
Dwight Yoakam - Suspicious Minds

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 1:50:07 PM

Artist: Dwight Yoakam
Title: Suspicious Minds
Source: Honeymoon in Vegas
Tags: Elvis Presley Mark James Cover Country
BPM: 123.8
Filesize: 21087kb
Play Time: 03:11
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal Minds (1.72 stars, 226 notes)
  2. Suspicious Minds (2.98 stars, 397 notes)
Download: Dwight Yoakam - Suspicious Minds
Download: Dwight Yoakam - Suspicious Minds (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Country song! <3

<3 Awesome. Nice to see some country music in this game.

01:02:677 (1) - need to finish in 01:06:312

01:51:250 (1) - need to starts in 01:51:158

02:06:066 (2,3,4) - rhythms are different (make that same)

02:09:011 (1,2,3) - also these

02:58:880 (1) - i think it's need to move left


00:09:608 (2,3) - add more circle at 00:10:093 (4) - plz

01:02:920 (1) - need to finish in 01:06:312
Topic Starter

Shinonome Nano wrote:


01:02:677 (1) - need to finish in 01:06:312 No, if you pay attention to 01:06:070 you will hear a similar sound to the finish histsound, that's why I finished the spinner at 01:06:070

01:51:250 (1) - need to starts in 01:51:158 I don't know how I didn't see that, fixed!

02:06:066 (2,3,4) - rhythms are different (make that same) No change, If you listen to the rhythm you will notice I'm actually following it, you can set the sample volume to 0 to listen to the song without the sound of the hitobjects.

02:09:011 (1,2,3) - also these Same answer

02:58:880 (1) - i think it's need to move left hmm.. ok it seemed weird the way it was placed..


00:09:608 (2,3) - add more circle at 00:10:093 (4) - plz I think that slider it's fine how it is, but I added a circle on 00:10:093
01:02:920 (1) - need to finish in 01:06:312 same answer as in Hard
from paper modding team
offset should be around 382 - 386
idk if they still allow people to use custom diff name for normal sets
maybe u should ask a bat for confirmation
  1. aimod about ds and kiai time
  2. 00:12:031 (6) - nc
  3. 00:13:000 (1) - cancel nc
  4. 00:14:939 (4,1) - plz fix this blanket
  5. 00:28:509 (2,3) - should have identical pattern, those two are little bit different plz check
  6. 00:21:240 (3,4) - wired pattern, at least blanket 00:21:724 (4) - with 00:21:240 (3) -
  7. 00:56:619 (3,4) - fix blanket
  8. 01:02:920 (1) - end at 01:06:312
  9. 01:14:067 (5) - nc
  10. 01:14:551 (1) - cancel nc
  11. 01:26:668 -, 01:41:207 - 0.0 did u just copy everything from 00:39:172 - 00:54:681 and ctrl + j? thats not cool, the map maybe will get unranked because of that
  12. 02:17:200 (1,2) - blanket
  13. 02:19:624 (4,5) - ds
  14. 02:17:200 -, 02:24:470 - same thing to the kiais 02:48:218 - 02:53:549 - i dont think they allows that but dont ever do something like this again
  1. maybe ar8 is too fast try 7 or 7.5
  2. 00:27:540 (4) - nc
  3. dont have any special idea for this map
gl on this
Topic Starter

Alex Li wrote:

from paper modding team
offset should be around 382 - 386 Changed to 385
idk if they still allow people to use custom diff name for normal sets
maybe u should ask a bat for confirmation I'll leave it how it is, a BAT must check the map someday anyway.
  1. aimod about ds and kiai time [/color]
  2. 00:12:031 (6) - nc hmm.. yeah, you're right; I can hear that change
  3. 00:13:000 (1) - cancel nc ^
  4. 00:14:939 (4,1) - plz fix this blanket fixed!.. I guess..
  5. 00:28:509 (2,3) - should have identical pattern, those two are little bit different plz check I don't know what you're talking about, but if by pattern you mean the inclination of the sliders, I tried my best to make them have the same inclination.
  6. 00:21:240 (3,4) - wired pattern, at least blanket 00:21:724 (4) - with 00:21:240 (3) - I tried to make it look less weird, but any attempt to to a new blanket would've destroyed the blanket in 00:24:132 (7,1) -
  7. 00:56:619 (3,4) - fix blanket fixed!.. I guess..
  8. 01:02:920 (1) - end at 01:06:312 ok
  9. 01:14:067 (5) - nc I didn't see that one! changed!
  10. 01:14:551 (1) - cancel nc ^
  11. 01:26:668 -, 01:41:207 - 0.0 did u just copy everything from 00:39:172 - 00:54:681 and ctrl + j? thats not cool, the map maybe will get unranked because of that I don't think that's a big issue but I changed everything there so no one complains later
  12. 02:17:200 (1,2) - blanket no change, seems fine to me
  13. 02:19:624 (4,5) - ds [/color] I changed that slider because it was ugly anyway
  14. 02:17:200 -, 02:24:470 - same thing to the kiais 02:48:218 - 02:53:549 - i dont think they allows that but dont ever do something like this again umm.. aidmod doesn't tell me anything abou kiai, and the things it tells me about distance snap doesn't matter
  1. maybe ar8 is too fast try 7 or 7.5 changed to 7.5
  2. 00:27:540 (4) - nc ok
  3. dont have any special idea for this map
gl on this
¡Hola! Veamos que puedo modear aca :)


