
Jin ft.Lia - days [short ver.]

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Updated ~ :3
Hey, sorry for this delay.

2nd combocolour looks close to 1st, they are fine, but why do you place them in a row? it's hard to determine when combo ends... maybe replace it?
you have bunch of hitsounds in yuor folder: SC:1, SC:2, SC:3. in map you use only SC:2, guest diff has default hitsounds.

00:57:490 (1,2) - these two objects are snapped wrong (end of sliders). snap them correctly please
set OD7, no point to set high OD for calm song
for 87secs of drain time you use 7(!) spinners. that's too many, they fit their places more or less, but reduce their quantity please, map them in another way. as example, try to use long sliders as -Neipezi did.
Big quantity of spinners is fine for easy diffs, but for hardest diff it looks wrong (even if this Hard is so easy).
also i don't know why do you use slowdowns here, not force to change them.
shape of some sliders can be improved also, but it's minor.

-Neipezi's Normal
OD and AR to 4 please for consistensy
great diff. nothing to say

00:09:990 (8) - 8 is too long combo in easy, add nc somethere, to make it shorter.
00:58:115 (1) - this slider is not nice, take a look: a made it smoother and with symmetry. try to make some smooth sliders too! they are nice, really:
01:14:990 (1,2,3,4) -square? no, please. make it interesting, we have left squares long time ago :P

so, map needs small improvement to make a new step!
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Thanks for the mod ~ ! Will check tomorrow, and hopefully, captin1 will mod this today ~

Aleks719 wrote:

Hey, sorry for this delay.

-Neipezi's Normal
OD and AR to 4 please for consistensy :arrow: okay
great diff. nothing to say
Lapis Aoki, change please~
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

Hey, sorry for this delay.

2nd combocolour looks close to 1st, they are fine, but why do you place them in a row? it's hard to determine when combo ends... maybe replace it?
you have bunch of hitsounds in yuor folder: SC:1, SC:2, SC:3. in map you use only SC:2, guest diff has default hitsounds.

00:57:490 (1,2) - these two objects are snapped wrong (end of sliders). snap them correctly please
set OD7, no point to set high OD for calm song
for 87secs of drain time you use 7(!) spinners. that's too many, they fit their places more or less, but reduce their quantity please, map them in another way. as example, try to use long sliders as -Neipezi did.
Big quantity of spinners is fine for easy diffs, but for hardest diff it looks wrong (even if this Hard is so easy).
also i don't know why do you use slowdowns here, not force to change them.
shape of some sliders can be improved also, but it's minor.

-Neipezi's Normal
OD and AR to 4 please for consistensy
great diff. nothing to say

00:09:990 (8) - 8 is too long combo in easy, add nc somethere, to make it shorter.
00:58:115 (1) - this slider is not nice, take a look: a made it smoother and with symmetry. try to make some smooth sliders too! they are nice, really:
01:14:990 (1,2,3,4) -square? no, please. make it interesting, we have left squares long time ago :P

so, map needs small improvement to make a new step!
Fixed everything in the mod, thanks ~ !
only custom hitsounds 2 are used. old unused hitsounds are still in folder.
colours are still strange placed.

00:04:990 (1) - nc should be here. that nc for one note looks bad, remove this nc : 00:09:990 (1) -
00:55:615 (2) - i thought it's pretty clear that if you used copypaste for these 2 sliders you should this this one as well as 00:58:115 (1) -

01:15:615 (4,5) - spacing issue



okay, better now.
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Sir I love you, thanks for the bubble ~ !
Cerulean Veyron

That promise you made with me will break here, traitor. It's time for un-mutual friend with you~ C:

This is why i hate having Crap anime fwiends :<
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Nuuuu ~ ;___; B-But, you were the best emarati mapper friend I've ever had, why ~~ ;w;

Lapis Aoki wrote:

Nuuuu ~ ;___; B-But, you were the best emaratimapper friend I've ever had, why ~~ ;w;
هو يستهبل هههه

Rank this, pls pls pls, and make more maps like this one <333 i really love it ^^
Topic Starter

VeeLaHee104 wrote:

Lapis Aoki wrote:

Nuuuu ~ ;___; B-But, you were the best emaratimapper friend I've ever had, why ~~ ;w;
هو يستهبل هههه

