
cillia - FIRST [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 5:52:59 PM

Artist: cillia
Title: FIRST
Tags: vocaloid kasane teto drum bass UTAU niki utauloid cover Muu-chan
BPM: 190
Filesize: 5620kb
Play Time: 02:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. EZ - 4Key (1.47 stars, 530 notes)
  2. HD - 4Key (2.74 stars, 1127 notes)
  3. Muu's MX - 4Key (3.28 stars, 1689 notes)
  4. NM - 4Key (1.94 stars, 817 notes)
Download: cillia - FIRST
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Status: pending, ready for mod!
Artist/Title: Cillia - FIRST
Length: 2:59 (2:40 drain)
BPM: 190
Filesize: 5.3MB
Muu's MX by Muu-chan

  1. EZ Finish
  2. NM Finish
  3. HD Finish
  4. Muu's MX Finish
Change log
-fix AImod
-fix diff EZ, NM.
-Change timming & preview point HD+ MX
-add diff HD

-finished diff EZ,NM,HD,ready to mod
-fix diff MX

-finished diff MX,ready to mod
-add hitsound
-delete diff HD+

-delete MX, change to GD
-fix all diff
Lunatic Raccoon
Thanks to playing
HI SI >w< mod here

  1. diff name HD+ change to HD bcs its unrankable like this pattern
  2. (in F4 design)recheck Widescreen support and Letterbox during breaks
  3. (in F4 Difficulty)change HP and overall diff > EZ HP=6 OD=6, NM HP=7 OD=6, HD HP=7 OD=7, MX HP=8, OD=8
  4. check AImod(ctrl+shift+A)
  1. 00:38:286 (38286|0) - remove bcs no sound
  2. 00:38:917 (38917|0) - move to 2
  3. 00:39:233 here add more note
  4. 00:45:549 (45549|0,45865|0) - there not same sound there so dont add in same column,
  5. 00:56:917 (56917|3,57233|3) - same here
  6. 01:09:865 (69865|3,70180|3) - ^
    01:10:180 (70180|3,70496|0) - but its same here so u can put together (there are lots pattern like this later so u can change it urself)
  7. 01:12:391 (72391|3) - no sound so remove
    01:12:549 or u can move to here, but i prefer to remove
  8. 01:13:023 (73023|3) - ^
  9. 01:22:180 (82180|3) - move to 01:22:338 bcs no sound
  10. 01:24:075 (84075|2) - move to 01:23:917 bcs ^
  11. 01:25:970 (85970|2) - move to 01:25:812 bcs ^
  12. 01:27:233 (87233|0) - no sound
  13. 01:27:865 (87865|3) - no sound
  14. 01:29:759 (89759|0) - ^ i prefer add note in 01:29:917 and 01:30:075
  15. 02:08:917 (128917|0) - move to 02:08:759
  16. 02:09:233 (129233|1) - start at 02:09:075
  17. 02:10:180 (130180|0) - no sound
  18. 02:11:444 (131444|2) - ^
  19. 02:12:707 (132707|0) - ^
  20. 02:13:180 (133180|1) - ^
  21. 02:15:233 (135233|2) - ^
  22. 02:17:759 (137759|3) - ^
  23. 02:18:391 (138391|2) - ^
  24. 02:19:023 (139023|3) - start at 02:18:865
  25. 02:22:812 (142812|3) - no sound so start at 02:22:654
  26. 02:39:549 add a note
  27. 02:41:759 (161759|0) - move to 02:41:601
  28. 02:43:812 add a note like here 02:14:759
  29. 02:53:128 (173128|0) - start at 02:52:970
  30. 02:55:338 (175338|3) - end at 02:58:180

good luck, ill check other diff later ;)
Topic Starter

Candiize wrote:

HI SI >w< mod here

  1. diff name HD+ change to HD bcs its unrankable like this pattern sorry
  2. (in F4 design)recheck Widescreen support and Letterbox during breaks ok
  3. (in F4 Difficulty)change HP and overall diff > EZ HP=6 OD=6, NM HP=7 OD=6, HD HP=7 OD=7, MX HP=8, OD=8 ok
  4. check AImod(ctrl+shift+A) ok
  1. 00:38:286 (38286|0) - remove bcs no sound ok
  2. 00:38:917 (38917|0) - move to 2 ok
  3. 00:39:233 here add more note ok
  4. 00:45:549 (45549|0,45865|0) - there not same sound there so dont add in same column, ok
  5. 00:56:917 (56917|3,57233|3) - same here ok
  6. 01:09:865 (69865|3,70180|3) - ^ ok
    01:10:180 (70180|3,70496|0) - but its same here so u can put together (there are lots pattern like this later so u can change it urself) ok
  7. 01:12:391 (72391|3) - no sound so remove ok
    01:12:549 or u can move to here, but i prefer to remove ok
  8. 01:13:023 (73023|3) - ^ ok
  9. 01:22:180 (82180|3) - move to 01:22:338 bcs no sound ok
  10. 01:24:075 (84075|2) - move to 01:23:917 bcs ^ ok
  11. 01:25:970 (85970|2) - move to 01:25:812 bcs ^ ok
  12. 01:27:233 (87233|0) - no sound ok
  13. 01:27:865 (87865|3) - no sound ok
  14. 01:29:759 (89759|0) - ^ i prefer add note in 01:29:917 and 01:30:075 ok
  15. 02:08:917 (128917|0) - move to 02:08:759 ok
  16. 02:09:233 (129233|1) - start at 02:09:075 ok
  17. 02:10:180 (130180|0) - no sound ok
  18. 02:11:444 (131444|2) - ^ ok
  19. 02:12:707 (132707|0) - ^ ok
  20. 02:13:180 (133180|1) - ^ ok
  21. 02:15:233 (135233|2) - ^ ok
  22. 02:17:759 (137759|3) - ^ ok
  23. 02:18:391 (138391|2) - ^ ok
  24. 02:19:023 (139023|3) - start at 02:18:865 ok
  25. 02:22:812 (142812|3) - no sound so start at 02:22:654 ok
  26. 02:39:549 add a note ok
  27. 02:41:759 (161759|0) - move to 02:41:601 ok
  28. 02:43:812 add a note like here 02:14:759 ok
  29. 02:53:128 (173128|0) - start at 02:52:970 ok
  30. 02:55:338 (175338|3) - end at 02:58:180 ok

good luck, ill check other diff later ;)
Thanks for mod, i can feel diff EZ more better now, thanks :)
13:05 -SI-: siang gan :D
13:05 -SI-: baru pulang?
13:05 Brian_Ex: siang ^^
13:05 Brian_Ex: iya
13:06 -SI-: sama :3
13:07 Brian_Ex: eh gini
13:07 -SI-: ya?
13:08 Brian_Ex: gimana kalau aku gk usah mod diffmu, tapi aku ubah beberapa patternya aja.. biar kamu gk susah ngebaca mod aku.. soalnya aku ngemod agak ribet
13:08 -SI-: oke lah
13:08 -SI-: gpp ^^
13:09 Brian_Ex: nanti kalau selesai aku edit.. aku upload file diffnya semua ke kamu
13:09 -SI-: tapi kalo gitu, berati GD dong? :v
13:09 Brian_Ex: terus km replace sama yg lama
13:09 Brian_Ex: terus di submit
13:09 -SI-: hampir kyk gd
13:09 -SI-: jadi yg ikut ngemod bm aku agan aja ya?
13:10 Brian_Ex: iya, tapi aku ngedit diffmu bukan diff sendiri xD
13:10 Brian_Ex: iya aku aja
13:10 -SI-: xD okelah (y)
13:30 -SI-: ane sholat jum'at dulu gan
13:30 Brian_Ex: oke
14:22 -SI-: yo :3 /
14:24 Brian_Ex: ^^
14:32 Brian_Ex: eh
14:33 -SI-: YA?
14:33 Brian_Ex: kayaknya aku ngk bisa edit semuanya, jadi EZ sama NM aja yg aku ubah.. kalau HD+ sama MX aku cuma ubah timingnya aja
14:34 Brian_Ex: soalnya kalau aku ubah semua.. nanti creatornya jadi Brian_Ex xD
14:35 -SI-: ya begitulah :v
14:35 Brian_Ex: nanti temen ane ngemod HD+ sama MX u
14:35 -SI-: wkwkwk
14:35 -SI-: ok, ini HD dah ampir jadi
14:35 -SI-: kalo HDnya dah jadi gimana?
14:35 -SI-: upload?
14:35 Brian_Ex: iya
14:35 -SI-: ok
14:36 -SI-: starnya 2.65
14:36 -SI-: itu star hd sementara
14:36 Brian_Ex: sip
14:36 Brian_Ex: ini EZ sama NMnya udah aku selesai edit
14:37 Brian_Ex:
14:37 -SI-: ok, jadi gimana?
14:37 Brian_Ex:
14:37 -SI-: ok, dl it
14:37 Brian_Ex: download itu, terus extract di folder BMnya
14:37 Brian_Ex: terus di replace
14:37 -SI-: ya
14:37 -SI-: thanks gan :D
14:38 -SI-: try it
14:44 Brian_Ex: (HD+ MX)[] kalau itu ane ubah timing sama preview point
14:44 -SI-: waduh
14:44 -SI-: jadi tambah bagus gan
14:44 -SI-: >w<
14:44 Brian_Ex: (HD+ MX)[] <<Download.. kalau itu ane ubah timing sama preview point
14:44 -SI-: kenapa di ubah? (biar tau kesalahan dimana+untuk pembelajaran)
14:45 Brian_Ex: karena pas pertamanya itu banyak bener 1xnya
14:45 Brian_Ex: sama preview pointnya gk pas
14:46 Brian_Ex: eh bentar afk dulu *bersiin teras
14:46 *Brian_Ex afk
14:46 -SI-: oh
14:46 -SI-: ok
14:46 -SI-: thanks ^^
14:53 -SI-: akhirnya sukses jadikan star hd jadi 2.4 :3
14:58 Brian_Ex: =w=)b
14:58 Brian_Ex: eh yang HD+
14:59 Brian_Ex: bagian 02:25:338 - sampai 02:35:128 - itu breaktime?
14:59 Brian_Ex: jangan kasih breaktime deh.. soalnya itu ngk enak buat map mania
15:00 Brian_Ex: di isi aja itu oke ^^
15:00 -SI-: ok
15:00 -SI-: (y)
15:00 Brian_Ex: =w=)b
15:00 -SI-: yg HD udah siap
15:00 -SI-: siap di MOD tapi :v
15:00 Brian_Ex: oke sipp
15:00 Brian_Ex: GO SUBMIT!!
15:00 -SI-: wait, fix break time
15:00 Brian_Ex: oh iya xD
15:00 -SI-: :vg
15:04 Brian_Ex: nih sekedar saran kalau mau minta mod HD, HD+ sama MX
15:04 Brian_Ex:
15:04 Brian_Ex: itu si rube udh berpengalaman tinggi ^^
15:05 -SI-: udah minta, tapi blm di quote
15:05 Brian_Ex: ah souka
15:05 Brian_Ex: udh di submit?
15:06 -SI-: wait
15:06 -SI-: break timenya agk mirip ama yg agan mod :v
15:06 Brian_Ex: oh iya gapapa xD
15:06 Brian_Ex: yang penting ada isinya
15:07 Brian_Ex: Good Luck buat Beatmapnya yahh ^^/
15:07 -SI-: iya gan, thanks bantuannya ^^ /

