
An - LittleGameStar [OsuMania]

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[ Acorn ]
Hi ~

from ''

Column Format
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |

00:05:050 (5050|3) - move note 2
00:07:282 (7282|2) - move note 3
00:40:631 ~ 00:43:143 -
00:43:422 ~ 00:45:933 -

01:53:747 (113747|3) - move note 1
01:54:305 (114305|0) - move LN 3
i think..
01:54:305 (114305|0) sound is higher than 01:53:747 (113747|3) sound.
thus 01:54:305 (114305|0) is to be in the right than 01:53:747 (113747|3)
(i have to know..the more high notes should be in the right. cause it is better hit feeling)

this map is so hard to Beginner ;)


00:04:491 (4491|2) - move note 3
00:04:631 (4631|3) - move note 2
00:04:491 (4491|2)'s sound is highest than others

00:08:538 ~ 00:09:375 -
00:08:957 (8957|3) sound is also highest ;)

00:11:608 ~ 00:19:980
idea ! - if more using drum sound, it is better !

01:15:236 ~ 01:16:352 -
01:36:026 ~ 01:56:468 that's PERFECT ! dat LN pattern..! i love it xD

i think..
sense using LN is good!

00:05:050 (5050|0,5050|2) - move note 1, 3
00:05:189 (5189|1) - move note 0
00:07:003 (7003|2) - move note 3
00:07:143 (7143|3,7143|1) - move note 0, 2
00:09:654 ~ 00:11:189 -

01:06:026 - add note 3
01:08:119 (68119|3) - move note 1
01:08:259 - add note 3
01:10:352 (70352|2) - move note 1
01:10:491 - add note 2
01:12:724 - add note 2
if add note, it will be more IMPACT ! ;)

01:14:119 ~ 01:16:212 -
just my idea ;)



00:00:724 (724|2) - end 00:02:678
00:03:933 ~ 00:04:910 -
00:08:259 ~ 00:09:375 -

00:48:305 (48305|0) - remove
00:49:422 (49422|3) - ^
00:49:980 (49980|0) - ^
00:52:212 (52212|3) - ^
00:52:771 (52771|3) - ^
00:53:329 (53329|2) - ^
00:53:887 (53887|0) - ^
00:54:445 (54445|3) - ^
00:55:561 (55561|2) - ^
00:56:398 (56398|0,56677|3,57236|0,57794|0,58352|2,58910|3,61143|2,61701|2,62259|3,62817|0,63375|0) - remove
this notes are almost no hit feeling..thus need not (just my idea ;))

01:16:212 ~ 01:18:584 NICE !

very hard map lol

this song vey cooooooooool !

i have a good time~

plz M4M xD

Good Luck for the Rank ! :)
Topic Starter

[ Acorn ] wrote:

Hi ~

from ''

Column Format
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |

00:05:050 (5050|3) - move note 2 Applied and change some pattern above it
00:07:282 (7282|2) - move note 3 Rejected, jack is must be avoided here
00:40:631 ~ 00:43:143 - Same reason with above, my pattern there is to make the player not boring, though
00:43:422 ~ 00:45:933 - ^

01:53:747 (113747|3) - move note 1
01:54:305 (114305|0) - move LN 3
i think..
01:54:305 (114305|0) sound is higher than 01:53:747 (113747|3) sound.
thus 01:54:305 (114305|0) is to be in the right than 01:53:747 (113747|3)
(i have to know..the more high notes should be in the right. cause it is better hit feeling)
Well, the LN is have low sound, different with 01:54:305 (114305|3) - . That's why i put the note to the right, and LN to the left. I think it's better to make it more playable.

this map is so hard to Beginner ;) OAO


00:04:491 (4491|2) - move note 3
00:04:631 (4631|3) - move note 2
00:04:491 (4491|2)'s sound is highest than others

00:08:538 ~ 00:09:375 -
00:08:957 (8957|3) sound is also highest ;)

00:11:608 ~ 00:19:980
idea ! - if more using drum sound, it is better !

01:15:236 ~ 01:16:352 -
01:36:026 ~ 01:56:468 that's PERFECT ! dat LN pattern..! i love it xD

i think..
sense using LN is good!

00:05:050 (5050|0,5050|2) - move note 1, 3
00:05:189 (5189|1) - move note 0
00:07:003 (7003|2) - move note 3
00:07:143 (7143|3,7143|1) - move note 0, 2
00:09:654 ~ 00:11:189 -

01:06:026 - add note 3
01:08:119 (68119|3) - move note 1
01:08:259 - add note 3
01:10:352 (70352|2) - move note 1
01:10:491 - add note 2
01:12:724 - add note 2
if add note, it will be more IMPACT ! ;)

01:14:119 ~ 01:16:212 -
just my idea ;)



00:00:724 (724|2) - end 00:02:678
00:03:933 ~ 00:04:910 -
00:08:259 ~ 00:09:375 -

00:48:305 (48305|0) - remove
00:49:422 (49422|3) - ^
00:49:980 (49980|0) - ^
00:52:212 (52212|3) - ^
00:52:771 (52771|3) - ^
00:53:329 (53329|2) - ^
00:53:887 (53887|0) - ^
00:54:445 (54445|3) - ^
00:55:561 (55561|2) - ^
00:56:398 (56398|0,56677|3,57236|0,57794|0,58352|2,58910|3,61143|2,61701|2,62259|3,62817|0,63375|0) - remove
this notes are almost no hit feeling..thus need not (just my idea ;))

01:16:212 ~ 01:18:584 NICE !

very hard map lol

Some mods applied, thanks :)

this song vey cooooooooool !

i have a good time~

plz M4M xD

Good Luck for the Rank ! :)
"Arcwinolivirus BAT checking/modding"

Take note that I am focusing on note patterns, comfortability, placements and consistency.
Also, do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod but reason them out with sense.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!
• Not indicated in AiMod but..
Some notes are not snapped especially at EXHAUST difficulty. I suggest you to re-snap all notes to avoid this issue (Because I already encountered this issue in my Megitsune map resulting delay ranking). To be sure, Re-snap all notes in each difficulty. But before you do that, apply the mod below first!

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

[BASIC Lv. 5]
00:02:678 (2678|1) - move to 1 better to start both middle finger and also not the same pitch/instru as 00:02:957 (2957|1) -

00:10:352 - add note to 4. Same sound as 00:10:631 (10631|2,10910|1) -

00:46:212 - I suggest to add LN for the raising sound and to fill the empty feeling on this part.

01:04:073 - ^

01:04:631 - ^

01:23:050 - add note. beatsound and also melody sound. consistent here.

01:31:980 - ^
[NOVICE Lv. 8]
00:00:724 (724|0) - should start at 00:00:584 since the raising sound starts there. listen at 25% playback rate also full volume.

00:25:003 - add note to 1 synth here.

00:31:980 (31980|3) - move to 3 for pitch.

00:46:212 - add LN for the rising sound.

01:04:073 (64073|3) - move this to 01:03:933 since the raising sound started there. also extend the LN length if applied.

01:07:422 (67422|2,67422|0,67840|0,67840|2,68259|0,68259|3) - ctrl h this since it has different pitch than previous.

01:11:887 (71887|0,71887|2,72305|0,72305|2,72724|0,72724|3) - ^

01:16:212 (76212|1) - What is this LN for? I suggest to make it single note and..

01:16:352 - add note. consistent beatsound.

01:36:026 (96026|3) - remove. since you dont add other LNs like this 01:31:561 (91561|2) -
00:00:724 (724|1) - should start at 00:00:584 like previous.

00:09:933 -
• Single notes there are following the melodic piano
• Last 2-noter selected is for the strong high piano.

00:11:468 - add 2-noters here. same sound as 00:11:189 (11189|2,11189|1) -

00:38:538 , 00:39:096 , 00:39:375 - why no notes here like 00:39:654 (39654|0,39933|0,40212|0) . Suggesting to add.

00:45:096 (45096|2) - remove to avoid 3-noter press since no strong sound happened here compared to 01:54:305 (114305|0,114305|3,114305|2) - which has strong cymbals.

00:46:212 - suggest to add LN for the other raising sound effect.

until chorus - looking good so far :3/
[EXHAUST Lv. 15]
00:00:724 (724|2) - just like before. start 00:00:584

00:46:771 (46771|0,46840|3,46910|0,46980|3) - remove these notes. The sound here is not that strong to be 2-noters. It is rather a hithat-like sound. After applying..

