
kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem

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I think add +14, would be better
Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

I think add +14, would be better
Okay,added!thanks 445! :)
Hello! Sorry for being late with this m4m

General Stuff
  1. The video offset is placed too early. if you notice you'll see that the singer starts singing still when there is only melody without vocal LOL. Try to place it at offset: 1057. It looks perfect.

Shiki Revive
  1. 00:02:343 (6) - What about adding new combo here? New melody is starting just on this downbeat, it'd be cool
  2. 00:05:342 (4) - This slider flows so bad after the 00:04:057 (1,2,3) ones. I would keep the same logic on this pattern copy-pastying the 00:04:485 (2) like you did for 00:04:057 (1,3) placing it some grid left than 00:04:485 (2). You should fix the 00:05:771 (1) as well if you apply this
  3. 00:07:056 (4) - What about adding normal sampleset on this slider's tail to fill the drum of the melody? I would set normal sampleset on this finish as well:
  4. 00:07:485 (1). Same for 00:08:342 (3)'s head and so on, like 00:09:199 (1) with all those drum sounds. I won't mention it anymore, I guess you got it
  5. 00:19:269 (6,7,1) - Stack it better
  6. 00:22:697 (7) - New combo
  7. 00:35:552 (4) - NC here as well. The melody is different
  8. 00:54:514 (3,4,5,6,7) - To get a better flow I'd change the position of some elements from 00:54:835 (5). What about making something like: ? Flows much better!
  9. 00:58:692 (4) - Move to x:348 y:80 to keep the pattern consistent
  10. 01:00:941 (2) - This looked kinda unexpected to me, honestly. Move it closer to the previous (1) pls
  11. 01:38:115 (7) - New combo
  12. 02:09:529 (2,3) - Make the spacing bigger? So much spacing unconsistency <_<
  13. 02:31:490 (8,1) - switch ncs
  14. 03:05:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I don't understand this overbig and overhuge spacing, honestly...
  15. 03:29:558 Silence this slider's tick, it's confusing, same for 03:30:201 (6), 03:31:915 (4,6) - same and so on
  16. 03:44:770 (5) - new combo?
  17. 03:57:126 Add a red line here and set those circles in this way: they are actually really off. Moreover, re-add a red line on 03:58:268 (5)
  18. 04:55:274 (7) - NC
  19. 04:57:203 (5,1) - Switch NCs

This diff needs more and more work. There are so much inconsistent spacings <_< well, i hope it helped at least, good luck with it!
Topic Starter
Sorry,I forget to notice this map,forget give to ur KD :o

I'll check it soon ! Thanks Chewin suggestion ~ ! :)

(Perhaps I'll replace some parts)

Chewin wrote:

Hello! Sorry for being late with this m4m I'm so late mod reply to this ,too. :o

General Stuff
  1. The video offset is placed too early. if you notice you'll see that the singer starts singing still when there is only melody without vocal LOL. Try to place it at offset: 1057. It looks perfect. Fixed.

Shiki Revive
  1. 00:02:343 (6) - What about adding new combo here? New melody is starting just on this downbeat, it'd be cool Fixed.
  2. 00:05:342 (4) - This slider flows so bad after the 00:04:057 (1,2,3) ones. I would keep the same logic on this pattern copy-pastying the 00:04:485 (2) like you did for 00:04:057 (1,3) placing it some grid left than 00:04:485 (2). You should fix the 00:05:771 (1) as well if you apply this Consider it.
  3. 00:07:056 (4) - What about adding normal sampleset on this slider's tail to fill the drum of the melody? I would set normal sampleset on this finish as well: Fixed.
  4. 00:07:485 (1). Same for 00:08:342 (3)'s head and so on, like 00:09:199 (1) with all those drum sounds. I won't mention it anymore, I guess you got it Added finish in slider head at 00:08:342 (3) & 00:09:199 (1),fixed.
  5. 00:19:269 (6,7,1) - Stack it better Fixed.
  6. 00:22:697 (7) - New combo Fixed.
  7. 00:35:552 (4) - NC here as well. The melody is different Fixed.
  8. 00:54:514 (3,4,5,6,7) - To get a better flow I'd change the position of some elements from 00:54:835 (5). What about making something like: ? Flows much better! Feel looks fine now.
  9. 00:58:692 (4) - Move to x:348 y:80 to keep the pattern consistent Fixed.
  10. 01:00:941 (2) - This looked kinda unexpected to me, honestly. Move it closer to the previous (1) pls Fixed.
  11. 01:38:115 (7) - New combo Fixed.
  12. 02:09:529 (2,3) - Make the spacing bigger? So much spacing unconsistency <_< Okay,fixed.
  13. 02:31:490 (8,1) - switch ncs Fixed.
  14. 03:05:776 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I don't understand this overbig and overhuge spacing, honestly... Sounds like this music seems can make jump,so no change this.
  15. 03:29:558 Silence this slider's tick, it's confusing, same for 03:30:201 (6), 03:31:915 (4,6) - same and so on Fixed.
  16. 03:44:770 (5) - new combo? Fixed.
  17. 03:57:126 Add a red line here and set those circles in this way: they are actually really off. Moreover, re-add a red line on 03:58:268 (5) Perhaps don't add this,look fine now.
  18. 04:55:274 (7) - NC Fixed.
  19. 04:57:203 (5,1) - Switch NCs Fixed.