Rank this, pls pls pls, and make more maps like this one <333 i really love it ^^
Thanks VeeLa ~ ! I really hope that it gets ranked soon, I hope captin checks it today ~ ;w;

LOL, he doesn't deserve it ~ xD I better get an Arabic keyboard soon ~ o3o

EDIT: captin1 pls notice this map, its hard to find you in-game He's modding it soon ~ <3 He can't rank it since he's a QAT and Aleks bubbled it and also he's a QAT, and Aleks bubbled it ;_;
//metadata was fixed "()" --> "[]"
//minor tweaks of placement in Easy and Hard

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yey thanks ~ :3
I have to pop because of early offset.

Change offset to 626 please.
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ASasdzxc , Forgot some things.

title reference :

EDIT : Oops, seems like you need to resnap some green lines.

Also I'd remove all these notes here : 01:25:938 (1,2,3,1) - Since they reappear too soon after spinner

Hopefully its good to go after.
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i'll fix that, for the title

i'll go with lanturn's since he gave me 2 links for the title

EDIT: Updated
Ranked plz~ ><
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probably will take forever to rank
~forever bubbled~
The spread looks better now. expect a mod soon.

hmm quite a soothing song :3


  1. The rhythms you used are pretty random? but they're still totally playable, so I'll give you that. However, some rhythms could use a bit of changing before it can be even considered good.

    Mostly because the ammount of notes here are not well balanced, don't overuse 1/4th circles in this map, a little is good but the song is rather quiet and adding them isn't needed.
  2. 00:14:688 (3) - Again, you don't need extra emphasis here, its best to keep this to just one circle, I'd say remove this completely and replace with a circle. By the way, try to form a pentagon here if you apply this suggestion.

  3. 00:24:376 (2,3,4,5) - This pattern would look more beautiful if you alligned and centered it, pretty much like this :
    try to make the best out of this.

  4. 00:44:688 (1,2) - Move both of these notes down to prevent 2 from touching the hp bar :)

  5. 00:58:126 (2,3) - Unnecessary, turn both of them into 1 slider since there is hardly anything to map here since I can't really hear anything significant enough.
  6. 01:03:907 - Add a note here, the 2nd verse of the kiai is easier compared to the first kiai, which doesn't make sense. Both parts should be fairly similar in a way.

  7. 00:33:751 (1,2,3) - Hey! there strange vocals here, but I'd still prefer what you did at 00:28:751 (1,2,3) - , fits quite nice here. here's what I think for here

  8. 01:19:063 (3) - Turn to a slider to match 01:17:813 (3) - , I'd think they should be similar because of the vocals.
  9. 00:05:157 (4) - Totally not necessary, if you were to do something more fitting, it would be this :

    Mostly because the ammount of notes here are not well balanced, don't overuse 1/4th circles in this map, a little is good but the song is rather quiet and adding them isn't needed.
  10. 01:07:969 - Same to match with 00:50:313 (2,3,4) -
  11. 00:05:626 (1) - Add a whistle, that piano sound is strong.
  12. 00:10:626 (1) - Same as above.
  13. 00:12:813 (1) - ^ at the end.
  14. 00:50:313 (2,3,4) - No. if your trying to put some extra emphasis on the end of 2, this ain't helping. Try to do this something like this :

    To fit the music more
  15. 00:15:626 (1) - ^
  16. 00:26:251 (3) - ^ should know where they go now.

  1. 00:06:876 (2) - Put same spot as 00:04:376 (4) - because I can still see the overlap when the note apears.
  2. 00:20:626 (1,2,3) - Make these symmetrical.
  3. 00:40:626 (2) - its okay to add a new combo here and make previous note its own combo.
  4. Apply whistles suggestions I gave on hard here too.

  1. 00:40:626 (2) - Note touches the hp bar, makes it look ugly.
  2. 00:39:063 (5) - New combo, this signals the start to the kiai.
  3. 00:59:688 - Missing note here, I kinda wanted to get the same gist of rhythm you did for 00:39:063 (5,6,7,8) - but not making it entirely the same make sure you add new combo at 00:59:376 (1) -
Topic Starter
and updated

senpai will rank dis now c:

  1. 00:49:376 (2) - DS.
  2. 00:23:126 (3) - Same.
  3. 00:58:126 (1) -
  4. 01:01:251 (2) -
Please take some time to make sure DS is correct on easy.
Restored bubble due to timing change.
Topic Starter
yay thanks <3
Hey there.