00:47:189 - add note to 3. snare-like sound like 00:47:049 (47049|1,47050|0) -

01:04:073 - add note. synth sound here.
01:04:631 - ^
01:04:910 - ^
01:04:980 - ^
01:05:050 - ^

01:15:236 (75236|1,75375|1,75514|1,75653|0) - remove. the very strong volume for snare started at 01:15:794
Cool song but too complicated to map for @.@ I think your 4k mapset for it is also cool~ Good luck :)
Topic Starter
Thanks arcwin >,<)b I'll post it here tomorrow :)

arcwinolivirus wrote:

"Arcwinolivirus BAT checking/modding"

Take note that I am focusing on note patterns, comfortability, placements and consistency.
Also, do not be afraid to reject some parts of my mod but reason them out with sense.

Audio: OK!
Offset: OK!
Preview Time: OK!
• Not indicated in AiMod but..
Some notes are not snapped especially at EXHAUST difficulty. I suggest you to re-snap all notes to avoid this issue (Because I already encountered this issue in my Megitsune map resulting delay ranking). To be sure, Re-snap all notes in each difficulty. But before you do that, apply the mod below first! Fixed

_ _ _ _
4K - |1|2|3|4|

[BASIC Lv. 5]
00:02:678 (2678|1) - move to 1 better to start both middle finger and also not the same pitch/instru as 00:02:957 (2957|1) - Fixed

00:10:352 - add note to 4. Same sound as 00:10:631 (10631|2,10910|1) - Fixed

00:46:212 - I suggest to add LN for the raising sound and to fill the empty feeling on this part. Fixed

01:04:073 - ^ Fixed

01:04:631 - ^ Fixed

01:23:050 - add note. beatsound and also melody sound. consistent here. Fixed

01:31:980 - ^ Fixed

[NOVICE Lv. 8]
00:00:724 (724|0) - should start at 00:00:584 since the raising sound starts there. listen at 25% playback rate also full volume. Fixed

00:25:003 - add note to 1 synth here. Fixed

00:31:980 (31980|3) - move to 3 for pitch. Fixed

00:46:212 - add LN for the rising sound. Fixed

01:04:073 (64073|3) - move this to 01:03:933 since the raising sound started there. also extend the LN length if applied. Fixed

01:07:422 (67422|2,67422|0,67840|0,67840|2,68259|0,68259|3) - ctrl h this since it has different pitch than previous. Fixed

01:11:887 (71887|0,71887|2,72305|0,72305|2,72724|0,72724|3) - ^ Fixed

01:16:212 (76212|1) - What is this LN for? I suggest to make it single note and.. Fixed

01:16:352 - add note. consistent beatsound. Added to 4th

01:36:026 (96026|3) - remove. since you dont add other LNs like this 01:31:561 (91561|2) - Fixed

00:00:724 (724|1) - should start at 00:00:584 like previous. Fixed

00:09:933 - Fixed
• Single notes there are following the melodic piano
• Last 2-noter selected is for the strong high piano.

00:11:468 - add 2-noters here. same sound as 00:11:189 (11189|2,11189|1) - Fixed

00:38:538 - , 00:39:096 - , 00:39:375 - why no notes here like 00:39:654 (39654|0,39933|0,40212|0) . Suggesting to add. Nope, please hear it in 25%. I'm pretty sure that the little sound is only appear in 00:38:817 - in my first pattern

00:45:096 (45096|2) - remove to avoid 3-noter press since no strong sound happened here compared to 01:54:305 (114305|0,114305|3,114305|2) - which has strong cymbals. Fixed

00:46:212 - suggest to add LN for the other raising sound effect. Fixed

until chorus - looking good so far :3/ >,<)
[EXHAUST Lv. 15]
00:00:724 (724|2) - just like before. start 00:00:584 Fixed

00:46:771 (46771|0,46840|3,46910|0,46980|3) - remove these notes. The sound here is not that strong to be 2-noters. It is rather a hithat-like sound. After applying.. Removed

00:47:189 - add note to 3. snare-like sound like 00:47:049 (47049|1,47050|0) - Added

01:04:073 - add note. synth sound here.
01:04:631 - ^
01:04:910 - ^
01:04:980 - ^
01:05:050 - ^ Added all

01:15:236 (75236|1,75375|1,75514|1,75653|0) - remove. the very strong volume for snare started at 01:15:794 but i think it's started from 01:15:654 - , so only note before that timing removed
Cool song but too complicated to map for @.@ I think your 4k mapset for it is also cool~ Good luck :) Thanks :)
Hello~ from queue
1 2 3 4
00:42:724 (42724|0) - normal note
00:44:957 (44957|1) - ^
01:04:631 (64631|2,64910|2) - ^
01:47:050 - Add a LN, same as other LN
01:51:515 - ^

Red was in the first 2 diffs
I may miss something similar like that

00:42:724 (42724|1) - normal note or add LN for every of this sound
00:44:957 (44957|2) - ^
01:16:212 (76212|0) - normal note and add a note at 01:16:352 - or remove a note at 01:16:491 -
01:38:119 - LN till 01:38:398 -
01:47:050 - add LN , this is actually like this one 01:46:771 (106771|1) - ,just different pitch

Nice map, nice song
good luck
Topic Starter

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

Hello~ from queue
1 2 3 4
00:42:724 (42724|0) - normal note Well, i'd like to keep it. It's the effect imo
00:44:957 (44957|1) - ^ Same reason with above
01:04:631 (64631|2,64910|2) - ^ Fixed
01:47:050 - Add a LN, same as other LN // What diff? There's no LN here...
01:51:515 - ^
// Same reason with above
Red was in the first 2 diffs
I may miss something similar like that

00:42:724 (42724|1) - normal note or add LN for every of this sound I'd like to keep it
00:44:957 (44957|2) - ^ Same with above
01:16:212 (76212|0) - normal note and add a note at 01:16:352 - or remove a note at 01:16:491 - Same with above
01:38:119 - LN till 01:38:398 - No change.
01:47:050 - add LN , this is actually like this one 01:46:771 (106771|1) - ,just different pitch No change.

Nice map, nice song
good luck
Sorry for rejecting all your mods in Exhaust. I'd like to keep it. Yeah, you know why :)
Thanks a lot Sakura, I'd like to appreciate you with kudos~ :3
Deep Sea
Hello ichi
mod ready

[BASIC Lv. 5]
00:12:166 - add note
00:13:282 - ^
00:14:398 - ^
00:15:515 - ^
00:16:631 - ^
00:17:747 - ^
00:18:864 - ^
01:05:608 (65608|3) - move to 3
01:07:840 (67840|0) - move to 2

00:23:747 - add note to 1
00:25:980 - add note
01:06:026 (66026|0,66026|3) - maybe LN?
01:08:259 (68259|0,68259|3) - ^
01:10:491 (70491|3,70491|0) - ^
01:12:724 (72724|0,72724|3) - ^
01:37:003 - add note
01:38:119 - ^
01:39:236 - ^
01:40:352 - ^
01:41:468 - ^
01:42:584 - ^
01:44:817 - ^
01:47:050 - ^
01:48:166 - ^
01:49:282 - ^
01:50:398 - ^
01:51:515 - ^
01:52:631 - ^

Good luck!
Topic Starter

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hello ichi
mod ready

[BASIC Lv. 5]
00:12:166 - add note
00:13:282 - ^
00:14:398 - ^
00:15:515 - ^
00:16:631 - ^
00:17:747 - ^
00:18:864 - ^
01:05:608 (65608|3) - move to 3
01:07:840 (67840|0) - move to 2

All applied I thought your 'add note' mod will make the stars went up, but it didn't have affect, lol
00:23:747 - add note to 1 Rejected, i don't follow anything except the LN sound one
00:25:980 - add note Same with above
01:06:026 (66026|0,66026|3) - maybe LN?
01:08:259 (68259|0,68259|3) - ^
01:10:491 (70491|3,70491|0) - ^
01:12:724 (72724|0,72724|3) - ^
01:37:003 - add note
01:38:119 - ^
01:39:236 - ^
01:40:352 - ^
01:41:468 - ^
01:42:584 - ^
01:44:817 - ^
01:47:050 - ^
01:48:166 - ^
01:49:282 - ^
01:50:398 - ^
01:51:515 - ^
01:52:631 - ^

