
The Monkees - I'm A Believer

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Dienstag, 22. September 2015 at 20:17:59

Artist: The Monkees
Title: I'm A Believer
Tags: scott pilgrim vs the world 60s sixties pop rock
BPM: 161
Filesize: 4135kb
Play Time: 01:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,53 stars, 153 notes)
  2. Hard (3,09 stars, 174 notes)
  3. Normal (1,88 stars, 92 notes)
Download: The Monkees - I'm A Believer
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

My first ranked map! \:D/

thanks be
  1. to Feb, Peachtrees and toybot for great mods
  2. to bl8ckdr8gon for showing me that skinning the scorebar-elements is way too complicated lol
  3. to Natsu for modding and helping a lot and almost bubbling
  4. to pishifat for modding, checking timing + and bpm-fixing the .mp3 and bubbling
  5. to Gray Veyron for modding and qualifying it

probably the second-third-oldest ranked song in osu! :D
Leaving this post here as I may mod this
Talked about this and that. You know...

2015-08-17 19:19 Feb: ok wäre ready
2015-08-17 19:19 Bonsai: leggo ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
2015-08-17 19:19 Feb: ACTION is listening to [ The Monkees - I'm A Believer]
2015-08-17 19:20 Feb: guck zu play
2015-08-17 19:20 Feb: ich spiel immer erst
2015-08-17 19:20 Feb: dann mod ich
2015-08-17 19:20 Bonsai: ok ^^
2015-08-17 19:21 Feb: ganz ehrlich die diff ist am besten von allen dreien
2015-08-17 19:21 Bonsai: whoo, nice freestyle-alternating ^^
2015-08-17 19:21 Feb: und da hab ich fast nichts zu sagen
2015-08-17 19:22 Feb: bis auf den doppel reverse
2015-08-17 19:22 Bonsai: :D
2015-08-17 19:22 Bonsai: mh
2015-08-17 19:22 Bonsai: dachte mir auch schon dass der vllt unerwartet kommt
2015-08-17 19:22 Bonsai: passt werd ich ändern
2015-08-17 19:22 Feb: ja erste mal gefailed lol
2015-08-17 19:23 Bonsai: uh gefailt gleich
2015-08-17 19:23 Bonsai: is der drain vllt zu hoch?
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: also miss halt
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: haha
2015-08-17 19:23 Bonsai: aso ^^
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: ne eher der od is zu hoch
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: 7 ist viel zu hoch
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: für 3.13
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: 6 is ok
2015-08-17 19:23 Bonsai: mh true
2015-08-17 19:23 Feb: vor allem weil du recht hohes spacing benutzt
2015-08-17 19:24 Feb: und die ar würde ich 8 lassen
2015-08-17 19:24 Bonsai: bin eine acc-whore deswegen hab ich hohe OD gern ^^
2015-08-17 19:24 Feb: mir war es angenehm und so
2015-08-17 19:24 Bonsai: passt
2015-08-17 19:24 Feb: wel ich nur ar9 lesen kann haha
2015-08-17 19:24 Bonsai: lol
2015-08-17 19:24 Feb: aber ar 8 ist so generell besser
2015-08-17 19:24 Feb: ich wollte dir eigentlich erst mal alle 3 zeigen lol
2015-08-17 19:24 Feb: vom spielen aber egal
2015-08-17 19:24 Bonsai: jo egal ^^
2015-08-17 19:25 Feb: Ist das lied nicht eigentlich viel länger?
2015-08-17 19:25 Bonsai: jüp, hat drei Strophen oder so, aber ich hab den TV-Size cut so gut gemacht dass ich selber nicht mehr weiß wo ich genau geschnitten hab lol
2015-08-17 19:25 Bonsai: aber das Ende is das echte Ende sozusagen
2015-08-17 19:25 Feb: ja dann würde ich sowas wie short version in die tags hauen
2015-08-17 19:26 Bonsai: mh ja zumindest in die description
2015-08-17 19:26 Feb: ich hab source und so weiter nicht überprüft kannst aber wenn du die change mal hast, bei kwan in seiner metadata queue nachfragen
2015-08-17 19:26 Feb: chance*
2015-08-17 19:26 Bonsai: Nene Source is nix, normales Lied ^^
2015-08-17 19:26 Feb: ne allgemein metadata ^^
2015-08-17 19:27 Feb: 00:18:586 (5) - ich würd hier NC'n
2015-08-17 19:27 Feb: 00:03:657 (6) - hier ebenso
2015-08-17 19:28 Bonsai: hm dann müsst ich durchgehend jeden Takt NC'n
2015-08-17 19:28 Bonsai: ich glaub das passt so, zwei Takte sind der Standard und es wird glaub ich nie höher als 10
2015-08-17 19:29 Feb: nah nicht deswegen haha
2015-08-17 19:29 Feb: beim ersten ist es ja eigentlich nur wegen deiner pattern
2015-08-17 19:29 Bonsai: Oder ja am Anfang gehts, aber das spätere : \
2015-08-17 19:30 Bonsai: Ich lass das Zweite mal so, mal sehen ob andre da noch was sagen
2015-08-17 19:31 Feb: das fängt doch hier an lol
2015-08-17 19:31 Feb: 00:42:762 (1) -
2015-08-17 19:32 Feb: nur der tick
2015-08-17 19:32 Feb: 00:43:531 (2) - und der hier
2015-08-17 19:32 Feb: haben beat
2015-08-17 19:32 Bonsai: in der Mitte is das M von "I'm a"
2015-08-17 19:33 Bonsai: also es sind drei Silben, I'm - a - be ^^
2015-08-17 19:33 Feb: ya das weiß ich haha
2015-08-17 19:34 Feb: 00:43:531 (2) - jedenfalls glaub ich das heir das timing nicht ganz korrekt ist
2015-08-17 19:34 Bonsai: ahso lol
2015-08-17 19:34 Feb: mach 25% und hör hin
2015-08-17 19:34 Feb: der sound kommt und es ist nicht beim white tick
2015-08-17 19:35 Bonsai: Ya i know, das is die Sache mit live performances, wenn man >alles< genau mappt wird es unplayable weils zu viel herumwackelt
2015-08-17 19:35 Bonsai: Aber ich hab schon eine request an pishifat geschickt