  1. Since you have ed in the tags, it might be good to add ending aswell.

  2. Audio lead in is missing, add an Audio lead-in from about 1500 to every difficulty!

  3. Please change the pure white combo colour to something else since there has been some issues with it due to being flashy during the KIAI, better to play save and make it gray.


  1. 00:01:094 (3) - Would be really good to remove this note since it sounds dull. There is no sound in the music so mapping empty places will make it sound especially strange.
  2. 00:02:813 (1) - Could be a good idea to split this up into 2 notes so you'll have a click on the downbeat and therefore a better emphasis.
  3. 00:04:532 (2) - Same here as for 00:01:094 (3) - .
  4. 00:05:157 (3) - Why do you use an 1/4 Slider here? The blue tick does not have any sound. Besides starting Sliders on blue ticks most likely plays weird either way. But just remove this Slider and add a note to the red tick.
  5. 00:09:219 - I don't understand why you map some other empty blue ticks while not mapping this one that actually has a sound on it. You could consider to add something here.
  6. 00:12:813 (1) - Same thing as on 00:02:813 (1) - .
  7. 00:15:782 (2) - Here again; this note doesn't follow anything but it tones the emphasis on the bass drum down, better to remove it.
  8. 00:23:126 (5,1) - Switch NCs to keep consistency here.
  9. 00:25:626 (1,2,3,4) - Ending this stream on the blue tick is extremely uncomfortable, and is not really fitting the music. Add a note to 00:26:563 - so you'll have a proper stream.
  10. 00:28:126 (4,1) - Switch NCs again to be consistent.
  11. 00:29:376 (3) - This Slider does not fit the music. The blue tick it lands on has no sound and the rhythm is 1/2 so please try to use an 1/2 Slider here.
  12. 00:40:313 (3) - This isn't really great since you have a Slider end landing on the KIAI's start. You don't click the Slider's end so there will be no emphasis on the KIAI start at all. Try to add a note to the red tick and start a Slider on the KIAI. Adjust the following notes accordingly, of course.
  13. 00:41:719 (4) - This note lands on nothing again, would be better to remove this.
  14. 00:42:501 (1) - Remove NC here and add it to the next Slider to have a consistent pattern.
  15. 00:43:751 (1) - Remove NC here then, it's not needed and inconsistent.
  16. 00:44:688 (1) - Again, remove the NC here and add it to the next note.
  17. 00:46:251 (4,5,6,7) - Same thing as for 00:25:626 (1,2,3,4) - .
  18. 00:47:501 (1) - And here again, remove NC and add it to 3.
  19. 00:53:126 (4) - Why is this shape different from 3? Copy 3 and paste it there and please avoid this overlap.
  20. 00:59:063 (1,2,3) - Same thing as on 00:40:313 (3) - .

Well, that's it for now.
I can see a lot room for improvements.
Before calling me back, look at your combo patterns and make them consistent! Add a NC every downbeat!
You may have some special musical places where you have a small NC pattern change, but make it consistent, please!
This applies to Easy aswell, have a look on the Normal difficulty, it's done pretty well there.

Taking the bubble for inconsistent NC pattern and missing Audio lead-in.
Topic Starter
okay updated ~ :3 thanks for the mod ~ !
It indeed does look better now, but you don't have your combos consistent, still.

I want you to have a pattern for your new combos. This can mean either every downbeat, every second downbeat and so on. For Easy you should use a NC every second downbeat, for Hard every downbeat. This consistency is really important to structure the map and balance the drain.

Then I want you to remove the bright white colour on all difficulties.

On a smaller note for Normal; at 00:50:626 (1) - the combo colour is exact the same like the one before. Just remove and readd NC there.

Please call me back again when you've fixed those issues, you can also have a look at the Normal or other ranked beatmaps to fix the combo problem.
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I think I fixed it ~ :3
NCs look better now.

Pure white combo colour still in Easy and Normal difficulty.

Fix this and call me back.
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k updated .w.
Seems better.

