
Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada [Taiko]

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Asagi Mutsuki

  1. *参考薯片的ranked版本* artist name 放 ヒゲドライバー join. SELEN 然后现在的放unicode artist感觉比较妥当
  2. 还有虽然不是很重要,但厄因为是太鼓图所以把enable custom colors 反勾选owo
  3. 00:24:905 和 00:25:097 - 这两个绿线音量改成70%和80%?现在这样根本听不出差别D:
  4. 00:31:059 - ^
  5. 00:49:521 - ^
  6. 00:55:674 - ^


  1. 神图阿 给个赞=w=b
  2. 干吗放变速阿
  3. 01:15:771 - 问了好几BAT然后大部分给我的答复是说“因为是kantan所以就把转盘后面的咔删掉”,但个人认为还是保留打起来好些o.o 如果你要把咔留下来的话,建议你把转盘缩短到2~3下就能打完的程度吧,毕竟我test的时候也只是刚好来得及打note,对kantan玩家来说就更坑爹啦。01:17:694 - 的话应该可以不用改,因为这有相对充裕的时间给玩家转完
  4. 00:58:655 - 感觉应该提一下,其他像00:46:155 (52,53,54) 和 00:21:540 (19,20,21) 这类有连接到下一段(?)的部分都有放1/2 kkk, 这里的鼓点隐约能听见1/2,感觉也能下o.o


  1. 干吗放变速阿
  2. 00:16:924 - 这里明明和前面一样音调有降低怎么这里就放kkk,不明究理阿@@ 如果没有特别需要放kkk的话感觉还是和前面统一好些
  3. 01:36:924 - ^
  4. 00:44:232 - owo 为啥空着阿?如果是整张图都放这样的pattern还好阿,但就放一个也未免太突兀D:
  5. kiai 的大音符虽然我能了解逻辑但看起来就是有点凌乱 @@
  6. 01:27:309 (202,204) - 把这两个note删掉如何?因为这里的人声也有停顿所以放些空档也能强调01:28:463 (205,206,207) 较为长一些的人声
  7. 01:41:732 - 试试这里也放个k吧?明明在打打打却空着感觉怪怪的 D: 话说如果是因为担心1/2大音符有点难的话,前面已经有放一大堆了所以大丈夫=w=


  1. 如果想要让这个难度维持在muzu的话,强烈建议整个kiai砍掉重练remap o.o 不然现在这样子比一些tv size 的oni还难== 明明futsuu这么容易得说。。。
  2. 01:07:213 - 这个的调儿听起来比较像d owo
  3. 01:08:463 - 这个如果改成k的话01:08:463 到 01:09:809 这整段就都是k,配合音乐听起来多美妙阿
  4. 01:20:382 - 为何不和oni统一些改成大音D:
  5. 01:28:847 - 人声的调满低的,试试改成d? ddkk 对muzu玩家也肯定会比kdkk容易看得多:o


  1. 00:12:501 (22,23) - 感觉这两个对调会比较符合音乐调的走向(?
  2. 00:15:578 (20,21) - ^
  3. 00:22:117 - 音乐这里什么都没有还是把这个note删了?
  4. 01:12:982 - 把滑条放在上一个note的1/4之后会有bug导致玩家可能不能正常打完整个slider, 为了避免这情况出现,请将这个note删掉
  5. 01:27:694 (459,460,461,462) - 试试放Dkkd 来给个与01:26:924 (455,456,457,458) 反衬的效果?o.o
  6. 难图不会Mod;w;

目前看来厄spread方面拿捏得不是太恰当owo 虽然说每个难度都碉堡惹但kantan和futsuu都偏容易而muzu oni却偏难,问了个bat该怎么解决, 也许你试试做一个新的muzu, 把muzu改名为oni, oni改名为inner oni owo 毕竟oni kiai里那些大音符打起来也有裹谱面的感觉了,不然futsuu 只有1/2 3~5连 muzu 却1/4 和 1/3鱼蛋满载你说合理吗=w=

Good luck!
Topic Starter

cdhsausageboy wrote:


  1. *参考薯片的ranked版本* artist name 放 ヒゲドライバー join. SELEN 然后现在的放unicode artist感觉比较妥当
  2. 还有虽然不是很重要,但厄因为是太鼓图所以把enable custom colors 反勾选owo
  3. 00:24:905 和 00:25:097 - 这两个绿线音量改成70%和80%?现在这样根本听不出差别D:
  4. 00:31:059 - ^
  5. 00:49:521 - ^
  6. 00:55:674 - ^


  1. 神图阿 给个赞=w=b
  2. 干吗放变速阿
  3. 01:15:771 - 问了好几BAT然后大部分给我的答复是说“因为是kantan所以就把转盘后面的咔删掉”,但个人认为还是保留打起来好些o.o 如果你要把咔留下来的话,建议你把转盘缩短到2~3下就能打完的程度吧,毕竟我test的时候也只是刚好来得及打note,对kantan玩家来说就更坑爹啦。01:17:694 - 的话应该可以不用改,因为这有相对充裕的时间给玩家转完
  4. 00:58:655 - 感觉应该提一下,其他像00:46:155 (52,53,54) 和 00:21:540 (19,20,21) 这类有连接到下一段(?)的部分都有放1/2 kkk, 这里的鼓点隐约能听见1/2,感觉也能下o.o