2015-08-17 19:35 Bonsai: der wird das nochmal checken
2015-08-17 19:35 Feb: ganz einfach gelöst
2015-08-17 19:35 Feb: mach es 1/6
2015-08-17 19:35 Feb: auf letzten tick
2015-08-17 19:35 Feb: dann ist es ok
2015-08-17 19:36 Feb:
2015-08-17 19:36 Feb: sieht imo so bei mir aus
2015-08-17 19:36 Feb: hab vergessen wie original aussieht lol
2015-08-17 19:36 Bonsai: Nä, er singt ja prinzipiell 1/2, im ganzen Lied kommt nix 1/3 vor, aber dadurch dass vocal und perkussion so außeinander sind is es ungenau
2015-08-17 19:37 Bonsai: wait wtf lol
2015-08-17 19:37 Feb: 1/6 funktioniert so wie ich es habe
2015-08-17 19:37 Bonsai: Du hast einfach ne note weggemacht, rip
2015-08-17 19:37 Bonsai: ^^
2015-08-17 19:37 Feb: kA sag ja hab keine ahnung wies vorher aussah haha
2015-08-17 19:38 Bonsai: a lol
2015-08-17 19:38 Feb: yo hab den beat nach dem spinner genutzt
2015-08-17 19:39 Bonsai: Ja mag schon sein dass das akkurater wär, aber die Interpreten hatten fix nicht die Absicht das iwie 1/6 zu spielen und es wird auch niemand readen können
2015-08-17 19:39 Bonsai: Btw es gibt zwei Perkussions-Dinger, eines kommt bei dem part immer zu früh, ich hab das spätere gemappt, das is on point
2015-08-17 19:39 Bonsai: lel
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: 00:41:992 da zb hört man dass sie krass auseinander sind
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: 00:41:992
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: wait wie geht das nochmal
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: [00:41:992] ?
2015-08-17 19:40 Feb: ?
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: x.x
2015-08-17 19:40 Feb: die circle markieren und hier
2015-08-17 19:40 Feb: strg c
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: ne is kein circle sondern time ^^
2015-08-17 19:40 Bonsai: im Spinnder der zweite weiße tic,
2015-08-17 19:41 Bonsai: da sinse auseinander
2015-08-17 19:41 Bonsai: und auch sliderstart
2015-08-17 19:41 Bonsai: egal, überspring den part einfach ^_^
2015-08-17 19:41 Feb: ok
2015-08-17 19:41 Feb: 00:46:213 (5,6) -
2015-08-17 19:41 Feb: misse das andauernd
2015-08-17 19:41 Feb: wenn ich nicht die ar lesen würde
2015-08-17 19:41 Feb: würde ich missen
2015-08-17 19:41 Bonsai: was misst du genau
2015-08-17 19:42 Feb: den slider
2015-08-17 19:42 Bonsai: lol
2015-08-17 19:43 Feb: kA liegt weher an mir
2015-08-17 19:43 Feb: imo
2015-08-17 19:43 Bonsai: ja denk auch, is ja nur ein normaler stack ^^ 00:32:419 (2,3) is genauso
2015-08-17 19:43 Feb: egal die diff war ja gut
2015-08-17 19:43 Feb: wollte eher schon an die normal rangehen
2015-08-17 19:44 Feb: haha weil die wahr nicht so dolle D:
2015-08-17 19:44 Feb: wie ich finde
2015-08-17 19:44 Bonsai: ahso oki ^^
2015-08-17 19:44 Feb: ah ne die advanced
2015-08-17 19:44 Bonsai: I'm ready
2015-08-17 19:44 Feb: ..
2015-08-17 19:45 Feb: das ende ergibt nicht wirklich sin
2015-08-17 19:45 Feb: sinn*
2015-08-17 19:45 Bonsai: inwiefern=
2015-08-17 19:45 Bonsai: ?
2015-08-17 19:45 Feb: naja spiel es selbst^^
2015-08-17 19:46 Feb: haha jk
2015-08-17 19:46 Bonsai: Meinst die slider-pattern?
2015-08-17 19:46 Feb: das größte problem sind die massiven stack
2015-08-17 19:46 Bonsai: hmok
2015-08-17 19:46 Feb: das ist richtig schwer ab und an
2015-08-17 19:47 Feb: 00:10:448 (6,7,8,1) - sowas kommt kaum vor allgemein
2015-08-17 19:47 Feb: schwer zu readen
2015-08-17 19:47 Feb: 00:13:024 (7,8) - stacks untendrunter würd ich generell vermeiden
2015-08-17 19:47 Bonsai: oh dayum das sind 4, ok, understood ^^
2015-08-17 19:47 Feb: in so lowen diffs in hard nicht mal lol
2015-08-17 19:48 Bonsai: uuuuuh dunno about that, da schau ich mir mal noch andre Normals an
2015-08-17 19:48 Bonsai: also in Hard gehts fix lol
2015-08-17 19:48 Feb: naja also sogar stack untendrunter?
2015-08-17 19:48 Feb: vllt light insane
2015-08-17 19:48 Bonsai: Hard fix ^^
2015-08-17 19:48 Bonsai: Aber gut ich schau mir mal noch andre Maps an
2015-08-17 19:48 Feb: 00:23:427 (2,3) - tiny overlap is relativ (nicht so gut
2015-08-17 19:48 Feb: lol
2015-08-17 19:49 Feb: mach entweder den overlap größer oder mach einzeln
2015-08-17 19:49 Bonsai: das hab ich so gemacht damit man differenzieren kann dass es nicht 1/2 is
2015-08-17 19:49 Feb: sowas kann kein beginner readen
2015-08-17 19:49 Feb: das kann aber kein beginner lol
2015-08-17 19:49 Bonsai: hm ja vllt bissi größer, einzeln mach ich nicht weil dann müsst ich mich wieder an ds halten und sauweit spacen
2015-08-17 19:50 Feb: ne 1.0
2015-08-17 19:50 Feb: selbst 1.2
2015-08-17 19:50 Feb: oder 1.3 is i.O
2015-08-17 19:50 Feb: solange du keinen red tick oder sowas dazwischen hast
2015-08-17 19:50 Feb: sind white ticks mit sonem ds i.O.
2015-08-17 19:50 Feb: nur red tick erhöhen das starrating
2015-08-17 19:51 Bonsai: ja ne schon klar dass 1,2 in Ordnung is weil ich in der ganzen Map 1,2 hab, aber das gibt mir zuviel emphasis auf die
2015-08-17 19:52 Feb: btw. ist preview point nicht eigentlich hier
2015-08-17 19:52 Feb: 00:27:704
2015-08-17 19:52 Feb: nvm
2015-08-17 19:52 Feb: ah doch
2015-08-17 19:52 Feb: lol
2015-08-17 19:53 Feb: also generell keine stacks machen