Topic Starter

Brian_Ex wrote:

13:05 -SI-: siang gan :D
13:05 -SI-: baru pulang?
13:05 Brian_Ex: siang ^^
13:05 Brian_Ex: iya
13:06 -SI-: sama :3
13:07 Brian_Ex: eh gini
13:07 -SI-: ya?
13:08 Brian_Ex: gimana kalau aku gk usah mod diffmu, tapi aku ubah beberapa patternya aja.. biar kamu gk susah ngebaca mod aku.. soalnya aku ngemod agak ribet
13:08 -SI-: oke lah
13:08 -SI-: gpp ^^
13:09 Brian_Ex: nanti kalau selesai aku edit.. aku upload file diffnya semua ke kamu
13:09 -SI-: tapi kalo gitu, berati GD dong? :v
13:09 Brian_Ex: terus km replace sama yg lama
13:09 Brian_Ex: terus di submit
13:09 -SI-: hampir kyk gd
13:09 -SI-: jadi yg ikut ngemod bm aku agan aja ya?
13:10 Brian_Ex: iya, tapi aku ngedit diffmu bukan diff sendiri xD
13:10 Brian_Ex: iya aku aja
13:10 -SI-: xD okelah (y)
13:30 -SI-: ane sholat jum'at dulu gan
13:30 Brian_Ex: oke
14:22 -SI-: yo :3 /
14:24 Brian_Ex: ^^
14:32 Brian_Ex: eh
14:33 -SI-: YA?
14:33 Brian_Ex: kayaknya aku ngk bisa edit semuanya, jadi EZ sama NM aja yg aku ubah.. kalau HD+ sama MX aku cuma ubah timingnya aja
14:34 Brian_Ex: soalnya kalau aku ubah semua.. nanti creatornya jadi Brian_Ex xD
14:35 -SI-: ya begitulah :v
14:35 Brian_Ex: nanti temen ane ngemod HD+ sama MX u
14:35 -SI-: wkwkwk
14:35 -SI-: ok, ini HD dah ampir jadi
14:35 -SI-: kalo HDnya dah jadi gimana?
14:35 -SI-: upload?
14:35 Brian_Ex: iya
14:35 -SI-: ok
14:36 -SI-: starnya 2.65
14:36 -SI-: itu star hd sementara
14:36 Brian_Ex: sip
14:36 Brian_Ex: ini EZ sama NMnya udah aku selesai edit
14:37 Brian_Ex:
14:37 -SI-: ok, jadi gimana?
14:37 Brian_Ex:
14:37 -SI-: ok, dl it
14:37 Brian_Ex: download itu, terus extract di folder BMnya
14:37 Brian_Ex: terus di replace
14:37 -SI-: ya
14:37 -SI-: thanks gan :D
14:38 -SI-: try it
14:44 Brian_Ex: (HD+ MX)[] kalau itu ane ubah timing sama preview point
14:44 -SI-: waduh
14:44 -SI-: jadi tambah bagus gan
14:44 -SI-: >w<
14:44 Brian_Ex: (HD+ MX)[] <<Download.. kalau itu ane ubah timing sama preview point
14:44 -SI-: kenapa di ubah? (biar tau kesalahan dimana+untuk pembelajaran)
14:45 Brian_Ex: karena pas pertamanya itu banyak bener 1xnya
14:45 Brian_Ex: sama preview pointnya gk pas
14:46 Brian_Ex: eh bentar afk dulu *bersiin teras
14:46 *Brian_Ex afk
14:46 -SI-: oh
14:46 -SI-: ok
14:46 -SI-: thanks ^^
14:53 -SI-: akhirnya sukses jadikan star hd jadi 2.4 :3
14:58 Brian_Ex: =w=)b
14:58 Brian_Ex: eh yang HD+
14:59 Brian_Ex: bagian 02:25:338 - sampai 02:35:128 - itu breaktime?
14:59 Brian_Ex: jangan kasih breaktime deh.. soalnya itu ngk enak buat map mania
15:00 Brian_Ex: di isi aja itu oke ^^
15:00 -SI-: ok
15:00 -SI-: (y)
15:00 Brian_Ex: =w=)b
15:00 -SI-: yg HD udah siap
15:00 -SI-: siap di MOD tapi :v
15:00 Brian_Ex: oke sipp
15:00 Brian_Ex: GO SUBMIT!!
15:00 -SI-: wait, fix break time
15:00 Brian_Ex: oh iya xD
15:00 -SI-: :vg
15:04 Brian_Ex: nih sekedar saran kalau mau minta mod HD, HD+ sama MX
15:04 Brian_Ex:
15:04 Brian_Ex: itu si rube udh berpengalaman tinggi ^^
15:05 -SI-: udah minta, tapi blm di quote
15:05 Brian_Ex: ah souka
15:05 Brian_Ex: udh di submit?
15:06 -SI-: wait
15:06 -SI-: break timenya agk mirip ama yg agan mod :v
15:06 Brian_Ex: oh iya gapapa xD
15:06 Brian_Ex: yang penting ada isinya
15:07 Brian_Ex: Good Luck buat Beatmapnya yahh ^^/
15:07 -SI-: iya gan, thanks bantuannya ^^ /

Thanks to mod Brian :)
[ A v a l o n ]
hello modding desu . . . as requested in FB. .

1 2 3 4 <(^o^<)

catatan : mod ane ada alurnya . . jadi berkelanjutan dari segi perubahan notenya . . .gak mod satu-persatu

00:21:549 - add note on 4 jaga konsestensi dg 00:24:075 -
00:26:601 - add note on 1, lalu 00:26:917 (26917|2) - pindahh ke 2 abis tu 00:27:549 (27549|2,28180|2,28812|2) - move ke 2
00:30:707 (30707|1,31338|1) - pindah ke 3 dan 00:33:233 (33233|1,33865|1) - pindah ke 3 (aga tdk monton, boring pattern)
00:40:180 (40180|1) - move ke 1, sama sprti yg agan lakuin di 00:42:707 -
00:46:180 (46180|1) - move ke 4 ato 3 . . .better plays
00:47:444 (47444|2) - pindah ke 2, sama sperti yg agan lakuin di 00:47:444 (47444|1) -
00:48:707 (48707|1) - move ke 3, for balance transition dg 00:49:338 (49338|1) -
00:53:286 - add note on 3, serasi dgn 00:53:759 -
00:56:601 (56601|3) - move to 1
00:59:128 (59128|0,59759|3) - ctrl G , better to plays
01:02:286 (62286|0) - move to 4 (terlalu by note stair kyk gini membuat boring)
01:05:128 (65128|3,65444|3) - move to 1 (biarkan kedua tangan bermain, jgn sebelah kanan aja yg play)
dari sini, 01:15:391 - sampai ke 01:30:075 - variasi kan lagi notenya gan , jangan diulang-ulang . . musiknya bagus, tapi jgn dirusak oleh note yg monoton please:(
01:31:023 (91023|2,91180|1,91338|0,91654|1,91812|2,91970|3) - hapus aja, ganti dgn slider kyk ni 01:32:128 (92128|0,92917|1) - lebih bagus
01:34:338 (94338|2,94496|1,94654|2) - ganti dengan slider dari 01:34:338 - sampai 01:34:812 - di kolom 4, krna ini 1/4 streamdi EZ . . .
nah, sterusnya ane saranin, berkreasi lagi dengan patternnya, ane saranin tiap kali naruh pattern di test play dulu (f5) biar serasi dengan tangan yang memainkan :D