  1. 干吗放变速阿
  2. 00:16:924 - 这里明明和前面一样音调有降低怎么这里就放kkk,不明究理阿@@ 如果没有特别需要放kkk的话感觉还是和前面统一好些
  3. 01:36:924 - ^
  4. 00:44:232 - owo 为啥空着阿?如果是整张图都放这样的pattern还好阿,但就放一个也未免太突兀D:
  5. kiai 的大音符虽然我能了解逻辑但看起来就是有点凌乱 @@
  6. 01:27:309 (202,204) - 把这两个note删掉如何?因为这里的人声也有停顿所以放些空档也能强调01:28:463 (205,206,207) 较为长一些的人声
  7. 01:41:732 - 试试这里也放个k吧?明明在打打打却空着感觉怪怪的 D: 话说如果是因为担心1/2大音符有点难的话,前面已经有放一大堆了所以大丈夫=w=


  1. 如果想要让这个难度维持在muzu的话,强烈建议整个kiai砍掉重练remap o.o 不然现在这样子比一些tv size 的oni还难== 明明futsuu这么容易得说。。。
  2. 01:07:213 - 这个的调儿听起来比较像d owo
  3. 01:08:463 - 这个如果改成k的话01:08:463 到 01:09:809 这整段就都是k,配合音乐听起来多美妙阿
  4. 01:20:382 - 为何不和oni统一些改成大音D:
  5. 01:28:847 - 人声的调满低的,试试改成d? ddkk 对muzu玩家也肯定会比kdkk容易看得多:o


  1. 00:12:501 (22,23) - 感觉这两个对调会比较符合音乐调的走向(? 先保留這個,ddk 對我來說感覺沒啥太大的問題
  2. 00:15:578 (20,21) - ^
  3. 00:22:117 - 音乐这里什么都没有还是把这个note删了?
  4. 01:12:982 - 把滑条放在上一个note的1/4之后会有bug导致玩家可能不能正常打完整个slider, 为了避免这情况出现,请将这个note删掉
    打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打打 我有testplay過,可以打到9下,如果真的不行的話再改吧www
  5. 01:27:694 (459,460,461,462) - 试试放Dkkd 来给个与01:26:924 (455,456,457,458) 反衬的效果?o.o 我這裡想每個都用kat收尾ww
  6. 难图不会Mod;w;

目前看来厄spread方面拿捏得不是太恰当owo 虽然说每个难度都碉堡惹但kantan和futsuu都偏容易而muzu oni却偏难,问了个bat该怎么解决, 也许你试试做一个新的muzu, 把muzu改名为oni, oni改名为inner oni owo 毕竟oni kiai里那些大音符打起来也有裹谱面的感觉了,不然futsuu 只有1/2 3~5连 muzu 却1/4 和 1/3鱼蛋满载你说合理吗=w=

Good luck!
Maybe resurrect it?


Yey, resurrected!