Reject the part which already have end of LN there, but mostly applied
Good luck!
Thanks a lot, Shana :)
Hi Mod because I love this map
Column Fornat |1|2|3|4|
[NOVICE Lv. 8]
01:38:538 Move to 3

00:12:166 Add note
00:13:282 -^
00:14:398 - ^
00:15:515 -^
00:16:631 -^
00:17:747 -^
The sound is more strong and I think that the player will enjoy it
00:46:980 Move to 4
00:47:050 Move to 3
This I strongly recommended

[EXHAUST Lv. 15]
00:25:003 Move the notes to ( 1 2)
00:25:282 (25282|1) Move to 3
00:29:468 Delete 1 note?
3 little Stars
Topic Starter

Danielslz9 wrote:

Hi Mod because I love this map
Column Fornat |1|2|3|4|
[NOVICE Lv. 8]
01:38:538 Move to 3

00:12:166 Add note
00:13:282 -^
00:14:398 - ^
00:15:515 -^
00:16:631 -^
00:17:747 -^
The sound is more strong and I think that the player will enjoy it // All rejected
00:46:980 Move to 4
00:47:050 Move to 3
This I strongly recommended

[EXHAUST Lv. 15]
00:25:003 Move the notes to ( 1 2)
00:25:282 (25282|1) Move to 3
00:29:468 Delete 1 note? // Rejected, the sound is louder here
3 little Stars
Anyway, thanks :)
Hi! From Starry's MANIA Modding Queue~


A few things I'd like to point out:
  1. There is a '4K EXHAUST LV.14' difficulty, unsubmitted, in the folder. Delete this.
  2. There is also two copies of the BG, both 'bg' and 'girl' jpegs, delete one.
  3. The background is not applied to Novice Lv. 8 and Exhaust Lv. 15
  4. I suggest you rename each difficulty to not have the space inbetween 'Lv.' and '##'. For example, Lv. 15 -> Lv.15. This is because most other ranked maps have this layout, and if someone was to search 'Lv.15' they would not get your map in the search.
Preview Point:

I see you use Finishes for a lot of the basic hitsounds in the map. This usually isn't recommended, as anyone who disables hitsounds will have a really hard time playing. You are best off making the finish sound 'hit-normal' instead.
 ___ ___ ___ ___
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | (4K)

[BASIC Lv. 5]
To be honest, I'd prefer OD7 HP7, and make NOVICE Lv. 8 OD7.5 HP7.5. Especially since there isn't many LNs in this diff until the end.
Also, throughout the diff, most patterns seem to be going only one way. Eg. Column 1 -> 2 -> 3, barely ever the other way around. Just a pointer, it may make the player get a bit bored of playing the same patterns. (Only my opinion.)

00:04:631 (4631|1) - Sort of faded piano sound is higher pitch, move to 2.
00:04:910 (4910|2) - Then move this to 3 for playability.
00:19:282 (19282|0,19980|0) - Feels kinda empty inbetween here. Maybe make 00:19:282 (19282|0) - an LN at 3?
00:19:980 (19980|0) - From hear until 00:37:980 (37980|2) - the patterns, albeit nice, only move one way. Maybe try rearranging some?
01:01:980 (61980|2,62119|0) - CTRL H this, then move 01:02:677 (62677|0) - to 3. Feels better and isn't the same things repeated.
01:09:654 (69654|0,70073|3) - CTRL H for pitch relevancy.
01:11:887 (71887|3,72305|0) - ^
01:18:584 (78584|3) - Again, from here to 01:36:026 (96026|3) - , all patterns all going one way.

Overall a solid Basic~ May feel quite hard though for newer players.

Everything looks good so far~ Again, the hitnormal sounds get really annoying, so consider making your custom hitfinish the hitnormal.

00:14:119 (14119|2) - This slight pattern can be rearranged to be played better according to pitch. Consider:
00:14:119 (14119|2) - to 0
00:14:259 (14259|2) - to 2
00:14:398 (14398|2) - to 1
00:14:538 (14538|1) - to 2

00:49:282 (49282|3) - You always have the snares a space apart, so move this to 2. (feels better)
00:58:771 (58771|3) - ^
01:08:259 (68259|2) - Feels better at column3.
01:52:631 (112631|0) - Move to 3, feels better to play.

Very nice diff~

[EXHAUST Lv. 15]
Apply BG~

00:11:608 (11608|0) - This might catch a lot of people out in a sightread.
00:18:166 (18166|3,18445|3,18584|3,18864|3,19003|3,19282|3) - I feel like way too many notes in column 3 here. Maybe try and rearrange, add some more notes to 1.
00:29:050 (29050|0,29050|3,29119|1,29189|2,29259|3,29329|2,29329|0,29398|3,29398|1,29468|2,29468|3,29468|0) - Asking for spam ;w; col3 looks cluttered again.
01:16:212 (76212|3) - Only SV in the whole mapset; lots of people will miss. ;w; Maybe tone it down a bit, or remove completely.

Can't find much else, the patterns seem consistent. Nice. :3

Overall a nice mapset - most of the issues come from metadata and hitsounding. Sorry I couldn't mod Novice, it looks good but I'm running out of time~ have a star instead. Goodluck!! <3
Topic Starter
Thanks for your mod, Starry. All mod accepted :)
Yumi's 4K Chart Check (Column:1,2,3,4)
---> Type:GM, Language:

[BASIC Lv.5]
00:24:584 (24584|0) - I guess you probably chose the way of putting LN along the drum though, a little strange LN be alone here.
as the one of easy diff, basically we would have to make a relaxing atmosphere and more good streams to hit them.
I recommend you add notes to 00:24:445 - to 3 / 00:24:724 - for 4, how's it? ...(*1)

00:28:771 - The relevance is gone as the above. add a note to 3 ...(*2)

00:33:375 - ^ add a note to 1 //(*1)
00:33:654 - ^ add a note to 2 //(*1)

00:37:701 - ^ add a note to 2 //(*2)

00:51:375 (51375|1,51515|0,51654|1) - The stair notes which was set to both the points of start/end-drum are mixed.
00:51:515 (51515|0) - move to 4, 00:51:654 (51654|1) - move to 1, divide them clearly to settle the conflicting notes.

01:22:491 - ^ add a note to 3 //(*1)
01:22:771 - ^ add a note to 4 //(*1)

01:26:817 - ^ add a note to 1 //(*2)

01:31:422 - ^ add a note to 1 //(*1)
01:31:701 - ^ add a note to 2 //(*1)

01:35:747 - ^ add a note to 3 //(*2)

01:37:840 (97840|1) - This usage isn't good to express the electric's holding, I suggest you change to normal notes.
01:37:840 - add a note to 4, 01:38:119 - add a note to 3 ...(*3)

01:46:771 (106771|0) - ^ 01:46:771 - add a note to 1, 01:47:050 - add a note to 4 //(*3)
01:51:236 (111236|0) - ^ 01:51:236 - add a note to 4, 01:51:515 - add a note to 1 //(*3)

00:07:143 (7143|2,7282|2) - I'm not 100% sure but if really thinking to place this soft-jack as expressing the piano's,
00:07:003 (7003|3) - / 00:07:422 (7422|1) - / 00:07:701 (7701|1) - / 00:07:980 (7980|1) - remove them to take a balance.

00:18:305 - ~ 00:20:538 - Nice usage

00:23:468 (23468|2) - move to 2 for the pitches.

01:22:491 - & 01:22:771 - Just the same reason as (*1) please consider to fix referring the above solutions.
01:26:817 - ^ (*2)
01:31:422 - & 01:31:701 - ^ (*1)
01:35:747 - ^ (*2)

Placement is very nice, I ensure your win and also hope your style will be kept so forever.

00:29:468 (29468|1) - move to 3

00:47:189 (47189|1,47329|0) - Ctrl+J is well because of..
00:47:050 (47050|2,47189|0) - one is add a drum pitch for these notes,
00:47:329 (47329|1,47329|2,47329|3) - furthermore you could regard them as some solidary sounds.

01:04:073 (64073|1) - really nukes, remove it.