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ty <3
  1. Delete the S:C1 clap in the song folder if you aren't using it.
  2. I need confirmation on the timing first before doing any further action, especially near the end of the song.
  3. It sounds noisy if you use the default sliderslide, especially in Easy. So, it would be much better to use the silent sliderslide.
  1. 00:03:126 (1,3) - Stack perfectly.
  2. 00:05:626 (1,2) - Swap the rhythm here, as I prefer something clickable for the stress and vocal at 00:06:251. I mean
  3. 00:15:001 (3) - Why does the DS here suddenly drop?
  4. 00:10:626 (1,2) - Same as the second point I mentioned above. Also, same swapping applies on 01:14:376 (1,1).
  5. 00:20:313 (4,1,2) - Suggestion on the rhythm, current one bothers me quite a lot.
  6. 00:30:313 - Add a circle here so as to provide better transition to the spinner.
  7. As for the NC, it's in a chaos tbh. Would u mind telling me the purpose of these NCs? The map is plain and straightward, I can't figure out any specific reasons for using inconsistent NC pattern. So, please keep it simple.
    00:01:876 (1) - Remove this NC.
    00:14:376 (1) - ^
    00:26:876 (1) - ^
    00:42:501 (1) - It should swap with 00:42:813 (2).
    00:47:501 (1) - Remove this NC.
    00:49:376 (1) - ^
    00:50:626 (4,1) - Swap the NC.
    00:58:126 (6,1) - ^
    01:05:001 (1,2) - ^
    01:10:001 (1) - Remove NC.
    01:15:001 (1,3) - Swap NC.
    01:16:251 (1) - Remove NC.
  8. Lastly, some suggestions on hitsounds.
    00:23:438 (2) - Clap on the middle node.
    00:28:751 (3) - Add a clap?
    00:30:626 (1) - Whistle?
    00:41:563 (4) - Clap, as it's quite similar to the custom clap ur using.
    01:18:751 (2) - Clap.
    01:27:813 - Reducing the volume by 10% sounds more comfortable to me.
    I found many claps are missing in the kiai and the way of adding hitsounds quite random. If you listen carefully, you will find the pattern within four beats like this

    See if you agree with me or not. You may want to use this clap for 00:45:001 - 00:50:001 - 00:55:001 - 01:05:001 - 01:10:001 - 01:15:001 - too.
  1. 00:01:251 (2,3,4) - Keep the DS consistent as 1.0x. It's obviously flawed when you compare with 00:03:126 (4,5) and objects onward.
  2. 00:16:876 (2) - ^
  3. 00:30:626 (9,1) - Swap this NC, 9 is way too large to see in Normal and it ruins the NC pattern.
  4. 00:37:188 (2,3) - Can you blanket these? It's piece of cake because of the reversed slider.
  5. 00:55:001 (1) - Kinda funny NC here, remove it. if you think it's too long, why not changing the NC pattern to a shorter one, say, NC every downbeat in the kiai?
  6. 01:04:063 (1) - Remove NC.
  7. 01:14:688 (5) - You need a NC here like what you did on 01:09:688 (1).
  8. 01:27:813 - Same in Hard.
  9. 00:06:563 (3) - Whistle for both vocal and piano.
  10. 00:30:313 (8,9) - Whistle should be placed on (9)'s head, as it consists of a higher pitch. Also, adjust a bit the position of 00:30:313 (8) such that the DS lies on 1.0x.
  11. 00:34:376 (3,1) - Remove the whistle on (3) and place it on head of (1), it assorts much better to the vocal.
  12. 00:45:001 (6) - Hitsound is missing for the apparent instrument here, I suggest the normal sampleset or the clap provided by me in Hard.
  13. 00:55:001 (1) - ^ And tail of 00:58:751 (4).
  1. The problem of NC is more or less the same as in Hard.
    00:13:126 (1) - You don't need this NC as you are NCing every two downbeats.
    00:23:126 (1) - ^
    00:43:751 (1) - ^ Instead, NC 00:45:001 (5) .
    00:47:501 (1) - Remove this NC.
    00:55:001 (1,2) - Swap NC.
    00:59:376 (1) - Remove this single NC please.
    01:01:251 (1) - ^
  2. Please refer to Hard for hitsounds.
add these:
Topic Starter
@IamKwan fixed everything
@TicClick added these timing
  1. Take this silent sliderslide,, rename it to soft-sliderslide2 and soft-sliderslide3 and put them into the folder.
  2. Check AImod. Please ask me if you have any questions, I can see you don't understand my mod thoroughly. PLEASE SNAP ALL GREEN LINES ALSO.
  1. 00:05:626 (1) - Should the whistle being put on head instead?
  2. 00:26:876 (6) - NC here as some timing points are added. Also, remove the NC of and add it on 00:28:751 (3).
  3. 00:51:563 (2) - Remove whistle on tail.
  4. 00:54:688 (4) - S:C3 clap.
  5. 01:07:501 (5) - S:C2 clap.
  6. 01:08:438 (2) - Clap on middle node.
  7. 01:17:501 (5) - S:C2 clap.
  8. 01:27:813 - I mean change the volume to 20%.
  1. 01:15:626 (2) - Remove NC.
  2. 01:27:822 - Add a green line of 20% here.
  3. 00:45:001 (6) - Normal sampleset.
  4. 00:55:001 (8) - ^
  1. All hitsounds suggested aren't fixed, why?
  2. 00:23:126 (3) - Clap on tail.
  3. 00:25:626 (1,2,3) - You can't use slider to get through multiple red lines here, try this: Please also remember to adjust hitsounds.
  4. 01:15:001 (1,2) - ^
  5. 00:28:751 (3) - Clap.
  6. 00:30:626 (1) - Whistle.
  7. As for the kiai, please use the same pattern as Hard, 2nd and 4th white ticks S:C2 clap and some 4th white ticks using S:C3 claps.
  8. 01:15:018 (1) - S:C3 clap.
  9. 01:17:501 (3) - Clap.
  10. 01:27:822 - Add a green line of 20% here.
Please check everything carefully before you poke me for recheck. And I also wonder why this map is bubbled.
Topic Starter
updated ~ >w< (and checked everything carefully xD)