IRC Modding
01:36 OnosakiHito: haha
01:36 qoot8123: :3
01:37 OnosakiHito: if you want, we can do an irc mod. Oni is pretty nice. Set has potential for ranking.
01:37 qoot8123: okay
01:38 qoot8123: wait me for update muzu
01:38 OnosakiHito: ok
01:38 OnosakiHito: take your time.
01:39 qoot8123: i just wonder my muzu and oni is the harder one, and the muzu didn't have enough break ww
01:39 qoot8123: updated
01:40 OnosakiHito: Good point you mention, which we can start with.
01:40 OnosakiHito: Just tell me when you are ready.
01:41 qoot8123: yeah, i'm ready now :3
01:41 OnosakiHito: Okay.
01:41 OnosakiHito: ----------------------------- IRC Modding -------------------------------
01:42 OnosakiHito: In general your spread in this set is fine. But some refining is needed at certain places.
01:43 OnosakiHito: Also the lack of breaks you mentioned is a problem here which should be fixed in all difficulties but Kantan.
01:44 OnosakiHito: Oni, Muzukashii and Futsuu are mostly "on-going" without many breaks. This should be changed for lower players and possible emphasis reasons.
01:44 OnosakiHito: Oni needs less of them, not many. So you don't have to be afraid. But Muzu and Futsuu would do good having some more, like Kantan has this one big break.
01:45 OnosakiHito: Now let's go to the actualy modding, beginning with [Kantan]
01:47 OnosakiHito: 00:10:001 - ~ 00:22:309 - It is not a must. I think patterns can be kept as they are, but just consider having maybe one break somewhere, for the sake of the savety site.
01:47 OnosakiHito: 00:15:386 (9) - You could delete for example this (common ono suggestion)
01:47 qoot8123: ok
01:49 OnosakiHito: 01:14:617 - Kiai is to me rather questionable. I would not use Spinners here. The idea is fine, but the implementation might not fit beside the fact, that spinners should be probably used for longer purposes.
01:50 OnosakiHito: You could keep your "finisher style" in the Kantan if you ask me. Single finishers would be fine for example.
01:50 qoot8123: okay, i want to notes to replace it
01:50 qoot8123: change*
01:51 OnosakiHito: Example: ( kiai start ~ 01:20:771 - )
01:52 OnosakiHito: It would be somewhat continuous mapping in case you have not a really big break in the kiai, but since the vocal is really emphasized here, it should be fine at this point having continuous 4/1 patterns.
01:52 OnosakiHito: 01:35:386 - Same suggestion like before. One note could be somewhere deleted in this whole section.
01:53 qoot8123: okay
01:53 OnosakiHito: ---> That's actually all about Kantan.
01:53 OnosakiHito: Once you are ready, I will continue with [Futsuu]
01:54 qoot8123: yeah,i am ready now
01:54 OnosakiHito: ----------------------- Futsuu -----------------------------
01:56 OnosakiHito: 00:09:617 - ~ 00:22:309 - Pretty much the same like in Kantan. Notes like 00:11:924 (8) - could be deleted for example.
01:57 OnosakiHito: In case you really want to keep it, it might be fine. But again: I think it would be the safety site.
01:57 OnosakiHito: side*
01:57 qoot8123: okay, i add same break here
01:57 qoot8123: some*
01:58 OnosakiHito: Similar things can be done in Muzukashii. There it is really intense!
01:59 OnosakiHito: Back to Futsuu: 00:23:078 (44) - Could be deleted. This would prevent the continuous mapping in Futsuu in a really an easy way and without much complication. Don't need to be exactly like that, but you did it already in Kantan.
02:00 OnosakiHito: Muzukashii can have some deletion here, too. After all, it is similar to Oni dispite the fact having one k in Oni, while Futsuu has half the amount of notes like Muzu and Oni ------- little spread problem
02:01 OnosakiHito: 00:29:232 - Same can be done here in Futsuu and Muzu (kat in Oni could be deleted, too, so it follows the beat in a more clear way).
02:02 qoot8123: okay
02:03 OnosakiHito: 00:33:463 - I do believe deleting this note benefits the difficulty and lenght of these patterns.
02:03 OnosakiHito: You have two sections which differ from each other, but which are still pretty much connected to each other.
02:04 qoot8123: yeah, fixed
02:04 OnosakiHito: deleting this note c- well okay
02:04 OnosakiHito: lol
02:07 OnosakiHito: 00:40:771 - ~ 00:46:540 - Maybe make it a bit easier. Maybe with deletions or changing patterns to two-plets as you did at 00:44:424 -. Would be still interesting and provide little rest moments, too.
02:08 OnosakiHito: Or, you just delete note likes 00:42:694 -
02:08 OnosakiHito: Don't know if you want me to give you examples.
02:08 OnosakiHito: If you think you can check it out by your own, I will just go on with next points.
02:09 qoot8123: yeah, i can change it by my own
02:09 OnosakiHito: ok
02:09 OnosakiHito: 00:47:694 - possible deletion like before (you can do similar stuff to same cases, so I don't need to mention it anymore)
02:11 OnosakiHito: 01:28:078 - Feels like it would be better having not this note here because previous don was also alone standing.
02:11 OnosakiHito: For consistency.
02:11 qoot8123: yeah, changed
02:11 OnosakiHito: Well, rest is up to you in Futsuu, like longer patterns. Didn't mention it since it is similar to what I said at the beginning.
02:12 OnosakiHito: Having some deletions should keep your patterns overall and make it easier, too.
02:12 qoot8123: i see, will take more about this lol
02:14 OnosakiHito: ---> Futsuu is fine as well. But a bit hard because of long pattern constellations. Would be fine with monotonically patterns, but since they switch a lot, it is needed.
02:14 OnosakiHito: If I can go on with Muzu, tell me.
02:15 qoot8123: okay, i'm ready :3
02:15 OnosakiHito: -------------------- Muzukashii ----------------------------
02:17 OnosakiHito: Muzukashii will need some more deletions. In general I understand your spread in the set. Oni has a lot of 1/4. Muzu a lot of 1/2 , Futsuu 2/1 and Kantan 4/1. But here, Muzu provides already some complicated patterns due to different snapping like 1/3.
02:17 OnosakiHito: Such mapping requiers rest moments to prepare player for upcoming parts or patterns which are due to it's snapping odd placed.
02:17 OnosakiHito: placement*
02:18 OnosakiHito: placed** nvm lol
02:18 qoot8123: where place could have break ? there are a lot of 3/2 rhythm ww
02:19 qoot8123: well,it is 3/4 w
02:19 OnosakiHito: 00:12:886 - This for example can't work as rest moment so well. 2/1 and 3/4 rhythms are not that different from the lenght, so some bigger spacings are requiered. Let's see.
02:22 OnosakiHito: 00:12:309 - Probably I can't find now that quick a nice solution, but I will just give an example: 00:12:309 - Could be deleted. I know. It doesn't fungate as real rest moment as well, but since you have 2 x 2/1 spacing, this part would be more significant as rest moment than the other parts-
02:22 OnosakiHito: Else, you could try deleting things like this: 00:11:540 (9) - , but I think it would rather go against your mapping way, since this is rather freestyle I suggested.
02:23 OnosakiHito: 00:18:463 - Same here of course.
02:23 qoot8123: okay