first, ini NM starnya kegedean, saran ane turunin jadi di bawah 2.00 (NM with star above 2.00 is uranked)
00:24:391 - monoton desu XD, so... 00:26:917 (26917|2,27549|2,28180|2,28812|2) - move to 2
00:29:128 - sampai 00:34:180 - lakukan seperti diatas, variasikan
00:39:549 - & 00:39:865 - & 00:40:180 - tambahkan long note, krna masih ada suara gitar, jgn dijeda pls, sayang dilewatkan
sampai ke sini ya 00:43:023 -
00:54:549 (54549|2) - hapus, gak balance dengan 00:55:023 (55023|2,55338|0,55338|1) - cukup 2 kali aja ada 3 notes kyk gitu
01:05:286 (65286|0) - hapus, (not too strong sound here, dan ini jg bermnfat nurunin star rating NM agan)
01:06:233 (66233|1,66549|1) - hapus, ini pattern di diff HD seharusnya :D
01:07:812 (67812|1) - hapus
01:08:759 (68759|1,69075|1) - hapus, ingat... ini diff NM lho . . . lalu habis tu 01:09:233 (69233|2,69233|0) - Ctrl H, cuz different pitch
01:10:338 (70338|3) - hapus
01:10:970 (70970|1) - hapus
01:11:286 (71286|1,71601|1) - hapus
nah . . . stelah di hapus . . . 01:11:128 (71128|2,71759|2) - Ctrl H (for hand balance)
Rasakan perubahannya setelah di hapus, your BM feels better to plays :D . . .
01:13:970 (73970|2) - move to 2
01:38:917 (98917|2) - move to 4
01:43:970 (103970|2) - ^
01:44:917 - add note on 1, kemudian hapus aja ini 01:45:075 (105075|1) -
01:46:970 (106970|1) - move to 1, jangan stack please, cuz different pitch . . .
01:49:023 (109023|1) - move to 1
01:50:286 (110286|1) - move to 4
01:50:601 (110601|2) - move to 1 or 2
01:51:865 (111865|1,111944|2,112023|1) - ini apa maksudya gan ? , malah di bagian ini gk ada speed stream ... hapus aja
setelah di hapus, 01:51:865 - add note on 1
01:54:707 (114707|2,114786|3,114865|2,114944|1) - hapus, saran ane ganti ke Long note aja di kolom 4, karena BPM lagu ini keras (190), dan NM masih nggk cocok untuk make stream semacam itu . . . :(
01:55:812 (115812|1) - delete
01:56:601 (116601|0) - pindah ke 4, lalu 01:56:759 (116759|1) - hapus
01:58:338 (118338|2) - hapus
02:00:865 (120865|1) - hapus nah, habis tu 02:01:023 (121023|2) - move to 2 (hand balance)
02:01:180 (121180|1) - move to 3 or 4
02:01:812 (121812|2,122128|2) - hapus aja, klo agan mau full drum combo... lakuin aja di HD, lebih baik, (kasian, ni cuman diff NM) abis tu 02:01:654 (121654|1) - move ke 3
02:02:444 (122444|1,122444|3,122601|3,122601|0) - parah nih, liat suggest ane yah . .
02:04:496 (124496|1,124496|2,124970|0,124970|3) - nah ini bagusnya kek gini . . .
nah working, dan star ratingnya berhasil di drop ke 1,96 (klo gan ngikutin semua perintah delete notenya)

sisanya lanjutin yah, terlalu byk . . . XD

Nah, sekian dulu mod dari aq . . sorry untuk HD menyusul, karena masih banyk yg harus dibenahin dari beatmap agan kedepannya . . .
Good luck yh (>^o^)>
Topic Starter

avalon_n wrote:

hello modding desu . . . as requested in FB. .

1 2 3 4 <(^o^<)

catatan : mod ane ada alurnya . . jadi berkelanjutan dari segi perubahan notenya . . .gak mod satu-persatu

00:21:549 - add note on 4 jaga konsestensi dg 00:24:075 - disitu nga ada sound
00:26:601 - add note on 1 no sound , lalu 00:26:917 (26917|2) - pindahh ke 2 abis tu 00:27:549 (27549|2,28180|2,28812|2) - move ke 2 ok
00:30:707 (30707|1,31338|1) - pindah ke 3 dan 00:33:233 (33233|1,33865|1) - pindah ke 3 (aga tdk monton, boring pattern) ok
00:40:180 (40180|1) - move ke 1, sama sprti yg agan lakuin di 00:42:707 - ok
00:46:180 (46180|1) - move ke 4 ato 3 . . .better plays ok
00:47:444 (47444|2) - pindah ke 2, sama sperti yg agan lakuin di 00:47:444 (47444|1) - ok
00:48:707 (48707|1) - move ke 3, for balance transition dg 00:49:338 (49338|1) - ok
00:53:286 - add note on 3, serasi dgn 00:53:759 - no sound
00:56:601 (56601|3) - move to 1 ok
00:59:128 (59128|0,59759|3) - ctrl G , better to plays ok
01:02:286 (62286|0) - move to 4 (terlalu by note stair kyk gini membuat boring) ok
01:05:128 (65128|3,65444|3) - move to 1 (biarkan kedua tangan bermain, jgn sebelah kanan aja yg play) ok
dari sini, 01:15:391 - sampai ke 01:30:075 - variasi kan lagi notenya gan , jangan diulang-ulang . . musiknya bagus, tapi jgn dirusak oleh note yg monoton please:( ok
01:31:023 (91023|2,91180|1,91338|0,91654|1,91812|2,91970|3) - hapus aja, ganti dgn slider kyk ni 01:32:128 (92128|0,92917|1) - lebih bagus nga cocok menurut ane gan
01:34:338 (94338|2,94496|1,94654|2) - ganti dengan slider dari 01:34:338 - sampai 01:34:812 - di kolom 4,ok krna ini 1/4 streamdi EZ . . .
nah, sterusnya ane saranin, berkreasi lagi dengan patternnya, ane saranin tiap kali naruh pattern di test play dulu (f5) biar serasi dengan tangan yang memainkan :D

first, ini NM starnya kegedean, saran ane turunin jadi di bawah 2.00 (NM with star above 2.00 is uranked) ok
00:24:391 - monoton desu XD, so... 00:26:917 (26917|2,27549|2,28180|2,28812|2) - move to 2 ok
00:29:128 - sampai 00:34:180 - lakukan seperti diatas, variasikan ok
00:39:549 - & 00:39:865 - & 00:40:180 - tambahkan long note, krna masih ada suara gitar, jgn dijeda pls, sayang dilewatkan
sampai ke sini ya 00:43:023 - no
00:54:549 (54549|2) - hapus, gak balance dengan 00:55:023 (55023|2,55338|0,55338|1) - cukup 2 kali aja ada 3 notes kyk gitu ok
01:05:286 (65286|0) - hapus, (not too strong sound here, dan ini jg bermnfat nurunin star rating NM agan) ok
01:06:233 (66233|1,66549|1) - hapus, ini pattern di diff HD seharusnya :D ok
01:07:812 (67812|1) - hapus ok
01:08:759 (68759|1,69075|1) - hapus, ingat... ini diff NM lho . . . lalu habis tu 01:09:233 (69233|2,69233|0) - Ctrl H, cuz different pitch ok
01:10:338 (70338|3) - hapus ok
01:10:970 (70970|1) - hapus ok
01:11:286 (71286|1,71601|1) - hapus ok
nah . . . stelah di hapus . . . 01:11:128 (71128|2,71759|2) - Ctrl H (for hand balance) ok
Rasakan perubahannya setelah di hapus, your BM feels better to plays :D . . .
01:13:970 (73970|2) - move to 2 ok
01:38:917 (98917|2) - move to 4 no
01:43:970 (103970|2) - ^ no
01:44:917 - add note on 1, kemudian hapus aja ini 01:45:075 (105075|1) - no
01:46:970 (106970|1) - move to 1, jangan stack please, cuz different pitch . . . no
01:49:023 (109023|1) - move to 1 ok
01:50:286 (110286|1) - move to 4 ok
01:50:601 (110601|2) - move to 1 or 2 ok
01:51:865 (111865|1,111944|2,112023|1) - ini apa maksudya gan ? , malah di bagian ini gk ada speed stream ... hapus aja ok
setelah di hapus, 01:51:865 - add note on 1 ok
01:54:707 (114707|2,114786|3,114865|2,114944|1) - hapus, saran ane ganti ke Long note aja di kolom 4, karena BPM lagu ini keras (190), dan NM masih nggk cocok untuk make stream semacam itu . . . :( ok
01:55:812 (115812|1) - delete ok
01:56:601 (116601|0) - pindah ke 4, lalu 01:56:759 (116759|1) - hapus ok
01:58:338 (118338|2) - hapus no
02:00:865 (120865|1) - hapus nah, habis tu 02:01:023 (121023|2) - move to 2 (hand balance) ok
02:01:180 (121180|1) - move to 3 or 4 ok
02:01:812 (121812|2,122128|2) - hapus aja, klo agan mau full drum combo... lakuin aja di HD, lebih baik, (kasian, ni cuman diff NM) abis tu 02:01:654 (121654|1) - move ke 3 ok
02:02:444 (122444|1,122444|3,122601|3,122601|0) - parah nih, liat suggest ane yah . . ok
02:04:496 (124496|1,124496|2,124970|0,124970|3) - nah ini bagusnya kek gini . . . ok
nah working, dan star ratingnya berhasil di drop ke 1,96 (klo gan ngikutin semua perintah delete notenya)[/color]

sisanya lanjutin yah, terlalu byk . . . XD

Nah, sekian dulu mod dari aq . . sorry untuk HD menyusul, karena masih banyk yg harus dibenahin dari beatmap agan kedepannya . . .
Good luck yh (>^o^)>
Thank you to mod :)
nih ane GD gan tp diff kosong dulu
[GH40z HD+]
osu file format v13

AudioFilename: cillia - FIRST.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 74128
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: None
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 3
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
SpecialStyle: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 74049
DistanceSpacing: 0.9
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 8
TimelineZoom: 1.4

Version:GH40z HD+
Tags:vocaloid tetokasane drum bass UTAU


//Background and Video events
0,0,"first wallpaper.jpg",0,0
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


hi ~

mod request from my queue


title change : 【重音テト】FIRST【UTAUカバー】  → FIRST
tag change : tetokasane → kasane teto