  1. Timing: En general el timing me dejo muchas dudas en algunas partes, patrones como 02:05:514 (1,2,3,4) - estoy casi seguro que necesitan otra linea roja por ahí.
    Ademas, creo que la linea roja que agregaste en 02:09:931 - deberia ir en 02:09:471 -, la stanza no esta ubicada correctamente como lo tenes ahora. Y algunas cositas mas, pero yo no soy muy pro en el timing (ademas soy algo vago para chequear punto por punto xD), lo que te sugiero es que busques a alguien ''pro'' en timing para evitar cualquier problema a futuro.
  2. Tags: ¿Que te parece si agregas Country a los tags? No existe el genero ''country'' en osu!, así que me parece algo conveniente en este caso.
  3. 01:02:662 (Spin) - Deberías mapear este spinner, se siente muy raro y tenes la suficiente música para mapearlo. Consideralo por favor.
  4. Preview Time: Si no me equivoco, el preview time está fuera de lugar (unsnapped) y últimamente he visto que andaban molestando por eso. Asegúrate de re-posicionarlo en 00:39:157 -
[Normal Minds]

  1. 00:03:777 (5) - Este patrón fluye mal en mi opinión, ya que después de la repetición del slider no vas a un lugar ''derecho'' por así decirlo sino que tenes que ir para atrás. Mi sugerencia acá es cambiar la dirección del slider (quizás algo así, moviendo (4) y (5) algo hacia arriba) o bien eliminar la repetición de (5) y agregar una nota extra en 00:04:262 - (y te quedaría algo mas o menos así). Tu eliges lo que te guste mas xD.
  2. 00:12:016 (1) - Algo nazi, pero, ¿no crees que se vería mejor si haces este slider curvo? Viendo el slider previo y el que le sigue a este, yo lo sentí mejor en estética.
  3. 00:23:163 (6) - Siento que este patrón va a fluir mejor si mueves el final del slider alrededor de x:312 y:384.
  4. 00:33:099 (3) - De nuevo con el ''flow'', sugiero que inviertas este slider (mas o menos así. Definitivamente el movimiento del cursor no va a ser tan forzado.
  5. 00:49:819 (3) - Este tampoco me gusta mucho como fluye, ademas el patrón en si se ve desprolijo. Mi idea seria algo como te voy a mostrar ahora, moviendo un poco el (2) previo y re-organizando el patron. Te dejo foto y codigo por si te gusta.
    Foto + Código

  6. 00:52:727 (5) - *Ultra nazi* Esta casi simétrico, pero dejame hacerlo totalmente simétrico por vos xD. Te dejo código.
  7. 00:57:574 (4) - Algo nazi acá también, pero siento que curvando el slider (algo así) le da un mejor aspecto al mapa en esta parte.
  8. 01:02:420 (6) - ¿Que tal un finish en lugar de un whistle? El sonido es mas fuerte acá imo.
  9. 01:13:082 (4,2) - El overlap se nota mientras juegas el mapa y no se ve bien. Estuve mirando, ¿y que tal si intentas una especie de blanket? Deberías intentar algo mas o menos parecido :P
  10. 01:59:624 (3,4) - Emm.. veo este patrón feo de ver. Quizás puedas mejorar un poco el blanket o mover (4) a la izquierda de (3), pero esto ultimo te llevaría a hacer algun que otro cambio de espacio.
  11. 02:20:108 (5,6) - El spacing es inconsistente acá si lo comparas con el resto del mapa. Asegúrate de reducir el spacing entre estos 2 objetos.
  12. 02:51:126 (5,6) - (^)
  13. 02:53:065 (8,9,1) - Creo que puedo aceptarte un combo hasta con 8 notas, pero aca te pasaste. Mi sugerencia es mover el NC que pusiste en 02:54:034 (1) - hacia la nota (8)
  14. 02:58:396 (4,5) - El flow acá no me parece del todo correcto si me preguntas, podrías intentar algo mas o menos asi, igual fijate si tenes alguna idea mejor xD.
- Los problemas que vi aca es que el fluido del mapa no es el mejor a veces, intente mencionarte muchas de estas cosas en mi mod. Ademas se ve desprolijo en algunas partes.
Igual veo que tienes pocos mods, con algun mod mas estoy seguro de que va a mejorar en estética y fluido.

[Suspicious Mind]

  1. 00:09:108 (2,3) - ¿Que te parece cambiar estas notas por un slider? Le da otra variedad el mapa y no se hace tan monótono viendo que en esa parte comienza la voz.
  2. 00:16:378 (1,2) - Siento que un patron así sigue mejor la canción. Fijate que te parece.
  3. 00:23:163 (3) - ¿No tendría que ser un Clap en lugar de un Whistle? Definitivamente lo siento mas apropiado
  4. 00:27:525 (1) - Si yo fuera tu eliminaría la repetición de acá y agregaría un slider en 1/2 luego, pero es mi opinión xD, no se que opinas.
  5. 00:34:795 (1,2) - Para que juege mejor el patron anterior, más los antijumps que usaste posteriormente, siento que el espacio entre estas dos notas tiene que ser mayor. Intenta ubicar (2) alrededor de x:116 y:132.
  6. 00:38:672 (3,4,5) - El triple clap se siente excesivo, yo eliminaria el clap en (5), me parece que se siente mejor.
  7. 00:39:157 (6,7) - vs. 01:25:683 (1,2) - La musica suena igual en ambos lugares pero en uno agregaste new combo y en el otro no lo cual es raro :/. Asegúrate de mantener tus combos consistentes.
  8. 00:50:788 (7) - Finish en lugar de Whistle (?)
  9. 01:02:420 (5) - (^)
  10. 01:11:386 (3,4,5) - Al tener notas apiladas, la blanket no se luce tan bien como en el editor a la hora de jugar el mapa. Me parece que es mejor si evitas la ''blanket'' aquí.
  11. 01:27:864 (x) - Se siente vacío, ¿que te parece agregar una nota ahi?
  12. 02:05:514 (1,2) - Ahora si juega mucho mejor, buen trabajo :D
  13. 02:33:678 (3,4,5) - Me gusta mas si lo hicieras mas o menos asi. Deberias intentarlo :3
  14. 02:49:672 (3,4,5) - Mejor apilalas correctamente, no se ven muy bien durante el juego :/
- En general eso, el mapa va bien quizás algún mod mas para mejorar algo en la estética pero va bien :).
Una recomendación a futuro, me hubiese gustado que mapearas con una distancia entre notas mayor (quizás 1.0) porque el BPM y la velocidad de slider son lentos y algunos patrones se ven feos por la corta distancia, tenlo en cuenta a futuro.

