
Real life vs Internet - personality

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Mahoganytooth wrote:

I don't mean to be a jackass (most of the time (not on these forums anyway)) but I'm usually incredibly blunt with what I say, not for the intention of being a dick, but because I've always been blunt with what I say.

It's the same reason I'm completely hopeless with people
No no, I didn't mean it like that. You have just said that you don't INTENTIONALLY want to be a dick, but people perceive you as one because of your straightforwardness. I would also fall under that category, so no, there is nothing wrong with that.
There IS, however, something wrong with intentionally wanting to be a mongrel towards other people because you know that you enjoy complete anonymity and thus safety on the Internet. That is what I meant with my other post.
Oh, my bad, I hadn't read your post correctly.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't indulge in a little jackassery from time to time, though.
We all enjoy doing naughty things from time to time. :p

Aurani wrote:

We all enjoy doing naughty things from time to time. :p

bigfeh wrote:

and while we're at it (and if we're going to be honest), who doesn't enjoy being a dick from time to time
I can be a dick too, despite looks, actually, everyone from staff can be if you're dick/dumb to them.

Marcin wrote:

Aurani wrote:

We all enjoy doing naughty things from time to time. :p

bigfeh wrote:

and while we're at it (and if we're going to be honest), who doesn't enjoy being a dick from time to time
I can be a dick too, despite looks, actually, everyone from staff can be if you're dick/dumb to them.
Most people (and just so we're crystal clear, I'm not most people in this case) would first assume staff are asses instead of normal people. It's happened to me and people often go "you're actually nice", which is... weird (especially considering it's me we're talking about here)

I mean staff were still people last I checked, and people gotta be people
People that assume/think that staff are asses are almost always the ones who get silenced, so no surprise there \:D/
I only got silenced two times, yet here I am, openly thinking that beyond the staff guys I really enjoy talking to, the rest are just pure asses who need to vent on others to attempt to cure their inferiority. :p
There are.... what, 40+ mods in total? I can think of 8 who I've talked to who AREN'T pure sadistic morons, and another 20ish who I've never even seen so I can't judge them, but the rest I can safely assume are fucking sadistic assholes, pure and simple. :p

Marcin wrote:

People that assume/think that staff are asses are almost always the ones who get silenced, so no surprise there \:D/
Genuine question: where did you get that from? Just because you assume someone's an ass, it doesn't mean you'd act like an ass

I mean, I wouldn't. I just try to avoid them most of the time

and yeah, even though I'm not gonna call names - because 1. I don't want to get silenced (since I'd be calling out some mods for being unable to take a fucking joke and applying incredibly overkill punishments and silences) and 2. it's a dick move - calling people out publicly is not okay in most cases anyways - I've seen and heard of some pretty fucked up stuff and absolutely disgusting cases of power abuse. Again, not naming names out of respect

but I've also talked to great staff members (whose nicks I won't reveal either in the name of fairness) that are absolutely great people and that I'd love to talk to more often and meet IRL. If you're reading this, you probably already know who you are. I love you <3
I think I derailed topic a bit, back to the track we go!

silmarilen wrote:

online me is how irl me would be if i wasnt so scared of talking to people or speaking my mind.
I only talk to a couple of friends irl

Marcin wrote:

People that assume/think that staff are asses are almost always the ones who get silenced, so no surprise there \:D/
Yeah, because they express their opinion
I'm 10 times gayer on the internet

Chiuyo wrote:

In-real: I'm careful with not making weird jokes that makes people feel different about me, and I don't like sociolizing with a lot of people cuzzz it's too far away from my comfortable zone (?) I can't express my feelings at all too.