00:44:207 - add 1
00:44:286 (44286|0) - delete

00:59:444 (59444|2) - move to 4
00:59:444 - add 1 (cymbal)

01:01:970 (61970|2) - delete
01:03:391 - one note delete

01:03:944 - add 3
01:04:023 - ^1
01:04:101 - ^ 3

01:08:286 (68286|2) - delete

01:08:601 - to 01:09:549 -

01:11:680 (71680|3,71680|1) - move to 01:11:601 -

01:11:838 (71838|3,71917|2,71996|3) - delete
01:11:759 - add 1
01:12:075 - ^4

01:16:694 (76694|3,76733|2) - delete
01:16:773 (76773|1) - move to 01:16:733 -

01:19:338 (79338|0,79378|1,79417|2,79457|3) - delete
01:19:338 - add 4
01:19:417 - ^3
01:27:075 - ^4
01:28:259 - ^ 3
01:28:338 - ^1
01:28:417 (88417|2) - delete

01:56:996 (116996|0,117075|0) - move to 01:57:075 - and 01:57:154 - line 2

02:15:865 - add 2
02:15:865 (135865|2) - move to 3
02:15:944 (135944|0,135983|1,136062|2,136101|1,136141|2) - delete
02:16:023 (136023|3) - move to 3

02:17:128 - add 2
01:11:601 (71601|3,71601|1,71838|3,137167|1,137207|2,137246|0,137325|2,137365|0,137404|3) - delete
02:17:286 (137286|1) - move to 3
02:17:444 - add 4

02:25:338 (145338|2) - delete
02:25:259 - add 2

02:30:391 - to 02:31:654 -

02:31:654 - to 02:32:917 -

02:47:917 - one note delete

02:49:180 - add 2
02:55:101 - ^1
02:58:654 - ^1
02:58:812 (178812|0) - delete
02:58:891 (178891|3,179049|0) - ^
02:58:970 - add 4

00:44:207 - add 1
00:44:286 (44286|0) - delete

00:45:233 - add 3
00:45:865 - ^3

00:46:812 - one note delete
00:47:128 - add 2
00:48:391 - ^2 or 4

00:49:023 (49023|2) - delete

00:49:338 - add 2
00:49:654 - ^2

00:50:601 (50601|1,50759|0) - move to 3 2
00:50:917 - add 1
00:51:549 - ^3
00:52:180 - ^3 or 4
00:53:444 - ^1 or 4

00:54:549 (54549|2) - move to 2
00:54:707 - add 3

00:55:654 (55654|2) - delete
00:55:970 - add 4
00:56:601 - ^1

00:56:917 (56917|1) - delete

00:57:233 - add 4
00:57:865 - ^1
00:58:496 - ^3
00:59:444 - ^3
00:59:759 - ^2

01:01:970 (61970|2) - delete
01:02:286 (62286|1) - ^

01:03:944 - add 1
01:04:101 - ^4
01:14:444 - ^2 or 3
01:15:707 - ^2
01:16:812 - ^3
01:16:970 - ^3

01:17:128 (77128|2) - delete

01:18:233 - add 3
01:28:259 - ^ 3
01:28:338 - ^1
01:28:417 (88417|2) - delete

01:29:601 - add 2
01:32:128 - ^3
01:39:865 - ^1
01:42:707 - ^2
01:43:970 - ^3
01:46:496 - ^3
01:47:128 - ^4
01:47:759 - ^4
01:50:286 - ^2

01:51:549 (111549|3) - delete

01:55:654 - add 1

01:56:601 - to 01:57:549 -

01:59:444 - add 3
01:59:759 - ^1
02:00:075 - ^3

02:02:680 (122680|0) - move to 02:02:601 -
02:02:680 (122680|2) - ^02:02:759 -

02:18:865 (138865|2) - delete

02:24:391 - add 1 or 4
02:25:259 - ^2
02:35:759 - 2 or 4
02:37:023 - ^3
02:42:075 - ^1
02:42:707 - ^2
02:43:338 - ^3

02:43:654 (163654|2) - delete

02:44:759 (164759|2) - move to 2
02:44:917 - add 3
02:45:233 - ^3
02:45:391 (165391|2,165391|3) - move to 2 and 3

02:45:865 - add 1
02:47:128 - ^2
02:55:654 - add 1 and 2

02:58:180 - add 3
02:58:338 (178338|3) - delete
02:58:654 - add 4
02:58:812 (178812|0) - delete
good luck >w</
Topic Starter

RuberusuScarlet wrote:

hi ~

mod request from my queue


title change : 【重音テト】FIRST【UTAUカバー】  → FIRST
tag change : tetokasane → kasane teto

00:44:207 - add 1
00:44:286 (44286|0) - delete

00:59:444 (59444|2) - move to 4
00:59:444 - add 1 (cymbal)

01:01:970 (61970|2) - delete
01:03:391 - one note delete

01:03:944 - add 3
01:04:023 - ^1
01:04:101 - ^ 3

01:08:286 (68286|2) - delete

01:08:601 - to 01:09:549 -

01:11:680 (71680|3,71680|1) - move to 01:11:601 -

01:11:838 (71838|3,71917|2,71996|3) - delete
01:11:759 - add 1
01:12:075 - ^4

01:16:694 (76694|3,76733|2) - delete
01:16:773 (76773|1) - move to 01:16:733 -

01:19:338 (79338|0,79378|1,79417|2,79457|3) - delete
01:19:338 - add 4
01:19:417 - ^3
01:27:075 - ^4
01:28:259 - ^ 3
01:28:338 - ^1
01:28:417 (88417|2) - delete

01:56:996 (116996|0,117075|0) - move to 01:57:075 - and 01:57:154 - line 2

02:15:865 - add 2
02:15:865 (135865|2) - move to 3
02:15:944 (135944|0,135983|1,136062|2,136101|1,136141|2) - delete
02:16:023 (136023|3) - move to 3

02:17:128 - add 2
01:11:601 (71601|3,71601|1,71838|3,137167|1,137207|2,137246|0,137325|2,137365|0,137404|3) - delete
02:17:286 (137286|1) - move to 3
02:17:444 - add 4

02:25:338 (145338|2) - delete
02:25:259 - add 2

02:30:391 - to 02:31:654 -

02:31:654 - to 02:32:917 -

02:47:917 - one note delete

02:49:180 - add 2
02:55:101 - ^1
02:58:654 - ^1
02:58:812 (178812|0) - delete
02:58:891 (178891|3,179049|0) - ^
02:58:970 - add 4

00:44:207 - add 1
00:44:286 (44286|0) - delete

00:45:233 - add 3
00:45:865 - ^3

00:46:812 - one note delete
00:47:128 - add 2
00:48:391 - ^2 or 4

00:49:023 (49023|2) - delete

00:49:338 - add 2
00:49:654 - ^2

00:50:601 (50601|1,50759|0) - move to 3 2
00:50:917 - add 1
00:51:549 - ^3
00:52:180 - ^3 or 4
00:53:444 - ^1 or 4

00:54:549 (54549|2) - move to 2
00:54:707 - add 3

00:55:654 (55654|2) - delete
00:55:970 - add 4
00:56:601 - ^1

00:56:917 (56917|1) - delete

00:57:233 - add 4
00:57:865 - ^1
00:58:496 - ^3
00:59:444 - ^3
00:59:759 - ^2

01:01:970 (61970|2) - delete
01:02:286 (62286|1) - ^

01:03:944 - add 1
01:04:101 - ^4
01:14:444 - ^2 or 3
01:15:707 - ^2
01:16:812 - ^3
01:16:970 - ^3

01:17:128 (77128|2) - delete

01:18:233 - add 3
01:28:259 - ^ 3
01:28:338 - ^1
01:28:417 (88417|2) - delete

01:29:601 - add 2
01:32:128 - ^3
01:39:865 - ^1
01:42:707 - ^2
01:43:970 - ^3
01:46:496 - ^3
01:47:128 - ^4
01:47:759 - ^4
01:50:286 - ^2

01:51:549 (111549|3) - delete

01:55:654 - add 1

01:56:601 - to 01:57:549 -

01:59:444 - add 3
01:59:759 - ^1
02:00:075 - ^3

02:02:680 (122680|0) - move to 02:02:601 -
02:02:680 (122680|2) - ^02:02:759 -

02:18:865 (138865|2) - delete

02:24:391 - add 1 or 4
02:25:259 - ^2
02:35:759 - 2 or 4
02:37:023 - ^3
02:42:075 - ^1
02:42:707 - ^2
02:43:338 - ^3

02:43:654 (163654|2) - delete

02:44:759 (164759|2) - move to 2
02:44:917 - add 3
02:45:233 - ^3
02:45:391 (165391|2,165391|3) - move to 2 and 3

02:45:865 - add 1
02:47:128 - ^2
02:55:654 - add 1 and 2

02:58:180 - add 3
02:58:338 (178338|3) - delete
02:58:654 - add 4
02:58:812 (178812|0) - delete
good luck >w</
all mod for MX i use, really thanks to mod my map :) , sorry i not use your mod HD+ :( because, change to GH40z's HD+

-SI- wrote:

all mod for MX i use, really thanks to mod my map :) , sorry i not use your mod HD+ :( because, change to GH40z's HD+
hmm… ok , wait GH40z's HD+ mod
Do not give kudosu to GD's post ( p/3791185 )