Eso es todo de mi parte ezek. Asegúrate de conseguir algún pro en timing, la verdad es necesario.
Espero que te sea de ayuda, probablemente después modee algún otro mapa tuyo :P.
¡Buena Suerte!
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

¡Hola! Veamos que puedo modear aca :) Hola!


  1. Timing: En general el timing me dejo muchas dudas en algunas partes, patrones como 02:05:514 (1,2,3,4) - estoy casi seguro que necesitan otra linea roja por ahí.
    Ademas, creo que la linea roja que agregaste en 02:09:931 - deberia ir en 02:09:471 -, la stanza no esta ubicada correctamente como lo tenes ahora. Y algunas cositas mas, pero yo no soy muy pro en el timing (ademas soy algo vago para chequear punto por punto xD), lo que te sugiero es que busques a alguien ''pro'' en timing para evitar cualquier problema a futuro. bueno, voy a pedir que revisen el timing
  2. Tags: ¿Que te parece si agregas Country a los tags? No existe el genero ''country'' en osu!, así que me parece algo conveniente en este caso. OK!
  3. 01:02:662 (Spin) - Deberías mapear este spinner, se siente muy raro y tenes la suficiente música para mapearlo. Consideralo por favor. hecho!
  4. Preview Time: Si no me equivoco, el preview time está fuera de lugar (unsnapped) y últimamente he visto que andaban molestando por eso. Asegúrate de re-posicionarlo en 00:39:157 -arreglado!
[Normal Minds]

  1. 00:03:777 (5) - Este patrón fluye mal en mi opinión, ya que después de la repetición del slider no vas a un lugar ''derecho'' por así decirlo sino que tenes que ir para atrás. Mi sugerencia acá es cambiar la dirección del slider (quizás algo así, moviendo (4) y (5) algo hacia arriba) o bien eliminar la repetición de (5) y agregar una nota extra en 00:04:262 - (y te quedaría algo mas o menos así). Tu eliges lo que te guste mas xD. Mmm... elijo la opcion B! :P
  2. 00:12:016 (1) - Algo nazi, pero, ¿no crees que se vería mejor si haces este slider curvo? Viendo el slider previo y el que le sigue a este, yo lo sentí mejor en estética. al mencionarmelo senti lo mismo que tu
  3. 00:23:163 (6) - Siento que este patrón va a fluir mejor si mueves el final del slider alrededor de x:312 y:384. movido!
  4. 00:33:099 (3) - De nuevo con el ''flow'', sugiero que inviertas este slider (mas o menos así. Definitivamente el movimiento del cursor no va a ser tan forzado. ok
  5. 00:49:819 (3) - Este tampoco me gusta mucho como fluye, ademas el patrón en si se ve desprolijo. Mi idea seria algo como te voy a mostrar ahora, moviendo un poco el (2) previo y re-organizando el patron. Te dejo foto y codigo por si te gusta.
    Foto + Código

    me guta!
  6. 00:52:727 (5) - *Ultra nazi* Esta casi simétrico, pero dejame hacerlo totalmente simétrico por vos xD. Te dejo código.
    gracias por el codigo, me ahorraste la fatiga!
  7. 00:57:574 (4) - Algo nazi acá también, pero siento que curvando el slider (algo así) le da un mejor aspecto al mapa en esta parte. arreglado
  8. 01:02:420 (6) - ¿Que tal un finish en lugar de un whistle? El sonido es mas fuerte acá imo. ok
  9. 01:13:082 (4,2) - El overlap se nota mientras juegas el mapa y no se ve bien. Estuve mirando, ¿y que tal si intentas una especie de blanket? Deberías intentar algo mas o menos parecido :P listo, como "especie de blanket"
  10. 01:59:624 (3,4) - Emm.. veo este patrón feo de ver. Quizás puedas mejorar un poco el blanket o mover (4) a la izquierda de (3), pero esto ultimo te llevaría a hacer algun que otro cambio de espacio. movi 4 a la izquierda de 3
  11. 02:20:108 (5,6) - El spacing es inconsistente acá si lo comparas con el resto del mapa. Asegúrate de reducir el spacing entre estos 2 objetos. oh, no lo note, arreglado
  12. 02:51:126 (5,6) - (^) ^
  13. 02:53:065 (8,9,1) - Creo que puedo aceptarte un combo hasta con 8 notas, pero aca te pasaste. Mi sugerencia es mover el NC que pusiste en 02:54:034 (1) - hacia la nota (8) ok
  14. 02:58:396 (4,5) - El flow acá no me parece del todo correcto si me preguntas, podrías intentar algo mas o menos asi, igual fijate si tenes alguna idea mejor xD. use otra idea mia, semejante a la tuya
- Los problemas que vi aca es que el fluido del mapa no es el mejor a veces, intente mencionarte muchas de estas cosas en mi mod. Ademas se ve desprolijo en algunas partes.
Igual veo que tienes pocos mods, con algun mod mas estoy seguro de que va a mejorar en estética y fluido. espero que asi sea