2015-08-17 19:53 Bonsai: Jup, aber wenn ich den dort mach schluckt er den Anfang, deswegen hab ichs minimal früher gemacht
2015-08-17 19:53 Feb: in >3 stars
2015-08-17 19:53 Bonsai: oki
2015-08-17 19:53 Feb: achso
2015-08-17 19:53 Feb: hab den selben fehler gemacht
2015-08-17 19:53 Feb: don't worry.
2015-08-17 19:53 Bonsai: ^^
2015-08-17 19:54 Feb: 00:55:029 (6) - das blanket ist echt mies l0l
2015-08-17 19:55 Bonsai: lol tru, da hab ich mich an die 1,2 gehalten, aber dank slider leniency kann ich da hoffentlich ruhig 1,3 machen
2015-08-17 19:55 Bonsai: fixed
2015-08-17 19:55 Bonsai: ^^
2015-08-17 19:55 Feb: 00:53:714 (3,4,5) - sowas ist auch nicht gerade der burner
2015-08-17 19:55 Feb: allgemein slider-circle-slider
2015-08-17 19:55 Feb: ist nicht wirklich empfohlen zu benutzen
2015-08-17 19:56 Bonsai: oi
2015-08-17 19:56 Feb: aber du kannst es lassen, aber bloß keine stacks
2015-08-17 19:56 Feb: das wird spätestens dir der BN sagen
2015-08-17 19:56 Bonsai: jup ^^
2015-08-17 19:56 Feb: außer es sind offensichtliche im lied
2015-08-17 19:57 Feb: die stacks forcen
2015-08-17 19:57 Feb: 01:00:468 (5) - imperfect blanket
2015-08-17 19:58 Bonsai: oi fixed ^^
2015-08-17 19:58 Feb: auch wenns am ende ist
2015-08-17 19:58 Feb: 01:06:490 (5) -
2015-08-17 19:58 Feb: haha
2015-08-17 19:58 Feb: keine stacks
2015-08-17 19:58 Feb: in hard würde ich nichts sagen^^
2015-08-17 19:58 Bonsai: rip ^^
2015-08-17 19:58 Feb: sollte man da auch nicht übertreiben, aber alles okay
2015-08-17 19:59 Bonsai: Damn die Normal hat zwei stacks lol
2015-08-17 19:59 Feb: sec
2015-08-17 19:59 Feb: ich muss die ebend nochmal spielen rofl
2015-08-17 20:01 Feb: lol das'n A
2015-08-17 20:01 Feb: wtf
2015-08-17 20:01 Bonsai: LOL
2015-08-17 20:01 Feb: hier machst sogar richtig zum großteil
2015-08-17 20:01 Feb: mit den slideroverlaping
2015-08-17 20:01 Bonsai: mh joah, die stacks sind detected 8)
2015-08-17 20:02 Feb: jo stacks weg ansonsten ganz i.O eig
2015-08-17 20:02 Feb: 00:25:834 (3) -
2015-08-17 20:02 Feb: imperfect :^)
2015-08-17 20:02 Bonsai: damn lol
2015-08-17 20:02 Feb: 00:30:923 (4) - so wie es jetzt ist werden paar anfänger hier missen
2015-08-17 20:02 Feb: wegen dem winkel
2015-08-17 20:03 Feb: 00:31:858 (1) - geblanket aber schlecht wie sonst was :^)
2015-08-17 20:03 Feb: oder du umgehst das blanket und setzt es höher oder so brichst aber DS dann..
2015-08-17 20:03 Bonsai: mh vllt schieb ichs nach rechts
2015-08-17 20:03 Bonsai: mh ja wollt ich umgehen ^^
2015-08-17 20:04 Bonsai: jö ich tu einfach 2 & 3 höher
2015-08-17 20:04 Bonsai: pikobello
2015-08-17 20:04 Feb: 00:37:471 (7,1) - das ok, aber overlap ist zu groß
2015-08-17 20:04 Feb: mach einfach die hälfte vom bisherigen
2015-08-17 20:04 Feb: weil hier extrem der double angesagt wird
2015-08-17 20:04 Feb: durch vocal obwohl man ja eigentlich nicht nach vocal geht..
2015-08-17 20:05 Bonsai: mhm
2015-08-17 20:05 Feb: egal
2015-08-17 20:05 Feb: der double passt hier
2015-08-17 20:06 Feb: 00:41:223 (4) - am besten keins tack
2015-08-17 20:06 Feb: 00:52:030 (4) - selbe wie vorhin
2015-08-17 20:06 Feb: bei redtick snaps am besten immer die hälfte vom gewöhnlich DS nehmen
2015-08-17 20:06 Bonsai: mh da is mein Problem dass ich nicht weiß wo ich den circle hintun soll dass er nicht das Herz stört ^^
2015-08-17 20:07 Bonsai: mh ok
2015-08-17 20:07 Feb: verschieb das herz halt einfach?
2015-08-17 20:07 Feb: du hast genug space nach dem herz
2015-08-17 20:08 Feb: 00:55:029 (4) - selbe^
2015-08-17 20:08 Bonsai: but a e s t h e t i c
2015-08-17 20:08 Bonsai: :^)
2015-08-17 20:08 Bonsai: mhm
2015-08-17 20:08 Feb: ne red tick hälfte ds
2015-08-17 20:08 Feb: wie erwartest du soll das ein anfänger peilen :^)
2015-08-17 20:09 Feb: willst du ne silent sliderslide benutzen?
2015-08-17 20:09 Bonsai: oh ja stimmt
2015-08-17 20:09 Bonsai: hab ich gar nicht bemerkt lol
2015-08-17 20:09 Feb: das ball rollen regt auf haha
2015-08-17 20:09 Bonsai: jo ^^
2015-08-17 20:12 Bonsai: oy wieso funkt das nicht
2015-08-17 20:12 Bonsai: sollte doch soft-sliderslider heißen oder?
2015-08-17 20:12 Bonsai: *-r
2015-08-17 20:12 Bonsai: also weder normal- noch soft- fuhnkt bei mir grad lol
2015-08-17 20:12 Feb: soft-sliderslide1
2015-08-17 20:13 Bonsai: aaah
2015-08-17 20:13 Feb: und halt auch customsample 1 benutzen
2015-08-17 20:13 Bonsai: AH!
2015-08-17 20:13 Bonsai: HOHO HAHA
2015-08-17 20:13 Bonsai: lol
2015-08-17 20:13 Bonsai: Das hab ioch schonmal bei ner map vergessen lol
2015-08-17 20:13 Feb: ist ja nicht so schlimm ist ja nur ein klick
2015-08-17 20:14 Bonsai: eh :D
2015-08-17 20:14 Bonsai: man muss halt dran denken lol
2015-08-17 20:14 Bonsai: ooh, Stille~
2015-08-17 20:15 Feb: mh?
2015-08-17 20:15 Feb: glaub hab nix mehr rofl
2015-08-17 20:15 Bonsai: Nice, passt eh schon ^^
2015-08-17 20:15 Bonsai: Well then, thx alot :D
2015-08-17 20:16 Bonsai: Endlich meinen ersten Mod bekommen \\\\ ٩(`(エ)´ )و ////
2015-08-17 20:16 Feb: ok^^
2015-08-17 20:16 Feb: wtf 1 std
2015-08-17 20:16 Feb: k lol
2015-08-17 20:16 Bonsai: oha lol
2015-08-17 20:16 Feb: ich poste mal IRC
Topic Starter
Thx! Applied almost everything (will wait for another opinion on the things I didn't) and reworked the ending of Advanced~
  • from Q

