
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench

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hello~ Request from Gamu's Standard Modding Queue

[ General]
  1. Remove the osb.file. Not Unrankble element. but I'd suggest that you remove.
  2. Please turn off the "Letterbox during breaks" It is not used anymore in most maps.

[ Easy]
  1. 00:59:129 (6,1) - Swap these new combos.
  2. 00:37:424 (1) - Why are you no add a clap at the end point? It would be really necessary.
  3. 00:38:457 (3) - ^ Here is start and end point.
  4. 00:40:180 (1) - ^ at the end point.
  5. 01:23:591 (2) - ^ at the end point.
  6. 01:31:515 (5) - ^
  7. 01:35:822 (2,3) - It is difficult to grasp rhythm for beginner players. Do you use a slider instead of a two circles?
  8. 01:57:699 (1) - I prefer such shape.I think you must also consider the appearance.
  9. 02:02:523 (7,1) - The same as 00:59:129 (6,1).
  10. 02:16:304 (4) - Move to x: 380 y:152 pls!
  11. 02:19:405 (1) - Too soon after spinner. I think there is a need to change.
  12. 02:24:917 (1) - ^
  13. 02:25:779 (2,3) - The same as 01:35:822 (2,3).
  14. 02:49:379 (1) - Add a clap at the start point. it's missing.
  15. 02:50:068 (2) - ^
  16. 02:56:959 (3) - ^
  17. 02:59:026 (2) - ^ at the end point.
  18. 03:01:437 (2) - I also want a clap here.
  19. 03:50:361 (6) - clap's not necessary.

[ Normal]
  1. 00:20:542 (2) - Add a clap at the start point. I want a clap here.
  2. 01:26:347 (5) - ^ at the end point.
  3. 02:29:224 (5) - ^ at the end point.
  4. 03:25:899 (1) - Too soon after spinner. I think there is a need to change.
  5. 03:50:361 (9) - The same as Easy diff.
  6. In Kiai time of # 1 and # 2, i think the pattern is exactly the same. Would you create a variety patterns in order to creat a fun map owo?

[ Noya's Hard]
  1. HP or OD -1 because this diff is AR8.
  2. 01:04:297 (2,3) - I'd suggest that you add a clap to the start of these. It make a very good sound :D
  3. You have a mistake clap D: Therefore, I will propose a some clap. if you want to fix them, i recommend that you fix all.
    -01:25:486 (5) - Add a clap at the end point.
    -01:28:242 (2) - Remove a clap at the end point.
    -01:28:758 (3) - Add a clap
    -01:28:931 (4) - Add a clap at the end point.
    -01:30:826 (10) -^ at the start point.
  4. 02:07:691 (2,3) - The same as 01:04:297 (2,3).
  5. Really good diff :3

[ Insane]
  1. 00:50:688 (7) - Clap is missing at the end point
  2. 01:04:297 (5) - I want a clap here.
  3. 01:21:524 (1) - finish's not necessary. I think it's useless sound
  4. 01:59:767 (9) - Clap is missing
  5. 02:07:346 (1,5,3) - The same as 01:04:297 (5).
  6. 02:33:186 ~ 02:53:858 - I'd strongly suggest that you add a hitsound (clap..etc) in this part!
  7. 03:50:361 (3) - The same as Easy and Normal.

I think you need a little improvement in Normal diff and Easy diff. Especially in Easy diff, rhythm is too difficult and some clap are missing.

good luck~ 8-)
From my queue :D

1. Use the drum sampleset for hitsounds :) they sound a lot more better.

1. 01:03:953 (1) - This spinner is too short for an easy diff. In my opinion you should use a slider for this time (since i think spinners in easy should let Auto get at least 8000 points)
2. 01:26:347 (5) - Move this slider's tail to x: 72 y: 224. This is for perfecting this blanket.
3. 01:27:381 (1) - Move it's tail to 328 on the y axis to perfect the blanket for 01:28:759 (2) .
4. 02:07:346 (1) - See 1. But this time use circles (not streams of course, just a circle every white beat) and a slider for the final riff.
5. 02:15:098 (3,4) - The blanket looks ugly.
6. 02:21:472 (4) - Head - x: 60 y: 208; Tail - x: 112 y:152
7. 02:39:043 (6) - NC
8. 02:40:077 (1) - Remove NC
9. 02:41:455 (6) - NC

1. 00:17:096 (5,6) - Strange blanket.
(I just hope that the spinner lengths are acceptable and this diff is perfect)

[Noya's Hard]
1. 01:41:678 (2) - Why the sharp turn? A simple blanket is good enough.
2. 03:30:034 - add note here.
3. 03:35:546 - ^
4. 03:41:058 - ^

1. 01:03:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Unnatural curve?

Mod from modding queue~

  1. For an easy diff, you use too many contiunuous 1/1 beat rhythms (example: 00:20:542 - to 00:49:482 - / 02:33:186 - to 02:56:270 - . You don't make a single pause in these sections, which causes too much pressure for newer players). This is more like a normal map, so I'll go mod it with this in mind (I don't even think you can make an easier one here without missing a lot of hard beats <.<).
  2. 00:23:298 (5) - Replace this backslider with a circle at it's start and it's end. Here's how it will look like:
  3. 01:23:935 - You missed a Clap HS here.
  4. 02:15:098 (3,4) - Are you trying to blanket here? Because this one looks pretty much off.
  5. 03:12:979 (4,5,6) - I'm not sure which instrument you are focussing here on, the drums or e-guitar.
  6. I'm sure this map has some issues with polarity ( ) at certain parts. It is generally not recommended for the easier diffs because it's difficult to play for beginners.
  7. 00:51:894 (3,1) - white tick to red tick polarity. Solution:
  8. 01:34:099 (3,1) - red tick to white tick polarity. Solution:
  9. 02:01:661 (6,7) - ^
  10. 02:13:892 (1,2) - white tick to red tick polarity. Solution:
  11. 02:24:917 (1,2,3,4) - red to white tick polarity.
  12. 02:24:917 (1,2) - I'm not sure if you want to blanket here, but you should check this again.
  13. 03:12:462 (3,4,5,6) - red tick to white tick polarity. Solution:
  1. 00:17:096 (5,6) - Trifle: blanket is very slightly off.
  2. 02:20:955 - I#d add a note here, just to avoid the polarity. (see above)
  3. 02:40:766 (5,1) - This slider ends on a hard beat, which doesn't sound very good (hard beats should be clickable naturally). Just ctrl+g the mentioned notes and reposition them and you're fine.
  4. 03:12:979 (8,9) - Polarity issue here, go with: . Also, the shape of slider 8 looks a bit odd, but that's just preference.
[Noya's Hard]
  1. I noticed that this map has a longer pause at 02:13:892 - if I compare to the easier diffs. I'm not sure in how far BATs accept that kind of inconsistency for Guest diffs, but it's better if you map this area out as well.
  2. 00:15:201 (8,1,2) - Preference but i feel that 2/1 beat gaps are a bit too long here, place circles at the remaining white beats as well (same for 00:27:088 - ).
  3. 00:18:819 - The note density in this combo is just way too high.
  4. 01:56:838 (1,2,3) - First stack's fine, but the second one is not that good to play just DS it instead. Just a recommendation:
  5. 01:58:560 (4,5) - No stacking here please, you can clearly hear a note difference in the vocals:
  6. 02:06:657 (4,5) - Same as above.
  7. 03:06:777 (3,4) - Blanket here if you want, it would look better.
  8. 03:07:466 (5,7) - Trifle: It bugs me that the blankets doesn't fit in too well. ;-;
  9. 03:12:979 (5,6) - Could be a better blanket.
  10. 03:27:794 (6,7) - These sliders end on hard beats, which is easily avoidable. Try this beat pattern out: (you can swap the backslider with 2 usual sliders as well, but that's up to you)
  1. This map feels like the weakest one in this mapset. It has okay flow, but is too unstructured in my opinion.
  2. 00:18:130 (1,1) - I expect some kind of bigger jump when a loud drum crash lies on 00:18:475 (1) - . Don't be too dependent on DS here.
  3. 00:23:987 (1,2,3,4,5) - Two issues here: 1. The flow is a bit shaky here, make the curve smoother, and 2. 00:24:848 (5) - ends on a hard beat here. Here's my solution to this:
  4. 00:33:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - That looks really weird, especially where you placed the intersections. Think in pairs of 4 circles, i marked the circles where a hard beat lies on (a perfect place for flow alternation):
  5. 00:41:558 (1) - Not the best decision for a stream, but if you want to keep it...
  6. 01:08:087 (3,4,5) - Way too sharp angle here and it doesn't flow good. Ctrl+g slider 5 and 6, stack 6 on 4 so it looks better and you'll probably need a better location for 01:09:121 (1) - then:
  7. 01:21:524 (1) - Why is a finish sound here, it feels so odd on the end of this slider.
  8. 01:22:557 (4,5,6,7,8) - Feels odd to play, since I'm not sure if you are going with the vocal (sliders will end on hard beats) or the background instruments (sliders start on hard beats. If you want to go with the vocals, then just ctrl+g these 01:22:557 (4,5) - and reposition. Otherwise, ctrl+g 01:22:902 (5,6,7,8) - and reposition, but don't mix it up like you did in here.
  9. 02:07:346 (1) - That's what I expected at 00:33:289 - , although it looks like some circle are a bit off the line, namely 02:07:604 (4,2,4) - . It should be clear zigzag lines.
  10. 02:09:930 (1,2,3) - These sliders end on hard beats. Try this rhythm pattern:
  11. 02:11:136 (1) - The spinner should end at 02:13:203 - already.
  12. 02:15:443 (1,2,3,4) - Same problem as in 02:09:930 (1,2,3) -
  13. 02:16:649 (1) - End the spinner at 02:18:371 - and add a circle at 02:18:543 -
  14. 02:18:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This looks as if you had the idea of a full stream here :D Please rearrange the triples, this way it's way too linear/boring to play. Want some idea?
  15. 02:26:468 (1,2,3) - Offbeat sliders... again. You really should avoid these, they aren't really natural to play (unless they support the music in an appropriate way, e.g. when the singer/an instrument is holding a note).
  16. 02:37:837 (3) - and 02:43:350 (3) - and 02:48:862 (3) -
  17. 02:58:681 (2,3,4,5) - Oval flow is a bit shaky here, do something similar to 00:23:987 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  18. 03:02:815 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - You want to avoid such a curvy stream in this song, use a flatter shape.
  19. 03:11:601 (1,2,3,4) - see 02:58:681 (2,3,4,5) -
  20. 03:25:209 (5,6) - The intersection is placed wrong, it should be at 5 already.
Everything up to hard is close to fine (still needs some cleanup though), but your Insane map currently has too many flaws to be rankable. Even with the stuff i mentioned above, I feel like you should consider remapping some sections again (sorry for telling you this, but it's just what I'm thinking :( ). And for some general advice on mapping: t/31612 .
Good luck for the ranks, I'm out! o/

Hi from my queue!

From osu!wiki:
The difficulty spread is determined by the map's star rating. A map falls under a certain difficulty when having a specific star rating:
Below 1.5: Easy
Below 2.25: Normal
Below 3.75: Hard
Below 5.25: Insane
Above 5.25: Expert
Your Easy = Normal. You used a lot of 1/2 patterns which are suitable for Normal, not Easy. Example: 02:25:779 (2,3) - it's like 1/4 for Normal. Rhythm should be simple in easiest diff and you just complicate it by using such patterns. Avoid them please. 02:25:951 - Since clap sounds here, I suggest to remove those 1/2 circles and put a new one here. 02:30:602 (2,3,4,5) - you could replace them with 4 circles or 2 sliders: / (I prefer circles, they better fit the music)
00:13:996 (3,4) - why didn't you make a blanket between them in such way: or ? It's a bit neater and improves flow.
00:16:752 (6,7) - same
01:03:953 (1) - 02:07:346 (1) - keep them for Hard/Insane, not for easier diffs.
01:27:381 (1,2) - blanket is not perfect, moving last point to 272;328 would fix it
01:36:511 (4,5) - same. Try next: 01:37:372 (5) - ctrl+g, move middle point to 104;256 and the last one to 240;192
01:50:291 (1,2) - ^
02:16:304 (4) - apparent blanket, I suggest to put it to 384;152
03:20:042 (1) - move 6th point to 100;160 for improving blanket

01:03:953 (1) - 02:07:346 (1) - 02:53:858 (1) - as I said above
01:21:524 (2) - you mapped the silence? :D Sound is ended here, there is nothing to map. Remove circle and reverse 01:20:835 (1) - as you did in Easy.

[Noya's Hard]
00:16:407 (1,2,1,1) - what for this frequent changing of combo colours, why don't you use only one colour for current pattern? I see, you want to emphasize guitar, just not a fan of such NC flooding.
00:40:869 (1) - same
00:53:616 (8) - no need to complicate creating of slider, fix the blanket by using of 3 points:
01:00:679 (4) - ^
03:14:012 (7,8) - you can still improve the blanket
03:29:000 (1,2) - nice using of slider velocity! Perfectly fits the song :)

00:18:130 (1) - remove it, there is silence
00:23:642 (1) - ^ (and so on)
00:57:062 (3,4) - I really don't understand why you break flow here. Try to flip them vertically and horizontally:
01:04:469 (1) - remove nc
01:09:810 (1) - ^
01:16:183 - osu! is a rhythm game and you can't map emptiness. End slider on previous white tick.
02:07:862 (1) - remove nc
03:03:160 (1) - ^
03:23:487 (4) - make it parallel as 03:22:798 (2,3) - will be looked neater

Nice mapset, starred.
Topic Starter

Kenterz wrote:

Hey, mod from my queue


  1. 00:13:996 (3,4) - These sliders are quite overlaping, I think it's problematic for the esthetic of the diff, maybe you can try to do a wave slider ? (then it will blanket) : (warning about the symmetry with 00:16:752 (6)) Done
  2. 00:18:475 (1) - These kind of sliders are a bit strange, this is just a suggestion but you can follow this exemple maybe ? Done
  3. 00:35:357 (3,4) - There is a problem here about the flow, (3)'s movement goes at the opposite of (4), and it's a bit annoying. You can maybe try a slider like this : Done
  4. 00:43:625 (2,4,6) - These 1/2 slider are quite hard for an Easy, here is an exemple of a pattern you can make instead :
    I made a new pattern similar to the ones playing afterwards
    I've never see any 1/2 in an Easy diff, so you should really remove them, maybe this MIGHT be unrankable.
  5. 01:27:381 (1,2) - Maybe you can try to blanket (2) with (1)'s tail ? (You can be helped by the sliderball's overlay : Done
  6. 02:14:409 (2) - This slider is starting on a red tick, it's a bit hard to guess when yu have to hit it for beginners, I suggest this pattern : Done
  7. 02:16:476 (1) - This spinner is starting 1/2 beat after the previous object, it's too short for an Easy, beginners will not have to time to start to spin, so I suggest to start the spinner at 02:16:993. Fixed
  8. 02:21:989 (1) - Same problem as above for this spinner. Fixed
  9. 02:39:388 (6) - I think this hitclap should be moved on 02:39:732 (7) to follow the clap patttern you made for this section. That note does not have a clap for me :o
  10. 02:55:580 (2,3) - There's also a problem about the flow here, you should reverse the curve, then if you follow the slider's movement after you played it, it'll go to (3). Fixed
  11. 03:20:042 (1,2) - The curves' construction are very strange for these slider, there's one construction point which don't follow the curve, it's a bit stange, I suggest to fix it to make it a little bit prettier ;3 Edited them a bit
  12. 03:21:420 (2,1) - There's an overlap for these 2 sliders, so maybe you can try to stack (1)'s tail with (1)'s head ? Done
  13. 03:29:000 (1,2) - Wow... Why did you made a jump here ? This is the only moment you changed the distance snap, and there's no reason to do it, it gets the diff harder. I really suggest to fix the distance snap. Thanks for pointing that out, must have been a mistake while mapping XD
So yeah, it's a really good diff, except for the 1/2 slider :> Thanks!