[Suspicious Mind] < Te falto una "s" :p le hice un mod a tu mod, ok no :(

  1. 00:09:108 (2,3) - ¿Que te parece cambiar estas notas por un slider? Le da otra variedad el mapa y no se hace tan monótono viendo que en esa parte comienza la voz. me parece bien
  2. 00:16:378 (1,2) - Siento que un patron así sigue mejor la canción. Fijate que te parece. aaay que lindo!
  3. 00:23:163 (3) - ¿No tendría que ser un Clap en lugar de un Whistle? Definitivamente lo siento mas apropiado sabias que ese error no fue intencional, cierto?
  4. 00:27:525 (1) - Si yo fuera tu eliminaría la repetición de acá y agregaría un slider en 1/2 luego, pero es mi opinión xD, no se que opinas. hice otra cosita
  5. 00:34:795 (1,2) - Para que juege mejor el patron anterior, más los antijumps que usaste posteriormente, siento que el espacio entre estas dos notas tiene que ser mayor. Intenta ubicar (2) alrededor de x:116 y:132. ok
  6. 00:38:672 (3,4,5) - El triple clap se siente excesivo, yo eliminaria el clap en (5), me parece que se siente mejor. tienes razon
  7. 00:39:157 (6,7) - vs. 01:25:683 (1,2) - La musica suena igual en ambos lugares pero en uno agregaste new combo y en el otro no lo cual es raro :/. Asegúrate de mantener tus combos consistentes. ni lo habia notado :P
  8. 00:50:788 (7) - Finish en lugar de Whistle (?) HEY! suena bien
  9. 01:02:420 (5) - (^)
  10. 01:11:386 (3,4,5) - Al tener notas apiladas, la blanket no se luce tan bien como en el editor a la hora de jugar el mapa. Me parece que es mejor si evitas la ''blanket'' aquí. evitado
  11. 01:27:864 (x) - Se siente vacío, ¿que te parece agregar una nota ahi? ok
  12. 02:05:514 (1,2) - Ahora si juega mucho mejor, buen trabajo :D oh, gracias!
  13. 02:33:678 (3,4,5) - Me gusta mas si lo hicieras mas o menos asi. Deberias intentarlo :3 niiice
  14. 02:49:672 (3,4,5) - Mejor apilalas correctamente, no se ven muy bien durante el juego :/ yo no las habia apilado asi... que raro, pero ya las arregle
- En general eso, el mapa va bien quizás algún mod mas para mejorar algo en la estética pero va bien :).
Una recomendación a futuro, me hubiese gustado que mapearas con una distancia entre notas mayor (quizás 1.0) porque el BPM y la velocidad de slider son lentos y algunos patrones se ven feos por la corta distancia, tenlo en cuenta a futuro.

Eso es todo de mi parte ezek. Asegúrate de conseguir algún pro en timing, la verdad es necesario.
Espero que te sea de ayuda, probablemente después modee algún otro mapa tuyo :P.
¡Buena Suerte!
Muchas gracias por el mod!!!
Check timing suggest in #modreqs

BPM 123,800
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 163,000
OFFSET 101192
TIME SIGNATURE 1/3 (waltz)

BPM 110,000
OFFSET 125486
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 115,000
OFFSET 126031
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 125,000
OFFSET 127074
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 123,800
OFFSET 129474
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

hope you enjoy >w<
Topic Starter

Tarrasky wrote:

Check timing suggest in #modreqs

BPM 123,800 Already in the map
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 163,000 I only applied this one, it felt better to me.
OFFSET 101192
TIME SIGNATURE 1/3 (waltz)

BPM 110,000 I was able to get a good timing without having to put this one. I used a BPM of 123,000
OFFSET 125486
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 115,000 Not applied
OFFSET 126031
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 125,000 Not applied
OFFSET 127074
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

BPM 123,800 Not applied
OFFSET 129474
TIME SIGNATURE 1/4 (common)

hope you enjoy >w<
Thank you, this really helped me, I might not have applied everything, but it helped me find a better timing. :)
Hello ~ randomly decided to do this one from my queue!

[In General]

Nice one


I'd set the SV to 1.2 or 1.3 here :P
00:30:433 (4) - Make the curve exactly on 00:30:918 -
01:54:443 (1,4) - Maybe add tiny curves in sliders
02:20:835 (6,7) - I think you stacked all notes of this type, except here and 02:51:853 (6,7) -


I'd set the OD to 6 here :P
00:02:081 (5) - I'm not sure why but I really want this to return once
00:44:973 (6) - Add slight curvature, and maybe lower SV on this one a just a bit?

Sorry for such a short post, I really can't see anything else I want you to change.
Call a BN :D
IRC moddosu!
12:22 Crimmi: oye, quieres un mod de IRC or del forum?
12:22 ezek: :O
12:22 ezek: como sea :p
12:22 ezek: como tu prefieras
12:23 Crimmi: hmm, okay~ it's nothing much, just me picking stuff out xD
12:23 ezek: so, will it be via IRC?
12:24 Crimmi: yep, gives me a better perspective of modding when get to be a BN
12:25 Crimmi: so for normal:
12:25 Crimmi: 00:13:228 (2) - Just asthetic-wise, maybe you could move this up so it could blanket (1)'s slider end better?
12:26 ezek: let me see..
12:27 ezek: that's hard
12:27 ezek: the diff
12:27 ezek: not normal
12:27 Crimmi: oops lol
12:27 Crimmi: xD
12:27 ezek: XD
12:27 Crimmi: *ahem* okay then it's backwards then :P
12:28 Crimmi: anyways on 00:52:485 (6) - Maybe add a new combo here?
12:28 ezek: on normal?
12:28 Crimmi: No on hard, since you reminded me xD
12:29 ezek: yeah, I agree for that new combo
12:29 Crimmi: It's a jump you're attempting and it makes sense too~
12:30 ezek: and he begins to scream... supicious mIIIIINNNDDSS
12:32 Crimmi: 01:15:021 (2,3) - These seem to be off-screen, but maybe that's me.
12:34 ezek: seem fine for me, they're not at the very edge of the grid... but I'll try with a 4:3 resoulution since I have a 16:9 one
12:36 ezek: yeah, they're fine
12:37 *ezek swithches back to 16:9 resolution
12:38 Crimmi: ok
12:39 Crimmi: 01:32:469 (8) - this could blanket (7) a bit better~
12:41 ezek: ok, I think I made it better now
12:41 Crimmi: 01:36:830 (3,4) - Maybe have them exactly like (1,2)
12:42 ezek: I feel better when I move the mouse how they are now, so no changes were made
12:44 ezek: I looked at your profile and found out that your location is very accurate xD
12:45 Crimmi: lol how
12:46 ezek: Location: In your map, modding~ Kyuu!
12:46 Crimmi: lol
12:47 Crimmi: now for Normal
12:48 *ezek switches to Normal
12:48 Crimmi: 00:44:973 (3) - Move this a few grids up and it should end up like this you might have to move the note after back to it's previous position.
12:50 ezek: Done! :)
12:54 Crimmi: 01:13:082 (4) - My suggestion~
12:56 ezek: I don't see the difference, I guess you have to tell me :(
12:56 Crimmi: Move (4) up so it could form a triangle pattern or did you do that already?
12:56 Crimmi: xD
12:57 ezek: oh, I see.. I'll do it
12:58 ezek: done! :)
13:00 Crimmi: lol I see that you have 399 combo :P
13:01 ezek: I know.. but I'm not concerned about reaching the 400 combo :p
13:01 Crimmi: And above all else, the map is good~
13:01 Crimmi: Nothing else I could find here.
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot Crimmi!
I didn't see Rik's mod
Topic Starter