01:08:677 (68677|2,68817|1) - I wonder why didn't you apply the pitch of electric's to that?
It's a just small care but a significant thing for players leaving out one's style. (e.g.1)

01:13:003 (73003|2,73073|3,73143|2) - ^

01:17:957 (77957|0) - remove it, there is no reason to emphasize.

01:39:236 - ~ 01:40:352 - short-LN is a little strange, please arrange your placement referring to (e.g.2)
01:47:887 - ~ 01:49:282 - almost the same reason as the above. (e.g.3)
I haven't mentioned about the similar of 01:43:980 (103980|1) - & 01:52:910 (112910|0) - but they works good.

00:38:817 (38817|1) - That can be said in the ADVANCED also, this note might make no sense even you gonna season it.

00:47:468 (47468|0,47747|3) - It seems like a bit monotonous, and placement is not good as well. (e.g.4)

00:52:212 (52212|3) - move to 2, associate 00:51:794 (51794|1,51933|1) - with it as the end of 2-snare's rhythm.

00:56:398 (56398|0,56677|3) - the same point of view as (e.g.4)

01:13:282 - ~ 01:13:561 - ^ (e.g.1) ---> (e.g.5)

01:15:305 (75305|2) - remove, it would interfere the drum's running.

01:36:445 - ~ (END) // You could basically use the other diff's suggestion as a reference with regard to the placement.

Good Luck. :oops:

An - LittleGameStar [Osu!Mania Modding]


From Kuo Kyoka's osu!mania Modding Queue

Mod Requested by Ichigaki

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problem
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[BASIC Lv.5]

  1. 00:20:538 - add a note cause of strong beat
  2. 00:29:468 - same
  3. 00:38:398 - same
  4. 00:47:329 - same
  5. 01:18:584 - add a note in 1
  6. 01:27:515 - add a note in 3
    I really love this diff, nice charts, I don't want to have a lot change in it ~ Nice works


  1. 00:02:678 - add a note
  2. 00:04:631 (4631|2) - move to 1 and change to LN, end at the next note would be better
  3. 00:09:096 (9096|1) - ^
  4. 00:11:608 - strong beat, add a note
  5. 00:20:538 - strong beat
  6. 00:23:608 - add a note in here, if you following the sound like of 00:23:050 (23050|0,23189|3) -
  7. 00:29:468 - add a note in 3
  8. 00:32:538 - miss a note
  9. 00:38:398 (38398|3) - actually, the sound is end at 00:40:631 - use 25% to hear it
  10. 01:27:515 - strong beat


  1. Remove hitsound on 00:02:678 (2678|0) - , in here not only have bass
  2. 00:10:352 (10352|2) - add hitsound-finish is better
  3. 00:11:608 - add a note
  4. 00:19:980 - I think in here have the sound better have this pattern:
  5. 00:29:050 - try this:
  6. 00:31:701 (31701|0) - add finish in here
  7. 00:33:375 (33375|2) - add finish and 00:33:654 (33654|3) - add clap
  8. 00:34:352 (34352|2) - add finish
  9. 00:37:980 - try this:
  10. 00:46:771 - try this:
  11. 01:14:119 - to 01:15:236 - you used single note, 01:15:236 - to 01:16:352 - should add double notes in every 1/1 and 1/2 beat, pitch high up
  12. 01:17:957 - to 01:18:584 - try this:
  13. 01:27:096 - try this:
  14. 01:36:026 - try this:
  15. 01:36:724 (96724|1) - 01:37:422 (97422|1) - 01:38:398 (98398|0,98538|3,98677|3) - 01:40:073 (100073|2) - 01:40:771 (100771|0) - 01:41:189 (101189|1) - 01:41:887 (101887|3) - 01:43:003 (103003|0,103143|0) - 01:44:538 (104538|0) - 01:45:236 (105236|3) - 01:45:654 (105654|0) - 01:46:352 (106352|0) - 01:47:468 (107468|2,107608|2) - 01:49:003 (109003|2) - 01:49:701 (109701|1) - 01:50:119 (110119|3) - 01:50:817 (110817|2) - 01:51:933 (111933|0,112073|0) - 01:53:468 (113468|1) - add hitsound for those, really anoise, because in here not much have the sound uncomfortable with this hitsounds


  1. 00:10:631 - 00:10:910 - 00:11:189 - add a note in those time
  2. 00:19:980 - try this: fun for play
  3. 00:29:050 -
  4. 00:37:980 - try this:
  5. 00:46:212 - and a long note in 1 and end with the LN in the 4th column
  6. 00:47:538 - add a note in here
  7. 01:17:957 - try this:
  8. 01:27:099 - in here should do like hte before, beside from 01:27:099 - to 01:27:375 - the sound smaller than from 01:27:375 - to 01:27:515 - so can't double notes in here, try this:
    After that, all thing are cool but about the hitsound from 01:18:584 - should find the notes not yet added hitsound and add it, like ADVANCED's diff

Nice map, I can't say much but it's really cool :3 ~
I love this song with your nice charts ~
Good luck ~ Here's my LittleStar
Mike Ace
Nice Map , Star (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Topic Starter
Yumi's 4K Chart Check (Column:1,2,3,4)
---> Type:GM, Language:

[BASIC Lv.5]
00:24:584 (24584|0) - I guess you probably chose the way of putting LN along the drum though, a little strange LN be alone here.
as the one of easy diff, basically we would have to make a relaxing atmosphere and more good streams to hit them.
I recommend you add notes to 00:24:445 - to 3 / 00:24:724 - for 4, how's it? ...(*1)

00:28:771 - The relevance is gone as the above. add a note to 3 ...(*2)

00:33:375 - ^ add a note to 1 //(*1)
00:33:654 - ^ add a note to 2 //(*1)

00:37:701 - ^ add a note to 2 //(*2)

00:51:375 (51375|1,51515|0,51654|1) - The stair notes which was set to both the points of start/end-drum are mixed.
00:51:515 (51515|0) - move to 4, 00:51:654 (51654|1) - move to 1, divide them clearly to settle the conflicting notes.

01:22:491 - ^ add a note to 3 //(*1)
01:22:771 - ^ add a note to 4 //(*1)

01:26:817 - ^ add a note to 1 //(*2)

01:31:422 - ^ add a note to 1 //(*1)
01:31:701 - ^ add a note to 2 //(*1)

01:35:747 - ^ add a note to 3 //(*2)

01:37:840 (97840|1) - This usage isn't good to express the electric's holding, I suggest you change to normal notes.
01:37:840 - add a note to 4, 01:38:119 - add a note to 3 ...(*3)

01:46:771 (106771|0) - ^ 01:46:771 - add a note to 1, 01:47:050 - add a note to 4 //(*3)
01:51:236 (111236|0) - ^ 01:51:236 - add a note to 4, 01:51:515 - add a note to 1 //(*3)

00:07:143 (7143|2,7282|2) - I'm not 100% sure but if really thinking to place this soft-jack as expressing the piano's,
00:07:003 (7003|3) - / 00:07:422 (7422|1) - / 00:07:701 (7701|1) - / 00:07:980 (7980|1) - remove them to take a balance.

00:18:305 - ~ 00:20:538 - Nice usage

00:23:468 (23468|2) - move to 2 for the pitches.

01:22:491 - & 01:22:771 - Just the same reason as (*1) please consider to fix referring the above solutions.
01:26:817 - ^ (*2)
01:31:422 - & 01:31:701 - ^ (*1)
01:35:747 - ^ (*2)

Placement is very nice, I ensure your win and also hope your style will be kept so forever.

00:29:468 (29468|1) - move to 3

00:47:189 (47189|1,47329|0) - Ctrl+J is well because of..
00:47:050 (47050|2,47189|0) - one is add a drum pitch for these notes,
00:47:329 (47329|1,47329|2,47329|3) - furthermore you could regard them as some solidary sounds.

01:04:073 (64073|1) - really nukes, remove it.

01:08:677 (68677|2,68817|1) - I wonder why didn't you apply the pitch of electric's to that?
It's a just small care but a significant thing for players leaving out one's style. (e.g.1)

01:13:003 (73003|2,73073|3,73143|2) - ^

01:17:957 (77957|0) - remove it, there is no reason to emphasize.