Please request a denied kudosu to BAT
23:34 -SI-: gan
23:35 -SI-: dah di upload
23:35 Takane6: oke
23:36 Takane6: mau mod irc ato post forum aja?
23:37 -SI-: yg HD+ irc aja
23:37 Takane6: eh? itu kan GD?
23:38 -SI-: yg HD+ itu lagi progres ama orang, jadi yg di mod cuman HD sama MX
23:38 -SI-: eh
23:38 -SI-: salah bicara tadi :v
23:38 Takane6: haah~~~
23:38 -SI-: hilangin kata "YG HD+"
23:38 Takane6: oke
23:38 -SI-: yg HD+ GD
23:38 -SI-: (y)
23:39 *Takane6 is editing [ Cillia - FIRST [MX]]
23:40 Takane6: 00:52:970 - delete 1 note (karena gk cocok kalo 2 note yang sbenarnya gk ada sound)
23:42 -SI-: next
23:42 Takane6: 00:51:944 (51944|0,52101|2) - delete (gk kedengeran klo ada suara di garis birunya)
23:43 Takane6: 00:53:601 - delete 1 note (karena gk cocok kalo 2 note yang sbenarnya gk ada sound)
23:44 Takane6: 01:09:470 - no sound, delete
23:45 Takane6: 01:13:970 - ada sound, add 2 note
23:46 Takane6: 01:16:733 (76733|1) - move ke 01:16:812
23:46 Takane6: yang itu semua buat MX ^
23:47 -SI-: ok
23:48 Takane6: 01:22:023 (82023|1,82180|2,82338|1,82496|2,82496|1) - ctrl+h biar lebih enak dimainin
23:50 Takane6: nah!skarang yang HD
23:50 *Takane6 is editing [ Cillia - FIRST [HD]]
23:50 -SI-: ok
23:51 Takane6: 01:14:444 - add note
23:51 Takane6: 01:14:444 - ^
23:51 -SI-: itu timenya kok sama? maksudnya? add note 2x?
23:52 Takane6: eh
23:52 Takane6: tunggu
23:52 Takane6: 01:14:917 - yang ini maksudnya
23:52 Takane6: 01:16:812 - add note
23:52 -SI-: ok
23:53 Takane6: 01:17:444 - add note
23:53 Takane6: dari 02:25:338 sampai 02:35:286 - gak boleh kosong... harus ada note
23:54 -SI-: ok, add note
23:54 Takane6: 02:02:601 - add note
23:54 Takane6: 02:02:680 (122680|2,122680|1) - kenapa di biru? delete
23:55 -SI-: salah perhitungan tuh :v
23:55 -SI-: ok, lanjut
23:55 Takane6: 02:15:549 - add note
23:56 Takane6: udah... itu aja..
23:56 -SI-: =="a thanks
Topic Starter

Takane6 wrote:

23:34 -SI-: gan
23:35 -SI-: dah di upload
23:35 Takane6: oke
23:36 Takane6: mau mod irc ato post forum aja?
23:37 -SI-: yg HD+ irc aja
23:37 Takane6: eh? itu kan GD?
23:38 -SI-: yg HD+ itu lagi progres ama orang, jadi yg di mod cuman HD sama MX
23:38 -SI-: eh
23:38 -SI-: salah bicara tadi :v
23:38 Takane6: haah~~~
23:38 -SI-: hilangin kata "YG HD+"
23:38 Takane6: oke
23:38 -SI-: yg HD+ GD
23:38 -SI-: (y)
23:39 *Takane6 is editing [ Cillia - FIRST [MX]]
23:40 Takane6: 00:52:970 - delete 1 note (karena gk cocok kalo 2 note yang sbenarnya gk ada sound)
23:42 -SI-: next
23:42 Takane6: 00:51:944 (51944|0,52101|2) - delete (gk kedengeran klo ada suara di garis birunya)
23:43 Takane6: 00:53:601 - delete 1 note (karena gk cocok kalo 2 note yang sbenarnya gk ada sound)
23:44 Takane6: 01:09:470 - no sound, delete
23:45 Takane6: 01:13:970 - ada sound, add 2 note
23:46 Takane6: 01:16:733 (76733|1) - move ke 01:16:812
23:46 Takane6: yang itu semua buat MX ^
23:47 -SI-: ok
23:48 Takane6: 01:22:023 (82023|1,82180|2,82338|1,82496|2,82496|1) - ctrl+h biar lebih enak dimainin
23:50 Takane6: nah!skarang yang HD
23:50 *Takane6 is editing [ Cillia - FIRST [HD]]
23:50 -SI-: ok
23:51 Takane6: 01:14:444 - add note
23:51 Takane6: 01:14:444 - ^
23:51 -SI-: itu timenya kok sama? maksudnya? add note 2x?
23:52 Takane6: eh
23:52 Takane6: tunggu
23:52 Takane6: 01:14:917 - yang ini maksudnya
23:52 Takane6: 01:16:812 - add note
23:52 -SI-: ok
23:53 Takane6: 01:17:444 - add note
23:53 Takane6: dari 02:25:338 sampai 02:35:286 - gak boleh kosong... harus ada note
23:54 -SI-: ok, add note
23:54 Takane6: 02:02:601 - add note
23:54 Takane6: 02:02:680 (122680|2,122680|1) - kenapa di biru? delete
23:55 -SI-: salah perhitungan tuh :v
23:55 -SI-: ok, lanjut
23:55 Takane6: 02:15:549 - add note
23:56 Takane6: udah... itu aja..
23:56 -SI-: =="a thanks
thanks for mod diff HD & MX :)
No Kudosu

Topic Starter

Brian_Ex wrote:

No Kudosu

thank you very much >w<)/
Hi MOD here as requested in PH Community Modding Team!~ >w<)/

Correct BG image: 1366 x 768 not 1360 x 768
Uncheck > Song setup > Design > Widescreen support (This only applies to storyboard)
00:48:707 (48707|2,49023|0) - Ctrl + H because as what from your previous pattern like this 00:47:444 (47444|1,47759|3,48075|1,48391|3) - They have the same pattern and rhythm/beats and instrument so do this for pattern and consistency

00:56:286 (56286|2,56601|0) - Ctrl + H same reason^

01:01:338 (61338|1) - Move to |3| ^

02:34:812 (154812|2) - Remove not necessary

02:41:444 (161444|3,161601|2) - Move to |2| - |1| because for pattern and hand balance/relaxation. If a newbie/nub play an EZ map like this with pattern like this one it's too hard for them so making this pattern a ladder make's it more relax able to hand

02:42:707 (162707|0,162865|1) - Move to |3| - |4| same reason^

00:48:391 (48391|2,48707|1) - Ctrl + H for pattern and consistency

00:52:496 (52496|1) - Move to |3| for pattern. Same as this 00:50:601 (50601|1,50917|0,50917|1) -

00:56:286 (56286|3,56601|2,56601|1) - SN in |2| while the 2 Noted in |3| - |4| for pattern and consistency. The pattern that makes this consistent is 00:55:023 (55023|2,55338|1,55338|0) - Notice the pattern when you done this

01:22:812 (82812|1) - Move to |3| Pattern, Notice you precious and future patterns

01:49:023 Make this 2 noted as for this, sounds like this one they have 2 noted from your previous and future patterns

02:52:970 (172970|0) - Remove not necessary because of pattern. Refer to this 02:47:917 they have the same sounds but it only have 1 note in it

00:41:128 How this become 2 noted while sounds like this one in your pattern is only 1 noted remove 00:41:128 (41128|2) - ?

00:48:707 (48707|1) - Remove not necessary because sounds like this one is only 1 noted just like 00:49:970 and 00:50:601 etc....

01:06:944 (66944|2) - Remove not necessary because there's no specific instrument to it. The guitar pitch just changed but it's not necessary to have SN

01:11:996 (71996|2) - Same reason^

01:18:075 Add note to |2| it's because sounds like this have 2 noted refer to the 2 noted parts in your pattern

01:23:128 Add note to |3| Same reason^ and pattern

01:55:417 (115417|2,115575|0) - Remove not necessary because if you listen closely/clearly there's no specific instrument in there just like before it's just a guitar pitch changed. It doesn't fits to be laddered

02:14:601 (134601|0,134680|1,134838|2) - What does this specify?

02:15:944 (135944|2,136101|1) - ^

02:33:233 (153233|2,153549|1) - Move to |2| - |1| pattern notice this 02:33:865 (153865|3,153865|1,154180|2,154180|0) -

02:46:575 (166575|2) - What does this specify?

02:55:180 (175180|2,175338|3,175338|1,175496|2,175654|3,175654|1) - I highly suggest this part to be SN ladder just like 00:43:023 (43023|0,43101|1,43180|2,43259|3,43338|2,43417|1,43496|0,43575|1,43654|2,43733|3,43812|2,43891|1,43970|2,44049|3,44128|2) - Drumbeat streams

02:59:128 (179128|3,179128|0) - Make this LN until 03:12:075 End of guitar pitch

00:29:128 (29128|0) - Move to |2| then 00:29:444 (29444|3) - Move to |2| because of pattern. This one 00:29:444 is together because they have the same sounds as the other notes that are together

00:33:865 (33865|2) - Remove not necessary. Why this become 3 noted suddenly follow your pattern

01:00:391 Make this 3 noted they have the same with 01:01:023 and the others. Do the same with this 01:01:654 make this 3 noted too same reason. Then fix the pattern, always follow your own pattern.

01:04:496 Add note to |1| because it has impact and multiple instruments then 01:04:654 (64654|0) - Move to |4| for pattern and hand balance

Follow your pattern. Some parts that needs/must to be 3 noted have only 2 or even 1 just as what i saw in your pattern.