  1. 00:18:302 - I don't get why the volume ncrease here ? If you listen the song, the volume of the beat decrease here =/ I suggest to decrease is instead of increase it (or to keep the same volume) The volume at that circle is 40% and Soft compared to 60% normal
  2. 00:41:558 (1) - Same as the Easy, the spinner is starting 1/2 beat after the previous object, it's too short for beginner. I suggest to delete 00:41:386 (4) then. Done
  3. 01:25:486 (4) - This slider ends on a blue tick, you missed an emphasized beat at 01:26:175, and a beginner will not have to time to finish the slider because 1/4 beat of spacing is too short. Yeah that was a mistake while i was modding another one sorry!
  4. 02:15:098 (3,4) - The distance snap here isn't the same as 02:14:754 (2,3), it's not logical with the distance snap you made for the whole diff, so this should be fixed. Fixed
  5. 02:16:476 (1) - Same problem for the spinner here, I suggest to start it at 02:16:649 or to delete 02:16:304 (6). This one the beat needs to be there and the spinner needs to start there as well, moved circle 6 close to the middle so they can start it faster
  6. 02:21:127 (3) - The curve of this slider looks a bit weird... Maybe you can try to make something like this ? (it'll be prettier) : Fixed
  7. 02:28:363 (4,5) - These sliders are unrankable because of these "zigzags", try to use simples linear or curved slider. I asked someone and they said it was fine, ill get more feedback on them
  8. 03:12:979 (8) - The second curve looks pretty weird, try to use this kind of construction : Done

Noya's Hard

  1. 00:38:285 (2,3) - Maybe you can try to blanket here ? It looks like you tried to but it's not really perfect, try to move the slider 5 grids down. leaving it as it is
  2. 01:25:486 (5) - You forget a hitclap on this slider's tail. added
  3. 01:28:242 (2) - The hitclap shouldn't be on thsi slider's tail, but on 01:28:758 (3) if you follow the pattern you made. Changed
  4. 02:45:245 (1,2) - The distance between these 2 sliders is a bit huge, it's so hard =/ Leaving it, long gap between the time and its consistently spaced


  1. 00:25:537 (7,8) - Maybe you can try to blanket (8) with (7)'s tail ? Changed the section a bit
  2. 00:34:667 (1,1,1) - This kind of slider is unrankable, you must use something else, like a simple curved or linear slider maybe ? (with a slider velocity multiplier like x0,75 or x0,5 maybe ?) I asked a BAT they said it should be ok
  3. 01:38:061 (1,1,1) - These sliders are also unrankable. ^
  4. 02:28:363 (1,1) - Same for these one. ^
  5. 02:33:186 - Maybe you can add some claps for this section ? :3 remapped and forgot about them xD Done
  6. 03:46:915 (1) - unrankable slider =/ BAT

Good luck for rank \:D/ Thanks, very helpful mod!
Topic Starter

Raiku wrote:

raiku mod! Sorry for taking so long man


AR - 3

00:12:962 (1,2,3) - To keep the spacing of the map consistent throughout which is super important in an easy diff, make sure that the spacing between circle 1 and the head of slider 2, and the tail of slider 2 and the head of slider 3 are the same distance like so ( Make sure that this idea is recurring throughout the diff. Done

00:38:457 (3,4,1) - I felt that you could make the sliders here cohere a little more in regards to their blankets and how evenly they space and how accurate the blanket curves are, a little like this ( Done

00:45:520 (5) - I recommend starting a new combo here on the current slider 5 and ending it on the current next combos slider 2. It should look a little like this when done ( This way you are guiding the player to section the combo starting from the main beat making it easier to navigate. Done

01:28:759 (2) - I would personally move this slider up a touch so that the tail end of this slider is cohering a little more neatly with the preceding sliders body like so ( I feel that the way its placed now is a little crowded and you can add a touch of beauty using this. Done

01:34:099 (3) - Notice that I have opted to use the approach circle of the preceding slider to help create a perfect curve for an even blanket. Using this technique you can fix any blanket that you feel is slightly off ( While this technique is great for making accurate blankets which you can pair with a high beat snap divider for precision, there is no substitute for the human eye. I think its ok how it is

01:36:511 (4,5) - Do something similar here as with the last mod using the same technique, I simply pulled the head and tail of the slider out a touch and tucked the mid point in a little like so ( If there is no approach circle to use as a guide as with sliders that blanket the tail of other sliders, simply place a circle over the tail of the slider temporarily to help you ( Done

01:43:229 (5) - Try and make sure that this note is hovering equidistant between the preceding and the succeeding notes a little bit like i have here just to keep up with the spacing of the rest of the song ( Done

01:50:291 (1,2) - Apply our new technique here too for an even neater pattern ( Done

02:16:304 (4) - And here ( Should go fine how it is

02:16:649 (1) - With this spinner, I personally recommend (taking into account that on an easy diff you want to cater for new players who don't yet have the reaction time to utilize the whole spinner if it is placed this early) that you place this spinner on the downbeat (big white tick) so that the player has a little more reaction time to begin his spin ( It is on the downbeat

02:21:472 (4) - I used the follow circle to improve the blanket here ( Done

02:21:989 (1) - I felt the same way about this spinner. It is on the downbeat

02:57:303 (4,1,2) - Following the same principles, I managed to even out this pattern and make it look super neat by making the spacing even and the curves perfectly assembled ( Done

03:05:572 (4) - I felt that you should space this evenly between the preceding and succeeding sliders as they are the same timing apart just like I've done here ( Done

03:20:042 (1) - I recommend losing the first red point of the slider and keeping the second as you can still create the slider you were going for but make it even neater and still have the second section of the body blanketing the succeeding note you could do the same with the next slider if you like, but I'm not too sure if an overlap with the big curve slider is a good idea in an easy. Could be confusing! Done

Great diff, well done. Sorry for taking so long :(

[Normal] Thanks!

Test play on AR - 5

00:49:310 (2) - I recommend to improve the flow here slightly and to make the section a little less clustered, you could move the slider so that it is aimed downwards and inverted with an opposite curve so that the cursor is eased upwards with the flow ( Leaving it

01:18:251 (4) - I suggest spacing the blanket out a little more here to remove the cramped feeling like so ( Done

01:27:725 (2,5) - I recommend finding a way around the overlap between 2 and 5 here as it can have the same cramped effect and make it slightly harder to read for newer players. Perhaps think about spacing the whole pattern a little more? ( and the second half of the pattern is here ( Now the pattern seems a little more spaced and cohesive! Changed the patterns location, kept the same notes

01:41:506 (2,5) - Perhaps slightly rework this overlap something like so ( Puush is gone help

01:52:186 (1,2,3) - Similar deal as with the first mod with the same sort of pattern except slider 3 could be reworked to enhance the flow and remove the clustered feeling of the overlap like so ( Leaving, I'll change if i here about it more

01:55:804 (2) - I suggest moving the head point of this slider up a touch to improve the aesthetics of the blanket ( Should be better

02:03:211 (1,2) - I highly recommend rotating these two notes on the selection center anticlockwise by about 15 degrees and the tucking them into the succeeding slider a touch to create a sick double blanket that fits in the pattern with up and down flow. To enable the rotate function press ctrl+shift+r at the same time to open up the rotate window ( Finished product ( I wish i could see the puush , leaving as is for now

02:21:127 (3) - Make sure the whole of the body of this slider is exposed so that the head and the tail aren't overlapping any parts of the slider body itself. Makes for a difficult read for newer players when timing the slider. Done

02:29:741 (6,2) - I feel that the head of both of these sliders should stack because the overlap can look a little uneven whilst playing, in addition to this I thought it would be a nice effect to angle the sliders down a little to make a cascading pattern ( second half of the pattern here ( Done

02:37:320 (5) - I suggest softening the curve of this slider by raising the tail point a little more to make it look like it 'fits' the preceding slider a little more so they tessellate like so ( Done

Another nice one!

[Noya's Hard]

00:37:423 (6,7) - I suggest spacing these circles a touch further away from the preceding slider so that the spacing is more or less the same as the spacing with the rest of the map, notice how before they were a little too close ( Leaving as is

00:53:616 (8) - I recommend moving the head point of this slider away from the blanketed note a little bit just to improve the curve and aesthetics of this blanket ( Should be better

03:29:000 (1,2) - I personally suggest opting for 0.85x-0.9x for these sliders as the average cursor speed moving into this section is abruptly halted obstructing the flow. I however love the idea of these sliders, but increase the velocity a touch and extend them mere millimeters to give the player a chance to accommodate for the slowed cursor speed without interrupting their flow. You could choose out of softening the zig-zags so that the slider is made to appear larger as an alternative to this too. Leaving as is

This map is absolutely perfect, stunning hard so congrats! I wish she would still play so i could ask her for feedback on these mods ;_;


When constructing streams, to make them easier to read you should always consider separating them into divisions of either 4 or 8 using combo colours. Reserve the sectioning of notes into combos of 6 for 1/3 or 1/6 streams as it makes it too hard to section if you don't.

00:33:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - As it stands, the way this stream has its corners makes the stream harder to navigate than it could be because you are having to slow your cursor down just for these parts. I recommend either shaping a curved stream using the convert slider to stream function through the 'compose' drop down list after shaping a slider to the desired curve, or simply making sure that the corners of the stream share the same spacing as the rest of the stream so that the average cursor speed throughout the stream is equal. Here is one of my wacky ideas ( I made the spacing consistent

01:58:388 (4,5) - The spacing between these 2 notes is significantly more than the spacing between circle 3 and 4, perhaps even them out a little bit like this here ( This spacing is a consistent recurrence for the longer vocals

I'l get jesus1412 to give an opinion too! Good luck getting the set ranked!
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

hello~ Request from Gamu's Standard Modding Queue

[ General]
  1. Remove the osb.file. Not Unrankble element. but I'd suggest that you remove. Done
  2. Please turn off the "Letterbox during breaks" It is not used anymore in most maps. Looking into this

[ Easy]
  1. 00:59:129 (6,1) - Swap these new combos. Done
  2. 00:37:424 (1) - Why are you no add a clap at the end point? It would be really necessary. Done
  3. 00:38:457 (3) - ^ Here is start and end point. Done
  4. 00:40:180 (1) - ^ at the end point. Done
  5. 01:23:591 (2) - ^ at the end point. Done
  6. 01:31:515 (5) - ^ Done
  7. 01:35:822 (2,3) - It is difficult to grasp rhythm for beginner players. Do you use a slider instead of a two circles? Done
  8. 01:57:699 (1) - I prefer such shape.I think you must also consider the appearance. Nice!
  9. 02:02:523 (7,1) - The same as 00:59:129 (6,1). Keeping for some variation
  10. 02:16:304 (4) - Move to x: 380 y:152 pls! Done
  11. 02:19:405 (1) - Too soon after spinner. I think there is a need to change. Should be fine
  12. 02:24:917 (1) - ^
  13. 02:25:779 (2,3) - The same as 01:35:822 (2,3). Done
  14. 02:49:379 (1) - Add a clap at the start point. it's missing. Done
  15. 02:50:068 (2) - ^ Done
  16. 02:56:959 (3) - ^ Done
  17. 02:59:026 (2) - ^ at the end point. Done
  18. 03:01:437 (2) - I also want a clap here. Done
  19. 03:50:361 (6) - clap's not necessary. Removed

[ Normal]
  1. 00:20:542 (2) - Add a clap at the start point. I want a clap here. Done
  2. 01:26:347 (5) - ^ at the end point. Done
  3. 02:29:224 (5) - ^ at the end point. Done
  4. 03:25:899 (1) - Too soon after spinner. I think there is a need to change. Should be fine
  5. 03:50:361 (9) - The same as Easy diff. Done
  6. In Kiai time of # 1 and # 2, i think the pattern is exactly the same. Would you create a variety patterns in order to creat a fun map owo? I may consider it but I'm not sure , I am happy with the way that section is, I'll see. Thanks

[ Noya's Hard]
  1. HP or OD -1 because this diff is AR8.
  2. 01:04:297 (2,3) - I'd suggest that you add a clap to the start of these. It make a very good sound :D Done haha
  3. You have a mistake clap D: Therefore, I will propose a some clap. if you want to fix them, i recommend that you fix all.
    Some of them already did have clap before, maybe I applied them earlier but yes they were applied.
    -01:25:486 (5) - Add a clap at the end point.
    -01:28:242 (2) - Remove a clap at the end point.
    -01:28:758 (3) - Add a clap
    -01:28:931 (4) - Add a clap at the end point.
    -01:30:826 (10) -^ at the start point.
  4. 02:07:691 (2,3) - The same as 01:04:297 (2,3). Done
  5. Really good diff :3

[ Insane]
  1. 00:50:688 (7) - Clap is missing at the end point Done
  2. 01:04:297 (5) - I want a clap here. Done
  3. 01:21:524 (1) - finish's not necessary. I think it's useless sound Removed, must have been an accident
  4. 01:59:767 (9) - Clap is missing Done
  5. 02:07:346 (1,5,3) - The same as 01:04:297 (5). Done
  6. 02:33:186 ~ 02:53:858 - I'd strongly suggest that you add a hitsound (clap..etc) in this part! Will do!
  7. 03:50:361 (3) - The same as Easy and Normal. Done

I think you need a little improvement in Normal diff and Easy diff. Especially in Easy diff, rhythm is too difficult and some clap are missing.

Thanks a lot for the hitsound help, I really needed it!

good luck~ 8-) Thanks a lot ! Sorry for responding so late :(
Topic Starter

jinhang_ang wrote:

From my queue :D

1. Use the drum sampleset for hitsounds :) they sound a lot more better. I can't agree on this

1. 01:03:953 (1) - This spinner is too short for an easy diff. In my opinion you should use a slider for this time (since i think spinners in easy should let Auto get at least 8000 points) Done, I agree
2. 01:26:347 (5) - Move this slider's tail to x: 72 y: 224. This is for perfecting this blanket. Done
3. 01:27:381 (1) - Move it's tail to 328 on the y axis to perfect the blanket for 01:28:759 (2) . Done
4. 02:07:346 (1) - See 1. But this time use circles (not streams of course, just a circle every white beat) and a slider for the final riff. Done

5. 02:15:098 (3,4) - The blanket looks ugly. Should be better
6. 02:21:472 (4) - Head - x: 60 y: 208; Tail - x: 112 y:152 Moved it to blanket nicer
7. 02:39:043 (6) - NC Done
8. 02:40:077 (1) - Remove NC Done
9. 02:41:455 (6) - NC Done

1. 00:17:096 (5,6) - Strange blanket. Should be better
(I just hope that the spinner lengths are acceptable and this diff is perfect) Thanks!

