
Official Beatmapping Contest #2 Results are in!

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No offense, but I think the song choice was a bit too special (I guess the number of entries supports my view).

gz to the winners :3
Actually, 29 * 3 = 87 beatmaps where made for this contest.

As opposed to not nearly as many for the first one. It was 20 to 30, wasn't it?

The main reason there weren't so many entries is due to the mapset requirement. It requires much more work than just making a Normal or a Hard.

87 maps isn't anywhere near a bad turnout, though, so if anything it proves that the songs were good enough for plenty of people to make 3 maps per song, especially when they weren't likely to get anything from doing it.
Two seconds? FFFF---

Lesjuh's TITIG better be fucking epic.
Congrats Everyone :D
Topic Starter
lesjuh's winning maps are now both submitted as well! please go mod them!

Showing Heart:
Impression That I Get:

Also, in case you missed it, m980's winning map:

Real Folk Blues:
:o gratz ... not fantastic but nice maps ..
Arusha Shuna
lesjuh stole 2 "elite mapper" title at once :P
I won't name names, but I've seen many of the top mappers on each of the lists acting more like sore losers than the people at the bottom. I really hope we don't have another contest cause the attitude is just awful. What complete garbage.
If people are sore over this, wait until they read the judges comments..

mtmcl wrote:

I won't name names, but I've seen many of the top mappers on each of the lists acting more like sore losers than the people at the bottom. I really hope we don't have another contest cause the attitude is just awful. What complete garbage.
I claim full responsibility for this.

It won't happen again.
I think he meant me actually P=
Note the plural.
If it were just a single person, I wouldn't be as upset about it, only slightly disappointed.
Wait, I beat someone? How the hell did that happen?

RandomJibberish wrote:

Wait, I beat someone? How the hell did that happen?
with skill/luck
Well obviously, I was joking.
congratulation lesjuh !!
A bit late, but here is the results page including each judges' comments for every entry. Enjoy!
k, next contest with good songs please~
The judges comments are... wow :o

Then again I'll look forward to the next beatmapping contest :D
Just wow, it's out of my imagination there are so few mapper get into this match
It's nice to know what the judges thought about everybody's map and it shows that they have pretty different taste.

Some things was a bit rushed in my contest map (Like the hitsounds) and I'm tried something new but I think I got a pretty nice score ;)

Anyways, can't wait for the next contest, (Hope it's during a time when I had more time that this contest)
Bah my mapping style has changed a little since I made my contest entry, and I don't really like some of the stuff I did, but meh

I'll be entering the next contest for certain. Without making an insane XD
The Real Folk Blues:

osuplayer111 wrote:

I was going to rate this with a 9, but I can't because some unsnapped notes on Easy. So, I'll rate this with an 8.
I believe downvoting for nazi reasons makes no sense in this environment--especially unsnapped notes in fluctuating-BPM music. It's the kind of thing you should bring up when a map is in pending because it's very easy to fix and it's best for ranked maps to be as perfect as they can before they're frozen, but it doesn't have any bearing on a map's composition, enjoyability, or quality, especially when the differences are minor enough that they don't impact playability.
In other words, failing to click one menu option prior to upload isn't worth a whole point of loss. Had all the judges thought this way, it'd be a MASSIVE FIVE POINT LOSS, which is ridiculous in a contest where one point means the world.

Ephemeral wrote:

Easy is pretty boring - which makes the otherwise commendable effort of full-length beatmapping a detriment to your score instead. Perhaps instead of aiming for length specifically, you could have made Easy a little more interesting?
I would never shorten the length of Easy. That's stupid, and is something I would never consider an option for anything I would map. I'll replay my TRFB [Easy], but nothing stood out as being inferior to the other difficulties. It followed the exact same structure. Easies are naturally sparser, so will be less interesting to experienced players. They do allow for more creativity with slider shapes and object placement, and I thought I did a pretty good job here. I count myself among the few who actually enjoy mapping Easies.
Furthermore, consistency of feel across difficulties is one of the specific points brought up at the onset of this competition, so why would I break consistency so badly by shortening one of the difficulties?

Cyclone wrote:

Damn, if only this wasn't half copy-pasted, it'd win for sure.
In my case, copypaste of the second verse in TRFB was a matter of time. Copypasting the second chorus is something I wouldn't have changed, and its repeat is different. The other small units of copypaste, such as the streams, are awesome, and IMO it would be worse without them.

The Impression That I Get:

Cyclone wrote:

Very nice, just a little too copy-pasted.
The repeat of each chorus could have used to be more different. (In an earlier version, it was TOTALLY identical!)

CheeseWarlock wrote:

A bit of beat strength trouble, unnecessary kiai refountains and an Easy that was asking for larger circles take away slightly from an otherwise impressive map.
The Kiai stars were a last-minute addition because it previously had none. I didn't want Kiai to be on too much so I just put it on for "Never had to knock on wood", then took it off.
I always keep my circle sizes consistent. I was considering reducing the distance spacing for Easy (especially, "knock on wood," which seems quite harsh for an Easy), but I opted instead to keep the distance spacing consistent across difficulties, as in EBA.
u mad?
seriously man, stop the whining.
Dude, I don't agree with almost everything negative the judges pointed out. But I'm not making a big deal out of it. (Ok, I won, but still...) Just keep it in mind for a next contest.
Are the mapper comments going to be available soon?