02:25 OnosakiHito: 00:21:732 - I know; some maps has been ranked with ddk lately. But I was inactive in the last days, so I couldn't check it. Not an excuse, but just to let you know why some oox slipped in ranking.
02:26 OnosakiHito: Anyway, I recommend to keep these ddk / kkd patterns away from Muzukashii. It is okay to use them alone standing, but bounded together with 1/2 makes it just harder and unsafe for ranking.
02:26 OnosakiHito: Monoton triplets should be enough in Muzu. In case you like oox, you can always make an easy Oni.
02:28 OnosakiHito: 00:22:309 - Same like in Futsuu and kantan: You can delete 00:22:694 - and 00:23:463 - to have some bigger break here. Oni does the job of carrying so many dons.
02:28 qoot8123: yeah, i have fixed that :3
02:29 OnosakiHito: Same for all other similar parts.
02:29 OnosakiHito: And of course, all other oox should be changed if you did it previously.
02:30 OnosakiHito: 00:34:617 - Same like before about deletions.
02:31 qoot8123: can i make 2/1 break on muzu?
02:31 OnosakiHito: Oh, just noticed you could do something else too: Deleting 00:35:386 - , 00:36:924 - this would make it really safe. And at 00:40:771 - you delete only one note, e.g. 00:43:078 -
02:31 OnosakiHito: 2/1 is not really a break here. You main snapping is 2/1
02:31 OnosakiHito: So 2/1 can't work as one.
02:32 OnosakiHito: For now I'm giving some examples. Later I will check the set one more time for me.
02:32 OnosakiHito: Because it is pretty hard to find in such short time a good solution.
02:33 OnosakiHito: Due to the given odd patterns
02:33 OnosakiHito: 01:02:309 - This can be deleted by following the vocals.
02:33 OnosakiHito: 01:05:001 - ^
02:34 OnosakiHito: 01:08:271 - ^
02:35 OnosakiHito: 01:08:463 - ~ 01:14:232 - Recommending strongy to delete some notes, too. When considering Futsuu, Muzu and Oni you can see, that Futsuu says "bye bye" to the higher diffs. lol
02:35 OnosakiHito: Here the spread becomes pretty high.
02:36 qoot8123: okay, delete some notes
02:36 OnosakiHito: Same for the Kiai. try deletin some notes in the Muzukashii to have a better spread between these three diffs.
02:37 OnosakiHito: 01:14:617 - To be honest, I can't argue here pretty well, but I do believe it is better to have no finishers at the beginning of a pattern. It looks odd and might not feel well when playing.
02:38 OnosakiHito: You have to switch from two fingers to one.
02:38 OnosakiHito: You could prevent this by having something like this
02:38 OnosakiHito: (It's a bit freestyle again, you know, I like jiro mapping lol)
02:39 OnosakiHito: Just an example from me, so you know what I mean.
02:39 qoot8123: i see
02:39 OnosakiHito: That's actually all about Muzukashii. Similar stuff I didn't mentioned again.
02:40 OnosakiHito: -> Muzukashii is good, but needs some breaks because of its complexity and lenght of patterns.
02:40 OnosakiHito: When you are ready, we will head to Oni; the last difficulty.
02:41 qoot8123: okay, ready now
02:41 OnosakiHito: -------------------- Oni ------------------------------
02:42 OnosakiHito: 00:19:040 - See this 2/1 space? Here it works as rest moment since the main snapping in Oni is 1/2 with a lot of 1/4.
02:42 qoot8123: oh, understand
02:44 OnosakiHito: 00:23:655 - As mentioned before, can be deleted. The dons follow the beat in a really nice way. Having suddenly a kat is probably not needed, since it doesn't follow anything at all. I guess it is just an additional note for some variety?
02:44 OnosakiHito: 00:25:194 - ^
02:44 OnosakiHito: If you really wanna keep it, it's okay. But dunno. Considering the beat and the changes in Muzu, this might be better.
02:45 qoot8123: i wnna keep the latter kat w
02:45 OnosakiHito: the second one?
02:45 qoot8123: yes
02:46 OnosakiHito: Okay.
02:46 OnosakiHito: that's fine.
02:46 OnosakiHito: Same of course for the other parts.
02:47 OnosakiHito: 00:59:040 - Maybe delete this note. Section border will be more clear.
02:48 OnosakiHito: Not a must.
02:48 OnosakiHito: 01:08:271 - Delete for missing vocal?
02:49 qoot8123: changed
02:49 OnosakiHito: 01:12:982 - You might not like this, and me neither, but you should delete this note because of the bug we have from sliders after 1/4.
02:50 OnosakiHito: You have to enforce yourself to hit the slider offbeat due to this bug.
02:50 qoot8123: okay, delete
02:51 OnosakiHito: 01:10:194 - and 01:10:578 - could be deleted. You followed the drum in the background, which is fine. But vocals are still pretty much emphasized, which you show with upcoming slider, too.
02:51 OnosakiHito: So you could have a mix of vocal and beat mapping.
02:51 OnosakiHito: Also, would have the "rising notes" effect.
02:51 OnosakiHito: 2/1 -> 1/1 -> 1/4
02:51 qoot8123: okay
02:52 OnosakiHito: 01:13:078 - Slider maybe small one, because previous notes were all small too. It's an visual aspect from me.
02:52 OnosakiHito: Now the kiai...
02:52 OnosakiHito: What do you think I gonna say? :D
02:53 qoot8123: it is fun and have more challenge :D
02:53 OnosakiHito: Half right I guess.
02:54 OnosakiHito: Well, I have nothing against these finishers. if you ask me, they could be kept. They are easy too read. They fit the vocal way too good. Deleting them would be a shame.
02:55 OnosakiHito: But you should ask a bit around what people think about these. In my opinion it is hard to play, which makes it a bit questionable.
02:56 OnosakiHito: Anyway, I'm fine with it. But we would need some more opinions about it, to know what a part of the community things.
02:56 OnosakiHito: thinks*
02:56 qoot8123: okay
02:56 OnosakiHito: Oh, and you could delete this note: 01:14:232 -
02:56 OnosakiHito: Probably not needed. Having a break hear emphasizes the kiai in a better way.
02:57 qoot8123: okay, delete
02:57 OnosakiHito: here*
02:57 OnosakiHito: 1. Offset: 771ms BPM: 156,00
02:57 OnosakiHito: woops,
02:57 OnosakiHito: ignore that
02:58 OnosakiHito: 01:30:001 - x1.00 Should be probably kept. Fits better instead of x.125
02:58 OnosakiHito: Probably you wanted to prevent overlapping....?
02:59 qoot8123: yes, 1.00 is a bit uncomfortable after playing kiai
02:59 OnosakiHito: If you add x1.00, which I recommend, you can delete the note at 01:29:617 -, so it prevents any overlap.
02:59 OnosakiHito: And about unconfortable playing, I think the x1.00 makes the part in this way emphasize a lot.
03:00 OnosakiHito: I can't explain that pretty well, since I valuate this by feeling, but after a fast section, the upcoming slower one has an bigger impact due to totally different SV,
03:00 OnosakiHito: which make upcoming part more significant then.
03:01 OnosakiHito: -> Well, that's all about Oni. Really nice diff. I like it.
03:02 qoot8123: very glad that you like it :D
03:02 OnosakiHito: Some TMT member showed me. :D
03:03 qoot8123: :D
03:04 OnosakiHito: That's all for now. Once I have time again, I will check the set again. In that time, please ask some modders about the finishers. I want to make sure it is accepted.
03:04 OnosakiHito: Will add the log in thread.
03:05 qoot8123: Okay
rank plz