This diff needs more and more work. There are so much inconsistent spacings <_< well, i hope it helped at least, good luck with it!Sure,help a lot ~ ! Thanks Chewin !
你怎么坑了 吃食

00:15:198 (4) - 这里是不是放歪了
00:31:481 (1,2,3,1) - 感觉放个三角型,黄色note放中间好看些
00:32:981 (2,3,4,5) - 偏了一点,虽然不是什么问题_(:зゝ∠)_ 还是说下比较好
03:09:204 (1) -to 03:10:704 (2) - 这是不是太跳了orz有点读不清

F D Flourite


[Shiki Revive]
  1. 第二根红线大丈夫?很多音都off了:02:01:066 - 02:01:495 - 02:01:602 - 02:01:923 - etc.(尤其是clap处特别明显)
  2. 建议把HP稍微降一点。app图嘛,何况你这Kiai节奏还难读,还没有break >.<。6~6.5 will be fine.
  3. 00:00:629 -> 00:03:200 - 这一段remap一下。这里没有什么节奏,图跟的是很舒缓的乐器,因此距离没必要一开始就那么大,和后面没啥区别。这3秒弄成一个light Insane就好了。
  4. 00:55:478 (1,2) - 跟着音乐来讲的话,我这里会弄jump。00:56:335 (1,2) - same 00:57:192 (1,2) - same
  5. 01:13:904 (6,1) - Minor. 这两个可以blanket
  6. 01:14:761 (2) - 换成1/2slider
  7. 01:27:616 (6,1,2) - Minor. Fix the blanket?
  8. 01:33:615 (3,4,5) - 节奏为什么不填满?如果说是kiai后的缓和段倒是可以理解,可是01:48:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这一段明明节奏不密也不强你又把节奏下这么满。
  9. 02:35:347 (2) - Ctrl+G吧,这样距离实在是有点大。
  10. 03:57:197 (1,2,3) - 不建议下note。我试了一下,要到1/16才能压得准后面两声钢琴,何必呢,别人根本读不出来。
  11. No need to say much about nazi, because it is less important.
  12. 关于inconsistent spacing
    1. 00:49:479 (4,5,6,7,1) - 这里的跳跃有点不懂.
    2. 03:01:491 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 这里的距离不大好理解。光听节奏其实2345只有2有节奏,但是你节奏填满了不说,距离拉那么大可是音乐氛围跟不上。然后就是71这里距离是可以加大的。
    3. 01:05:762 (1,2) - 要我说,你kiai 3/4滑条的距离一直是一个谜>.< 比起把那些大的跳改小,我更支持你把这里的DS改大,让1和2的尾相blanket.
    4. 01:06:619 (3,4) - ^
    5. 全部重新看了一遍之后,发现你3/4slider距离还是比较短的。01:10:047 (3) - 那这个地方应该不止我一个人提吧。
    6. 02:50:350 (1,2,3) - A little bit confusing about distance.
    7. 其实在我的理解当中,consistent spacing的目的就是为了让所有能读的了这个AR的人都能无视Approaching Circle而轻松读图。而不是说需要什么DS作图之类的。其实楼上所说的把AR增高是一个道理。AR高了Approaching Circle自然就更明显一些。
    8. 我还想指出一点:并不是所有player见到散乱的1/4滑条就知道是1/4滑条跳的。不过似乎就目前player community来说,1/4滑条跳距离似乎问题不是很大。
Topic Starter

icelemons wrote:

aimod里面有很多问题的样子 沒什麼問題,只是說一些注意事項而已

00:15:198 (4) - 这里是不是放歪了 移動了一點
00:31:481 (1,2,3,1) - 感觉放个三角型,黄色note放中间好看些 移動了一點
00:32:981 (2,3,4,5) - 偏了一点,虽然不是什么问题_(:зゝ∠)_ 还是说下比较好 移動了一點
03:09:204 (1) -to 03:10:704 (2) - 这是不是太跳了orz有点读不清 好像有一點,我再想看看

AR高一些。我设置到9打的时候顺手多了。8.3总感觉哪里别扭,打的时候尤其明显 調了AR8.8

謝了icelemons ~ !

F D Flourite

F D Flourite wrote:



[Shiki Revive]
  1. 第二根红线大丈夫?很多音都off了:02:01:066 - 02:01:495 - 02:01:602 - 02:01:923 - etc.(尤其是clap处特别明显) 445說offset沒問題
  2. 建议把HP稍微降一点。app图嘛,何况你这Kiai节奏还难读,还没有break >.<。6~6.5 will be fine. 調了6,也許以後會更動
  3. 00:00:629 -> 00:03:200 - 这一段remap一下。这里没有什么节奏,图跟的是很舒缓的乐器,因此距离没必要一开始就那么大,和后面没啥区别。这3秒弄成一个light Insane就好了。考慮一下
  4. 00:55:478 (1,2) - 跟着音乐来讲的话,我这里会弄jump。00:56:335 (1,2) - same 00:57:192 (1,2) - same 感覺還不錯,fixed
  5. 01:13:904 (6,1) - Minor. 这两个可以blanket
  6. 01:14:761 (2) - 换成1/2slider 改了
  7. 01:27:616 (6,1,2) - Minor. Fix the blanket?
  8. 01:33:615 (3,4,5) - 节奏为什么不填满?如果说是kiai后的缓和段倒是可以理解,可是01:48:613 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这一段明明节奏不密也不强你又把节奏下这么满。 增加了一個note在01:33:937 (4) .
  9. 02:35:347 (2) - Ctrl+G吧,这样距离实在是有点大。 故意的這是Saten對稱流
  10. 03:57:197 (1,2,3) - 不建议下note。我试了一下,要到1/16才能压得准后面两声钢琴,何必呢,别人根本读不出来。 調了一下第二個note到1/6
  11. No need to say much about nazi, because it is less important. Okay.
  12. [box=关于inconsistent spacing]
    1. 00:49:479 (4,5,6,7,1) - 这里的跳跃有点不懂. 修了一些間距
    2. 03:01:491 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 这里的距离不大好理解。光听节奏其实2345只有2有节奏,但是你节奏填满了不说,距离拉那么大可是音乐氛围跟不上。然后就是71这里距离是可以加大的。 說的有道理,但為了pattern對稱還是不改這了吧。
    3. 01:05:762 (1,2) - 要我说,你kiai 3/4滑条的距离一直是一个谜>.< 比起把那些大的跳改小,我更支持你把这里的DS改大,让1和2的尾相blanket.
    4. 01:06:619 (3,4) - ^ 改了一下
    5. 全部重新看了一遍之后,发现你3/4slider距离还是比较短的。01:10:047 (3) - 那这个地方应该不止我一个人提吧。 雖然這距離有點遠但玩的還ok
    6. 02:50:350 (1,2,3) - A little bit confusing about distance. 改了一點
    7. 其实在我的理解当中,consistent spacing的目的就是为了让所有能读的了这个AR的人都能无视Approaching Circle而轻松读图。而不是说需要什么DS作图之类的。其实楼上所说的把AR增高是一个道理。AR高了Approaching Circle自然就更明显一些。 恩,AP增高了一些
    8. 我还想指出一点:并不是所有player见到散乱的1/4滑条就知道是1/4滑条跳的。不过似乎就目前player community来说,1/4滑条跳距离似乎问题不是很大。 好,也許我會看完全部再改改一些間距

      謝謝FD的建議,有些很有用~ !感覺要上BAT了你。

Elaine wrote:

Hello ~


  1. Your video offset is kinda off, what about to use 844 as offset instead 1057? it looks better imo.
  2. You should remove Wakeshima from tags since you've already added it more than once, btw consider to add 屍鬼 because is the source of the song and Full Version too.
  3. Consider to remove drum-whistle.wav because is a useless file since you already has a drum-hitwhistle.wav.
  4. I think you should take a look to the AIBat cause you have many unsnapped points by 1 or 2 ms in the difficulty that isn't noticeable in stable and cutting edge version.
Shiki Revive

  1. 00:03:628 (3) - To emphasize the vocal I would like you could add a NC in this part since it would fit great, in my opinion.
  2. 00:06:199 (2,3) - What do you think about using CTRL + G in both sliders? to improve the flow in the map and make it more natural and fun somehow, something like this might work.
  3. 00:07:270 (5) - To be honest I feel that it would sound a lot better if instead of using a normal sound replace it by a sound drum, you should try it.
  4. 00:19:376 (8) - If you listening carefully you can realize that here there isn't a noticeable sound because it actually the sound should be exactly in 1/6 (00:19:412 - ) so I recommend you to change these two notes 00: 19: 269 (7.8) - by a slider.
  5. 00:25:696 (5,6) - Same as above because it should be like this rhythm in my opinion.
  6. 03:14:132 (8,9) - ^ 03:15:846 (6,7) - ^
  7. 00:30:624 (1) - I guess this is intentional but I'd like to trying to replace this by 1/4 slider instead 1/2 cause the rhythm here is quite constant to be honest.
  8. 00:32:553 (4) - What do you think to move it to X: 96 Y: 193 for doing a perfect stack with 00:33:624 (4) - this circle and avoid any problems for read the next pattern and the plus can be that you improve the aesthetics as well.
  9. 00:34:909 (1,2,3) - This is just a personal suggestion but After many tries I come to the conclusion slightly change the position of the 3 circles and make a different jump, something like this flows much better somehow.
  10. 00:42:837 (6) - hmm.... this feels kinda overmapped if you ask me so a quick fix would be to extend this by 1 tick.
  11. 01:11:547 (4,5,1,2,3) - Don't you think that this is quite difficult to pass? there has many circles 1/4 in a short time but I guess that you can slightly change the distance between all the circles to be less uncomfortable to play.
  12. 01:19:796 (2,3) - Nazi* How about to make a nice blanket with these both objects? something like this could be quite ideal in my opinion.
  13. 01:21:938 (4) - NC for a better readability?
  14. 02:13:252 (3) - ^ 02:16:787 (4) - ^ 04:09:945 (4) - ^
  15. 01:22:902 (8,1) - Switch NC because there has a change at the vocals that is very noticeable imo.
  16. 05:08:117 (5,1) - ^ (in this case is the instrumental)
  17. 01:45:185 (1) - Did you forget to add a finish at the head of the slider? or this is intentional? I would consider to add it because there has a sound at the background.
  18. 01:53:112 (1,2,3) - Wow ... this is too difficult even for me, I see no reason to make such an exaggerated jump in this part so it would be highly recommended to replace the distance by other more shorter.
  19. 01:54:826 (1) - Remove the NC because is too short in compared to the rest patterns.
  20. 02:10:895 (1,2,3) - To be honest this stack feels quite uncomfortable so what do you think to move this circle 02:10:895 (1) - to X: 256 Y: 28 for a better flow.
  21. 02:19:893 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - Flow here is kinda awkward for me, what about to change the position of the stream for something like this? for the rest you should move the next circle to X: 256 Y: 60 for the same reason that I've mentioned before.
  22. 02:42:176 (2,3,4) - Whistle?
  23. 03:01:491 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe it's just me but this feels kinda overmapped from my point of view, just for avoid any problems in the future would be ideal if you try to doing another rhythm pattern here..
  24. 03:10:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure about the rhythm here because it has a 1/6 part and 1/4 so try to do something different here please...
  25. 03:57:947 (4) - this should be snapped in 03:57:911 (4) - if I'm not wrong.
  26. 04:50:118 (3) - just a minor thing but what about to change it by a slider repeat in 1/6, it fits well imo?
  27. 04:58:381 (8,9) - I don't get it why you do jumps like this one because to be honest it doesn't flow great at all so I recommend to do CTRL + G in this slider 04:58:488 (9) - to avoid this problem... and if you wanna keep the next one you should do the same thing to 04:58:917 (1) - this one.
  28. 05:09:724 (1) - I suggest you to finish this spinner at 05:11:974 - since 05:08:117 (1) - there hasn't a sound.
That's all...
還是之前給你的視頻offset -440,這裏備忘一下。