UltraRik wrote:

Hello ~ randomly decided to do this one from my queue! Oh thanks for accepting it besides the fact that you recently modded another map of mine!

[In General]

Nice one yay! :)


I'd set the SV to 1.2 or 1.3 here :P I feel it fine how it is now, but thanks for the suggestion
00:30:433 (4) - Make the curve exactly on 00:30:918 - you have a good eye, fixed!
01:54:443 (1,4) - Maybe add tiny curves in sliders suggestion accepted!
02:20:835 (6,7) - I think you stacked all notes of this type, except here and 02:51:853 (6,7) - It was intentional, just to have some variations, so no change


I'd set the OD to 6 here :P I might change it if one or more BNs tell me
00:02:081 (5) - I'm not sure why but I really want this to return once I'm not sure why but I just made it return once
00:44:973 (6) - Add slight curvature, and maybe lower SV on this one a just a bit? meh, I think is fine

Sorry for such a short post, I really can't see anything else I want you to change. You shouldn't say sorry, you're modding without expecting something in return, the only thing that matters is that it helps! and also makes you a very kind and nice person! :)
Call a BN :D I'm probably one more mod away before calling a BN :)
Thanks for the mod!!!!! :)
Just a mod...

(osu! needs more songs like this ♥)

* Timing is wisely defined. Checked and found no significant discrepancies (probably nothing hihger than ±1 or 2 ms, that's does not requires any change).
* Metadata checked at -- it told me some tags to add: Scepter Records (what stands for the recording company as you can see at this photo ... -james.jpg )

[Suspicious Minds]
00:09:835 (4) - Would be great make a Ctrl-G here, to improve flow.
00:44:246 (4) - By doing a ctrl-G here + rotating ~30 degrees CCW (while keeping the blanket on spot) would feel great too.
* Everything else stylish,, like the song, so it's fine.

[Normal Minds]
* Just a comment on different "stacking rates" (compare 00:18:801 (3,4) - with 02:53:065 (1,2) - ------ and compare 00:40:126 (2,3) - with 00:32:856 (2,3) - ) and on it how be a bit confusing for newcomers. Nothing really to change, just a consideration. (would be good have an Easy diff too).

Let's allow some different eyes to seeing this for a few days more. I'll be watching it.

(Suggesting some useful mods from Euny, Project Railgun, Snaggletooth and, why not, -Bakari- . Would be good see some AnreFM and jonathanlfj too, but these two guys are very busy irl at school/university)
Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

Just a mod... that's a quick response!

(osu! needs more songs like this ♥) I know ♥

* Timing is wisely defined. Checked and found no significant discrepancies (probably nothing hihger than ±1 or 2 ms, that's does not requires any change). Nice to know that
* Metadata checked at -- it told me some tags to add: Scepter Records (what stands for the recording company as you can see at this photo ... -james.jpg ) You're right, but.. that's Mark James' recording company, not Dwight's. So I will not add it.

[Suspicious Minds]
00:09:835 (4) - Would be great make a Ctrl-G here, to improve flow. I like this, changed!
00:44:246 (4) - By doing a ctrl-G here + rotating ~30 degrees CCW (while keeping the blanket on spot) would feel great too. Changed!
* Everything else stylish,, like the song, so it's fine. yaay!

[Normal Minds]
* Just a comment on different "stacking rates" (compare 00:18:801 (3,4) - with 02:53:065 (1,2) - ------ and compare 00:40:126 (2,3) - with 00:32:856 (2,3) - ) and on it how be a bit confusing for newcomers. Nothing really to change, just a consideration. (would be good have an Easy diff too). Since I'm not doing an easy diff I don't want newcomers to get confused by this so, I unstacked 02:53:065 (1,2) , 00:40:126 (2,3) and 01:26:653 (1,2) , except this one 01:55:915 (2,3) - because is very easy to follow imo

Let's allow some different eyes to seeing this for a few days more. I'll be watching it. Thanks for deciding to keep an eye on my map!