Spy wrote:


As mentioned before, let me give some last comments with the actual mod:

[ Futsuu]

You could actually use HP 6 and for Kantan HP 7, what do you think? I still don't use it either, but actually it makes sense when considering that with a lower HP drain rate you can pass a map even without playing half on it.

  1. 00:58:847 (127) - Best would be to delete this. Actually the reason is the same as always. Preventing long patterns and so on. But would also fit to vocal and be consistent with 01:05:001
  2. 01:05:386~01:08:463 - Have following pattern instead for a better consistency with previous patterns?
  3. (Same for Muzukashii) 01:13:078 (163) - Might be better to use small slider to make it fit to previous small notes. Oni has it too.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:21:732 (48,49,50) - Don't know if I mentioned it before, but best would be to keep it a monotonically tripplet. ,,If used here, why not some where else and in other Muzus?" could someone ask. Let's better prevent this since there is no real 1/4 sound for this at all? Either monotonical pattern or just 1/2 would be enough.
  2. 01:10:386~01:11:540 - This pattern has a big conflict with the previous one at 01:09:040 due to different snapping. I suggest you to try something else which should fit to the stanza and the previous and upcoming patterns (picture: 01:10:578~01:11:540 -):

    Overall view from 01:08:463 to 01:14:617 -
[ Oni]

Actually there is one thing to mention in the On: The finishers in the kiai.

As you know, we discussed with some people in #taiko about it. Finishers in general are accepted in this map, yet, some player suggested to have in the long kat finishers "streams" some alternation with don as you have at 01:20:771. In this way player can compensate that finisher spam much better as if it would be a mono-coloured. Highly recommended here.

That's all. Oni feels a bit like a Jiro map. has a nice structure.
Yeah, you can kudosu this.
Topic Starter

OnosakiHito wrote:

Spy wrote:


As mentioned before, let me give some last comments with the actual mod:

[ Futsuu]

You could actually use HP 6 and for Kantan HP 7, what do you think? I still don't use it either, but actually it makes sense when considering that with a lower HP drain rate you can pass a map even without playing half on it. Change the hp to 5 on futsuu, and kantan keep 4, 6 and 7 seems too high for this song , and i change the od to 5 on muzu

  1. 00:58:847 (127) - Best would be to delete this. Actually the reason is the same as always. Preventing long patterns and so on. But would also fit to vocal and be consistent with 01:05:001
  2. 01:05:386~01:08:463 - Have following pattern instead for a better consistency with previous patterns?
    i fixed by a bit different way
  3. (Same for Muzukashii) 01:13:078 (163) - Might be better to use small slider to make it fit to previous small notes. Oni has it too.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:21:732 (48,49,50) - Don't know if I mentioned it before, but best would be to keep it a monotonically tripplet. ,,If used here, why not some where else and in other Muzus?" could someone ask. Let's better prevent this since there is no real 1/4 sound for this at all? Either monotonical pattern or just 1/2 would be enough.
  2. 01:10:386~01:11:540 - This pattern has a big conflict with the previous one at 01:09:040 due to different snapping. I suggest you to try something else which should fit to the stanza and the previous and upcoming patterns (picture: 01:10:578~01:11:540 -):
    removed 01:09:521 - this note to match 01:10:386 (223,224,225,226,227,228) - this pattern
    Overall view from 01:08:463 to 01:14:617 -
[ Oni]

Actually there is one thing to mention in the On: The finishers in the kiai.