Nice map! Sorry for very late response from our queue~
Hope my MOD helps ;w;
Good luck!~ =w=)b
Topic Starter
MOD GraveChaos

[GraveChaos] wrote:

Hi MOD here as requested in PH Community Modding Team!~ >w<)/

Correct BG image: 1366 x 768 not 1360 x 768 ok
Uncheck > Song setup > Design > Widescreen support (This only applies to storyboard) ok

00:48:707 (48707|2,49023|0) - Ctrl + H because as what from your previous pattern like this 00:47:444 (47444|1,47759|3,48075|1,48391|3) - They have the same pattern and rhythm/beats and instrument so do this for pattern and consistency ok

00:56:286 (56286|2,56601|0) - Ctrl + H same reason^ ok

01:01:338 (61338|1) - Move to |3| ^ ok

02:34:812 (154812|2) - Remove not necessary not remove I will make it 02:34:812 (154812|2) - ended in 02:35:286 -

02:41:444 (161444|3,161601|2) - Move to |2| - |1| because for pattern and hand balance/relaxation. If a newbie/nub play an EZ map like this with pattern like this one it's too hard for them so making this pattern a ladder make's it more relax able to hand ok

02:42:707 (162707|0,162865|1) - Move to |3| - |4| same reason^ ok

00:48:391 (48391|2,48707|1) - Ctrl + H for pattern and consistency ok

00:52:496 (52496|1) - Move to |3| for pattern. Same as this 00:50:601 (50601|1,50917|0,50917|1) - ok

00:56:286 (56286|3,56601|2,56601|1) - SN in |2| while the 2 Noted in |3| - |4| for pattern and consistency. The pattern that makes this consistent is 00:55:023 (55023|2,55338|1,55338|0) - Notice the pattern when you done this ok

01:22:812 (82812|1) - Move to |3| Pattern, Notice you precious and future patterns ok

01:49:023 Make this 2 noted as for this, sounds like this one they have 2 noted from your previous and future patterns ok

02:52:970 (172970|0) - Remove not necessary because of pattern. Refer to this 02:47:917 they have the same sounds but it only have 1 note in it Remove not necessary because of pattern. Refer to this ok

00:41:128 How this become 2 noted while sounds like this one in your pattern is only 1 noted remove 00:41:128 (41128|2) - ? ok

00:48:707 (48707|1) - Remove not necessary because sounds like this one is only 1 noted just like 00:49:970 and 00:50:601 etc.... ok

01:06:944 (66944|2) - Remove not necessary because there's no specific instrument to it. The guitar pitch just changed but it's not necessary to have SN add SN in 01:06:707 - end in 01:07:023 - same like this 01:09:233 -

01:11:996 (71996|2) ok

01:18:075 Add note to |2| it's because sounds like this have 2 noted refer to the 2 note ok

01:23:128 Add note to |3| Same reason^ and pattern ok

01:55:417 (115417|2,115575|0) - Remove not necessary because if you listen closely/clearly there's no specific instrument in there just like before it's just a guitar pitch changed. It doesn't fits to be laddered ok

02:14:601 (134601|0,134680|1,134838|2) - What does this specify? remove note in blue line, and fix it

02:15:944 (135944|2,136101|1) - ^ same^

02:33:233 (153233|2,153549|1) - Move to |2| - |1| pattern notice this 02:33:865 (153865|3,153865|1,154180|2,154180|0) - ok

02:46:575 (166575|2) - What does this specify? same, remove, and fix it

02:55:180 (175180|2,175338|3,175338|1,175496|2,175654|3,175654|1) - I highly suggest this part to be SN ladder just like 00:43:023 (43023|0,43101|1,43180|2,43259|3,43338|2,43417|1,43496|0,43575|1,43654|2,43733|3,43812|2,43891|1,43970|2,44049|3,44128|2) - Drumbeat streams ok, remove, and add SN

02:59:128 (179128|3,179128|0) - Make this LN until 03:12:075 End of guitar pitch sorry too long, and is not suitable, because I took the rhythm most of the drum

00:29:128 (29128|0) - Move to |2| then 00:29:444 (29444|3) - Move to |2| because of pattern. This one 00:29:444 is together because they have the same sounds as the other notes that are together ok

00:33:865 (33865|2) - Remove not necessary. Why this become 3 noted suddenly follow your pattern ok

01:00:391 Make this 3 noted they have the same with 01:01:023 and the others. Do the same with this 01:01:654 make this 3 noted too same reason. Then fix the pattern, always follow your own pattern. ok

01:04:496 Add note to |1| because it has impact and multiple instruments then 01:04:654 (64654|0) - Move to |4| for pattern and hand balance ok

Follow your pattern. Some parts that needs/must to be 3 noted have only 2 or even 1 just as what i saw in your pattern.

Nice map! Sorry for very late response from our queue~ it's okay ^^
Hope my MOD helps ;w;
Good luck!~ =w=)b

thanks to mod my map, [GraveChaos] :)
Personal requested Mod here (Sekalian sm yg MEGAFrim).


00:38:917 - Add note. The sound here is strong enough for two notes.
00:41:128 (41128|0) - Delete. The sound here aren't that strong for two note.
00:48:707 (48707|3) - ^
01:00:707 (60707|1) - ^
01:04:496 - The snapping felt incorrect. May I suggest something Like this?
01:07:023 - ^Like this?
01:09:549 - ^Like this?
01:10:812 - The notes aren't necessary. Delete.
01:11:996 - No Sound here. Delete.
01:12:075 -
If you follow the vocal synth, I suggest you to do something like this.
If you follow the Drum synth Move 01:12:391 (72391|1) to 01:12:549
01:55:023 - So messed up IMO. Try this
01:57:549 - ^
02:00:075 - ^
02:02:601 -
If you follow the Vocal synth Try this
If you follow the Drum synth Delete 02:02:917 (122917|1)
02:14:601 to 02:14:917 - Not fit to 1/4 IMO. Rearrange the pattern. My suggestion is delete 02:14:601 (134680|1,134838|2) .
02:15:865 to 02:16:180 - ^ Delete 02:15:865 (135944|2,136101|1)
02:24:786 - Delete. The Drum starts at 02:24:865
02:26:286 (146286|1) - Delete. Not that strong.
02:28:812 (148812|1) - ^
00:29:128 - Add a note. 00:24:075 are using 3 notes.
00:33:865 - Delete a note. 00:28:812 are using 2 notes.
00:44:601 - Add a note.
00:45:233 - ^
00:53:128 - Delete a note.
01:04:496 - Pretty messed up. Suggestion.
01:07:023 - ^
01:09:549 - ^
01:55:023 - ^
01:57:865 - ^Move (117865|2) to 01:57:786, add one note there and on 01:58:023
02:00:075 - ^Try
02:03:865 - ^
02:31:023 - Add a note on 1 or 2
02:31:654 - ^
02:32:286 - ^on 4
02:32:917 - ^
02:33:233 - ^on 1 or 2
02:33:549 - ^on 4
02:33:865 - ^on 1 or 2
02:34:180 - ^on 1 or 4
02:34:496 - ^on 4
02:53:128 to 02:54:707 - What's with the 1/4? There's no sound to follow. I suggest to delete those.

Well, GL with your map. :)
Topic Starter

MEGAtive wrote:

Personal requested Mod here (Sekalian sm yg MEGAFrim).


00:38:917 - Add note. The sound here is strong enough for two notes. ok
00:41:128 (41128|0) - Delete. The sound here aren't that strong for two note. sorry,This has been in the previous mod
00:48:707 (48707|3) - ^ sorry,This has been in the previous mod
01:00:707 (60707|1) - ^ ok
01:04:496 - The snapping felt incorrect. May I suggest something Like this? i take this
01:07:023 - ^Like this? i take this
01:09:549 - ^Like this? i take this
01:10:812 - The notes aren't necessary. Delete. This has been in the previous mod
01:11:996 - No Sound here. Delete. sorry,This has been in the previous mod
01:12:075 - sorry,This has been in the previous mod
If you follow the vocal synth, I suggest you to do something like this.
If you follow the Drum synth Move 01:12:391 (72391|1) to 01:12:549 i take drum synth
01:55:023 - So messed up IMO. Try this i take this
01:57:549 - ^ i take this
02:00:075 - ^ i take this
02:02:601 -
If you follow the Vocal synth Try this i take vocal synth
If you follow the Drum synth Delete 02:02:917 (122917|1)
02:14:601 to 02:14:917 - Not fit to 1/4 IMO. Rearrange the pattern. My suggestion is delete 02:14:601 (134680|1,134838|2) . sorry,This has been in the previous mod
02:15:865 to 02:16:180 - ^ Delete 02:15:865 (135944|2,136101|1) sorry,This has been in the previous mod
02:24:786 - Delete. The Drum starts at 02:24:865 ok
02:26:286 (146286|1) - Delete. Not that strong. ok
02:28:812 (148812|1) - ^ ok
00:29:128 - Add a note. 00:24:075 are using 3 notes. ok
00:33:865 - Delete a note. 00:28:812 are using 2 notes. sorry,This has been in the previous mod
00:44:601 - Add a note. sorry,This has been in the previous mod
00:45:233 - ^ sorry,This has been in the previous mod
00:53:128 - Delete a note. sorry,This has been in the previous mod
01:04:496 - Pretty messed up. Suggestion. take your suggest
01:07:023 - ^ take your suggest
01:09:549 - ^ take your suggest
01:55:023 - ^ take your suggest
01:57:865 - ^Move (117865|2) to 01:57:786, add one note there and on 01:58:023 take your suggest
02:00:075 - ^Try take your suggest
02:03:865 - ^ take your suggest
02:31:023 - Add a note on 1 or 2 ok
02:31:654 - ^ ok
02:32:286 - ^on 4 ok
02:32:917 - ^ ok
02:33:233 - ^on 1 or 2 ok
02:33:549 - ^on 4 ok
02:33:865 - ^on 1 or 2 ok
02:34:180 - ^on 1 or 4 ok
02:34:496 - ^on 4 ok
02:53:128 to 02:54:707 - What's with the 1/4? There's no sound to follow. I suggest to delete those.fix it