[Noya's Hard]
1. 01:41:678 (2) - Why the sharp turn? A simple blanket is good enough. Adds a little variety
2. 03:30:034 - add note here. I find her capture of the lyrics to be really fitting for this
3. 03:35:546 - ^
4. 03:41:058 - ^

1. 01:03:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - Unnatural curve? Should be fine, plays nicely I believe

Done! Thank you so much, sorry I took so long :(
Topic Starter

Pho wrote:

Mod from modding queue~
I am sorry but I saved this draft last month halfway through planning to get back to it but I never did and now the draft is gone, so I don't know where I left off xD So if i reply as in It is fine or I did this, you may have suggested it but I dont remember if I did it or not. Sorry!
  1. For an easy diff, you use too many contiunuous 1/1 beat rhythms (example: 00:20:542 - to 00:49:482 - / 02:33:186 - to 02:56:270 - . You don't make a single pause in these sections, which causes too much pressure for newer players). This is more like a normal map, so I'll go mod it with this in mind (I don't even think you can make an easier one here without missing a lot of hard beats <.<). I believe it is fine with the longer sliders and reverse sliders breaking the flow every few notes but I'll definitely try to make it a lot easier
  2. 00:23:298 (5) - Replace this backslider with a circle at it's start and it's end. Here's how it will look like: Should be better
  3. 01:23:935 - You missed a Clap HS here. Added
  4. 02:15:098 (3,4) - Are you trying to blanket here? Because this one looks pretty much off. Should be better
  5. 03:12:979 (4,5,6) - I'm not sure which instrument you are focussing here on, the drums or e-guitar.
  6. I'm sure this map has some issues with polarity ( ) at certain parts. It is generally not recommended for the easier diffs because it's difficult to play for beginners. I understand, will fix
  7. 00:51:894 (3,1) - white tick to red tick polarity. Solution: Done
  8. 01:34:099 (3,1) - red tick to white tick polarity. Solution: Would rather not place a note directly after on Easy
  9. 02:01:661 (6,7) - ^ ^
  10. 02:13:892 (1,2) - white tick to red tick polarity. Solution: ^
  11. 02:24:917 (1,2,3,4) - red to white tick polarity. Done
  12. 02:24:917 (1,2) - I'm not sure if you want to blanket here, but you should check this again. Should be better
  13. 03:12:462 (3,4,5,6) - red tick to white tick polarity. Solution: Done

  1. 00:17:096 (5,6) - Trifle: blanket is very slightly off. Better
  2. 02:20:955 - I#d add a note here, just to avoid the polarity. (see above) Done
  3. 02:40:766 (5,1) - This slider ends on a hard beat, which doesn't sound very good (hard beats should be clickable naturally). Just ctrl+g the mentioned notes and reposition them and you're fine. Done
  4. 03:12:979 (8,9) - Polarity issue here, go with: . Also, the shape of slider 8 looks a bit odd, but that's just preference. Should be better
[Noya's Hard] Noya looked at it and will send me the edited .osu!
  1. I noticed that this map has a longer pause at 02:13:892 - if I compare to the easier diffs. I'm not sure in how far BATs accept that kind of inconsistency for Guest diffs, but it's better if you map this area out as well.
  2. 00:15:201 (8,1,2) - Preference but i feel that 2/1 beat gaps are a bit too long here, place circles at the remaining white beats as well (same for 00:27:088 - ).
  3. 00:18:819 - The note density in this combo is just way too high.
  4. 01:56:838 (1,2,3) - First stack's fine, but the second one is not that good to play just DS it instead. Just a recommendation:
  5. 01:58:560 (4,5) - No stacking here please, you can clearly hear a note difference in the vocals:
  6. 02:06:657 (4,5) - Same as above.
  7. 03:06:777 (3,4) - Blanket here if you want, it would look better.
  8. 03:07:466 (5,7) - Trifle: It bugs me that the blankets doesn't fit in too well. ;-;
  9. 03:12:979 (5,6) - Could be a better blanket.
  10. 03:27:794 (6,7) - These sliders end on hard beats, which is easily avoidable. Try this beat pattern out: (you can swap the backslider with 2 usual sliders as well, but that's up to you)
  1. This map feels like the weakest one in this mapset. It has okay flow, but is too unstructured in my opinion.
  2. 00:18:130 (1,1) - I expect some kind of bigger jump when a loud drum crash lies on 00:18:475 (1) - . Don't be too dependent on DS here. Will look into this
  3. 00:23:987 (1,2,3,4,5) - Two issues here: 1. The flow is a bit shaky here, make the curve smoother, and 2. 00:24:848 (5) - ends on a hard beat here. Here's my solution to this: Should be better
  4. 00:33:289 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - That looks really weird, especially where you placed the intersections. Think in pairs of 4 circles, i marked the circles where a hard beat lies on (a perfect place for flow alternation): Should be better
  5. 00:41:558 (1) - Not the best decision for a stream, but if you want to keep it... I dont quite understand
  6. 01:08:087 (3,4,5) - Way too sharp angle here and it doesn't flow good. Ctrl+g slider 5 and 6, stack 6 on 4 so it looks better and you'll probably need a better location for 01:09:121 (1) - then: Lack of screenshot, leaving, my fault :(
  7. 01:21:524 (1) - Why is a finish sound here, it feels so odd on the end of this slider. Removed
  8. 01:22:557 (4,5,6,7,8) - Feels odd to play, since I'm not sure if you are going with the vocal (sliders will end on hard beats) or the background instruments (sliders start on hard beats. If you want to go with the vocals, then just ctrl+g these 01:22:557 (4,5) - and reposition. Otherwise, ctrl+g 01:22:902 (5,6,7,8) - and reposition, but don't mix it up like you did in here. Went with the instrumental, repositioned the notes
  9. 02:07:346 (1) - That's what I expected at 00:33:289 - , although it looks like some circle are a bit off the line, namely 02:07:604 (4,2,4) - . It should be clear zigzag lines. Should be better
  10. 02:09:930 (1,2,3) - These sliders end on hard beats. Try this rhythm pattern: Done!
  11. 02:11:136 (1) - The spinner should end at 02:13:203 - already.
  12. 02:15:443 (1,2,3,4) - Same problem as in 02:09:930 (1,2,3) - Fixed
  13. 02:16:649 (1) - End the spinner at 02:18:371 - and add a circle at 02:18:543 - Shortened spinner, didnt add circle
  14. 02:18:716 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This looks as if you had the idea of a full stream here :D Please rearrange the triples, this way it's way too linear/boring to play. Want some idea? Rearranged a bit
  15. 02:26:468 (1,2,3) - Offbeat sliders... again. You really should avoid these, they aren't really natural to play (unless they support the music in an appropriate way, e.g. when the singer/an instrument is holding a note). Changed up the pattern!
  16. 02:37:837 (3) - and 02:43:350 (3) - and 02:48:862 (3) - Remapped this section
  17. 02:58:681 (2,3,4,5) - Oval flow is a bit shaky here, do something similar to 00:23:987 (1,2,3,4,5) - Should be better
  18. 03:02:815 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - You want to avoid such a curvy stream in this song, use a flatter shape. Remapped earlier idk
  19. 03:11:601 (1,2,3,4) - see 02:58:681 (2,3,4,5) - Should be better
  20. 03:25:209 (5,6) - The intersection is placed wrong, it should be at 5 already. Should be better
Everything up to hard is close to fine (still needs some cleanup though), but your Insane map currently has too many flaws to be rankable. Even with the stuff i mentioned above, I feel like you should consider remapping some sections again (sorry for telling you this, but it's just what I'm thinking :( ). And for some general advice on mapping: t/31612 . Thanks a lot for the mod and sorry for the extremely late reply! Thanks to these mods the flaws will be fixed and maybe I can ge t it ranked xD Thanks a lot again and have a good one if you see this.
Good luck for the ranks, I'm out! o/ <3

Topic Starter

TrigonometrY wrote:

Hi from my queue!

From osu!wiki:
The difficulty spread is determined by the map's star rating. A map falls under a certain difficulty when having a specific star rating:
Below 1.5: Easy
Below 2.25: Normal
Below 3.75: Hard
Below 5.25: Insane
Above 5.25: Expert
Your Easy = Normal. You used a lot of 1/2 patterns which are suitable for Normal, not Easy. Example: 02:25:779 (2,3) - it's like 1/4 for Normal. Rhythm should be simple in easiest diff and you just complicate it by using such patterns. Avoid them please. 02:25:951 - Since clap sounds here, I suggest to remove those 1/2 circles and put a new one here. 02:30:602 (2,3,4,5) - you could replace them with 4 circles or 2 sliders: / (I prefer circles, they better fit the music) Used circles instead of reverse sliders, great change! Leaving rest as is, I can't see any other way to capture the same beats
00:13:996 (3,4) - why didn't you make a blanket between them in such way: or ? It's a bit neater and improves flow. Done!
00:16:752 (6,7) - same Copy/paste
01:03:953 (1) - 02:07:346 (1) - keep them for Hard/Insane, not for easier diffs. Can't tell if we are looking at the same thing :(
01:27:381 (1,2) - blanket is not perfect, moving last point to 272;328 would fix it Done
01:36:511 (4,5) - same. Try next: 01:37:372 (5) - ctrl+g, move middle point to 104;256 and the last one to 240;192 Changed already
01:50:291 (1,2) - ^ Changed already
02:16:304 (4) - apparent blanket, I suggest to put it to 384;152 Fixed n edited slider a bit
03:20:042 (1) - move 6th point to 100;160 for improving blanket Already changed

01:03:953 (1) - 02:07:346 (1) - 02:53:858 (1) - as I said above I don't quite understand, probably already changed :(
01:21:524 (2) - you mapped the silence? :D Sound is ended here, there is nothing to map. Remove circle and reverse 01:20:835 (1) - as you did in Easy. Not exactly silence, leaving as is for the normal difficulty

[Noya's Hard] Noya looked at the mod and sent me the new .osu
00:16:407 (1,2,1,1) - what for this frequent changing of combo colours, why don't you use only one colour for current pattern? I see, you want to emphasize guitar, just not a fan of such NC flooding.
00:40:869 (1) - same
00:53:616 (8) - no need to complicate creating of slider, fix the blanket by using of 3 points:
01:00:679 (4) - ^
03:14:012 (7,8) - you can still improve the blanket
03:29:000 (1,2) - nice using of slider velocity! Perfectly fits the song :)

00:18:130 (1) - remove it, there is silence Already changed, I really like this element keeping
00:23:642 (1) - ^ (and so on) ^
00:57:062 (3,4) - I really don't understand why you break flow here. Try to flip them vertically and horizontally: Leaving as is, it plays smoothly enough and I believe I wanted something different
01:04:469 (1) - remove nc Will find where to place these easier
01:09:810 (1) - ^ ^
01:16:183 - osu! is a rhythm game and you can't map emptiness. End slider on previous white tick. Already changed
02:07:862 (1) - remove nc ^
03:03:160 (1) - ^ ^
03:23:487 (4) - make it parallel as 03:22:798 (2,3) - will be looked neater Made it a blanket/curve slider

Nice mapset, starred. Thanks!
The drum images in your sb stops pulsing after 00:48:449, you might want to get that fixed
The kiai times should start on the down beats, instead of the beat following it. For example 00:43:281 this kiai should be on 00:42:936, and all the other ones that follow it. If you really want you can do a kiai flash on the second beat to follow your sb stroke

00:23:642 - a soft sample here would fit the music better
00:41:558 (4) - try placing this at x:416 y:124, flows better imo. Also consider a finish on the end
01:02:919 (3,4) - instead of this rhythm, I would try something like this: 01:05:331 - since you made a sb pulse here, drag the break to start here
01:18:423 (2) - clap on start
01:21:524 - soft sample
01:27:036 - ^
01:32:549 - ^
01:41:851 (3) - clap
01:44:952 (4) - finish on end, also i think the hitsound volume is a bit too loud here
01:52:875 (2) - clap on start
02:01:144 (5) - ^
02:02:522 (7) - NC here instead of 02:04:589 (1), similar to how you handled 00:59:129 (1)
02:06:312 (2,3) - use the same rhythm as I suggested in 01:02:919 (3,4)
02:08:380 (6) - a finish here would be great, and also drag the break to start at 02:08:897
02:19:405 (1) - this is too soon after spinner, I suggest you start the spinner at 02:16:476 and end it at 02:18:027
02:22:161 (1) - do the same to this spinner
02:46:967 (6) - missing a NC
03:02:816 (5) - finish should be on the end instead of 03:03:849 (1)
03:14:530 (7) - finish
03:21:420 (2) - remove the finish on the start
03:30:378 (2) - use a clap instead of finish, like 03:35:891 (2)
03:40:025 (1) - this one can be a finish to keep consistency with the previous patterns

I recommend circle size 3.5 to better the transition between Easy and Hard
00:41:558 (1,1) - according to recent ranking criteria changes, this is a little too soon after spinner. I recommend you change the spinner to a long slider, or a similar pattern as what you did on Easy
01:03:436 (5) - I would make this a slider that ends at 01:03:780 to capture the guitar
01:05:331 - drag the break here
01:20:835 (1) - unnecessary NC
01:39:267 (3) - this slider looks slightly distorted, i think you should stick with the 3-point slider
01:44:779 (1,1) - same as 00:41:558 (1,1)
02:06:829 (5) - same as 01:03:436 (5)
02:08:897 - drag the break here
02:20:266 (2) - did you reverse this intentionally? the sudden spacing change is really easy to misread, I recommend you to ctrl+g this
02:41:111 (1) - clap on start
02:46:623 (5) - NC
03:02:299 - consider a note here, fits really well imo
03:02:816 (5) - finish should be on the end of this instead of 03:03:849 (1)
03:24:177 (1) - shorten this to end at 03:25:210
03:40:025 (1) - make this a finish instead of clap
The hitsounding in this diff is nicely done, you should use the same approach in the Easy diff as well

[Noya's Hard]
00:17:268 (3) - this plays better if you break it up to a repeat slider + a 1/2 slider starting at 00:17:785. The same applies to all similar sliders later on
01:05:331 - drag the break to start here
01:29:792 (6) - NC here
01:35:304 (8) - ^
02:08:897 - start break here
02:21:988 (1) - the spinner end is way too loud, reduce the volume to 70%
02:27:156 (8) - NC
02:33:186 - this section could totally use for jump intensity, for example 02:38:009 (4,1), 02:41:799 (2,3,4), 02:46:622 (1,2,3), and all the circle patterns. 1/1 jumps in this bpm is relatively easier to perform, so you should us it to enrich the flow in this section
02:55:408 (1) - 03:01:954 seems a more natural end for this long spinner, also reduce volume here as well
03:02:299 - you can consider a circle here if you do shorten the previous slider
03:30:034 - try a circle here to connect the two vocal sliders, same to 03:35:546 and 03:41:058
03:38:647 (8) - NC
03:50:878 (3) - remove this slider, it follows nothing and kills the feeling of 03:50:705 (2) bringing the music into a halt

00:53:961 (1) - it might be a good idea to make the end of 00:53:961 (1) soft sample, and apply this to all the 3/4 sliders in this map
00:58:440 (8) - clap
00:59:474 (1) - add finish, and follow the suggestion of 00:54:306 (1)
01:00:507 (4) - clap
01:04:986 (1) - hitsounds are too loud here, reduce it to 80%
01:09:810 (1) - remove NC
01:15:150 (1) - ^
01:16:183 - use soft sample here
01:16:700 (1) - remove NC, the previous slider is not a soft sample one
01:35:305 (9) - add NC
02:03:901 (4) - clap
02:21:989 (1) - end this at 02:24:228 to keep consistency with 02:11:136 (1)
02:53:858 (4) - this doesnt play well, since you had to reach the slider fast but slow down a lot for the stream right after. I recommend making this a 1/2 slider and reposition the stream to preserve the momentum
03:02:471 (5) - clap on start
03:03:160 (1) - remove NC
03:10:051 (4) - clap
03:35:891 (5) - use a finish to keep consistent with previous pattern
03:40:025 (1,2,6) - same here, also why the volume change on 03:40:542?