  1. 00:09:896 (9) - skipping this makes very little sense to me, there is nothing in the song that would indicate a break here
  2. 00:11:000 (1) - would imo have this end of the white tick, because that is where to vocals starting on the downbeat end. There are vocals on the red tick here to, though I don't feel like they should be 'grouped toghther' with the ones that the slider is covering. Also having this end on the white tick allows for the background music to be mapped which is always a nice thing to achieve. OH and on top of that I kinda think that the current rythm would indicate that
  3. 00:11:920 (3) - would be clickable too, which it is not
  4. 00:13:024 (5,6) - would not stack these in the easiest Diff of your set, maps have been DQ'd over not spacing stuff like this out properly
  5. 00:18:214 (4) - consider moving this forward by 1/2, downbeat here as no significance to it so missing it should be no bother + this more accurately follows vocals
  6. 00:21:381 (1) - this too I would cut by 1/2, no reason to have this end on the red tick when the white tick here feels much stronger
  7. 00:30:923 (4) - would be more intuitive to follow if the tail was clickable, did it for 00:36:348 (5,6,7) - too
  8. 00:51:471 (3,4) - ^
  9. 01:00:843 (1) - leaving this blank with the peak in vocals landing on this makes little sense to me

  10. 00:20:449 (2,3,4) - why not form a nice triangle between these
  11. 00:23:612 (3,4,5) - could see this catch a fair amount of players off guard, there is nothing in the song idicating the 1/1 rythm here, neither the placement of the notes nor the song itself
  12. 00:25:834 (1) - catching the guitar on the downbeat here feels more intuitive to follow
  13. 00:31:484 (8,9,1) - leaving 8 and 9 as a stack seems find, I'd suggest moving 1 somewhere else though as this allows for a) more emphasize on the downbeat and b) it's a visual indication that makes it easier to catch the fact that you're now following background music and not vocals any more
  14. 00:53:714 (3,4,5) - what's with the stack? takes away alot of momentum :c

  15. 00:06:428 (5,6) - transition here is a little clunky imo, would look to achieve a more oval/roundish movement between 00:06:245 (4,5,6) -
  16. 00:40:464 (8,9,10) - would you mind lining these up perfectly?
  17. 00:44:685 (1,2,3) - even out the spacing here?
  18. 00:58:218 (7,8,1) - having them arranged like would be more intuitive to play, especially since this follows the ups and downs in the song well (would require a certain amount of re-arranging for the next pattern though, so your call)

    nothing much to say I think, certain stuff could look a little neater I think like 00:07:708 (8,1) - the tiny overlap between these, though that is personal preference I guess

    Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Peachtrees wrote:

  • from Q

  1. 00:09:896 (9) - skipping this makes very little sense to me, there is nothing in the song that would indicate a break here - Fixed this and the next two points, creating a nice symmetry pattern whoot
  2. 00:11:000 (1) - would imo have this end of the white tick, because that is where to vocals starting on the downbeat end. There are vocals on the red tick here to, though I don't feel like they should be 'grouped toghther' with the ones that the slider is covering. Also having this end on the white tick allows for the background music to be mapped which is always a nice thing to achieve. OH and on top of that I kinda think that the current rythm would indicate that - (fixed)
  3. 00:11:920 (3) - would be clickable too, which it is not - still not clickable now but the first tail of a reverse-slider which is enough imo
  4. 00:13:024 (5,6) - would not stack these in the easiest Diff of your set, maps have been DQ'd over not spacing stuff like this out properly - Ah ok, Feb told me that too, just wanted to be sure :D
  5. 00:18:214 (4) - consider moving this forward by 1/2, downbeat here as no significance to it so missing it should be no bother + this more accurately follows vocals - Well it's the major downbeat, so imo it makes sense since it's following the basic rhythm, and emphasizing anything else doesn't seem right to me
  6. 00:21:381 (1) - this too I would cut by 1/2, no reason to have this end on the red tick when the white tick here feels much stronger - It's copying the rhythm of the previous point, which focuses more on the vocals
  7. 00:30:923 (4) - would be more intuitive to follow if the tail was clickable, did it for 00:36:348 (5,6,7) - too - fixed
  8. 00:51:471 (3,4) - ^ - fixed
  9. 01:00:843 (1) - leaving this blank with the peak in vocals landing on this makes little sense to me - While the peak in vocals is actually landing on 01:01:030 I fixed it this way, I'm wondering why I left it out in the first place because that was the only inconsistency in my hitsounding lol

  10. 00:20:449 (2,3,4) - why not form a nice triangle between these - fixed, I was doing this pattern symmetrically orientated by the line of the slider, I hope it's meeting both now ^^
  11. 00:23:612 (3,4,5) - could see this catch a fair amount of players off guard, there is nothing in the song idicating the 1/1 rythm here, neither the placement of the notes nor the song itself - Mapped by vocals and I didn't want to space this out since I don't want it to be emphasized much, I'll wait for more opinions whether this is readable or not : \
  12. 00:25:834 (1) - catching the guitar on the downbeat here feels more intuitive to follow - fixed, wanted to avoid having too many notes in this diff but I guess this is too important ^^
  13. 00:31:484 (8,9,1) - leaving 8 and 9 as a stack seems find, I'd suggest moving 1 somewhere else though as this allows for a) more emphasize on the downbeat and b) it's a visual indication that makes it easier to catch the fact that you're now following background music and not vocals any more - fixed, was really hard to still make all the other patterns work x.x
  14. 00:53:714 (3,4,5) - what's with the stack? takes away alot of momentum :c - fixed too :D

  15. 00:06:428 (5,6) - transition here is a little clunky imo, would look to achieve a more oval/roundish movement between 00:06:245 (4,5,6) - fixed (a bit)
  16. 00:40:464 (8,9,10) - would you mind lining these up perfectly? - whoops
  17. 00:44:685 (1,2,3) - even out the spacing here? - whoopsie
  18. 00:58:218 (7,8,1) - having them arranged like would be more intuitive to play, especially since this follows the ups and downs in the song well (would require a certain amount of re-arranging for the next pattern though, so your call) - I see, but that flow would be a bit too smooth for this part imo, moved the (8) up a bit though so it's not too harsh

    nothing much to say I think, certain stuff could look a little neater I think like 00:07:708 (8,1) - the tiny overlap between these, though that is personal preference I guess - Oh didn't notice that, fixed :D