第一根紅線:140bpm 615ms

【付bpm軟件測試結果:183ms 139.999bpm,大白線換算以後是613ms】

As requested!

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  • Can u add eyeballs to the girl in bg?

    _(:3 」∠)_


  • Feels 818 offset is better, look at the mouth when she sings 0.0


  • Try -9 for timing offset

    Will mod based on original timing

Shiki Revive

  1. Please remap :o
  2. Probably if anything was asked to remap, would be slider shapes like 00:02:771 (2) -
  3. And the jumps are so random in the beginning part
  4. 00:16:483 (1) - Remove NC, cant realize the change
  5. 00:43:908 (2) - This looks like 1/4, add smth at 00:43:801 - ?
  6. 01:11:761 (1) - Don't get the NC here...remove or move to 01:11:547 (4) - ?
  7. 01:25:366 (2) - Use further DS? like 1.3
  8. 01:27:080 (3,4,5,6) - The DS
  9. 02:13:466 (4) - Feel dont have to closer the DS, it's all reading part here
  10. 02:56:992 (8,9,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1) - Make them 1,2,3 combo on each stacks?
  11. 03:57:197 (1,2,3,4) - Piano sounds more at 1/6, 03:57:126 - , 03:57:340 - , 03:57:626 - , 03:57:911 - . Prefer a timing check here
  12. 04:13:481 (1) - The NC p.p

    Possibly...maybe...rebuild some slider shapes and ask for more mods T_T

Call me back when you're ready!
Seems like you just ignored my mod, I was thinking to give a bubble but now I'm not sure at all, anyways good luck.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Seems like you just ignored my mod, I was thinking to give a bubble but now I'm not sure at all, anyways good luck.

Not ignore :(
I often look the list in few month ago.
Because your list has no my map now,so I think you didn't care my map :o
I told you about that in game since 1 month ago and I was waiting for your reply to give a bubble, anyways if you still need it you're free to call me back when you're done to apply/reply my mod otherwise you should ask to another BAT.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

I told you about that in game since 1 month ago and I was waiting for your reply to give a bubble, anyways if you still need it you're free to call me back when you're done to apply/reply my mod otherwise you should ask to another BAT.
Yes it is,remember you already tell me few time can ask a req or not,is my fault,and I still decide Rakuen to do #1,and you possibly do #2 check

:o Ah~Btw, sorry Gero,I forgot turn previous page at this map ,and I found you help me do a mod,really sorry :( (I'm stupid :X

seems feel easy forgetful just like CDFA.. xD


Gero wrote:

Hello ~ Hi


  1. Your video offset is kinda off, what about to use 844 as offset instead 1057? it looks better imo. Seems Rakuen's offset adjust is better than this,so apply her suggestion (Use 818)
  2. You should remove Wakeshima from tags since you've already added it more than once, btw consider to add 屍鬼 because is the source of the song and Full Version too. Fixed
  3. Consider to remove drum-whistle.wav because is a useless file since you already has a drum-hitwhistle.wav. Removed
  4. I think you should take a look to the AIBat cause you have many unsnapped points by 1 or 2 ms in the difficulty that isn't noticeable in stable and cutting edge version. Fix all unsnapped green line
Shiki Revive