As you know, we discussed with some people in #taiko about it. Finishers in general are accepted in this map, yet, some player suggested to have in the long kat finishers "streams" some alternation with don as you have at 01:20:771. In this way player can compensate that finisher spam much better as if it would be a mono-coloured. Highly recommended here. yeah, i know mono-color 1/3 finish is hard to play, but when I listen the music carefully, the background music is lower on 01:14:617 - ~ 01:20:001 - if you compare with 01:20:386 - ~ 01:26:155 -

That's all. Oni feels a bit like a Jiro map. has a nice structure.
Yeah, you can kudosu this.
almost fixed, and some fixed by my own way :)
Mapset is overall fine. But let me point out three last things, before anyone might wonder about it:

  1. One might wonder about the transition of the SV in Muzukahii 01:14:232 -, but I think it's not that urgent.
  2. Considering all kiais, Kantan#s spread might be a bit bigger to the others, but considering the quality of the map it should be okay.
  3. And there were concerns about the finishers in the Oni. I asked in #taiko for opinions, and they were pretty much well accepted. Only questionable point were the monotonical kat finishers. Mapper decided to keep them, so it's up to the qualifier if he / she would rather give it a go or not.

    Log #taiko
    13:12 Hanjamon: yay finished in only hours
    13:12 *Hanjamon is listening to [ 30 Seconds to Mars - This is War]
    13:13 cdhsausageboy: This is Hanjamon
    13:13 Genocide: This is Hanjamon
    13:13 azintairin710: that's hanja style =w=
    13:17 Hanjamon: aaaa i hate autosnap ;w;
    13:19 cdhsausageboy: ^ikr
    13:20 OnosakiHito: Hi
    13:20 Genocide: i hate myself
    13:20 Nardoxyribonucleic: Hi
    13:21 azintairin710: hi onoo/
    13:21 Hanjamon: hi Ono~
    13:21 cdhsausageboy: hey ono :3
    13:22 LunaticP: Hi
    13:22 OnosakiHito: Do you guys would like to lend me some help? :3
    13:22 OnosakiHito: I would need opinions about a set I would like to bubble.
    13:22 azintairin710: wut is it?
    13:22 *OnosakiHito is editing [ Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada [Oni]]
    13:22 OnosakiHito: 01:14:617 - What do you think about the finishers in this kiai?
    13:23 LunaticP: the qoot one?
    13:23 OnosakiHito: Yes.
    13:23 LunaticP: the one with KKKKKKKKKKKK?
    13:23 LunaticP: I remember
    13:23 LunaticP: let me update first...
    13:23 cdhsausageboy: they're cool
    13:23 *cdhsausageboy runs
    13:23 LunaticP: okay
    13:24 LunaticP: I actually did asked him before about this
    13:24 OnosakiHito: @cdh: They are cool indeed. But playwise it is questionable.
    13:24 OnosakiHito: They fit the song really good and make the map (esepcially this very part) interesting.
    13:24 OnosakiHito: But I wonder if it would be accepted in the community.
    13:25 Firce777: so bubble it :D
    13:25 OnosakiHito: No. lol
    13:25 cdhsausageboy: um
    13:25 LunaticP: I have the same question
    13:25 azintairin710: some player need new kind of playstyle
    13:25 cdhsausageboy: its really hard to actually hit all of them with both hands
    13:25 azintairin710: let him
    13:25 OnosakiHito: Exactly cdh.
    13:25 cdhsausageboy: but tbh
    13:25 cdhsausageboy: why not?
    13:25 LunaticP: I asked him " how can you go for rank if you make this "
    13:26 cdhsausageboy: the sv has been increased to prevent overlap
    13:26 cdhsausageboy: it fits the song
    13:26 cdhsausageboy: if the players can't play it properly
    13:26 cdhsausageboy: they could just hit it with one hand and accept the score reduction
    13:26 OnosakiHito: The thin is cdh, that patterns -in my opinion- should play, sound and look well. If one of these factors doesn't apply, it becomes questionable if the pattern is fine.
    13:26 OnosakiHito: thing*
    13:27 LunaticP: I would say K d d K d d K K K K
    13:27 OnosakiHito: kkdd > kddk
    13:27 Firce777: D K K K K K K K K K
    13:27 OnosakiHito: @qoot, LunaticP gave some suggestion here.
    13:27 -Anhedonia-: yes, it is easy with kkdd config o.o
    13:27 cdhsausageboy: lunaticP b...but that looks pretty bad D:
    13:28 Genocide: kkdd is hard
    13:28 Genocide: lol
    13:28 LunaticP: if reverse every dk
    13:28 Genocide: dkd k dkd please
    13:28 -Anhedonia-: and also its not good to judge a map just because something is hard or not o3o
    13:28 Firce777: it's fine to me to play it
    13:28 LunaticP: because the problem is we question about all finisher
    13:29 cdhsausageboy: because having some of them as small notes plays weird to the song since the song is all dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada
    13:29 LunaticP: or D k k D k k D D K K
    13:29 azintairin710: you singing :D
    13:29 OnosakiHito: It doesn't make a big difference at this point. Finisher sounds are overlapping.
    13:29 OnosakiHito: Which means, you hardly notice any change in sounding.