(Suggesting some useful mods from Euny, Project Railgun, Snaggletooth and, why not, -Bakari- . Would be good see some AnreFM and jonathanlfj too, but these two guys are very busy irl at school/university) Thanks for the suggestions, I will try to get some mods! :)
Thanks for the mod and the star! :)

Log Part 2:

19:51 ezek: Hi Lanty! I updated the map with yesterday's changes :p (was it yesterday?) I saved the log in case you didn't save it :p
19:51 Lanturn: hey
19:51 Lanturn: oh cool. I just got on
19:51 ezek: :o
19:51 Lanturn: Gonna check it after dinner
19:51 ezek: k :p
19:51 Lanturn: alreay almost 8PM XD
19:51 Lanturn: already*
19:52 ezek: are you gonna eat fish food? :o
19:52 Lanturn: uh probably not today :D
19:52 ezek: :D
19:52 Lanturn: gotta go to the store before it closes though so afk
19:52 ezek: O.o
19:52 ezek: run!
20:55 ezek: a friend told me to take a look at an old skin of his, and [ this happened]
20:56 Lanturn: rip
20:56 Lanturn: lol
21:16 Lanturn: Normal: do you want to emphasize 01:48:954 (1,2,3,4) - with 1.1 DS instead of 0.8? | 00:44:735 (2) - watch DS here next is 0.6
21:17 Lanturn: 02:20:835 (6,7) - maybe just stack these to prevent any confusion as some might think it's a 1/4
21:17 Lanturn: same with 02:51:853 (6,7) -
21:18 ezek: 01:48:954 (1,2,3,4) - yup, I'm emphasizing those
21:18 Lanturn: pointless green line
21:19 ezek: *Deleted pointless line
21:21 ezek: 02:20:835 (6,7) - 02:51:853 (6,7) - stacked both pairs of notes
21:22 Lanturn: 02:05:518 (1) - should be moved to 02:05:560 - I think
21:22 Lanturn: since you have a red timing there
21:23 ezek: oh, yeah.. fixed!
21:24 Lanturn: i think that's it for normal
21:25 ezek: k
21:25 Lanturn: Hard: 00:05:478 (3,5) - stack?
21:26 ezek: I can't perfectly stack them
21:27 ezek: osu doesn't let me
21:27 Lanturn: oh
21:27 Lanturn: ok
21:27 Lanturn: np then
21:27 ezek: :p
21:28 Lanturn: though this is easily readable, maybe move it closer to the proper ds? 01:23:750 (6,7) -
21:28 Lanturn: like maybe blanket the head of (7) instead of the tail end of it
21:28 Lanturn: into (8)
21:30 ezek: what about this
21:30 Lanturn: 02:05:560 (2) - is kind of awkward since it has an offset change. It should be NC'd imo and maybe moved a bit further from the previous
21:30 ezek: ?
21:31 Lanturn: that's fine
21:31 ezek: k
21:31 Lanturn: maybe remove the NC on 02:04:782 (1) - as well while you're at it
21:32 ezek: ok
21:33 ezek: 02:05:560 (1) - is at x:236 y:200 now
21:34 Lanturn: ok
21:36 Lanturn: 03:01:788 (1) - how about something like this?
21:37 Lanturn: just to even out the spacing
21:37 Lanturn: idk, not much else to say
21:38 ezek: I like it how it is right now :p
21:38 ezek: so, no change
21:39 Lanturn: k
21:47 ezek: should I update now?
21:47 Lanturn: go for it
21:48 ezek: are you gonna bubble it? let me know so I put that in the description :p
21:49 Lanturn: Yeah, if I don't find any more issues
21:49 Lanturn: the timing seems fine enough
21:49 ezek: k, thanks! <3
21:49 ezek: <3 <3 <3
21:52 ezek: Done~
21:52 Lanturn: k
21:52 *Lanturn is listening to [ Dwight Yoakam - Suspicious Minds]
21:53 ezek: we can't go on together♫
21:53 ezek: with suspicious minds♪
21:53 Lanturn: ok
21:54 Lanturn: you still have the video and some SB thing you never ended up using
21:54 Lanturn: I thought it was just leftover from when I had the song ages ago, but it's still there on redownload
21:54 Lanturn: so those gotta go
21:54 ezek: oh, the SB, I let that thing there so people can watch the video till the end
21:54 Lanturn: ah yeah
21:55 Lanturn: but you aren't using the video now so
21:55 Lanturn: those can all go
21:55 ezek: O.o
21:55 Lanturn: and the .osb
21:55 ezek: I'm using the video
21:55 Lanturn: huh>?
21:55 Lanturn: oh
21:55 Lanturn: gotcha
21:57 ezek: so, can I leave that SB for the reason I mentioned?
21:57 Lanturn: I'd rather you make a 'thanks for playing' or something
21:58 Lanturn: also the 1x1 image is a black dot, so it does actually show up on the screen XD
21:58 Lanturn: you'd need to have it faded out
21:59 ezek: hmm..
21:59 ezek: ok, I'll do it
21:59 Lanturn: alright
21:59 ezek: give me 2 mins
22:00 Lanturn: take your time
22:00 ezek: I can do it fast in photoshop :p
22:00 Lanturn: yeah haha
22:07 ezek: done! :D
22:08 Lanturn: k
22:08 *Lanturn is editing [ Dwight Yoakam - Suspicious Minds [Normal Minds]]
22:09 ezek: so, you have to re-download now :p
22:10 Lanturn: yah
22:12 Lanturn: well windows explorer randomly decided to crash \o/
22:13 ezek: >.<
22:13 Lanturn: cool
22:14 ezek: :D
22:15 Lanturn: oh
22:15 Lanturn: since you have video, go change the Letterbox in the .osu file to 0
22:17 ezek: how do I do that?
22:17 Lanturn: you forgot to fix 00:44:735 (2) - as well
22:17 Lanturn: in normal
22:17 Lanturn: it's still 0.64 instead of 0.8
22:18 ezek: fixed!
22:18 ezek: now, how how do i d the letterbox thinghy?
22:19 ezek: letterbox = 0 ?
22:19 Lanturn: open the .osu file, and change LetterboxInBreaks: 1 to LetterboxInBreaks: -
22:19 Lanturn: LetterboxInBreaks: 0*
22:19 ezek: k
22:21 ezek: fixed
22:22 ezek: is there anything else? or do I update now?
22:23 Lanturn: just going through the diffs one more time quickly
22:23 ezek: k
22:24 Lanturn: yeah I don't see anything else
22:25 ezek: k

In Part 1 we got rid of some awkward anti-jumps. There are still a few in Hard, but they're pretty Easy to read. Otherwise just some small changes here and there. In part 2 we just fixed up a few more things. Nothing too big.