Internet: I'm too honest and always make sexual and immature jokes and literally don't give a crap if people consider me as a weird person. Also I'm more loveable for some reason.
your avatar makes me like you
On the Internet I am more girly / I bring out my true self more because no one really knows what I look like so I can be whoever I want. Then when they see me they realize this girly personality doesn't fit this hairy dude. Anyway I got off topic and almost went into a suicide note yes I do

aisakatayga wrote:

Do you guys create your alter-ego, second part of yourself in internet? If yes, you feel like spending few min and being honest what's reason of this?
As for me, I don't put conscious effort into creating an alter-ego. There are differences that arise from communication online and offline being .. well, different. I always liked to view the gap between RL and online-self as a result of said differences, like for instance: anonymity and directness to name the two most important ones.
Also: Good luck with your insomnia. Seems to be really bad for you, I recommend that you talk to a therapist if you don't do that already. They can come in really handy sometimes. Hope it turns out fine for you!

- [ U z z I ] - wrote:

I don't understand the concept of having an online personality. I've always found it to require effort to do something like that so I just don't.
You don't have to put conscious effort in creating an online personality, it happens by itself when you interact a lot with people. Try to pin down how you generally behave when interacting online. Try to pin down how you generally behave when interacting offline. The coining differences make up the gap between online and offline personality.
Thats the popular definition at least.

Marcin wrote:

There are 3. types of people:

First that will be hating you in internet (I as moderator am hated a lot), but is not going to do a thing when he meets you in real life, and will generally stay cool
Second that will be cool in internet and even better in real life
Third one complete fucktards that will attempt to be idiots both in real life and internet
4th: People that are nice here and assholes IRL.

Railey2 wrote:

4th: People that are nice here and assholes IRL.
That's me
For me i am about the same in irl and on the internet. I love to help people and have fun XD.
Internet I act like this
and irl I act like
/me hides in corner

no there wasn't supposed to be a picture or anything, "this" was referring to what I'm typing right now owo
Scatter Fresdz
Real Life = never talk anyone
Internet = same with real life and shy :(
Real Life = Extremely moody person. Can either over-quiet or over-cheery.

Internet = Faggot
Real Life = Shy talk a few friends

Internet = Same
Real life - less girly & short temper

Internet - err.. slightly girly?
Real life = smiley, overly enthusiastic

Internet = not much different, just a little more sad and reflective
Real life = Around friends I act like a clown. Around strangers I act shy and quiet.

Internet = I lurk a lot, rarely active on forums. Around people I know I'm sarcastic most of the time. Way more feminine on the net.
I tend to expose my feelings much more on the internet, however more people dislike me on the internet. In real life I just try to avoid communicating for the most part (with strangers), but people I met IRL said that I'm much better there than in the internet
In real life I'm generally a lot quieter and don't express what I'm thinking or feeling so readily.

People who know me from real life say that online I can appear quite stoic at times, which is surprising to me.
The same.
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Well, I think I'm pretty much the same. IRL it's very hard for me to cope with other people and conversations because I get anxious ( so I look like an asshole ). Maybe a little less nowadays, but that's just a little. With my friends however, we can talk about anything since we know each other for many years.

On the net, it's a different story, because I don't talk face to face with others so it's easier ( a lot ) for me to; idk, be happy, show my feelings, and eventually open myself if I see that someone deserves it. In the end, I try to be more open on the net. Sometime it works, sometime it doesn't. Idk, I'm boring I guess.

I think im a bit of a shittier person on the internet. Anonymity exists
Online, I don't mind what i do because you'll probably never see any of these people in your life lol.

In real life I'm kinda shy and quiet until you actually get to meet me, this why i keep my circle of friends kind of small
Critical Dude
Online - Pretty much whatever the hell I want to be
Offline - Can be shy (or sometimes super shy) but will be loud if excited or ticked off >_<

I usually act more like a clown online than offline, irl I show a more serious side.
Online I only have one personality which is a cheerful personality. In real life it all depends on the context and situation. I think its normal to have different personalities online and offline though.
really nice/mysterious can be super friendly huehue jk
Kyonko Hizara
I think I'm pretty much the same in either. The online friends I met irl said I really wasn't that different. Either way online or offline I still get nervous around people that I don't know.
I dunno dude, I'm pretty much a dick all around if you know what i mean ahuahauheuaheauhu

keyboard warriors are best warriors tho
drum drum
Im probably quieter irl compared to the internet

more shy on the internet than irl
I'm an extremely shy person who rarely voices one's opinions.
I'm also a very quiet person in real life. Literally. No one can hear me talk unless they're really close. It's come to that point where if I talk, everyone shits themselves.