Aside from the hitsounds and some new combo usage, everything else seems fine. Let me know afterwards
Ah I am late. Guess since BN had modded and star'ed it, I wont mod that. Sorry for bing late. >w<
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

The drum images in your sb stops pulsing after 00:48:449, you might want to get that fixed Might remove these I am not sure.
The kiai times should start on the down beats, instead of the beat following it. For example 00:43:281 this kiai should be on 00:42:936, and all the other ones that follow it. If you really want you can do a kiai flash on the second beat to follow your sb stroke Will get other opinions because the goal was to have it on the lyrics thank you

[Easy] Sorry for the "Done" spam, I applied this mod months ago but I lost the draft. I went through it to determine the changes made now, sorry for the hiatus.
00:23:642 - a soft sample here would fit the music better Done
00:41:558 (4) - try placing this at x:416 y:124, flows better imo. Also consider a finish on the end Done
01:02:919 (3,4) - instead of this rhythm, I would try something like this: 01:05:331 - since you made a sb pulse here, drag the break to start here Done
01:18:423 (2) - clap on start Done
01:21:524 - soft sample Done
01:27:036 - ^ Done
01:32:549 - ^ Done
01:41:851 (3) - clap Done
01:44:952 (4) - finish on end, also i think the hitsound volume is a bit too loud here Done
01:52:875 (2) - clap on start Done
02:01:144 (5) - ^ Done
02:02:522 (7) - NC here instead of 02:04:589 (1), similar to how you handled 00:59:129 (1) Done
02:06:312 (2,3) - use the same rhythm as I suggested in 01:02:919 (3,4) Done
02:08:380 (6) - a finish here would be great, and also drag the break to start at 02:08:897 Done
02:19:405 (1) - this is too soon after spinner, I suggest you start the spinner at 02:16:476 and end it at 02:18:027 Done
02:22:161 (1) - do the same to this spinner Done
02:46:967 (6) - missing a NC Done
03:02:816 (5) - finish should be on the end instead of 03:03:849 (1) Done
03:14:530 (7) - finish Done
03:21:420 (2) - remove the finish on the start Done
03:30:378 (2) - use a clap instead of finish, like 03:35:891 (2) Done
03:40:025 (1) - this one can be a finish to keep consistency with the previous patterns Done

I recommend circle size 3.5 to better the transition between Easy and Hard Done
00:41:558 (1,1) - according to recent ranking criteria changes, this is a little too soon after spinner. I recommend you change the spinner to a long slider, or a similar pattern as what you did on Easy Done
01:03:436 (5) - I would make this a slider that ends at 01:03:780 to capture the guitar Done
01:05:331 - drag the break here Done
01:20:835 (1) - unnecessary NC Fixed
01:39:267 (3) - this slider looks slightly distorted, i think you should stick with the 3-point slider Fixed
01:44:779 (1,1) - same as 00:41:558 (1,1) Done
02:06:829 (5) - same as 01:03:436 (5) Done
02:08:897 - drag the break here Done
02:20:266 (2) - did you reverse this intentionally? the sudden spacing change is really easy to misread, I recommend you to ctrl+g this DEFINITELY NOT THANKS
02:41:111 (1) - clap on start Done
02:46:623 (5) - NC Done
03:02:299 - consider a note here, fits really well imo Done
03:02:816 (5) - finish should be on the end of this instead of 03:03:849 (1) Fixed
03:24:177 (1) - shorten this to end at 03:25:210 Done
03:40:025 (1) - make this a finish instead of clap Done
The hitsounding in this diff is nicely done, you should use the same approach in the Easy diff as well Will check it out thanks!
[Noya's Hard]
00:17:268 (3) - this plays better if you break it up to a repeat slider + a 1/2 slider starting at 00:17:785. The same applies to all similar sliders later on I very much agree
01:05:331 - drag the break to start here Done
01:29:792 (6) - NC here Done
01:35:304 (8) - ^ Done
02:08:897 - start break here Done
02:21:988 (1) - the spinner end is way too loud, reduce the volume to 70% Done
02:27:156 (8) - NC Done
02:33:186 - this section could totally use for jump intensity, for example 02:38:009 (4,1), 02:41:799 (2,3,4), 02:46:622 (1,2,3), and all the circle patterns. 1/1 jumps in this bpm is relatively easier to perform, so you should us it to enrich the flow in this section Added some spacing!
02:55:408 (1) - 03:01:954 seems a more natural end for this long spinner, also reduce volume here as well Done
03:02:299 - you can consider a circle here if you do shorten the previous slider Added
03:30:034 - try a circle here to connect the two vocal sliders, same to 03:35:546 and 03:41:058 Done
03:38:647 (8) - NC Done
03:50:878 (3) - remove this slider, it follows nothing and kills the feeling of 03:50:705 (2) bringing the music into a halt Removed, should that last circle stay there too?

00:53:961 (1) - it might be a good idea to make the end of 00:53:961 (1) soft sample, and apply this to all the 3/4 sliders in this map Done
00:58:440 (8) - clap Done
00:59:474 (1) - add finish, and follow the suggestion of 00:54:306 (1) Done
01:00:507 (4) - clap Done
01:04:986 (1) - hitsounds are too loud here, reduce it to 80% Done
01:09:810 (1) - remove NC Done
01:15:150 (1) - ^ Done
01:16:183 - use soft sample hereDone
01:16:700 (1) - remove NC, the previous slider is not a soft sample one Removed NC, what about that previous slider then?
01:35:305 (9) - add NC Done
02:03:901 (4) - clap Done
02:21:989 (1) - end this at 02:24:228 to keep consistency with 02:11:136 (1) Done
02:53:858 (4) - this doesnt play well, since you had to reach the slider fast but slow down a lot for the stream right after. I recommend making this a 1/2 slider and reposition the stream to preserve the momentum Should be better!
03:02:471 (5) - clap on start Done
03:03:160 (1) - remove NC Done
03:10:051 (4) - clap Done
03:35:891 (5) - use a finish to keep consistent with previous pattern Done
03:40:025 (1,2,6) - same here, also why the volume change on 03:40:542? Adjusted this pattern to have consistency.

Aside from the hitsounds and some new combo usage, everything else seems fine. Let me know afterwards These fixes were essential, thank you very much. On another note I am very sorry for almost not finishing this as I have not been on osu. Sorry for the long wait but I finally did it! Haha well, thank you again for everything because you've been here for a long time with this map! Seen it in all forms haha, very grateful. Sorry for the "Done" spam as well, I seriously did the majority of it already but the draft was gone so I had no clue what response I may have made, but I agree with most anyway so the smaller changes I checked them off and moved on. Thanks again, talk to you soon!
Alright. made a lot of rhythm / aesthetic changes on Easy. With a little bit more, (a few more mods or another person to sit down and look through it) it should be pretty much ready to go.

Log#1 from yesterday

16:46 Danny: lanturn
16:46 Lanturn: ?
16:47 Danny: Could you take a look at my Monkey Wrench's easy and go over it with me? Jonathanlfj has looked over it and has said to ask you to look since he knows you are great with them
16:47 Danny: He said after that he could bubble it for me
16:47 Lanturn: oh
16:47 Lanturn: I can try :S
16:47 Danny: Awesome!
16:47 *Danny is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Noya's Hard]]
16:47 Danny: Easy^
16:47 Danny: whenever you can :)
16:48 Lanturn: lemme play it quickly first
16:52 Lanturn: few rhythm / aesthetics that could be fixed maybe
16:53 Lanturn: off the bat, it'd be great if you could tidy 00:13:307 (2) - up a little. try to blanket it around the (3) or something
16:54 Danny: got ya
16:54 Danny: i moved it up to x 196 y 168 is that fine
16:54 Danny: along with the 1 repositioned
16:55 Lanturn: if it looks ok then sure
16:55 Danny:
16:55 Lanturn: for that you could curve the (2) a bit more
16:56 Danny: done it
16:56 Lanturn: k
16:56 Lanturn: stuff like 00:14:685 (4) - have you considerred reducing the slider by 1/2?
16:56 Lanturn: to fit the vocals better
16:57 Danny: that sounds very nice
16:57 Danny: !
16:57 Danny: how about the pattern after
16:58 Lanturn: 00:18:475 (1,2) - you mean?
16:58 Danny: i meant more immediatly after
16:58 Lanturn: oh you mean filling in the new gap
16:58 Lanturn: use a 1/1 slider maybe?
17:00 Danny: ill show you but its being stupid about screenshots
17:00 Danny: is that too much of a gap
17:01 Lanturn: oh, your making more gaps
17:01 Lanturn: Just watch DS for those
17:02 Lanturn: I'd suggest a more natural rhythm though. if you want some spaces between notes. then try something like this maybe?
17:05 Danny: Hey man sorry
17:05 Danny: my net was being really stupid
17:05 Lanturn: welcome back
17:05 Lanturn: Tari told me yeah XD
17:06 Danny: what was the next thing said
17:06 Lanturn: "I'd suggest a more natural rhythm though. if you want some spaces between notes. then try something like this maybe?"
17:06 Lanturn: or did you get that one
17:06 Danny: i know i wanted to send you this
17:06 Danny: didnt
17:06 Lanturn: i got that picture
17:06 Lanturn: you were asking about the gap
17:07 Danny: what about the drum on 16:407
17:07 Lanturn: One thing I highly recommend is that you don't really want to prioritize clap notes like that. It's fine a few times, but they shouldn't be the center of the song
17:07 Danny: i see.
17:07 Lanturn: if you want to map that drum, then make a 1/1 slider and put it on the tail
17:08 Lanturn: it works both ways
17:08 Danny: alright!
17:08 Danny: done that gonna make it flow now, whats next?
17:08 Lanturn: I guess it's these two 00:23:298 (5,6) -
17:09 Lanturn: Mainly you wouldn't really care for the tail end of that slider, you can just have a circle at (5) and it'll be more than enough
17:09 Lanturn: skip 00:23:642 - completely like you did at 00:17:785 (7) -
17:10 Danny: done i put it on the 5 note after is that fine
17:10 Danny: the 6!
17:11 Lanturn: It can work a few times I guess. You don't really want to have a powerful beat like 00:23:987 - on the end of a slider though lol
17:11 Lanturn: for 00:23:987 - you probably want to use a finish
17:12 Lanturn: you can keep the clap if you want though
17:12 Danny: finish and clap or finish or clap?
17:12 Lanturn: finish+clap or just finish works
17:13 Danny: alright finish+clap
17:13 Danny: or was that my error now?
17:13 Danny: why is it soft sample.. i forget... should i leave it like that?
17:14 Lanturn: it works either way, I like the soft though
17:14 Danny: alright yeah
17:14 Danny: ill make it consistent then
17:14 Danny: i wasnt sure i forgot if i did that or not
17:14 Danny: but yeah i remember no
17:14 Danny: w
17:15 Danny: so thats it rn
17:16 Lanturn: I'll have to look at it later. I think you stacked something there which really isn't recommended
17:16 Danny: yeah i did
17:16 Lanturn: 00:28:466 (5,6) - I would personally delete this (5) and move the (6) back to where the (5) started. mostly for the same reasons as the earlier one. Also the (6)'s tail how it currently is (a normal hitsound) does not fit at all
17:17 Lanturn: arrange hitsounds as needed afterwards
17:17 Danny: want a soft sample ?
17:17 Danny: on the end
17:18 Lanturn: that's only if you don't move it
17:18 Danny:
17:19 Lanturn: just put a clap on the both ends of the slider
17:19 Lanturn: also I recommend going underneath the 00:29:499 (1) - with the (5)
17:20 Danny: done
17:20 Lanturn: put 00:28:121 (4) - on 00:26:054 (2) - and blanket 00:28:466 (5) - around it. Then slightly move 00:29:499 (1) - into DS range ->
17:20 Danny: how so
17:22 Danny:
17:24 Lanturn: should be fine. if you managed to get the (4) to rest inside the slider it would be better, but it isn't a big issue since the (4) will already be gone by the time you play the (1)
17:25 Danny: ok man!
17:25 Lanturn: anyways. I know this is RIP your slider, but you should consider having a note at 00:31:911 -
17:30 Danny: Ok
17:30 Danny: its weird anyway haha
17:30 Danny: so what do you think for the pattern
17:32 Lanturn: few different ways you can do it. change (3) to a circle, and start mapping again at 00:31:911 - or even just reduce the slider by 1/1 or something
17:33 Lanturn: I need about 10-15 mins to deal with some animals quickly though so I'll drop a few more things down you can play with while I'm afk
17:33 Danny: go for it bro
17:34 Danny:
17:35 Lanturn: optional. but you can change 00:35:357 (3) - into a 3/2 slider (add a reverse onto it after) as well as 00:38:113 (2,3) -
17:36 Lanturn:
17:36 Lanturn: see if you like that rhythm better
17:36 Danny: yeah tis awesome
17:37 Lanturn: power of 3/2 XD
17:37 Danny: 00:38:457 (3) - this doesnt sound right to me
17:37 Danny: maybe i did it wrong
17:37 Lanturn: slider should start where the (2) is
17:38 Lanturn: not the (3)
17:38 Danny: yeah got ya
17:38 Lanturn: you can also do the same thing in the kiai as well if you wanted. 00:45:348 (3) - for example. move this back to 00:45:003 - and use a 3/2 :P
17:40 Danny: should be better!
17:40 Lanturn: for more randomness, you could even extend 00:48:793 (1) - by 1/2
17:40 Lanturn: some examples of dominant notes that you want to try and hit
17:41 Danny: that sounds so powerful man
17:41 Lanturn: try to play around with the kiai a bit, and then upload it, and I'll look at it when I get back
17:41 Lanturn: afk
17:41 Danny: ok!
18:25 Lanturn: gah
18:25 Lanturn: back
18:25 Lanturn: sorry had to deal with a broken fence
18:26 Danny: hi
18:27 Lanturn: 00:29:499 (1) - DS. should be 1.1, not 1.9
18:27 Lanturn: 1.0*
18:28 Lanturn: 00:16:752 (6,7) - could be blanketed a little bit better
18:29 Lanturn: 00:39:491 (3) - this is a pretty scary overlap X.x
18:31 Danny: how better
18:31 Danny: idk how to get around that hmm lets see
18:31 Danny: fixed the overlap
18:35 Lanturn: so another thing is that you like using a lot of 1/2 sliders. it isn't a big problem, but there are lots of alternatives you can do.
18:36 Danny: ok
18:39 Lanturn: i'll use 00:55:684 (2,3,4,5) - as an example I guess. 00:57:751 - isn't that important to play, so you could simply make a slider from 00:57:406 - to 00:57:923 -
18:39 Lanturn: while you're at it, try to get 00:56:545 - as a playable note
18:39 Lanturn: or a slider reverse etc
18:41 Lanturn: something like this could work, as it'll capture all of the important notes
18:41 Danny: ?
18:41 Danny: oh we went different paths haha
18:42 Lanturn: if you find it plays well then keep it XD
18:42 Danny: trying yourts
18:42 Lanturn: I'll look at it after anyways
18:43 Danny: yours is much better
18:47 Lanturn: 01:02:919 (3,4) - could simply be a 3/2 slider
18:47 Danny: applied it all!
18:47 Danny: ok!
18:48 Danny: applied
18:50 Lanturn: for the next section after the break, it's basically the same stuff I mentioned on the first loop through it
18:52 Lanturn: you used a lot of 1/2s here. 01:32:893 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - maybe consider just doing the beat instead of the vocals
18:53 Danny: alright
18:56 Danny: do you have a suggestino for thatpart
19:03 Lanturn: if you want to do vocals, then this maybe? | If you want to do beat, then something simple like this maybe for a basic rhythm?
19:06 Danny: im fixing up all the parts before it too
19:06 Danny: atleast i hope i am
19:06 Lanturn: cool :P
19:06 Lanturn: take your time
19:09 Lanturn: be back in a little bit again. gotta deal with more animals :D
19:09 Danny: sure thing
19:13 Danny: ok huh
19:13 Danny: i think its OK...
19:17 Danny: ill update it and leave it i feel like im just making more things to be fixed
19:28 Lanturn: XD
19:30 Lanturn: 01:20:145 (4) - erk
19:30 Lanturn: that gap from the previous
19:30 Danny: LMFAO DAMN
19:30 Danny: Easy JUMPS BRO
19:31 Danny: haha
19:31 Danny: fixing it
19:32 Danny: fixed
19:32 Lanturn: I forget where we left off ><
19:32 Lanturn: lo
19:32 Danny: around uhh
19:32 Danny: the last thing you suggested to me was this
19:32 Danny: 01:33:238 (2,3,4,5,6) -
19:33 Lanturn: 01:32:893 (1,2) - blankettt :(
19:33 Danny: but anything between there wasnt looked at so may be improved?
19:33 Lanturn: If you do A: 01:38:406 (1,2) - then you should do it to B: 01:40:817 (1,2,3,4) - or something with a similar rhythm maybe
19:35 Danny: i see
19:35 Lanturn: getting the 01:42:023 - basically
19:35 Lanturn: XD
19:37 Danny: done the last change!
19:40 Lanturn: for the kiai
19:40 Lanturn: its basically the same things I was mentioning in the first one :P
19:40 Danny: right
19:41 Danny: can i just copy paste and flip it omg
19:41 Danny: haha
19:41 Lanturn: lol
19:41 Lanturn: I copy paste rhythms sometimes, and just rearrange everything afterwards
19:41 Lanturn: because having the same rhythm isn't a problem if it works
19:41 Danny: yeah that makes sense
19:42 Danny: ill try that because that rhythm is terrible
19:42 Lanturn: lol ok XD
19:50 Danny: done just gotta hitsound it
19:52 Danny: updated
19:56 Lanturn: it's somewhat the same for the final kiais as well, but maybe try a little bit more variety in the rhythms? :D
19:56 Lanturn: idk something like that
19:56 Danny: so the last one
19:56 Danny: change it up?
19:57 Danny: hmmm
19:57 Lanturn: it's mainly just the overuse of the 1/2 sliders
19:57 Danny: how should i attack this my main
19:58 Lanturn: 03:04:194 (2,3) - example, you can just join these
19:58 Lanturn: 03:05:572 (4,1) - same
19:59 Lanturn: 03:06:950 (2) - has the potential to be just a circle if you wanted. either or can work
20:00 Danny: what about the 5
20:00 Danny: `03:07:467 (5) -
20:01 Lanturn: that isn't that bad how it is
20:01 Lanturn: captures the guitar nicely
20:01 Danny: ok
20:01 Lanturn: basically if my mod has said anything, it's that you can join up a lot of notes without any consequence and it makes it easier to play.
20:02 Danny: yeah!
20:11 Danny: wanna see it
20:11 Lanturn: go ahead
20:11 Lanturn: loll
20:11 Danny: update
20:12 Danny: i see the distance gap dw
20:13 Lanturn: :D
20:13 Danny: fixed
20:13 Lanturn: 03:20:042 (1,2) - this plays a bit odd, you can pretty much tell why with the sound that's in the middle of them XD
20:13 Danny: yeah
20:13 Danny: mhmm
20:14 Danny: uhh
20:14 Danny: how could i do it bro
20:15 Danny: i want to keep that slider circle thing
20:15 Lanturn: starting a 3/2 from 03:20:731 - is a solution
20:15 Lanturn: and add a reverse on to it
20:16 Danny: got it!
20:20 Danny: fixed
20:21 Danny: hows the rest
20:21 Danny: here ill upload again
20:22 Danny: there
20:26 Lanturn: 03:14:874 (1,2) - Distance
20:27 Lanturn: from 03:23:487 (4,5,1,1) - and onwards it's basically rinse and repeat
20:27 Lanturn: you got this :P
20:27 Danny: fixed
20:28 Lanturn: I would end 03:29:000 (1,2) - 1/1 earlier each
20:28 Danny: do the 1/2 sliders justify in that section due to the vocals
20:29 Danny: 1awesome
20:29 Lanturn: eh, they aren't the end of the world, but you can work around them using the various methods I've been telling you XD
20:29 Lanturn: 03:34:512 (1,2) - same thing
20:29 Lanturn: and.. so on from there XD
20:29 Lanturn: basically, 1/2 should be your last resort
20:30 Lanturn: or if there is a fair gap to recover from after using one
20:30 Danny: i understand!
20:47 Danny: Done
20:48 Lanturn: :D
20:49 Danny: check me out
20:49 Danny: ill brb leave anything in the pm
20:54 Lanturn: still a bit to go. I'm probably going to take off for now though. Still some rhythm issues I'd like to address, and then you also need to work on the aesthetics some more. >_<
20:54 Lanturn: I'll be around tomorrow

