yes, I'm a Filipina. I'm not that proficient in English, so I apologize in advance for the mistakes I'm going to make whenever I post in this forum.

That's all, I guess?

Oh, and french fries will never be illegal.
Most of the time, the majority of online osu players plays single player more often than multi. Don't hesitate to ask for help. We won't bite ;)
Welcome to the oss forums.

Tbh I don't find much to do here. Come over to the Forum Games section sometime.

sannesara wrote:

Oh, and french fries will never be illegal.
Welcome to the forum. :p
Topic Starter

Kazutakee wrote:

Most of the time, the majority of online osu players plays single player more often than multi. Don't hesitate to ask for help. We won't bite ;)
Great to know, socializing has always been my weakest point so I doubt I'll be playing multi. One question, if you don't mind, are marathons really for more experienced players (since all I see are Insane ones...) or are there some that are playable for newbies like myself?

GSG95 wrote:

Welcome to the oss forums.

Tbh I don't find much to do here. Come over to the Forum Games section sometime.
Thanks. I will, that's usually the first section I visit in every forum.

Axiaan wrote:

sannesara wrote:

Oh, and french fries will never be illegal.
Welcome to the forum. :p
Best theory ever known: Anything edible made from potatoes = Greatest blessing D:<
Though I don't think I've had Belgian Fries before
But still D:<

And thanks for the welcome.
Welcome to the forums!
Nice title, lol
Hiya person

Most people also play singleplayer

Your english is perfect, don't worry xd

I tend to hang around in the Gameplay & Rankings forum. If you ever have a question related to gameplay or the PP system, I can probably answer it for you.

sannesara wrote:

are marathons really for more experienced players (since all I see are Insane ones...) or are there some that are playable for newbies like myself?
I wouldn't know very much myself, but most marathons I see would hang around the 4*-5* range. But I'm talking more the "Very long song" type of marathon, as opposed to the "Lots of songs stitched together" marathons, which I can't stand.

sannesara wrote:

I can barely FC 3 star maps, but hopefully with practice, I'll get better in this game.
Good to know you already understand perfectly how to get better at the game. You wouldn't believe the amount of 150k players who just spam 5* maps and never get better xd

Happy circle clicking!
thread title may be awesome, but that avatar scares me ;A;
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Nathanael wrote:

Welcome to the forums!
Nice title, lol
Thanks. I couldn't think of a good one so I randomly typed whatever came to mind, so that happened.

Mahogany wrote:

I wouldn't know very much myself, but most marathons I see would hang around the 4*-5* range. But I'm talking more the "Very long song" type of marathon, as opposed to the "Lots of songs stitched together" marathons, which I can't stand.
Guess I'll need to practice more then. My goal is to get that 1, 000 combo achievement. I recently finished playing a [normal] "very long song" marathon, and sadly it only had a 900 combo D:

Mahogany wrote:

Good to know you already understand perfectly how to get better at the game. You wouldn't believe the amount of 150k players who just spam 5* maps and never get better xd
Wow, that's quite a huge number. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to game mechanics (especially the numbers), and I'm procrastinating a bit since I'm still at the stage of getting to know the game better and playing for fun.

One thing, I clicked the thread link in your signature. It says there to avoid HR and DT until I'm good. Why so? Because I enjoy playing with both mods on at times. What are those "bad habits"?

deadbeat wrote:

thread title may be awesome, but that avatar scares me ;A;
Whaddaya mean? It looks absolutely normal to me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

sannesara wrote:

One thing, I clicked the thread link in your signature. It says there to avoid HR and DT until I'm good. Why so? Because I enjoy playing with both mods on at times. What are those "bad habits"?
There are a few problems with HR and DT.

Firstly, they increase OD by a lot. OD = Overall Difficulty, and OD affects the timing window of hits, the higher the value, the stricter the timing to get a 300.
The reason this is a BAD thing is at the low levels of difficulty such as easies, normals, and hards, the difficulty increase isn't very large, but due to the way the PP system works, you'll get a lot more PP for a play than you actually should, because of the Accuracy PP you get from the higher OD.