  1. 00:03:628 (3) - To emphasize the vocal I would like you could add a NC in this part since it would fit great, in my opinion. Added (Btw,I use the offset -9 for all timing line by Rakuen suggestion,the offset seems have a bit early I think,so adjust it)
  2. 00:06:199 (2,3) - What do you think about using CTRL + G in both sliders? to improve the flow in the map and make it more natural and fun somehow, something like this might work. Okay,good idea,changed
  3. 00:07:270 (5) - To be honest I feel that it would sound a lot better if instead of using a normal sound replace it by a sound drum, you should try it. Is say make samplset hitsound to 'drum' ? Then applied.
  4. 00:19:376 (8) - If you listening carefully you can realize that here there isn't a noticeable sound because it actually the sound should be exactly in 1/6 (00:19:412 - ) so I recommend you to change these two notes 00: 19: 269 (7.8) - by a slider. Well,I look my ranked map at this rhythm part,it place 1/4 there,so I think it is fine,so keep.
  5. 00:25:696 (5,6) - Same as above because it should be like this rhythm in my opinion. Same
  6. 03:14:132 (8,9) - ^ 03:15:846 (6,7) - ^ Seems still can use 1/4 here,maybe if I have free time, I'll ask QAT to check these
  7. 00:30:624 (1) - I guess this is intentional but I'd like to trying to replace this by 1/4 slider instead 1/2 cause the rhythm here is quite constant to be honest. Seems your saying is right,then change here.
  8. 00:32:553 (4) - What do you think to move it to X: 96 Y: 193 for doing a perfect stack with 00:33:624 (4) - this circle and avoid any problems for read the next pattern and the plus can be that you improve the aesthetics as well. Okay,moved
  9. 00:34:909 (1,2,3) - This is just a personal suggestion but After many tries I come to the conclusion slightly change the position of the 3 circles and make a different jump, something like this flows much better somehow. (2) use ctrl+g for here
  10. 00:42:837 (6) - hmm.... this feels kinda overmapped if you ask me so a quick fix would be to extend this by 1 tick. Change note here
  11. 01:11:547 (4,5,1,2,3) - Don't you think that this is quite difficult to pass? there has many circles 1/4 in a short time but I guess that you can slightly change the distance between all the circles to be less uncomfortable to play. Just change a bit place here,but distance has no reduce,testplay by Guy,he says fine
  12. 01:19:796 (2,3) - Nazi* How about to make a nice blanket with these both objects? something like this could be quite ideal in my opinion. Okay,then (3) blanket (2) here
  13. 01:21:938 (4) - NC for a better readability? Added
  14. 02:13:252 (3) - ^ 02:16:787 (4) - ^ 04:09:945 (4) - ^ All added
  15. 01:22:902 (8,1) - Switch NC because there has a change at the vocals that is very noticeable imo. Okay,switch NC here.
  16. 05:08:117 (5,1) - ^ (in this case is the instrumental) The same as above
  17. 01:45:185 (1) - Did you forget to add a finish at the head of the slider? or this is intentional? I would consider to add it because there has a sound at the background. Okay,add finish here,seems I forgot added.
  18. 01:53:112 (1,2,3) - Wow ... this is too difficult even for me, I see no reason to make such an exaggerated jump in this part so it would be highly recommended to replace the distance by other more shorter. Say right,reduce a bit distance here
  19. 01:54:826 (1) - Remove the NC because is too short in compared to the rest patterns. Removed
  20. 02:10:895 (1,2,3) - To be honest this stack feels quite uncomfortable so what do you think to move this circle 02:10:895 (1) - to X: 256 Y: 28 for a better flow. Change a bit here.
  21. 02:19:893 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - Flow here is kinda awkward for me, what about to change the position of the stream for something like this? for the rest you should move the next circle to X: 256 Y: 60 for the same reason that I've mentioned before. Change pattern here.
  22. 02:42:176 (2,3,4) - Whistle? Added and turn up a bit that part volume.
  23. 03:01:491 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe it's just me but this feels kinda overmapped from my point of view, just for avoid any problems in the future would be ideal if you try to doing another rhythm pattern here.. Sounds like the background music seems can place stream here,maybe I will ask QAT this part can be placed rhythm or not
  24. 03:10:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure about the rhythm here because it has a 1/6 part and 1/4 so try to do something different here please... Sounds like have the 1/6 snap there,indeed it is a so confused rhythm part ,same reason,let me ask QAT,too
  25. 03:57:947 (4) - this should be snapped in 03:57:911 (4) - if I'm not wrong. Fixed
  26. 04:50:118 (3) - just a minor thing but what about to change it by a slider repeat in 1/6, it fits well imo? Looks fine ,sounds like no 1/6 sound here
  27. 04:58:381 (8,9) - I don't get it why you do jumps like this one because to be honest it doesn't flow great at all so I recommend to do CTRL + G in this slider 04:58:488 (9) - to avoid this problem... and if you wanna keep the next one you should do the same thing to 04:58:917 (1) - this one. Okay,use ctrl+g for this 2 objects here make good flow.
  28. 05:09:724 (1) - I suggest you to finish this spinner at 05:11:974 - since 05:08:117 (1) - there hasn't a sound. Okay,reduce a bit spinner end from your saying
That's all... Thanks Gero ~ !


Rakuen wrote:

As requested!

[box=Legend]Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  • Can u add eyeballs to the girl in bg? _(:3 」∠)_

    _(:3 」∠)_


  • Feels 818 offset is better, look at the mouth when she sings 0.0 Fixed 0.0


  • Try -9 for timing offset Adjusted

    Will mod based on original timing

Shiki Revive

  1. Please remap :o
  2. Probably if anything was asked to remap, would be slider shapes like 00:02:771 (2) - Fix a bit for these pattern 學HW的pattern學失敗了哀
  3. And the jumps are so random in the beginning part XD
  4. 00:16:483 (1) - Remove NC, cant realize the change Fixed
  5. 00:43:908 (2) - This looks like 1/4, add smth at 00:43:801 - ? 00:43:801's sound feel not so obviously I think,maybe will consider to add it.
  6. 01:11:761 (1) - Don't get the NC here...remove or move to 01:11:547 (4) - ? Remove NC here
  7. 01:25:366 (2) - Use further DS? like 1.3 Fixed
  8. 01:27:080 (3,4,5,6) - The DS Adjust a bit
  9. 02:13:466 (4) - Feel dont have to closer the DS, it's all reading part here Adjust a bit pattern here
  10. 02:56:992 (8,9,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1) - Make them 1,2,3 combo on each stacks? Consider to change it or not,has no idea to replace this pattern now XD
  11. 03:57:197 (1,2,3,4) - Piano sounds more at 1/6, 03:57:126 - , 03:57:340 - , 03:57:626 - , 03:57:911 - . Prefer a timing check here All fixed,but the second note I feel it is 1/8 03:57:367 (2) - there,so place here.
  12. 04:13:481 (1) - The NC p.p Removed

    Possibly...maybe...rebuild some slider shapes and ask for more mods T_T Will change these pattern in my free,hope you like it :3

Call me back when you're ready! Okay,thanks Rakuen ~ !