IamKwaN wrote:

And I also wonder why this map is bubbled.
I wondered the same thing, actually.

There was huge room for improvement when I modded this map, so it gives us more work to balance the map out with a lot of rechecking.
You need to apply TicClick's timing and resnap all the notes before I can go for a recheck.
Please, it's nonsense that you tell me you are not able to resnap all the objects so you don't use the new timing. You have to deal with similar issues inevitably if you continue your mapping career.
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

You need to apply TicClick's timing and resnap all the notes before I can go for a recheck.
Please, it's nonsense that you tell me you are not able to resnap all the objects so you don't use the new timing. You have to deal with similar issues inevitably if you continue your mapping career.
lol i already resnapped it the red lines, and re-snapping the notes, and also i'm busy so yeah i might be late alot :<
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

yeee thanks <3
Okay,this looks good to go for me

Qualified ~ !

Fix some things :
  1. Spinner end and last notes adjust in Easy diff.
  2. Some missed htsound fixed
2014-11-01 23:58 smallboat: ACTION is editing [ Jin ft.Lia - days [short ver.] [Easy]]
2014-11-01 23:59 smallboat: 00:10:626 (1) - this slider end hitsound
2014-11-01 23:59 smallboat: and the hard diff are not the same there
2014-11-02 00:00 Lapis Aoki: oki removed the hitsound at the end
2014-11-02 00:00 smallboat: 00:03:751 (3) - same
2014-11-02 00:01 Lapis Aoki: removed
2014-11-02 00:08 smallboat: 00:06:876 (5) - not in the same hitsound
2014-11-02 00:09 Lapis Aoki: removed the whistle
2014-11-02 00:11 smallboat: 00:05:626 (1) -
2014-11-02 00:13 Lapis Aoki: added the whistle there if that was better
2014-11-02 00:15 smallboat: 00:45:001 (1) - Why this reverse hitsound has no add it in easy, and hard diff has been added there?
2014-11-02 00:17 Lapis Aoki: added
2014-11-02 00:17 smallboat: And these pattern I look fine,has nothing problem,just that hitsound not consistent problem
2014-11-02 00:34 smallboat: just one point
2014-11-02 00:35 smallboat: 00:30:626 (1,1) - not make sure this spinner end and the note are close or not
2014-11-02 00:36 smallboat: because has been the rule before
2014-11-02 00:36 Lapis Aoki: they're not close if you tested it
2014-11-02 00:38 smallboat: I know it is okay,but these QAT whom I don't know they how to think (They are like pick here)
2014-11-02 00:39 smallboat: to unrank it
2014-11-02 00:39 smallboat: This is true
2014-11-02 00:41 smallboat: ACTION is editing [ Jin ft.Lia - days [short ver.] [-Neipezi's Normal]]
2014-11-02 00:41 smallboat: 00:03:126 (4) - Feel missed NC?
2014-11-02 00:44 smallboat: 00:28:751 (6) - missed NC
2014-11-02 00:44 Lapis Aoki: added nc
