
Piece of paper, do what you wish.

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Game moved from here.

Title says it all.
You can only use one sheet of paper but do absolutely everything with it, even compress paper to super-dense till it becomes black hole singularity or use paper as seaweed for onigiri.

My first turn.

burn a house with fire and paper as starting fuel

Examples can be viewed here
Draw how Touhosu! game mode will be implemented
Repeat the sentence 'conor is out of his mind'
Fold the paper as many times as possible, but you realise you can only do 7 folds max and you rage and you try to tear the paper into little bits but it's too thick. you bash your head against it on the table and it gets stained red instead. you stare at it with your head on the table and you eat it.
Umm... what do you mean by duper ?

-ryusakihatsue- wrote:

Fold the paper as many times as possible, but you realise you can only do 7 folds max and you rage and you try to tear the paper into little bits but it's too thick. you bash your head against it on the table and it gets stained red instead. you stare at it with your head on the table and you eat it.
and no, -ryusakihatsue-san, it's still raw. just either boil it or fry it first. oh, and add soy sauce for me !!
Topic Starter

Wind_14 wrote:

Umm... what do you mean by duper?
Duper = Duplicator = person who duplicates

Its just a joke

And i mean by that is fold 1 paper by half, then you got 2 paper, there you go.

Thats what i meant

silence again...

Sirade wrote:

Duper = Duplicator = person who duplicates

Its just a joke

And i mean by that is fold 1 paper by half, then you got 2 paper, there you go.

Thats what i meant

silence again...
Uhh... you dropped my imagination so hard.
i think you'll say i am super duper one... T_T

o yeah, another way, i'll write word " POI " all over it.
POI !!!!!!
Cut it into thin strips and make a crossweaved basket with said strips of paper.

Why? Because I can. :3
Draw homo stuff
Set it on fire then shove it up my arse as deep as possible.
Write "Don't break my spam, Penis-sama"
Use it to start a fire inside Conor's house
The Gambler
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