Well, GL with your map. :)
Thanks to mod my map, MEGAtive :) really halpful ;)
00:39:549 - ~ 00:42:707 - white line add note

01:10:812 - add note 1
01:11:601 - add note 4
01:15:707 - add note
01:16:970 - add note 4
01:19:338 - add note 1
01:37:338 (97338|0) - delete
01:56:601 - add note 4
02:02:601 - add note 2
02:30:391 - add note 1
02:37:023 - ^
02:47:128 - ^
02:51:865 - add note 4
good luck
Topic Starter

-LASU- wrote:

00:39:549 - ~ 00:42:707 - white line add note ok

01:10:812 - add note 1 sorry
01:11:601 - add note 4 ok
01:15:707 - add note ok
01:16:970 - add note 4 ok
01:19:338 - add note 1 ok
01:37:338 (97338|0) - delete ok
01:56:601 - add note 4 ok
02:02:601 - add note 2 ok
02:30:391 - add note 1 ok
02:37:023 - ^ ok
02:47:128 - ^ ok
02:51:865 - add note 4 ok
good luck
Thanks to mod my map, -LASU- :)

MOD from ingame chat ^.^

uh.. apa ak bener bener di butuhin di sini? map nya hampir perfect soalnya ^.^

ok deh


FINE ^.^



00:46:180 (46180|2,46496|1) - Ctrl G, ngikut pattern sebelumnya

00:50:601 (50601|1) - Move ke 3, ngikut atasnya

00:53:286 (53286|3,53444|2,53444|0) - Jadiin 3 - 2&4

dah.. yang lainnya Fine~

00:44:601 (44601|0,44601|1) - Move ke 2&3
00:45:865 (45865|0,45865|1) - ^ 2&4

00:52:338 (52338|1) - Move ke 3 ngikut belakang
00:51:865 (51865|0,51865|1,52023|0,52180|3,52180|2,52338|1) - jadi gini =>

dah ngga ada lagi

tuh kan bener.. sepertinya ak di sini cuman untuk shoot star aja

here ^.^ ps.. bentar nunggu MOD ku doi BM lain di bayar dolo ya ^.^

GL ^.^
Topic Starter

Pharos21 wrote:


MOD from ingame chat ^.^

uh.. apa ak bener bener di butuhin di sini? map nya hampir perfect soalnya ^.^

ok deh


FINE ^.^



00:46:180 (46180|2,46496|1) - Ctrl G, ngikut pattern sebelumnya ok

00:50:601 (50601|1) - Move ke 3, ngikut atasnya ok

00:53:286 (53286|3,53444|2,53444|0) - Jadiin 3 - 2&4 ok

dah.. yang lainnya Fine~

00:44:601 (44601|0,44601|1) - Move ke 2&3 ok
00:45:865 (45865|0,45865|1) - ^ 2&4 ok

00:52:338 (52338|1) - Move ke 3 ngikut belakang
00:51:865 (51865|0,51865|1,52023|0,52180|3,52180|2,52338|1) - jadi gini => take this

dah ngga ada lagi

tuh kan bener.. sepertinya ak di sini cuman untuk shoot star aja

here ^.^ ps.. bentar nunggu MOD ku doi BM lain di bayar dolo ya ^.^

GL ^.^
thanks dah di mod gan =3=)b
Topic Starter
THANKS Pharos21 to SHOOT STAR >w< ) /
Lunatic Raccoon
Hi -SI- here comes my requested mod <3
Since it's pretty long, i'll just take MX to mod
  1. I'm kind of curious about the Title... Maybe "FIRST" is enough already?
  2. Holy moly, this song is good
  1. 00:30:707 (30707|2) - Move to col 1
  2. 00:42:865 (42865|3) - I think this note is quite unnecessary. Remove?
  3. For kicks like these: 00:45:707 - 00:46:812 - 00:46:970,...(and MANY more). Doubling all of them them would be better. If you don't want it to be too hard then do it like this: Take 00:46:812 as an example, double the note at 00:46:812 only while still keeping the note at 00:46:970 single
  4. 00:59:444 - There's a cymbal here, triple it
  5. Please be careful with note density. All the sounds that you tripled should be keep tripled all the time, except if there isn't any blank space left. And don't triple the sounds that were used as doubles before, except when it's a specifically special sound
  6. 01:13:575 - Add
  7. The rest of the pattern are fine enough to me. But please, be careful on note density
Good luck!
Topic Starter

Lunatic Raccoon wrote:

Hi -SI- here comes my requested mod <3
Since it's pretty long, i'll just take MX to mod
  1. I'm kind of curious about the Title... Maybe "FIRST" is enough already?
  2. Holy moly, this song is good thanks <3
  1. 00:30:707 (30707|2) - Move to col 1 ok
  2. 00:42:865 (42865|3) - I think this note is quite unnecessary. Remove? ok
  3. For kicks like these: 00:45:707 - 00:46:812 - 00:46:970,...(and MANY more). Doubling all of them them would be better. If you don't want it to be too hard then do it like this: Take 00:46:812 as an example, double the note at 00:46:812 only while still keeping the note at 00:46:970 single ok
  4. 00:59:444 - There's a cymbal here, triple it ok
  5. Please be careful with note density. All the sounds that you tripled should be keep tripled all the time, except if there isn't any blank space left. And don't triple the sounds that were used as doubles before, except when it's a specifically special sound i will be carefull for the next bm, if i make a new bm again
  6. 01:13:575 - Add ok
  7. The rest of the pattern are fine enough to me. But please, be careful on note density ok

Good luck!
thanks to mod. raccoon :)

from pm :3

column set
1 2 3 4

01:15:233 - add note
01:16:496 - ^
01:19:023 - ^
01:20:286 - ^
01:21:549 - ^
01:22:812 - ^
01:25:338 - ^
01:26:601 - ^
01:29:128 - ^
there have drumbass sounds

02:05:128 ~ 02:25:338 - ^ similar part ur intention?
probably for EZ diff, u don't use them..right?
if yes, ignore above mod :3
but i is better to add notes

it's up to you :3

01:10:970 - add note on 4th column
drumbass sound

and..good :3

nice diff

00:43:023 - umm..recommend using drum roll
EZ, NM, HD all same pattern in there (only one LN..)
so i think it needs new pattern.
how about this?

00:46:812 (46812|1,46970|3) - move to 3rd column

00:49:338 (49338|0,49496|0) - move to 3rd or 4th column

00:54:312 - add note on 3rd column
need note in there

01:04:101 - add note on 4th column
drum roll is started at 01:04:101 -

01:20:286 (80286|1) - delete. need not chord
01:20:444 (80444|0) - move to 2nd column

01:56:996 (116996|3,117312|3) - delete. there have no sounds
01:56:917 - add note on 4th column
01:57:233 - add note on 4th column

02:05:444 (125444|2) - move to 2nd column

02:10:417 (130417|2,131207|2) - delete. there have no sounds
02:17:523 (137523|2) - ^

02:25:259 - add note

02:55:180 - use drum roll sound.

00:43:023 ~ 00:43:654 - how about using 1/2 snap ?
i know that there is sound on 1/4 snap. but so low
so i recommend to use just 1/2 snap in this part.

01:04:101 - add note

01:12:075 (72075|0) - change endpoint until 01:13:338
01:13:338 - add LN until 01:13:970
01:13:575 (73575|2) - move to 4th column
01:13:654 (73654|3) - delete. there has no sound.
01:13:970 (73970|1) - move to 1st column

01:51:549 (111549|3,111865|1) - the LNs mean vocal sounds?
if yes, misplaced. located on red line
if no, LN is really not suited. change to normal note.

02:08:207 (128207|3) - delete
02:14:680 (134680|3,134838|3) - ^
there have no sounds
actually, this map seems to have a lot of overmapping notes.
pattern is good. when i played this map, really fun but...
i don't know that BN (beatmap nominator) accepts it..;w;