    Good Luck!
Thank you very much, helped a lot :D
sorry for the delay~

  1. 00:12:288 (4,5) - it would be cool to ctrl+g this so you get a sharper turn on (5) when considering the flow set up by the reverse. of course, you'd have to rearrange (7,8) tho, so you don't need to do this at all
  2. 00:15:985 (6,7) - maybe 1/2 slider then circle? so you'd basically get a more dense version of 00:14:501 (2) - , which has the same sound
  3. 00:19:145 (6,7,8,9,10) - this is a pretty boring way to fill up the music, lol
  4. 00:24:353 (4,5,6,7) - rearrange the rhythm so that you click the syllables at 00:24:538 - and 00:25:279 - as well? putting a circle at 00:24:909 - emphasizes nothing
  5. use whistles to cover the harmonica in the choruses? feels pretty empty here
  6. 00:40:839 (10) - move this farther out so that the spacing in (8,9,10) are visually equal, not equal in DS
  7. 00:54:278 (4) - maybe you could move this to around 264|328, so you can get an impactful turn, like you did at 00:52:962 (1,2,3) -
  1. 00:03:657 (4) - eh, you could NC this since this whole section is dense enough to allow it
  2. 00:06:611 - i expected to click something here, since the guitar always hits the downbeat there. maybe you could turn 00:06:428 (1) - into a circle + a 1/1 slider instead? you don't skip the downbeat often as well
  3. 00:37:471 (7) - woahh, way too close to off screen. maybe it won't matter on most resolutions, but it's kinda worrying
  4. 00:40:277 (7,8) - having the stack here stops the flow and doesn't give the finish what it deserves
  5. 00:55:780 (7,1) - overlap doesn't look too good
  1. 00:05:148 - 00:27:320 - where are the claps? i mean, yes you do skip them sometimes, but it just feels weird and empty without them. there are some hitsounds that could be added as well in this diff, like a finish at 00:43:915 -
  2. also, you should really just keep to an NC per 2 measures, and try not to fluctuate them. combos that go to 10 in a Normal is a bit too long
  3. 00:37:471 (7,1) - move (1) somewhere else? so easier to read and is consistent with 00:31:484 (5,1) -

i didn't want to nitpick, since this set is pretty much polished already. good luck!
Topic Starter

toybot wrote:

sorry for the delay~

  1. 00:12:288 (4,5) - it would be cool to ctrl+g this so you get a sharper turn on (5) when considering the flow set up by the reverse. of course, you'd have to rearrange (7,8) tho, so you don't need to do this at all - I spare neither trouble nor expense :^)
  2. 00:15:985 (6,7) - maybe 1/2 slider then circle? so you'd basically get a more dense version of 00:14:501 (2) - , which has the same sound - It's not the same because the beat at 00:16:171 was barely audible at the first time, but here I wanna emphasize it, also I try to avoid offbeat-sliders when they are not really given by the music
  3. 00:19:145 (6,7,8,9,10) - this is a pretty boring way to fill up the music, lol - true lol
  4. 00:24:353 (4,5,6,7) - rearrange the rhythm so that you click the syllables at 00:24:538 - and 00:25:279 - as well? putting a circle at 00:24:909 - emphasizes nothing - changed the first one, still not clickable though because I don't think it's important enough to justifiy a offbeat slider; second one stays that way because the reverse is the least important note there and changing it emphasizes weird / not at all
  5. use whistles to cover the harmonica in the choruses? feels pretty empty here - oooh why didn't I think of that, did it in all diffs! :D
  6. 00:40:839 (10) - move this farther out so that the spacing in (8,9,10) are visually equal, not equal in DS - oh whoops, didn't recognize that the sv changed there, thought it just looked weird because of the previous notes ^^
  7. 00:54:278 (4) - maybe you could move this to around 264|328, so you can get an impactful turn, like you did at 00:52:962 (1,2,3) - changed it, I hope the long slider doesn't look too weird now : \
  1. 00:03:657 (4) - eh, you could NC this since this whole section is dense enough to allow it - done
  2. 00:06:611 - i expected to click something here, since the guitar always hits the downbeat there. maybe you could turn 00:06:428 (1) - into a circle + a 1/1 slider instead? you don't skip the downbeat often as well - did something similar :D
  3. 00:37:471 (7) - woahh, way too close to off screen. maybe it won't matter on most resolutions, but it's kinda worrying - ok fixed o:
  4. 00:40:277 (7,8) - having the stack here stops the flow and doesn't give the finish what it deserves - fixed (I think I just placed it there randomly and forgot to move it lol
  5. 00:55:780 (7,1) - overlap doesn't look too good - fixed
  1. 00:05:148 - 00:27:320 - where are the claps? i mean, yes you do skip them sometimes, but it just feels weird and empty without them. there are some hitsounds that could be added as well in this diff, like a finish at 00:43:915 - thought it's weird because of skipping some, but now I added some notes not previously empty parts. Also added that and like two other finishes I think
  2. also, you should really just keep to an NC per 2 measures, and try not to fluctuate them. combos that go to 10 in a Normal is a bit too long - understood!
  3. 00:37:471 (7,1) - move (1) somewhere else? so easier to read and is consistent with 00:31:484 (5,1) - done

i didn't want to nitpick, since this set is pretty much polished already. good luck!
Thx a lot :D exclusively getting really great mods here so far o:
from the form

  1. timing was pretty much as good as you can get with red lines already. there were still a few places that bugged me, so some stuff was done with the audio to match your timing. just replace yours and it'll work
  2. spread from normal->advanced kinda sucks. normal is mostly 1/1 while advanced (during kiais at least) has nearly no gaps larger than 1/2. adding some rhythmic gaps in advanced and sticking a few more 1/2 in normal would make it p much perfect. if you need to know some places that would work for gaps or 1/2 additions, i could list some
  3. >hp3 on all difficulties ok then
  1. ar5, od4, hp4
  2. 00:08:801 (2,3) - minor spacing screw up
  3. 00:40:838 (6,1) - this kind of circle stacked directly on next slider's tail thing may look good, but it's probably more confusing than it should be
  1. hp5 or 6
  2. 00:04:216 (2,3) - would be better not stacked. gets rid of the emphasis on 3 and reading multiple stacked objects under a sliderend is kinda lol. 00:49:038 (5,6) - so exactly like this lol
  3. 00:24:909 (6,8) - either man up and overlap them or don't overlap at all. this barely touching stuff is ew
  4. 00:46:972 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would be nice to have the same whistles from the first 2 measures here as well since it's the same instrumentthing. applies to hard as well
  5. 00:37:845 (1,3) - stack here doesn't work for whatever reason. would be better with a manual offset (so moving it to 232|262)
  1. ar8, hp 6 or 7 (depending on what you used on advanced)
  2. 00:58:593 (8) - 00:59:718 (3) - guessing the unstack isn't intentional
the difficulty specific stuff is mostly unimportant lul. if you want a bubble, it can happen
Shohei Ohtani
wow not mapping the smash mouth version