Log #2 from today
13:24 Danny: Hey man!
13:27 Lanturn: Hi
13:28 Danny: Whats going on?
13:28 Lanturn: just getting Damnae's map qualified lol
13:29 Danny: awesome
13:29 Danny: Ill be on for today I think so if theres more things about monkey wrench im ready man but no rush haha dont wanna get on you about this
13:30 Lanturn: still lots to do with it anyways :3
13:33 Danny: of course!!!!
13:33 Danny: lemme know when haha
13:38 Lanturn: just qualified it now anyways XD
13:38 Danny: sick deal
13:45 Lanturn: 02:29:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - so for this. When you end the (1) it makes it seem like you're trying to follow the guitar, but you swap to the drums instead. Some options: Change (2,3,4) into 1/2 sliders so it feels a bit more natural. Join (2,3) and (3,4) as a 2/1 slider, or move the tail on (1) back 1/2 so it lands on the drums
13:54 Danny: back
13:54 Danny: whats up
13:54 Danny: let me see this change
13:55 Danny: gotta go pick my brother up from school fml
13:55 Lanturn: ok np :P
14:23 Danny: homne
14:23 Lanturn: welcome back
14:24 Danny: whats the plan :D
14:24 Lanturn: I don't really have any plans so whatever works for me XD
14:28 Danny: let me see what oyu said before:0
14:29 Lanturn: uh
14:29 Lanturn: 02:29:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - so for this. When you end the (1) it makes it seem like you're trying to follow the guitar, but you swap to the drums instead. Some options: Change (2,3,4) into 1/2 sliders so it feels a bit more natural. Join (2,3) and (3,4) as a 2/1 slider, or move the tail on (1) back 1/2 so it lands on the drums
14:29 Lanturn: I think that was it?
14:29 Danny: i made them into 1/2 is that good
14:31 Danny:
14:32 Lanturn: should be Fine
14:32 Danny: cooool!
14:39 Lanturn: oh cool
14:42 Lanturn: it's mostly just aesthetics for other things
14:42 Danny: ok man
14:42 Lanturn: 00:16:752 (6) - blanket by moving the middle node out a little more
14:43 Danny: the distance became 1.20
14:43 Lanturn: I wouldn't recommend stacking 00:23:298 (5,1) - instead try moving the (5) down and then moving the (1) up
14:44 Lanturn: Just gotta work at it a bit until you get it decent XD
14:44 Danny: alkright
14:45 Lanturn: 00:29:499 (1) - the DS on this note needs to be fixed. it's currently 1.0 on the previous
14:45 Lanturn: 00:31:222 (3,4) - these two need to be slightly closer
14:46 Danny: got it
14:46 Lanturn: 00:35:357 (3) - you could make this look a little bit nicer by moving the second node in a bit, and adjusting others slightly ->
14:47 Lanturn: 00:43:970 (2) - could use a better blanket around (1)'s tail
14:48 Lanturn: 00:45:003 (3) - consider removing the second to last grey node so the tail ends up straight (adjust as needed)
14:49 Danny: i changed that last slider
14:50 Lanturn: 00:48:793 (1) - I'm going to admit, this is a little bit 'ugly' to be blunt. try giving the tail end a little bit more room, and making the curve feel more natural if you can. uh. maybe have a shape like this or try to find something that suits it:
14:50 Danny: is that blanket ok ?
14:50 Lanturn: Use the approach circle to help judge blankets
14:50 Danny: alright sure
14:50 Lanturn: example like you did with
14:51 Lanturn: those really help :P
14:51 Lanturn: 00:54:306 (1) - could use a more natural curve
14:51 Lanturn: turn that second red line into a grey for example
14:51 Lanturn: red node*
14:51 Danny: hows that
14:52 Lanturn: looks nice. maybe try and get it blanketed around the previous note again if you can
14:52 Lanturn: make sure DS is fine after though.
14:52 Danny: ok
14:52 Danny: blanketed too ty
14:52 Danny: done those changes
14:53 Lanturn: 01:26:692 (6) - this spacing needs some fixing
14:53 Danny: fixed
14:54 Lanturn: for 01:28:759 (2,3) - I would personally delete the (3) and put a reverse on the (2) Might as well keep the consistent drum beat if you are avoiding vocals
14:54 Lanturn: obviously this leaves a lot of room to move things around :P
14:54 Danny: got it
14:55 Lanturn: 01:35:305 (4) - blanket
14:56 Danny: fixed
14:57 Lanturn: 01:48:396 (3) - maybe the same thing as the first kiai? or maybe just make it a blanket around the (4) even, or don't even worry about blanketing and send the tail end's reverse off to the right more.
14:57 Lanturn: 01:59:077 (2) - DS
14:58 Lanturn: also that spot has a very long combo. you should NC somewhere in it
14:59 Danny: on 4 maybe?
14:59 Danny: or 6***
14:59 Danny: 6
14:59 Lanturn: 6 is good
15:00 Lanturn: 02:16:476 (1) - 02:21:989 (1) - I would personally end these 1/2 earlier to catch the guitar
15:00 Danny: done it
15:01 Danny: uhhh
15:01 Danny: is that really fast after the rest of the notes
15:02 Lanturn: huh?
15:02 Danny: hmm
15:02 Danny: nvm
15:02 Danny: i thought start haha nvm
15:02 Lanturn: oh lol
15:02 Lanturn: guitar start to guitar end would be the spinners
15:02 Lanturn: :P
15:02 Danny: its ending on temPer
15:02 Danny: but yeah i see
15:03 Danny: hmmm
15:03 Lanturn: 02:26:984 (4,5) - hmm maybe join these
15:03 Lanturn: having the two 1/2 like that can get a little difficult
15:03 Danny: yeah i got ya
15:03 Lanturn: the head of (5) isn't that important anyways
15:04 Danny: mhm
15:07 Lanturn: eh not too much else to say
15:07 Lanturn: try updating once more
15:07 Danny: ok
15:08 Danny: there
15:10 Lanturn: 00:29:499 (1) - try moving this to around x298 y317ish
15:10 Lanturn: then move 00:30:878 (2) - as needed
15:10 Lanturn: you don't really want the (1) overlapping the previous note like it is
15:10 Lanturn: the (6)
15:11 Danny: ok
15:12 Danny: here
15:12 Danny:
15:13 Lanturn: that doesn't overlap with the 6?
15:13 Lanturn:
15:14 Danny: uhh
15:14 Danny: ok
15:15 Danny:
15:15 Danny: hm
15:15 Lanturn: should be pretty close to fine
15:15 Danny: okok
15:17 Lanturn: hmm. I think after a few more mods, you'll probably be pretty close to ready
15:19 Danny: jonathan seems to think the other diffs are ready to bubble cept this
15:19 Lanturn: oh cool :P
15:19 Lanturn: maybe try to get one or two more mods for Easy since you did a lot of work to it through my mod
15:19 Danny: what should i tell him
15:20 Lanturn: unless he can give you a few more tips and then it would be fine
15:20 Danny: wanna post this on the map?
15:20 Danny: did a lot man
15:20 Lanturn: I'll post both logs from today and yesterday sure

Good luck Danny!
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

Alright. made a lot of rhythm / aesthetic changes on Easy. With a little bit more, (a few more mods or another person to sit down and look through it) it should be pretty much ready to go.

