
HeNa Team Tournament [STD] (Finisished)

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Ah, thanks x3
I have two questions.
First, in the 2v2 matches what if a player dies? can they revive and come back in?
Second, when subbing in players do we do that before picking the song or after?
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

HyoukaForGC wrote:

I have two questions.
First, in the 2v2 matches what if a player dies? can they revive and come back in?
Second, when subbing in players do we do that before picking the song or after?
1st yes you can revive
2nd Don't really mind about that. would prefer after the picking a map.
(oh and there will be sets (lets call them sets) (one 2v2 set, two 1v1 sets) of two beatmaps. Both maps in a set has to be played by the same player.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
Re Opened the Registration Form today. so if any Team decides to Cancel, another one can simply replace them
the Teams who decide to register from this point on are not guaranteed on playing in the actual Tournament!

EDIT: So this might not be the Finite Schedule. The Finite one will be here in April
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
rearranged the picking and banning procedure:
The Participant who rolled the highest score will choose on the first mappick or first ban. (that was a bad way to say it, so i am gonna show it on an example)

Team A rolls 2 points, Team B rolls 1 Point.
if Team A decides, who will have the first mappick, Team B decides who banns first.
if Team A decides, who will ban first, Team B will decide, who will have the first mappick.

Aded some new Rules:
-A match can be Postponed as long as:
-Both Teams discussed a new Date to play.
-The Cptns of both Teams have to inform the host (nya nya Neko) and the assigned Referee.
-The match has to happen in a time span of 2 weeks, where the original match was supposed to be played.
-A Team can Cancel their Participation until the 29th March
-The Participants are allowed to revive themselves.
-If something is wrong about a game (wrong mod activated, wrong placement of Teammembers,etc.), The Team who hasn't got the multiplayer host will gain the point for this match.
(-If the opponoments Team have broken one of the Rules, then please make a screenshot of it and send it to your referee)
A question came to mind: Will we be playing the 1v1s in Team Vs mode or in Head to Head?
Hi, first of all, ElMaRiachi35 leave the team.
In his place, Thabest123 and Aalb enter the team (GTM +1)
Ty ^^
id like to be apart of a team.. If any one wants me that is

Nya Nya Neko wrote:

Can we add 2 more members?
Clyine and Lumision
Both are GMT+8
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

dististik wrote:

A question came to mind: Will we be playing the 1v1s in Team Vs mode or in Head to Head?
Doesn't really matter.
but I would like you to keep the mode in Team Vs.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

[ Evil ] wrote:

Nya Nya Neko wrote:

Can we add 2 more members?
Clyine and Lumision
Both are GMT+8

mrmongolo12 wrote:

Hi, first of all, ElMaRiachi35 leave the team.
In his place, Thabest123 and Aalb enter the team (GTM +1)
Ty ^^
both Confirmed
Tnx, but did u ad Aalb? :?: (GTM +1)
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

mrmongolo12 wrote:

Tnx, but did u ad Aalb? :?: (GTM +1)
oh sorry didn't see him :3
Rowwis i think the timing isn't right

Rowwis wrote: i think the timing isn't right
Uh yeah I feel that too. It wasn't like that before though. I'll ask about the timing, if it's not right, then I'll change, don't worry. The tournament starts in May (:
*and I have forgotten this tournament xD
Can i add 2 more mebers for our team? and both with GMT+1
I would like to add [Cheshire] (GMT -8) to my team (Creamy Nougat Everywhere) please.
is this being live streamed? if so wont you need commentators?
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

noshowyu wrote:

is this being live streamed? if so wont you need commentators?
didn't really plan to do so, since i dont really know how streaming works. :(
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
Please replace Tomatsu Haruka - courage with B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes (Feint Remix), If you downloaded the mappool before the 6th of march.
new mappool should be up in a few mins.

Rowwis wrote:

Can i add 2 more mebers for our team? and both with GMT+1

Sexual Tentacle wrote:

I would like to add [Cheshire] (GMT -8) to my team (Creamy Nougat Everywhere) please.
gonna add those after the new mappool is up
lol i re-do the banner

Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

-[Jess]- wrote:

lol i re-do the banner

Thank you \o/
Team Baka Brigade would like to add the player WEIRD FACE if at all possible.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

CrabCow wrote:

Team Baka Brigade would like to add the player WEIRD FACE if at all possible.
I need the time zone he lives in

Nya Nya Neko wrote:

I need the time zone he lives in
He is GMT-5.
Will there be a livestream?
Wird man wie beim OWC maps bannen können? Wird man VOR der ersten Pool map 2 warmup maps spielen?
Are saklin98 and me registered now? Or are there too many teams already...?
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

salkin98 wrote:

Wird man wie beim OWC maps bannen können? Wird man VOR der ersten Pool map 2 warmup maps spielen?

salkin98 wrote:

Will there be a livestream?
yes and no
The banning rules should be in the complete information.
There will be no Livestream, since I do't know anything about how this works.
if you want to stream your own Game thats fine.

