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Kyonko Hizara wrote:

I had some extra RP left over so I decided to buy a mystery skin and it gave me Mistletoe LeBlanc. Too bad I am too much of a pussy to use her.
This is exactly what my friend did yesterday, except he got Pulsefire Ezreal.
Kyonko Hizara

EneT wrote:

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

I had some extra RP left over so I decided to buy a mystery skin and it gave me Mistletoe LeBlanc. Too bad I am too much of a pussy to use her.
This is exactly what my friend did yesterday, except he got Pulsefire Ezreal.
I might put in $10 more and go for the more expensive chest and see if I can get anything good from that.

My luck with mystery chests in any sort of game is either really good or really bad, there is never a middle ground.

EDIT: bought 2 of the 790 chests and got Mafia Jinx and Hazmat Heimerdinger. I am not disappointed.

Longest game I ever had, had to win just so I could finish that goddamn event
Gotta love that Ashe passive
I had some leftover RP and decided to get some mystery gifts. I got Gentleman Cho, Imperial Xin and Snowstorm Sivir. Like two of them but I didn't really need the Xin one but I'm glad that I didn't get a Ryze skin this time.
Kyonko Hizara

Katze wrote:

I had some leftover RP and decided to get some mystery gifts. I got Gentleman Cho, Imperial Xin and Snowstorm Sivir. Like two of them but I didn't really need the Xin one but I'm glad that I didn't get a Ryze skin this time.
Snowstorm Sivir is so pretty ;~; I wish I could get it from a chest but even if I buy more it prolly won't happen.

Ever since Fizz has been in the free rotation I've maybe gotten to play mid 3 times. He gets autolocked before anyone even has a chance to call roles, so then more often than not the person playing him ends up feeding because they have no idea how his kit works.

lmao that name
With the influx of skins, It was only a matter of time before they made a schoolgirl Ahri one.
I can't even keep up with the amount of skins they've been releasing.
I'm starting to like the new UI now..
Oh shit, I have to buy those chroma skins for Dragonslayer Vayne.
This is saddening, but i'm not really surprised. ... s/riot-pls

Renevant wrote:

This is saddening, but i'm not really surprised. ... s/riot-pls
lol, people actually requested sandbox mode.
Anyways, did anyone actually do the story thingies, the acts w/e they're called?
I couldn't be bothered since I'd rather shit myself than play ARAM more than 2 times just for an icon; nothing beats the debonair icon anyways, anything with a Rose on it is top-notch.

EneT wrote:

anything with a Rose on it is top-notch.
This, and nothing else.

Anyways, I'm really annoyed at this new section, mainly because 2 insanely useful features are being kept in the back, and they've been there for far too long now imo.
Kyonko Hizara
The new arcade skins are pretty meh
I play Susan (Nasus)
LoL is a pretty fun game if anyone wants to check it out
Landed 5 man Malphite ultimate yesterday. Won us the game. I'm proud of myself C:
Predictions for Play-offs?

EneT wrote:

Predictions for Play-offs?
NA ?

quarterfinals :
Gravity beats TSM

semifinals :
CLG beats TIP
Liquid beats Gravity

finals :
CLG beats Liquid

inb4 even my quarterfinals prediction goes wrong

Nofool wrote:

EneT wrote:

Predictions for Play-offs?
NA ?

quarterfinals :
Gravity beats TSM

semifinals :
CLG beats TIP
Liquid beats Gravity

finals :
CLG beats Liquid

inb4 even my quarterfinals prediction goes wrong
So you actually think that CLG isn't going to choke this time like they always do?
huuu yeah i wonder if they can fix their shit atm, i believe they can well whatever, not like they can beat anyone outside of NA zzz
You see, that's what CLG fans say every year.
"Dude, CLG went to bootcamp in KOREA, that's like the fucking hyperbolic time chamber from Dragonball. When they come back for play-offs they'll absolutely wreck everyone."
Oh wait a minute, they just got 3-0'd by Curse...
It's best not to have high expectations of CLG, they've been 3-0'd in every single play-offs ever since.

And despite TSM not doing so well recently you forget that out of all the teams in NA they have the most experience internationally and in BO5s compared to Gravity who are still fairly new. They'll most likely win vs Gravity but the TSM vs TL matchup can go either way.