01:39:236 - ~ 01:40:352 - short-LN is a little strange, please arrange your placement referring to (e.g.2)
01:47:887 - ~ 01:49:282 - almost the same reason as the above. (e.g.3)
I haven't mentioned about the similar of 01:43:980 (103980|1) - & 01:52:910 (112910|0) - but they works good.

00:38:817 (38817|1) - That can be said in the ADVANCED also, this note might make no sense even you gonna season it.

00:47:468 (47468|0,47747|3) - It seems like a bit monotonous, and placement is not good as well. (e.g.4)

00:52:212 (52212|3) - move to 2, associate 00:51:794 (51794|1,51933|1) - with it as the end of 2-snare's rhythm.

00:56:398 (56398|0,56677|3) - the same point of view as (e.g.4)

01:13:282 - ~ 01:13:561 - ^ (e.g.1) ---> (e.g.5)

01:15:305 (75305|2) - remove, it would interfere the drum's running.

01:36:445 - ~ (END) // You could basically use the other diff's suggestion as a reference with regard to the placement.

Good Luck. :oops:

Yumika, all fixed <3


An - LittleGameStar [Osu!Mania Modding]


From Kuo Kyoka's osu!mania Modding Queue

Mod Requested by Ichigaki Am i requested to you? I totally forgot orz

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problem
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

[BASIC Lv.5]

  1. 00:20:538 - add a note cause of strong beat
  2. 00:29:468 - same
  3. 00:38:398 - same
  4. 00:47:329 - same
  5. 01:18:584 - add a note in 1
  6. 01:27:515 - add a note in 3
    I really love this diff, nice charts, I don't want to have a lot change in it ~ Nice works

All fixed


  1. 00:02:678 - add a note
  2. 00:04:631 (4631|2) - move to 1 and change to LN, end at the next note would be better
  3. 00:09:096 (9096|1) - ^
  4. 00:11:608 - strong beat, add a note
  5. 00:20:538 - strong beat
  6. 00:23:608 - add a note in here, if you following the sound like of 00:23:050 (23050|0,23189|3) -
  7. 00:29:468 - add a note in 3
  8. 00:32:538 - miss a note
  9. 00:38:398 (38398|3) - actually, the sound is end at 00:40:631 - use 25% to hear it
  10. 01:27:515 - strong beat

All fixed (maybe i forgot something to reject here orz)


  1. Remove hitsound on 00:02:678 (2678|0) - , in here not only have bass
  2. 00:10:352 (10352|2) - add hitsound-finish is better
  3. 00:11:608 - add a note
  4. 00:19:980 - I think in here have the sound better have this pattern:
  5. 00:29:050 - try this:
  6. 00:31:701 (31701|0) - add finish in here
  7. 00:33:375 (33375|2) - add finish and 00:33:654 (33654|3) - add clap
  8. 00:34:352 (34352|2) - add finish
  9. 00:37:980 - try this:
  10. 00:46:771 - try this:
  11. 01:14:119 - to 01:15:236 - you used single note, 01:15:236 - to 01:16:352 - should add double notes in every 1/1 and 1/2 beat, pitch high up
  12. 01:17:957 - to 01:18:584 - try this:
  13. 01:27:096 - try this:
  14. 01:36:026 - try this:
  15. 01:36:724 (96724|1) - 01:37:422 (97422|1) - 01:38:398 (98398|0,98538|3,98677|3) - 01:40:073 (100073|2) - 01:40:771 (100771|0) - 01:41:189 (101189|1) - 01:41:887 (101887|3) - 01:43:003 (103003|0,103143|0) - 01:44:538 (104538|0) - 01:45:236 (105236|3) - 01:45:654 (105654|0) - 01:46:352 (106352|0) - 01:47:468 (107468|2,107608|2) - 01:49:003 (109003|2) - 01:49:701 (109701|1) - 01:50:119 (110119|3) - 01:50:817 (110817|2) - 01:51:933 (111933|0,112073|0) - 01:53:468 (113468|1) - add hitsound for those, really anoise, because in here not much have the sound uncomfortable with this hitsounds

I don't follow any 'try this', but rest is fixed


  1. 00:10:631 - 00:10:910 - 00:11:189 - add a note in those time
  2. 00:19:980 - try this: fun for play
  3. 00:29:050 -
  4. 00:37:980 - try this:
  5. 00:46:212 - and a long note in 1 and end with the LN in the 4th column
  6. 00:47:538 - add a note in here
  7. 01:17:957 - try this:
  8. 01:27:099 - in here should do like hte before, beside from 01:27:099 - to 01:27:375 - the sound smaller than from 01:27:375 - to 01:27:515 - so can't double notes in here, try this:
    After that, all thing are cool but about the hitsound from 01:18:584 - should find the notes not yet added hitsound and add it, like ADVANCED's diff

Same reason with ADV


Nice map, I can't say much but it's really cool :3 ~
I love this song with your nice charts ~
Good luck ~ Here's my LittleStar

Thanks for it, KK

Mike Ace
Nice Map , Star (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Thanks >w<)/
Ryu Sei
Semoga map ini cepat dirank!~
00:40:631 (40631|1,40910|1,41189|1,41468|1) - geser ke 3 untuk menghindari jack
00:43:980 (43980|0) - ke 2, lalu 00:44:538 (44538|3,44677|2) - geser 1 ke kiri
01:07:003 (67003|1) - pitch rel, ke 4
01:08:538 (68538|2,68608|3) - pitch rel, ke kiri 2
01:11:468 (71468|1) - 4 buat pitch rel
01:13:003 (73003|2,73073|3,73143|2) - ubah formasinya ke 234 untuk pitch rel
01:20:259 (80259|3) - geser ke 3, lalu
01:20:398 (80398|2,80538|3) - tukar lane (kompensasi buat pitch rel)
01:22:771 (82771|3) - pecah jadi 2 LN (kalau tidak memungkinkan abaikan)
01:25:003 (85003|2) - nggak ada suara yang mengikuti, hapus, lalu pindah semua hitsound ke 01:25:003 (85003|0) -
01:25:143 (85143|1,85282|3) - tukar lane
01:25:422 (85422|0,85561|2) - ubah formasi jadi 34
01:25:561 (85561|3) - pindah ke 1
01:26:538 (86538|1) - pindah ke 4, dan hapus 01:26:677 (86677|3) - lalu pindah hitsoundnya ke 01:26:677 (86677|0) -
01:33:933 (93933|2) - hapus karena nggak ada suara yang diikuti, pindah hitsound ke tap note
01:35:608 (95608|0,95747|2) - ubah susunan jadi 21 lalu
01:35:608 (95608|3) - hapus karena nggak ada suara yang diikuti, pindah hitsound ke tap note

Single diff mod karena yang lain nggak bisa dan dirasa cukup~
Topic Starter

Ryu Sei wrote:

Semoga map ini cepat dirank!~
00:40:631 (40631|1,40910|1,41189|1,41468|1) - geser ke 3 untuk menghindari jack
00:43:980 (43980|0) - ke 2, lalu 00:44:538 (44538|3,44677|2) - geser 1 ke kiri
01:07:003 (67003|1) - pitch rel, ke 4
01:08:538 (68538|2,68608|3) - pitch rel, ke kiri 2
01:11:468 (71468|1) - 4 buat pitch rel
01:13:003 (73003|2,73073|3,73143|2) - ubah formasinya ke 234 untuk pitch rel
01:20:259 (80259|3) - geser ke 3, lalu
01:20:398 (80398|2,80538|3) - tukar lane (kompensasi buat pitch rel)
01:22:771 (82771|3) - pecah jadi 2 LN (kalau tidak memungkinkan abaikan)
01:25:003 (85003|2) - nggak ada suara yang mengikuti, hapus, lalu pindah semua hitsound ke 01:25:003 (85003|0) -
01:25:143 (85143|1,85282|3) - tukar lane
01:25:422 (85422|0,85561|2) - ubah formasi jadi 34
01:25:561 (85561|3) - pindah ke 1
01:26:538 (86538|1) - pindah ke 4, dan hapus 01:26:677 (86677|3) - lalu pindah hitsoundnya ke 01:26:677 (86677|0) -
01:33:933 (93933|2) - hapus karena nggak ada suara yang diikuti, pindah hitsound ke tap note
01:35:608 (95608|0,95747|2) - ubah susunan jadi 21 lalu
01:35:608 (95608|3) - hapus karena nggak ada suara yang diikuti, pindah hitsound ke tap note

Single diff mod karena yang lain nggak bisa dan dirasa cukup~
Here's my recheck before I bubble~

• Reduce volume: 50% to 40%
• personal opinion: I find the soft-hitsound normal sampleset sounds annoying and does not fit with the song. I would like to suggest to change it. Also it is louder than the soft-hitfinish. My suggestions is either to change that or to reduce the volume of the domino-sound like sound.