I might mod this just so I don't look like an asshole by linking my map and not even modding
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

from the form

  1. timing was pretty much as good as you can get with red lines already. there were still a few places that bugged me, so some stuff was done with the audio to match your timing. just replace yours and it'll work - that's pretty neat, how'd you do that? thanks o:
  2. spread from normal->advanced kinda sucks. normal is mostly 1/1 while advanced (during kiais at least) has nearly no gaps larger than 1/2. adding some rhythmic gaps in advanced and sticking a few more 1/2 in normal would make it p much perfect. if you need to know some places that would work for gaps or 1/2 additions, i could list some - I added a few 1/2 in Normal, could only find one place to add a gap in Advance though : \ If it's not enough pleasy list some ^^
  3. >hp3 on all difficulties ok then - I guess I didn't really understand how hp works, applied all of your suggestions ^_^
  1. ar5, od4, hp4 - yup
  2. 00:08:801 (2,3) - minor spacing screw up - whoops
  3. 00:40:838 (6,1) - this kind of circle stacked directly on next slider's tail thing may look good, but it's probably more confusing than it should be - I see, changed it
  1. hp5 or 6 - 5 it is hehe
  2. 00:04:216 (2,3) - would be better not stacked. gets rid of the emphasis on 3 and reading multiple stacked objects under a sliderend is kinda lol. 00:49:038 (5,6) - so exactly like this lol - ah yeah, fixed
  3. 00:24:909 (6,8) - either man up and overlap them or don't overlap at all. this barely touching stuff is ew - whoops, wasn't even a perfect triangle which it is now ^^
  4. 00:46:972 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - would be nice to have the same whistles from the first 2 measures here as well since it's the same instrumentthing. applies to hard as well - done in both
  5. 00:37:845 (1,3) - stack here doesn't work for whatever reason. would be better with a manual offset (so moving it to 232|262) - fixed
  1. ar8, hp 6 or 7 (depending on what you used on advanced) - yup
  2. 00:58:593 (8) - 00:59:718 (3) - guessing the unstack isn't intentional - whoops, happened because of applying previous mods ^^
the difficulty specific stuff is mostly unimportant lul. if you want a bubble, it can happen
Thanks a lot, I'll see whether Reditum mods it and come back to you!
@Reditum: Yeah hehe, I like timing and I want it to be associated with Scott Pilgrim rather than Shrek, and it brings more variety to osu! I guess ^^
I unsuccessfully tried getting in your Queue when I noticed that you where the one who mapped it :'v(
You don't need to mod though, just tell me whether you do it or not so I know if I should get it bubbled :D

Edit: I'm currently getting 'Error during upload', will try to update it later


  1. 00:05:148 - Add finish
  2. 00:27:320 - use finish instead
  3. 00:30:923 (8) - add whistle? I feel the slider sounds a bit weird without it
  4. 00:36:910 ^
  5. 00:39:716 (6,7) - your rhythm here is a bit weird to play imo, I'll suggest you to try this instead:
  6. 00:43:915 (3) - clap on slider body is on purpose?
  7. 00:45:069 (3) - I feel that this sound and other similar at this sections need a hitsound, add whistle maybe? apply to every diff and other similar sound if you agree


  1. 00:05:148 - same as hard
  2. 00:27:320 - same as hard
  3. 00:30:923 (8) same as hard
  4. 00:36:910 ^
  5. 00:23:612 (3,4,5) - this antijumps seems really hard to play/read, for this lvl of difficulty, I suggest you to just space it properly
  6. 00:37:845 (1,3) - is the bad stack on purpose?

  1. 00:05:148 - same as hard
  2. 00:27:320 - same as hard
  3. 00:30:923 (8) same as hard
  4. 00:36:910 ^
  5. 00:13:577 sounds so weird the missing clap at 00:13:577 - shoud be mapped
  6. 00:21:008 (3,4) - Blanket can be improved
  7. 00:25:834 (1,2) - ^
  8. 00:36:910 add whistle
  9. 00:30:923 ^
  10. 00:52:030 ^
  11. 00:55:029 ^
  12. 01:04:983 (1) - ^
mmm consider removing some 1/2 (just some) from the advanced diff, a bit worry about the spread, ask me in game if you have any question :3
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:



  1. 00:05:148 - Add finish - done in all diffs
  2. 00:27:320 - use finish instead - done in all diffs
  3. 00:30:923 (8) - add whistle? I feel the slider sounds a bit weird without it - ehh, the whistles are emphasizing the keyboard, adding it on these sliders sounds weird to me and would be inconsistent since there are not always notes/sliders there (same in other diffs)
  4. 00:36:910 ^ - ^
  5. 00:39:716 (6,7) - your rhythm here is a bit weird to play imo, I'll suggest you to try this instead:
    - done
  6. 00:43:915 (3) - clap on slider body is on purpose? - whoops, does that even do anything? ^^
  7. 00:45:069 (3) - I feel that this sound and other similar at this sections need a hitsound, add whistle maybe? apply to every diff and other similar sound if you agree - well, technically they are the same sounds as all the claps in the map, but the claps don't really fit this section / are too loud, and I use the whistles for the guitar starting at 00:46:972 so that wouldn't fit too - I'll see if I can find a custom hitsound for this, don't think so though : \


  1. 00:05:148 - same as hard
  2. 00:27:320 - same as hard
  3. 00:30:923 (8) same as hard
  4. 00:36:910 ^
  5. 00:23:612 (3,4,5) - this antijumps seems really hard to play/read, for this lvl of difficulty, I suggest you to just space it properly - done
  6. 00:37:845 (1,3) - is the bad stack on purpose? - yeah, since pishifat pointed out that the auto-stack doesn't work on slidertails (although it wasn't exactly 4x4px off if you mean that, fixed that ^^)

  1. 00:05:148 - same as hard
  2. 00:27:320 - same as hard
  3. 00:30:923 (8) same as hard
  4. 00:36:910 ^
  5. 00:13:577 sounds so weird the missing clap at 00:13:577 - shoud be mapped - done
  6. 00:21:008 (3,4) - Blanket can be improved - done
  7. 00:25:834 (1,2) - ^ - done
  8. 00:36:910 add whistle
  9. 00:30:923 ^
  10. 00:52:030 ^
  11. 00:55:029 ^
  12. 01:04:983 (1) - ^ - sounds weird to me since the spinner would cover other potential whistles too, it's basically just a fade-out anyways
mmm consider removing some 1/2 (just some) from the advanced diff, a bit worry about the spread, ask me in game if you have any question :3 - I will, don't know how to remove some of them withouth making the whole diff feel incosistent ^^
Thanks :D
forgot some claps on normal lol 00:34:477 (5) - 00:40:464 (5) -
Topic Starter

Topic Starter
stupid automatic smileys
Cerulean Veyron
Hi, this is the niceeeee IRC mod woooo

