
What would you do if...

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Cry. And cry. And cry. What is there to do?

You are about to save the world and have a 100% chance of succeeding. How would you do it?
with guile's theme on the background

same q
ensure that humans won't wreck the world again
nah doesn't sound legit

you can't make friends no matter how hard you try
be me
Probably keep trying different things until it gets weird

same q
I would start creating imaginary friends, all of them in my head :{

same q
go on some dating simulators

What would you do if you became the opposite gender?
I would still use the same toilet

same q
Immediately test out peeing standing up

What would you do if you woke up alone on a boat in the ocean?
Shit bricks.

Same q.
do my whale call so my friends could save me

same q
Swim....... oh right i cant swim damit

same q
i would feel sad but i was always alone anyways :p nah i'd freak out and try to row myself back to some island/country
or maybe i'll think that it's just a dream

what would you do if you were restricted from sweets, soft drinks (or any sweet drinks), chocolate, junk food? (my current life but i still eat occasionally ehe)
i'd just get in my car and go get junk to eat anyway because i'm an adult

what would you do if you became a meme?
use my meme and sell em for money like this guy

same q
Have embarrassing thoughts all the time, torturing me :o

What would you do if you were about to die in a week?
dig my own grave

same q
Troll FG so much that I get banned

same question
just tell everyone that is is a social experiment

What is the best food combination?
Cooked blood pancakes and sliced onion.

Same question
oops wrong thread
fries and ice cream

same q
This is the wrong thread

Apple juice + anything else


FuZ wrote:

This is the wrong thread
I didn't even notice.

What would you do if you found yourself from another continent?
Well if i'm in Antarctica i would be with the penguins

What would you do if you're kept in the zoo
Be a monkey

What eould you do ir your crush kissed another girl/boy?
I'll cry in the corner of my room
I'll kiss the one that is kissed by my crush

i'll pull my crush to the dark side of the school and kiss her/him...

what would you do if you are awaken when it's still midnight and suddenly you feel somebody beside you ?
Umm... i dont have crush

same q
Push them off the bed

Same question (what would you do if you are awaken when it's still midnight and suddenly you feel somebody beside you ?)
Nope nope nope nope nope. That's some horror movie shit. FUCK THAT. I'm gone.

Same q
I would just lay there and wait until the person actually do something, so I can be sure if it's a friendly being or an unfriendly one. Either way, I would wait until the person is gone and try to calm myself down.

Same Q, mhm.
... after pushing them off the bed, I'd look to see who it was and act based on that

What would you do if time went back 7 years but you remembered everything that happened in the those years? Would you try and change things? If yes, what?
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Yes, I would study harder and actually graduate from college.

same question
Yes. I'd get into chess, basketball and tabletennis early and aim to be good.

Same q
Definitely. The chance to get ahead of things would be great.

same q
I would have definitely saved up all my Christmas money instead of spending them. Damn, 7 years of Christmas money, I'll be rich by then

Would would you do if someone had left two briefcases on your doorstep, one containing a million dollars and the other containing an object to rid you of all your troubles? An agent is waiting for you to choose one so he could take the other away.
Saying help

same q
still helping each other's trouble.

same q
Critical Dude
rid of my trebles-err troubles *cough* moving on...

What would you if do if Lucifier decided that he wanted a human (you) to give him a tour of earth?
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