2014-11-02 00:47 smallboat: At that kiai time , I suggest can use 1 NC for 1 big white line,example : 00:43:126 (3) - , 00:48:126 (5) -
2014-11-02 00:47 smallboat: 00:53:126 (6) -
2014-11-02 00:47 smallboat: 01:03:126 (6) -
2014-11-02 00:47 smallboat: 01:08:126 (5) -
2014-11-02 00:48 smallboat: okay,normal nothing to say
2014-11-02 00:48 Lapis Aoki: added all the nc
2014-11-02 00:48 smallboat: okay
2014-11-02 00:50 smallboat: ACTION is editing [ Jin ft.Lia - days [short ver.] [Hard]]
2014-11-02 00:50 smallboat: 00:10:313 (7) - feel add a note will be played better
2014-11-02 00:50 smallboat: suddenly stop have a bit not comfortable
2014-11-02 00:52 smallboat: 00:25:313 (6) - move to the same DS,feel no reason to jump there
2014-11-02 00:52 Lapis Aoki: oki fixed
2014-11-02 00:53 Lapis Aoki: fixed
2014-11-02 00:53 smallboat: 00:28:146 (1) - cancel this NC,I think still can easy read these 2 notes
2014-11-02 00:53 Lapis Aoki: fixed
2014-11-02 00:55 smallboat: 00:58:126 (1,2,3) - speed are not in the same
2014-11-02 00:56 smallboat: Suggest at (2) set NC make easy read this slider speed change
2014-11-02 00:57 smallboat: okay nothing to say
2014-11-02 00:57 Lapis Aoki: actually on (1) it was on purpose to make the speed like this lel
2014-11-02 00:58 smallboat: well,but the 1.00 -> 0.65 have a quick speed
2014-11-02 00:58 Lapis Aoki: okay
2014-11-02 01:50 smallboat: ACTION is editing [ Jin ft.Lia - days [short ver.] [Easy]]
2014-11-02 01:50 smallboat: 00:30:626 (1,1) -
2014-11-02 01:51 smallboat: 00:35:626 (1,1) -
2014-11-02 01:51 smallboat: check QAT this can be qualified or not
2014-11-02 01:54 Lapis Aoki: so i update now?
2014-11-02 01:57 smallboat: Are you delete that 00:34:376 (1) - and 00:39:376 (1) - these slider in easy?
2014-11-02 02:04 Lapis Aoki: maybe i'll find a qat tomorrow, cause i gtg soon ><
2014-11-02 02:04 Lapis Aoki: okay then
2014-11-02 02:05 Lapis Aoki: yup i did
2014-11-02 02:11 smallboat: 01:20:635 (1) - this line
2014-11-02 02:11 smallboat: green line is not necessary
2014-11-02 02:11 smallboat: keep the red line
2014-11-02 02:13 Lapis Aoki: okay removed
2014-11-02 02:13 smallboat: well sorry you update again
2014-11-02 02:13 Lapis Aoki: anything else they complained?
2014-11-02 02:13 smallboat: nothing
2014-11-02 02:14 smallboat: remember all diff need to remove that green line (the time point)
2014-11-02 02:15 smallboat: well okay
Topic Starter
finally <33 thanks :3
Four Bubbles lol
!! finally ranked~ congrats aoki owo

Mao wrote:

Four Bubbles lol
Yeah, anyway Gratzz~
Cerulean Veyron
dat muilti-account tho
:) Grats :)
late Congratz!!! :3
alguien me dise donde encuentro esa serie plssssss lo suplico mas de mundo la cansion es una pasada asique la serie deve ser la leche de cordero alguien pls responda que sepa la serie :D
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