I think this map looks fine. Next BN double checck the timing. I didn't have any issues with it myself though.

Topic Starter
Thanks Lanturn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

First log
23:30 ezek: Hey Lanty! Are you accepting mod request at the moment?, I think my country map is ready for BN check (it has a star icon). I'm asking you because you made a lovely post on it a while ago, so I thought you might want to check it :o
23:30 Lanturn: I was talking about it today =/
23:30 Lanturn: lol
23:30 ezek: :O
23:31 Lanturn: the problem I had with it was some anti jumps in hard
23:31 Lanturn: everything else was fine
23:31 Lanturn: some of them just don't fit and could easily be mistaken for 1/2s
23:31 ezek: where are they?
23:32 Lanturn: 00:35:769 (1,2,3,4,5) - trolls everytime
23:32 Lanturn: lol
23:33 ezek: lol I like those, but I made them, so I guess that's why they never troll me :p
23:33 Lanturn: 01:10:179 (3,1) - and 01:20:600 (5,6) - can be somewhat confusing sometimes
23:33 Lanturn: 01:21:084 - especially because of the vocals and such
23:34 Lanturn: and how 01:20:600 (5) - starts on an off beat
23:35 ezek: I'll be checking everything right now :p and I'll upload the changes
23:35 Lanturn: from 02:09:931 (2) - on, your measures are all messed up
23:35 Lanturn: they need to be reset at 02:11:384 - or something
23:36 ezek: ^you mean, reset, like a new red section?
23:36 Lanturn: yeah
23:37 Lanturn: 03:01:788 (1,2) - a bit troll as well lol
23:38 Lanturn: I like anti jumps, but when they're kind of spaced like 1/2 notes, it can get confusing
23:38 ezek: lol, I'm a troll xD btw I added the reset on both diffs
23:38 Lanturn: that's basically the only issue I have with it lol
23:38 Lanturn: rest is all good
23:38 ezek: I'll fix those weird anti jumps then
23:42 Lanturn: 01:50:426 (5) - on normal. yikes. Also, why did you use such a huge DS here for 01:48:954 (1,2,3,4,5) - ?
23:43 ezek: O.o something weird happended there O.o
23:43 ezek: I don't remember haing it like that
23:43 ezek: *having
23:43 Lanturn: xD
23:44 Lanturn: that's about all I noticed on Normal at a first glance
23:44 Lanturn: hopefully the gap between the two diffs won't cause a DQ, or you might have to map something in between
23:44 Lanturn: we can try with what you have though
23:45 ezek: well, it's just two diffs, there's not a third one to make a spread comparison O3O
23:45 Lanturn: yeah, sometimes the gap can cause a DQ though if its too big
23:45 Lanturn: I don't think this will be a problem though
23:45 ezek: Ditto
23:45 Lanturn: your hard isn't that hard, just dense sometimes
23:46 Lanturn: and your normal is a little undermapped imo
23:46 Lanturn: a few more 1/2 spacings wouldn't hurt
23:46 Lanturn: that's about it uh
23:46 Lanturn: I'll look at it tomorrow or something
23:46 ezek: I wanted something that could be between easy and normal to make it easier for beggineers
23:47 Lanturn: yeah that's fine
23:47 ezek: I'll be fixin stuff then
23:47 ezek: Thanks <3
23:47 Lanturn: np
23:48 ezek: :D
23:48 Lanturn: nice to see some more country music on osu lol
23:48 Lanturn: well, remove the 'more' because there really isn't any at all
23:48 Lanturn: lol
23:48 ezek: lol xD
23:49 ezek: I just can't stop loving this song <3
23:49 Lanturn: haha yeah. it's pretty good
Go Go Go~!
I'm here because ezek requested and I like country music too. :3
More than nothing, I believe the mapset doesn't have any issue to pop the bubble. :3
[ General]
  1. It's not a really big deal, but you can rename the Suspicious Mind difficulty to give variety to the map.
  2. Consider adding 2000 over audio leadin in all the difficulties. Better to be sure about this.
[ Normal Minds]
  1. 00:14:929 (5,1) Just a minor suggestion here, but you can improve this blanket following the approach rate a bit. It would look nicer if you try out this.
  2. 00:31:892 (1,2,3) The current pattern doesn't play bad, but I think it would be better if you followed what this slider's end 00:31:892 (1) suggest to make and intuitive flow. Like this.
  3. 01:30:516 (2,3,4) the way you place the circle 01:31:970 (3) isn't following well the flow and makes a stuck pattern. It would flow better if you rotate this slider 01:30:516 (2) a bit and place the circle according to that slider end. What about this?
  4. 02:33:194 (3,5) What about the same slider shape here to make a symmetric pattern?
  5. 02:52:095 (7,2) The way these objects overlap each other is weird and doesn't look good. Consider moving the circle a little bit to the right to avoid this overlap.
[ Suspicious Minds]
  1. 00:20:987 (4,1) It's just a minor suggestion, but you can improve this blanket a bit to make a neater pattern. Consider doing the same with this 02:22:289 (4,1) as long as it was copied and pasted.
  2. 00:27:530 (1,2) Nazi suggestion here, but you can make the slider (1) like this to make a better look. Consider doint the same here 02:28:832 (1,2) as long as it was copied and pasted.
  3. 00:31:407 (6,1) Please, stack them. As long as the difference between these sliders is 0.02x off if would make more sense if they were stacked. >w<
  4. 00:37:223 (4) Move this circle a grid to the left to improve the DS (it's off by 0.02x)
  5. 00:48:855 (5,1) The way these objects are placed breaks the DS consistency you managed over the previous section. It would make more sense if this pattern kept the 1.10x DS you managed. Consider doing the same here 03:01:788 (1,2) as long as it was copied and pasted.
  6. 00:51:763 (3,4) Just a minor suggestion, but you can place them at the same x axis to make this pattern symmetric.
  7. 01:48:954 (1,2,3) The way you placed these jumps makes a very hard jump to follow if the players isn't aware of it. Nonetheless, you reduced the SV here so it would make more sense if you reduce the DS of these objects to make it more readable. Something like you did here 01:09:695 (1,2,3) might fit perfectly.
  8. 02:47:491 (6,7,8) The way this pattern has different DS plays weird because it breaks the DS you manage over the previous patterns, which is 1.50x. It would make more sense if you keep consistent the DS among these objects 02:47:733 (7,8) as well as you did here 02:47:490 (6,7)
  9. 02:57:184 (3,1) The current overlap looks weird. What about if you try out
  10. 03:09:300 (1) I think this spinner needs to be emphasized better than he way it is with the auto sampleset. Put it Normal to give an epic end. Do the same with the normal
Call me back! babe _:3_>_
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