Metadata check.

Artist must be "kanon×kanon" , "カノン×カノン" is a way of reading.

From website (Artist) :

From website (Anime) :

others fine in my eyes :)
Bubbled #1
Sorry but I should popping this due an unsnapped thing (spinner) at 03:53:760 - here, If I'm not wrong it should be snapped on 03:56:759 - so I recommend you to use resnap all notes to avoid any possible disqualification, btw I've asked for some opinions about this thing 03:14:123 (8,9,1) - so we concluded that it's quite confusing and a bit random the change of the rhythm here so I'd like to suggest to try something different at this part, call me back when you're done to check that everything is snapped and ready for rebubbled.
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Sorry but I should popping this due an unsnapped thing (spinner) at 03:53:760 - here, If I'm not wrong it should be snapped on 03:56:759 - so I recommend you to use resnap all notes to avoid any possible disqualification, Move a bit at this spinner,but this seems not the disqualification issue,I think playing the spinner there is no so big effect at here I think (Just a 1ms)

btw I've asked for some opinions about this thing 03:14:123 (8,9,1) - so we concluded that it's quite confusing and a bit random the change of the rhythm here so I'd like to suggest to try something different at this part, call me back when you're done to check that everything is snapped and ready for rebubbled. Will ask alacat this issue
EDIT : Already ask alacat the 03:14:123 (8,9,1)'s snap,say can change 1/4 snap here. (Gero,I give you the log to forum PM,check it)
@smallboat Isn't a big deal but after all it's can be considered as issue, so is a good reason to disqualify/popping your map, anyways the map looks quite acceptable at the least for me.

~ Bubbled #1 ~

如果不是的话可能看下其他part,因为有些部分有放有些没,像01:18:180 (1) - , 04:20:756 (1) -

01:19:037 - Clap
01:39:605 - Clap
02:26:741 (1) - ^
02:27:598 - ^
02:40:453 (1) - 02:41:310 -

Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:


如果不是的话可能看下其他part,因为有些部分有放有些没,像01:18:180 (1) - , 04:20:756 (1) - 都加了

01:19:037 - Clap
01:39:605 - Clap
02:26:741 (1) - ^
02:27:598 - ^
02:40:453 (1) - 02:41:310 -


抱歉了orz 謝啦 :)
Bubbled #2
Asagi Mutsuki
breaking BAT chain oAo
Hey, cool map.

Now to check this :3
Just ran into this because senpai told me to :)
Sadly though, I have to pop this map, due to incorrect timing.

I took a hitch at timing the map, and I find its best you try a BPM of 140. The extra timing lines are useless , and even then you still have the wrong timing when you include them. With the .2 you have added to each of the timing line BPM, some notes appear earlier then expected. You can see this by looking at the end of the kiai and generally at the end of the song where the .2 becomes quite noticeable.

Your offset, is just a slightly bit early. I've tested with different offsets and have gotten numbers from 623 ish to 613, I guess its best to use the average of those 2 and try 618. I find it the best with the map.

Anyways, tell me when you've changed the timing of this map (I've confirmed with others on timing too just to make sure) and I'll throw a mod at this map. I hate to see all that work put into waste. Its better to see this map moved forward, and of course I'll try my best to make that happen!

EDIT: Don't forget to resnap notes and resnap your green lines!
Topic Starter

Tari wrote:

Sadly though, I have to pop this map, due to incorrect timing.

I took a hitch at timing the map, and I find its best you try a BPM of 140. The extra timing lines are useless , and even then you still have the wrong timing when you include them. With the .2 you have added to each of the timing line BPM, some notes appear earlier then expected. You can see this by looking at the end of the kiai and generally at the end of the song where the .2 becomes quite noticeable. Sure,the BPM adjust to 140,and delete another red lines,keep single red one here

Your offset, is just a slightly bit early. I've tested with different offsets and have gotten numbers from 623 ish to 613, I guess its best to use the average of those 2 and try 618. I find it the best with the map. Okay,offset fix to 618.

Anyways, tell me when you've changed the timing of this map (I've confirmed with others on timing too just to make sure) and I'll throw a mod at this map. I hate to see all that work put into waste. Its better to see this map moved forward, and of course I'll try my best to make that happen! Okay,thanks ~! I'm ready,wait for you next reply.

EDIT: Don't forget to resnap notes and resnap your green lines! Thanks remind,I use hand adjust all resnap green line and notes there
Thanks Tari ~ !