• Unsnapped 1ms must Fix

[BASIC Lv.5]
01:37:840 (97840|3,98119|2) - move 1 column to left to havea right-left tap hand balance. In this way it will be comfortable.

01:42:305 (102305|3) - I recommend you to remove this LN and do the same what you did on other similar parts such as 01:46:771 , 01:51:236 or you can even do a mirrored version of 01:37:840 which is better.

Good diff~!

Good to me~

Seems good to me~! just fix the unsnapped notes indicated at AiMod

• SV - looks good to me~

00:00:584 (584|2) - extend this LN until the white line like you did at ADVANCE.

00:09:654 (9654|0) - ^ same but be sure to move 00:11:608 (11608|0) to 2

00:18:305 (18305|0) - ^ then move the 00:19:980 (19980|0) to 3

01:37:561 (97561|0) - you might want to add another note for the beat. So it can be 2-noter for beat+synth sound.

01:46:491 (106491|2) - ^

Call me via forum if all done~
Topic Starter

arcwinolivirus wrote:

Here's my recheck before I bubble~

• Reduce volume: 50% to 40% Fixed to 40%
• personal opinion: I find the soft-hitsound normal sampleset sounds annoying and does not fit with the song. I would like to suggest to change it. Also it is louder than the soft-hitfinish. My suggestions is either to change that or to reduce the volume of the domino-sound like sound. I decided to remove soft-hitnormal from this mapset

ADVANCED Lv.11 - Fixed
• Unsnapped 1ms must Fix

[BASIC Lv.5]
01:37:840 (97840|3,98119|2) - move 1 column to left to havea right-left tap hand balance. In this way it will be comfortable. I remove this.

01:42:305 (102305|3) - I recommend you to remove this LN and do the same what you did on other similar parts such as 01:46:771 , 01:51:236 or you can even do a mirrored version of 01:37:840 which is better. Re-arrange that part and reject this

Good diff~!

Good to me~ Thanks

Seems good to me~! just fix the unsnapped notes indicated at AiMod Fixed >w<

• SV - looks good to me~ Thanks

00:00:584 (584|2) - extend this LN until the white line like you did at ADVANCE. Nope, i just apply here because the synth really really stopped there

00:09:654 (9654|0) - ^ same but be sure to move 00:11:608 (11608|0) to 2 ^

00:18:305 (18305|0) - ^ then move the 00:19:980 (19980|0) to 3 ^

01:37:561 (97561|0) - you might want to add another note for the beat. So it can be 2-noter for beat+synth sound. Sounds good, added

01:46:491 (106491|2) - ^ ^

Call me via forum if all done~
Go go~
Re-checked AiMod, Hitsound update and re-note parts. Seems all good to me~! Bubbled!
Topic Starter
Re-check hitsound and re-arrange some pattern in all diff, re-map some part in ADV, fix SV in EXH. Sorry for pop your bubble, arcwin ;-;)

EDIT 1 : AncuL suggestions
10:38 Ichigaki: yo
10:38 Ichigaki: bisa testplay?
10:38 AncuL: tergantung
10:39 AncuL: susah apa enggak .3.
10:39 *Ichigaki is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [NOVICE Lv.8]]
10:39 AncuL: tapi testplay balik ya .3.
10:39 AncuL: jk
10:40 Ichigaki: udah dl?
10:40 Ichigaki: mainin yang ADV aja
10:41 *AncuL is listening to [ An - LittleGameStar]
10:41 AncuL: ok
10:43 AncuL: levelnya diganti jadi 12 orz
10:43 Ichigaki: ngapain
10:43 Ichigaki: 11 di sdvx udah susah
10:44 AncuL: 00:09:654 (9654|3) - berhentinya di 00:11:546 - imo
10:45 Ichigaki: iyup
10:45 Ichigaki: udah tau
10:45 Ichigaki: tapi gw terusin soalnya ini adv
10:45 Ichigaki: coba cek exh
10:45 AncuL: takut sisah ya
10:45 AncuL: *susah
10:45 Ichigaki: ga juga sih
10:45 Ichigaki: ga enak aja diliat
10:45 AncuL: lel
10:45 Ichigaki: kalau mau coba tuh testplay yang exh juga
10:46 AncuL: sip
10:46 *AncuL is playing [ An - LittleGameStar [EXHAUST Lv.14]] <osu!mania> |4K|
10:48 AncuL: seriously SVbnya
10:48 AncuL: *sv
10:48 Ichigaki: jelek?
10:48 AncuL: unsightreadable
10:49 AncuL: nih
10:50 AncuL: sv 0.40 pertama di 1.16.666
10:50 AncuL: 0,40 kedua di 1.16.875
10:51 AncuL: 0.40 ketiga di 1.17.084
10:51 Ichigaki: ya udah tau pola
10:51 Ichigaki: nya
10:51 AncuL: keempat di 01:17:294 -
10:51 AncuL: begitulah
10:52 AncuL: hue gagal
10:52 AncuL: kayaknya enggak
10:53 AncuL: pattern yang itu salah
10:54 Ichigaki: trus?
10:54 Ichigaki: btw sv mod mu kutolak
10:54 AncuL: entah
10:54 AncuL: susah ngeadjustnya
10:54 Ichigaki: aku nemu yang lebih enak
10:54 AncuL: emang gagal orz
10:54 Ichigaki: pattern mana yang salah?
10:55 AncuL: sebentar
10:55 *AncuL is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [ADVANCED Lv.11]]
10:55 AncuL: di drill
10:55 AncuL: (1212)
10:55 AncuL: 00:33:864 (33864|0) - 1 pindah ke 3
10:56 AncuL: 00:24:933 (24933|3) - 4 pindah ke 2
10:56 Ichigaki: lebih enak gitu kah?
10:56 AncuL: soalnya kalo di awal awal belom siap imo
10:56 AncuL: di awal awalnya doang
10:56 AncuL: kalo di kiai terakhir gapapa
10:59 AncuL: 01:16:352 - 01:17:957 volume kurangin jadi 20%, semua note disitu clap
10:59 AncuL: orz
10:59 AncuL: 01:16:352 - 01:17:957- volume kurangin jadi 20%, semua note disitu clap
10:59 AncuL: 01:16:352 - 01:17:957 -
10:59 AncuL: mod kacau hue
11:00 AncuL: overall bagus sul
11:00 AncuL: *sih
11:00 AncuL: oiya itu ADV
11:01 AncuL: no kudos
11:01 Ichigaki: ye, gimana gw ngasih kudosunya
11:01 Ichigaki: ngepost aja kaga lu
11:01 AncuL: lel
11:03 Ichigaki: lu bermasalah sama LNnya ga?
11:03 AncuL: yaudah gw gabakan ngepost
11:03 AncuL: kagak sekarang
11:03 AncuL: maksudnya kagak

An - LittleGameStar [Osu!Mania Modding]


From Kuo Kyoka's osu!mania Modding Queue

Mod Requested by Ichigaki

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problem
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

“Here come of some suggest for your map, I always check fullmap, if I’m too tried I will come back soon, or only check that keys by the request! And remember to reply the mod when you’re accepcted it or not! And forget my kud if my suggest is useful ~ Thanks for requested me ~

[BASIC Lv.5]

  1. 01:39:515 (99515|1) - sure is this should be start at 01:39:654 - end is the same as old
  2. 01:43:980 (103980|0) - move to 01:44:119 - , end is the same as old
  3. 01:48:445 (108445|2) - move to 01:48:584 - end is the same as old
  4. 01:52:910 (112910|1) - move to 01:53:050 - end is the same as old
  5. 01:54:305 (114305|1) - move to 3


  1. Not much to do here, perfect ~ but 01:39:515 (99515|3) - 01:43:980 (103980|1) - 01:48:445 (108445|1) - 01:52:910 (112910|2) - same as basic