good luck :3
mark this ^^
done with some irc mod~
2015-02-18 11:38 Muu-chan:
2015-02-18 11:40 -SI-: ok
2015-02-18 11:41 Muu-chan: aku saran hapus aja LN2 kaya gini~ 00:46:496 (46496|1,47128|0,49023|1,49654|3) -
2015-02-18 11:41 Muu-chan: cuman bikin susah toh ngga nambah star .w.
2015-02-18 11:41 Muu-chan: ga ada suara yg fit juga sama LNnya
2015-02-18 11:41 -SI-: .w.
2015-02-18 11:41 Muu-chan: 00:52:180 (52180|0) -
2015-02-18 11:42 Muu-chan: karena dominannya drum
2015-02-18 11:42 Muu-chan: jadi agak aneh kalo di kasih LN
2015-02-18 11:42 -SI-: musti apyus aja lnnya
2015-02-18 11:42 Muu-chan: 00:54:707 (54707|3) -
2015-02-18 11:42 Muu-chan: yups, dihapus aja. jd tambah ribet soalnya .w. ga enak diliat juga
2015-02-18 11:43 -SI-: ok
2015-02-18 11:43 Muu-chan: eh disini ada brp note? 00:44:444 -
2015-02-18 11:43 -SI-: 2
2015-02-18 11:43 Muu-chan: di kolom brp aja?
2015-02-18 11:44 -SI-: 2,4
2015-02-18 11:44 Muu-chan: kaya gambar kan?
2015-02-18 11:44 Muu-chan: 00:44:444 (44444|3) - yg ini dihapus aja .w.
2015-02-18 11:45 Muu-chan: eh iya terus yg kaya gini 00:44:759 (44759|1,45391|2) -
2015-02-18 11:45 Muu-chan: ngikutin drum aja, jd mending di hapus
2015-02-18 11:45 -SI-: ok
2015-02-18 11:45 Muu-chan: disini bisa dikasih 00:46:101 -
2015-02-18 11:45 Muu-chan: nah kaya gini kosong 00:46:654 - kan ngikutin drum
2015-02-18 11:46 Muu-chan: 00:47:286 (47286|2) - dihapus~
2015-02-18 11:46 Muu-chan: 00:47:601 (47601|2) -
2015-02-18 11:46 Muu-chan: hapus~
2015-02-18 11:46 Muu-chan: coba dengerin lagi drumnya
2015-02-18 11:46 -SI-: ok
2015-02-18 11:47 Muu-chan: 00:47:917 (47917|2) - ^
2015-02-18 11:47 -SI-: masalah LN gimana ? di hps?
2015-02-18 11:47 Muu-chan: 00:48:628 - bisa ditambah
2015-02-18 11:47 Muu-chan: iya dihapus aja
2015-02-18 11:47 Muu-chan: 00:49:812 (49812|0,50128|2) - hapus
2015-02-18 11:47 Muu-chan: 00:50:444 (50444|2) -
2015-02-18 11:47 Muu-chan: 00:51:154 - bisa ditambah
2015-02-18 11:48 Muu-chan: .w. coba didengerin lagi ya~
2015-02-18 11:48 Muu-chan: sama dibenerin patternnya~
2015-02-18 11:48 Muu-chan: terus LN2 yg ga fit ke suara apapun, di hapus aja .w.
2015-02-18 11:48 -SI-: ok
2015-02-18 11:48 Muu-chan: mau masuk dulu jaa~
2015-02-18 11:48 -SI-: ok .w.
2015-02-18 11:48 -SI-: makasih
2015-02-18 11:49 Muu-chan: jangan takut star berkurang kalo note di hapus atau sebaliknya~
2015-02-18 11:49 Muu-chan: karena star itu berdasar pattern, bukan banyak note nya~ banyak gpp asal cocok sama instrumentnya
2015-02-18 11:50 Muu-chan: kalo ga fit nanti cuman jd ghost note .w.
2015-02-18 11:50 -SI-: aku nga tau, sangka aku star tambah karena kebanyakan note, ternyata tergantung pattern T.T
2015-02-18 11:50 Muu-chan: .w. ahah bukan
2015-02-18 11:50 -SI-: ok, sekarang aku tau :3
2015-02-18 11:50 -SI-: sekarang baru ngerti >w< #bego
2015-02-18 11:50 Muu-chan: gpp , sama2 belajar ko xD
2015-02-18 11:51 -SI-: :)
2015-02-18 11:52 -SI-: semua lndi hps kan?
2015-02-18 11:52 Muu-chan: ya kalo ga fit di hapus aja
2015-02-18 11:53 -SI-: ok
Topic Starter

pporse wrote:


from pm :3

column set
1 2 3 4

01:15:233 - add note
01:16:496 - ^
01:19:023 - ^
01:20:286 - ^
01:21:549 - ^
01:22:812 - ^
01:25:338 - ^
01:26:601 - ^
01:29:128 - ^
there have drumbass sounds

02:05:128 ~ 02:25:338 - ^ similar part ur intention?
probably for EZ diff, u don't use them..right?
if yes, ignore above mod :3
but i is better to add notes

it's up to you :3 sorry

01:10:970 - add note on 4th column ok
drumbass sound

and..good :3

nice diff

00:43:023 - umm..recommend using drum roll
EZ, NM, HD all same pattern in there (only one LN..)
so i think it needs new pattern.
how about this? i take this

00:46:812 (46812|1,46970|3) - move to 3rd column ok

00:49:338 (49338|0,49496|0) - move to 3rd or 4th column ok

00:54:312 - add note on 3rd column ok
need note in there

01:04:101 - add note on 4th column ok
drum roll is started at 01:04:101 -

01:20:286 (80286|1) - delete. need not chord ok
01:20:444 (80444|0) - move to 2nd column ok

01:56:996 (116996|3,117312|3) - delete. there have no sounds ok
01:56:917 - add note on 4th column ok
01:57:233 - add note on 4th column ok

02:05:444 (125444|2) - move to 2nd column ok

02:10:417 (130417|2,131207|2) - delete. there have no sounds ok
02:17:523 (137523|2) - ^ ok

02:25:259 - add note ok

02:55:180 - use drum roll sound. ok

00:43:023 ~ 00:43:654 - how about using 1/2 snap ?
i know that there is sound on 1/4 snap. but so low
so i recommend to use just 1/2 snap in this part. ok

01:04:101 - add note ok

01:12:075 (72075|0) - change endpoint until 01:13:338 ok
01:13:338 - add LN until 01:13:970 ok
01:13:575 (73575|2) - move to 4th column ok
01:13:654 (73654|3) - delete. there has no sound. ok
01:13:970 (73970|1) - move to 1st column ok

01:51:549 (111549|3,111865|1) - the LNs mean vocal sounds?
if yes, misplaced. located on red line
if no, LN is really not suited. change to normal note. no vocal, delete, and change to normal note

02:08:207 (128207|3) - delete ok
02:14:680 (134680|3,134838|3) - ^ ok
there have no sounds
actually, this map seems to have a lot of overmapping notes.
pattern is good. when i played this map, really fun but...
i don't know that BN (beatmap nominator) accepts it..;w;

good luck :3
Okay pporse,thanks for taking your time
thanks to mod my map :)
update! ^^
Topic Starter

Muu-chan wrote:

mark this ^^
okay mbak ^^ /
Topic Starter

Muu-chan wrote:

mark this ^^
ok mbak ^^
Hi ! I think you asked me for a mod in-game chat so here is an attempt.


00:52:180 (52180|0,52180|1) - Maybe that one needs to be a triple to follow the last patterns. You may also need to change the jacks incoming if you want to change this one
00:52:812 (52812|1,52812|2) - Same goes here
00:57:865 (57865|1,57865|0) - Here is the same but not sure cuz of the volume.
Seems like you use this sometimes, you can recheck it to see if you want to change all of them, some of them or none of them

01:03:944 - Add a note here, the drum stream stars on the previous white I think.
01:24:154 (84154|3) - Delete this one, follows the last patter I guess and also there are no need to put that note there.
01:23:444 (83444|2) - I doubled the whites here on this LN (01:24:391 (84391|2) - But this one I keep it as a single note). Thas to follow the doubles patter previously made by you.
01:24:707 (84707|2) - In this part you can keep the singles because of the new patter with other simples. But you can also make doubles for the whites too.
01:25:733 (85733|2) - Maybe delete that one, fits better at least for me

01:34:338 (94338|0,94654|0) - I dont like this doubles. The drums are allways at the same intensity so keeping all that pattern with simples should be fine.
01:34:496 (94496|0) - Buut, this can be double if you want I think.

01:35:286 (95286|1,95444|2,95601|1) - This is a suggestion. You can follow the sound here too to "fill" the space here.
I suggest you can:
01:35:444 (95444|2) - Move to 3
01:35:365 - Add note (in 2 slot)
01:35:523 - Add note on 2

I wasnt paying attention to this but you need to add more hitsounds I think. 01:39:865 (99865|2) - Here is a Finish one, and you can add the finish also in the others parts of the song where are *crashes* :P

01:41:128 (101128|0,101128|2,101128|3) - Why is this one a triple? Change it to double at least because of the intensity of the sound and the pattern followed.
01:46:338 (106338|0) - Maybe make this one a double because of the drum here?
01:47:444 (107444|0,107444|2,107444|3) - Change this one to double I think, not the same sound that the previous one. Also fits better the next pattern I think

01:47:917 (107917|2,108075|3,108075|1) - Here I suggest the same thing previously. You can follow the other song using a similar pattern. Something like a stair, you may also change the next double to fit the pattern if you keep this suggestion.
01:49:970 (109970|1) - Here is another note where you should add a Finish hitsound.

01:54:075 (114075|3) - About here I also not sure... You used doubles for that sound and now triples in similar patterns. Yeah, there is a double on the previous note but not sure, maybe you can change it too.

01:56:917 (116917|3) - This one is a double I think.
01:56:759 (116759|2,116838|3) - Here is where the jack should be I think. Then finishing with that double as you do in the next patterns. I suggest jacks on slot 2
01:56:680 (116680|1) - You can delete this note too.
01:57:786 - Why there is no notes here? I hear a beat, you should add one. Or move the white one I think is better.

02:01:023 (121023|3,121023|2) - This may be a triple as the previous one, same sound.
02:01:970 (121970|2,121970|0) - Same goes here.

02:07:023 (127023|2,127023|0,127023|1) - This I feel its not a triple too, the sound is not that intense. Change it to double maybe
02:07:338 (127338|2,127338|1) - But this one is a triple indeed :P
02:07:970 (127970|1,127970|0) - Same here, try to keep mapping the same sound with the same amount of keys

02:22:180 (142180|1,142180|0,142180|2) - Same goes here

02:24:707 (144707|0) - Make this double
02:24:786 (144786|1) - Delete that one, the stream stars in the red one.

02:37:812 (157812|3) - Delete hitsounds, avoid having triple hitsounds in the same note, it is too intense xD. Maybe having 2 is not bad, but try with one.

How about this? (I deleted one red because there wasnt any sound here I think)

02:49:496 - Why there is no sound here? Beat :P

02:51:549 (171549|0) - This as a simple maybe is not enought. You can change the red ones doubles to simples and make this a triple or a double.

02:55:101 (175101|0) - Delete this one, the streams starts on the red one

02:55:812 - Drum here, add a note.

You can finish the song with a LN if you want :P

Thats all for now, maybe I will check the other diffs soon. Good luck !
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