Log#1 from yesterday

16:46 Danny: lanturn
16:46 Lanturn: ?
16:47 Danny: Could you take a look at my Monkey Wrench's easy and go over it with me? Jonathanlfj has looked over it and has said to ask you to look since he knows you are great with them
16:47 Danny: He said after that he could bubble it for me
16:47 Lanturn: oh
16:47 Lanturn: I can try :S
16:47 Danny: Awesome!
16:47 *Danny is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Noya's Hard]]
16:47 Danny: Easy^
16:47 Danny: whenever you can :)
16:48 Lanturn: lemme play it quickly first
16:52 Lanturn: few rhythm / aesthetics that could be fixed maybe
16:53 Lanturn: off the bat, it'd be great if you could tidy 00:13:307 (2) - up a little. try to blanket it around the (3) or something
16:54 Danny: got ya
16:54 Danny: i moved it up to x 196 y 168 is that fine
16:54 Danny: along with the 1 repositioned
16:55 Lanturn: if it looks ok then sure
16:55 Danny:
16:55 Lanturn: for that you could curve the (2) a bit more
16:56 Danny: done it
16:56 Lanturn: k
16:56 Lanturn: stuff like 00:14:685 (4) - have you considerred reducing the slider by 1/2?
16:56 Lanturn: to fit the vocals better
16:57 Danny: that sounds very nice
16:57 Danny: !
16:57 Danny: how about the pattern after
16:58 Lanturn: 00:18:475 (1,2) - you mean?
16:58 Danny: i meant more immediatly after
16:58 Lanturn: oh you mean filling in the new gap
16:58 Lanturn: use a 1/1 slider maybe?
17:00 Danny: ill show you but its being stupid about screenshots
17:00 Danny: is that too much of a gap
17:01 Lanturn: oh, your making more gaps
17:01 Lanturn: Just watch DS for those
17:02 Lanturn: I'd suggest a more natural rhythm though. if you want some spaces between notes. then try something like this maybe?
17:05 Danny: Hey man sorry
17:05 Danny: my net was being really stupid
17:05 Lanturn: welcome back
17:05 Lanturn: Tari told me yeah XD
17:06 Danny: what was the next thing said
17:06 Lanturn: "I'd suggest a more natural rhythm though. if you want some spaces between notes. then try something like this maybe?"
17:06 Lanturn: or did you get that one
17:06 Danny: i know i wanted to send you this
17:06 Danny: didnt
17:06 Lanturn: i got that picture
17:06 Lanturn: you were asking about the gap
17:07 Danny: what about the drum on 16:407
17:07 Lanturn: One thing I highly recommend is that you don't really want to prioritize clap notes like that. It's fine a few times, but they shouldn't be the center of the song
17:07 Danny: i see.
17:07 Lanturn: if you want to map that drum, then make a 1/1 slider and put it on the tail
17:08 Lanturn: it works both ways
17:08 Danny: alright!
17:08 Danny: done that gonna make it flow now, whats next?
17:08 Lanturn: I guess it's these two 00:23:298 (5,6) -
17:09 Lanturn: Mainly you wouldn't really care for the tail end of that slider, you can just have a circle at (5) and it'll be more than enough
17:09 Lanturn: skip 00:23:642 - completely like you did at 00:17:785 (7) -
17:10 Danny: done i put it on the 5 note after is that fine
17:10 Danny: the 6!
17:11 Lanturn: It can work a few times I guess. You don't really want to have a powerful beat like 00:23:987 - on the end of a slider though lol
17:11 Lanturn: for 00:23:987 - you probably want to use a finish
17:12 Lanturn: you can keep the clap if you want though
17:12 Danny: finish and clap or finish or clap?
17:12 Lanturn: finish+clap or just finish works
17:13 Danny: alright finish+clap
17:13 Danny: or was that my error now?
17:13 Danny: why is it soft sample.. i forget... should i leave it like that?
17:14 Lanturn: it works either way, I like the soft though
17:14 Danny: alright yeah
17:14 Danny: ill make it consistent then
17:14 Danny: i wasnt sure i forgot if i did that or not
17:14 Danny: but yeah i remember no
17:14 Danny: w
17:15 Danny: so thats it rn
17:16 Lanturn: I'll have to look at it later. I think you stacked something there which really isn't recommended
17:16 Danny: yeah i did
17:16 Lanturn: 00:28:466 (5,6) - I would personally delete this (5) and move the (6) back to where the (5) started. mostly for the same reasons as the earlier one. Also the (6)'s tail how it currently is (a normal hitsound) does not fit at all
17:17 Lanturn: arrange hitsounds as needed afterwards
17:17 Danny: want a soft sample ?
17:17 Danny: on the end
17:18 Lanturn: that's only if you don't move it
17:18 Danny:
17:19 Lanturn: just put a clap on the both ends of the slider
17:19 Lanturn: also I recommend going underneath the 00:29:499 (1) - with the (5)
17:20 Danny: done
17:20 Lanturn: put 00:28:121 (4) - on 00:26:054 (2) - and blanket 00:28:466 (5) - around it. Then slightly move 00:29:499 (1) - into DS range ->
17:20 Danny: how so
17:22 Danny:
17:24 Lanturn: should be fine. if you managed to get the (4) to rest inside the slider it would be better, but it isn't a big issue since the (4) will already be gone by the time you play the (1)
17:25 Danny: ok man!
17:25 Lanturn: anyways. I know this is RIP your slider, but you should consider having a note at 00:31:911 -
17:30 Danny: Ok
17:30 Danny: its weird anyway haha
17:30 Danny: so what do you think for the pattern
17:32 Lanturn: few different ways you can do it. change (3) to a circle, and start mapping again at 00:31:911 - or even just reduce the slider by 1/1 or something
17:33 Lanturn: I need about 10-15 mins to deal with some animals quickly though so I'll drop a few more things down you can play with while I'm afk
17:33 Danny: go for it bro
17:34 Danny:
17:35 Lanturn: optional. but you can change 00:35:357 (3) - into a 3/2 slider (add a reverse onto it after) as well as 00:38:113 (2,3) -
17:36 Lanturn:
17:36 Lanturn: see if you like that rhythm better
17:36 Danny: yeah tis awesome
17:37 Lanturn: power of 3/2 XD
17:37 Danny: 00:38:457 (3) - this doesnt sound right to me
17:37 Danny: maybe i did it wrong
17:37 Lanturn: slider should start where the (2) is
17:38 Lanturn: not the (3)
17:38 Danny: yeah got ya
17:38 Lanturn: you can also do the same thing in the kiai as well if you wanted. 00:45:348 (3) - for example. move this back to 00:45:003 - and use a 3/2 :P
17:40 Danny: should be better!
17:40 Lanturn: for more randomness, you could even extend 00:48:793 (1) - by 1/2
17:40 Lanturn: some examples of dominant notes that you want to try and hit
17:41 Danny: that sounds so powerful man
17:41 Lanturn: try to play around with the kiai a bit, and then upload it, and I'll look at it when I get back
17:41 Lanturn: afk
17:41 Danny: ok!
18:25 Lanturn: gah
18:25 Lanturn: back
18:25 Lanturn: sorry had to deal with a broken fence
18:26 Danny: hi
18:27 Lanturn: 00:29:499 (1) - DS. should be 1.1, not 1.9
18:27 Lanturn: 1.0*
18:28 Lanturn: 00:16:752 (6,7) - could be blanketed a little bit better
18:29 Lanturn: 00:39:491 (3) - this is a pretty scary overlap X.x
18:31 Danny: how better
18:31 Danny: idk how to get around that hmm lets see
18:31 Danny: fixed the overlap
18:35 Lanturn: so another thing is that you like using a lot of 1/2 sliders. it isn't a big problem, but there are lots of alternatives you can do.
18:36 Danny: ok
18:39 Lanturn: i'll use 00:55:684 (2,3,4,5) - as an example I guess. 00:57:751 - isn't that important to play, so you could simply make a slider from 00:57:406 - to 00:57:923 -
18:39 Lanturn: while you're at it, try to get 00:56:545 - as a playable note
18:39 Lanturn: or a slider reverse etc
18:41 Lanturn: something like this could work, as it'll capture all of the important notes
18:41 Danny: ?
18:41 Danny: oh we went different paths haha
18:42 Lanturn: if you find it plays well then keep it XD
18:42 Danny: trying yourts
18:42 Lanturn: I'll look at it after anyways
18:43 Danny: yours is much better
18:47 Lanturn: 01:02:919 (3,4) - could simply be a 3/2 slider
18:47 Danny: applied it all!
18:47 Danny: ok!
18:48 Danny: applied
18:50 Lanturn: for the next section after the break, it's basically the same stuff I mentioned on the first loop through it
18:52 Lanturn: you used a lot of 1/2s here. 01:32:893 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - maybe consider just doing the beat instead of the vocals
18:53 Danny: alright
18:56 Danny: do you have a suggestino for thatpart
19:03 Lanturn: if you want to do vocals, then this maybe? | If you want to do beat, then something simple like this maybe for a basic rhythm?
19:06 Danny: im fixing up all the parts before it too
19:06 Danny: atleast i hope i am
19:06 Lanturn: cool :P
19:06 Lanturn: take your time
19:09 Lanturn: be back in a little bit again. gotta deal with more animals :D
19:09 Danny: sure thing
19:13 Danny: ok huh
19:13 Danny: i think its OK...
19:17 Danny: ill update it and leave it i feel like im just making more things to be fixed
19:28 Lanturn: XD
19:30 Lanturn: 01:20:145 (4) - erk
19:30 Lanturn: that gap from the previous
19:30 Danny: LMFAO DAMN
19:30 Danny: Easy JUMPS BRO
19:31 Danny: haha
19:31 Danny: fixing it
19:32 Danny: fixed
19:32 Lanturn: I forget where we left off ><
19:32 Lanturn: lo
19:32 Danny: around uhh
19:32 Danny: the last thing you suggested to me was this
19:32 Danny: 01:33:238 (2,3,4,5,6) -
19:33 Lanturn: 01:32:893 (1,2) - blankettt :(
19:33 Danny: but anything between there wasnt looked at so may be improved?
19:33 Lanturn: If you do A: 01:38:406 (1,2) - then you should do it to B: 01:40:817 (1,2,3,4) - or something with a similar rhythm maybe
19:35 Danny: i see
19:35 Lanturn: getting the 01:42:023 - basically
19:35 Lanturn: XD
19:37 Danny: done the last change!
19:40 Lanturn: for the kiai
19:40 Lanturn: its basically the same things I was mentioning in the first one :P
19:40 Danny: right
19:41 Danny: can i just copy paste and flip it omg
19:41 Danny: haha
19:41 Lanturn: lol
19:41 Lanturn: I copy paste rhythms sometimes, and just rearrange everything afterwards
19:41 Lanturn: because having the same rhythm isn't a problem if it works
19:41 Danny: yeah that makes sense
19:42 Danny: ill try that because that rhythm is terrible
19:42 Lanturn: lol ok XD
19:50 Danny: done just gotta hitsound it
19:52 Danny: updated
19:56 Lanturn: it's somewhat the same for the final kiais as well, but maybe try a little bit more variety in the rhythms? :D
19:56 Lanturn: idk something like that
19:56 Danny: so the last one
19:56 Danny: change it up?
19:57 Danny: hmmm
19:57 Lanturn: it's mainly just the overuse of the 1/2 sliders
19:57 Danny: how should i attack this my main
19:58 Lanturn: 03:04:194 (2,3) - example, you can just join these
19:58 Lanturn: 03:05:572 (4,1) - same
19:59 Lanturn: 03:06:950 (2) - has the potential to be just a circle if you wanted. either or can work
20:00 Danny: what about the 5
20:00 Danny: `03:07:467 (5) -
20:01 Lanturn: that isn't that bad how it is
20:01 Lanturn: captures the guitar nicely
20:01 Danny: ok
20:01 Lanturn: basically if my mod has said anything, it's that you can join up a lot of notes without any consequence and it makes it easier to play.
20:02 Danny: yeah!
20:11 Danny: wanna see it
20:11 Lanturn: go ahead
20:11 Lanturn: loll
20:11 Danny: update
20:12 Danny: i see the distance gap dw
20:13 Lanturn: :D
20:13 Danny: fixed
20:13 Lanturn: 03:20:042 (1,2) - this plays a bit odd, you can pretty much tell why with the sound that's in the middle of them XD
20:13 Danny: yeah
20:13 Danny: mhmm
20:14 Danny: uhh
20:14 Danny: how could i do it bro
20:15 Danny: i want to keep that slider circle thing
20:15 Lanturn: starting a 3/2 from 03:20:731 - is a solution
20:15 Lanturn: and add a reverse on to it
20:16 Danny: got it!
20:20 Danny: fixed
20:21 Danny: hows the rest
20:21 Danny: here ill upload again
20:22 Danny: there
20:26 Lanturn: 03:14:874 (1,2) - Distance
20:27 Lanturn: from 03:23:487 (4,5,1,1) - and onwards it's basically rinse and repeat
20:27 Lanturn: you got this :P
20:27 Danny: fixed
20:28 Lanturn: I would end 03:29:000 (1,2) - 1/1 earlier each
20:28 Danny: do the 1/2 sliders justify in that section due to the vocals
20:29 Danny: 1awesome
20:29 Lanturn: eh, they aren't the end of the world, but you can work around them using the various methods I've been telling you XD
20:29 Lanturn: 03:34:512 (1,2) - same thing
20:29 Lanturn: and.. so on from there XD
20:29 Lanturn: basically, 1/2 should be your last resort
20:30 Lanturn: or if there is a fair gap to recover from after using one
20:30 Danny: i understand!
20:47 Danny: Done
20:48 Lanturn: :D
20:49 Danny: check me out
20:49 Danny: ill brb leave anything in the pm
20:54 Lanturn: still a bit to go. I'm probably going to take off for now though. Still some rhythm issues I'd like to address, and then you also need to work on the aesthetics some more. >_<
20:54 Lanturn: I'll be around tomorrow

Log #2 from today
13:24 Danny: Hey man!
13:27 Lanturn: Hi
13:28 Danny: Whats going on?
13:28 Lanturn: just getting Damnae's map qualified lol
13:29 Danny: awesome
13:29 Danny: Ill be on for today I think so if theres more things about monkey wrench im ready man but no rush haha dont wanna get on you about this
13:30 Lanturn: still lots to do with it anyways :3
13:33 Danny: of course!!!!
13:33 Danny: lemme know when haha
13:38 Lanturn: just qualified it now anyways XD
13:38 Danny: sick deal
13:45 Lanturn: 02:29:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - so for this. When you end the (1) it makes it seem like you're trying to follow the guitar, but you swap to the drums instead. Some options: Change (2,3,4) into 1/2 sliders so it feels a bit more natural. Join (2,3) and (3,4) as a 2/1 slider, or move the tail on (1) back 1/2 so it lands on the drums
13:54 Danny: back
13:54 Danny: whats up
13:54 Danny: let me see this change
13:55 Danny: gotta go pick my brother up from school fml
13:55 Lanturn: ok np :P
14:23 Danny: homne
14:23 Lanturn: welcome back
14:24 Danny: whats the plan :D
14:24 Lanturn: I don't really have any plans so whatever works for me XD
14:28 Danny: let me see what oyu said before:0
14:29 Lanturn: uh
14:29 Lanturn: 02:29:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - so for this. When you end the (1) it makes it seem like you're trying to follow the guitar, but you swap to the drums instead. Some options: Change (2,3,4) into 1/2 sliders so it feels a bit more natural. Join (2,3) and (3,4) as a 2/1 slider, or move the tail on (1) back 1/2 so it lands on the drums
14:29 Lanturn: I think that was it?
14:29 Danny: i made them into 1/2 is that good
14:31 Danny:
14:32 Lanturn: should be Fine
14:32 Danny: cooool!
14:39 Lanturn: oh cool
14:42 Lanturn: it's mostly just aesthetics for other things
14:42 Danny: ok man
14:42 Lanturn: 00:16:752 (6) - blanket by moving the middle node out a little more
14:43 Danny: the distance became 1.20
14:43 Lanturn: I wouldn't recommend stacking 00:23:298 (5,1) - instead try moving the (5) down and then moving the (1) up
14:44 Lanturn: Just gotta work at it a bit until you get it decent XD
14:44 Danny: alkright
14:45 Lanturn: 00:29:499 (1) - the DS on this note needs to be fixed. it's currently 1.0 on the previous
14:45 Lanturn: 00:31:222 (3,4) - these two need to be slightly closer
14:46 Danny: got it
14:46 Lanturn: 00:35:357 (3) - you could make this look a little bit nicer by moving the second node in a bit, and adjusting others slightly ->
14:47 Lanturn: 00:43:970 (2) - could use a better blanket around (1)'s tail
14:48 Lanturn: 00:45:003 (3) - consider removing the second to last grey node so the tail ends up straight (adjust as needed)
14:49 Danny: i changed that last slider
14:50 Lanturn: 00:48:793 (1) - I'm going to admit, this is a little bit 'ugly' to be blunt. try giving the tail end a little bit more room, and making the curve feel more natural if you can. uh. maybe have a shape like this or try to find something that suits it:
14:50 Danny: is that blanket ok ?
14:50 Lanturn: Use the approach circle to help judge blankets
14:50 Danny: alright sure
14:50 Lanturn: example like you did with
14:51 Lanturn: those really help :P
14:51 Lanturn: 00:54:306 (1) - could use a more natural curve
14:51 Lanturn: turn that second red line into a grey for example
14:51 Lanturn: red node*
14:51 Danny: hows that
14:52 Lanturn: looks nice. maybe try and get it blanketed around the previous note again if you can
14:52 Lanturn: make sure DS is fine after though.
14:52 Danny: ok
14:52 Danny: blanketed too ty
14:52 Danny: done those changes
14:53 Lanturn: 01:26:692 (6) - this spacing needs some fixing
14:53 Danny: fixed
14:54 Lanturn: for 01:28:759 (2,3) - I would personally delete the (3) and put a reverse on the (2) Might as well keep the consistent drum beat if you are avoiding vocals
14:54 Lanturn: obviously this leaves a lot of room to move things around :P
14:54 Danny: got it
14:55 Lanturn: 01:35:305 (4) - blanket
14:56 Danny: fixed
14:57 Lanturn: 01:48:396 (3) - maybe the same thing as the first kiai? or maybe just make it a blanket around the (4) even, or don't even worry about blanketing and send the tail end's reverse off to the right more.
14:57 Lanturn: 01:59:077 (2) - DS
14:58 Lanturn: also that spot has a very long combo. you should NC somewhere in it
14:59 Danny: on 4 maybe?
14:59 Danny: or 6***
14:59 Danny: 6
14:59 Lanturn: 6 is good
15:00 Lanturn: 02:16:476 (1) - 02:21:989 (1) - I would personally end these 1/2 earlier to catch the guitar
15:00 Danny: done it
15:01 Danny: uhhh
15:01 Danny: is that really fast after the rest of the notes
15:02 Lanturn: huh?
15:02 Danny: hmm
15:02 Danny: nvm
15:02 Danny: i thought start haha nvm
15:02 Lanturn: oh lol
15:02 Lanturn: guitar start to guitar end would be the spinners
15:02 Lanturn: :P
15:02 Danny: its ending on temPer
15:02 Danny: but yeah i see
15:03 Danny: hmmm
15:03 Lanturn: 02:26:984 (4,5) - hmm maybe join these
15:03 Lanturn: having the two 1/2 like that can get a little difficult
15:03 Danny: yeah i got ya
15:03 Lanturn: the head of (5) isn't that important anyways
15:04 Danny: mhm
15:07 Lanturn: eh not too much else to say
15:07 Lanturn: try updating once more
15:07 Danny: ok
15:08 Danny: there
15:10 Lanturn: 00:29:499 (1) - try moving this to around x298 y317ish
15:10 Lanturn: then move 00:30:878 (2) - as needed
15:10 Lanturn: you don't really want the (1) overlapping the previous note like it is
15:10 Lanturn: the (6)
15:11 Danny: ok
15:12 Danny: here
15:12 Danny:
15:13 Lanturn: that doesn't overlap with the 6?
15:13 Lanturn:
15:14 Danny: uhh
15:14 Danny: ok
15:15 Danny:
15:15 Danny: hm
15:15 Lanturn: should be pretty close to fine
15:15 Danny: okok
15:17 Lanturn: hmm. I think after a few more mods, you'll probably be pretty close to ready
15:19 Danny: jonathan seems to think the other diffs are ready to bubble cept this
15:19 Lanturn: oh cool :P
15:19 Lanturn: maybe try to get one or two more mods for Easy since you did a lot of work to it through my mod
15:19 Danny: what should i tell him
15:20 Lanturn: unless he can give you a few more tips and then it would be fine
15:20 Danny: wanna post this on the map?
15:20 Danny: did a lot man
15:20 Lanturn: I'll post both logs from today and yesterday sure

Good luck Danny!
Thank you very much for everything Lanturn, been here with this map since the beginning :D
hi from idk what im doing land by request


00:46:381 (4,3) - i guess try to stack these or something
00:50:171 (2,4) - same ^
01:40:817 (1,2) - its new combo so youre not going to want to continue the circle like its still part of the previous combo. so break the nice curve you got for something that emphasizes the new combo like
02:33:186 (1) - same ^

01:19:112 (5) - did you mean to nc
02:29:224 (5,6,1) - dam that distance tho

00:16:407 (1) - feels empty compared to all the notes that just happened, try this rhythm
00:27:432 (1) - same ^
00:33:289 (1) - suggest start with a reverse slider and end with stream so its easier to hit and gives more time to realize its a stream.
01:03:953 (1) - same to all other places with this
03:25:554 (1) - dam this first repeat of dont want to be your monkey wrench is so much more intense than the other 3 times he repeats it. like 4 single tap notes then another 4 single tap notes right after compared to a few circles and a bunch of sliders for the other parts.