    13:29 Hanjamon: for me are playable and fine (because yes, i'm ddkk), are hard to hit ofc, but some players can hit the notes alternating, after all imo, big notes are only bonus points
    13:30 cdhsausageboy: but the sounds aren't the main factor here
    13:30 cdhsausageboy: its the appearance/design?
    13:30 Nwolf: woof
    13:30 OnosakiHito: Design wise I say it's not a big problem. Having small notes mixed with big one is nothing new.
    13:30 cdhsausageboy: hey bakawoof
    13:30 LunaticP: okay the whole friend list is now modding the same map
    13:30 azintairin710: bakawolf 'w'
    13:30 LunaticP: WTF
    13:30 OnosakiHito: Nwolf, you can start talking with us right away about this:
    13:30 *OnosakiHito is editing [ Hige Driver join. SELEN - Dadadadadadadadadada [Oni]]
    13:30 cdhsausageboy: b...but it doesn't fit D:
    13:30 Nwolf: ye I am surprised too
    13:30 OnosakiHito: Finisher in kiai.
    13:31 OnosakiHito: @cdh: Visual wise? Or play wise?
    13:31 cdhsausageboy: visual wise
    13:31 cdhsausageboy: play wise is pretty meh
    13:32 cdhsausageboy: since you need to kinda hit the notes at bpm312 1/3 to get them all right
    13:32 -Anhedonia-: score multiplied by kiai and large note yay
    13:32 OnosakiHito: playwise > visual in this case I guess.
    13:32 cdhsausageboy: oodain ftw
    13:32 OnosakiHito: So I would rather go for making some notes small
    13:32 Tasha: so i might have to not do TWC this year
    13:32 OnosakiHito: because it doesn't look that bad either.
    13:32 Nwolf: what about them
    13:32 -Anhedonia-: >either.
    13:32 Tasha: I think I screwed up my left wrist :/
    13:32 cdhsausageboy: i'd rather make all of them small ones if that's the case :<
    13:32 OnosakiHito: What do you think about the Nwolf?
    13:33 OnosakiHito: them*
    13:33 Nwolf: I think the Nwolf is cool *hides*
    13:33 Nwolf: I don't like that there's so much big kats
    13:33 LunaticP: suddenly I remember something like this >
    13:33 cdhsausageboy: that's oodain k
    13:34 OnosakiHito: Could you please argument wants without personal feelings, Nwolf. :P
    13:34 OnosakiHito: once*
    13:34 OnosakiHito: oh god, my english today
    13:34 Nwolf: ok
    13:34 Nwolf: I don't like that there's so much big kats because it sounds so empty D:
    13:34 OnosakiHito: Empty?
    13:35 Nwolf: ye idk
    13:35 OnosakiHito: What about 01:20:771 (405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414) - ?
    13:35 LunaticP: that's still personal feelings lol
    13:35 -Anhedonia-: @Ono , for me they are fine, i think i have nothing else to say than "these doesnt need to be changed into something that is somewhat same"
    13:35 cdhsausageboy: ...the song itself has pretty much nothing except the vocals though
    13:35 Nwolf: 01:20:771 (405,406,407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414) - and there's big dons here too
    13:35 Nwolf: 01:16:155 (375,376,377,378,379,380,381,382,383,384) - this could be big dons for variation
    13:36 Nwolf: (and to avoid killing my middle fingers)
    13:36 cdhsausageboy: ^ have to agree with that
    13:36 Nwolf: but I really don't mind all those finishers
    13:36 Nwolf: since I've been waiting for a new finisher map a long time
    13:36 Tasha: am i the only one who had no issue with the finishers? :x
    13:36 LunaticP: legi notes
    13:36 Nwolf: something like rog-unlimitation
    13:36 Tasha: My wrist is screwed up and I still didn't think they were bad
    13:36 Nwolf: nobody said they were bad
    13:36 cdhsausageboy: because tasha you're pro ;w;
    13:37 LunaticP: ono , basically if you ask people you know here, they can play it of cause
    13:37 OnosakiHito: Yeah, no one said they are bad. They are really good. But playwise it is questionable. And I won't bubble (or let something qualified) if it is questionable. Especially not, as long as community doesn't accept it.
    13:37 OnosakiHito: Well LunaticP, community has an important factor here.
    13:38 Tasha: thats a pretty lame way of going about it
    13:38 Nwolf: Lunatic please
    13:38 OnosakiHito: If they do say it is fine, even though playwise it might be a bit questionable,
    13:38 Tasha: the community most of the time has a pretty bad taste in maps :p
    13:38 OnosakiHito: I'm please to listen to the community instead of me.
    13:38 Tasha: I didn't find it questionable though :<
    13:38 OnosakiHito: Tasha, you know what I mean. :P
    13:38 Tasha: no I don't
    13:38 Tasha: I literally don't find it questionable
    13:38 LunaticP: lol
    13:38 Nwolf: it's not questionable, really
    13:38 Firce777: i'm one handed-player, i can beat these finish notes well
    13:38 OnosakiHito: I'm two handed. I die.
    13:39 OnosakiHito: x_x
    13:39 Tasha: Yeah you beat them finish notes hard Firce
    13:39 LunaticP: They are correct notes
    13:39 Tasha: oh baby
    13:39 Nwolf: then you die on rog-unlimitation too thoi
    13:39 *Tasha flees