In the other side of the Bracket, I have the lowest expectations for CLG since they always seem to disappoint me and their other fans. Impulse is very hit or miss though so CLG may have an opportunity but it's doubtful; Zionspartan who in my opinion is one of the main staple members for CLG gets outclassed by Impact and the same goes for Xmithie with Rush. Impulse's bot lane is consistent enough to handle Dlift and Aphro but overall, the set can got either way.

For EU there's no doubt in my mind that Fnatic is going to get first; no need to predict that.
how dare fans actually support their team even though it has gone through a lot of shit over and over again
I will continue having high expecations of them despite their shitty previous playoff performance

EneT wrote:

You see, that's what CLG fans say every year.
"Dude, CLG went to bootcamp in KOREA, that's like the fucking hyperbolic time chamber from Dragonball. When they come back for play-offs they'll absolutely wreck everyone."
Oh wait a minute, they just got 3-0'd by Curse...
It's best not to have high expectations of CLG, they've been 3-0'd in every single play-offs ever since.

And despite TSM not doing so well recently you forget that out of all the teams in NA they have the most experience internationally and in BO5s compared to Gravity who are still fairly new. They'll most likely win vs Gravity but the TSM vs TL matchup can go either way.

In the other side of the Bracket, I have the lowest expectations for CLG since they always seem to disappoint me and their other fans. Impulse is very hit or miss though so CLG may have an opportunity but it's doubtful; Zionspartan who in my opinion is one of the main staple members for CLG gets outclassed by Impact and the same goes for Xmithie with Rush. Impulse's bot lane is consistent enough to handle Dlift and Aphro but overall, the set can got either way.

For EU there's no doubt in my mind that Fnatic is going to get first; no need to predict that.
I've actually never trusted CLG, always switching players etc but their actual roster seems to be working well so imo they "have a chance", they can beat Impulse by doing some better decisions/fights etc (i agree about the Zionspartan thing etc). Again, Gravity has done better than TSM recently. I can hardly see TSM winning (that would only show their lack of consistency), and "fairly new team" doing well isn't really something new in league, random world champion every years zzz.

I don't have any expectations for NA teams this year, as you said any matchup could go "either way".
NA results are too random compared to other regions so im just guessing what could happens.

edit : yo wtf CLG had fans ? lmao
So in the past four weeks I spent in China and playing LoL from time to time I can safely assume that their level 5 ~ 10-ish unranked players are actually playing the game fairly decently in comparison to our Bronze/Silver monkeys. Perhaps I've been put with some smurfs but I have yet to see EUW Bronze/Silver last-hitting, trading, heck, even shocalling, younameit correctly. Yes they do that in China and this goes beyond stereotypes. My bro has a level 21 account and he faces ADCs who kite well, junglers who know their shit and plays at their champions' strenghts (prediction of enemy's jungler moves, counterjungling), roaming supports, surprisingly enough a LOT OF AWESOME RIVENS, a shittons of level 1 teamfights, more successful ward/flash insecs than fails, etc... The only difference in all that is runes and masteries being limited by summoner's level compared to our level 30s. Now maybe some of those players were indeed smurfs, however considering how annoying it is to register on account over there I doubt there are as many smurfs as there are in EUW/NA even counting the overall number of chinese players because you can only create 1 account per identity - actual identity, with your passport number, home adress number and papers, real name and stuff, linked to a QQ account.

In general Chinese players play extremely agressively and favors champions with strong presence throughout the game. You also find summoners' spells combos not often seen in EUW/NA (apparently Ghost/Ignite is a thing for marksmen, Smite/Exhaust for junglers, many Ez mid/adc running blue trinket + Clairvoyance, mid with Cleanse, etc...).

LoL in China is a whole different world and I wish I could play enough to see how actual ranked players, well, play. But there is no doubt the general skill level is far higher than what we are used to.