01:04:469 (1,2,3,4,5,3) - could try a better blanket with the stream, but its whatever
01:11:877 (1,2,3,4) - all the other parts are spaced, then this is like nothing.
01:44:607 (3) - either have consistent spacing or id just do something like this spacing
02:29:741 (1,1) - more spacing? id like to see more spacing in this whole part to emphasize these 02:30:947 (3,5,7) -
02:33:186 (1) - wao this whole part <3

danny you are very sexy.

Topic Starter

samplefish wrote:

hi from idk what im doing land by request pro land bro


00:46:381 (4,3) - i guess try to stack these or something Done
00:50:171 (2,4) - same ^ Done
01:40:817 (1,2) - its new combo so youre not going to want to continue the circle like its still part of the previous combo. so break the nice curve you got for something that emphasizes the new combo like Done
02:33:186 (1) - same ^ Done

01:19:112 (5) - did you mean to nc Yup!
02:29:224 (5,6,1) - dam that distance tho Fixed

[Hard] Kuronoya took a look and denied these changes.
00:16:407 (1) - feels empty compared to all the notes that just happened, try this rhythm
00:27:432 (1) - same ^
00:33:289 (1) - suggest start with a reverse slider and end with stream so its easier to hit and gives more time to realize its a stream.
01:03:953 (1) - same to all other places with this
03:25:554 (1) - dam this first repeat of dont want to be your monkey wrench is so much more intense than the other 3 times he repeats it. like 4 single tap notes then another 4 single tap notes right after compared to a few circles and a bunch of sliders for the other parts.

01:04:469 (1,2,3,4,5,3) - could try a better blanket with the stream, but its whatever I don't think it matters by that point
01:11:877 (1,2,3,4) - all the other parts are spaced, then this is like nothing. Increased spacing I see what you mean
01:44:607 (3) - either have consistent spacing or id just do something like this spacing Tried that out
02:29:741 (1,1) - more spacing? id like to see more spacing in this whole part to emphasize these 02:30:947 (3,5,7) - Going to leave as is due to the difficulty in the next part, I know personally I'd like to regrip around here haha
02:33:186 (1) - wao this whole part <3 !!!! :D

danny you are very sexy. Hey man you must be looking in a mirror 8-)

DONT WANNA BE YO WONKEY MENCH dun dun dunnn dun dun dunnn dun dun
fixed some misc stuff in irc (no kd)

lets get this going~
Holy Heck
I appreciate how you don't give up on this awesome set and I'll be happe to finally qualify it. But first things first.

  1. That'd be great if you could avoid useless green lines in Easy/Normal diffs. Just try to avoid them this/next time. :)
    Note: if you want examples, 00:48:276 - this one on Normal does nothing.
  2. Try less bright colors? I was expecting something a little less bright, honestly.
    Combo1 : 211,211,211
    Combo2 : 101,147,180
    Combo3 : 124,120,99
    Combo4 : 181,126,117
  1. 00:38:113 (2) - can you rotate it, so it doesn't overlap with (4)? rough example

    It's all cool.
  1. 01:42:885 (4) - can you make it more readable? Something like this would be a little better, I believe.

    Looking good!

  • Good job!
  1. 01:40:817 (1) - this is amazing ♥
  2. 03:45:537 (1) - minor - a few of the anchors seem extra and unnecessayry. Remove them?

    Love this!
Aaaand we're this close to the qualification. Check this and call me back!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

I appreciate how you don't give up on this awesome set and I'll be happe to finally qualify it. But first things first.

[General] Should be better!
  1. That'd be great if you could avoid useless green lines in Easy/Normal diffs. Just try to avoid them this/next time. :)
    Note: if you want examples, 00:48:276 - this one on Normal does nothing.
  2. Try less bright colors? I was expecting something a little less bright, honestly.
    Combo1 : 211,211,211
    Combo2 : 101,147,180
    Combo3 : 124,120,99
    Combo4 : 181,126,117
[Easy] Fixed
  1. 00:38:113 (2) - can you rotate it, so it doesn't overlap with (4)? rough example

    It's all cool.
[Normal] Fixed
  1. 01:42:885 (4) - can you make it more readable? Something like this would be a little better, I believe.

    Looking good!
[Hard] :)

  • Good job!
[Insane] Fixed!
  1. 01:40:817 (1) - this is amazing ♥ :)
  2. 03:45:537 (1) - minor - a few of the anchors seem extra and unnecessayry. Remove them?

    Love this!
Aaaand we're this close to the qualification. Check this and call me back! Thank youuu!
Let's rock!

Cerulean Veyron
I remember modding this map a long time ago ehhheheh

Anyway, congratz for your first qualified map! :V /
Topic Starter

Gray Veyron wrote:

I remember modding this map a long time ago ehhheheh

Anyway, congratz for your first qualified map! :V /
Haha I remember too! Thanks a lot for helping out and the support!
Ayesha Altugle
Wow, congrats!
Congratulation on your first rank Danny ~ \:D/
Topic Starter

Shizuku- wrote:

Wow, congrats!
Thank you so much!
Topic Starter

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Congratulation on your first rank Danny ~ \:D/
Hopefully first of many due to motivation! Thank you!
NICE!!! you finally made it :D

Damn, i remember when you first submitted that 8-)
Finally rank ! Congratulations for your first qualified map ! :)
wow wow Congrats Danny! <3

I'm really glad to see all your effort is finally paying off! Congrats on your first!
One of the best songs from Foo Fighters !

Thanks for mapping this song, congratz :)
Topic Starter

DarkVortex wrote:

NICE!!! you finally made it :D

Damn, i remember when you first submitted that 8-)
Thank you so much man you've been here for the whole ride too! Means a lot :)
Topic Starter

Angelo wrote:

Finally rank ! Congratulations for your first qualified map ! :)
Thank you so much means a lot! Thanks for all your help! :)
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

wow wow Congrats Danny! <3

I'm really glad to see all your effort is finally paying off! Congrats on your first!
Bro LITERALLY since day 1. You've seen the first version of this and the final, and you told me my first would take a long time and I wasn't sure how to feel then! But i took your word that it'd be worth it. Thanks man, you've done a lot and even through the bubble process helped, thanks man!
Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:

One of the best songs from Foo Fighters !

Thanks for mapping this song, congratz :)
Personally I love Everlong so maybe expect a map of that song soon! Thanks for the comment and enjoy the map! Hopefully more foo fighters later, we'll see.
Coongratz Danny!
Topic Starter

-[Koinuri] wrote:

Coongratz Danny!
Thank you very much , for the comment as well as your consistent help through this mapset! I appreciate it!
Greetings Danny~

After some internal discussion your map has been taken away from the qualified section for the following reason(s) :


  1. You have some unsnapped notes that appear in this difficulty. Please take a careful look through this difficulty as well as others and resnap the notes correctly and properly./list]


  1. The frequent strobing that comes from the Storyboard combined with the white combo colour makes the notes very unpleasant to look at and also difficult on the eyes. Consider toning down the white color to something more greyish or changing the color completely
Sorry for any inconveniences this has caused you.

The map will be handled by BNs from now on, Good Luck on Requalification!

Why is it still on Ranked Beatmaps section? Probably you forgot to move it back to WIP, Tari.

Anyway, good luck on getting this qualified again!
Topic Starter

Tari wrote:

Greetings Danny~

After some internal discussion your map has been taken away from the qualified section for the following reason(s) :


  1. You have some unsnapped notes that appear in this difficulty. Please take a careful look through this difficulty as well as others and resnap the notes correctly and properly./list]


  1. The frequent strobing that comes from the Storyboard combined with the white combo colour makes the notes very unpleasant to look at and also difficult on the eyes. Consider toning down the white color to something more greyish or changing the color completely
Sorry for any inconveniences this has caused you.

The map will be handled by BNs from now on, Good Luck on Requalification!

Applied all changed, used 150 160 140 combo color. Thank you Tari!
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

Why is it still on Ranked Beatmaps section? Probably you forgot to move it back to WIP, Tari.