that's me right now^
I'm here because ezek requested and I like country music too. :3 viva le Country!
More than nothing, I believe the mapset doesn't have any issue to pop the bubble. :3
[ General]
  1. It's not a really big deal, but you can rename the Suspicious Mind difficulty to give variety to the map. nah, I'll keep it.
  2. Consider adding 2000 over audio leadin in all the difficulties. Better to be sure about this. Done!
[ Normal Minds]
  1. 00:14:929 (5,1) Just a minor suggestion here, but you can improve this blanket following the approach rate a bit. It would look nicer if you try out this. Improved!
  2. 00:31:892 (1,2,3) The current pattern doesn't play bad, but I think it would be better if you followed what this slider's end 00:31:892 (1) suggest to make and intuitive flow. Like this. Yeah, feels a little bit better, applied!
  3. 01:30:516 (2,3,4) the way you place the circle 01:31:970 (3) isn't following well the flow and makes a stuck pattern. It would flow better if you rotate this slider 01:30:516 (2) a bit and place the circle according to that slider end. What about thisOhhohoho! Nice! I like it a lot! applied!
  4. 02:33:194 (3,5) What about the same slider shape here to make a symmetric pattern? No, I think it would affect the flow negatively (on the next note) and I would have to do more changes on the next notes :p
  5. 02:52:095 (7,2) The way these objects overlap each other is weird and doesn't look good. Consider moving the circle a little bit to the right to avoid this overlap. I think it looks fine, and feels good. It was other kind of overlap, but since Lanturn told me it was kinda confusing I changed it to this one, and I don't see or feel a problem with it :p
[ Suspicious Minds]
  1. 00:20:987 (4,1) It's just a minor suggestion, but you can improve this blanket a bit to make a neater pattern. Consider doing the same with this 02:22:289 (4,1) as long as it was copied and pasted. Improved both!
  2. 00:27:530 (1,2) Nazi suggestion here, but you can make the slider (1) like this to make a better look. Consider doint the same here 02:28:832 (1,2) as long as it was copied and pasted. nah, both are fine :p
  3. 00:31:407 (6,1) Please, stack them. As long as the difference between these sliders is 0.02x off if would make more sense if they were stacked. >w< huh? I can't perfectly stack them, this shitty editor doesn't let me (sorry if you read this peppy)
  4. 00:37:223 (4) Move this circle a grid to the left to improve the DS (it's off by 0.02x) ok, moved!
  5. 00:48:855 (5,1) The way these objects are placed breaks the DS consistency you managed over the previous section. It would make more sense if this pattern kept the 1.10x DS you managed. Consider doing the same here 03:01:788 (1,2) as long as it was copied and pasted. oh, I didn't notice the shit I did, fixed!
  6. 00:51:763 (3,4) Just a minor suggestion, but you can place them at the same x axis to make this pattern symmetric. ahh.. again.. the editor doesn't allow me to to it, well, at least it will look symmetric when people play it.
  7. 01:48:954 (1,2,3) The way you placed these jumps makes a very hard jump to follow if the players isn't aware of it. Nonetheless, you reduced the SV here so it would make more sense if you reduce the DS of these objects to make it more readable. Something like you did here 01:09:695 (1,2,3) might fit perfectly. Ok, I reduced them a little bit. (1.50 to 1.40)
  8. 02:47:491 (6,7,8) The way this pattern has different DS plays weird because it breaks the DS you manage over the previous patterns, which is 1.50x. It would make more sense if you keep consistent the DS among these objects 02:47:733 (7,8) as well as you did here 02:47:490 (6,7) I did what I could using distance snap.
  9. 02:57:184 (3,1) The current overlap looks weird. What about if you try out oh, yeah, looks better!
  10. 03:09:300 (1) I think this spinner needs to be emphasized better than he way it is with the auto sampleset. Put it Normal to give an epic end. Do the same with the normal Yeah! Epic END!
Call me back! babe _:3_>_sure dear!
Thanks <3!!! :)

Crimmi wrote:

Go Go Go~!
I'm going I'm going!!! :OOO
Topic Starter

Message for the Quality Assurance Team

Neither I, Lanturn and HappyRocket88 consider spread an issue. The gap between Normal and Hard is not that BIG and since there are not 3 diffs, there's no way to do a comparison among the gaps between difficulties. So, PLEASE do NOT consider spread an issue to disqualify the mapset, oki?
congrats on the qualify! :D
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:

congrats on the qualify! :D
Thanks Lanty!
Finally qualified <3 Congrats :)
Topic Starter

MkGuh wrote:

Finally qualified <3 Congrats :)
Thanks MkGuhnalds! <3
I'm glad to see it qualified.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

I'm glad to see it qualified.
Thanks Geruuukiii!!!
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