  1. The last part doesnt have the problem like in basic and novice, example: 01:48:445 - to 01:48:584 - have another sound with 01:48:584 - to 01:49:282 - do not incorporate it into one


  1. Here is my suggestion for the timing changes:
    More Challenging but still playable, tested and successed
    And the charts seems cool for ranked now


Hi, came again for the requested :) See you have bubbled before but popped but I think the SVs change was fine before but you can follow my suggestion
Anyway, good luck on rebubble and ranked it :3 I love the song with your charts
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

An - LittleGameStar [Osu!Mania Modding]


From Kuo Kyoka's osu!mania Modding Queue

Mod Requested by Ichigaki

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: No Problem
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

“Here come of some suggest for your map, I always check fullmap, if I’m too tried I will come back soon, or only check that keys by the request! And remember to reply the mod when you’re accepcted it or not! And forget my kud if my suggest is useful ~ Thanks for requested me ~

[BASIC Lv.5]

  1. 01:39:515 (99515|1) - sure is this should be start at 01:39:654 - end is the same as old
  2. 01:43:980 (103980|0) - move to 01:44:119 - , end is the same as old
  3. 01:48:445 (108445|2) - move to 01:48:584 - end is the same as old
  4. 01:52:910 (112910|1) - move to 01:53:050 - end is the same as old
  5. 01:54:305 (114305|1) - move to 3 Except this, all rejected.


  1. Not much to do here, perfect ~ but 01:39:515 (99515|3) - 01:43:980 (103980|1) - 01:48:445 (108445|1) - 01:52:910 (112910|2) - same as basic Rejected


  1. The last part doesnt have the problem like in basic and novice, example: 01:48:445 - to 01:48:584 - have another sound with 01:48:584 - to 01:49:282 - do not incorporate it into one Change it like Basic


  1. Here is my suggestion for the timing changes:
    Applied SV
    More Challenging but still playable, tested and successed
    And the charts seems cool for ranked now


Hi, came again for the requested :) See you have bubbled before but popped but I think the SVs change was fine before but you can follow my suggestion
Anyway, good luck on rebubble and ranked it :3 I love the song with your charts
Thanks~ :3
hehe irc a little with ichi on overall diff should be good now .
checked unsnapped files , replaced clap
2014-12-26 15:32 Rumia-: ACTION is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [BASIC Lv.5]]
2014-12-26 15:32 Rumia-: we go through easier diff 1st ww
2014-12-26 15:33 Ichigaki: okie
2014-12-26 15:33 Ichigaki: ACTION is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [BASIC Lv.5]]
2014-12-26 15:34 Rumia-: 00:24:584 (24584|0) -
2014-12-26 15:34 Rumia-: i think better follow the synth on white tich ( 1/2 earlier )
2014-12-26 15:34 Rumia-: cuz it might be confusing , cuz its quite catchy imo
2014-12-26 15:35 Ichigaki: not good
2014-12-26 15:35 Ichigaki: i should add note in 00:24:584 -
2014-12-26 15:35 Rumia-: eh
2014-12-26 15:35 Rumia-: why should
2014-12-26 15:35 Ichigaki: drum
2014-12-26 15:36 Rumia-:
2014-12-26 15:36 Rumia-: i mean like this would be nice imo
2014-12-26 15:36 Rumia-: the first one is for synth , 2nd one to replace drum stream
2014-12-26 15:37 Rumia-: btw the clap u are using arent so fit with the song ;-;
2014-12-26 15:37 Ichigaki: ;-;
2014-12-26 15:37 Ichigaki: anyway that pattern nice, i'll apply it to another part
2014-12-26 15:38 Ichigaki: any suggest for new clap?
2014-12-26 15:38 Rumia-: wait im browsing my drum library
2014-12-26 15:38 Rumia-: xD
2014-12-26 15:39 Ichigaki: xD
2014-12-26 15:40 Rumia-:
2014-12-26 15:40 Rumia-: too much keysound folder ;-;
2014-12-26 15:41 Ichigaki: ;;
2014-12-26 15:42 Ichigaki: brb, lunch >w<)v
2014-12-26 15:42 Rumia-: ;;
2014-12-26 15:42 Rumia-: dun leave me
2014-12-26 15:43 Ichigaki: okay back
2014-12-26 15:43 Ichigaki: ww
2014-12-26 15:43 Rumia-:
2014-12-26 15:43 Rumia-: i guess this woud work
2014-12-26 15:44 Ichigaki: lol LR
2014-12-26 15:44 Rumia-: 00:37:561 (37561|0) - i guess this better follow main instrument since u were following previously and next
2014-12-26 15:44 Ichigaki: how can he remember all of it
2014-12-26 15:44 Rumia-: i mean at 00:37:701 -
2014-12-26 15:44 Ichigaki: add LN?
2014-12-26 15:44 Rumia-: lol
2014-12-26 15:45 Rumia-: just do as 00:37:143 (37143|1,37422|2) - would be fine
2014-12-26 15:45 Rumia-: maybe repattern this one 00:36:724 (36724|0,36864|2,37003|3) -
2014-12-26 15:45 Rumia-:
2014-12-26 15:45 Rumia-: something like this can work too :D
2014-12-26 15:47 Ichigaki: 00:37:561 - so ignore drum here?
2014-12-26 15:47 Rumia-: ya
2014-12-26 15:48 Rumia-: wouldnt it look better
2014-12-26 15:48 Rumia-: also organised with following instrument :D
2014-12-26 15:49 Rumia-: 00:55:282 (55282|1,55422|3,55840|0) - as for this note , i think its better to emphasize the game tone sound
2014-12-26 15:49 Rumia-: since drum is a bit yknow , boring
2014-12-26 15:49 Ichigaki: the last is applied
2014-12-26 15:51 Ichigaki: about emphasize, is it like ?
2014-12-26 15:52 Rumia-: yep
2014-12-26 15:53 Rumia-: oh shit brb change skin
2014-12-26 15:53 Rumia-: i forgot im using std skin xD
2014-12-26 15:53 Rumia-: its too hard to mod sound
2014-12-26 15:54 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 15:55 Rumia-: 01:26:817 - add a note / LN ?
2014-12-26 15:57 Ichigaki: add LN
2014-12-26 15:57 Rumia-: kk
2014-12-26 15:57 Rumia-: o wait
2014-12-26 15:57 Rumia-: 01:21:375 (81375|3) - i think this note is better at 01:21:236 -
2014-12-26 15:58 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 15:58 Rumia-: :D
2014-12-26 15:58 Rumia-: 01:32:957 (92957|3) - move to 1 or 2 would be better imo
2014-12-26 15:59 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 15:59 Rumia-: 01:54:305 (114305|3) -
2014-12-26 15:59 Rumia-: why end at blue line lol
2014-12-26 16:00 Ichigaki: because it end on blue line
2014-12-26 16:00 Rumia-: ending of song better just end it at white line
2014-12-26 16:00 Rumia-: i mean u dont have to end it so strictly tho
2014-12-26 16:00 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 16:01 Ichigaki: changed to white line
2014-12-26 16:01 Rumia-: ok good
2014-12-26 16:01 Rumia-: ACTION is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [NOVICE Lv.8]]
2014-12-26 16:01 Rumia-: go to this diff now
2014-12-26 16:02 Ichigaki: wait
2014-12-26 16:02 Ichigaki: ACTION is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [NOVICE Lv.8]]
2014-12-26 16:02 Rumia-: 00:00:584 (584|0) -
2014-12-26 16:02 Rumia-: lower this volume plz
2014-12-26 16:02 Rumia-: sound so weird
2014-12-26 16:02 Rumia-: cuz its before redline , the note is on 100% volume
2014-12-26 16:03 Ichigaki: changed to 20?
2014-12-26 16:03 Rumia-: 8
2014-12-26 16:03 Rumia-: lol
2014-12-26 16:03 Ichigaki: is it okay?
2014-12-26 16:03 Rumia-: alt+click the note
2014-12-26 16:03 Rumia-: its ok
2014-12-26 16:03 Ichigaki: okay then
2014-12-26 16:04 Rumia-: 00:27:375 - add a note would be better
2014-12-26 16:05 Ichigaki: on 2?
2014-12-26 16:05 Rumia-: would be nice
2014-12-26 16:05 Ichigaki: umm, okay, added to 1
2014-12-26 16:05 Rumia-: ya 1 is nice
2014-12-26 16:06 Ichigaki: 00:36:305 - i also add here
2014-12-26 16:06 Rumia-: ninja'd
2014-12-26 16:06 Ichigaki: >,>
2014-12-26 16:07 Rumia-: 00:52:352 - y ignore the bass drum >,>
2014-12-26 16:07 Rumia-: i mean , 00:53:468 - i add the note here
2014-12-26 16:07 Ichigaki: eh sebentar, lagi adzan >.>
2014-12-26 16:07 Rumia-: k
2014-12-26 16:11 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 16:11 Ichigaki: 00:52:352 - add here right?
2014-12-26 16:12 Rumia-: ya
2014-12-26 16:12 Ichigaki: done
2014-12-26 16:12 Rumia-: 00:55:701 - here too
2014-12-26 16:12 Rumia-: lol spec at #indo
2014-12-26 16:12 Rumia-: 01:01:282 - ahh here too
2014-12-26 16:13 Ichigaki: lol #indo
2014-12-26 16:14 Ichigaki: done
2014-12-26 16:14 Rumia-: 01:22:491 - this part is weird orz
2014-12-26 16:15 Rumia-: follow 1/1 sound instead ?
2014-12-26 16:18 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 16:18 Ichigaki: same as basic, so 1/2?
2014-12-26 16:19 Rumia-: ya
2014-12-26 16:19 Ichigaki: done
2014-12-26 16:21 Rumia-: 01:35:747 - add a hold ?
2014-12-26 16:22 Rumia-: or maybe normal note is ok too
2014-12-26 16:22 Ichigaki: already added >,<
2014-12-26 16:22 Rumia-: 01:54:305 (114305|0) - and ending hold just fix all to the double line lol ><
2014-12-26 16:23 Ichigaki: double line?
2014-12-26 16:23 Rumia-: ya
2014-12-26 16:23 Rumia-: 01:56:538 -
2014-12-26 16:23 Ichigaki: oh >w<)v
2014-12-26 16:24 Rumia-: ACTION is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [ADVANCED Lv.11]]
2014-12-26 16:25 Ichigaki: done? >w<)b
2014-12-26 16:25 Ichigaki: ACTION is editing [ An - LittleGameStar [ADVANCED Lv.11]]
2014-12-26 16:26 Rumia-: 00:00:584 (584|1) -
2014-12-26 16:26 Rumia-: again ww 8% vol
2014-12-26 16:26 Ichigaki: ww
2014-12-26 16:26 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 16:26 Rumia-: 00:02:678 - hmm i guess change this redline to 20% volume would be better
2014-12-26 16:26 Ichigaki: i ninja'd the exh too
2014-12-26 16:27 Rumia-: lv, 8 too
2014-12-26 16:27 Rumia-: xd
2014-12-26 16:27 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 16:30 Rumia-: 00:32:119 - add
2014-12-26 16:31 Ichigaki: added
2014-12-26 16:31 Rumia-: 00:33:933 - i think u can map the 1/2 on this part for this diff
2014-12-26 16:31 Rumia-: feels kind of empty suddenly
2014-12-26 16:31 Ichigaki: okay
2014-12-26 16:32 Ichigaki: so same as the other?
2014-12-26 16:32 Ichigaki: i mean 00:24:724 -
2014-12-26 16:32 Rumia-: 01:23:189 add
2014-12-26 16:32 01:23:189 - *
2014-12-26 16:33 Ichigaki: added
2014-12-26 16:33 Rumia-: ok thats all for this diff
2014-12-26 16:34 Rumia-: did u change the LN on last note
2014-12-26 16:34 Rumia-: lol
2014-12-26 16:34 Rumia-: cuz u said u only ninja'd exh
2014-12-26 16:34 Ichigaki: nope
2014-12-26 16:34 Ichigaki: ahahaha
2014-12-26 16:34 Rumia-: ok change it :v
2014-12-26 16:34 Ichigaki: i just ninja'd the 8% volume
2014-12-26 16:34 Ichigaki: ACTION slapped
2014-12-26 16:35 Ichigaki: change volume of the red line to 20%
2014-12-26 16:35 Rumia-: ww
2014-12-26 16:36 Rumia-: 00:11:608 (11608|0) - why not move this to 2 and end the ln at the double line :v
2014-12-26 16:36 Ichigaki: just because the LN stopped on blue
2014-12-26 16:36 Ichigaki: so i kept it
2014-12-26 16:39 Rumia-: 00:38:817 (38817|1) - i guess this one is not necessary tbh..
2014-12-26 16:40 Rumia-: better to remove , more schematic
2014-12-26 16:40 Ichigaki: umm, the other diff use this
2014-12-26 16:40 Rumia-: its ok lol
2014-12-26 16:40 Ichigaki: lol
2014-12-26 16:40 Rumia-: u dont have to follow the exact same instrument for every diff
2014-12-26 16:40 Rumia-: =a=
2014-12-26 16:40 Ichigaki: =3=
2014-12-26 16:43 Rumia-: 01:38:398 - add a note for bassdrum
2014-12-26 16:43 Ichigaki: 01:47:329 - added here too
2014-12-26 16:44 Rumia-: ok update
2014-12-26 16:44 Ichigaki: lol
2014-12-26 16:50 Rumia-: udah update ?
2014-12-26 16:50 Ichigaki: distributing
2014-12-26 16:51 Rumia-: lol
2014-12-26 16:51 Ichigaki: done
2014-12-26 16:51 Ichigaki: untung ga ada unsnapped
2014-12-26 16:51 Ichigaki: >,<)
2014-12-26 16:56 Rumia-: >.<