  1. 00:21:832 (3,4) - Hmmm, to be honest, Such kick sliders don't fit. They make some of the jumps feel forced and the spacing really confusing, You should really consider only using them on special parts of the music. This part, does not have that. In fact, its like a regular 5- note stream. Even that fits better than what you are using now. The best solution would be space this out regularly.
  2. 00:23:760 (1,2,3,4) - This one is okay, but the pattern is really random, I would really want you to do this : . Introducing a kick slider with a new combo makes the overall pattern much more readable, since you can get the jist of how the spacing is. And since this combo is only using kick sliders, its relatively okay to make them kick sliders given you've used the same spacing. When you use kick sliders that have the same spacing as notes that are spread 1/2 about, it gets really confusing and you can't tell when to click or not.
  3. 00:28:796 (3,4,5,6) - Use all circles instead, I think it fits better. a mini stream would work well here.
  4. 00:52:046 (1) - I would move this higher, you can tell the difference better , since the spacing is really confusing here.
  5. 00:54:510 (3,4) - Move this more to the left please, it will help it become more readable.
  6. 00:59:546 (2,3,4) -
  7. 01:00:939 (2) - Better rotate the note 180 degrees anti-clockwise, or else this would be really weird to play, since nobody know if its 1/2 or 1/4 now. like this :
  8. 01:13:475 (3,4,5) - Space them further out.
  9. 01:15:082 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  10. 01:28:796 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  11. 02:35:653 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  12. 02:37:368 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  13. 04:28:796 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  14. 02:52:046 (5) - The new combo should be here instead, remove at 02:52:475 (1) -
  15. 03:57:135 (1,2,3,4) - RIP, the snapping on this is strange, let me get some checks on this one
Topic Starter

Tari wrote:


  1. 00:21:832 (3,4) - Hmmm, to be honest, Such kick sliders don't fit. They make some of the jumps feel forced and the spacing really confusing, You should really consider only using them on special parts of the music. This part, does not have that. In fact, its like a regular 5- note stream. Even that fits better than what you are using now. The best solution would be space this out regularly.
    Okay,follow your opinion to change a 5 notes stream here,and the same part 01:37:260 (3) - and 04:54:403 (3) - are changed,too
  2. 00:23:760 (1,2,3,4) - This one is okay, but the pattern is really random, I would really want you to do this : . Introducing a kick slider with a new combo makes the overall pattern much more readable, since you can get the jist of how the spacing is. And since this combo is only using kick sliders, its relatively okay to make them kick sliders given you've used the same spacing. When you use kick sliders that have the same spacing as notes that are spread 1/2 about, it gets really confusing and you can't tell when to click or not.
    Sure,I fix this pattern from your suggestion
  3. 00:28:796 (3,4,5,6) - Use all circles instead, I think it fits better. a mini stream would work well here. Changed,same vocal part 01:44:225 (3) - and are changed, too
  4. 00:52:046 (1) - I would move this higher, you can tell the difference better , since the spacing is really confusing here. Make close 00:51:832 (2) - this , also will more easy to read I think
  5. 00:54:510 (3,4) - Move this more to the left please, it will help it become more readable. Okay,moved to the same distance here
  6. 00:59:546 (2,3,4) - Fixed
  7. 01:00:939 (2) - Better rotate the note 180 degrees anti-clockwise, or else this would be really weird to play, since nobody know if its 1/2 or 1/4 now. like this : Rotated and change a bit placement here.
  8. 01:13:475 (3,4,5) - Space them further out. Fixed
  9. 01:15:082 (3,4,5,6) - ^ Fixed
  10. 01:28:796 (3,4,5,6) - ^ Fixed
  11. 02:35:653 (3,4,5,6) - ^ Fixed
  12. 02:37:368 (3,4,5,6) - ^ Fixed
  13. 04:28:796 (3,4,5,6) - ^ Fixed
  14. 02:52:046 (5) - The new combo should be here instead, remove at 02:52:475 (1) - Remove and changed
  15. 03:57:135 (1,2,3,4) - RIP, the snapping on this is strange, let me get some checks on this one From your in-game discuss this,I decide to add a spinner here,changed
Okay Have Bubble #1 Back.
~ Bubbled #2 Back ~
did some NC fixes in-game and that's all...this seems ready to go now :3 my flame virginity goes here ;w;