IRC mod
2015-09-22 20:59 Gray Veyron: Can I IRC mod? lol
2015-09-22 20:59 Bonsai: oh yeah ofc ^^
2015-09-22 21:00 Gray Veyron: Well ya I really need to qualify sth, it's been a month I haven't icon heart on a map lmao.
2015-09-22 21:00 Gray Veyron: So, shall we start with normal? :3
2015-09-22 21:00 Bonsai: oh lol
2015-09-22 21:00 Bonsai: yup
2015-09-22 21:00 Gray Veyron: okayy
2015-09-22 21:00 Gray Veyron: Let's see...
2015-09-22 21:01 Gray Veyron: In general, the map looks pretty good~
2015-09-22 21:01 Gray Veyron: But I'm worried about the timing..
2015-09-22 21:01 Gray Veyron: Is it correct? Did you confirmed it with an expert timer?
2015-09-22 21:01 Bonsai: oh no pishifat checked it
2015-09-22 21:02 Gray Veyron: Oh, okay :)
2015-09-22 21:02 Gray Veyron: QATs love checking the map's timing
2015-09-22 21:02 Gray Veyron: so there might be a chance to dq lmao
2015-09-22 21:03 Gray Veyron: Let's not think about it anyway ;p
2015-09-22 21:03 Bonsai: he initially said it's as good as it can get with timing points, and even did some bpm-fixing to the mp3 twice
2015-09-22 21:03 Bonsai: timing live performances is kinda a hobby of mine lol
2015-09-22 21:03 Bonsai: lol
2015-09-22 21:03 Bonsai: #blamepishi if it happens
2015-09-22 21:04 Gray Veyron: nonono xD Hopefully would be fine enough
2015-09-22 21:05 Gray Veyron: first mod~ 00:17:656 (2) - You could just move this circle somewhere front of the previous slider
2015-09-22 21:05 Gray Veyron: for a desirable flow over the player's cursor movement,
2015-09-22 21:05 Gray Veyron: [ sth like this e.g.]
2015-09-22 21:05 Gray Veyron: 00:19:145 (5) - This might be the same, but it's up to you ;p
2015-09-22 21:06 Gray Veyron: 00:27:320 (4) You added a finish on the other diffs, but not here looool
2015-09-22 21:07 Gray Veyron: bad link
2015-09-22 21:07 Gray Veyron: BAD
2015-09-22 21:08 Bonsai: lol did i put all three additions there in the other diffs lol
2015-09-22 21:08 Bonsai: still thinking about the first two things, not really a fan of it : \
2015-09-22 21:08 Gray Veyron: Ahh, okay then
2015-09-22 21:08 Gray Veyron: done?
2015-09-22 21:08 Bonsai: lol whatever i did there, i'll stick with just finish
2015-09-22 21:09 Bonsai: uh the hitsound? yeah
2015-09-22 21:09 Gray Veyron: okayy lmao
2015-09-22 21:09 Gray Veyron: 00:33:355 (3,4) - Pretty minor, but the spacing looks a little away by 0.04x idk
2015-09-22 21:10 Gray Veyron: idk about you, I might think you're trying to do a symmetry here or w/e
2015-09-22 21:10 Bonsai: too far away or not enough away? ^^
2015-09-22 21:10 Bonsai: nah not really lol
2015-09-22 21:10 Gray Veyron: huh?
2015-09-22 21:10 Gray Veyron: you don't use grid snap? lol
2015-09-22 21:10 Gray Veyron: okay, my mistake
2015-09-22 21:11 Bonsai: uuuh no o:
2015-09-22 21:11 Bonsai: oooh i see what you mean
2015-09-22 21:11 Gray Veyron: okay, uhh fixed?
2015-09-22 21:12 Gray Veyron: It just takes seconds ;p
2015-09-22 21:12 Bonsai: k fixed it
2015-09-22 21:12 Gray Veyron: Let's see more issues...
2015-09-22 21:12 Gray Veyron: give me time
2015-09-22 21:13 Gray Veyron: 00:55:029 (4,5,1) - You could've done sth more interested here, e.g. (4)'s slider tail, circle (5), and (1)'s head, that flowing is quite linear.
2015-09-22 21:13 Gray Veyron: So how about moving (5) somewhere? or repositioning slider (4)?
2015-09-22 21:13 Gray Veyron: Basically, the FLOW is linear
2015-09-22 21:13 Gray Veyron: not because of that straight slider btw
2015-09-22 21:13 Bonsai: mhm i understand, lemme see
2015-09-22 21:14 Gray Veyron: Sorry If I TALK too much lol
2015-09-22 21:14 Gray Veyron: just putting things in details xD
2015-09-22 21:14 Bonsai: nono lol
2015-09-22 21:14 Bonsai: [ this okay?]
2015-09-22 21:15 Gray Veyron: Oh, that blanket looks gorgeous!
2015-09-22 21:15 Gray Veyron: Okay, you may want to try that :D
2015-09-22 21:15 Bonsai: hehe
2015-09-22 21:16 Gray Veyron: Well, it seems everything is fine here!
2015-09-22 21:16 Gray Veyron: Shall we move to Advanced diff?
2015-09-22 21:16 Bonsai: so you're okay with me not changing the frist two things? then yes ^^
2015-09-22 21:16 Gray Veyron: Nah, it's your map anyway ;p
2015-09-22 21:17 Gray Veyron: you can do w/e you want with it
2015-09-22 21:17 Gray Veyron: Okayy so
2015-09-22 21:17 Gray Veyron: 00:07:160 (5,1) - Idk, but this spacing supposed to be 1.2x o_o not kinda like 1.25x...
2015-09-22 21:17 Gray Veyron: Well, you previously used 1.2x spacing, right?
2015-09-22 21:18 Bonsai: o ok ^^ did the second one, first one is kinda not possible without ruining directions of sliders etc
2015-09-22 21:18 Bonsai: moving on! :D
2015-09-22 21:18 Bonsai: well i vary a bit, because of slider leniency, since the slider is almost exactly flowing into the seoncd one
2015-09-22 21:19 Gray Veyron: "exactly"?
2015-09-22 21:19 Gray Veyron: It doesn't look like that to me :/
2015-09-22 21:19 Bonsai: but i guess i reduce it a bit
2015-09-22 21:19 Gray Veyron: but nyeh, anyways
2015-09-22 21:19 Gray Veyron: 00:18:772 (5,6,7) - I probably think this part lacks some movements for the cursor to stay active, instead of staying and clicking.
2015-09-22 21:19 Gray Veyron: So, you may want to unstack circle (5) only and move it near x:292|y:106 for that reason.
2015-09-22 21:20 Gray Veyron: ehh idk, it's just that the vocals ended itself there
2015-09-22 21:20 Bonsai: oh yeah done, did a nice triangle
2015-09-22 21:20 Gray Veyron: triangles <3
2015-09-22 21:21 Gray Veyron: okay, finding more...
2015-09-22 21:22 Gray Veyron: 00:31:484 (9,10,1) - I prefer (10) stacks on slider (1)'s head, not circle (9).
2015-09-22 21:22 Gray Veyron: Basically, for the upcoming new track.
2015-09-22 21:22 Gray Veyron: tl:dr: Strong beat
2015-09-22 21:23 Bonsai: wait sry, for the previous thing, do you think [ this] is ok? jsut stacking one note there seems weird to me
2015-09-22 21:23 Bonsai: eehh when i stack 10 on 1 1 loses emphasis, doesn't it?
2015-09-22 21:23 Bonsai: cause as it is you have to move to get to the 1