On the internet, my confidence is slightly better, but I'm still slightly shy. I type words down more than me talking words irl. I tend to hesitate replying to posts as well.
I'm a student from Poland. Actually I'm a Belarussian guy, but play for Poland. By the way I have a question-is it possible to change a country in your profile?
Personal life is not very nice. I have no girlfriend or a big number of friends. The most of my free time I spend in the library playing OSU! or studying. I study really well since I only play OSU! and read books. Nothing else. Yeah, I'm a good student. Also, I attend all the lectures and workshops conducted in university. Now I have an IT lesson and that's why I'm sitting and typing this message.Oh, I will make my secret social over here, since only one my friend play OSU!, but he does not care about forums and topics. Here, in this classroom sitting one fancy and amazing girl. She is my ideal, but of course I'm antisocial and closed guy, whom nobody loves. I think so. So I even don't speak to her. She would be amazed If read this message. HAHAHA. Though, it's my own PC and nobody excepting you, community, will read it. The end of the story.

Hika wrote:

I dunno dude, I'm pretty much a dick all around if you know what i mean ahuahauheuaheauhu

keyboard warriors are best warriors tho
Nigga step down from dem drugs. :p
You must be real popular with all those dicks :V

drum drum wrote:

Im probably quieter irl compared to the internet

more shy on the internet than irl
Same for me.

When you meet me irl i'm quiet and very shy.

While in the internet and talkative and friendly person >.>
i dont have friends in irl
but i have friend in internet :(
Pretty much the same. I prefer to become quiet both irl and on internet, but i'm more to a serious-person irl than me while on Internet... and ofc, i can be talkative if I already know you (both irl & on internet)

Closed_dreamer wrote:

I'm a student from Poland. Actually I'm a Belarussian guy, but play for Poland. By the way I have a question-is it possible to change a country in your profile?
Personal life is not very nice. I have no girlfriend or a big number of friends. The most of my free time I spend in the library playing OSU! or studying. I study really well since I only play OSU! and read books. Nothing else. Yeah, I'm a good student. Also, I attend all the lectures and workshops conducted in university. Now I have an IT lesson and that's why I'm sitting and typing this message.Oh, I will make my secret social over here, since only one my friend play OSU!, but he does not care about forums and topics. Here, in this classroom sitting one fancy and amazing girl. She is my ideal, but of course I'm antisocial and closed guy, whom nobody loves. I think so. So I even don't speak to her. She would be amazed If read this message. HAHAHA. Though, it's my own PC and nobody excepting you, community, will read it. The end of the story.

I'm starting a manga based on your story.
I'm pretty shy and introverted in real life now despite being a social person in earlier parts in my life. Now I tend to avoid talking to people very often due to very bad anxiety while being around people due to agoraphobia that was caused by panic attacks while in college (which inevitably led to depression as well, as I used to be a pretty social person despite having only a few close friends, but I digress.)

Online I'm fairly social and talkative, and often have no issues taking control of situations or events going on. I like getting to know people and am not afraid to speak my mind on topics, though I am respectful of others opinions (as I am IRL as well). IRL getting extremely bad anxiety whenever I'm around a group of people, but this isn't an issue online as I'm not physically around the people, so it doesn't trigger the panic attacks and such.

Both IRL and on the internet I'm a very modest person, and don't tend to make excuses for myself if I make mistakes, and never consider myself to be a "better" person than someone else. I treat everyone I meet with respect as long as they do the same in return.