The problem with this is that once you progress to Insanes, the changes made by HR and DT are much more pronounced, and extremely difficult to learn. At that point, you'll need to stop playing HR and DT to progress properly, and due to the heightened PP gain from the mods, it'll take a long time to start earning proper nomod PP again, which will be very discouraging.

Secondly, they can make you into speed freaks who can't play slow songs. You can end up unable to play low BPM, unable to play long songs, or unable to play lower AR (Approach rates, basically how long it takes between the circle appearing and when you have to click it)
I know there are many people who have played DT and HR so extensively they cannot play anything below AR10.

Playing and enjoying the mods is fine, but don't let them become your go-to method of getting PP. When you want to get PP, try to stick to playing nomod.

I'd say it's okay to start playing DT and HR for PP around the ~10k rank mark, but you can easily go further than that. I've gotten to 4k pp mainly nomod - I have very few DT and HR scores.

I can go even more indepth if you want, but that's better covered in a PM if you're still curious, because I'll basically be explaining the entire PP system at that point.
That title is awesome
Just as... FRENCH FRIES <3
Anyways, welcome to the forums!
Enjoy them, they are nice (don't go into off-topic though, unless you are ready, believe me)
Topic Starter

Mahogany wrote:

Firstly, they increase OD by a lot. OD = Overall Difficulty, and OD affects the timing window of hits, the higher the value, the stricter the timing to get a 300.
The reason this is a BAD thing is at the low levels of difficulty such as easies, normals, and hards, the difficulty increase isn't very large, but due to the way the PP system works, you'll get a lot more PP for a play than you actually should, because of the Accuracy PP you get from the higher OD.

The problem with this is that once you progress to Insanes, the changes made by HR and DT are much more pronounced, and extremely difficult to learn. At that point, you'll need to stop playing HR and DT to progress properly, and due to the heightened PP gain from the mods, it'll take a long time to start earning proper nomod PP again, which will be very discouraging.
I'm not really aiming for PP, because if I focus too much on it I'll get highly competitive (like, not stopping until I FC and SS a song even though my hands really hurt which happened once, but not for the sake of PP). Good point, though.

Mahogany wrote:

Secondly, they can make you into speed freaks who can't play slow songs. You can end up unable to play low BPM, unable to play long songs, or unable to play lower AR (Approach rates, basically how long it takes between the circle appearing and when you have to click it)
I know there are many people who have played DT and HR so extensively they cannot play anything below AR10.
Ah, yeah, I was thinking of this one. Thanks a lot, your input was really helpful. :)

baraatje123 wrote:

That title is awesome
Just as... FRENCH FRIES <3
Anyways, welcome to the forums!
Enjoy them, they are nice (don't go into off-topic though, unless you are ready, believe me)
French fries <3 Thanks. I... I won't, then... *cough*
Welcome to the forums :D
The David Cameron free forums.. .D.
I mean , Welcome to the fabulous forums , Nice title o u o
Welcome to forums and o--what.
Dat French fries. y no chinese fries :v
Topic Starter

Derp wrote:

Welcome to the forums :D
The David Cameron free forums.. .D.
I mean , Welcome to the fabulous forums , Nice title o u o

-SayaKai wrote:

Welcome to forums and o--what.
Dat French fries. y no chinese fries :v
Thanks, you two.

This pleases me for some reason.
GANDA ng picture mo ate XD

sannesara wrote:

This pleases me for some reason.

Haha thats fab ;u;
At least david camer-
I'm gonna spare you from all the david cameron puns ;D;
Topic Starter

HazeL wrote:

GANDA ng picture mo ate XD
Freshly picked from the interwebs.

Derp wrote:

Haha thats fab ;u;
At least david camer-
I'm gonna spare you from all the david cameron puns ;D;
Thank you for showing mercy. :?
Nice thread name.
10 days since last post
Please don't bump threads which are inactive for over a week
See point number 3

Baraatje123 wrote:

10 days since last post
Please don't bump threads which are inactive for over a week
See point number 3
Oops, sorry! I apologise.
Well, atleast I'm not bumping threads that have been inactive for months/years, but that doesn't justify anything, does it?
I don't really care about that
It's just to prevent threads from being locked :P
blooming tea
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