2015-09-22 21:24 Gray Veyron: Well, kinda little
2015-09-22 21:24 Gray Veyron: But it makes an equal emphasis between the song and this
2015-09-22 21:24 Gray Veyron: So yeah, balancing is important ;p'
2015-09-22 21:25 Bonsai: uhhh i don't understand that lol
2015-09-22 21:25 Gray Veyron: like, one strong beat, one circle/sliderhead placed on upbeat
2015-09-22 21:25 Gray Veyron: which makes the rhythm more sensitive
2015-09-22 21:26 Bonsai: uh yeah i know, but that's the case anyways
2015-09-22 21:26 Gray Veyron: ...instead of landing sliderends on the start of kiai ;_;
2015-09-22 21:26 Bonsai: the question is just what to stack right?
2015-09-22 21:26 Gray Veyron: uhh yeah, stack
2015-09-22 21:27 Bonsai: wut yeah, where did i put a sliderend on start of kiai
2015-09-22 21:27 Gray Veyron: nahh, I was just saying ;p
2015-09-22 21:27 Gray Veyron: anyways, let's move on
2015-09-22 21:28 Bonsai: yeah ^^
2015-09-22 21:29 Bonsai: (just fyi i did the [ same thing] with that previous point now, pls don't hurt me)
2015-09-22 21:29 Gray Veyron: I'm okay, that...
2015-09-22 21:29 Gray Veyron: I'm not sure, but hopefully would look better now
2015-09-22 21:30 Bonsai: yup
2015-09-22 21:30 Gray Veyron: 00:37:845 (1,3) - Well, manual stacking doesn't fit here, so It's best you fully stack them up.
2015-09-22 21:30 Gray Veyron: Perhaps there's another option, It's splitting them to avoid "overlap".
2015-09-22 21:30 Gray Veyron: Don't forget checking the spacing too!!
2015-09-22 21:30 Bonsai: uh i originally auto-stacked them and pishi said it didn't work so i should do it like this
2015-09-22 21:31 Gray Veyron: okay so...
2015-09-22 21:31 Gray Veyron: did you enable the stacking in the View option, then?
2015-09-22 21:31 Bonsai: yup
2015-09-22 21:31 Bonsai: oh i think it was off a bit
2015-09-22 21:32 Bonsai: did you mean that
2015-09-22 21:32 Gray Veyron: yeah
2015-09-22 21:32 Bonsai: yeah now it's also the same spacing
2015-09-22 21:32 Bonsai: yey
2015-09-22 21:32 Gray Veyron: Well, if it gets dq'd for that issue... #blamepishi
2015-09-22 21:33 Bonsai: lol
2015-09-22 21:33 Gray Veyron: 00:49:038 (5,1) - This would be optional; You might wanna make a blanket for aesthetic patterns in order to make your map cleaner
2015-09-22 21:34 Gray Veyron: ....and neat
2015-09-22 21:34 Gray Veyron: Unless you want to be a tough guy,
2015-09-22 21:34 Gray Veyron: heedless to aesthetics.
2015-09-22 21:34 Gray Veyron: It's your decision btw ;p
2015-09-22 21:34 Bonsai: well blanketing it this close is kinda impossible
2015-09-22 21:35 Gray Veyron: So it's a "no" then?
2015-09-22 21:35 Bonsai: bc then it looks like [ this] and that's kinda ugly too
2015-09-22 21:35 Bonsai: yeah no
2015-09-22 21:36 Gray Veyron: But I've done that on one of my ranked maps loooooooool
2015-09-22 21:36 Gray Veyron: but anyways xDD
2015-09-22 21:36 Bonsai: o
2015-09-22 21:36 Gray Veyron: It's up to you~
2015-09-22 21:36 Bonsai: ok nvm i'll do it then lol
2015-09-22 21:36 Gray Veyron: NONONONO
2015-09-22 21:36 Gray Veyron: It's fine, It's fine
2015-09-22 21:36 Bonsai: lol ok
2015-09-22 21:37 Gray Veyron: You change your mind so fast wow
2015-09-22 21:37 Bonsai: lol
2015-09-22 21:37 Gray Veyron: 00:51:285 (4) - Why not moving this circle to the right for a smoother flow? Somewhere x:470|y:150 or nearby.
2015-09-22 21:37 Gray Veyron: yes, SMOOTHER flow
2015-09-22 21:38 Gray Veyron: So, the player's cursor plays SMOOTHER <3
2015-09-22 21:38 Gray Veyron: And be careful with the next circle's spacing ;p
2015-09-22 21:39 Bonsai: when there's no rational reason for one solution to be better i'm always extremely indecisive, bad in rl lol
2015-09-22 21:39 Bonsai: bc of pattern
2015-09-22 21:39 Bonsai:
2015-09-22 21:39 Gray Veyron: A parallel?
2015-09-22 21:39 Gray Veyron: That doesn't seem right... isn't?
2015-09-22 21:39 Bonsai: yeah
2015-09-22 21:39 Gray Veyron: Or is it just me?
2015-09-22 21:40 Gray Veyron: lolllll k
2015-09-22 21:40 Bonsai: should be okay
2015-09-22 21:40 Gray Veyron: 00:57:843 (6,7,8) - Kinda the same as before, for stacking. Circle (7) stacks on (8) ble
2015-09-22 21:40 Bonsai: not more than 1pixel of lol
2015-09-22 21:40 Gray Veyron: triangles idk w/e lmao
2015-09-22 21:41 Bonsai: nah i'll stay consistent with that
2015-09-22 21:41 Gray Veyron: ... I guess that's all I found
2015-09-22 21:41 Bonsai: \o/
2015-09-22 21:42 Gray Veyron: It's quite nice, but sorry if I was picky on stackings and placements lol
2015-09-22 21:42 Bonsai: nah no problem
2015-09-22 21:42 Gray Veyron: Finally, let's go to the last and HARD diff!
2015-09-22 21:43 Bonsai: i apreciate everything that has reasoning :D
2015-09-22 21:43 Bonsai: WHOO
2015-09-22 21:43 Gray Veyron: choo chooooooo
2015-09-22 21:44 Gray Veyron: okaaaay
2015-09-22 21:44 Gray Veyron: So, 00:25:834 (1,3) - You think this overlap is fine? Well, to me It's not :/
2015-09-22 21:44 Gray Veyron: It's just- I can't tell
2015-09-22 21:44 Gray Veyron: It seems pretty odd imo
2015-09-22 21:45 Gray Veyron: Why not moving it down at least?
2015-09-22 21:45 Bonsai: [ this better?]
2015-09-22 21:45 Gray Veyron: hmm idk
2015-09-22 21:45 Bonsai: if i want to avoid it completely it gets like x1,7
2015-09-22 21:46 Gray Veyron: but you have the DS tool, you can still stick with it...
2015-09-22 21:46 Gray Veyron: I really prefer splitting it
2015-09-22 21:46 Bonsai: yeah, the screen i posted is the best i can get with 1,5
2015-09-22 21:46 Gray Veyron: :/
2015-09-22 21:47 Gray Veyron: but anyways, up to you~~~
2015-09-22 21:47 Bonsai: yeah I'll let it be
2015-09-22 21:48 Gray Veyron: uhhhh
2015-09-22 21:48 Gray Veyron: Looks pretty good!
2015-09-22 21:48 Gray Veyron: I like those 2x spacing jumps!
2015-09-22 21:49 Gray Veyron: Quite consistent~ great diff!
2015-09-22 21:50 Bonsai: yey thx :D
Cerulean Veyron
Yeah yeah double post, but QUALIFIED!

First map to qualify? Congratz!
gz :^)
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