There's more you could learn about me but honestly I feel this is good enough for a random post about how I am out of boredom.

silmarilen wrote:

online me is how irl me would be if i wasnt so scared of talking to people or speaking my mind.
This. Speaking to people scares me and i try to hide and avoid contact. As result i am magitudes more introverted irl than online, altough i still dont talk very much online.

eeezzzeee wrote:

A lot of people probably think it's supposed to be the other way around but I'm way nicer online..
This. I think I'm much nicer, confident (and sometimes perverted) online than on real life
I'm very anti-social and introverted irl (I'm not really a shy person though, just the quiet type)

Varetyr wrote:

Being online gives me much more time to choose my words, which helps a lot with my somewhat blunt nature :/
Can't stress this enough. There are times that I end up failing anyways. In real life, I'm GOD AWFUL in choosing my words carefully. I can never understand how people can just say the right words naturally, clearly, and instantly. I just don't get it, I'm the complete opposite. I also speak softly and tend to stutter sometimes as I do so, making others around me difficult to hear what I've saying. There are also times when I don't understand what other people are saying or what they are trying to say and I often have to tell them to repeat (or even guess myself). As a result, I often get scolded for not "paying attention" (this often happens at my work place and I get frustrated from that). There's more to this story, but I don't want to go mental here.

a1l2d3r4e5d6 wrote:

Literally. No one can hear me talk unless they're really close. It's come to that point where if I talk, everyone shits themselves.

Meikyuuiri Tsumi wrote:

IRL it's very hard for me to cope with other people and conversations because I get anxious ( so I look like an asshole ). Maybe a little less nowadays, but that's just a little. With my friends however, we can talk about anything since we know each other for many years.

On the net, it's a different story, because I don't talk face to face with others so it's easier ( a lot ) for me to; idk, be happy, show my feelings, and eventually open myself if I see that someone deserves it. In the end, I try to be more open on the net. Sometime it works, sometime it doesn't. Idk, I'm boring I guess.

CuboidBeats wrote:

I try to be nice on both the internet and in real life, though people can get on my bad side for not using common sense or by being an all around idiot. I'm more of an introvert in real life, too. I don't have any friends at school, or anyone to talk to, which is why I still prefer to spend my time on a computer rather than in public events.

In all honesty, I think people on the internet are much more interesting than those in real life. everybody has an opinion, and they can say it without being embarrassed.
Hot damn. Think I'm all of the above in real life. At least I'm not alone.
IRL I don't usually get out of my house, but even if I were, I wouldn't talk to mush people. I'm not really shy, unless I do something I never did before, I'm just quiet and usually never know of something to talk about.

Online I'm less stressed and more confident, more kind and I like to help people from time to time if they need to. I show a looooot more my emotions too =3
I'm trying to keep my internet personality just like my RL personality is, but i noticed that I tend to state my opinion more often even though I know taht it might offend some others. :/

Closed_dreamer wrote:

I'm a student from Poland. Actually I'm a Belarussian guy, but play for Poland. By the way I have a question-is it possible to change a country in your profile?
Personal life is not very nice. I have no girlfriend or a big number of friends. The most of my free time I spend in the library playing OSU! or studying. I study really well since I only play OSU! and read books. Nothing else. Yeah, I'm a good student. Also, I attend all the lectures and workshops conducted in university. Now I have an IT lesson and that's why I'm sitting and typing this message.Oh, I will make my secret social over here, since only one my friend play OSU!, but he does not care about forums and topics. Here, in this classroom sitting one fancy and amazing girl. She is my ideal, but of course I'm antisocial and closed guy, whom nobody loves. I think so. So I even don't speak to her. She would be amazed If read this message. HAHAHA. Though, it's my own PC and nobody excepting you, community, will read it. The end of the story.

Vayentha wrote:

IRL I don't usually get out of my house, but even if I were, I wouldn't talk to much people. I'm not really shy, unless I do something I never did before, I'm just quiet and usually never know of something to talk about.

Online I'm less stressed and more confident, more kind and I like to help people from time to time if they need to. I show a looooot more my emotions too
It's absolutely the same with me. : )
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