Flamed ~

Chat log
05:17 *Sekai-nyan is editing [ kanonxkanon - Calendula Requiem [Shiki Revive]]
05:17 Sekai-nyan: o.o
05:17 Sekai-nyan: smallboat do you want irc mod before ranking?
05:21 smallboat: 0.0
05:21 smallboat: sure
05:21 Sekai-nyan: =w=
05:21 Sekai-nyan: there is no big problems just nc stuff
05:22 smallboat: okay :3
05:23 Sekai-nyan: 00:37:689 (1) - remove this nc
05:23 Sekai-nyan: since the melody was the same here
05:23 Sekai-nyan: no music changes o.o
05:23 smallboat: I'm no good at adding NC,so need help A bit from yours XD
05:23 smallboat: okay added
05:24 Sekai-nyan: it's ok i can help :3
05:24 smallboat: sure
05:24 Sekai-nyan: 00:46:046 (1) - remove this nc and add it here
05:24 Sekai-nyan: 00:46:475 (4) -
05:25 Sekai-nyan: wait
05:25 Sekai-nyan: don't change xD
05:25 Sekai-nyan: i just notice what you followed orz i'm baka
05:25 smallboat: okay XD
05:26 Sekai-nyan: 00:51:618 (1) - remove this nc
05:26 Sekai-nyan: 2 nc seems random here o.o
05:26 smallboat: removed
05:26 Sekai-nyan: on stream
05:27 smallboat: understand~
05:28 Sekai-nyan: 01:05:118 (5,1) - switch the nc here
05:28 Sekai-nyan: for the sudden jump
05:28 Sekai-nyan: you did here
05:28 Sekai-nyan: it's a bit big o.o
05:29 smallboat: okay ~
05:29 Sekai-nyan: 01:18:189 (1) - remove here as well
05:30 Sekai-nyan: so many nc on streams seems bad imo
05:30 smallboat: yes
05:30 smallboat: removed
05:32 Sekai-nyan: 01:59:760 (7) - add nc here to match the music, if you did remove the nc on 02:00:189 (1) -
05:33 smallboat: okay agree ~done
05:38 Sekai-nyan: 02:11:760 (6) - maybe add nc here too
05:38 Sekai-nyan: for jump o.o
05:39 Sekai-nyan: 02:13:903 (1) - remove nc here since it's a bit random here
05:39 smallboat: added
05:40 smallboat: removed ~
05:41 Sekai-nyan: 02:20:118 (4,1) - switch the nc here
05:41 Sekai-nyan: also looks random here ;w;
05:41 smallboat: :w:
05:41 smallboat: yes
05:43 Sekai-nyan: 02:26:760 (1,1) - remove
05:43 Sekai-nyan: same reason as before
05:43 Sekai-nyan: ><
05:43 smallboat: removed
05:43 smallboat: lol
05:44 Sekai-nyan: 02:40:475 (1) - remove baka ;w;
05:46 Sekai-nyan: 02:55:046 (3) - better to add nc like you did here 02:41:332 (1) -
05:46 Sekai-nyan: o.o
05:47 smallboat: done xD
05:48 Sekai-nyan: 03:10:153 (1) - <---
05:48 Sekai-nyan: remove ofc xD
05:48 Sekai-nyan: 03:12:189 (1) - this too
05:49 smallboat: XD all done
05:50 Sekai-nyan: 03:15:618 (1) - add nc here too, like you did here 03:16:475 (1) -
05:50 Sekai-nyan: since it's the same beat
05:52 smallboat: okay understand
05:53 Sekai-nyan: 04:19:903 (1) - remove o3o
05:54 smallboat: okay XD
05:54 Sekai-nyan: 04:34:475 (3) - add nc
05:54 Sekai-nyan: like you did on the same parts here o.o
05:54 smallboat: sure added
05:55 Sekai-nyan: 04:44:332 (6) - remove
05:55 Sekai-nyan: to be fit your nc pattern o.o
05:55 smallboat: seems good better,removed
05:57 Sekai-nyan: ok that's all
06:02 smallboat: so updated?
06:03 Sekai-nyan: yeah
06:03 Sekai-nyan: check the green lines everything seems ready to go, if you updated
06:04 smallboat: green line,seems no problem
06:04 Sekai-nyan: yeah :3
06:04 Sekai-nyan: go go update ww
06:04 smallboat: sure ww
06:11 smallboat: this mb so big
06:11 smallboat: so slow
06:11 Sekai-nyan: orz
06:11 Sekai-nyan: 6 min song with vido
06:11 Sekai-nyan: video*
06:11 Sekai-nyan: yeah i can understand ;w;
06:14 smallboat: The video is good,want share everyone
06:14 smallboat: XD
06:15 Sekai-nyan: yeah but it's making problem for huge file xD
06:15 Sekai-nyan: but it's ok ww
06:17 smallboat: okay
06:17 smallboat: recheck again
06:24 Sekai-nyan: 03:09:510 (2,3) - i just notice this
06:24 Sekai-nyan: they have the same beat remove the nc here
06:24 Sekai-nyan: it'll be better
06:24 Sekai-nyan: 03:10:903 (1) - remove this nc
06:25 smallboat: okay all removed
06:27 Sekai-nyan: 04:13:260 (4) - add nc here
06:27 Sekai-nyan: like the on the other kiai o.o
06:28 smallboat: sure added
06:28 smallboat: 01:11:546 (4) - add too
06:29 Sekai-nyan: yeah
06:29 Sekai-nyan: i forgot about it
06:29 Sekai-nyan: sorry ;w;
06:29 smallboat: lol
06:29 smallboat: nvm
06:29 Sekai-nyan: 05:06:832 (3) - remove nc
06:29 Sekai-nyan: since two combos are useless
06:30 Sekai-nyan: since it's the only one here
06:30 Sekai-nyan: and that's all :3
06:30 smallboat: agree ~added
06:30 smallboat: so update?
06:30 Sekai-nyan: yeah
06:30 Sekai-nyan: then everything would be fine now
Ozato Fumika
wow sexy song and map

Congrats~ :3
But i think drum-hitwhistle and normal-hitfinish has a big delay...sad ;w;
Please try to check this.

Gamu wrote:

Congrats~ :3
But i think drum-hitwhistle and normal-hitfinish has a big delay...sad ;w;
Please try to check this.
lemme check :3

Ahh fuk Xd I should download it and Gamu's right . It should be DQ for this issue
Hello, I am going to disqualify this due to the following:
  1. drum-hitwhistle has a delay of 10ms. Please fix this; alacat gave me an archive with delayless hitsounds, just unpack it [although only hitwhistle (and maybe hitfinish) really needs the fix]:
  2. The timing is incorrect, you missed a signature change at 03:28:046. Add uninherited (red) offsets at:
    1. 03:28:046 with timing signature 3/4
    2. 03:53:760 with timing signature 4/4

I suspect that you snapped spinner to a wrong beat, because it's more logical to start it at 03:53:760 (although the end is snapped correctly).

It would also be really cool if you gave some recognition to singer, instead of completely ignoring vocals. They don't always follow 1/1st or 1/2nd beats, and words sometimes start on blue ticks, so
  1. 00:43:903 (2,3,4) - should be,
  2. 00:45:832 (4,1,2,3) - should turn to,
  3. 00:47:546 (5,6) - should become
...and so on, and so forth. Changes like these will greatly improve your map and make it reflect the song better; it'll also be less of monotonous streaming to the beat.

Finally, I'd recommend you to reconsider the combo colours, because these the map has right now don't really fit the background. Try making them more bright, perhaps?
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