Anyway, good luck on getting this qualified again!
Thank you Andrea
Polished the diffs over IRC, looking good!
Let's hope for a safe rank ;)
21:46 appleeaterx: all diffs 01:31:860 (4,5) - clap
21:46 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Easy]]
21:47 appleeaterx: 01:57:699 (1,2) - pretty sure this is a spacing problem c:
21:47 Danny: fixed
21:53 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Normal]]
21:53 appleeaterx: 00:19:680 (4,1) - spacing
21:55 appleeaterx: 00:26:054 (1) - well i personally think plays better here, but its up to you
21:55 appleeaterx: 00:36:390 (5,6) - spacing
21:56 appleeaterx: 00:39:146 (5,6) -
21:57 Danny: that does pla ynice
21:57 appleeaterx: 00:50:688 (4) - not sure about this note here. the vocal sound isnt that strong compared to the white tick after that, which has vocal + clap. something like [ this]
21:59 appleeaterx: 01:03:953 (1) - only diff with a spinner here... bit weird, might want to map this out? also up to you
21:59 appleeaterx: 01:05:331 (1) - this line doesnt really have a function here, as there are no object in break time
21:59 appleeaterx: oh wait nvm that line is fine
22:02 appleeaterx: 01:19:801 (3,4) - spacing
22:02 Danny: could i leave those spinners in or should i make them slidrs/
22:02 Danny: sliders
22:03 appleeaterx: well i just found it weird that its the only diff that has a spinner there. you can map it out with a slider like the easy diff, but if you want to keep it, then thats fine.
22:04 Danny: yeah ill make slidedr art i suppose
22:04 appleeaterx: 01:30:481 (1,2) - mind swapping this rhythm-wise? would make the clap clickable, instead of just having it on the slider end (like so
22:04 appleeaterx: oh okay cool ^^
22:05 appleeaterx: 01:33:582 (7,8) - spacing, nazi i know ._.
22:05 appleeaterx: 01:34:960 (1,2) - this one too
22:06 Danny: for the space where there was a spinner i put 1 1/1 slider and 2 circles
22:06 appleeaterx: oh okay good
22:07 appleeaterx: 01:42:023 (3) - i personally dont really think the repeat fits well here. i dont really here a repeat in the vocals if that makes sense lol? also, the clap wont have any emphasis at all. you could take advantage of that sound and end up with something like
22:08 Danny: did that for the other section too
22:08 Danny: oknow to catch up with the rest
22:09 appleeaterx: sorry for saying everything all at once w
22:09 appleeaterx: 01:54:081 (4) - similar to what i said earlier, depends what you do there
22:10 Danny: haha dont worry :)
22:10 appleeaterx: 02:00:799 (2,3) - s p a c i n g
22:10 appleeaterx: 02:13:892 (1,2) -
22:14 appleeaterx: 02:16:476 (1,1) - not sure about QAT's point of view, but recovery time is ~690ms instead of 750ms. since they didnt mention this, i'd say it's fine - but when Lanturn checks it, ask this again
22:21 Danny: wiill do!
22:21 Danny: applied them all
22:23 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Noya's Hard]]
22:23 appleeaterx: dunno if you want to apply anything in a gd
22:23 appleeaterx: so ill keep things minor
22:23 appleeaterx: 01:37:027 (10) - so i'd put the nc here, putting the nc on the second note seems random to me o_o
22:24 Danny: got it
22:25 Danny: can it be applied on the 6
22:25 Danny: thatd keep everything consistent
22:25 appleeaterx: oh yea even better
22:26 Danny: got it
22:26 appleeaterx: 03:24:866 (10) - same here then
22:26 Danny: done
22:26 Danny: also can you do something for me while we do this
22:26 Danny: can you pay attention to the colors andd the SB
22:27 Danny: and see if the colors arent too bright?
22:27 Danny: thats a reason it got UQ so i changed them
22:27 appleeaterx: the strobe?
22:27 Danny: ye
22:27 Danny: compared to the combo colors
22:32 Danny: oh should i change the combo colors to a red during the part with the reb SB haha
22:32 Danny: thatd be interesting.
22:33 appleeaterx: lol sounds cool actually, but also sounds like a lot of work
22:33 Danny: it does
22:33 Danny: because theres many difficulties and so long of a song
22:33 Danny: that i have to go to every part and make it start the loop at the default again
22:34 appleeaterx: well i think its fine now
22:34 Danny: ill just leave it i dont want any more SB problems, i know like 5% of users even have it enabled haha
22:34 Danny: like the red is too similar etc
22:34 appleeaterx: true
22:34 appleeaterx: well i watched the sb + auto replay
22:34 appleeaterx: the gray colour does tone it down
22:35 appleeaterx: looks fine on my end
22:35 Danny: awesome because it was a lighter gray/white earlier
22:35 Danny: and i could see what the QAT meant
22:38 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Insane]]
22:39 appleeaterx: 01:10:154 (6) - totally optional, but i just thought that the blue tick could be mapped here. since the clap on the blue tick really stands out here. if you want to keep 3/4 slider, try this?
22:39 appleeaterx: current rhythm is fine too, wont force you to change
22:40 Danny: oh yeah that should be mapped
22:41 appleeaterx: 01:28:414 (4,5,6) - any reason for inconsistent spacing=
22:41 appleeaterx: ?
22:43 Danny: looks like i wanted a jump i suppose i cant recall now
22:44 appleeaterx: also, 02:34:564 (1) - this part is really cool
22:44 Danny: :D
22:44 Danny: thank you
22:45 appleeaterx: all diffs - 01:47:019 (2) - remove clap (bass here, not clap, keeping consistent with first KIAI), same at 03:04:194 (2) -
22:46 appleeaterx: and add clap 03:04:538 (4) -
22:46 Danny: i fixed the spacing i believe
22:47 appleeaterx: 03:08:586 - map this out, like 03:19:611 (11) - ?
22:47 Danny: --> does this look too bad
22:48 appleeaterx: am i interpreting it right? i see a circular motion here
22:48 Danny: yeah
22:48 appleeaterx: looks alright
22:49 Danny: also the three kiais are consistent in the third cycle of the chorus being a triple
22:49 Danny: and the other two without triple
22:49 appleeaterx: oh didnt notice that, good
22:50 appleeaterx: so all diffs look fine to me now, checking general stuffs
22:52 Danny: great!
22:53 appleeaterx: tags Alernative , prehaps it should be Alternative ?
22:53 appleeaterx: dunno lol
22:54 Danny: thats very silly on my part
22:54 Danny: 0fixed
22:54 Danny: fixed it
22:56 appleeaterx: k good work, update c:
22:56 Danny: there
22:58 Danny: thank you very much
22:59 appleeaterx: lol 01:34:616 (3) - in easy diff
22:59 appleeaterx: update again xd
22:59 Danny: spacing ye
23:00 Danny: is 1.13 acceptable
23:01 appleeaterx: yes
23:01 Danny: nevermind
23:01 Danny: i got it
23:01 appleeaterx: it says 1.2 tho o_o
23:01 Danny: yeah its better now
23:01 Danny: i fixed it
23:02 Danny: updating
23:03 appleeaterx: all ready and satisfied?
23:03 Danny: i think
23:03 Danny: yeah im good!
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Polished the diffs over IRC, looking good!
Let's hope for a safe rank ;)
21:46 appleeaterx: all diffs 01:31:860 (4,5) - clap
21:46 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Easy]]
21:47 appleeaterx: 01:57:699 (1,2) - pretty sure this is a spacing problem c:
21:47 Danny: fixed
21:53 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Normal]]
21:53 appleeaterx: 00:19:680 (4,1) - spacing
21:55 appleeaterx: 00:26:054 (1) - well i personally think plays better here, but its up to you
21:55 appleeaterx: 00:36:390 (5,6) - spacing
21:56 appleeaterx: 00:39:146 (5,6) -
21:57 Danny: that does pla ynice
21:57 appleeaterx: 00:50:688 (4) - not sure about this note here. the vocal sound isnt that strong compared to the white tick after that, which has vocal + clap. something like [ this]
21:59 appleeaterx: 01:03:953 (1) - only diff with a spinner here... bit weird, might want to map this out? also up to you
21:59 appleeaterx: 01:05:331 (1) - this line doesnt really have a function here, as there are no object in break time
21:59 appleeaterx: oh wait nvm that line is fine
22:02 appleeaterx: 01:19:801 (3,4) - spacing
22:02 Danny: could i leave those spinners in or should i make them slidrs/
22:02 Danny: sliders
22:03 appleeaterx: well i just found it weird that its the only diff that has a spinner there. you can map it out with a slider like the easy diff, but if you want to keep it, then thats fine.
22:04 Danny: yeah ill make slidedr art i suppose
22:04 appleeaterx: 01:30:481 (1,2) - mind swapping this rhythm-wise? would make the clap clickable, instead of just having it on the slider end (like so
22:04 appleeaterx: oh okay cool ^^
22:05 appleeaterx: 01:33:582 (7,8) - spacing, nazi i know ._.
22:05 appleeaterx: 01:34:960 (1,2) - this one too
22:06 Danny: for the space where there was a spinner i put 1 1/1 slider and 2 circles
22:06 appleeaterx: oh okay good
22:07 appleeaterx: 01:42:023 (3) - i personally dont really think the repeat fits well here. i dont really here a repeat in the vocals if that makes sense lol? also, the clap wont have any emphasis at all. you could take advantage of that sound and end up with something like
22:08 Danny: did that for the other section too
22:08 Danny: oknow to catch up with the rest
22:09 appleeaterx: sorry for saying everything all at once w
22:09 appleeaterx: 01:54:081 (4) - similar to what i said earlier, depends what you do there
22:10 Danny: haha dont worry :)
22:10 appleeaterx: 02:00:799 (2,3) - s p a c i n g
22:10 appleeaterx: 02:13:892 (1,2) -
22:14 appleeaterx: 02:16:476 (1,1) - not sure about QAT's point of view, but recovery time is ~690ms instead of 750ms. since they didnt mention this, i'd say it's fine - but when Lanturn checks it, ask this again
22:21 Danny: wiill do!
22:21 Danny: applied them all
22:23 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Noya's Hard]]
22:23 appleeaterx: dunno if you want to apply anything in a gd
22:23 appleeaterx: so ill keep things minor
22:23 appleeaterx: 01:37:027 (10) - so i'd put the nc here, putting the nc on the second note seems random to me o_o
22:24 Danny: got it
22:25 Danny: can it be applied on the 6
22:25 Danny: thatd keep everything consistent
22:25 appleeaterx: oh yea even better
22:26 Danny: got it
22:26 appleeaterx: 03:24:866 (10) - same here then
22:26 Danny: done
22:26 Danny: also can you do something for me while we do this
22:26 Danny: can you pay attention to the colors andd the SB
22:27 Danny: and see if the colors arent too bright?
22:27 Danny: thats a reason it got UQ so i changed them
22:27 appleeaterx: the strobe?
22:27 Danny: ye
22:27 Danny: compared to the combo colors
22:32 Danny: oh should i change the combo colors to a red during the part with the reb SB haha
22:32 Danny: thatd be interesting.
22:33 appleeaterx: lol sounds cool actually, but also sounds like a lot of work
22:33 Danny: it does
22:33 Danny: because theres many difficulties and so long of a song
22:33 Danny: that i have to go to every part and make it start the loop at the default again
22:34 appleeaterx: well i think its fine now
22:34 Danny: ill just leave it i dont want any more SB problems, i know like 5% of users even have it enabled haha
22:34 Danny: like the red is too similar etc
22:34 appleeaterx: true
22:34 appleeaterx: well i watched the sb + auto replay
22:34 appleeaterx: the gray colour does tone it down
22:35 appleeaterx: looks fine on my end
22:35 Danny: awesome because it was a lighter gray/white earlier
22:35 Danny: and i could see what the QAT meant
22:38 *appleeaterx is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Insane]]
22:39 appleeaterx: 01:10:154 (6) - totally optional, but i just thought that the blue tick could be mapped here. since the clap on the blue tick really stands out here. if you want to keep 3/4 slider, try this?
22:39 appleeaterx: current rhythm is fine too, wont force you to change
22:40 Danny: oh yeah that should be mapped
22:41 appleeaterx: 01:28:414 (4,5,6) - any reason for inconsistent spacing=
22:41 appleeaterx: ?
22:43 Danny: looks like i wanted a jump i suppose i cant recall now
22:44 appleeaterx: also, 02:34:564 (1) - this part is really cool
22:44 Danny: :D
22:44 Danny: thank you
22:45 appleeaterx: all diffs - 01:47:019 (2) - remove clap (bass here, not clap, keeping consistent with first KIAI), same at 03:04:194 (2) -
22:46 appleeaterx: and add clap 03:04:538 (4) -
22:46 Danny: i fixed the spacing i believe
22:47 appleeaterx: 03:08:586 - map this out, like 03:19:611 (11) - ?
22:47 Danny: --> does this look too bad
22:48 appleeaterx: am i interpreting it right? i see a circular motion here
22:48 Danny: yeah
22:48 appleeaterx: looks alright
22:49 Danny: also the three kiais are consistent in the third cycle of the chorus being a triple
22:49 Danny: and the other two without triple
22:49 appleeaterx: oh didnt notice that, good
22:50 appleeaterx: so all diffs look fine to me now, checking general stuffs
22:52 Danny: great!
22:53 appleeaterx: tags Alernative , prehaps it should be Alternative ?
22:53 appleeaterx: dunno lol
22:54 Danny: thats very silly on my part
22:54 Danny: 0fixed
22:54 Danny: fixed it
22:56 appleeaterx: k good work, update c:
22:56 Danny: there
22:58 Danny: thank you very much
22:59 appleeaterx: lol 01:34:616 (3) - in easy diff
22:59 appleeaterx: update again xd
22:59 Danny: spacing ye
23:00 Danny: is 1.13 acceptable
23:01 appleeaterx: yes
23:01 Danny: nevermind
23:01 Danny: i got it
23:01 appleeaterx: it says 1.2 tho o_o
23:01 Danny: yeah its better now
23:01 Danny: i fixed it
23:02 Danny: updating
23:03 appleeaterx: all ready and satisfied?
23:03 Danny: i think
23:03 Danny: yeah im good!
Thank you very much for this appleeaterx!
reserve for requalify no ninjia =^=/ nvm also we had an IRC

17:18 ByBy_ChAn: hi
17:20 Danny: hi
17:20 *ByBy_ChAn is editing [ Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench [Easy]]
17:20 ByBy_ChAn: I can qualify it :)
17:20 Danny: oh!
17:20 Danny: ok lets do it
17:20 ByBy_ChAn: ok \w/
17:20 Danny: :)
17:22 ByBy_ChAn: 00:20:197 - in easy you can add a note to reflect the music as you did at 00:26:054 -
17:23 Danny: ok yeah!
17:26 ByBy_ChAn: 00:22:264 (3)- the flow seems broken here :/ the slider goes to left while the next notes,4 and 5,are placed on right.I suggest to make a ctrl+h then place it on 180|240 and also move the last anchor of the slider to 212|328 to have a better flow between 3,4 and 5
17:27 ByBy_ChAn: if you not understand I can make a screenshot
17:27 ByBy_ChAn: *don't
17:28 Danny: and i assume fix distance 4/5
17:28 Danny: 5/6*
17:28 ByBy_ChAn: yes
17:28 Danny:
17:29 Danny: i also forgot a clap on 6
17:29 ByBy_ChAn: wait
17:29 Danny: ye
17:29 ByBy_ChAn: yes on 6 missing clap
17:29 Danny: i fixed it
17:29 ByBy_ChAn: good
17:37 ByBy_ChAn: 00:35:357 (3)- you forgot to add NC here ? I hear really well the reset of the vocal and a NC is required to emphasize the reset of the vocal
17:38 Danny: the NC should be fixed alot there then ah
17:38 ByBy_ChAn: wait a bit
17:39 Danny: okko
17:39 ByBy_ChAn: you can remove the NC from 00:37:424 -
17:39 Danny: ok
17:39 ByBy_ChAn: and on 00:38:113 - you can add a new NC
17:42 Danny: done
17:42 ByBy_ChAn: ok \w.
17:42 ByBy_ChAn: *\w/
17:42 Danny: :))
17:43 ByBy_ChAn: 00:40:180 (1,2)- swap nc.Swapping here means to remove the NC from 1 and to add NC on 2
17:43 Danny: so to here
17:43 Danny: 00:40:869 (1) -
17:44 ByBy_ChAn: yes here add NC
17:44 Danny: 00:35:357 (3) - ?
17:44 ByBy_ChAn: yes NC
17:45 Danny: ddone it
17:45 ByBy_ChAn: add it
17:45 ByBy_ChAn: ok
17:48 ByBy_ChAn: 00:41:558 (4)- can you change this slider ? it will unbalance the cursor and the flow in my opinion.Change the slider like this
17:48 Danny: No one has questioned it before hmm
17:49 ByBy_ChAn: yeah :/
17:49 ByBy_ChAn: but you can change it
17:49 Danny: I am asking another BN because i am very fond of that haha
17:50 ByBy_ChAn: well hmm ask Kenterz he;s online
17:50 Danny: i have asked Lanturn rn
17:50 Danny: he said it isnt a problem because the circle size is big enogh
17:50 ByBy_ChAn: I know but the the cursor....just I don't like the slider
17:51 ByBy_ChAn: just my suggestion
17:51 ByBy_ChAn: for a better flow and cursor movement
17:51 Danny: I definitely agree that it would provide a better flow and such
17:51 Danny: hmm
17:51 ByBy_ChAn: while the cursor after the way the slider
17:52 Danny: Ill also ask a QAT
17:52 ByBy_ChAn: ok
17:55 Danny: QAT said its fine in their words
17:55 ByBy_ChAn: :/
17:56 ByBy_ChAn: then let's keep it
17:56 Danny: Yes 2 QATs said it is fine xD
17:56 Danny: and a BN
17:56 ByBy_ChAn: hmm ok
18:03 Danny: Whats next boss :)
18:03 ByBy_ChAn: ahh yeah
18:04 ByBy_ChAn: 00:48:449 (3)- for a good flow would be better to move this note to 276|44.The note was placed down while the next slider's head were up which could broken the flow
18:06 Danny: ahh i see
18:06 Danny: i like the blanket xD
18:06 ByBy_ChAn: well you change it or keep it
18:06 ByBy_ChAn: ?
18:07 Danny: uhhh
18:07 Danny: let me playtest it
18:08 ByBy_ChAn: ok
18:08 Danny: i think it flows nicely imo
18:08 ByBy_ChAn: to me no
18:08 ByBy_ChAn: lemme a bit
18:09 Danny: when i palytest it it barely felt like a problem
18:09 Danny: just straight there
18:09 ByBy_ChAn: yeah
18:09 ByBy_ChAn: but test it moved to 276|44
18:10 Danny: alright
18:10 Danny: we can do that then
18:10 Danny: i see
18:10 Danny: :)
18:11 ByBy_ChAn: well ?
18:11 Danny: i changed to 276 44
18:12 ByBy_ChAn: yay \w/
18:13 ByBy_ChAn: 01:00:852 - a note would be better to reflect the music and the vocal
18:13 Danny: i dont hear a sound there
18:13 ByBy_ChAn: well listen with attention
18:14 ByBy_ChAn: there's 'be' lyric
18:14 Danny: thats at
18:14 Danny: 01:00:680
18:15 ByBy_ChAn: but there's audible at 01:00:852 -
18:17 Danny: put the note 1/2 earlier
18:17 Danny: it sounds better
18:17 Danny: but not on 01:00:852
18:17 Danny: it sounds off timing
18:17 ByBy_ChAn: yes sound better
18:17 ByBy_ChAn: *sounds
18:18 Danny: but i cant put that note on easy
18:18 Danny: therefore its left out
18:18 ByBy_ChAn: wait
18:18 ByBy_ChAn: then let's keep
18:20 ByBy_ChAn: 01:21:179 (6)- this should be on 53|241 just a little error spacing
18:22 Danny: why was that neccessary
18:23 ByBy_ChAn: well just attentioning
18:23 Danny: alright
18:23 Danny: ill do it the
18:24 Danny: then
18:29 Danny: would you rather do the mod on the forum?
18:29 ByBy_ChAn: on 01:28:414 - you can add a note to reflect the vocals and on 01:30:481 - to reflect the drums
18:32 Danny: i think ill leave them out on easy i capture the clap notes there ... it could be done but i dont want too much for easy rn
18:32 ByBy_ChAn: okay
18:33 Danny: would you rather do the mod on the forum?
18:33 ByBy_ChAn: yes it's much faster
18:33 Danny: alright go for it
18:34 Danny: post this aswell i suppose ill update the map
18:34 Danny: thank yo
18:34 ByBy_ChAn: ok
18:34 ByBy_ChAn: np
18:34 Danny: if i update it
18:34 Danny: itll reset the bubble
18:34 Danny: T_T
18:34 ByBy_ChAn: np
18:34 Danny: alright
18:34 Danny: ill do it then
18:35 ByBy_ChAn: ok
18:35 Danny: take your time thne thank you very much
18:36 ByBy_ChAn: np :)
18:38 Danny: ByBy_ChAn I think Ill let Lanturn take a look from now on, hes already seen the easy 100% and approved of it a few days ago and has been working with me on the map since i submitted it.
18:38 ByBy_ChAn: well okay :3
18:38 Danny: thank you for your time
18:38 ByBy_ChAn: then ask Lanturn for requalify
18:38 ByBy_ChAn: np
18:38 Danny: you can post that on the map because some changes were helpful
18:39 ByBy_ChAn: okay :)

Since Lanturn helped very much with this mapset,I think I'll let him to re-push this forward :3
Fixed a couple more spacing errors in normal, did some tampering with settings.
Oh and COLORS. lots and lots of COLORS

Let's try this one more time

Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

Fixed a couple more spacing errors in normal, did some tampering with settings.
Oh and COLORS. lots and lots of COLORS

Let's try this one more time

Thanks man :)
Congrats :oops:
Topic Starter

appleeaterx wrote:

Congrats :oops:
Thank you for your help!
Congrats! I had this while still pending now its qualified. WOW! 8-)
Topic Starter

Hiyori wrote:

Congrats! I had this while still pending now its qualified. WOW! 8-)
thank you hiyori!
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