
Have a function to show which requests we shot our stars at

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
Topic Starter
Hmm...after some searching i havent found anything like this(I hope there isnt any, if not im an idiot)

So basically, when i come here to look at the requests i supported, i dont remember which features i shot my stars at. Because of this i feel as if i 're-shot' my stars and kinda wasted it because i supported it already. And its due to the reason that many people dont have many stars, so although this would be a minor addon i think it would allow the people who shot stars to get to their supported requests easier and avoid re-shooting stars. Maybe its just me who doesnt remember which posts i shot stars at, but just a suggestion :P
Hover your cursor over the stars to see who shot them
Seeing all requests you starred is actually pretty neat
I must have spent around 50-60 stars already xD

baraatje123 wrote:

Hover your cursor over the stars to see who shot them
what if there were like 100+ stars shot on a certain request? are you gonna hover all of them? ;_;
i think there was a request to see your stars in a different colour, but i wouldn't quote me on that. i'm not very sure about it....
Topic Starter
Actually, what i meant was to have an option on the 'feature requests' forum page to see which requests you have supported.

Something like a tick box for 'Requests you are supporting' or something. Not that much of the colour/hovering over the stars

deadbeat wrote:

i think there was a request to see your stars in a different colour, but i wouldn't quote me on that. i'm not very sure about it....

I'm surprised you remember that lol

On topic: I don't mind having a list of requests which oneself promoted.
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