PyaKura wrote:

So in the past four weeks I spent in China and playing LoL from time to time I can safely assume that their level 5 ~ 10-ish unranked players are actually playing the game fairly decently in comparison to our Bronze/Silver monkeys. Perhaps I've been put with some smurfs but I have yet to see EUW Bronze/Silver last-hitting, trading, heck, even shocalling, younameit correctly. Yes they do that in China and this goes beyond stereotypes. My bro has a level 21 account and he faces ADCs who kite well, junglers who know their shit and plays at their champions' strenghts (prediction of enemy's jungler moves, counterjungling), roaming supports, surprisingly enough a LOT OF AWESOME RIVENS, a shittons of level 1 teamfights, more successful ward/flash insecs than fails, etc... The only difference in all that is runes and masteries being limited by summoner's level compared to our level 30s. Now maybe some of those players were indeed smurfs, however considering how annoying it is to register on account over there I doubt there are as many smurfs as there are in EUW/NA even counting the overall number of chinese players because you can only create 1 account per identity - actual identity, with your passport number, home adress number and papers, real name and stuff, linked to a QQ account.
Is anything below lvl 30 actually worth comparing to? Level 5-10 ish is like 20 games. Assuming you go into the game blind (which is what a lot of people do), everything is new and everyone is learning. I'm sure that that new player is just trying to figure out what his champion does, rather than worrying about stuff like kiting and trading properly which you learn later on. People need to learn fundamentals first. Do the players over there already have vast knowledge of the game before entering? If this is actually the case, it would make since, but if not, i have my doubts. It sounds like your lvl 21 friend (or you) got picked up by the anti-smurf thing riot put in. If he did, then he is definitely going against all smurfs, because the way that works is you're going against all smurfs or you're going against none once you get past lvl 10. Don't get me wrong, i'm not defending NA or anything. Its just that what you posted doesnt make sense. Its like when someone just started playing osu!, has like 300 playcount and is already worrying about his snapping and accuracy when he barely knows what a slider is.
That's not it, it's more like they just simply do "more advanced" mechanics such as kiting and trading effectively as something natural which does not need explanation, plus doing the basic stuff such as last hitting. As you'd think they probably don't start the game with a vast knowledge, however I'm pretty sure they learn a lot more quickly than we do, generally speaking.

I'm not sure how this anti-smurf thing works nor even if it exists on the chinese servers (yeah they tend to have the same gameplay changes as in NA/EUW except they are always 1 or 2 weeks late, and some system-related changes we receive on EUW/NA are possibly ommited seeing how different the pre-game window looks, with additional features), but one thing's for sure is that we - both my brother and me - never single-handedly stomped a game by ourselves past the first few games, or more accurately speaking the first 5 ~ 10 games post-bot training. That and I said it's much more difficult for chinese players to get a second account because they're linked to a QQ account with a whole lot of personal informations (QQ is like the main social network here in China and is used for a lot of things online, such as shopping, gaming, etc...) and creating a second account needs a new set of personal informations (mainly a second chinese passport). Also I don't think everyone we ever got against - or teamed up with - were all smurfs because there are still the occasional newbie you'd find as first-timer and still struggling to get basic stuff done in lane, let alone team actions/fighting. Another possibility is they are much more willing to find more information about the game techniques online than us (aka they're probably more curious) which might be why they know what they're doing, a possibility further emphasized by the amount of informations displayed at once on pre-game window (like, we have 3 or 4 news on it, they have at least a dozen of articles and videos updated daily).

Also this is not directly related but as you guys might know Tencent is managing LoL in China, Riot has to go through them to make changes and whatnot go live. Not sure about Korea, but they might have another similar society who runs LoL over there.
My prediction of TSM beating Gravity was right; you can't underestimate the experience TSM has, no matter how bad they've been doing in the split.

Now with TSM vs TL I actually believe it will go 3-2 to TSM. This change in TSM is pretty admirable and looks like they can compete with the best internationally.

lmao, gotta love the internet.

Also that trashtalk from Phreak.
"He won lane against Shiphtur but that's not a big deal cus' everyone's supposed to win lane against Shiphtur."
CLG, the dream. Let it not be a dream.
Here's to hoping that TSM would defeat TL.

Fuck CLG

In before 'dirty TSM fans'.
Must be a glorious day to be a CLG fan, if only I was still a CLG fan...

EneT wrote:

Goodbye 120 ping
Kyonko Hizara

Renevant wrote:

Goodbye 120 ping
Can't wait for under 80 ping. All the people on the west coast are pissed tho that they won't have extremely low ping anymore.
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