    13:39 Nwolf: Seriously, it just gives more variation in maps we have
    13:39 Nwolf: since there hasn't been a real finisher-heavy map in ages (Burn does not count here)
    13:40 OnosakiHito: Burn does count.
    13:40 Nwolf: Burn only has a few finishers compared to what I'm missing
    13:40 OnosakiHito: And just because we had no maps with insane SV changes since ages doesn't mean, we use them. If you know what I mean. lol
    13:40 OnosakiHito: Whatever.
    13:40 Tasha: SV changes are stupid because they're artificial
    13:40 Nwolf: isn't 1.5 insane
    13:41 Tasha: and are dependant on memorizing or high speed reading skill
    13:41 OnosakiHito: They are part of Taiko.
    13:41 Tasha: Finisher use isn't artificial, each finisher gives an option for bonus score.
    13:41 _verto_: oh hi is it that time again?
    13:41 OnosakiHito: No verto.
    13:41 OnosakiHito: It's not.
    13:41 _verto_: welp
    13:42 Nwolf: the SV in the kiai could be lowered a bit imo
    13:43 Tasha: lol, i just tried it with DT
    13:44 Tasha: my left hand immediately went nope
    13:44 Tasha: right hand had no issues though :p
    13:44 LunaticP: your left hand have nothing right and your right hand have nothing left
    13:45 OnosakiHito: Anyway. Still unsure about the finishers.
    13:45 OnosakiHito: valid argument
    13:45 OnosakiHito: It's pretty fast.
    13:45 cdhsausageboy: ;w;
    13:45 Nwolf: it's not 312 1/2
    13:46 Nwolf: with NM it's BPM+BPM/2
    13:46 Nwolf: aka 234
    13:46 OnosakiHito: Don't know how much BPM it would be, but in general it is probably clear that it's not easy to play it.
    13:46 cdhsausageboy:
    13:46 cdhsausageboy: please ono
    13:46 Tasha: it... is easy to play it though
    13:46 OnosakiHito: Tasha, I can't take you as scale here.
    13:46 Firce777: agreed with ono
    13:46 Tasha: pressing 2 buttons in time isn't hard
    13:46 OnosakiHito: You are an unstoppable mosnter which opinion is dangerous. lol
    13:46 Tasha: it isn't any harder than pressing 1 at a time
    13:47 Nwolf: I can hit them too :c
    13:47 cdhsausageboy: unless the player's stamina sucks, it really isn't that hard to play
    13:47 Nwolf: and I could swear I hit them with DT about as bad with shit acc!!!
    13:47 OnosakiHito: Yeah, for kkdd players Tasha. But for kddk it is a realy pain.
    13:47 Nwolf: no Ono it's not
    13:47 LunaticP: I can't hit them all but I will still say let it go
    13:47 Tasha: want to see me do it with kddk?
    13:47 Nwolf: I am kddk
    13:47 Tasha: i'm shit at kddk and I can do it.
    13:47 pmriva: just want to share my map :|
    13:48 OnosakiHito: Anyway, it's the wrong direction we go right now. Never wanted to argue playstyle wise.
    13:48 azintairin710: how much D in a line?
    13:48 OnosakiHito: Let's just make it easy maybe, with "yes" and "no"? Like, who would be against it and who not?
    13:48 LunaticP: 10
    13:48 OnosakiHito: lol
    13:48 azintairin710: D:
    13:49 azintairin710: that exhausting
    13:49 LunaticP: the first time #taiko is voting for a letting a map pass?
    13:49 azintairin710: i would say no if you want to compare it to player perspective
    13:49 azintairin710: but yes if it really fit the song
    13:50 Nwolf: I'm yes for keeping finishers
    13:50 Garpo: Its fun and fits the song
    13:50 Nwolf: (and making the 2nd thingy big dons)
    13:50 cdhsausageboy: yes for finishers
    13:50 cdhsausageboy: lol nwolf
    13:50 Tasha: yes to finishers
    13:50 Tasha: they work fine for the vocal part there matched with kiai / highlighting point of the song.
    13:51 Tasha: and I almost did them first try with kddk having no experience with stuff like that so :p
    13:51 qoot8123: can i vote yes for me :D?
    13:51 Firce777: keep it
    13:51 Tasha: Nwolf wanna see how shit I am at kddk? :D
    13:51 azintairin710: no you can't qoot =w= you were the mapper
    13:51 LunaticP: #taiko is full of mapper..........
    13:51 LunaticP: may be we need some voice from pure player
    13:52 OnosakiHito: Well, I think that's pretty clear then.
    13:52 OnosakiHito: Since all say yes, I think it can be approved.
    13:52 *OnosakiHito logs it*
That's all. In general pretty solid set which I want to bubble now (beside the fact that I'm rather unemployed considering the amount of ranks in Taiko... lol).

And have some stars from me.
Topic Starter




nice haha
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:




wow! very surprising :D
iconed by 2 QAT's lol gratz

Taiwan-NAK wrote:

Grats~ :)
Grats qoot.. Really nice map! :)

And well, bubbled and ranked by QATs. Almost imposible (to don't say impossible) to get it disqualified *runs* :3
double QAT awesome /o/ :D \o\
Cerulean Veyron
Another dadadada song, lol Gz~ 0w0
Double QAT HYPE!


xxdeathx wrote:

iconed by 2 QAT's lol gratz

the Oni has actually underrated with DT :3c

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

op mappu

best of 2015
This is gold.
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