
HR seems impossible

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wait you aren't the real illkryn


bigfeh wrote:

ar8 is ez pz
ar8 is great

buny wrote:

wait you aren't the real illkryn


buny wrote:

wait you aren't the real illkryn


Kheldragar wrote:

Ahh, the memories.

GoldenWolf wrote:

Kheldragar wrote:

Ahh, the memories.
I just thought Cheezstik changed his name to something different.

buny wrote:

wait you aren't the real illkryn

rip the name cheezstik

Philosofikal wrote:

Noobsicle wrote:

did you honestly believe making a comparison to another player's most played beatmaps clearly implied the idea of:
1. playing throughout the whole map to improve consistency
2. "focused practice"
Um, yes? He literally stated he won't replay a map more than a couple of times, but that's exactly the opposite what you need to be doing in this situation. It's also an interesting coincidence that his most played map is also his top play.

I'm not to the point where I can read AR10 anywhere, but I'm pretty sure that since the lead time for AR10 brushes up against the length of the average human reaction time, it doesn't become "easy" to read, ever. You have to learn the map, and you do that by playing it all the way through multiple times, and learning what you need to do in advance. The more you have to think about what you're doing, the slower you'll be, and you need to be as fast as possible to read AR10+.
Yes, ar10 becomes easy to read. When we get to ar11 and family, however, we're talking about fucking wizardry. There are some ARs that are mathematically near impossible to sightread

Philosofikal wrote:

I can prove it to you by showing that Can't Defeat Airman is a song you learn to play by doing precisely this. The only way you can learn to play it well is by playing it so many times you know the entire song in your muscle memory.

What a shocker. That's just the people that have posted in this thread, by the way. I'd respond to the rest of your post but honestly I don't really care enough. Too much typing.
Not true. I passed it after about 15 tries. It's not even a hard pass, because it's hp3 and I like jumps. My acc was shit and I'm OBVIOUSLY not good enough to play it, but the point here is muscle memory is my ass. You just need to know how to jump. As for the plays, I'd attribute that to the fact that when you're FCing a jump map, which is prone to shitmisses, you need to hit every single note. This means a lot of retries

Philosofikal wrote:

buny wrote:

how the fuck does that have anything to do with what I said? Yours is posted in condescending manner (you didn't even offer advice, just said that "HR isn't going to make you better") and by the looks of it, tied to HR on easier maps
It's pretty much exactly what you said (you'll start playing it when you can handle it) except written concisely. I don't see how you think that was written even remotely condescendingly, I think you're just mad, and projecting your emotions onto what I typed in an entirely different discussion.

The topic of the thread was "When do I start playing HR?" and my advice was "you'll know when you're ready, there is no specific time". Pretty cut and dry.

Illkryn wrote:

You completely misinterpreted what I said. You are not even close. Go back and re read until you figure out where you fucked up.

No wonder everyone thinks I'm acting like I'm hot shit at this game when I'm not. All I really did was study a lot of top-tier play to figure out how they did it and what I need to be doing, and now I'm trying to put in the hours to get good at it. I don't claim to know everything or possess the physical skills to fully utilize what I know, and I learn new things every day, but I still think I have a really good idea of how things work.
Are we really going there again? Did everybody forget about last time?

GoldenWolf wrote:

Riince making actual quality post, what happened....


Riince wrote:

so i passed HEY FUCKER [EXTRA]

Philosofikal wrote:

hi mum

so when is this thread getting locked

Faces3 wrote:

Philosofikal wrote:

hi mum

so when is this thread getting locked

and don't say the word that starts with L anymore or you might summon the one who must not be named

Philosofikal wrote:

what the fuck ever lol I'm done
I've been reading your posts in the past few days, and you seem to be going through a stage where your *ahem* rapid growth has instilled a superiority complex in you. Take a step back and accept that sometimes you're wrong; it really becomes obvious when you begin nitpicking other peoples arguments.

Acknowledging that it's very difficult to convey expression through text, you're posts also display an air of arrogance; you're just being a dick when you call people retards and act condescendingly as if everything you say is right and everyone else is wrong (there's a word for that, its a bigot).

This isn't a personal attack, I'm just trying to help ;)

bigfeh wrote:

and don't say the word that starts with L anymore or you might summon the one who must not be named
How'd you know i had a Harry Potter marathon on thursday?

Lagel wrote:

bigfeh wrote:

and don't say the word that starts with L anymore or you might summon the one who must not be named
How'd you know i had a Harry Potter marathon on thursday?
I know everything

Philantropist wrote:

Philosofikal wrote:

what the fuck ever lol I'm done
I've been reading your posts in the past few days, and you seem to be going through a stage where your *ahem* rapid growth has instilled a superiority complex in you. Take a step back and accept that sometimes you're wrong; it really becomes obvious when you begin nitpicking other peoples arguments.

Acknowledging that it's very difficult to convey expression through text, you're posts also display an air of arrogance; you're just being a dick when you call people retards and act condescendingly as if everything you say is right and everyone else is wrong (there's a word for that, its a bigot).

This isn't a personal attack, I'm just trying to help ;)

He didn't go to 20k in a week = not fast
Vuelo Eluko
philosofikal do you play call of duty by any chance

Riince wrote:

philosofikal do you play call of duty by any chance
I heard he a gud mLg FaZe n0Sc0P3r. Be careful Riince 8-)

Riince wrote:

philosofikal do you play call of duty by any chance

bigfeh wrote:

Damn that's some scary teeth

GoldenWolf wrote:

bigfeh wrote:

Damn that's some scary teeth

GoldenWolf wrote:

bigfeh wrote:

Damn son where'd you find this
drum drum
ok it's time to die thread

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