Also, yay mustache sliders

Gladi wrote:

seriously man, stop the whining.
Just who's whining here?

I was being plenty polite. A little discussion never hurt anyone.
Yes. I'm nazi, sorry.

MetalMario201 wrote:

Gladi wrote:

seriously man, stop the whining.
Just who's whining here?

I was being plenty polite. A little discussion never hurt anyone.
But a discussion over every little thing (AHUM LESJUH'S TTITIG MAP AHUM) is really a pain in the ass.

Gladi wrote:

When was that ever mentioned?
Topic Starter
People, be civil.

And don't reply to me saying "oh hey I was being civil" because if you were being civil then I wasn't talking to you. But nonetheless, tone it all down. We're all friends here :)

MetalMario201 wrote:

Ephemeral wrote:

Easy is pretty boring - which makes the otherwise commendable effort of full-length beatmapping a detriment to your score instead. Perhaps instead of aiming for length specifically, you could have made Easy a little more interesting?
I would never shorten the length of Easy. That's stupid, and is something I would never consider an option for anything I would map.
Well, there's your problem.
Taste in maps I guess. All I really see is a beginner difficulty.

Also, I LOVE m980's and Larto's TITIG sets! Especially their Hards. Nice job, guys, making the judges' lives miserable! ;)
Also 01:43:187 - too quiet.
Dammit why did I do that

From what I've seen, the quality of your Normal and Hard isn't up to par with your Insane
You got me there, Kharl ;_;
I really didn't spend much time on [Normal] and [Hard] because by the time when I was mapping those two difficulty, I only had like 2 hours left

I'm happy with the comments I got. Most comments pointed out the from obvious to the very specific :)
List of people to kill:

This is exactly what happened last time. 9s-10s all round and one 5 ruins me. The 5er was also the #1 player. Coincidence? Lol

Oh well.

I also don't see why copy-paste lowered the score so much.
I stand by my score. I cannot even begin to say you even mapped HALF of it then began to start with copy-pasting. When I see the same exact pattern 5 times in a 20 second time-span, I begin to get incredibly bored. When that happens pretty much 3 times in a single map, I cannot give a high score.

osuplayer111 wrote:

Very nice one. I was going to vote this 9, but I have to change with an 8, because of this bad error on Normal difficulty: 00:49:750 (5). Oh, and because there isn't custom skin.
Seems like I didn't finish to comment that one.

I mean, because on others I find custom skin and on yours not. I hope you understand :P
Card N'FoRcE
About a total different matter.

Is it possible to have a pack with all mapsets?
It should be easy to copy all .osu files in the beatmap for the contest then repack it as a .osz again.
I'm asking for this because it'd be a pain to download every .osu file manually and BATs should have them all already...

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

About a total different matter.

Is it possible to have a pack with all mapsets?
It should be easy to copy all .osu files in the beatmap for the contest then repack it as a .osz again.
I'm asking for this because it'd be a pain to download every .osu file manually and BATs should have them all already...
I'm not sure about that... having one beatmap set with a hell lot of difficulties... I see where you're coming from, but... :(
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

About a total different matter.

Is it possible to have a pack with all mapsets?
It should be easy to copy all .osu files in the beatmap for the contest then repack it as a .osz again.
I'm asking for this because it'd be a pain to download every .osu file manually and BATs should have them all already...
It'd be easy to do if somebody felt like doing it. I don't. :p
Hey, I have all my entries still. I wouldn't mind uploading them.

...Er, I'd just need to open osu~
I have an Idea.

Next time there should be some contest categories, like : Best beatmap, best rock beatmap, best pop beatmap etc. , best storyboard. I think, that's gonna be better, because some people don't map only Asian songs.

Btw: Sorry for my English, I hope You understood something :D

Borsuk94 wrote:

I have an Idea.

Next time there should be some contest categories, like : Best beatmap, best rock beatmap, best pop beatmap etc. , best storyboard. I think, that's gonna be better, because some people don't map only Asian songs.

Btw: Sorry for my English, I hope You understood something :D
The Impression That I get was English Rock and we had one Video game and just one Anime song (it is anime, right?)
And this contest is for Best Beatmap. I'm not sure how we are going to judge the best rock beatmap and best pop beatmap (this is more like who picks a better song) but there will be a contest for best storyboard.
Thanks for all the comments. It was a humble experience. :3
Topic Starter

Borsuk94 wrote:

I have an Idea.

Next time there should be some contest categories, like : Best beatmap, best rock beatmap, best pop beatmap etc. , best storyboard. I think, that's gonna be better, because some people don't map only Asian songs.

Btw: Sorry for my English, I hope You understood something :D
Did you even look at the contest thread, or the results in this thread? I feel like you're confusing this event with the "Best of 2009" type poll, in which case I agree that voting categories should be used in the future, but this isn't that
Topic Starter

Finally all ranked. I apologize for not personally showing more initiative on that front, but I figured the contest judges would mod them quickly...
Congratulations :D :D :D
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