Lelouch wrote:

Are saklin98 and me registered now? Or are there too many teams already...?
yes the list is allready full. I ust ran a bit longer, so If one team simply cancel, another team can play instead of them.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
The Registration is now closed,
once and for all
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
New Rule!
-The 1v1s will be played in Head to Head, so the players are able to revive themselves.

the mappools for round 3, 4 and 5 should be up in a few minutes
Hi! Why even tho i applied 27th march, my team isn't on list?
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

iGrzes wrote:

Hi! Why even tho i applied 27th march, my team isn't on list?
I am sorry, but the past month the participants list was allready full. the Registration was goin on so if any team would cancel their participation, another team could replace them.

the participants are still able to cancel their matches, however only until the next week.
your team might get accepted, but the chance, you will is pretty low.

so i'm very sorry for that

here's the link I've put next to the registraion form the last month.
Ahh, didn't read carefully enough i guess. My bad of course ;) Sorry for bothering, and good luck with tournament!
here comes chiyo boys
get ready for the mathclass train Kappa
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
changed the schedule again.
this one will be now the finite one.

also here are the lists of every participants who signed up, if anyone's interedted:
Regular Participants
Participants who signed up afterwards
Whoa it's getting near. I wish I am able to watch it though, it's a pity that my PC brokes, so I can't play osu! anymore :(
Wish you luck on the match ~
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
so the team setsuna carnival wihdrawed, meaning, that their games will simply get cancelled.
You should probably write down the time for each players respective countries or at least tell us what time (GMT) etc you guys set the schedule in.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

[ Evil ] wrote:

You should probably write down the time for each players respective countries or at least tell us what time (GMT) etc you guys set the schedule in.
gonna do
can we still join?
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
just posted the first results

the tournament is finally strarting now :)

Nya Nya Neko wrote:

just posted the first results

the tournament is finally strarting now :)
For the next match, you may want to post the match link there, so everyone can see how the matches get done at least
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
so pantsu hunters quitted their participation.
meaning there will only be two matches tommorow and next week.
I'll see if I can change a bit on the schedule, so we have at least 3 matches later.
If there are changes they will be made 2 weeks in advance.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

okey as it seems like, two of the referees were not going online for the past 2 weeks or so.
meaning that the matches they are supposed to host might get a little bit tricky.
I can host most of the matches myself, but not every single one of them.

the matches that are in "danger" because of this are:
chiyo best girl vs Baka Brigade
Baka Brigade vs Creamy Nougat Everywhere
Baka Brigade vs Never forgetti mom's spaghetti

one option is, that these 3 matches gonna be hosted by the players themselves,
2nd option is that a player from another team would volunteer to referee
3rd and last option is, that i am going to advertise in #osu to get someone to referee these 3 matches

I also sended a PM to both refs in the hope, they would read it.
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
ok I moved everyone of the matches about week in the future.
i should be able to ref them then.

EDIT: that results to a weird set of playing the mappools though
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko

Nya Nya Neko wrote:


okey as it seems like, two of the referees were not going online for the past 2 weeks or so.
meaning that the matches they are supposed to host might get a little bit tricky.
I can host most of the matches myself, but not every single one of them.

the matches that are in "danger" because of this are:
chiyo best girl vs Baka Brigade
Baka Brigade vs Creamy Nougat Everywhere
Baka Brigade vs Never forgetti mom's spaghetti

one option is, that these 3 matches gonna be hosted by the players themselves,
2nd option is that a player from another team would volunteer to referee
3rd and last option is, that i am going to advertise in #osu to get someone to referee these 3 matches

I also sended a PM to both refs in the hope, they would read it.
i guess i shouldn't have paniced.
they both contacted me allready
kinda embarassing >.<
Topic Starter
Nya Nya Neko
So the Tournament Finally Come to end with "RNG Missies with superpowers"as winners
thanks to all partcipants, Organisation team members and everyone who got involved with the tournament.
Congratz to the Winners
and shaarkah

I hope everyone enjoyed the Tournament even though it was quite (incredibly) messy at times.
have a nice day <3

Nya Nya Neko wrote:

Congratz to the Winners
and shaarkah
"... amd shaarkah"
Perfekt! ;D
Oh man i am so Happy that we actually wo this :oops:
I hope next if the tournament is going next year too the Players are Moore motivated.

Tanks for this tournament :)
Gg, if my team had 1 less draw we would've won :c
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