Fast wrote:

Topic Starter

Genocide wrote:

Fast wrote:

Thanks, Genocide and Fast~
Congratz (:
Topic Starter

HabiHolic wrote:


Sieg wrote:

Congratz (:
Thanks~ :oops:
omg congratz!! :)
00:12:166 - add 1 (Like BASIC)
00:13:282 - ^ (^)
00:17:747 - ^ (^)
00:18:305 - ^4 (^)

01:04:073 - add 4 (main sound?)

Do you forget it?
Topic Starter

ruberusu wrote:

00:12:166 - add 1 (Like BASIC)
00:13:282 - ^ (^)
00:17:747 - ^ (^)
00:18:305 - ^4 (^)
Kyah, i 'm not following drum in this state, can't you see it?

01:04:073 - add 4 (main sound?) Sorry, it doesn't needed after all

Do you forget it? I'm not forget, it's intented.

Ichigaki wrote:

ruberusu wrote:

00:12:166 - add 1 (Like BASIC)
00:13:282 - ^ (^)
00:17:747 - ^ (^)
00:18:305 - ^4 (^)
Kyah, i 'm not following drum in this state, can't you see it?

01:04:073 - add 4 (main sound?) Sorry, it doesn't needed after all

Do you forget it? I'm not forget, it's intented.
Topic Starter

ruberusu wrote:

No problem~ >w<)b

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

omg congratz!! :)
Thanks kak~
wow! Grats on qualified <3 Really nice map and song :3
lol bener yg gw bilang :v
grats Ichi~! xD
we need more ichi ranked maps!
Topic Starter

Starry- wrote:

wow! Grats on qualified <3 Really nice map and song :3
<3, thanks

Kyousuke- wrote:

lol bener yg gw bilang :v
grats Ichi~! xD
we need more ichi ranked maps!
Grats Grats Ichi > <

LittleIchiStar :')
grats best map!!
Ichiiiii Congratz, :)
The 1st of many
Ryu Sei

inb4 shift kepencet
Fatfan Kolek
i think you should delete konami from tags lol
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

Grats Grats Ichi > <

LittleIchiStar :')

Tokiiwa wrote:

grats best map!!

Danielslz9 wrote:

Ichiiiii Congratz, :)
The 1st of many

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:


Ryu Sei wrote:


inb4 shift kepencet

Kazamastar11 wrote:

Comgrats ichi =3=

Mike Ace wrote:

Thank you~ :)

Fatfan Kolek wrote:

i think you should delete konami from tags lol
lolololololol, dunno what should i do now ;-;)
Comgrats ichi =3=
Mike Ace
congratz :)
[ kenon ]
nice <3
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